The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Tues.

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day)
November 2, 2014
If we have died with Christ, we believe we shall also live with him.
—Romans 6:8
Mass Intentions (November 4-9, 2014)
Mass of Thanksgiving-LB
Alex Sarda
Deceased Members of Milazzo Family
Robert Blackwell
Mary Jane Scales
Deceased Members of the Legion of Mary
Collections for October 26, 2014
Weekly Collection .................................
Loose .....................................................
Good Samaritan .....................................
Building Fund ........................................
Total for Parish..................................... 10,393.00
Propagation of the Faith (World Mission) ........................
Catholic Charities...............................................................
We have days open for Mass intentions December thru JUNE 2015.
Next Baptism Class is November 11th at 7pm in the Parish office Conference Room. Parents and god-parents are required to attend a class. You
must pre-register for the class; call 735-2422. Parents need to be registered members of the Parish. Out of parish godparents need a letter from
their Pastor that sates they are able to serve as a Catholic godparent and need
to attend a baptism class here or at their Parish.
A Good Samaritan Meeting will be held November 6th at 6 p.m. in
the Parish office. All interested parties are invited.
There is a First Communion Parent Meeting this Wednesday,
November 5th during your child’s class time at 4:30 or 5:45 p.m.
Parents need to attend.
Women’s ACTS Team Sign Up
All women who have attended an ACTS Retreat are invited to sign up to
serve on the next team. The next Women’s ACTS Retreat is scheduled for
April 16-19, 2015. Team meetings, beginning January 12, 2015, will be
held on Monday nights from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at St. Francis. If, after prayerful
consideration, you are interested and can make this commitment, please
send to one of those listed below your name, phone number, e-mail address, Parish where registered, Parish where you attended an ACTS retreat, and the number of ACTS teams that you have served. Sign up information will be accepted until November 30, 2014. Cindy Gonzalez,
[email protected], Peggy Biddle, [email protected] or Stacy
Menard, [email protected]
Are you a non-Catholic interested in joining the Catholic
Faith? Are you an adult who was baptized in the Catholic
Faith but never confirmed or never received First
Communion? Classes have begun but will close shortly.
Call the Parish Office, 735-2422, to learn about the Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Pray for the
sick of our
Gina Cessac
Ethel Compton Doug McCorkle
Rodley Faulk Darrell Trahan A. J. DeJohn
Runie Creswell Norvin & Marie Noel C. J. Dumesnil
Men’s Share 7 p.m. Act. Bldg.
Women’s Share 7 p.m. KC Hall
Legion of Mary 6 p.m.
Adoration 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
RE classes
Pastoral Council Meeting November 5th at 6 pm
Deadline to put an item on the agenda is the Wed. before the
meeting date. Meetings are now bi-monthly. Contact a member.
Fr. Steve
Lance Doucet
Ella Stuebing
Tenna Walker
Judy LeBlanc
Judy Cole
Beverly Perry
James Riley
Ronny Jackson
Judy Talbert
The next Men’s ACTS Retreat is scheduled for December 18 - 21, 2014.
Please prayerfully consider attending – the retreat is a great gift to yourself
and a wonderful way to say “YES” to our Lord! Applications will be available
at your church parish office. Due to limited space, it is important that you sign
up as soon as registration opens. All Retreatants are taken on a first-come,
first-served basis. Please call Rusty Barfield, Aaron Daniels, or Billy Klecka if
you have any questions. Director, Rusty Barfield 409-313-2802;
Co-Directors, Aaron Daniels,409-540-3004 and Billy Klecka,409-988-8527.
Gather the Children is NEXT weekend Nov 9th at
the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Children Pre-school to 3rd
grade are invited. Adults and HS youth who wish
to participate need to meet with Verlene Buchanan.
You may contact her at (409)791-1943.
First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no
torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9).
Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want
(Psalm 23).
Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of
God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11)
Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the
Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14
Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24
Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33
Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10
Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8
Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11,
16-17; Jn 2:13-22
Parish Pastoral Council at 6 p.m.
Good Samaritan meeting at 6 p.m.
RCIA at 7 p.m.
Choir Practice 7 p.m.
For more info go to:
Our Parish in Action…
Eucharistic Adoration Every Wednesday—after 8 AM Mass until
8 PM. Call Caroline Mires at 735-2368 if you are able to dedicate an
hour of prayer on a weekly basis.
Legion of Mary—meets each Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the RE Bldg.
For more info contact Judy at 749-4101 or Annette 735-9342.
Parish Rosary—All persons are invited to pray the Rosary on the 4th
Tuesday of each month at 5:00 AM in the RE building.
10:30 AM Choir—meets for rehearsal every Thursday at 7 PM in the
Church. New members are always welcome.
Ladies of St. Henry—meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month
(Sept-May) at 10 AM in the Activities Bldg. Call Peggy Biddle at
330-1891 for info.
Bereavement Committee—If you would like to help provide food
for families of deceased parishioners, please call Barbara Piat at
Sisters ACTS— Faith sharing for those women who have attended an
ACTS retreat. The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at
6:00 PM. Please contact Randie at 735-5816 or Robin at 749-0433.
Young at Hearts Group meets the 1st Tuesday each month for a pot
luck luncheon in the Activities Bldg. at 11:30 a.m. Contact Peggy
Biddle, Ruth Wallace or Judy Cole for more information.
Bunco meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6 p.m. (place TBD)
Call Tracey Broussard at 344-2341 for more info.
Merry Marthas— visit our homebound and those in need. Contact
Tenna Walker 313-6596.
Men’s S.H.A.R.E.—St. Henry Apologetics and Religious Evangelization is open to all men of St. Henry and meets Mondays at 6pm in
Act. Bldg. Call Ron Jackson at 409.351.9876.
Women’s S.H.A.R.E.—St. Henry Apologetics and Religious Evangelization is open to all women of St. Henry and meets Mondays at
6pm in KC Hall. Call Tammy Caffey at 409.498.0375.
Knights of Columbus—Officer’s Meeting the Wed. before the Business Meeting; Business meetings are the 2nd Tues.; Family Night 3rd
Tues. Call Alton Terro 735-5117 for more info.
R.C.I.A. - meets every Thursday @ 7pm in Activity Building
Social Committee—plans and hosts Parish dinners and receptions at
our Parish. Call Mary Craig at 882-1807 for more info.
Dial 2-1-1– for help.
This # accesses many types of assistance available.
St. Mary Catholic Church will have an All Souls Mass on November 2nd
at 2 p.m. for the souls of all those buried at St. Mary Cemetery.
Loved ones are invited to attend.
“ALWAYS OUR CHILDREN” is the title of a letter by the American Catholic
Bishops to parents of homosexual children. It expresses the Catholic
teaching on the morality of homosexual acts, but also insists that such
persons are indeed, always children of their families and always children of
the Church. In response to that letter, a support group of Catholic parents
and grandparents of homosexual children meets each month at St. Charles
Catholic Church in Nederland. The confidentiality and anonymity of members is respected. Members have found comfort and support from attendance. The next meeting will be July 20th at 4 p.m. in Nazareth Hall. If you
would like more information, call Fr. Dan Malain at 722-3413.
Altar Cleaning for November
Pam Dionne
Linda Dubose
Barbara laGrappe
Michelene Moody
Delores Rena
Today the Church remembers all who have walked the way of
Christ and passed from this life. The readings all look to the last day,
when we shall all rise from the dead and be reunited.
The prophet Daniel announces words of warning and welfare.
He cautions us against the judgment to come, but he also comforts us
and assures us that all who live a life of virtue and justice will find
life eternal.
The reading from Romans reminds us that, because of Christ’s
passion, death, and resurrection and our entrance into that paschal
mystery through baptism, we now share in the new life won by
Christ. This recognition has repercussions: we need to live righteously now, that we might rise to life forever with Christ on the last
In the Gospel Jesus pledges that all the Father has given him
will not be lost. All the faithful will be raised to joy and live forever
in the presence of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
For those of Mexican heritage, November 2 means celebration
of el Dia de Los Muertos, or “the Day of the Dead.” One of the most
important days of the year for many, they join All Saints and All
Souls together, visiting the graves of babies and children on All
Saints, since they are santitos (little saints) or angelitos (little angels). Flowers, their favorite toys, favorite music, and so on, are
taken to them. The following day, people spend time—some of them
all day—at the cemetery with their loved ones who have died. From
the ancient customs of the Indians the families pray, talk with them,
and take them their favorite food. It is a most solemn but joyful day.
It is a day to celebrate Christ’s victory over death: “Death, where is
your sting?” There is a mocking of death as people make skeletons,
candy that represents death, and Pan de los Muertos (bread of the
dead) and consume them in a kind of role reversal.
One of the customs is to build an altarcito (little altar) where
one places mementos and pictures of those who have died. There are
also favorite foods, candles, statues or pictures of favorite saints,
books, and Bibles. Some parishes have begun to build an altarcito
where all parishioners can join in honoring the deceased. A remembrance book can be placed to write names in. The altarcito is traditionally left up for the month of November.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Hospitalization: If you wish to receive the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick,
Reconciliation (confession) and Holy Communion (1) at Catholic hospitals, please
register as a Catholic and notify the Spiritual Care Department; (2) At Commercial
Hospitals, please register as a Catholic (so the Catholic chaplain will know you are
there); (3) At Denominational Hospitals, please register as a Catholic and ask the
Pastoral Care Dept. to notify the Catholic chaplain.
CALL PALUCH AT 1-800-833-5941 TO BEGIN.