Saint Mary Parish 211 North Main St. Randolph, MA 02368 Established 1850 Randolph, Massachusetts MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John J. Ronaghan Email: [email protected] WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Pinto Paul, C.S.C. Email: [email protected] SENIOR DEACON 4:00pm 8:00, 10:00, 11:30am Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Celebrated at St. Mary Parish 9:00am Holy Day Masses As announced Accommodations for the Handicapped Parish Website: Cemetery Website: Deacon James H. Eames DRE/PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs. Patricia J. O’Connor Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT Mrs. Julie Pantazelos Email: [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Join us on Facebook! SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office for information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Mrs. Judith A. Concannon Email: [email protected] Saturday 3:00pm – 3:45pm in the Chapel, or by request. Mr. Robert S. O’Connor Email: [email protected] Preparation should be made with a priest at least six months in advance. CEMETERY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Mrs. Felicia Kopelman-Hayes BUSINESS MANAGER Mr. Joseph Sheehan Email: [email protected] TELEPHONE NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 22 Seton Way - 781-963-4141 Rel. Ed Center: 30 Seton Way -781-961-5009 Cemetery Office: 245 North St. - 781-961-9323 FAX NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 781-963-0884 Rel. Ed Center: 781-961-5055 Cemetery Office: 781-963-0884 If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or for any other reason, please contact one of the priests or call the Pastoral Center. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Saturday following 9:00am Mass until 11:00am. HAITIAN CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP PASTORAL CENTER OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9am to 4pm Guerisons, Graces, Benedictions!!! Venez nous joindre chaque jeudi soir a 7:00pm a la priere charismatique pour chanter et louer Dieu! Healing, Blessings!!! Come to join us every Thursday night at 7:00pm at the charismatic prayer in French and in Creole to sing and praise the Lord! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a vibrant faith community committed to living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. As a Eucharistic people, we seek to deepen our personal union with Jesus Christ through the ministries of Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we devote ourselves to the Catechetical Ministry of Youth and Young Adults and to ongoing Adult Faith Formation. We seek to continue the mission of the Church by extending hospitality and outreach to all the People of God. ST. MARY RANDOLPH, MA COLLABORATIVE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE St. Mary Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA MEMORIAL MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 8, 2014 9:00am Mildred Gustin 4:00pm Bellande LaFalaise Sunday, November 9, 2014 10:00am Hermite Fleurantin 11:30am Marie & Arnaud Bourdeau Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:00pm Louise Fitzgerald Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:00am Carol Call & Francis McIntosh 11:30am Rosario Monteforte WEEKLY OFFERTORY OFFERTORY Loose Money Envelopes TOTAL $1924.00 $2960.00 $4884.00 CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Loose Money $ 948.00 Envelopes $ 734.00 TOTAL $1682.00 GRAND ANNUAL TO DATE: $22,131.00 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL - $469.15 Please remember St. Mary Parish in your will! SECOND COLLECTIONS-NOVEMBER 11/9/14 Monthly Energy Collection 11/15/14 Mission Cooperative Appeal 11/23/14 Retired Religious Sisters MISSION COOPERATIVE APPEAL The weekend of November 15th & 16th Fr. Joseph McCarthy of the Society of St. James will be speaking at all the Masses. The Second Collection will be taken up for the Society of St. James. Thank you! Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—9:00am St. Bernadette Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am 9:00am—Vietnamese 11:00am Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday—9:00am WEDDING BANNS Wedding Banns are announced for the 3rd time for: Charles Chudi Awazie and Chika Bosah SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week for MARIE & ARNAUD BOURDEAU donated by Daughter, Rosey. REMINDER TO EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS We remind the Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors to please check your name in the Sign-In-Book located in the Chapel on your assigned weekend Mass. We will be using that list to update our Ministries and if you have not signed in we assume that you no longer wish to continue your ministry. Thank you. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES We wish to remember in our prayers those brave men and women who are presently serving our country here and overseas. Jeremy Lucier, Kevin Ryan, Ryan Dornan, Paul Ellis, Kirsty Penticost, William Williams, Christopher Jackson, Ryan O’Keefe, Keith Littig, Timothy Walsh, Thomas Cheney, Elliot Trippel, Richard Pert, Drake Barry, Tom Ram and Colin Reilly. Please call the office if you would like someone added to this prayer list and also please inform us of their safe return. Thank you! THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOTES FROM JUDY CONCANNON ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT One morning I woke up and thought that it was time for me to return to work on a part-time basis. I had an Associate’s Degree in Executive Secretarial Curriculum from Fisher Junior College and had worked as a Secretary for several years. I then took 14 years off to raise a family but it was now time to return. Not having used my secretarial skills for so long I was a little nervous but that did not stop me. I met Patty O’Connor who was the Coordinator of Religious Education and during the conversation learned that St. Mary Parish, which was my parish, was looking for a part-time secretary and if I was interested, call and make an appointment for an interview. I met with Patty as she was the one who was willing to interview me and one of the requirements was to take a typing test. In 1980 we had typewriters (not computers, ipads, iphones, copier machines and oh, by the way, the typewriters were not electric). I surprised myself by being able to type at a speed of 81 words a minute but suddenly the nuts and bolts fell from the typewriter. Both Patty and I were stunned. Not knowing what to say, I apologized and proceeded to put the typewriter back together. The look on Patty’s face told me that I was hired but had to wait for the official offer from the Pastor as several more interviews were scheduled. About a week later I was so anxious to know if I would get the position that I went to the Rectory, knocked on the door and Fr. Calter, the Pastor answered. I asked him if a decision had been made regarding the part-time secretarial position and in a friendly voice he said, “Yes, a girl by the name of Judy Concannon”. I jumped with joy! Eventually I took on the full-time position as Parish Secretary and now 34 years later I am still here as Administrative Assistant. Working here at St. Mary Parish, with a staff that I consider extended family, has been a blessing. Nothing could be better. I would like to share with you some of the responsibilities of this position: • Secretarial assistance to Pastor and Executive Director of Cemetery. • Take minutes at Staff meetings, St. Vincent de Paul Meetings and Collaborative Meetings. • Coordinate, edit, type & transmit via email, Sunday Bulletin • Ordering of Sacramental items for Church • Enter sacramental records (baptism, marriage and funerals) • Issue Baptism, Confirmation & Marriage Certificates • Register new parishioners • Coordinate scheduling of Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Mass Coordinators NOVEMBER 9, 2014 • • • • • Assist with Baptism Registration Assist with St. Mary 1000 Club Schedule & Coordinate Funeral arrangements Issue Mass Cards/Schedule Memorial Masses/, Prepare Prayers of the Faithful and Announcements for the weekend Masses Offer a listening ear to parishioners who come to the Parish Office and find the need to talk (pastoral side of the job) These past 34 years have been a blessing and I look forward to the future here at St. Mary Parish as Administrative Assistant. Thank you for listening! Judy Concannon Administrative Assistant FIRST PENANCE/FIRST EUCHARIST PARENT MEETING On Wednesday, November 12th at 7:30pm there is a meeting for all those scheduled to receive First Penance and First Eucharist during this school year. This is an important meeting where we will be sharing some powerful DVD clips on forgiveness and the meaning of rituals in our lives. We will also distribute up-to-date scheduling information for the First Communion Mass in May. Details concerning dress, photos, seating, etc. will be shared. If you find yourself without child care for the evening, we have arranged for babysitting. Please call us at the office (781)961-5009 if you plan to bring your children. We are so excited to be on this faith journey with you and look forward to seeing you! FRIENDLY FOOD PANTRY REQUEST The Friendly Food Pantry of Randolph would greatly appreciate your help in donating the following items for our holiday meal distribution: Stuffing mix Cranberry Sauce Turkey Gravy Instant Mashed Potatoes Canned Vegetables. We will be at all the masses during the weekend of November 15th and 16th to collect your donations. If you have any questions, please call 339-987-5577. Thank you so very much for your support! WINTER COAT COLLECTION During this winter season, hundreds of children and adults in northeast India go without sufficient warm clothes. If you would like to share your blessings with them by sharing your extra winter coats, please bring them to the parish on November 16, 2014. We will have a box placed at the entrance of the church to collect your gifts. All the gifts collected will go directly to assist the people of northeast India. The Congregation of Holy Cross has been serving the poor people of the area since 1939. The works for the last many decades have enhanced the living condition of the people. Much more needs to be done. “With your compassionate hearts, we are trying to help these people”. Kindly do all that you can. Please drop off the winter coats (any size) in the boxes provided at the entrance of the church on November 16, 2014. Thank you! WELCOME We are pleased to have you with us. If you are a new parishioner and haven’t registered in the parish, please fill out the form below indicating husband, wife, son, daughter and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Pastoral Center, 22 Seton Way, Randolph, MA 02368. Last Name:___________________________________ BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT WINTERFEST SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 2-4:30PM NORTH MAIN STREET AT CRAWFORD SQUARE Winterfest is a celebration of community and local businesses that kicks off the holiday season. Jointly hosted by the Randolph Chamber of Commerce and Town of Randolph, the event features an afternoon of performances, exhibits, activities, food and craft vendors and civic organizations ending with a sing-along and tree lighting. With North Main Street closed to traffic and a captive audience of residents and visitors enjoying the afternoon, Winterfest provides an opportunity to showcase your organization’s products and services. Applications for vendor space can be found at The streets and stores will be decked in boughs of holly, silver bells will be ringing and marshmallows roasting over an open fire as we build community and strengthen Randolph’s businesses. We hope you join us for the day. ST. MARY’S WHEEL(ER) OF FORTUNE November winners were: Date of Birth__________________________________ $1000.00 353 $300.00 896 $200.00 594 $100.00 227 $100.00 676 $100.00 139 $100.00 067 $100.00 709 $100.00 057 Spouse: ______________________DOB___________________ BOARD PRIZE WINNER: Daniel McEleney—$50 DOOR PRIZE WINNER: Stephen Walenski—$50 Children_____________DOB_________________ If you are interested in signing up for a new number just call the Parish Office at 781-963-4141. First Name:__________________________________ Mailing Name:_______________________________ Address:______________________________________ Tel. No.______________________________________ Piergiorgio Poles, Quincy, MA Ellie Sablone, Millis, MA Catherine Yahiaoui, Randolph, MA Robert Sullivan, Sr., Hanover, MA John Hurstak, Whitman, MA Helen Tolland, Randolph, MA Maureen Connolly, Dorchester, MA James Walsh, Randolph, MA Beverly Curro, Weymouth, MA ____________________DOB___________________ Please send Offertory Envelopes: yes______ no_____ Would you like to join our Giving Online Program Yes______no_____ OPEN HOUSE Cardinal Spellman High School, Brockton, will hold its annual OPEN HOUSE on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 at 1:00pm. Please join us in the auditorium for an opening presentation with tours to follow. Visit for more details
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