NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, We continue to pray during this month of the Holy Souls for all of those we have lost from this life. A recent death particularly can cause us great pain during the holiday season. It is for that reason that Sr. Maureen will be having a special bereavement session instead of the regular one this month. It will be entitled “Coping with grief during the holidays.” There is a separate announcement later in this bulletin. I know my own Mother died some years ago in early December. It made Christmas not as joyful time as it might have been. Please give some thought to attending this special session on Monday, November 24th at 6 PM. We ask you to call and register for two reasons: so we can know how large the room needs to be and so we can have adequate refreshments. If you are kicking the idea around until the last moment, it would still be ok to come. We want to be of assistance as the holiday season nears. We have reached the two thirds mark in our annual appeal which we call the “Block Collection.” After this Sunday, we will be sending reminders to those who have not yet contributed. This is intended for the people who intended to contribute but who find that they forgot to take care of this. If you have been waiting until your other bills are paid, that’s fine. Just give if and when you can. We are in need of accomplishing our goal so that we can continue to make the improvements necessary on our parish grounds and buildings. As always, thank you so much for your support. I want to spend a moment to talk to you about Holy Days of Obligation – the obligation being that we are bound to treat those days like Sundays as far as attending Mass goes. First of all, it has always been a phenomenon that each country may have different days of obligation to attend Mass. For instance, in Ireland St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th is a day of obligation to attend Mass. In the United States, there are six Holy Days of Obligation. They are: New Year’s Day (the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God), Ascension Thursday (a date that varies each year), the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15th), All Saints Day (November 1st), the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8th), and Christmas Day (December 25th). Several years ago, the American bishops petitioned Rome to suspend the obligation to attend Mass when some holy days fell on a Saturday or Monday. They are New Year’s Day, the Assumption BVM, and All Saints Day. This year All Saints fell on a Saturday; so the obligation to attend Mass was suspended (we actually did get a pretty nice crowd at the one Mass we had on All Saints Day last Saturday). The other 3 days: Ascension Thursday (which obviously never falls on a Saturday or Monday!), the Immaculate Conception (December 8th), and Christmas are always celebrated. The reason for Christmas is obvious. The reason we always celebrate Mary’s Immaculate Conception is that our country is dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception – that makes it our national feast day. So, this year, even though the Immaculate Conception falls on a Monday, we are obligated to attend Mass that day. I hope the above gives a little clarity to the holy day obligation. We celebrate these special days to renew ourselves in the mysteries of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist Asking the Lord’s continued blessings on you all, I leave you In the peace of Christ, - PAGE 2 - MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 5:00 pm Vigil — Kathryn McNamee SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 7:30 am —Agnes Daley 9:00 am — Rudolph & Mary Colantino 10:30 am — George H. Shaeffer, Sr. 12:00 pm — Linda Caranci MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 6:30 am — Irene Farina 8:30 am — Harry Donaghy (51st Anniversary) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014 6:30 am — Mr. & Mrs. George & Kay Cebra 8:30 am — K.S.Chacko WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 6:30 am — Michael Verdi (34th Birthday Mem.) 8:30 am — Jack Wiedmayer THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 6:30 am — Edward & Marion McNicholas 8:30 am — Eugene & Kazymyra Spisak FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 6:30 am — Rosina Pontarelli 8:30 am — John Fox. Sr. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 8:00 am — Michael J. Stack, Jr. 5:00 pm Vigil — Joanna Miller SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 7:30 am — Adam Mattes 9:00 am — Robert Allen Binder 10:30 am — William J. Thomas, Jr. 12:00 pm — Vincent P. Donahue CELEBRANT SCHEDULE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 5:00 PM – Fr. Michel SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 7:30 AM – Msgr. Boland 9:00 AM – Msgr. Garvin 10:30 AM – Msgr. Garvin 12:00 PM – Fr. Michel The Adoration Chapel will be closed on Tuesday, November 11 for Veterans Day! NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Bereavement Support On Monday, November 24th at 6PM, there will be a special session entitled “Coping with Grief through the Holidays” Anyone who has had a recent loss is invited to attend. There is no need to commit to a group and you can come and just listen if your are more comfortable with that. Session will be from 6 to 7pm, followed by light refreshments and, if you choose, informal discussion with others who have experienced a similar loss. Please call the parish office at 215-673-5177 to register. 1 Weekly Collection Collection for November 1 & 2, 2014: $22,139 (includes $1,603 from E-Giving) Collection for November 2 & 3, 2013: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Annual Appeal Please Generously Support the Annual Seminary Appeal The Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Annual Appeal kicks off during the month of November, 2014. Please note that the Seminary Appeal is a direct-mail appeal. You should have received an envelope and other material about the seminary in your home. The Seminary community is grateful to you for your faithful support. Your tax-deductible gift helps to enhance the many resources needed for priestly training and enables the church to form holy, educated and dedicated priests. Make checks payable to: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary PLEASE SEND YOUR DONATION DIRECTLY TO: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary CL #5315 PO BOX 95000-5315 Philadelphia, PA 19195-5315 $23,250 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH. E-GIVING TO ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH Are you a person who pays bills online or has them withdrawn automatically from your account? Now you can have that same convenience for your Church contributions. You can authorize your contributions to be safely transferred to a Church account. Forms are available in the back of the Church or in the Parish Office. For more information contact: Mary Wilkinson at 215-673-5177, ext. 22 BLOCK COLLECTION If you wish you may place your envelope in the regular weekly collection basket. IMPORTANT REMINDER TO SCHOOL PARENTS REGARDING TUITION PAYMENTS AND CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS A mailing containing a letter and a Block Collection envelope has been sent to your homes. Thanks to all of you who have begun to respond to this year’s Block Collection. As in previous years, our parish goal is $130,000.00. Please place your Block Collection offering in the regular Sunday collection basket. You may also mail your offering to the Parish Office or drop it off there as soon as your means allow. $420 through November 23rd. $130,000 $ 84,972 (65.4%) $ 45,028 FOR REPORT CARDS TO BE ISSUED ON DECEMBER 3rd: Stewardship families must be up-to-date in their church contributions, Mass attendance and all monthly tuition payments must be paid through November. God bless you and your families for contributing to this very important appeal. PARISH GOAL: RECEIVED TO DATE: NEEDED TO REACH OUR GOAL: For families on the monthly payment plan, October payments should have been paid and November is past due. For families at the Stewardship rate, the amount in the church contribution should be at Please call Lisa Keane, Tuition Manager, at the Parish Office with any questions or concerns. - PAGE 3 - NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Fair Trade Sale ATTENTION ALL PARISH GROUPS NOVEMBER 15TH AND 16TH AFTER ALL THE MASSES HOLY FAMILY HALL Help us help poor artisans and farmers around the world provide for their families. Our coffee, candy, jewelry, scarves, tree ornaments, etc. would make great Christmas gifts! CASH OR CHECKS ONLY If you have any announcements that you would like to have published in the bulletin for the weekend of November 30th they must be submitted to Peggy Gutchigian at the Parish Office no later than 9:00 am on Tuesday November 18th due to the early transmission for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for your cooperation. H.O.P.E. HELPING OTHER PEOPLE IN AN EMERGENCY ATTENTION: PARISHIONERS WHO PARK ON PROCTOR ROAD We ask that you be considerate of our neighbors and that you not park in front of the homes of our neighbors on Proctor Road. Your consideration of this matter will be very much appreciated. CYO COACH NEEDED FOR VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL PLEASE CALL MRS. GIAMMARUTI 215-673-5787 EXT. 32 When family, friends or neighbors are unavailable and you have need for local transportation to get to doctor appointments, shopping, hospital visits or church, call our H.O.P.E. coordinator. Please leave your name and phone number and the coordinator will call you back. TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CALL: 215-947-3769 MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS ANY HIGH SCHOOL BOYS OR GIRLS INTERESTED IN PLAYING BASKETBALL PLEASE CONTACT SEAN YOUNG 267-265-4445 TO ST. CHRISTOPHER MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF JAMES P. COLLINS From: Joann T.Gerney PRE-JORDAN BAPTISM CLASS First-time parents, as well as parents who have not already done so, must attend a Pre-Jordan class before scheduling the Baptism. We suggest that you attend before the birth of your baby. The next class will be on: Wednesday, November 19th, at 7:00 pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Please call the Parish Office to register in advance. Congratulations Newly Baptized Rowan Elizabeth Alberts Bible Study with the Seminarians Join our Seminarians as they take a look at the readings that will be proclaimed at the weekend Masses. Each week will certainly be a time of prayer and insight. Come as often as you can, and bring your friends! Thursdays at 1:30 pm in the Parish Office (please park in the Trainer Hall parking lot) Please Pray for our Deceased Stanley Powalowski, Edward Stanojev Rev. Msgr. James J. Howard Lector Meeting Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:30 pm, Parish Meeting Room The regular meeting of the Lectors will be held on Thursday, November 13th to go over procedures, sign up for the holiday services, and pick up workbooks, if available. It is important that everyone attend. Anyone interested in becoming a lector is also invited to attend. GIFT CARD CENTER/SCRIP Sunday: 8:30 - 11:30 am Tuesday: 8:30 - 10:00 am Wednesday: 9:00 - 10:00 am Thursday: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday: 9:00 - 10:00 am Envelopes can be sent in on Tue., Wed., and Friday - PAGE 4 - NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2014 FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Father Judge Mothers’ Association (NEW NAMES IN BOLD) is hosting A Holiday Shopping Vendor Day DAVID GRIFFIN, SHANNON VALOTTA, BENNY SHIRK, BARBARA O’CONNOR, LEE MURPHY Sunday, November 16th—11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Dolores Anderson, Mary Kay Banks, Robert Banks, Albert Bauer, David Bauer, Anne Beebie, Mary Berk, Lou Berk, Patricia Bernardo, John Bilkins, Rita Brennan, Bob Breeze, Anna Burzak, Helene Callahan, Pam Carroll, Nicholas Clerkin, John Costello, Deborah Cutillo, Silvino Dalessandro, Lisa DeCero, Anthony DeRose, Louis Desiato, Bernard Devlin, Frank DiNardo, Joann Dittmar Chris Doheny, Marie Dolhancryk, Joseph Donnelly, Taylor Dworznicki, Anne Fekete, Frank Fekete, Nancy Finn, Nora Forgione, Ted Franks, John F. Galeone, Maryanne Gaul, Steven Geib, Tony Gibilante, Hugh Gilmore, Mary Ann Graham, Sally Graybeal, William Greene, Michelle Griffin, Ronald Gutachall, Ronin Xavier Ham, Joanne Henes, James Hannan, Catherine Hesson, William Impriano, Mildred Kaye, Betty Keiper, Maggie Langdon, Leonard Laurito, Rina Laurito, Robert Lawrence, Adele Litwinczuk, Barbara Ludovico, Lisa MacWilliams, Joan Martin, Paul Martin, George Matwiejczyk, Judy May, Marie McBride, Ann McCauley, Frances McElroy, Suzanne McGinnis, Mary McKeever, Kevin McKeever, Patrick McLaughlin, Maureen McNally, Jennifer Mariano, Louis Menna, Stephanie Merenda, Betty Monahan, Elizabeth Morris, Sandy Morse, Brook Mulford, Jimmy Murray, Theresa Myers, Mary Lew Nederoski, Helen Nelson, Teresa Osborne, Josephine Pickul, Martha Plum, Mary Pulli, Marie Raab, Ann Rego, Barbara Rogers, Betty Rosa, Baby Katherine Rose, Cecilia Schilk, Marianna Serpiello, Baby John Joseph Sharkey, Joe Shields, Loretta Shields, Rev. Paul Stenson, Arden Sukeena, Babies Aliana & London Walker, James Weidman, Dorothy Weischedel For information contact Dawn Berner at: [email protected] THANK YOU FROM THE BLESSED MARGARET HOME To Ms. Thompson, Second grade teachers, and other Friends for the wonderful donation of diapers, wipes, baby clothes, baby toiletries, toys, and Big Lot Gift Cards The Shrine of the Miraculous Medal will host their Annual Solemn Novena (Nine Days of Prayer), November 17th to 25th with Fr. Michael Whalen C.M. The Theme is: “The Hail Mary: Prayer of Angels, Saints, and Sinners.” Mass, homily and Novena prayers at 7am, 9am, & 12pm daily except Sunday. Novena prayers, Homily & Benediction in afternoons and evenings. Confessions heard on Mondays and Thursday. Free and secure parking is always available. Visit: for details Did you know? THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMLIES EVENT WAS ESTABLISHED BY POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II IN 1994. IT IS HELD EVERY THREE YEARS IN CITIES ACROSS THE WORLD. 2015 IS THE FIRST TIME IT WILL BE IN THE UNITED STATES. ITS GOALS ARE: (1) TO STRENGTHEN FAMILY BONDS (2) TO GIVE WITNESS TO THE FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF THE FAMILY IN SOCIETY. LEARN MORE AT WorldMeeting2015.0rg. ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL DROP-IN TUESDAYS 9:00AM—11:00AM We are hosting a weekly open house to understand the benefit of a St. Christopher School education. NOTICE ABOUT OUR SICK LIST: If you wish to place or remove a name from the prayer list, please call the Parish Office (215-673-5177) during regular hours. NOTICE ABOUT OUR SICK LIST: Beginning the weekend of November 29 & 30 we will start to publish an updated Sick List. All of the sick in our parish community and families will continue to be remembered in our prayers and in the weekly petitions. To add the name of a loved one to the new list, please call the Parish Office, 215-673-5177 during normal business hours (Monday-Friday). - PAGE 5 -
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