THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF BUNDABERG The Basilica of St John Lateran is the cathedral church of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. In celebrating that church today, we also celebrate the Church gathered in every local place. THE LIVING WORD (A4) The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - Year A - Hours of the Feast, Te Deum - 9 November 2014 Holy Rosary Church Corner Barolin & Woongarra Streets Bundaberg CBD St Patrick’s Church 16 Powers Street Bundaberg West St Mary’s Church Corner Barolin & Boston Streets Bundaberg South St James’ Church 38 See Street Bargara Parish Office & Christian Gift & Bookstore Rossolini Place Level 1 / 66 Woongarra Street PO Box 79 Bundaberg Queensland 4670 Parish Office Hours 8.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday Telephone 07 4151 6666 Facsimile 07 4153 3102 Email [email protected] Website The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Pastoral Team Fr John Daly - Parish Priest Fr John Fitz-Herbert - Parish Priest Assistant Rev Mr Andrew Hogan—Deacon Anne Sheehan Liturgy, Sacramental, RCIA Co-ordinator FOCUS: The Humble Kitchen by Nadia Fregonese Through the generosity of the John Wallis Foundation, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg in collaboration with the local St Vincent de Paul Society, has launched a pilot project The Humble Kitchen. The Foundation is delighted to sponsor this project particularly as Bundaberg is another area where the Missionary Sisters of Service lived and worked for many years. This initiative arose in response to a perceived need to rebuild a sense of community after the devastating floods of 2013 in our Region. Former Stewardship Coordinator Lorenza Rinaldi conceived the idea of providing a series of free cooking classes for young mums and dads who experience the difficulty of managing on a low income. Eating healthily and within budget is a challenge for many on a low income. This project will focus primarily on the preparation of simple meals, providing a practical way of developing culinary skills, building nutritional knowledge, and learning how to make the dollar stretch. It is our hope that The Humble Kitchen will provide participants with a sense of community and foster friendships as we learn and work together, an opportunity to build self-confidence provided in a warm and welcoming inclusive environment. Free childcare is available; the children will be cared for in the same or nearby space and may join in the communal meal at the end of each class. Under the direction of Toni Sergiacomi and with the aid of Parish volunteers, The Humble Kitchen will commence on Tuesday 11th November and then every Tuesday until 2nd December 2014. Classes will be held in St Patrick’s Hall, Powers Street, from 10.00am until 12.30pm. We welcome interested volunteers (blue card holders) to assist in these classes. If you would like to become involved in The Humble Kitchen please contact the parish office. Joe McCorley — Team Member Nadia Fregonese Stewardship & Adult Faith Co-ordinator Denise Tuzes—Visitation & Funeral Co-ordinator Diana Pippia - Office Manager Kaye Andersen - Reception Mass Times 07 4151 6666 (afterhours) Centacare 1300 523 985 Towards Healing Helpline 1800 337 928 St Vincent de Paul 07 4151 5455 St Joseph’s School 07 4151 4771 Kaye Beston - Principal St Mary’s School 07 4152 2167 Madonna Davitt - Principal St Patrick’s School 07 4152 1380 Mark Fox - Principal Shalom College 07 4155 8111 Dan McMahon - Principal LITURGY SPOT: THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA, the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, was dedicated to Christ the Saviour in the fourth century. This anniversary has been celebrated as a feast of the Latin Church on this date since the twelfth century. It honours the local Church of Rome as a link with earliest Christian tradition and as a sign of our communion in Christ. Today’s feast reminds us that it is not in essence the buildings that God inhabits. St Paul tells us specifically that we are the Church – we, the people, are God’s temple, because God’s Spirit is living among us. STEWARDSHIP: This week we thank all those who maintain the beauty of our church buildings and their surrounds. They are the cleaners, sacristans, gardeners, art and environment ministers, brass polishers, those who do the washing and ironing of church linen. Thank you! As we pray today for an increase of spiritual gifts, we are reminded by the bishops’ pastoral on stewardship that good stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” LITURGY TIMETABLE: 8th NOVEMBER: SATURDAY, 6.00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS Sunday readings as per back page. SUNDAY, 9th NOVEMBER: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7.00am St James’ MASS; 8.00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9.00am St Mary’s MASS; 11.00am Kepnock LWC; 5.30pm Holy Rosary MASS Sunday readings as per back page. MONDAY, 10th NOVEMBER: St Leo the Great Titus 1: 1-9; Luke 17: 1-6 9.00am St Patrick’s MASS; 11.25am Shalom MASS; 2.00pm Fairways ANOINTINGS TUESDAY, 11th NOVEMBER: St Martin of Tours Titus 2: 1-8, 11-14; Luke 17: 7-10 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS WEDNESDAY, 12th NOVEMBER: St Josaphat Titus 3: 1-7; Luke 17: 11-19 9.30am Millbank ANOINTING MASS; 5.30pm St Patrick’s MASS THURSDAY, 13th NOVEMBER: Philemon 7-20; Luke 17: 20-25 6.30am St Mary’s MASS; 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS FRIDAY, 14th NOVEMBER: 2 John 4-9; Luke 17: 26-37 12.15pm Holy Rosary MASS; 3.00pm Pioneer South ANOINTING MASS SATURDAY, 15th NOVEMBER: 3 John 5-8; Luke 18: 1-8 7.30am St Mary’s LWC followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 1 SATURDAY, 15th NOVEMBER: Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6; Matthew 25: 14-30 6.00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS SUNDAY, 16th NOVEMBER: Proverbs 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-6; Matthew 25: 14-30 7.00am St James’ MASS; 8.00am Holy Rosary FILIPINO MASS; 9.00am St Mary’s MASS; 5.30pm Holy Rosary MASS RECONCILIATION: Saturday 11.00am 12noon Holy Rosary Church, or by appointment. BAPTISMS: In the Bundaberg Region one month’s notice is required for all baptisms. All couples are asked to participate in one preparation session. Please contact Parish Office. WEDDINGS: By appointment. Please note that we require at least six months notice for marriages. Preparation also required. PRAYER GROUPS: BUNDABERG CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ Every Monday, 7.30 8.30pm, 6 San Vito Court. Contact Ian Tolley on 4152 8262. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ There are two weekly sessions: Every TUESDAY 10.00am to 10.30am and FRIDAY 11.30am to 12noon. Held in the prayerful space of the Chapel in the Parish Office. Beginners are invited to join the regular meditators in this “prayer of the heart.” Contact Joe McCorley 0418 727 845, Nadia Fregonese 4151 6666 or just turn up! ROSARY TIMES ~ Tuesdays & Thursdays 5.25pm, Holy Rosary Church; Wednesday’s 5.00pm, St Patrick’s Church; Thursday’s 6.00am, St Mary’s Church. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Friday, 14th November, St Patrick’s Church from 9.00am to 12noon. The ECUMENICAL ORDER OF SAINT FRANCIS ~ Sunday, 16th November, 10.30am, St Mary’s Catholic Community Centre. DI V I NE M E R C Y H O U R wi t h EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 16th November, 3.00pm to 4.00pm, St Mary’s Church. MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK: SUNDAY SCRIPTURE REFLECTION & DISCUSSION GROUPS ~ Tuesday mornings 10.30am at St James’ Church Bargara. Thursday nights 7.00—8.15pm at Parish Office and for inquiries call 4159 5009 or 4151 6666 respectively. All welcome. Kevin GALL; Ronald PERKINS; Bob SCHOFIELD; Peter GRANT (Townsville); Donko BOSNIC (W.A); Beryl HOLMES (Rockhampton); Christopher MOSS; Michael WHEELER (Woy Woy NSW); James Frederick GRAHAM; Bridget BRIESCHKE; Salvina CASSAR (Malta); Ean REEVES (Sunshine Coast); Nita Ada TROST. “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples, a banquet of rich food.” Isaiah 25:6 THE WORD AMONG US 2015 edition, starting this Advent, can now be collected from the Parish Office. CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM: This weekend the children celebrate a “Ritual of Belonging” during all Masses. This ritual signifies their desire to belong to the worshipping community. Please pray for these children and their families. Become a Prayer Partner by signing your name under their photo. MATER HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETING ~ Tuesday, 11th November, 2.00pm, Mater Hospital. PRAYER PARTNERS NEEDED: There are more photos added to the display of children preparing for the sacraments. Become a Prayer Partner by writing your name under a child’s photo. FRIENDS OF KEPNOCK GROVE AUXILIARY will be held on Friday, 14th November, 1.30pm in the Community Centre, Jocumen Street. CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM ~ Next Family Session, Sunday 16th November, 10.30am in Novakoski Centre (behind Holy Rosary Church) or Wednesday 19th November, 7.00pm, in the Parish Office. Please note change of venue for Sunday session. PARISH STEWARDSHIP SUB COMMITTEE MEETING ~ Thursday, 20th November, 3.30pm, Parish Office. THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY will be involved in ministry, particularly leading us in song, during the 8.00am Mass next Sunday, 16th November. All are welcome at morning tea to follow. CHRISTMAS MINISTRIES: Yes, our planning turns towards the Advent / Christmas season. We invite all ministers, e.g. readers, ministers of communion, gifts bearers, and collectors to begin thinking about their availability for the Christmas Masses. Names will be called for soon. BUNDABERG CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: Next meeting Tuesday 11th November at the Community Centre at noon. Remember to bring your own lunch. Councillor Vince Habermann guest speaker. All are welcome. Further information contact Maureen 4152 1263. COASTAL COMBINED CHURCHES: Morning Tea, St James’ Church, Bargara, 9.30am. Thursday, 13th November. All welcome. VISITATION MINISTERS: Please come for ‘coffee & cake’ meeting on Friday, 14th November, 10.30am, Parish Office. MEMORIAL SERVICE: Family and friends of our recently deceased are invited to our Memorial Service which will be held on Wednesday, 19th November, 7.00pm at the Holy Rosary Church. All welcome. BAPTISMS: RECENTLY DECEASED: NOVEMBER - MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS: The Book of Remembrance is available at all churches for you to record the name/s of your departed loved one/s. Masses during November will be offered for the repose of the souls of these and all who have died. BUNDABERG CATHOLIC PLAYGROUP ~ Every Thursday, 9.30am - 11.00am, St Patrick’s Hall. Contact Kathy Harden 4155 3833 or 0429 625 730. MEDJUGORJE AFTERNOON in the form of ROSARY with EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 16th November, 4.00pm to 5.00pm, St Mary’s Church. This weekend, we welcome Vin Jacob CAUCHI and Zachry John Solo EDMONDS into the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism. IN THIS PARISH: PLACE OF STILLNESS ADVENT RETREAT DAY: Saturday, 22nd November 2014, Good Shepherd Ministry Centre George Street Bundaberg. Suggested donation $20 or as you are able. For further enquires and booking please contact Dilys 0421 733 394 or email [email protected] Ladies are invited to the BUNDABERG CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE CHRISTIMAS DINNER, which will be held on Tuesday November 25th in the Leprechaun Room, Brothers Club. 6.00pm for 6.30pm start. Cost of the dinner is $25 which can be paid at our next meeting or at the Parish Office from Wednesday November 12th to noon on Friday November 21st. Remember a gift for Secret Santa (something that you would like to receive). For further information contact Maureen 4152 1263. JUSTICE & SUSTAINABILITY: 9th November Living Justly. Living Sustainably “Participating in sport teaches us lifelong lessons, some are:- the discipline of playing within the rules; persistence and aspiring to our ‘personal best’; that skills don’t come easily; that ‘a champion team can beat a team of champions’ ’’. From A Crown for Australia – Social Justice Statement 2014-2015 DATE CLAIMERS: PAGEANT OF LIGHTS: Thursday, 4th December, Bourbong Street. Walk with the parish Christmas float to “Light Up Your Life with Christ”. PARISH CHRISTMAS SOCIAL: Thursday, 11th December, 5.30pm, Novakoski Centre. Drinks, nibblies and good company. AUTUMN RETREAT: Blue Mountains, Leura, 23rd—29th April, 2015. Facilitated by Ann Maree Thompson RSM. Total Cost $650.00. Information and applications contact Ann Maree 0405 763 117 or [email protected]. WORLD NEWS: Pope Francis’ Daily Homily - National Catholic Reporter - National Jesuits News - UCAN - Many happy returns to our parishioner Marion Pott, celebrating her birthday with her twin brother John on Monday 10th November. Richest blessings to you both! The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Finance: Total Pledges ................ 597 Amount Pledged .......... $8,703.70 Total Given ................... $9,342.75 The Parishioners of Bundaberg Mass of Thanksgiving 10am Thursday, 4 December 2014 St Joseph’s Cathedral
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