St. Mark’s United Methodist Church St. Mark’s mission is to share the love of Jesus with and through the people of Talbot County and beyond. 22nd Sunday after Pentecost November 9, 2014 … … ………… ..…….. … 8:15 & 11:00 AM Worship Services Communion Sunday GATHERING………………………..………..……..……Please take time to pray WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE………………..……….………..…….…….…….….…….……Overtones “I’ve Got Peace Like a River”………………………………………arr. Waldrop GREETING Hope in the God of life! Trust in the God of the ages. Believe in the Christ of love. Trust in the Christ of healing. Come, let your faith bring hope and wholeness! HYMN / LIGHTING OF ALTAR CANDLES “All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord”…… … … …... … … … … … page 554 ▲ THE OPENING PRAYER THE GLORIA … … … … … …….… … … … … … … … … … …page 71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. WE WELCOME ONE ANOTHER BLESSING & COMMISSIONING OF VETERAN’S BLANKETS! (11:00 service) SPECIAL MUSIC Anthem…………………………….……Overtones with Dave Ross, string bass “Just a Closer Walk”………………………………………………..arr. Phillips THE READING FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT 2 Corinthians 8:8-15 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … page 1008 This is the Word of our Lord. THANKS BE TO GOD! MESSAGE “Living with an Attitude of Gratitude” … … ………… ...Rev. Missy Rekitzke PRAYER CONCERNS /ORGAN CALL TO PRAYER The Lord be with you. AND ALSO WITH YOU. Let us pray. THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION INVITATION … … … … … … … … … … … …..… .… ……. …..… …page 12 PRAYER OF CONFESSION WORDS OF ASSURANCE & PARDON OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND TITHES Offertory Prayer and Music [8:15] Voluntary…………………..………….…………….…….…..Dr. Wharton “Allegro in G Major”……………………………….………………..Vivaldi/Bach [11:00] Anthem……………………………………………….……..Chancel Choir “Great Is the Lord”…………………………………………..……….Smith/Greer DOXOLOGY… … …… … … …………… … … ……… page 682, stanza 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. THE GREAT THANKSGIVING [Musical Setting A].........pages 17-18 THE LORD’S PRAYER [sung by congregation] Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Receiving the Sacrament All are welcome to the Lord’s table. Please come by the center aisle under the direction of the usher and return by the side aisle. You may make a voluntary offering for community needs. ▲ HYMN / EXTINGUISHING OF THE CANDLES “Majesty, Worship His Majesty” …………………… … … … … … page 176 ▲ BLESSING/CHORAL BENEDICTION (11:00) POSTLUDE … … … .… … ………………….….….……………...…Dr. Wharton “Presto in G Major”…………………………………………………Vivaldi/Bach ▲ Indicates to Please Stand As Able Have a Blessed Week & Say a Good Word for God!” Prayer Shawl Dedication Leader: We come to dedicate these prayer shawls and wraps. We want the recipients to know that the love and concern come not just from the crafter, not just from the Prayer Shawl Ministry, but from the entire congregation. We give God thanks for the labor of the many crafters these shawls represent. Congregation: Lord, God, we commend to you those who will receive these shawls and wraps. Show them Your grace in the midst of their lives for healing, renewed faith or a time of celebration. Let all hearts turn to You and receive your peace. Leader: God of all comfort who is a gracious, loving and healing God, bless these shawls and wraps; that as the recipients wrap themselves in them, they may feel the love and prayers of the Body of Christ called St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. Congregation: Bless all those who receive these shawls and wraps. Remind them that they are loved and never forgotten. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. WELCOME TO ST. MARK’S! Let us prepare ourselves to worship our Lord this morning with prayer. Before the service begins, you are invited to register your attendance (please print) in the attendance pad in the pew. FLOWERS on the Altar this morning are presented to the Glory of God in memory of John W. & Mark W. Gambrill by Joanna, Susan, Sally & Sandra. LARGE PRINT HYMNALS , BULLETINS, & PRAYER REQUEST FORMS ARE AVAILABLE. Please see an usher. IN THE LITERATURE RACK Upper Room reg & LP – Nov./Dec., Pockets – December. CD MINISTRY Today’s sermon is available on CD for you to share with a friend. Please see an usher or fill out a form on the usher’s table. THE NURSERY is located in Room 212 & is available for parents to either drop off their children during the 9:30 service or tend to their child's needs. Volunteers will be available in the nursery every week, only during the 9:30 service but, it will be open during all other services for families to use as well. THRIFT SHOP HOURS are Monday 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 410-820-7106. -Those Who ServeACOLYTE: Haley Nestel. LAY READERS: Marion Jackson. (8:15). Brad Powers. (11:00). COMMUNION SERVERS: Bob & Judy Coffren. (8:15). Harry & Janice Nagel. (11:00). Joan Fogg & Leila Carlson. (Choir). COFFEE FELLOWSHIP: Judy Lawrence. USHERS: Head Usher: Bob Coffren; Dotty Olds & Steve Radis. (8:15). Head Usher: Parke Hahn; Bob Thomas, Ray & Barb Kraeer & Jen Eames. (11:00). GREETERS: Dotty Olds & Steve Radis. (8:15). Parke & Beverly Hahn, Bob & Judy Lawrence, Mary Ann Smith & Carmen Pena. (11:00). NEW MEMBER GUIDES: Roger Eareckson. (8:15). Harry & Janice Nagel. (11:00). SOUND TECHNICIAN:: Lee Afflerbach. ALTAR GUILD: Pat Jones. CHURCH OPENING: Jeff Morton. CLOSING: Frank Meyerle. ARE YOU SEEING STARS? STARS MEAN NEW OR CHANGED ANNOUCEMENTS!! UMMEN MEETING – Tuesday, Nov. 11, 7:00PM in the Fellowship Hall – Final planning session for the Waterfowl Festival Food Concession at St. Mark’s. Anyone interested in volunteering to help either come to this meeting or call Bob Lawrence (410) 819-8029 or Brad Powers (410) 822-7852. ATTENTION ALL TIS SUPPORTERS All TIS volunteers, past or possibly future, are invited to attend a TIS orientation meeting regarding this year's multiple changes in the program, on Sat. Nov 22nd, 10-12 AM, at Miller Hall, Trinity Cathedral, 315 Goldsborough St. This informative meeting will be followed by a tour of the new homeless shelter facility called Easton's Promise at 107 Goldsborough. The goal is to open this new facility December, 2014, for a small number of guests, much the same way as the program worked in the church facilities. We will still need your willingness & interest in volunteering during St. Mark's two weeks of responsibility the last week in February & the first week in March, 2015. Please come for this orientation meeting to find out what this will entail, to hear what the plans are for the future of TIS, & to see the lovely facility God has provided in answer to many prayers for His provision in His timing. Continue to join us in prayer for the Holy Spirit's guidance, discernment & wisdom that we may stay right in the center of God's will as TIS moves forward into uncharted waters in our desire to help & serve the homeless. Please let me know if you are planning to attend the TIS orientation mtg. There will be a sign up sheet in the narthex, or contact me: 410-763-7263 or [email protected] Thank you, Barbara Friedman THE THRIFT SHOP can use Men’s jeans, dress pants, sports coats, women’s & men’s underwear, men’s belts, all occasion cards, gloves & kitchen items. Thank you for your generous donations. Lee Royer 410-829-8189 THANK YOU so much for all those who have given to the Shepherd's Club this year. I am completely overwhelmed by your generosity & support. I am very excited about the opportunities this will afford us to provide our students this school year! My heartfelt thanks!! Sarah Ewing Preschool Director HELP YOUR CARD MINISTRY This important Ministry reaches those in our congregation whose activities are limited by health concern. By sending them an encouraging note once a month they know their church family continues to care about them. Cards are also sent to those members in the hospital or nursing homes. You can be a part of this ministry by bringing your unused cards to the church office. We will be happy to recycle them for you. Thank You, Millie & Sara Lou THE UMM will be selling hot food & cold beverages during the Waterfowl Festival. There will be gas grills & dining tables (& white canopies) arranged on the front lawn of the church along with banners, corn stalks, pumpkins, hay bales & YOU. Brad Powers will be managing the inside cook kitchen; a separate sales team will be out on the front lawn. The menu is Rockfish Corn Chowder, Oyster Fritters, soft drinks & water. This is your chance to join in the fun, & help us on Fri., Nov. 14 & Sat., Nov. 15. Activity hours range from 8:00am for the cookers through 5:00pm for sales & cleanup. Everyone in St. Mark’s family is welcome to join us! No experience necessary! A sign-up sheet is in the Gathering Area. Questions, call Bob Lawrence 410-819-8029. RADA CUTLERY FUNDRAISER Sarah Circle’s annual fall Rada cutlery sale DEADLINE is November 16. All profit benefits Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence. Since beginning this project in 2005, Sarah Circle’s contribution to them has been over $3900.00 which includes our initial donation to them of $1500.00 & sponsoring a family each Christmas. Because of your help, we are able to continue this worthwhile project. In addition to cutlery products, other items included in the catalog are meal starters, soups, cheeseballs, dips, stoneware, cookbooks, gift books, & cooking utensils. Rada products make great Christmas gifts! Catalogs, which include ordering instructions, are available in the gathering area. If you have questions, please call Ann Yingling @ 410-820-8592. LOOKING FOR COFFEE FELLOWSHIP HOSTS! One of the highlights of our Sunday services is our coffee fellowship in the gathering area. It is a great way to meet new friends & catch up with old friends! Please pick a Sunday to host & sign up in the gathering area. Your main responsibilities are setting out the treats, coffee & cleaning up. The coffee will be made so don’t let the fear of the coffee machines deter you! We are asking 2 people (or a group) to share each week. Judy Lawrence will guide you through your first time. Stop by today to pick your Sunday! SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOEBOX MISSION Please join us in blessing a needy child by packing a shoe box with small toys, school supplies & or/ hygiene items & bringing your filled box to the church on or before November 16th. Wrap the box with Christmas paper (top & bottom separately or wrapped so the top can still be opened) if you can, but you may bring it unwrapped. This year we will have the red & green boxes available for you at 50 cents each. These boxes do not need to be wrapped! Check the brochure hand-out for guideline dos & don’ts on buying, packing, wrapping, putting a personal note inside, & how to track your box to find out where it goes. Don’t forget to pray over your gift choices & the child who will receive your box. Last year St. Mark’s congregation sent 277 shoeboxes, but we believe we can do even better. Won’t you help? If you would like to help with preparing the boxes for shipment we are meeting in Fellowship Hall on November 17th at 10:30 a.m. Have no time to shop or pack? Financial donations are also welcome. Checks should be made out to Samaritans’s Purse or St. Mark’s UMC. THE PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES HAVE ARRIVED & can be picked up in the hall leading to the Gathering Area. Every family who had their photo taken will get a free directory. There is a limited number of extras that can be purchased for $5.00 each to cover the costs. This is a great way to get to know our church family! HOLIDAY BASKETS FOR ST MARK’S VILLAGE The time has come to fill our food baskets at St. Mark’s Village. Please take a bag & return it filled with the appropriate food (marked on the bag) by November 17. A basket will be placed by the Chapel & another in the gathering area. If you have any questions please call Lee Royer 410-829-8189. UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESSES We are asking for your help! We have found that copying & mailing The Markings each month is quite an expense in our yearly budget. If you would be willing to receive your copy of the newsletter each month by email instead of hard copy, this would cut down the expense of copying. We are currently mailing about 850 issues each month & emailing only about 80 newsletters. Please fill out a form (they are in the Gathering Area) giving us your current email address & letting us know if you are willing to receive your Markings each month by email. Or you can just email [email protected]. We promise that we will not share your email with anyone outside of St. Mark’s! We all need to pull together to cut down on church expenses to balance our budget! Thank you for your support! PRAYER IN THE CHAPEL meets weekly on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. please feel free to join us as we pray for various needs for the church, members & the local community. Please use the pew cards to submit requests for prayers. BOARD OF CHILD CARE/FOOD LION PARTNERSHIP Food Lion has agreed to donate a certain percentage of every dollar that is spent in its stores to the Board of Child Care, Denton Campus. To get the credit, you need to register your MVP discount card in order for the Board to get this credit. Please register your card information on the list in the Gathering Area. Thanks! LABELS FOR EDUCATION (Campbells, etc.) coupons please bring to church & place them in the Campbell’s soup can. PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY The purpose of the Prayer Chain Ministry is to provide prayer support in crisis or emergencies for church members, loved ones & people in the community. Please call the church office 410/822-0001 & or Contact Sara Lou Casson 410/822-4872 or Betty Fleming 410/822-2216. SAVE YOUR TRASH! Please continue to save Boxtops for Education for local Elementary Schools, & soda can tabs for Ronald McDonald House in Baltimore. Please place in basket marked Save your Trash. -TODAYSunday, November 9, 2014 “Communion” 8:15 a.m. – Worship Service. Chapel. 9:00 a.m. – Coffee Fellowship. Gathering Space. 9:30 a.m. – Worship Service. Sanctuary. 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages. 11:00 a.m. – Worship Service. Sanctuary. 7:00 p.m. – Reign Down Choir Rehearsal. Sanctuary. Monday, November 10, 2014 7:00 p.m. – Long Range Planning Meeting. Fellowship hall. Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:00 p.m. – Sarah Circle. Meeting Rm. 155. 6:30 p.m. – Apostle Paul’s Letters. Room 209. 7:00 p.m. – UMM Meeting. Fellowship hall. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 3:00 p.m. – Music Committee Meeting. Conference Rm. 10:30 a.m. – Prayer Group. Chapel. 6:30 p.m. – Overtones Rehearsal. Music Rm. Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00 p.m. – Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Sanctuary & Choir Rm. Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:15 a.m. – Worship Service. Chapel. 9:00 a.m. – Coffee Fellowship. Gathering Space. 9:30 a.m. – Worship Service. Sanctuary. 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages. 11:00 a.m. – Worship Service. Sanctuary. 3:00 p.m. – Concert. Sanctuary. 6:00 p.m. – Youth Group. Room 201. 7:00 p.m. – Reign Down Choir Rehearsal. Sanctuary. -NEXT WEEKTHE SCRIPTURE LESSONS from the lectionary for next Sunday are Judg. 4:1-7, Ps. 123 or Ps. 76., 1 Thess. 5:1-11, Matt. 25:14-30. -LET US PRAY FORPrayer Focus: All Veterans. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Sarah Circle: Tues., Nov. 11, 7:00pm in Room 155. Hostesses are June Billman & Jodi Ohler. Call Sheila Scott (410-822-7336) for information. Experience this Advent with The one who knew him more intimately than anyone else-his mother, Mary! “Not a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem” A Study from Adam Hamilton, Led by Pastor Missy Join us for a 4-week study of the life of Jesus from Mary’s unique perspective, starting at the very end & traveling back in time to the very beginning-the night of Christ’s birth. “Come & look back from the foot of the cross to his ministry with the multitudes, from the boy in the temple to the stable where he was born.” There is no need to pre-read anything, just come & be blessed. Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. In Room 155 starting Monday, December 1st-December 22nd. Please sign up in the Gathering Area so we can have enough chairs. Prepare yourself to focus on the REAL reason for the Season! ST. MARK’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER & MID SHORE COMMUNITY BAND CONCERT! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 5:00 DINNER IN FELLOWSHIP HALL 6:30 CONCERT IN THE SANCTUARY (CONCERT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) $8.00 adults (13 and over) $25.00 family $4.00 children (3 TO 12) (Parents, 12 & under) FILL OUT & RETURN THE FORM BELOW OR SIGN UP IN THE GATHERING AREA OR CALL Judy Lawrence at the office at 410-822-0001 ext 305 OR EMAIL her at [email protected] to reserve NO LATER THAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 1! YOU MAY PAY AT THE DOOR. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Dinner Sign Ups Name __________________________________________ Adults _________ Children ________ Family_______ Total Due $___________ Phone No._______________ Email_________________ DEADLINE TO RESERVE: Monday, Dec. 1 St. Mark’s Mission is To share the love of Jesus with & through the people of Talbot County & beyond. Our Worship: 8:15 A.M. Worship 9:30 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. Worship Total Worship Attendance Sunday School Attendance 2013 71 169 138 378 125 2014 70 146 109 352 129 * The new fiscal year began on July 1. Our Tithes & Offerings (November 2, 2014) Amount Received Last Week ………………..$ 20,043.00 Missions Fund (YTD) *…….…........................$ 16,690.24 Building Maint. Fund…(YTD) *……...............$ 13,785.74 Summary of Operating Fund: July 1 – September 30, 2014 Income Expenses Difference Contributions: Missions Fund Building/Maint.Fund 2014-2015 $111, 493.42 $112,668.87 $ (1,175.45) $12,441.96 $ 9,506.46 2013-2014 $109,053.06 $122,364.79 $(13,311.73) Difference $ 2,440.36 $(9,695.92) $11,453.50 $ 8,050.50 $ 988.46 $ 1,455.96 ‘GROWING TO SERVE’ - Debt Reduction (year to date) Monthly Payment: September Giving: Principal Balance: $ 8032.06 $ 9,006.54 $ 1,315,993.51 The Vision of St. Mark’s United Methodist church is to inspire people of all ages, through acts of love and service, to know Jesus Christ. 100 Peachblossom Road Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-0001 FAX: 410-822-0002 [email protected] church e-mail
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