Document 407453

November 9, 2014
Volume 16 Issue 45
“Together we will build an atmosphere of faith in which the fruit
of the Spirit will abound and draw others to Christ.”
of the
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Distribution of Holy Communion
Blessed Trinity
St. James
503 Clark Street
Waverly, NY
St. John the Evangelist
28 Rock Street
Newark Valley, NY
St. Margaret Mary
1110 Pennsylvania Ave.
Apalachin, NY
St. Patrick
300 Main Street
Owego, NY
The term Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is the proper term used to designate a lay
person who assists with the distribution of communion. Often times in our colloquial speech, we refer
to such people as “Eucharistic ministers,” but this term is technically incorrect, as the only
Eucharistic Ministers are the bishop, priests and deacons.
The sacramental guidelines promulgated by Bishop Matano have asked us to use the proper
terminology. This will benefit us in both understanding the role of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion, as well as prevent us from getting confused about what we mean when we use
imprecise terms such as “Eucharistic minister.” Please be aware of this change in terminology, and
know that in our parish, while the terminology has changed, the function of the Extraordinary Minister
of Holy Communion remains the same.
As we prepare to implement the new guidelines, we realized a rather embarrassing situation in
our parish: we do not have the names and contact information for all of our Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion. The diocese has asked us to update our records. As such, we are asking anyone
who currently serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and wishes to continue to
serve in this capacity to fill out an information form and return it to Deacon Michael Donovan at the
parish office (or put it in the collection basket). Please note this is only for CURRENT Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion, not for those wishing to become Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion include ANYONE who handles the
Eucharist such as:
 Those who help with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass
 Those who bring the Eucharist to the homebound, hospitals, and nursing homes
 Those who bring the Eucharist to family members who are ill.
If you fall in to one of these categories, please fill out one of these forms. Pretty please! With
sugar and chocolate on top (you know it’s serious when I mention chocolate).
Also, please note that only those who have received specialized training as Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion may function in this capacity. People who are not trained as
Extraordinary Ministers are not permitted to receive communion in a pyx to bring to another person –
even if that person is present at Mass. If you have a family member who is ill and in need of
receiving communion, please do not bring communion to the person on your own. Rather, contact
the office or a priest and ask them to arrange for communion to be brought to your loved one. This
helps us ensure that our priests and staff are aware that your loved one is in need of prayers, and it
ensures that the Eucharist is distributed in the manner prescribed by the Church. If you are seated
with someone at Mass who needs the Eucharist brought to them, please kindly inform a priest prior
to Mass and we will ensure that communion is brought to that person.
Finally, if you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please, please, please do not
forget to fill out that form.
Fr. Brian Carpenter
Parochial Vicar
Saturday Vigil: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
+ Steve & Alice Sabin
- Family
+ Bill Distler
- The Distler Family
5:00 p.m. St. James
Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014
5:00 p.m. St. Patrick
Next Sunday:
Sunday The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
9:00 a.m. St. Patrick
+ Ralph Thomas
- Jim & Virginia Raftis
9:00 a.m. St. James
+ Lisa Mosier
- Sheri Wade, Gayle Wilson,
Tessa O’Brien & Todd Klawitter
+ Bonifacia Jimenez
- Domingo Jimenez & Family
+ For the People
10:45 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
11:15 a.m. St. John
Monday St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church
9:00 a.m. St. John
12 noon St. Patrick
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop-offs—St. James Hall
11:00 a.m. Mother’s Prayer Group—St. Patrick McAuley
7:00 p.m. Music Ministry—St. James Church
7:00 p.m. RCIA—St. Patrick McAuley
Wednesday, November 12
+ Alice Boland
- Ann & Jack Evans
8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop-offs—St. James Hall
3:00 p.m. Book Club—St. Patrick McAuley
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
Wednesday St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Thursday, November 13
+ Terri Cocco Pannone
- Patty & Jack Elliott
8:30 a.m. St. James
8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Group—St. Margaret Mary Hall
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop-offs—St. James Hall
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
6:30 p.m. Reconciliation Preparation Class—St. Patrick Hall
Thursday St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
+ For
7:00 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
12 noon St. Patrick
All Souls
+ The Sozanski & Raftis
- Jim & Virginia Raftis
8:30 a.m. St. John
+ Ed Orokos
- Deacon Warren & Marion Rutan
Saturday Vigil: Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. St. James
5:00 p.m. St. Patrick
+ Ed Covert
- The Covert Family
+ Prospero Spatola
- James Sullivan
10:00 a.m. Faith Formation Family Workshop—St. Patrick Hall
12:15 p.m. Rosary for Life—St. John’s Church
5:00 p.m. Journey Bible Study—St. Margaret Mary Hall
Tuesday, November 11
+ Ignace Cyganovich
- Chris Shepardson
7:00 a.m. St. Margaret Mary
Sunday, November 9
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rummage Sale Drop-offs—St. James Hall
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
7:00 p.m. Liturgy Meeting—St. Patrick McAuley
Tuesday St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Monday, November 10
+ Betty Hughes
- Mel & Sharon Lovell
+ George Stuhlmiller
- Emilie & Bob Stuhlmiller
8:30 a.m. St. James
Friday, November 14
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rummage Sale —St. James Hall
4:30 p.m. Prayer Group—St. James Church
6:00 p.m. Splendors Auction—VFW, Owego
7:00 p.m. Youth Night—St. John’s Hall
Saturday, November 15
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rummage Sale —St. James Hall
3:00 p.m. Advent Workshop Prep—St. John’s Hall
Sunday, November 16
9:15 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group—St. Margaret Mary Hall
9:45 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. John’s Classrooms
10:00 a.m. Faith Formation Class—St. James Hall
12:15 p.m. Youth Group Meeting—St. John’s Classroom
5:00 p.m. Journey Bible Study—St. Margaret Mary Hall
5:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group—St. James Rectory
Sunday Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. St. Patrick
9:00 a.m. St. James
+ For the People
+ Orin & Mary Ella Barrett
10:45 a.m. St. Margaret Mary +
11:15 a.m. St. John
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn
Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10
Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19
Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25
2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37
3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt
25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21
- Children
Marcela Bautro
- Domingo Jimenez & Family
+ Walter Barnosky
- Carol Pitcher
Central Office
300 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827
(607) 687-1068
Fax 687-8122
M-Th 8 am - 3 pm, F 8 am - 12 noon
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Thomas Valenti, Parochial Administrator
Rev. Brian Carpenter , Parochial Vicar
(607) 687-1068
Deacon Mike Donovan, Pastoral Associate
(607) 687-1068
[email protected]
Http:// Ellen Keough, Pastoral Associate
(607) 687-1068
[email protected]
Waverly Office
503 Clark Street, Waverly, NY
(607) 565-2014
Apalachin Office
1110 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apalachin, NY
(607) 625-3191
M & Th 9 am -1 pm
St. Patrick School
309 Front Street, Owego, NY 13827
Paula Smith, Principal
(607) 687-1770
Email: [email protected]
Cathy Wunder, Director of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry
(607) 687-1068
[email protected]
Diane Snyder-Bell, Business Manager
(607) 687-1068
[email protected]
St. Patrick Cemetery
Dick Winston, (607) 689-0909
This sacrament celebrating God’s forgiveness is
available by appointment (contact a priest) or at the
following scheduled times.
St. James - Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
St. Patrick - Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
Anointing of the Sick
Ths Sacrament of strength and healing is available
upon request for those who are sick or elderly.
Please contact the church office.
Hospital/Nursing Home Visits
Please notify the church office if you or a family
member will be hospitalized and would like the
Sacrament of the Sick or a staff member to visit.
Holy Communion at Home
Please call the church office if you wish to bring
Holy Communion to a sick friend or family member
or to arrange a visit by one of our Communion
St. James Cemetery
Sharon Lovell, (607) 565-9967
Memorial Candles/Gifts
Memorial donations are accepted for the Sanctuary
lamp that burns before the Blessed Sacrament and
the Bread and Wine used in our Eucharistic
celebrations. Please contact the church office.
Keith Ballard
Marie Basile
Bill Bierl
Marlene Boland
Alice Botts
Greg Bruer
Trudy Burch
Tony Calandra
Mary Ellen Carollo
Vincent Catarisano
Tom Coyle
Charles Dalio
Karen Delong
Pat Dewitt
James Dubinsky
Scott Ellis
Fred Giessman
John Gilligan
George Howell
Brody Hines
Fred Jaros
John Knieriem
Theresa Koons
Isla Landon
Gabriella Laubish
Don LeMoine
Justin Mack
Katlin Mahoney
Tim McGovern
Don Murch
Gloria Muscatello
Greg Pedroza
Ivanna Petrenko
Peter Premock
Violet Ray
James Reitberger
Don Riesbeck
Sarah Rouse
Marian Spellane
Jerry Stahl
Nicholas Storm
Connie Streck
Anne Thomas
Alicia Vasilow
Judy Watson
Dave Webster
Hannah Yaman
Dave Zevan
Matthew Harrington
Jonathan Hough
Nick Koroluck
Patricia Mallins
Jeremiah Murphy
Alex Pannone
Ryan Phelps
Travis Phillips
Anne Thomas and In Memory of Ann Bendzyn
St. John
Richard Kolanda
St. Patrick
Louis Sisto, Jr.
St. James
Baptismal preparation is offered and required for
parents of children to be baptized in our churches.
Please contact the church office for an initial
interview and baptismal preparation.
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform for us in our time of need. Amen."
Don Bolduc
Matt Cascarino
Jennifer Leary Dean
Megan DeKay
Michael Gillio
Chad Halliday
Matthew Harford
John Harrington
Sanctuary Lamp:
Adom Randolph
Jennifer Randolph
Connor Smith
Paul Stauder
Daniel Strom
Sam Tatich
Couples should contact a Priest or Deacon to begin
their preparation for marriage at least six months
before any anticipated wedding.
St. James Annual Rummage Sale
Friday November 14 ~ 8 am - 5 pm
Saturday November 15 ~ 9 am - 3 pm
St. James Hall
Splendors of the Susquehanna
Auction ’14
$1.00 bag sale beginning at noon on Saturday
Drop-off times:
M: 8-5, T: 8-5, W: 8-8; Th 8-5
Friday, November 14
Owego VFW - 6:00 P.M. (5:30 preview)
Tickets at the school office
309 Front Street, Owego, 607-687-1770
Oxfam Soup Super
Thursday, November 20
6 pm - St. John’s Hall
Advanced purchase: $15 per person or $100 for table of 8
Tickets at the door: $20 person
Giving Thanks Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, November 23
8 am—noon
St. Patrick Hall
Pancakes, Sausage
Juice, Coffee
Free Will Offering to benefit Oxfam America
2nd Annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale!
Once again, Kelly Peron will be making your dessert
decisions easy!
Pumpkin, Apple, Banana Cream,
Chocolate Cream or Coconut
Thank you to everyone who
supported our Doug’s Fish Fry and Bake
Sale on October 9th. It was very
Sugar Free upon Request!
$12.00 each
Orders taken 11/2 thru 11/16
Pickup @ St. Patrick or St. Margaret Mary’s
Sunday, 11/23 or Wednesday, 11/26
Kelly Peron: 607-624-1664 or [email protected]
or - JoAnn Murphy: 607-687-3255
Proceeds donated to St. Patrick Altar Rosary Society
Donations Needed!
Pie Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Crisco
Shortening, 100% Pure Pumpkin
Donations can be left in the
St. Patrick foyer.
St. Val’s celebrates 30 years!
Week 27 WINNERS!
are needed for Pie Assembly & Pickups!
$40 - Tom Kaminski
Please contact
$20 - Martha Donovan
St. Margaret Mary
St. Margaret Mary’
Kelly 607-624-1664
Free Thanksgiving Dinner
November 27 1-3 pm
Bake Sale and Turkey Raffle
Saturday, November 22 - 6 pm
Sunday, November 23 - 10 am
St. James Hall
Newark Valley United Church of Christ
32 S. Main St., Newark Valley
Raffle tickets $1
6 turkeys will be raffled off
Please call 687-1068 or 642-5220 by
Monday, November 24.
Donations of baked good may be
dropped off before Mass.
Sponsored by the churches of Newark Valley: First United
Methodist Church, St. John the Evangelist Church and
Newark Valley United Church of Christ
Hosted by St. James Altar & Rosary Society
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 23 - 7 pm
Owego Methodist Church
St. Patrick & St. Margaret Mary Giving Trees
Tags will be placed on St. Patrick’s Giving Tree on
November 15th and on St. Margaret Mary’s
Giving Tree on November 23rd. If you take a
tag we ask that you:
1. Remove the small white tag, put your
name and telephone number on it and
leave it in the envelope placed at the
2. Take the large greeting card. Buy and
wrap the gift. Put the card on the
outside of the package and return by
December 8th to the Church, TCRM or
the McAuley Center.
We also appreciate mittens, hats, scarves, gloves, jelly,
nuts, candy, towels, etc. If you are able to purchase any of
these items please wrap, label and put under the tree.
Questions - call Georgeanne 687-2922 or TCRM
On the Sunday before Thanksgiving
the Christian communities will join to
give thanks for all the blessings that our
God has given us.
Please join Fr. Valenti at the Owego
area Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
on Sunday, November 23 at 7 pm at the
Owego Methodist Church.
Thursday, November 27
9:00 a.m.
St. Patrick Church
Book Discussion Group
Our next book is titled The Invention of
Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. We meet on
Wednesday, November 12th at 3 pm in the
McAuley Center. All are invited.
First Penance Class For Older Youth
We are scheduling a one session
"catch up" class for older youth
(grades 5-12)who haven't received
their First Penance or who need a
review of this Sacrament. Call
Cathy Wunder in the Parish Office
(687-1068)for more information.
Monthly Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We pray for those men and women who have, in their
military service, willingly sacrificed their time,
strength, ambition and even health so that our
nation might dwell in peace and safety. We
pray that you guide and protect our Veterans
as they preserve our freedom. May they find
the honor and recognition they truly deserve.
May older Veterans know our appreciation of their past
efforts. Please tend to the spiritual, visible and invisible
wounds of all our Veterans. May all veterans know our
gratitude and Your strength. We ask this through Your Son,
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Deacon Information Sessions
7:00 PM Wednesday November 12, Church of the
Assumption, 20 East Avenue, Fairport NY OR
7:00 PM Tuesday December 9, Bishop Hickey Conference
Center, 1150 Buffalo Road (Pastoral Center rear entrance
and parking).
We will provide an overview of the 5
year application and formation process
and the time commitment involved and
answer questions about ongoing ministry.
An eligible applicant for permanent deacon
formation is a man of strong and active
faith who can demonstrate a record of
service in the communities in which he
lives, works and worships. He must be at
least 35 years of age and no more than 62 years of age at
the time of ordination, in good health, emotionally mature
and stable in his professional and personal relationships.
Applicants may be single or married. Interested men and
their wives are encouraged to attend. For more information
please contact Deacon John Brasley, Director of Deacon
Personnel & Director of Deacon Formation, Diocese of
Rochester, 585.328.3228 or [email protected]
Please pray this prayer along with our Prayer Partners today and
throughout this month. If you have a suggestion for prayer intention please
Prayer Chain Ministry
We are a group of people that pray for people who need
prayers. If you have a pray request contact
Ellen Keough at 687-1068 during office
hours or Mary Jane Robie 687-4297 at any
time. If Mary Jane is not available leave
your request on her answering machine and
try contacting Mary Rose Eschler 687-4163,
Joanne Lepkowski 687-4073, or Sandy
Ross 687-4674. If you are able to contact
any of the five people above it will start the prayer chain.
If you are from St. James Church, call Judy Stewart at
687-1540 to request prayers. If anyone wants to be a part of
the prayer chain just leave your name with one of the people
above. Thank you and God Bless.
Mary Jane Robie
You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel
St. Patrick Parish
alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you
argue or have you stopped talking to each
other? Does talking only make it worse?
Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi,
meaning rediscovery) helps couples through
difficult times in their marriages. So many
couples struggle alone with their difficulties.
Retrouvaille offers those in troubled and
painful marriages the chance to rediscover a
loving relationship in their marriage. You are
NOT alone. This program has helped tens of
thousands of couples experiencing
difficulties in their marriage. For confidential
information about or to register for the Fall program
beginning with a weekend at Notre Dame Retreat House on
November 14-16, 2014, please call 585-293-1552 or visit the
web site at
Blessed Trinity Parish
Take a Chance at winning $25,000,
$10,000, $5,000 or $1,000!
Blessed Trinity Knights of Columbus Council 251
members will be selling tickets
next weekend at all St. James
and St. Patrick’s Masses to
support the New York State
Knights of Columbus Annual
Charitable and Benevolent
Program. Tickets are only $1
per ticket or a book of 12 tickets for $10.
PRIZE STRUCTURE: First Prize $25,000 Second Prize
$10,000 Third Prize $5,000 (10) Consolation prizes $1,000
each. Drawing is Saturday December 6,2014.
All monies go directly to charity, no exceptions
Share the Warmth
Catholic Charities , Tioga Outreach
Center is asking for your help to “Share the
Warmth” this winter with those in need.
The TOC is looking for donations of clean,
gently-used blankets, coats, hats, mittens
and scarfs. The clothing closet is free and available to
anyone in Tioga County. People can come every 30 days
Tuesday through Friday, 9 am - noon and 1 pm - 3 pm.
Please drop off your donations at Catholic Charities,
139 Roki Blvd., Nichols or call 607-414-1023. Your
generosity will warm others while warming your own heart,
St. Patrick Cemetery
Manager Needed
Tioga County Rural Ministry
143 North Avenue, Owego, NY ~ 687-3021
Pantry Needs: soup (especially vegetable beef) dish
detergent, cereal, and toothpaste
November 1/2
Blessed Trinity
St. Patrick
Please contact Diane Snyder-Bell for
more information 687-1068.
Sacrificial Offerings
Total Gifts:
$ 5,643.00
Make Parish a Priority!
Please Use Your
Weekly Needs: