33 Pynsent Street (PO Box 362) Horsham, 3402 Phone: 03 53821543 Fax: 03 53810524 Email [email protected] Hours: 9am-5.00pm Wednesday-Friday President L/tee Michael Krause Secretary: L/tee Neville Smith WIMMERA LEGACY (Incorporated) Bulletin No. 765 October 2014 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS BOARD of MANAGEMENT TBA PENSIONS MEETING Thursday 30th October 2014, 11:30am for a 12:00 noon lunch. Legacy House Horsham Thursday 16th October 2014, 10:00am. Legacy House Horsham WARRACKNABEAL/DONALD Tuesday 4th November @ 4pm, Warracknabeal RSL HORSHAM Thursday 23rd October 2014, 10.30am, Legacy House. CLUB DINNER MEETING CLUB MEETING APOLOGIES The office staff are spending increasing amounts of time chasing up attendances and apologies for the monthly Club meetings. For catering purposes, we do require that each member notify the Legacy Office by the Friday of the week preceding the meeting of their attendance or apology. You can notify us by calling Legacy House on (03) 5382 1543 from Wednesday to Friday and speaking to the admin staff, or you can leave a message on the answering machine after hours. Failure to do so in future will result in a fine to cover the cost of catering. FREE FIREWOOD OFFER We have had one of our widows from Horsham receive a load of free wood from our anonymous volunteer woodcutter and a letter of thanks has been written expressing our thanks on behalf of the members of Wimmera Legacy & the widow. If you are interested on behalf of any of your ladies to have a load of wood supplied, please contact Legacy House Horsham. *** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT *** Due to the LAC Conference/AGM being held in Melbourne on Saturday 29 November, the Club voted to move our Annual Changeover Dinner to Sunday 23 November, preceded by the annual get-together dinner on Saturday 22 November 2014. Letters will be mailed out confirming the change of date with further details ASAP. Wimmera Legacy 2 MONTHLY BULLETIN October 2014 PRESIDENTS REPORT Hello from Bronwyn and myself. We were safely home from our travels in time to sell some badges in legacy week. We were caught up in big rains in outback QLD, Windorah and Quilpie area; unfortunately we could not drag the rain home with us. It’s sad to see the effects of the dry spell on the crops and our thoughts are with the farmers who are affected. Badge week will probably end with a similar result to last year with thanks to all who were out there selling, thanks to the volunteers and helpers who gave their time for legacy. Congratulations to Louise Hobbs, she has progressed to the next stage of junior public speaking after winning in Bendigo last week. David Natividad also did well but fell short in the set topic section. Melbourne President Ian Harrison was very impressed with Louise and thought that she would do very well in the state final. I attended the change-over and presidents meeting in Albury last weekend, where Colin Darts was inducted as their president. At the presidents meeting a deal of information has come from CEO Jenny Walker on issues we need to look at. The number of widows and the future projections, research data is available on line through DVA web site, even numbers by postcode. Woollies fund raising will now go to the RSL. If Coles were to make an offer to help we must take it on, not to be concerned with the timing or we will miss out on the corporate dollar. Misconduct Policy- working with children certificates and police checks are a reality, our insurance cover is reliant on having these things in place. It’s recommended that the misconduct policy become part of our induction of new member information package. Information from LAC will help us with this issue. THE CONSTITUTION: It is apparent that a majority of clubs will vote in favour of the new constitution, it is accepted that there are issues to be resolved. This can be done at a national conference. A national conference of presidents is to be held on the 29 th November to cast their vote on the constitution. I attended the Funeral of Legatee Len Chivell on Tuesday 24th in Stawell. A large funeral with many Ararat legatee’s in attendance. Keep the wool show in mind and try to coax a fleece from the farmers in your area. Dianne and Bronwyn will be very busy in the next two months preparing for the changeover in November, please help them where ever possible. Oliver is recovering in Ballarat, Hugh is retiring and we welcome two new legatees, Gary Coutts and Diane Arnold, to our family. Best wishes and good health to all. Michael and Bronwyn Krause, Legacy President. LAUREL CLUB NEWS The Laurel Club met on Wednesday 24th September at Legacy House in Horsham. Quilting artist and teacher, Dawn Reinheimer gave a lovely presentation of some truly stunning quilts and wall hangings. Eleven widows attended on the day. Wimmera Legacy 3 MONTHLY BULLETIN October 2014 $$$ FUND-RAISING IDEAS $$$ Legatee Betty-Lou Stewart invited members to think about alternative fund-raising ideas to assist Legacy in raising money to care for our widows. If you have some good ideas for new activities, we would love to hear about them! LEGACY BADGE WEEK REPORT Badge Week was successful this year, bringing in $24,300 to date, which is a slight increase on the previous year. We would like to extend a big thank you to all of our Legatees and volunteers who helped out during this busy time, and an extra special thank you to Legatee Lynne Wright for your incredible coordinating efforts without which the event wouldn’t have been possible. INDUCTIONS & NOMINATIONS We are happy to announce that Gary Coutts and Diane Arnold were inducted into the Wimmera Legacy Club on Thursday 25th September 2014 at the Warracknabeal R.S.L. Welcome Legatees Chris and Diane; we look forward to working with you both in the future. Mr Robin Coates of 35 Nunkerrie Road McKenzie Creek 3401, has been Nominated for membership by Legatee Bill McGrath. If there are no objections, Robin will be inducted into the Wimmera Legacy Club at the next Club meeting on Thursday 30 th October in Horsham. ~~~~~ LAPTOP COMPUTER FOR SALE Leader Companion 312 Notebook AMD E2 – 1800 APU with Radeon HD graphics 1.70 GHz 4 GB RAM 64 bit operating system Windows 7 Home Premium Microsoft Office 2013 installed $650.00 or nearest offer Please direct all inquiries to Legacy House on (03) 5382 1543 ~~~~~ WIMMERA LEGACY 2014 ANNUAL FLEECE SHOW This year the Horsham Agricultural Society have included us in their advertising for the Horsham Show Fleece Competition, and are inviting their entrants to donate fleeces from the Horsham show to the Legacy Annual Fleece Show after the event. Shearing time is now! Please visit your local farmers to invite them to enter a fleece or two in our show this year. Proceeds from the sale of the donated fleeces fund our work throughout the year. Major sponsors for the event are: Horsham Wool. Wimmera Legacy October 2014 4 MONTHLY BULLETIN Legacy is on Facebook. You can keep in touch with us to learn about up-coming events by going to: www.facebook.com/wimmera.legacy.1 BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE FUNDRAISER The Bunnings sausage sizzle held on Saturday 13th September 2014 was a success, bringing in $777.00 to the Club. Thank you to Legatee Rex Dumesny for organising it and to all of the legatees who helped out on the day. The next and final sausage sizzle for the year will be held on Sunday 2 November 2014. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the office on (03) 5382 1543 ASAP. RESIGNATIONS It is with regret that we accept the resignation of Hugh Thomson from Warracknabeal. We’re grateful to you Hugh for you contributions to the Wimmera Legacy Club, and we wish you the very best in your future endeavours. You will be sadly missed. Happy birthday for October 14th Hugh. PENSION INCREASE From 20 September 2014, veterans, their partners, war widows and widowers across Australia will see an increase to their pensions. I am pleased to confirm that the Abbott Government has delivered upon its promise to annually index the income limit for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) to CPI. This will provide a fairer income limit for card holders and will mean around 120 additional DVA clients will now be eligible for the Card in 2014-15. As pension rates are calculated on a daily basis, the next pension paid after the 20 September increase (on payday 2 October 2014) will be paid partly at the old rate and partly at the new rate. The first full payment at the new rates of pension will be payday 16 October 2014. The table below highlights the key changes to fortnightly rates. Pension Increase Pension Old Rate (per fortnight) New Rate (per fortnight) Increase Aged Pension DVA/Centrelink - single Aged Pension – couples (combined) Service Pension—single $842.80 $635.30 $1,270.60 $842.80 $854.30 $644.00 $1,288.00 $854.30 $11.50 $8.70 $17.40 $11.50 Service Pension—couples (each) (combined) $635.30 $1,270.60 $644.00 $1,288.00 $8.70 $17.40 War Widow(er)’s Pension Income Support Supplement $856.20 $252.40 $868.00 $256.00 $11.80 $3.60 Special Rate (TPI) of Disability Pension Intermediate Rate of Disability Pension Extreme Disablement Adjustment $1,293.20 $877.80 $714.10 $1,311.30 $890.10 $724.20 $18.10 $12.30 $10.10 100 per cent General Rate of Disability Pension CSHC income limit (single – annual)) (combined partnered – annual) $459.60 $50,000 $80,000 $466.10 $51,500 $82,400 $6.50 $1,500 $2,400 These are the maximum rates of payment and include any Clean Energy Supplement payable. Pensions are indexed twice a year in March and September. A full list of pension rates are available on www.dva.gov.au or by calling 133 254 or 1800 555 254 from regional Australia. Wimmera Legacy 5 MONTHLY BULLETIN October 2014 LEGACY JUNIOR PUBLIC SPEAKING AWARDS Kaniva College student Louise Hobbs and St Brigid’s College student Gerard Natividad competed in the Preliminary Finals of the 2014 Junior Public Speaking Awards at Bendigo Legacy Club on Tuesday 16th September. Both students spoke excellently. Louise Hobbs will go through to compete at the Victorian Final at Southbank in Melbourne on Thursday 16th October 2014. We congratulate both students, and wish Louise well on the day! CLUB DINNERS President Michael Krause and Legatee Bill McGrath will be attending the Ararat Legacy Club change-over dinner on Saturday 8th November. Legatees are invited to attend and represent the Wimmera Legacy Club. If you are interested in attending, please contact Legacy House in Horsham on (03) 5382 1543 for details. EXHIBITION: THE WIMMERA and THE GREAT WAR HRAG Jubilee Hall 21 Roberts Avenue 29 August - 23 November 2014 A small brown leather diary lies open, cascading out is a monographed handkerchief, small black and white photographs of friends and family, a leave pass carried since his training days, a letter from his mother and a pressed leaf inscribed: from MOLLIE. Carried by a young soldier from Lubeck, lost on the field of France when only 21, these personal mementos are now treasured markers of one family's sacrifice. It is the way that the events and effects of The Great War were recorded and shared within our community that is at the heart of this exhibition. Through letters and cards that crossed oceans a century ago, objects of daily life from the battlefield, and recordings of life on the home front we pause to reflect on the events that changed our region and nation. These stories, mementos, and signifiers of commemoration have been drawn from the Horsham, Natimuk and Dimboola Historical Societies, and Warracknabeal and District Historical Society; Horsham, Natimuk and Warracknabeal Returned Servicemen Leagues; and responses to our public call out that unearthed numerous family collections. The Wimmera and the Great War records, memorialises and celebrates over 115 servicemen and women and the communities that supported them. This sample of our regions participation is a starting point for us all to reflect on family, community, and service over the coming four years as we mark the centenary of The Great War. An HRAG exhibition supported by the Australian Government under the Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program Copied from: http://www.horshamartgallery.com.au/Exhibitions/Current.html, 2/10/14 ~~~~~~~ VALE – LEN CHIVELL Passed away September 2014 Len was a former member of Wimmera Legacy Club who transferred to Ararat Legacy Club in February of 2004. He was a valued member of the Karkarooc/Birchip branch, who looked after the widows in Hopetoun. Len will be sorely missed, and our thoughts are with his wife Mollie and his family at this time. _____________________________________________________________ Wimmera Legacy 6 MONTHLY BULLETIN October 2014 Go to: http://anzaccentenary.vic.gov.au/firstconvoy/ to book your free ticket LEGATEE BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH L/tee Andrew Robertson – 16/10/14 L/tee Jill Hendy – 26/10/14 L/tee Pamela Pratt – 1/10/14 L/tee Bev Joyce – 1/10/14 L/tee Winston Gould – 2/10/14 L/tee Carmel Armstrong – 30/10/14 LEGATEES AWAY THIS MONTH L/tee Carmel Armstrong, from 4/9/14 to 20/9/14 WIDOW’S BIRTHDAYS Mrs Betty Fitzgerald of Horsham, 92 on 29/10/14 Mrs Edna Schultz of Horsham, 94 on 16/10/14 Mrs Daphne Grace of Horsham, 92 on 8/10/14 Mrs Dulcie Robertson of Horsham, 99 on 31/10/14 Mrs Winifred Dixon of Horsham, 98 on 10/10/14 Mrs Ruby Gray of Horsham, 92 on 15/10/14 Mrs Maureen Giles of Horsham, 93 on 14/10/14 Mrs Florence Craig of Nhill, 92 on 22/10/14 Mrs Myra Gazelle of Dimboola, 98 on 11/10/14 Mrs Marjory Wilson of Nhill, 96 on 13/10/14 Mrs Mary Kilpatrick of Nhill, 93 on 14/10/14 Mrs Augusta Farran of Edenhope, 97 on 9/10/14 Mrs Alison Goldsbury of Donald, 90 on 9/10/14 Mrs Doreen Galvin of Warracknabeal, 90 on 17/10/14 Mrs Muriel Ferguson of Warracknabeal, 91 on 2/10/14 Mrs Elaine Atkin of Warracknabeal, 92 on 11/10/14 Mrs Joyce Witney of Warracknabeal, 93 on 7/10/14 WIDOWS PASSED AWAY Mrs Sharon Garrick of Murtoa passed away 26/8/14 Mrs Dulcie Byron of Warracknabeal passed away 17/9/14
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