Document 409818

Issue No. 17
[email protected]
As our current group of Year 12 students prepare to leave us, we
are delighted to usher in a new School Captain team for 2015. Year
11 students recently had the opportunity to hear from an
outstanding field of nominees for next year‘s school leadership
positions. The quality of their speeches continues to impress and
this year‘s was outstanding.
It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2015 team and wish
them all the very best in their new roles.
Tess Parker (Ebony House)
Will Newman (Red House)
Emily Farquhar (Gold House)
Friday 31 October, 2014
Lachlan Blair (Blue House)
Our student leaders will be presented to the school at assembly
next week and share their thoughts about their new position, what
they believe student leadership is about, and their thoughts about
next year. In preparation for their new roles the team will take part
in a leadership development program run by the Australian Youth
Development Program at Monash University in January.
I look forward very much to working closely with our 2015 Captains
and wish them the very best in their very important work next year.
24 hr STUDENT ABSENCE LINE—5241 0090
Parents only to call to report student’s name, house/form, reason
for absence, and date.
Monday 3 November - WEEK A (3.40pm finish)
Junior School Captains address Yr 8 students after assembly
Yr 7 & 8 Cricket Finals
World Challenge Departure Check
9N, 9P, 9R, 9S Buddy Training, LC5 (P3-4)
Yr 11 Italian VET, Geelong West (P3-lunch)
Yr 8 House Soccer Comp, N V S, gym (1.20pm)
Tuesday 4 November
Junior Jazz, Freedom Aged Care (P5-6)
Rivers Gift Cake Stall
Wednesday 5 November
Belmont Breakfast Program, Caf (7.45 – 8.35am)
Intermediate Cricket Finals, Galvin Park
Flip Program, Bike Ride Breakwater, (P3-4)
Yr 8 House Soccer Comp, G V M, gym (1pm)
Yr 9E Strive, Black Rock Barwon Water Excursion (P5-6)
Yr 9G Strive, Geelong Law Courts Excursion (P5-6)
Thursday 6 November
Yr 7 Baseball, Softball, Volley ball, Yr 8 Tennis
Yr 8 Cricket Semi Finals, Fairbairn Park
Girls on the Go Program, Gymnastics (P5-6)
Yr 7 2015 Notebook Information Session, Library (7pm)
Friday 7 November
Yr 8 Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, Yr 7 Tennis
Yr 7 Cricket Semi Finals, Fairbairn Park
Junior School Captains 2015 applications close at 1.00pm
9M Buddy Training, (P3-4)
9G, 9E, 9B, Buddy Training,(P5-6)
Monday 10 November—WEEK B (3.15pm finish)
Yr 11 ORec Hike Camp, Lorne
Junior School Captains, Halogen Young Leaders’ Day, Melbourne
Yr 9 Health, Docs & Teens, (P3-4)
Tuesday 11 November
Yr 11 ORec Hike Camp, Lorne
Chamber Music Night, BioLab (7pm)
Wednesday 12 November
Belmont Breakfast Program, Caf, 7.45-8.35am
Yr 7 & 8 Cricket Finals, Galvin Park
Yr 9 Health, Docs & Teens, DAY (P3-4)
Yr 8 House Soccer Comp, Winners from Purple V, gym (1pm)
International Students, Geelong Aerodrome (2.30-5pm)
Yr 9P Strive, Black Rock Barwon Water Excursion (P5-6)
Yr 9B Strive, Geelong Law Courts Excursion (P5-6)
Thursday 13 November
All Yr 8 students, Junior School Captains Speeches/Elections
Flip Program, (P3-4)
Yr 8 House Soccer Comp, Winners from Week 2, gym (1pm)
Girls on the Go Program, Trampoline Centre (P5-6)
2015 Yr 7 P SEALP parents Information Evening, Library (7pm)
Friday 14 November
Yr 9B Strive, Black Rock Barwon Water Excursion (P5-6)
Yr 9N Strive, Old Geelong Gaol Excursion (P5-6)
Yr 9M Strive, Geelong Law Courts Excursion (P5-6)
Yr 9G, E &P Strive, Race Around the City, Geelong CBD (P5-6)
9R, Yr10 & Yr11, Final Day of Classes
Rotherham St Belmont Vic 3216 Ph: (03) 5243 5355 Fax: (03) 52432420
In what was a colourful and ‘interesting’ day. We farewelled our Year 12
class of 2014 last week as they completed their studies and now move
into exam preparation.
Following a BBQ breakfast with the group, students presented their final
concert which they are to be congratulated on.
Congratulations to everyone involved in our third Art and Technology Exhibition held in our
Library last week that saw around 250 people join us for the opening on the Monday evening.
This year our CoGG Mayor, Councillor Darryn Lyons officially opened the exhibition and gave
an account of his journey into the arts from a student in Geelong to his photography around
the world. He also purchased some student work! The exhibition showcased the diverse
range of talent of our students and staff and was an impressive selection of works from all
year levels that included paintings, drawings, photography, animation, fashion, food, wood
and systems work. The exhibition ran for the week and was a great way to showcase the
quality of work at our school.
A special thank you to Ms Kristy Harvey (Head of the Arts) who initiated the exhibition and
to her staff for their support. Mayor Lyons also presented the following awards:
Excellence Award, for the most outstanding work in the exhibition: Jessica Johns;
Runners-up Awards, and Highly Commended Awards
See full report next page.
Cr Darryn Lyons and Haylee Holt
Mr Garry Schultz
There are a number of Year 9 Naplan Test results still at the General Office waiting to be collected. Please send a note with the
student giving them permission to collect and take home. Thank you.
Semester 2 reports will be available on STAR, our reporting system, on Thursday 11 December at 3 pm.
If your children attend Year 10 or 11, they will receive their logins to access STAR on Monday 1 December
during Form Assembly.
Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be given their logins on Wednesday 10 December.
Please note that if you have more than one child at Belmont High School, only the youngest should
receive the logins.
Year 12 students will not receive a report in Semester 2. Students accelerating into Year 12 subjects will
also not receive a report for those subjects.
If you have any concerns about this Semester reports, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Mr Mario Gava
We are putting a call out for volunteers. If you are able to help us at the Year 12 Graduation on the Wednesday 26, November,
please call or text me on 0415 131967 or email me at [email protected]. It is always an wonderful evening for the
students involved and a great way for parents (especially of senior students) to see how it all operates.
Belmont High Gymnasium is going to operate as a polling booth for the upcoming state election on Saturday, November 29.
Parents Association is planning to sell sausages to voters as a fundraiser, so if you can assist us, please text or email Jenny with
the times you are available. At the moment it should just be for 1 hour, but of course, you can help for longer if you wish.
Now is also the time to start collecting any unwanted uniform you have at home to bring to our Collection Day. This year we are
changing the times and days of the December Second-hand Book and Uniform collection and sales, we will be selling in the
evening for the first time, giving more families a chance to purchase goods.
Please make a note of the following dates:
Collection Morning
Thursday 11 December
8.00am to 12.00pm
T-Wing T6
All Book and Uniform Sales
Thursday 11h December
5.00pm to 8.00pm
T-Wing T6
Collection of Unsold Books
Friday 12th December
9.30 to 10.30am
PA Secondhand Uniform Shop (rear of T-Wing)
This year we are supplying the forms to submit items with the booklist. We hope that giving you the opportunity to complete these
at home will improve the running of the collection. We will also have forms available on the day. We are not issuing cheques this
year, your bank account details will need to be provided on Collection day for any funds to be paid.
Our next meeting is on Monday, 3th November at 7.30pm in Conference room. We invite all parents to come along.
Jenny Macfarlane
President, Parents Association
Over the Term 3 school holidays 13 students embarked on Belmont High School’s first European Art Tour, visiting art galleries
and cultural sites across France and Italy. The first stop on the tour was 4 days in France, where students were able to view the
Mona Lisa at the Louvre, as well as viewing works by the modern masters such as Van Gogh and Monet at the Musee D’Orsay.
In addition to these gallery visits students also visited Monet’s Garden where he painted his famous Waterlillies, Van Gogh’s
mansion, Versailles, as well as cultural outings to the Eifel Tower, Champs Ellysee and the Catacombs. After 4 packed days in
Paris it was all aboard the overnight train to Venice, where students were able to experience life on the islands of Venice, eating
at local trattoria, visiting the markets, completing artworks on the canals, and riding in Gondolas. Students also visited the
Guggenheim museum, viewing iconic works by modern artists such as Picasso and Pollock, and visited the island of Murano
where the art of glass blowing has been passed down for generations.
Ms Kirsty Zahra
After a wonderful experience in Venice it was off
to Florence, where students were given the opportunity to shop, relax and take in the classic
Renaissance city. Visits to the Uffizi Gallery and
the Gallery Academia were highlights, where
students were able to view Michelangelo's ‘David’
and ‘The Birth of Venus’ by Botticelli, in addition
to other classic works by Da Vinci, Raphael and
Caravaggio. Students also enjoyed an Italian
cooking class, before packing their bags to travel
to Rome. Upon visiting Rome students were
struck by the hustle and bustle of the ancient
streets, enjoying walking through the many beautiful squares and piazzas. Essential visits to the
Coliseum and Roman Forum were enjoyed by the
students in fine Italian weather, and a visit to the
Vatican to view the Sistine Chapel and works by
the renaissance masters was an experience the
students will never forget. After a hectic 2 weeks
it was time to return to Australia. Supervising
teachers Ms. Kirsty Zahra and Mr. Luke Mandouit
would like to commend the students on their behaviour and fine attitude whilst overseas, representing Belmont High School; all tour guides and
hospitality staff had nothing but positive things to
say about our students, who respectfully embraced and appreciated the cultural opportunities
provided to them.
The 2014 Belmont High School Arts & Technology Exhibition Opening was a huge success! Guests enjoyed canapés and
wine as they viewed impressive student and staff works, and enjoyed live music and drama performances.
It was fantastic to celebrate the achievements of our Arts & Technology students from this year. Works included paintings,
drawings, printmaking, photography, fashion, ceramics, 3D mixed media, film, wood work and electronic work.
Our Mayor, Darryn Lyons, was a very entertaining guest presenter, sharing with the large crowd his experience as a high
school Art student, where his artistic endeavours began.
The Mayor’s flamboyant rainbow mow-hawk was an artwork in itself and exactly what the crowd was hoping for. Students
were thrilled when Cr Lyons took the time to discuss with them the fantastic works they had on display in the exhibition.
However, no one was more thrilled than Year 12 student, Haylee Holt, when Cr Lyons purchased her photograph for his
personal collection.
Well done to the following students who received awards.
Excellence Award – For the most outstanding body of work:
Jess Johns
Runner-up Awards:
Scott Reid & Esther Pendock
Highly Commended Awards:
Dina Khalife
Bailey Partyka
Haylee Holt
Rachel Cockerall
Casey Archer
Daisy Harrison-Riley
Paris Smith
Alex Collins
Holly Clare
Emma Fleming
Emily McCoy
Kelsey Meulman
Katelyn Firipis
Encouragement Awards:
Brooke Stirling
Bela Martinez
Anabelle Stonehouse
Angus Sumner
Olivia Morrissy
Ms Kristy Harvey
Head of Arts
As mentioned in the last newsletter, Jazz Syndicate performed at the Geelong Show in the Band Competition. We
have been notified that we won 3rd place and Paige Thomson came 2nd in the vocal section. Well done to those students.
Our junior students have a busy few weeks coming up starting with Junior Jazz performing at the Surfside Primary School
Fresh Food Fair in Ocean Grove on Sunday November 2nd. They will perform at 11.30am if you want to see them. On
Tuesday November 4th they will be at Freedom Aged Care in Grovedale.
On November 19th, Beginning Band will perform at the Deakin Edge in Federation Square as part of the Victorian Schools
Music Festival.
It is great that the music staff are making these performance opportunities possible and that our junior students are able to
share their musical talents throughout the community.
Don't forget our Chamber Music night on November 11th at 7.00pm in the Biolab Auditorium.
Mr Jim Davidson
A great effort from Lulu Crowhurst (7 Blue) two weeks ago
in the State Athletics Championships that saw her become a
State Champion in the 13 Years High Jump with an
impressive 1.55M jump clearly ahead of rivals.
Congratulations also to Olivia Hobbs (7 Mango) who
claimed third spot in her final of the 13 Years 1500M in an
impressive 5 minutes and 4 seconds.
Well done girls!
Belmont High School was lucky enough to have 5 outstanding
students successfully apply and participate in an innovative
leadership and development engineering and manufacturing
program within the Geelong region in 2014. The Alcoa Future
Leaders of Industry Program is designed to encourage young
people to consider a career path in advanced manufacturing
and to follow a study path that will make them eligible for
employment in the sector. It is also designed to raise the
profile of advanced manufacturing and engineering within our
region and to increase the awareness of career pathways and
opportunities within the industry. Our Belmont students joined
a group of other interested students from variety schools
across Geelong at a number of industry based visits
throughout the year. These visits included Boundary Bend
Olives, Deakin University, the Gordon, Biolab, Air Radiators
and LyondellBasell.
The graduation for this
program was held at the
very impressive $34 million
Carbon Nexus building at
Deakin University Waurn
Ponds on the 28th October.
Carbon Nexus, a globally
research facility conducting strategic research projects with
industry and is the only facility of its type in the world.
Students, staff, industry representatives and families were led
on a tour of the facility, followed by the presentation of the
graduation certificates for all participants.
1st St Joseph`s College Stage Band
2nd Geelong College Stage Band
3rd Belmont High School Jazz Syndicate
Encouragement Award Big Al`s Allstars Clonard College
1st Ryan Bentley St Joseph's College
2nd Paige Thompson Belmont High School
3rd Sam Porter Geelong College
Some important dates:
Friday 14th November - last day of classes
Monday 17th November - Pupil free day and study day
Tuesday 18th November to Tuesday 25th November exams
Wednesday 26th November to Wednesday 3rd
December - orientation program
Wednesday 3rd December—Last day of school for Nine
SEALP, Ten and Eleven students
Students will be provided with an exam timetable around
about the end of October. During the exam period students
are only required to attend school for their exam, but they
may of course study at school. Full school uniform must be
The orientation program runs for six days where students
will be in their 2015 classes starting the following years work
and attendance is compulsory. An orientation timetable will
be provided prior to the students last day of school.
Peter McKenzie
The Belmont High students, Shalia Wood, Sam Vander
mark, Gianni Valenti, Kyle Purcell and Sam McLachlan did
the school proud, not only at the graduation, but also
throughout the year and showed a great deal of enthusiasm
and passion for the manufacturing industry and the program
as a whole. Despite the closure of Alcoa Pt. Henry, the Alcoa
Foundation have agreed to fund the program for a further two
years in partnership with the Skilling the Bay Initiative, the
Gordon, Deakin University and the Geelong Regional
Vocational educational Council (GRVEC). We look forward to
seeing more Belmont High School students involved in this
important program in future years. A huge thankyou needs to
go to the industry partners that allowed the students to visit
their sites and to Annabel Newnham from GRVEC for her
fantastic coordination of the program.
Nick Masters
Pathways and Transitions 7-9
Year 9 Strive Coordinator
Caleb Landgraf, 12 Silver, has been selected (based on one entry per year level per school) to enter the Odyssey Film
Festival. We wish him all the best.
Odyssey Film Festival
December 6, 6 - 8pm
Village Theatre
Tickets: $5 online or $10 at door
The Circus is coming to Geelong! The Shell Questacon Science Circus is a great opportunity for parents and children to
share, discover and explore science together. You can encourage a fascination and enjoyment of science by exploring
hands-on exhibits.
Leisuretime Centre, 262-282 Anakie Road, Norlane
Saturday 15 November, 11am-4pm
Admission: Family $18, Adult, $6, Students/concession $5 (cash only)
Enquiries: 0417 465 028,
A reminder that you are required to return your notebook computer to the I.T. Department from the following dates:
Year 12
The I.T. Department have begun collecting notebooks. If your notebook is
not required, please return it asap (must be returned no later than the date of
your first exam unless alternative arrangements are made with your teacher.)
Year 9 Red, 10 & 11
3 November 2014 (must be returned no later than 14 November 2014)
Year 9
17 November 2014 (must be returned no later than 26 November 2014)
Please make sure your computer is in good condition and is returned with the bag and charger that were supplied.
Excess charges may apply if the device is not returned in an acceptable condition.
The Monash University Extension Program is available for students completing a Year 12 subject in Year 11 in 2015
and beyond. Monash Extension allows high achieving Year 12 Students to get a taste of university before finishing
school- and be rewarded for it. Students complete a pair of first year university subjects as part of their final year school
studies, allowing them to extend and enhance their learning in an area of interest.
Fees are currently $450.00 per semester, however bursaries are available to students experiencing financial difficulties
or hardship at a discount of 50%.
Applications Close 5th December 2014.
See Mr. Dooley for further information or apply online at
Sign-up under the school banner and give the school a chance of accessing up to $500+ in sports equipment. Choose
to either walk or run the 6 to 12 kilometre events to raise money for the Special Care Nursery at the Geelong Hospital.
Students and family entries are at a discounted price. Join up today!
Student and staff training sessions will run next week from lunchtime. Stay tuned
to the daily bulletin for more
Cassandra Clare & Holly Black’s “The Iron Trial”
Does this sound familiar? A baby boy is injured in a terrible war between good and evil. He is left motherless. At age
12 he is sent to a secret boarding school to learn how to use his magic. He befriends a girl and a boy. Think you’ve
heard it all before? You have. And you haven’t…..
This is not a Harry Potter book, it’s book 1 in a series of 5 by Clare (Infernal Devices, Mortal Instruments) and Black
(Spiderwick Chronicles). The protagonist is Callum – Call – and unlike Harry, he was quite happy at home and doesn’t
want to be at his new school, The Magisterium.
There are bound to be comparisons with Rowling’s work, particularly since Clare first came to prominence for her HP
fan fiction – the Draco Trilogy. Yet there are some twists that HP doesn’t have and a very unexpected turn towards the
end which will have you waiting impatiently for book 2. (Due September 2015!)
Books are reviewed and displayed weekly in the library.
Lee Suter
Thursday 13th November, 7pm, Library
New Year 6 parents are invited to attend a special SEALP Information Evening to discuss orientation and to discuss
what to expect next year. All parents and students welcome.
Year 8 Blue Year 9 Transition Information Evening Thursday 20th November.
Week A Monday classes finish at 3.40pm.
Week B Monday bell times run on Tuesday times—classes
finish at 3.15pm.
Belmont High School is excited to offer you a Managed Bring Your Own Device solution for 2015. In previous years we have organised a
rental program with notebooks which has meant the computer has to be returned at the end of the rental period or when the student
leaves Belmont High School. We are now able to offer devices that you can own outright, with support and updates provided by Belmont
High School technical staff.
What is managed BYOD
Managed BYOD is where the school chooses a supplier and a number of specific supported models for
you to purchase. You must purchase from our supplier (JB HI-FI) in order to have the computer configured and connected to the schools network. We have negotiated prices and selected models to suit our
What is included with the Managed BYOD
Belmont High School, together with JB HI-FI will configure your computer with our Standard Operating Environment (Windows 8.1, Office
2013 and Curriculum Software). Purchasing a new device includes a 3 year warranty and tech support.
What devices are available to purchase?
Rugged and ready for students, made to perform and last longer, even under the roughest handling. Designed with rubber
bumpers around the top cover and 50% stronger corners in case of falls. Student friendly model with a solid state memory
and slim design with great new features.
Rugged and ready for students, made to perform and last longer, even under the roughest handling. Designed with rubber
bumpers around the top cover and 50% stronger corners in case of falls. A touch screen model with a flip screen that becomes a tablet- like device.
Thin and light, weighing in at 1.42kg and measuring 21.5mm at its thickest point, the X240 is ultraportable
without sacrificing anything in terms of ports, connectivity or durability.
From Laptop mode to stand mode and tent mode to tablet mode, the ThinkPad Yoga flips around 360 degrees, this
call for a unique keyboard in the tablet or stand mode, with an active digitizer pen and display you can utilise handwriting recognition in Windows 8.
The devices are available for purchase via the JB HI-FI BYOD education portal (A link
is also available from the Belmont High School website under Curriculum > BYOD.) Enter our school code: BELHS2015 and
follow the steps.
Any orders placed before 6th January 2015 will be delivered to Belmont High School ready for use in the first week of first
term next year. Any orders placed after this date will be delivered later in January. You will be advised by Belmont High
School when your notebooks are ready to be collected.
You are invited to attend our Managed BYOD Parent Information Session to be held on Thursday 6th
November at 7.00pm in the Library. Speak with our IT Staff regarding the BYOD program. A representative
from JB will also be available to discuss device specifications and ordering processes. Take advantage of this
opportunity to try the devices prior to ordering online!
Please contact Belmont High School for further information 5243 5355.
“Tra moglie e marito non mettere il dito” is a recurring saying in Italy,
especially in the context of large families or between friends. Since it has
no correspondence in English, it can be translated as “Never interfere between husband and wife” or even better: “Don't meddle in a quarrel between a husband and his wife”.
It means that is always wise not to interfere in the matters of a family that
is not one’s own, because the problems of a couple are so intimate and
deep that can be judged only by man and wife.
The Greater Geelong Galaxy (Girls) committee are inviting junior female footballers to register their interest to
trial for a place in the following teams for the newly formed Greater Geelong Galaxy Club:
U12 (players born 2003 & 2004)
U14 (players born 2001 & 2002)
U16 (players born 1999 & 2000)
U18 (players born 1997 & 1998)
Please email your interest to [email protected] stating your
Name, FFA number, Date of Birth and Contact details (email and phone)
Registrations close at 5pm on November 7th 2014.
Dear Parent/Guardian
Belmont High School will be hosting some students from Korea who are expected to arrive 4th February 2015. The
girls and boys are 15 and 16 years old. As they will be attending school we need to organise homestay arrangements now.
Homestay requires that the girls and boys are cared for by your family and take part in normal family activities
during the weekends. The goals for the program are both cultural and language.
As a part of the program there is a reimbursement of $250 per week per student for the homestay family. These
students can have their own bedroom, or may share a room with another Korean student of the same gender, and
must be provided with 3 meals per day and laundry of their clothing.
This is a wonderful opportunity to host an overseas student for a short period of time with mutual benefit for the
visiting student and the host family. This would be a beneficial experience for Belmont High students.
If you are interested in hosting a student, please return the reply slip below to the school office or indicate via
email ([email protected]) as soon as possible. If you would like more information please
contact Mrs Cherie Cordingley (Business Manager).
Kind regards,
Cherie L. Cordingley
Business Manager
PARENT NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
STUDENT NAME AND FORM GROUP: ………………………………………………………………………
CONTACT DETAILS: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….