Pastor: N O V E M B E R Cheryl Stratton [email protected] Secretary: Marilyn Whitney [email protected] Parsonage Phone: (207) 794-8443 Church Phone: (207) 794-1967 Website: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Prayer List 2 Lectors, Ushers and Acolytes 3 Schedule of 5 Events From the Lay Leader 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 2 0 1 4 From the Pastor Several years ago I visited a wildlife preserve on the eastern shore of Maryland. My “guide” and I were walking through a marshland when he suddenly called out, “Teal!” Now teal is a lovely shade of blue-green so I began scanning the sand and brush at my feet. What had he seen? A stone, a piece of sea-glass, a peculiar leaf perhaps? “Where? What do you see?” “Ducks,” he said and pointed a flitting wad of specks just above the horizon. “They don’t look blue to me.” When he finished chuckling my guide explained that “teal” is a variety of duck and that different types of ducks are distinguishable by the way they fly. Blue-winged Teal tend to fly in bunches, making tight turns close to the water. Wood ducks can fly through forests, their wings swooshing as they look for acorns or berries to eat. Pintails often fly high and fast until they decide to zigzag to the ground. Mergansers tend to fly single file, close to the water. All of which makes me wonder, what “flight patterns” or behavioral characteristics identify United Methodists? In other words, how would you answer FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, if someone were to ask you, “What do the people in your church do? Why does your church exist? What makes your church different than the other dozen or so churches in town?” The early “Methodists” were “odd ducks”, derided for their well-known, deliberate, frequent acts of personal and social piety. They were Christians who wanted to deepen the experience of God in their own lives and in their communities. The United Methodist Book of Discipline states it this way, “The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local churches provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs.” The manifestation of that mission in Lincoln, Howland, Danforth, and Vanceboro will vary by context - the strengths and weakness of each congregation and community and what we discern God calling us to do. What does a disciple of Jesus Christ look like in Howland? In Lincoln? What is God calling us to do in Danforth? Vanceboro? This is the vision of how the church fulfills its LINCOLN, MAINE mission. The vision tells us how we make disciples and change the world in our time and place. “Norms” refer to those unwritten rules/values that determine how we actually behave. So...we might have a mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. And a vision that we invite community members into the life of the church, but the norm is that we assume everybody knows where we are so we don’t ask the local newspaper to list worship in its “Sunday events” column. In this hypothetical example, the mission and vision were there but the norm failed to support them. You get the idea. As we prepare to fly into a new year, I invite each of us to consider: Who am I helping to become a disciple? Who is God equipping me to bless? What am I doing to accomplish this? How are we transforming our neighborhood and the world? Just what kind of ducks are we? Peace to you, Cheryl PAGE 2 Prayer List George Albert Sonny and Christine Arnold Barbara Bard Emma Jean Cook Bob Coons Leola Cowan Sheila Davis Jo DiCenso Kay & Bill Drisko Sarah Drost Becky Haynes Dube Mary Dunn Chrissie Elliott Susan Foster Dawn Gilley Rosemary Glidden Robert Greenwood Bruce Hallett Lilly Hallett Valerie Hanscom Marie Harding Bob and Diane Heavin Florence Jordan Madeline Leland Noreen Levielle Madeline Lindsay Steve LosKamp Dana Loupin Polly Lyons Chris Martin Tom Martin Sandra Merrill Mary Miller Daniel, Spencer, Tina Millett Betty Nason Shirley Nason Bobbie Jo Norris Brenda Pond Ryan Priest (Army/Korea) Maynard Shute Bob and Nancy Smalley Grace Smith Rita Soucy Tuffy Tash Dick Theriault Randy and Barbara Tourtillotte Marilyn Vose Henry Watson Lorraine Weatherbee Donna Welch Mickey and Mary Whiting Durwood and Judy Wilson Maureen Wotton Jane York Prayer Concerns If you have a prayer concern, the church wants to pray for you, and there are several ways that your prayer concern can be addressed: List your prayer request on the church website at Complete a prayer request form on Sunday morning and put it in the offering plate. Your request will be raised at the Wednesday Evening Prayer Service Call the office at 794-8443 and have your request placed on the church prayer list. If you would like to have a message put on the prayer chain, you can contact the Sunday Services Starting Sunday, September 7, Sunday Worship services begin at 11:00 am with Sunday School held from 9:15-10:30 am The Sunday Evening Worship Service is held at 6:00 pm. The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, These hours may change as life happens and as God directs the life of the church. Please feel free to contact the pastor as you need: Phone: (207) 794-8443 Email: [email protected] LINCOLN, MAINE Lay Leader by email at [email protected] or call him at 794-5041 or 732-3884. Prayer is powerful and folks at the First United Methodist Church are ready to lift your concerns and your joys in prayer. PAGE Flowers for Sunday Service Fuel Assistance Program If you would like to provide flowers for the altar or give flowers in memory of a loved one on any given Sunday morning, please contact the church office at 794-8443 or by e-mail at [email protected] prior to Wednesday of the week you would like to have your flowers on the altar. If the flowers are to be given in memory of a loved one, please provide their name so that it can be noted in the bulletin. Our church continues to assist families through FAP, the “Fuel Assistance Program”. We sincerely thank all who have generously contributed their time, talents and/or funds to FAP, enabling us to provide fuel to many needy families this past heating season. This summer, we raised approximately $1000 for our Fuel Assistance Program through our M.U.S.I.C. concerts. We have one more concert on November 29 at 7:00 pm. Remember, if you, or someone you know, could use a “helping hand” staying warm, please contact the pastor or Eileen Priest. All requests are kept confidential! If you have been blessed sufficiently to contribute to this program, contact one of the committee members mentioned above, or you may place your contributions in the kettle located in the narthex. Lectors, Ushers and Acolytes for November November 2 November 23 Lector: Pam Leland Ushers: Dianne Buck Acolytes: Corbett Arnold Lector: Paul Wallace Ushers: McFalls Family Acolytes: Sheila Keith November 9 November 30 Lector: Tori Jordan Ushers: Web and Faye McCormick Acolytes: Tori Jordan November 16 Lector: Christina Wallace Ushers: Dianne Buck Acolytes: Barbara Dicker Please remember to ask someone to switch with you or replace you if you are unable to serve on the scheduled day Lector: Barbara Dicker Ushers: Arnold Family Acolytes: Lucas Jordan Church Lay Leadership Pastor: Cheryl Stratton Lay Leader: Paul Wallace Jr. Assistant Lay Leader: Sheila Keith Lay Member to Annual Conference: Barbara Dicker Church Council Chair: Pat Locke Finance Chair: Dianne Buck Treasurer: Julie Thibodeau Financial Secretary: Marilyn Whitney Sunday School Superintendent: Kerri McFalls Youth Group Leaders: Kerri McFalls & Brynn Kimball Membership Secretary: Bruce Arnold Trustees Chair: Steve LosKamp & Mike McFalls SPRC Chair: Paul Wallace Music and Worship Chair: Sandra Wallace 3 PAGE 4 Pumpkin Carving M.U.S.I C. Christmas Concert First United Methodist Church Christmas Bizarre November 22, 8:00-2:00 Come one, come all to our annual Christmas Bizarre on Saturday, November 22 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are sporting a new look this year. In addition to our table of delicious baked goods and candy we will host a table of gently used paperback books available to you for a donation of your choosing. Our main focus this year will be various size theme baskets contributed by our church committees. Purchase will be by bid in our Silent Auction. Individuals are also encouraged to submit theme baskets. We will ask you for a suggested opening bid based on the value of your basket. Some themes to look forward to include: Christmas, Music & Worship, Children’s World, Sportsman, Car Care, Puppy Power, Purr..Fect Pet, I’m a Big Kid Now, and Movie Midnight Munchies. Use your imagination and create a basket to submit. A luncheon of haddock chowder, beef stew, biscuits, and apple crisp will be served from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. This is one of our church’s largest fundraisers and proceeds will go to the general fund. We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, LINCOLN, November 29, 7:00 pm The annual M.U.S.I.C. Christmas Concert will be held on Saturday, November 29 at 7:00 pm. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of musicians from as many as ten different area churches give of their talents for this fundraising event. A variety of Christmas music both traditional and contemporary will be offered. A free will offering helps support the Fuel Assistance Program. Last year, 53 families were helped with 50 gallons of emergency heating oil. With the local economy down, this program is vital for those who find themselves without oil and a cold winter night. FAP is funded by four M.U.S.I.C. concerts per year, by donations from individuals and organizations, and by a small grant. A time of fellowship with hot chocolate will follow the concert. For information on performing or how you can help support this outreach, please contact Sandra Wallace at 794-5042 or [email protected]. MAINE Schedule of Events for November PAGE SPRC - November 4, 5:00 pm in the Ladies Parlor Trustees - November 4, 6:00 pm in the Ladies’ Parlor Finance - November 4, 7:00 pm in the Ladies’ Parlor Safe Sanctuary Training - November 8, 9:00 am-1:00 pm at Lincoln UMC Come help us decorate Quarter Collection Tubes - November 9, after worship Apple Festival - November 14, 4:30 - 6:30 pm Come help make Beads of Courage bags - November 16, after worship Nurture and Outreach - November 19, 9:00 am at Dianne Buck’s Communion and Worship at Colonial Health Care - November 20 Christmas Bazaar - November 22 M.U.S.I.C. Christmas Concert - November 29, 7:00 pm GLCC Christmas Cantata - November 30, 6:00 pm Sunday School - Sundays 9:15-10:30 am Morning Worship - Sundays at 11:00 am Evening Worship - Sundays at 6:00 pm Bible Study - Tuesdays at 10:00 am at Howland UMC. Carpool leaves parsonage at 9:30 am $4 Lunch at Howland UMC - Wednesdays Free Community Supper at Lincoln UMC - Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm Howland UMC Food and Clothing Pantry - Thursdays from 7:00-11:00 am Choir Rehearsal - Thursdays at 6:00 pm Connect 4 Youth Group - Saturdays from 6:00-9:00 pm Friday, November 14 Connect 4 Youth Group is currently taking orders for these delightful gulls. Each gull will be created by members of Connect 4 especially for you. The cost of each gull is $20 and will be ready in time for Christmas. Please see a member of the Youth Group to order! 4:30-6:30 p.m. Adults: $7.00 Children: $3.00 Takeouts Available 794-1967 (Pickup and Delivery) Roast Pork, Potato, Vegetables, Rolls, Apple Sauce, Apple Cider and Assorted Apple Desserts 5 PAGE 6 Safe Sanctuaries I recently typed “sanctuary definition” into my Google search bar. The first entry was this: This definition, coupled with the Biblical image of “sanctuary” as the holiest part of the edifice at which God’s people gather for worship, is the basis for United Methodist “Safe Sanctuaries” training and policies. We understand that church is supposed to be a safe, holy place for all who enter. So each year we review the policy, practices, and procedures that help us provide a safe, holy place for you, your children, and your parents to celebrate God’s goodness. If you have not yet attended one of our review sessions or have never been to a training session, please come to one. They are open to everyone. There are two more training sessions scheduled: November 8 and December 6. Please plan to attend one. Notice: Boar's Head Festival - Epiphany Celebration Trinity UMC in Springfield, MA has offered The Boar’s Head Festival, a medieval celebration of the Epiphany complete with period costumes, live animals, and the glorious music of the Christmas season for over 30 years. This celebration of the birth of Christ, the coming of the three kings, and the triumph of light over darkness in our world has been recognized in Yankee Magazine (for details, click on the following link: and can be a wonderful outing for church groups. Ticket prices are $25 for adults and $15 for children ages 4-11. Church groups of 15 or more people for an evening performance may submit their orders in October without a patron contribution. For more information about the Festival, see wp/?page_id=1633. This year the festival will be presented on Friday, January 9 at 7:30 PM; Saturday, January 10 at 3:30 and 7:30PM; and Sunday, January 11 at 3:30 and 7:30 PM. Tickets sell out early, so make your reservation as soon as possible. If you are interested, please contact pastor Cheryl Stratton at [email protected] or 794-8443. Notice: Free Online Study The denomination's General Commission on the Status and Role of Women is offering a free on-line study about the images and names of God in the Bible. If you have questions or want more information Email: [email protected] Register by clicking: FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, LINCOLN, MAINE PAGE From the Lay Leader As we approach the New Year (January 1) or the Christian New Year (November 30), let us look toward setting goals to move our church forward to stand as a solid presence of Jesus Christ. What are you thankful for? What as God blessed you with this year? As we enter the final months of 2014 or Year A on the liturgical calendar, it is right to give thanks and praise to our creator for what He has blessed us with. Year’s end is often a time to look back, reflect, and reminisce. This year has certainly been a year of change at the First UMC. But I tend to be drawn to looking forward. The past is history, done and recorded. But the future is a mystery. It is filled with things yet to come that still need our helping hand under the prayerful guidance of God. The choices we make today, do affect the events of tomorrow. We can do a lot in our local church to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ with many of the events happening in November. Please take time to read the list of what’s going on in this newsletter and help support those causes with your presence, whether it be a fundraiser to help support our own budget, a fundraiser to support a local outreach, or coming to hear the words God speaks to use through the gifts of music. Let us all give thanks this season to the wonders of our creator and the blessings we receive from Him. Grace and Peace, Paul Wallace 7 Greater Lincoln Community Choir Christmas Cantata “Hope of the Broken World” November 30, 6:30 pm The Greater Lincoln Community Choir under the direction of David Goolsby will perform their 2014 Christmas Cantata “Hope of the Broken World” on Sunday, November 30 at 6:30 pm. The choir consists of members from 14 different churches and is their first full cantata performance at our church since their Easter Cantata several years ago. The music in uplifting and inspirational. Please join us for this special event this Advent season and enjoy a time of fellowship following the cantata. Notice: Our Annual Church Conference will take place on Sunday, November 16, at Lincoln UMC as follows. 8:30am Howland SPRC, 9:00am Lincoln SPRC, 9:30am Danforth SPRC, 10:00am Vanceboro SPRC, 11am church conference and worship at Lincoln. Are you concerned about the financial health of your church? Come to Old Town UMC on Wednesday, November 5, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. to learn ways to strengthen giving patterns, consider the spirituality of giving, and receive practical advice on how to manage our money instead of letting our money manage us. This event is sponsored by the United Methodist Foundation of New England. There is a $10 fee to cover the cost of lunch and materials. You can get more information and register at Or call pastor Cheryl Stratton at 794-8443. PAGE 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries November Birthday 2 Matthew Darr 3 Betty Tolman 6 Gloria Coons Anniversary Norman Littlefield 8 Sherry Smith Cody Smith 11 Bruce Arnold 12 Barrie Dolley Jim and Dede Trask 16 Emily Page 18 Kimberly DiCenso 19 Jo DiCenso 21 Anita Gemme 22 Beverly Osborn 27 Laurene and Roger Windsor Join Connect 4 Youth Group after Morning Worship on Sunday, November 16 to make Beads of Courage bags for children coping with serious illness. Included in this newsletter... Most of our Sunday school classes use “The Whole People of God” curriculum. It follows the lectionary, so the entire church focuses on the same Biblical stories each week. “At Home Leaflets” suggest ways to incorporate spiritual practices into your family’s weekday life. The current leaflet is included in this newsletter. Please consider using this resource to strengthen your family’s spiritual life. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, LINCOLN, MAINE Bible Study 6:00 Sunday School 9:15 Bible Study 6:00 Sunday School 9:15 GLCC Christmas Cantata 30 Evening Worship 6:00 10:00 Bible Study @ Howland 25 10:00 Bible Study @ Howland 18 10:00 Bible Study @ Howland 11 Finance 7:00 Trustees 6:00 5:00 Free Community Supper 26 5:00 Free Community Supper Nurture and Outreach 9:00 19 5:00 Free Community Supper Thanksgiving 27 Choir 6:00 Health Care Communion at Colonial 20 Choir 6:00 13 Choir 6:00 6 Thu 28 21 Apple Festival 4:30-6:30 14 7 Fri To place an item on the Church Calendar, please contact the church office at (207) 794-8443 or [email protected] Bible Study 6:00 Sunday School 9:15 Morning Worship 11:00 24 23 Evening Worship 6:00 Beads of Courage 12:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Charge Conference 17 16 Evening Worship 6:00 Decorate Quarter Tubes Morning Worship 11:00 10 9 Morning Worship 11:00 Evening Worship 6:00 12 5:00 10:00 SPRC 5:00 Free Community Supper Bible Study @ Howland Sunday School 9:15 5 4 3 2 Wed Tue Mon Sun NOVEMBER Youth Group 6:00-9:00 Concert 7:00 M.U.S.I.C. Christmas 29 Youth Group 6:00-9:00 Christmas Bazaar 22 Youth Group 6:00-9:00 15 Youth Group 6:00-9:00 9:00-1:00 Safe Sanctuaries Training 8 1 Sat First United Methodist Church 16 Lee Road Lincoln, ME 04457 Office (207) 794-8443 Church (207) 794-1967 First United Methodist Church LINCOLN, MAINE N OVEM BE R NEW SL ETT ER
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