Gold Wing Road Riders Association Meeting at IHOP—212 Madonna Rd. San Luis Obispo Nov. gathering 2nd Sat., the 8th 7:30am breakfast, 8:30am Meeting. After gathering ride about 10am Membership number game temporarily suspended RIDE WITH US and MAKE MEMORIES. Serving SLO County and northern Santa Barbara County. 2014 http:\\ NATIONAL: Executive Directors: Ray and Sandi Gerris— REGION F: Directors: DISTRICT OF Keith & Teresa Morrison — CALIFORNIA Directors (DD) Vincent [email protected] 951-453-6000 Pamela Puterbaugh— [email protected] Educators (DE) Mike [email protected] District Store Manager OPEN CHAPTER CA1-L 209-536-1318 AREA CODE 805 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Chapter Directors (CD) Bob and Barb Dowdy - [email protected] & [email protected] 226-9175 Assistant Chapter Directors (ACD) Doc & Kathy Boyd - [email protected] 934-1919 Assistant Chapter Director (ACD) Chris Ferris - [email protected] 938-0385 Educator (CE) Kevin Herrera—[email protected] 704-6829 Treasurer Dick Crawford - [email protected] 481-0235 Correspondence Secretary Darlene Parissi [email protected] 616-466-7068 Newsletter Editor and Historian Jack Durant – [email protected] 736-6995 Membership Enhancement Coordinator Kathy Boyd - [email protected] 934-1919 Ride Co-coordinator Jeff and Laura Robinson—[email protected] 574-4995 Camping Coordinator Todd Virgil—[email protected] 438-4359 Raffle & 50/50 Ed Leonard—[email protected] 772-7066 Sunshine Person Charlotte Roberts—[email protected] 466-7361 Webmaster Tim Couts—[email protected] 462-8410 Store Manager Laura Robinson - [email protected] 574-4995 Happy Birthdays in November Ken Parmann (1), Ron Newman (5), Charlotte Roberts (6), Robert Voigt (8), Larry Clark (9), Todd Virgil (12), Angela Tucker (13), Katy Daly (18), Clint Johnson (19) (91 years old), Debbie Rowley (25), Laura Taylor (26). Anniversaries Jim & Angela Tucker (13), Clint & Norma Johnson (26) (71 year anniversary) FROM THE DESK OF THE CDs Bob & Barbara Dowdy By the time you will read this newsletter, all but the CA1C rally in California will have taken place. We hope you were able to attend several of them, it is our support to them that is returned to support our own rally. Last year we were given a lot of compliments on the location and how well it was handled, by you, that we will do it again in 2015 at the same location. The ride to get there will be different, a bit longer, more inland, details are to be worked out on that part, but the BBQ and finish will be at the Shamel park in Cambria. Aside from our Chapter gatherings at IHOP, we have little scheduled on the Chapter calendar for the remainder of the year. This leaves us the opportunity to have impromptu rides. If you are going for an outing, contact a Chapter friend and share the experience. We will have a ride planning meeting in the early part of next year and will be filling the calendar of places to visit for our riding pleasure. Your input is needed and will be welcomed. This will apply to the Chapter dinners also. We have had a good selection for 2014, lets add some different ones for 2015. Email us, jot them down on a card or note pad. All your inputs will be considered. Our next scheduled Chapter events in 2014 will be the Chapter Christmas party/pot luck on the 6th of December @ 4:00pm at the Crawford's house and on the 13th will be the Vine Street walk in Paso @ 6:00pm and after-walk refreshments at the Dowdy's. Check out the Chapter calendar on the Chapter website. It is updated by Chris regularly and is a good source of information. As I check it today, the November dinner ride is scheduled the day before Thanksgiving. Don't think it is going to happen, and neither will there be one in December as it would be on Christmas eve. Writing this article becomes a wakeup call to me that the holidays are just around the corner. (I'm not ready for that!) The New Years Day Ride on Jan 1 is planned. In last month's newsletter it was stated that the money spent for Christmas gifts in the exchange would be $25$30, in the past it was $20, we will stay with the past value of $20.00. Our many thanks to the members and supporters that carried on the Chapter business while Barb and I were out of town. We have had reports of our members covering our meeting, two dinner rides and the rallies of CA1Z, CA1V and CA2N and those are only the things we are aware of, I'm sure there are things that happen we don't know about. It is great to know we have so many qualified people that are willing to step up and help in time of need. Our next gathering will be on November the 8th, at IHOP in SLO. Meeting starts at 8:30am, come earlier for breakfast and visiting. Ride smart, Ride safe Bob & Barb CD's District Director Review Vincent & Pamela Puterbaugh Thanksgiving Every year I prattle on about how fall is my favorite time of the year and this year is no exception. Last month we got to enjoy the turning of the leaves as we partied with the Frogs of CA-2N in Sonora. The following week, we had the honor of installing Crystal Richardson as the new CoChapter Director of CA1F at their annual event. The final weekend of October found us in Tucson enjoying the best that Arizona has to offer. All told, we travelled over 2,000 miles and loved every one of them! This month, we have our final rally of the year with the Coyotes of CA-1C and, hopefully, we will see all of you there! With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, we are faced with the opportunity to reflect upon the things the way are most thankful for and the first thing comes to mind is the ability to share all of the travels with my wife and best friend. A year ago, I underwent surgery on my right ankle and my leg has not been strong enough to ride two-up this year. Despite rehabbing this injury, one if not both of us, we were able to attend every Chapter Rally, the California Operations Meeting, the southern California Horizon’s Training class, the California and Arizona District Rallies, the Region F Rally, and Wing Ding in Madison, Wisconsin. From the Oregon border to the Mexican border and from the Pacific Ocean to the Dells of Wisconsin, we travelled over 15,000 miles just attending GWRRA events and the friends we got to spend time with and the memories we made are definitely things Princess and I are thankful for. Having spent more week- ends away than at home this year, we are thankful to spend a few weekends with our dogs at home and, come Thanksgiving Day, the two of us, our dogs, and our children will be gathered around the table together to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family. Regardless of whether you are spending the holiday with family members or riding with your GWRRA family or doing something altogether different, we hope you will take at least a few minutes to reflect on whatever things you are thankful for this year. Until next month, ride well and ride often. Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh In The Curve Kevin Herrera, Educator “Rain” is a four-letter Word by Robert Vaughan rain starts falling. The sole purpose of the tread design on a tire is to carry off the water, but it can’t do its job if you don’t allow it enough tread depth to work with. Hydroplaning occurs when the tires are not in full contact with the road. They ride on a thin layer of water, and sometimes oil, on the road. Hydroplaning occurs frequently in light mist or drizzle. Proper tread depth and tire pressures, slowing down, and riding in the tracks of other vehicles all help reduce the chance of hydroplaning. The cessation of a slushing sound, or any decrease in steering or braking may indicate hydroplaning. If this happens, slow down without braking and avoid any sudden moves. Plan alternate routes in case of rain. Scenic, twisty asphalt roads are a lot of fun when it’s dry. When the rain starts to pour, the scenery turns gray, the turns aren’t nearly as much fun, and the asphalt doesn’t provide the traction you really need. It’s time to look for an alternate route along a duller, but straighter, concrete road. Once it starts raining, there are still things you can do to increase your safety, if not your comfort. Pull off the road as soon as you find a place to get out of the rain. This gives you a dry place to put on your highvisibility rainsuit, One word that can raise the hackles on the neck of any rider is “rain.” Though no one goes out riding just because it’s raining, you do get stuck in the rain at times. What can you do to improve your riding in the rain? The first things you can do are done well ahead of the first few drops of rain. Much as you hate to think about it, selecting and purchasing a rainsuit is something that must be done. A rainsuit should serve two purposes. First, it should keep you dry. Second, and equally important, it should increase your visibility. When your evasive maneuverability is reduced by lack of traction, you want to be sure other drivers see you. Maintaining all your lights also helps you to be seen in the rain. Of course, you keep your lights clean, but have you checked all your lights lately to see if any have burned out? Do you carry any spares with you? Next time you take your bike in for service, why not restock any spare bulbs you might be missing? You should stock spare fuses as well. The other important part that needs maintaining ahead of time is your tires. Have you looked at them lately? If any of the wear bands are showing, it’s time to replace the tire. One of the major causes of hydroplaning is See You In The worn tires. It’s too late Kevin to check them after the Curve. and more important, it puts you off the road during the most dangerous first fifteen minutes of rain. When the water first enters the pores of the road, it forces up the oil that has been collecting there. A few more minutes of rain will wash this oil off the road. Though the main danger of rain is hydroplaning, increasing your following distance, taking curves more slowly, and increasing your scanning distance all help your rain riding. Riding in the rain may never be pleasant, but it can be safer. FROM THE DESK OF THE ACD Doc & Kathy Boyd How Motorcycle Riding Improves Physical Health By Dr. Pamela Reilly This article is dedicated to every rider who’s sick to death of those “motorcycles are so dangerous” conversations, to every mother who’s convinced her son or daughter is insane for riding, and for anyone who needs a really good excuse to go out and buy a bike. The bottom line is that riding a motorcycle is a form of low-impact exercise that improves muscle tone, can assist with weight loss, and has a multitude of health benefits. These health benefits include but are not limited to: Healthier, stronger knees and thighs: A wellknown orthopaedic surgeon in Indy once told me that motorcycle riders have fewer knee problems because riding a bike strengthens key muscles used to hold the patella and other bones in the knee in place. He told me that riding a motorcycle may reverse knee pain and problems and can most definitely prevent them. Most of the key muscles used to hold knee bones in place reside in the thigh. Ever notice that chicks that ride bikes have nice thighs? There’s a reason! Additionally, backing a bike into a parking spot, especially uphill, is basically like doing leg presses with a 600 pound weight. It works! . Improved core strength: Again, all of the activities involved in steering a bike, moving it at slow speeds, etc., serve to strengthen muscles in the abdomen. It’s more fun that situps!! . Increased insulin sensitivity: Because riding a motorcycle is a lowimpact form of exercise, people who ride have improved insulin sensitivity for up to eight hours after a ride. Improved insulin sensitivity has a profound impact on weight loss, because insulin is a fat storage hormone. Having improved insulin sensitivity means your body will produce less insulin to counteract carbohydrates or to lower blood sugars, which means your body will be signaled to store less fat. The improved insulin sensitivity is also of great importance to anyone with Type 2 diabetes. Calorie burning: Riding a bike burns calories. Period. Getting everything ready for a ride takes time and burns calories, but there’s more. Think about it … it requires effort while riding to maintain balance, shift, brake, control the clutch, battle headwinds, etc., and that’s AFTER you burn calories backing the bike out of the garage! Riding into a headwind burns a significant amount of calories as your body tenses muscles to fight the wind and stay on the bike. This constant resistance exercise not only burns calories but serves to strengthens those muscles, which ultimately increases your metabolism. (Article continues Kathy’s MEC page) on MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT COORDINATOR Kathy Boyd & Lightning Continued from Doc’s ACD page Additionally, the physical effort exerted while turning, especially at higher speeds, can be significant. Folks who ride motocross or race motorcycles can burn up to 600 calories per hour; the rest of us burn around 200-300 calories per hour. Not bad! (Note to passengers: You burn zero calories per hour while riding passenger on a cruiser, and potentially up to 50 calories per hour while riding passenger on a sport bike. Maybe it’s time to consider getting your own bike!) Improved neck strength: This one is limited to those riders who wear helmets and those who have taken the time to properly fit themselves to their bike with the correct handle bars, seat, foot pegs, etc. Riding a bike that doesn’t “fit” well can actually cause back pain and destroy proper alignment. Make sure your bike fits you! Wearing a helmet for a few hours a day would strengthen your neck whether you ride or not. Wearing it while riding, especially if you don’t have a windshield to shelter you from the wind, requires significant strength. I’m happy to say, much to my chiropractor’s chagrin, I was able to reverse whiplash simply by riding my bike and wearing a helmet. (I never ride without one.) Strengthening my neck muscles served to pull my neck vertebrae back into alignment and back into the proper curvature. That is a therapy I can live with!!! . Mental outlook: Motorcycle riders usually report returning from a ride feeling energized and happy. Many riders refer to their motorcycle as their “therapist.” Riding a motorcycle has a wonderful way of releasing endorphins that serve to boost mood and improve outlook. The time spent on a bike also provides valuable sun exposure, known to increase Vitamin D levels which are known to be powerful mood enhancers. Additionally, the hours of alone time spent on the back of a bike either allows folks to completely escape from their problems or allows them to work through problems and consider issues from different perspectives. I know more than one rider who hops on their bike and takes a ride when they have an issue needing consideration. (This does not, of course, apply to issues causing great distress.) That’s it! Riding a motorcycle has definite health advantages, both physical and emotional. As always, ride smart. Get thoroughly trained before starting to ride and then take time to practice on back roads before hitting main thoroughfares. Take your time and don’t try to beat lights or get in front of slow drivers. As always, NEVER drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Even one beer can affect reaction time enough to impair shifting, clutch operation and turning ability. Just don’t do it. I’m off to ride. Ride smart, Ride Safe! Doc, Kathy and Lightning Boyd Members’ Rides This is a new page I’ve started to afford you, the member, an opportunity to showcase your ride. Simple guidelines to consider: The picture should be clear and nicely framed, and be free of busy background clutter. It should include only your bike, not your bike in a group of bikes or next to cars, or signs. You and your SO can be in the picture (behind the bike) but no other people. Don’t submit a picture of your bike with motorcycle clothing or helmets hanging all over it or anywhere in the picture. Your bike should be clean. Go out for a ride, stop in several scenic places and think about posing your bike for a beautiful picture. Think about lighting and shadows. As you look through the viewfinder, think about other things that you see. Consider the picture of our bike below as inspiration for your photo, or Jeff’s GL1500/6 on the for-sale page. Include a brief description, i.e., Owner(s), make, model, year, and where the photo was taken. Don’t list accessories or modifications. Submit photos to Jack Durant, [email protected] 1998 Honda GoldWing, GL1500 SE. Owners: Jack and Pat Durant, Lompoc, CA Photo taken at Wall Beach, Vandenberg AFB. Photo by Jack Durant Notes from the Last Gathering. We had a great October meeting. We had 12 brave souls that risked the "Wicked" weather here for an exciting and raucous gathering. Afterwards Jeff and Laura , Jim and Laura, John Daley, Ken Parmann, Darlene and I rode to the Vintage Motorcycle show at the Meadowbrook Church. Later we cruised to the Oktoberfest in Nipomo where we perused various booths and dined on Pulled Pork and steak sandwiches, while listening to live music! Then the last 5 of us weren't finished YET we rode to Creston via Santa Margarita and #229. Savoring some well needed Ice Tea and Lemonade while planning our camping trip to CA2-N event in Sonora. What a great time we had in our own backyard. Kevin. CA1L MEMBERSHIP NUMBER GAME th n o m t x il ne Hidden somewhere inside this issue is one current CA1L member’s GWRRA membership number, chosen at random. Your job is to scour the newsletter and find the number. If it is your number, PRINT OUT ONLY THAT PAGE and bring it and your current membership card to the next gathering and present it to the Chapter Director or his representative if he is not attending. You will receive 5 extra tickets to the raffle. The winner must be present and the offer is only valid for the gathering coinciding with the current newsletter. Only the main household number will be inserted, not “-01 or –02”. Any person in that household can pick up the tickets at the current gathering. I am real sneaky and creative hiding the numbers so have fun looking. The number will be integral and not be separated in any way. Remember you must provide the page printout and your membership card with current date. The newsletter editor and family is exempt from this game. t n u ed d n e p us S Chapter Christmas Party Our CA1-L family Christmas party is only a month away! Remember how much fun we all had at Dick Crawford's last year? Well, Mr. Crawford and his son David have graciously opened their home again this year to host our party. We sure hope everyone can join us again this year!! Mark your calendar for Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 4:00pm. The Crawford's address is 260 Arabian Way in Arroyo Grande. BBQ supplied by Chapter and will be prepared again by the Master Griller Doc! Please plan on bringing the following according to the letter of your last name: A-L bring a side dish M-Z bring a dessert. Gift game exchange follows, boy gift with ornament for the guys, girl gift with ornament for the ladies ($20 limit) Please note there was an error in the previous newsletter on the dollar limit ~ my bad. Please RSVP to Darlene at [email protected]. Thanks! Ride safe!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Darlene, Correspondence Secretary We MIss You Hank Morales Weekend in Sonora What a great time was had by all. Kevin, Darlene, Laura and Jeff left Friday morning going North on Hwy 101 to San Lucas. Then across Hwy 198, around the fresh wild boar road kill to Coalinga for Mexican food at the restaurant we missed on the last trip to Harris Ranch. We then headed North up Hwy 33 through Mendota, Firebaugh and Dos Palos and across Hwy 152 to Hwy 59 and North through Merced to Sonora. Arriving at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds about 4:30 we had our choice of grass covered campsites. About 15 minutes later Jim Tucker showed up with a Cherry pie! We got all three tent trailers setup, food came out and more fun and laughs engulfed us. Friday night was pretty chilly (1703' elevation) but we endured, Saturday morning early coffee was brewed and then as donuts became available at the CA-2N rally we had those as well. Doc and Kathy joined us for the rally, games and ride from Sonora through Columbia, Murphy's and Angels Camp. The weather was a perfect 74 degrees, cloudless skies and no wind. Some of the Aspens were just starting to turn colors. CA-2N saved some food for us and we closed down the kitchen. Ken Parmann who pre-registered but couldn't attend won the pre-registration prize (set of new tires), Doc and I figured out the trick to the bowling ball game (back spin on the ball) and we think Kevin and Darlene won the road-kill pickup game with 27 roadkills. Thanks to Kevin & Darlene, Laura & Jeff, Doc & Kathy, Jim, Tom & Hedy, Dave Fretwell and his wife, our chapter came in second with most in attendance! Saturday afternoon we went back up to Columbia and walked through the old town exhibits, had ice cream (of course) and enjoyed the historicality (new word). We had a member of CA-2W David Daniel Carr (DD) join us for the rally ride and Dinner Saturday night and then he slept on the ground in a spare sleeping bag (JT's) rather than risk riding back to Fresno at night and having a close encounter of the deer kind. Sunday saw us leaving our personal campground and heading home via Hwy 49 for a quick stop at Jeff's folks place in Mariposa and lunch at the HAPPY BURGER, then down to Oakhurst for gas and home by 4:30. Time enough to unpack, cleanup and relax. We agreed this area needs more exploring and Jeff got volunteered to setup a weekend campout for next spring so it goes into the 2015 ride planning meeting! It was a fun weekend and we are sorry those that couldn't attend missed out. You should make plans next year to attend this rally, as it is quickly gaining the reputation of one the most fun and beautiful areas to visit! Our thank too those that attended for making this a memorable weekend! Jeff and Laura Robinson (See pictures on following pages) Screamin’ Yellow LET’S TALK SAFETY… Editor’s note: Every week I receive a short safety essay on my email at work from our corporate safety officer. Most times it addresses industrial safety issues. From time to time I’ll share some of them with you when they apply to more than just on-the-job safety. Here’s one on which all of us can benefit. GENERAL SAFETY - A SINGLE SECOND It takes a minute to write a safety rule. It takes an hour to hold a safety meeting. It takes a week to plan a good safety program. It takes a month to put that program into operation. It takes a year to win a safety award. It takes a lifetime to make a safe worker [and rider]. But it takes only a second to destroy it all - with one accident. Take the time now to work [and ride] safely and help your fellow employees [and riders] to be safe. Upcoming Rides / Events Nov 4 Nov 8 Nov 8 Nov 11 Nov 27 Dec 6 Dec 13 Dec 13 Please take the time to Get out and Vote CA1L Gathering, IHOP, Madonna Rd., SLO CA1C Coyote Party in the Desert, Rancho Mirage, See Flyer Veterans’ Day, Federal Holiday Thanksgiving Day, Federal Holiday CA1L Christmas Party @ Crawford’s, Darlene for RSVP CA1L Gathering, IHOP, Madonna Rd., SLO 28th Annual Paso Robles Vine Street Walk with after gath ering at the Dowdy’s. Dec 25 Christmas Day Jan 1 2015 New Year’s Day ride. The GWRRA Motto: “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge” GWRRA Rider Education Program. Getting involved in the REP and signing up for the levels program will enhance your riding experience, increase your co-rider’s confidence in you, and elevate the trust of your fellow riders. If you’re not already involved in this program, please take the initiative and talk to Kevin about it anytime. He’ll help you get signed up and guide you through the levels. The more you participate, the more fun you’ll have. Members are invited to keep for-sale items on this page as long as desired. Please be sure to inform newsletter editor when item sells. ‘ 1989 GL1500/6 Beautiful Martini Beige Metallic with most of the things you could ever want on a classic touring bike. Let’s start from the ground up. New Dunlop E3 tires with DynaBead balancing (F/R), new EBC HH sintered brake pads (F/R), Progressive front fork springs, fork super brace, K&N air filter, CB radio with dual mode antenna (AM/FM/CB). High output (85 amp) alternator with noise filter. FM modulator for MP3 input to audio system. For comfortable riding, VStream windshield, Kuryakyn ISO grips and foot pegs. For the passenger, arm rests, Kuryakyn Transformer boards, CB/Audio controls (PTT) and trunk mounted DC adapter for cell phone charging. For touring, American billet trunk rack and vertical receiver trailer hitch with wiring harness. We have attempted to keep this bike true to its original look (except subtle pin-striping). We just returned from a 2000 mile loop around the Grand Canyon (CA-AZ-UT-NV-CA) and didn’t have a single issue (except not enough souvenir room) averaging 43 mpg. Complete maintenance history available since 1989. Box of original parts (front caliper covers, nose shield, Utopia seat rest, stock mufflers…) This has been a well-cared for bike looking for a new home to go from 152k miles to 250k miles. Contact: Jeff Robinson 805-574-4995 Asking $4400.00 WHAT’S COOKIN’ WITH DARLENE? Hello Fellow Wingers (and Wingettes, LOL) Well riding season for the GW rallies is winding down, but those holidays with family get-togethers are approaching at warp speed. With that in mind, think of using your crockpot for hot beverages that would be so nice to share with family or friends around a glistening fireplace. Here are a few to entice you: Spiced Cider Ingredients 12 cups apple cider 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp. ground cloves 1/4 tsp. ground allspice 3 (3") cinnamon sticks 1 orange, studded with whole cloves Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 120 minutes Total Time: 130 minutes Yield: 8-10 servings Preparation Combine all ingredients in a 4-5 quart slow cooker, cover, and cook on low for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve in mugs. Hot Buttered Rum Ingredients: 2 cups firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 pinch salt 3 cinnamon sticks 6 whole cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 cups rum 2 quarts hot water heavy cream, whipped additional ground nutmeg, for topping Preparation: Combine brown sugar, butter, salt, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and nutmeg in the crock pot. Add hot water. Stir well. Cover pot and cook on LOW for 5 hours. Add rum; stirring to blend. Serve from crock pot in warm mugs with a scoop of whipped cream and a dusting of nutmeg. Happy November and the upcoming holiday seasons. Darlene MONTHLY CHAPTER MEETINGS DAY CHAPTER FIRST SUNDAY CA1-R FIRST SATURDAY CA1-A CA1-Z CA2-W SECOND SUNDAY CA1-M CA1-Q CA2-R SECOND SATURDAY CA1-F CA1-I CA1-L CA2-J CA2-N THIRD SUNDAY CAC CA1-V THIRD SATURDAY CA1-C CA1-S CA2-S CA2-Q FOURTH SATURDAY CA2-K CA2-A LAST SATURDAY CA1-K FOURTH SUNDAY CA1-D As of 12/01/2013 LOCATION Hometown Buffet 1008 E. 17th St. - Santa Ana Greenhouse Café 1169 Commerce Center Dr. - Lancaster Hometown Buffet 40390 Margarita Rd. - Temecula Yosemite Falls Cafe 4020 N. Cedar Ave. - Fresno Pepper Steak 26580 Highland Ave. - Highland American Legion Post 295 5646 Corporate Ave. - CYPRESS Vittles Restaurant 2385 North Street - Anderson Broken Yolk Café 1851 Garnet Ave. - San Diego Denny’s 546 W. Baseline Rd. - GLENDORA IHOP 212 Madonna Rd. - San Luis Obispo Hometown Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd -Concord Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave. - Sonora Elks Lodge #8 6446 Riverside Blvd. - Sacramento Maxwell’s 17772 Wika Rd. - Apple Valley Burgers & Beer 72733 Dinah Shore Dr. - Rancho Mirage Carrow’s 2401 Harbor Blvd. - Ventura Hometown Buffet 212 Ranch Dr. - Milpitas Black Bear Diner 5100 Hopyard Rd., Pleasanton Benicia Grill 4760 East 2nd Street - Benicia BREAKFAST & MEETING TIMES B: 7:30am M: 8:00am B: 8:15am M: 9:15am B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 8:00am M: 9:30am B: 7:30am M: 8:00am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am B: 7:30am M: 8:00am B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 8:00am M: 8:45am B: 7:30am M: 8:30am B: 8:30am M: 9:00am Old Salles Cafe 2082 North J St. - Tulare Denny’s 8330 Topanga Cyn - Canoga Park Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd. - Paramount B: 8:00am M: 9:00am B: 7:30AM M: 8:00am B: 8:00am M: 8:30am Please support these businesses that donated to our CA1-L Rally. California’s oldest independent Goldwing facility Full Service Maintenance - Suspension upgrades - Tune-ups Trike Conversions - Electrical Accident repairs - Lighting Trailer sales - Oil change XM Radio install - GPS hookup Audio systems - Brakes Tire installation - Safety Check No motorcycle too old here!! 1018 E. Chestnut Avenue Unit I Santa Ana, CA 92701 Advertise Your Business with CA1-L Full Page—$160 for one year Half Page—$80.00 for one year Business Card—$50 for one year. Advertising contact: Jack Durant, 805-736-6995 Please support our advertisers! Thank you! Refer to Chapter Web Page for future Calendar events A PROUD NATION……...
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