FREE NOVEMBER 6-19, 2014 Volume 10, No. 22 Like Us On Facebook NEWSPAPER, LLC Record-breaking season! Halloween night proved to have little tricks and lots of treats for the Comet football team. It was a Senior Night under the stars at Crestwood High School as the Comets football team played their final regular season game of the 2014 season. They defeated Pottsville 50-20 for their first undefeated season in the history of the school. They clinched the Wyoming Valley Conference District II AAA championship the previous week and with a record of 34-6, over the last four years, made the playoffs for four straight years. photos by Norberta Kosin See Comets, page 19 NEXT EDITION: NOVEMBER 20 DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 14 photo by Roger Rupchis Head Coach Greg Myers 2 November 6-19, 2014 Luigi’s Mountain Peaks P IZZA & R ESTAURANT Like Us On Facebook 166 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top • 570-474-5329 Everyday Specials Club Sandwiches Turkey or BLT on whole wheat or Italian bread. $7.99 With chips $6.99 Quesadillas Chicken or steak With fries $7.99 With chips $6.99 With fries 12 cuts Grandma Pizza $7.99 take out or dine in LADIES NIGHT (Bar Only) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 6-9 P.M. $1.00 Domestic Drafts $2.00 Import Drafts Wine $3.00 1/2 Price Mixed Drinks LARGE 16” PIZZA $8.99 Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offers. Valid after 4 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday for pickup & take-out only. Not valid for dine-in. Not valid on Fridays and Saturdays. Expires December 5, 2014. Come Watch Some Football! N.F.L SUNDAY ALL DAY BAR ONLY $1.50 Domestic Drafts $2.00 Import Drafts 35¢ Wings BEFORE any game starts, remember to tell the bartender the team that you think will win the game. If your team wins, you get ONE free pint of beer on us. (Domestic draft) GRANDMA’S STYLE PIZZA $7.99 OR 12 CUTS WHITE 4 CHEESE PIZZA $9.99 Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offers. Valid after 4 p.m. Sunday thru Thursday for pickup & take-out only. Not valid for dine-in. Not valid on Fridays and Saturdays. Expires December 5, 2014. SATURDAY DINE-IN ONLY! $ 1.00 OFF ANY CHICKEN OR VEAL DINNER Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offers. Must Present Coupon. Expires 12/05/14. November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Independently Owned & Operated 697 S. MOUNTAIN BLVD. MOUNTAIN TOP 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF CHURCH ROAD 570-678-7608 Service Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sales Hours: Mon.- Wed 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. by appt.; Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. WE’VE GOT THE TIRES AND THE DEALS! 3 4 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Places To Go ... Things To Do UNTIL NOVEMBER 7 UNTIL DECEMBER 14 PIE SALE CANDY SALE The CHS PTA is conducting its Thanksgiving pie sale to benefit the Senior Lock-In and is accepting orders now through November 7. A variety of pies are available including apple, cherry, blueberry, pumpkin, pecan, chocolate cream, banana cream, and cookies and cream. Pies will be delivered to the high school for pick-up on November 25. To place orders contact any CHS senior student or parent, or you can contact Brenda Anderson at either 570-474-2218 or comets989@ The Friendship Circle of Christ United Methodist Church, Mountain Top, is selling peppermint crunch candy for $8 per pound. Order by Sunday, December 14 by calling Karen Demko at 570- 4745649 or Alice Davis 570- 4745426. Pick up will be Sunday, December 21 at the church, 175 South Main Road. UNTIL NOVEMBER 10 HOAGIE ORDERS The Mountain Post American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 781, will be taking orders for hoagies until Monday, November 10. Pick up for the hoagies will be on Thursday, November 13 from 3-6 p.m. Please specify if another pick up time is needed. There is a sign up sheet at the Post home. Orders may also be placed by calling the Post home at 570-678-7105 or Marie at 570-474-5379. The cost is $4 for an 8 inch hoagie. Handicapped parking is also available in the rear of the legion. UNTIL DECEMBER 29 WINTER COAT DRIVE The Crestwood High School Key Club and the Wascavage family are collecting winter coats for those in need. All sizes, children and adult coats are accepted. Please drop off new and gently used coats, hats, mittens, gloves and scarves in the collection boxes located in the Crestwood High School lobby, St. Jude School, Lewith & Freeman Real Estate in Mountain Top and the Boy Scouts of America NEPA Council in Moosic. Donations will be accepted until December 29. Collections are for St. Vincent dePaul Soup Kitchen clothes Mythical Treasures 314 Main Street, White Haven Next to Borough Bldg. [email protected] TIE DYE SHIRTS • KNIVES • FIGURINES JEWELRY • NATIVE AMERICAN ITEMS INCENSE & MUCH MORE! room. The drive is to honor the memory of Matthew Wascavage. Any questions call Patti at 570-474-2279 or email [email protected]. NOVEMBER 6 LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING Mountain Post American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 781, will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, November 6 at 7 p.m. for the Executive Meeting and 7:30 p.m. for the regular meeting. All members are urged to attend and new members are always welcome. For further information contact Heather at 570-762-1474. NOVEMBER 7 & 8 Theater The Wyoming Seminary Players will present Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses on Friday and Saturday, November 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. in the Buckingham Performing Arts Center, Sprague Avenue, Kingston. Free will donations will be taken at the door. For more information call 570-2702192. NOVEMBER 8 CHICKEN & WAFFLE SUPPER Faith United Methodist Church at 1448 Slocum Road, in Slocum Township will hold its famous chicken & waffle supper on Saturday, November 8. Serving family style from 4 to 7 p.m. Take-outs from 3 p.m. Tickets prices are: Youth age 13 to adults, $9; children age 5 to 12, $5; children under age 5 free. Tickets can be purchased at the dinner or call 570-8685411 or 570-868-5511. VETERAN’S DAY BREAKFAST A Veteran’s Day breakfast sponsored by Scout Pack #433 will be held on Saturday, November 8 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at Emmanuel Church, located across the street from Andy’s Gas Station in Dorrance. The breakfast is free for all veterans and children under 5. Adult breakfast is $7, children 6-14 years old are $5. The troop will be serving eggs, sausage, toast and pancakes with coffee, tea and orange juice. FALL FEST The Hazleton Art League announces its annual FallFest event taking place at St. John Bosco located on Route 93 in Conyngham on Saturday November 8 from 10 a.m.3 p.m. The venue includes art and crafts vendors, baked See Places To Go, page 5 AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE William Joyce Call me today! 570-261-5205 x303 Cell: 570-760-9669 Mon.-Fri. 8am to 5pm 12 N. Mountain Blvd., Mountaintop Suet Buffet Friends of Flight Dining Delight!!! 6 Entrees To Choose From Case of 12 No Mix & Match ONLY 10 $ 69 Open 7 Days A Week • Route 309 & Church Road Mountain Top Route 309 & Church Road Mountain Top 474-2220 570-474-2220 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 5 Places To Go ... Things To Do NIGHT AT THE RACES Continued from page 4 goods, tricky trays and homemade lunch. The public is welcome. For more information on FallFest please contact art league manager Mark Charles Rooney at 570-817-1075 or email him at krishnablue13@ Holy Family Parish, 828 Main Street, Sugar Notch, will hold a night at the races on Saturday, November 8. It will be held in the church hall with the doors opening at 5 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. and post time at 6:30 p.m. No one under 21 will be admitted. Admission CROSSROADS 678-7110 INN 501 S. Main Road, Mountain Top • 11-7: R&B DJs 11-14: Traffic Jam 11-21: PB&J Top of the Mountain Computer Services • iPhone Repair • Android Repair 140 N. Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top • Virus Removal • Data Recovery [email protected] • House Calls 570-235-2777 is $10. Menu includes chicken scampi, meatballs, sausage and peppers, American pierogie, halushki, beans, baked ziti, cole slaw, macaroni salad, pasta salad, desserts, snacks and beverages. A hot dog station will be set up later in the evening. NOVEMBER 9 FALL BREAKFAST Mt. Zion United Church of Christ will hold its annual fall breakfast buffet and bake sale on Sunday, November 9 at the Slocum Fire Company from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children (6 to 12 years old), and free for children 5 and under. The all-you-can eat breakfast features bacon, sausage, eggs, home fries, pancakes, toast, coffee, juices, and homemade goodies. For any questions, please contact Diane Webster at 570-379-3713. TURKEY BINGO Saint Mary’s in Dorrance will hold its annual turkey bingo on Sunday, November 9 at 1 p.m. in the social hall. The afternoon will include 20 regular game, specials, raffles, and door prizes. The doors and kitchen will be open at noon. This bingo is sponsored by Saint Theresa’s Guild. Tickets are $2 at the door, or in advance from any Guild member. For more information please call the parish office 868-5855. NOVEMBER 11 Sons of the American Legion to meet Sons of the American Legion Mountain Post 781 will meet on November 11 at 7 p.m. at the Post Home. For information, contact Lenny Biel at 474-2161 or [email protected]. Arborvitae Call Ed with questions or for an estimate Other Sizes & Types Available DELIVERY & PLANTING AVAILABLE Plants Dug Fresh When Ordered HELEN & ED’S TREE FARM 570-498-6209 220 acres in Dorrance, PA Email: [email protected] • NOVEMBER 14 DINNER AND A MOVIE NOVEMBER 13 Common Core SEMINAR The Legislation & Advocacy Committee of Hazleton Area PTA Council is holding an informational panel event about Common Core in Hazleton Area School District. This opportunity to ask questions about Common Core features LANDSCAPE TREES Norway, Serbian & Blue Spruce White Pine & Hemlock 5’-10’ Deciduous Trees 10’-18’ a quick informational presentation followed by a question and answer session with a district teacher, principal, administrator and a school board member. The event will be held on Thursday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hazleton Area School District Administration Building in the large group meeting room. All HASD parents, educators and any other interested parties are welcome. For more information on the Legislation & Advocacy Committee, contact Chairperson, Casey Herseim at 570-9267241 or cdherseim@yahoo. com. Mountain Peaks Newspaper, LLC is published bi-weeky and distributed to stores and businesses throughout Mountain Top, White Haven, Conyngham and Drums, where it is available for no charge. For information on our advertising rates and publication schedule, see our website at To send news and photos, mail, fax or email using info below. Editor and Publisher: Maryellen Aton 570-868-3070 Sales: Wendy Griffiths 570-249-1233 Photo Journalist: Norberta Kosin Correspondent: Claudia Strycharz email: P.O. Box 218 [email protected] Mountain Top, PA 18707 Phone: 570-868-3070 [email protected] Fax: 570-868-8246 [email protected] © 2014 Mountain Peaks Newspaper, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The coffee house at the Truth Café has ended until next spring, however, because of the overwhelming response, they will continue to have dinner and a movie on the same schedule, 2nd Friday of every month at New Life Community Church. The first dinner and movie night will be held on Friday, November 14, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Dinner will be available for a donation of only $3 per person. Everyone is welcome, however, please sign up at the church or call 570-868-5155 or Pastor Dave at 570-301-7081 and let them know if you are coming for dinner. The church is located at 570 S. Main Road, Mountain Top. See Places To Go, page 8 6 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Crestwood Menu Elementary Schools Week of November 10 Monday: Hot ham and cheese melt on a whole grain croissant or chicken nuggets with whole grain bread, tater tots, steamed broccoli, sliced peaches, fat free milk Tuesday: No school, Veteran’s Day Wednesday: Southwest chicken bowl over brown rice and whole grain bread or hot dog on whole grain roll, Mexicali corn, carrot sticks, cinnamon apples, fat free milk. Thursday: Macaroni and cheese with whole grain dinner roll or chicken patty on a whole grain roll, stewed tomatoes, romaine lettuce, pears, fat free milk. Friday: Chicken cheese steak on a whole grain roll or pepperoni pizza, green beans, tomato wedges, apple sauce, fat free milk. Week of November 17 Monday: Toasted cheese sandwich or chicken nuggets with whole grain bread, tomato soup, tater tots, diced pears, fat free milk. Tuesday: Nachos grande tortilla chips and whole grain bread or cheeseburger on whole grain bun, refried beans, lettuce and tomato, mixed fruit, fat free milk. Wednesday: Sloppy Joe on a whole grain bun or hot dog on a whole grain roll, curly fries, steamed carrots, mandarin oranges, fat free milk. Thursday: Oven roasted turkey with gravy and whole grain dinner roll, homemade stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, seasoned corn, cranberry sauce, fat free milk. Friday: Buffalo chicken and cheese on flatbread or cheese pizza, sweet potato fries, cucumber and tomato salad, juicy peaches, fat free milk Middle and High School Week of November 10 Monday: Ham and cheese melt on a whole grain croissant or chicken fiesta sandwich, steamed broccoli, carrot sticks, apple slices, fat free milk Tuesday: No school, Veteran’s Day Wednesday: Sloppy Joe on a whole grain bun or buffalo chicken cheesesteak, steamed carrots, romaine salad, apple sauce, fat free milk Thursday: Chicken Alfredo over penne, garlic bread or steak and cheese wrap, green beans, Caesar salad, pineapple tidbits, fat free milk Friday: Southwest chicken bowl over brown rice with whole grain bread or bbq chicken and cheddar panini, Mexicali corn, tomato wedges, juicy peaches, fat free milk Week of November 17 Monday: Texas toasted cheese sandwich or chicken fiesta sandwich, tomato soup, green peas, pineapple tidbits, fat free milk Tuesday: Nachos grande Burger’s Brand Meats ALL MEATS ARE HOMEMADE! ORDER ASAP FOR THANKSGIVING 669 State Route 93, Conyngham 570-788-1176 tortilla chips and whole grain bread or pulled pork bbq on a whole grain bun, refried beans, lettuce and tomato, mandarin oranges, fat free milk Wednesday: General Tso chicken over brown rice and whole grain bread or buffalo chicken cheesesteak, steamed broccoli, baby carrots, apple slices, fat free milk Thursday: Oven roasted turkey with gravy, and whole grain dinner roll, homemade stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, seasoned corn, cranberry sauce fat free milk Friday: Pierogie meal with whole grain bread or buffalo chicken panini, glazed carrots, tomato cucumber salad, juicy peaches, fat free milk Introducing ... “The Kitchen!” SMOKED TURKEY • KIELBASI • SMOKED CHEESE Glen Burger • 493 Old Airport Road, Drums, PA To order call (570) 788-3652 or e-mail: [email protected] 22 Edgewood Lane, Drums 570-788-1101 Find us on Facebook * Twitter * Pinterest * Instagram Spend your THANKSGIVING EVE at Edgewood! Wednesday, November 26 • 9 p.m.-1 a.m. MYSTERY CITY Featuring former members of the bands Small Town, Psycho Bettie, Baby Face, Fallacy, Yada Yada Yada, PTM, Oh Ruby! & Shoot the Moon $10 Cover Charge (Includes 1 drink ticket) *Must be 21+ Proper ID Required* Call 570-788-1103 for more information Having A Party??? We can do the cooking! Hot, Fresh, Ready To Serve! Entrees from $3.79/lb. and up. Sides/Desserts from $2.99/lb. and up. How much do I really need??? Serving sizes vary, but a good rule of thumb is: a pound feeds 3-4 people. So, an example of feeding 30 people may be to have 8-10 lbs. of entrees and the same in sides and desserts. Of course, if you prefer to make your own desserts or sides, you may just order what you need from us. A few “ground rules” • We request 7 days notice so we can be sure to have exactly what you want and have it ready when you need it, but do call us, some items and smaller orders can be arranged with less lead time. • No deliveries — pick up in store only (to keep prices low). • Minimum order is 4 lbs. of any one item. • To be sure we “get it right”, there are limited times to place orders and pick-up as well. Stop at our deli and get a “catering menu” for all the details! November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 7 Active Adult Center Active Adult Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offers hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people age 60 and over. This menu is meant as a guide - some diets may vary, milk, margarine, and coffee served with each meal. Week of November 10 Monday: Beef and vegetable stew, buttered noodles, whole wheat bread, seasonal fruit Tuesday: Center closed for Veterans’ Day holiday Wednesday: Stuffed cabbage rolls, vegetable medley, mashed potatoes, whole wheat dinner roll, rice pudding with raisins Thursday: Bag lunch Friday: Pork and bell peppers, Asian vegetable medley, steamed rice, whole wheat dinner roll, fresh seasonal fruit Week of November 17 Monday: Chicken and stuffing bake, vegetable medley, HELLER’S ORCHARD OPEN YEAR ROUND! 16 Varieties of Apples, Pears, Honey, Maple Syrup, Leraysville Cheese 100% Pure Unpasturized Cider Year Round Open 7 Days • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Gift Certificates Available Route 239, Wapwallopen • 570-379-3419 whole wheat bread, spiced pears Tuesday: Lasagna, green beans, mixed green salad, salad dressing, whole wheat bread, chocolate chip cookie, fresh seasonal fruit Wednesday: Meatloaf, gravy, roasted beets, parsley boiled potatoes, split pea soup, whole wheat bread, crackers, apple bread pudding Thursday: Thanksgiving luncheon: Roast turkey, gravy, roasted brussels sprouts, quartered sweet potatoes, bread stuffing, whole wheat bread, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie Friday: Parmesan baked fish, roasted red potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, whole wheat dinner roll, birthday cake Seniors are invited to attend lunch daily. Regular and health plus menus are available. The suggested donation is $2. Make your reservations at least one day in advance by calling 868-8517 before 1 p.m. Come join us in our diner The Center is located at 460 South Main Road, and is open Monthly and special activities posted at Mountain Top AAC The Mountain Top Active Adult Center at Wright Manor, 460 South Main Road in Mountain Top announces its current schedule. Call 570-868-8517 for more info. Regular scheduled activities include: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10:4511:30 a.m. senior fitness with various exercise programs to help keep you fit; Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Walking Group — Walk to stay fit or Wii bowling Friday 11 a.m.-12 noon Bingo, 4 card max Daily: Lunch 12 noon Daily 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: games with friends: an assortment of games are played Special Scheduled Activities Thursday. November 6: Veterans day luncheon, thank you to all veterans for their service. Saturday, November 8 Prime Rib Dinner $15.99�per person includes vegetable, potato and salad We have a great selection on our menu plus many homemade specials! Homemade Foods ... Soups ... Hearty Breakfast ... Fresh Baked Pizza� � ... Wings ... Subs ... JL MARKET DELI & DINER 7896 Blue Ridge Trail, Dorrance 570-868-6101 Diner open Sunday-Thursday 7 a.m.-2 p.m. • Fri. and Sat. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Store fall/winter hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 5:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Fri. 5:30 a.m.- 9:30 p.m.; Sat. 6 a.m.-9:30 p.m. and Sun. 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, November 10: Center closed. Happy Veterans Day. Wednesday, November 12: 11:30 a.m.: Apprise Program presentation Area Agency on Aging Thursday, November 13: Bag lunch – Pick up your lunch up before 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 19: 10 a.m.-12: noon: Mountain Top Gift Gallery painting class. Must preregister on November 4 and choose the painting you would like to paint. Thursday, November 20: 12 noon: Thanksgiving day luncheon F r i d ay, N ove m b e r 21 : November member birthday celebration Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28: Center closed. Happy Thanksgiving! NOW TAKING HOLIDAY PARTY RESERVAIONS Cavanaugh’s Grille At The Hotel — 163 North Main Street, Mountain Top 474-1050 SPECIALS Monday night WINGS 1 dozen for $6 Tuesday night CLAMS 2 dozen for $5 Thursday night LOBSTER 9 oz. tail w/fries 19.95 Friday night FISH FRY 9.95 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks WIN 241 S. MOUNTAIN BLVD., MOUNTAIN TOP 570-474-6040 OFFER ENDS 11/19/14 ASSURANCE Goodyear Eagle® LS Goodyear Eagle® LS2 Starting At: Starting At: $ 77 50 $ 99 185/60R15 $81.00 225/60R16 $86.95 Sale Price COMFORTRED TOURING 95 225/55R17 $115.00 225/50R18 $119.95 225/65R16 $125.95 Sale Price Goodyear Fortera HL Goodyear Wrangler® AT/S Starting At: Starting At: ® 120 00 P245/65R17 265/50R20 $159.00 255/65R18 $199.95 235/60R18 $199.95 Sale Price $ 148 ASSURANCE Goodyear Wrangler® 95 265/70R17 10 PLY LT275/65R18 $235.00 LT275/65R20 $299.95 Sale Price $ 79 95 235/75/15 Sale Price $48.96 FOR 3 CONSECTIVE YEARS IN THE ALL SEASON CAR TIRES CATEGORY TRIPLETRED ALL-SEASON Computerized Alignment Starting At: FOR 3 CONSECTIVE YEARS IN THE TOURING CAR TIRES CATEGORY P235/45R18 P205/60R16 $ WIN With This Coupon The BEST BUY SEAL is a registered trademark of Consumer’s Digest Communication, LLC used under license. ©2014 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company All rights reserved. WE ARE YOUR HOMETOWN AUTO SPECIALISTS TIRES THAT WE SELL, WE INSTALL THE OLD FASHION WAY ... FREE Regular $69.95, -30% INCLUDES: • Adjust front and/or rear mechanical settings (if applicable) to manufacturer specifications With purchase of 4 tires. Must present coupon to get this offer. Most vehicles. No other discounts apply. Adjust to manufacturer’s specifications where applicable. Vehicles with Electronic Stability Control are extra. Additional charge for shop supplies up to 7% or $25 maximum may be added. Redeem at: STEVE SHANNON TIRE CO. only. See store for complete details. Special state exceptions: CA and NY — no additional charge for shop supplies applies. Cash value 1/50¢. Offer ends 11/19/14. FREE LOCAL SHUTTLE 9 10 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Feed-A-Friend underway in Mountain Top It is once again time for the Mountain Top Feed-A-Friend project. Your donations help provide Thanksgiving dinners for those in need. WNEP, Pepsi and PDQ are proud to present the 2014 annual Feed-A-Friend program. All donations collected in your county, stay in your county. Feed-A-Friend Campaign Chairman and WNEP-TV morning meteorologist, Joe Snedeker would like to thank you for being a part of this very special 30th anniversary year. Over the last 29 years, the Feed-A-Friend campaign has helped thousands of families in need throughout Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania. Continued success would not be possible without the support of hundreds of area businesses, organizations and schools. The generous communities in 17 counties collect non-perishable goods and monetary donations and 19 agencies distribute the donations for the holiday season. Food collection boxes are located throughout the Mountain Top area including: Little Giggles Daycare, Carone’s ShurSave Market, the Marian Sutherland Kirby Library, JL Market, American Legion Post 781, Boyer’s in Hazleton, St. Paul’s Church, Crestwood High School, Rice Elementary School, Mountaintop Family Church and St. Jude Church are also doing food drives. Money donation canisters are located at these locations: Tony’s Pizza, Januzzi’s Pizza, HOLIDAY LIGHTING 570. 855.2405 KREATIVE DISPLAYS, LLC FULLY INSURED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Like us on Facebook Luigi’s Pizza, LaNapoli’s Pizza, Blue Ridge Pizza, Crestwood and Triangle Pharmacies, the Ice House, Crossroads, and Wheels bars, Wychock’s Mountain Top Beverage, Webby’s Deli, Burmeister’s Bakery, St. Paul’s Church, Michael Mootz Candies in Wilkes-Barre, Head Rush Beauty Salon in Drums, and Piercing Pagoda in Hazleton. The Boy Scouts will be collecting food around the Mountain Top area on Saturday, November 22. Contact Terry Scott at 570868-7368, or Jay Kittrick at 570-868-5549 with any questions. The Healthy Way to Eat Fried Chicken No Trans Fats, No Saturated Fats ... Stop In and Get Some Today! HAVEN The on 437 on 437 570-443-9146 570-443-9146 • Rt. 437, White Haven Restaurant • Bar • Banquets Charlie Weaver’s Restaurant & Catering Area’s only on premise smokehouse Smokehouse Selections D N E K WEE Barbecue Chicken Beef Brisket Baby Back Ribs • Pulled Pork Classic Menu Homemade Soups • Appetizers • Chicken • Pasta Hearty Steaks • Pork • Seafood • Children’s Menu Offsite BBQ & Pig Roasts for all Occasions You Invite the Guests, We’ll Do the Rest! 42 Tunnel Road, Off Route 437, White Haven 570-443-8513 Koch’s Turkey Farm 416 VALLEY ROAD, TAMAQUA OUTSIDE TENT OPEN NOVEMBER 11-25 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Music With FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 570-668-2089 • 1-800-247-7300 • Our turkeys are delicious because they grow slowly, the way nature intended, without growth promoting hormones, stimulants or antibiotics. Our turkeys are fed an all natural vegetarian diet from our feed mill, then provided plenty of sunshine and open pastures to roam. Our practices guarantee a delicious, all natural turkey that is unsurpassed in quality, just one taste and we are sure you will agree. KOCH’S FRESH WHOLE TURKEYS..................... $2.67 LB. KOCH’S WHOLE FROZEN TURKEYS...................$2.12 LB. KOCH’S FREE RANGE TURKEYS........................ $2.79 LB. KOCH’S ORGANIC TURKEYS.............................. $4.09 LB. NEW BRONZ TURKEYS......................................... $3.49 LB. KOCH’S FRESH BREAST (4-10 LB.) .......................$3.54 LB KOCH’S FRESH BREAST (10 LBS. & UP) ...............$3.64 LB KOCH’S WHOLE SMOKED TURKEY.................. $3.99 LB. KOCH’S SMOKED BONELESS BREAST........... $6.29 LB. Outside Tent Hours: Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday 1-5 p.m. Also Available: Gravy, Bread Stuffing, Cranberry Relish, Frozen Prepared Turkey Products, Etc. ALSO VISIT OUR STAND AT THE HOMETOWN FARMER’S MARKET WEDNESDAYS 8 A.M.-8 P.M. DIRTY HAND Party With BETTER WITH BEER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 DJ Karaoke With WJC PRODUCTIONS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION NIGHT Shalimar 371 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top 570-474-5780 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks THE MEATING HOUSE Women’s Club craft auction slated for November 16 Casual Fine Dining & Spirits A unique steakhouse with old world charm and comfort. Come Celebrate A Traditional Thanksgiving Day Feast With Our Family! Served Family Style Noon-5 p.m. Call For Reservations Today! PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY WITH US TODAY!!! 10 Freedom Road, Drums • 788-5927 Pine Springs Cakes & Pastries Cakes, Pies, Pastries, Soups, Party Favors And Homemade Crafts Too! NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR HOLIDAY BAKED GOODS, CAKE CENTERPIECES & GIFT BASKETS Check us out on New Hours: Facebook Thurs. 9 to 3 Fri. 9-1 & 3-8; Sat. 9-5 895 St. Johns Road Wapwallopen The Women’s Club of Mountain Top has scheduled its craft auction for November 16 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mountain Top. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. with the auction beginning at 2 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Pictured, from left are Gaylene Hunter, craft chairman; Lois Gutkowski, acting treasurer; Mary Lane, president and Carole Williams, legislation chairman. Absent from photo is Leigh Michel, co-chairman. Lady Comets take District II championship again For the third time in three years, the Lady Comets won the District II Class AA field hockey championship with a 4-0 shutout of Lake Lehman on Wednesday, October 29. They have an unbeaten record for the second year in a row as they go into the state 2014 PIAA Field Hockey championships. Four different players scored in the final game of the regular season. “It’s nice to have a lot of different scorers and a lot of different options,” Coach Pat Moratori. 570-379-1240 Beech Mountain Lakes Restaurant & Lounge Drums • 570-788-3101 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC November Entertainment 11-7: Nick as Elvis 7:30-10:30 11-8: 9 Platform 9 8:30-12:30 11-14: Flaxy Morgan 8:30-12:30 11-15: Richie Molinero 8-11 11-21: John Hoegg Jazz Trio 8-11 11-22: Dizzy Dragon & Crotek (2 bands) 7-12 11-26: Sister Ester 8-12 11-28: Omnitial 8-12 11-29: Alibi 8:30-12:30 NO COVER All Month Public Welcome Weekday Specials Wednesday: $5�Lasagna Night • Thursday: Pizza Night Sunday: 1/2 Price Appetizers Thanksgiving Day Buffet $14.95 Adults • $6.95 Children ages 6-12 Children 5 and Under Free Thanksgiving Day Takeout Platters Available Please make reservations by Nov. 20th For more information call 570-788-3101 BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTIES HERE • Afternoon Tea • Jewelry/Gifts • Special Event Teas • Bridal & Baby Showers • Gift Certificates Available 1250 WYOMING AVE., FORTY FORT Call For Reservations 570-714-4832 11 Sugar’s is excited to announce now takin that we are g reservati o ns for wed special eve dings and nts at our absolutely rustic ven gorgeous ue, located in miles off in Hobbie, PA (just 5 te rstate 81). If you pre fer the ou td private v oors, the alle venue is nestled in quaint po y, surrounded by a towering nds, natu ra pine trees, l streams Inn. Slop and rustic ing lawns c and hidde edges of n clearing abins and the s along th ceremony forest make for th e e perfect or recepti outd on beautiful, locally ha location. This ven oor rvested p ue feature enchantin inewood s gF flooring, bridal lou rench Country ch andeliers nge, an o , a private riginal st bar and lo one unge area s. The ve fireplace, and uniq surround nue also sound sp features h ue eakers, h men’s an idd eat and a d women ir condition en ’s restroo parking, ing, ms, conv and a full enient on kitchen fo convenie site r your ca nce. It is terer’s the perfe indoor w ct locatio edding ce n for a be remony, special ev autiful wedding ent durin reception g any sea or son. 12 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks III Guys Restaurant holds benefit for Ryan’s Run and Allied Services A benefit for Ryan’s Run was held at III Guys Restaurant on Saturday, October 25 from 5 to 7 p.m. The event, which was organized by a Mountain Top group that is either running in the NYC Marathon or knows someone who is, was a complete success. One of the bartenders at III Guys has a daughter that has cerebral palsy and is this year’s Ambassador for Ryan’s Run and Allied Services/John Heinz Rehab. Ten year old Kylie Doherty has been going to John Heinz for the past ten years for therapy to help her with the issues that come with cerebral palsy. Cost to attend the party/benefit was a $10 donation and Jackie Doherty and her daughter, the 2014 Ambassador for Ryan’s Run and Allied Services, Kylie, 10, pose for a photograph. included beverages, a variety of delicious appetizers and music by DJ’s Roz and Bruce. There were many baskets of goodies and gift certificates for many local businesses that were generously donated by area establishments. Ryan’s Run is an awareness and fundraising campaign that began in 2010 by Ryan Leckey of WNEP-TV. Ryan and four other area athletes ran in the NYC Marathon and raised more than $100,000 for children and adults with disabilities. The program is all about raising awareness, inspiring fitness, challenging disability and changing lives. Since that first year and many corporate sponsors, schools, counties and donors from NEPA, more than $900,000 has been raised. That money has photos by Claudia Strycharz The crew from Design Works came out to support Ryan’s Run and had a great time in the process. From left, around the table are Barb Matta, Ivy Housenick, Marley Chintalla, Taylor Sweki, Diane Scalleat, Nina Moors, Dawn Swicklik and Bert Phillipe. helped Allied Services invest in technology and people who have and continue to, change the lives of children and adults through technology and devices that help them to communicate, walk, and perform many other daily activities. Holiday Open House Saturday, November 8 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, November 9 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Monogrammed Jewelry & Gifts Mariana Jewelry A New Line of Pottery Has Arrived! 758 State Rt. 93, Sybertsville 788-4300 Layaways Available We’re easy to find! Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 From Mountain Top, take I-80 west to the Conyngham exit. Take Rt. 93 South. We are on the corner of the 1st red light. Follow us on Facebook! November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 13 Tara Eisenbach to wed Lucas Jackson Tara Elizabeth Eisenbach and Lucas James Jackson together with their families, announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. The bride to be is the daughter of Thomas and Sally Eisenbach of Mountain Top. She is the granddaughter of the late Harry and Elleneer George, and the late Frank and Helen Eisenbach of Slocum Township. The prospective groom is the son of Kipp and Darla Jackson of Owego, NY. He is the grandson of Thelma Coole of Johnson City, NY and Raymond and Shirley Jackson of Owego, NY. The bride to be is a graduate of Crestwood High School and Misericordia University with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Imaging and a Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. She is employed at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca, NY as a General and Kindergartener Vanessa Good takes a shot at Principal Seyer. Rice Elementary students take their best shot at the principal Lucas James Jackson and Tara Elizabeth Eisenbach Vascular Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. The prospective groom is a graduate of Union Endicott High School in Endicott, NY. He is employed by Central New York Appliance and Service as an Appliance Technician. The couple will be united in marriage on June 26, 2015 at The Barn at Boone’s Dam in Bloomsburg, PA. The students of Rice Elementary were given the opportunity to dunk their principal Mr. Seyer as part of The Race for Education fundraiser on October 3 at the school. Any student who provided 20 mailing labels to the school was given the chance to dunk Mr. Seyer. The Race for Education is the school’s only fundraiser and the funds gained help provide educational programs for all of the students to enjoy. This event was sponsored by the PTA. Honor those who fought for our freedom this Veterans Day! AMERICAN LEGION MOUNTAIN POST 781 1550 Henry Drive Mountain Top, PA 18707 (570) 678-7105 Officers and Members John Columbo, Post Commander VETERANS DAY, 2014 Thank You GITTENS Disposal Service Serving Mountaintop and surrounding areas since 1981 868-6462 Now accepting Mountain Top’s Largest Full Service Family Salon 41 S. Mountain Blvd., Mt. Top 474-9674 Open 7 Days: Mon. thru Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 & Sun. 9-6 14 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Halloween costume party benefits Michael Cleary Memorial Fund A fun Halloween costume dance and benefit was held at the Wright Township Fire Hall on Saturday, October 25 from 6-9 p.m. to benefit the 1st Lt. Michael Cleary Memorial Fund. Admission cost $5 a person and included dancing, plenty of refreshments, costume prizes and more. There was a 50/50 raffle as well. All of the proceeds went to the Memorial Fund. Mostly children came in costume, but some adults did too. It was a great time for a great cause. 1st Lt. Michael Cleary died December 20, 2005 while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom; he was only 24 years old. His parents Jack and Marianne Cleary and family set up the 1st Lt. Michael J. Cleary Memorial Fund; its purpose is to support veterans’ causes and those with special needs. Cleary had a desire to help his military comrades and also a soft spot for those with special needs, especially after growing up with an older brother, Patrick, who has Down syndrome. photos by Claudia Strycharz This group of children in costume are dancing to the music and having a great time at the dance/benefit. Alana Aufiere, 11 dressed as a witch and Kelly Grevera, 9 is Cat Woman. Honor those who fought for our freedom this Veterans Day! Thank you Veterans for serving our Beautiful Country. Thanks to all the brave men and women who have served to keep our country free Dunay Jewelers 428 Hazle Street, W-B • 822-5511 BIRCHWOOD NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER 395 Middle Road, Nanticoke 735-2973 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 15 Places To Go ... Things To Do NOVEMBER 17-21 Continued from page 8 gram will also include works by Ysaÿe and Franck. Free and open to the public. For more information call 570270-2192. TYSON PROJECT A+ AT RICE ELEMENTARY The Rice Elementary PTA will participate in the Tyson Project A+. It is much like the Box Tops program. They will be collecting labels from Tyson products. For every label they submit, Tyson will give the school 24¢. They can earn up to $12,000 for the school. There are currently over 50 participating Tyson products with the Tyson Project A+ label. For a complete list of products please go to www. Recruit your family and friends to collect these labels. Collection dates are November 17-21 with Box Tops for Education. After this collection period, continue to collect these labels and Box Tops, as this is an ongoing project. For more information contact shawn1102mateos@ NOVEMBER 19 SKYWARN SPOTTERS CLASS BLUE RIDGE PIZZA & SUBS 6620 Nuangola Road, Mountain Top AYERS TOWING SERVICE, INC. LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING & RECOVERY 24 HOUR TOWING • 7 DAYS A WEEK s r r TM MOUNTAIN TOP 474-6030 868-8195 A Heartfelt Thank You to our Veterans Metal Fabricators Crestwood Industrial Park Mountain Top, PA 474-5600 The National Weather Service in Binghamton, NY will be conducting a Winter SKYWARN (weather spotters) training class on November 19 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The class will be held at Wilkes University in the Stark Learning Center, Room 101. This class is for beginners or anybody that has a general interest in weather. This class trains volunteers how to accurately measure and report snowfall totals to the National Weather Service. The class is free and open to everyone; no age requirements, previous training, or equipment is required. The SKYWARN program is a nationwide program that provides real-time severe weather reports to the National Weather Service. There are a limited number of seats so please register if you plan on attending. To register or if you have questions please respond via email to [email protected] or See Places To Go, page 18 CROSSROADS678-7110 INN 501 S. Main Road, Mountain Top • 241 S. MOUNTAIN BLVD., MT. TOP 474-6040 16 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Sheen recognized by scholarship program Claire Sheen, a senior at MMI Preparatory School, has been notified she is a Semifinalist in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. Sheen is one of the academically talented high school seniors who have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,600 National Merit Scholarships worth about $33 million that will be offered next spring. About 1.4 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than 1 percent of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest scoring entrants in each state. The number of Semifinalists in a state is proportional to the state’s percentage of the national total of graduating seniors. Sheen is the daughter of Kwangsup and Chaeyun Sheen of Mountain Top. From the approximately 16,000 Semifinalists, about 1 5 , 0 0 0 a re ex p e c t e d to advance to the Finalist level. All National Merit Scholarship winners will be selected from this group of Finalists. Three types of National Merit Scholarships will be offered in the spring of 2015. Every Finalist will compete for one of 2,500 National Merit® $2,500 scholarships that will be awarded on a state-representational basis. About 1,000 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards will be provided by approximately 240 corporations and business organizations for Finalists who meet their specified criteria, Claire Sheen such as children of the grantor’s employees or residents of communities where sponsor plants or offices are located. In addition, about 200 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 4,100 collegesponsored Merit Scholarship awards for Finalists who will attend the sponsor institution. NMSC, a not-for-profit organization that operates without government assistance, was established in 1955 specifically to conduct the annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Scholarships are underwritten by NMSC with its own funds and by approximately 440 business organizations and higher education institutions that share NMSC’s goals of honoring the nation’s scholastic champions and encouraging the pursuit of academic excellence. Rice students caught being good Front row, from left are Rice students Lily Kania, Vincent Nealon, Samuel Partington, and Ryan Yedloski; back row: Kyle Johns, Rachel Gornicz and Josh Partington. Several students from Rice Elementary were recently caught doing good things during the month of October at the school. Each student was nominated for a good deed by a teacher or staff member. Keep up the good work! Honor those who fought for our freedom this Veterans Day! HERRON ELECTRIC No Job Too Small Licensed/Insured Generators 474-9616 WELL WATER SPECIALIST SALES & SERVICE 868-5168 JL MARKET DELI & DINER 7896 Blue Ridge Trail Dorrance 868-6101 Diner Open Wed.-Sun. 7 a.m.-2 p.m. • Fri. 4-8 p.m. Deli Open Mon.-Thurs. 5:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Fri. 5:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m. • Sat. 6 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Sun. 7 a.m.-9 p.m. CHAPIN SANITATION Chapin Road, Wapwallopen 379-2565 Call Us For Your Disposal Needs November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 17 Happy 99th Birthday Happy Birthday photo by Claudia Strycharz Deputy Grand Knight, Frank Wurt, serves some pasta to Grace Yatsko and her neighbor Josephine Ostraszewski. Knights host pasta dinner The Mountain Top Knights of Columbus held a delicious pasta dinner at the Knight’s home on Alberdeen Road on Saturday, October 25 from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets cost $8 per person and $4 for children 12 and under. Take-outs were available for $9 each. Dinner included pasta, salad, Italian bread, dessert and beverages. TAKE THE TEST! November 8, 2014 “The scholarship really changed my life. I’m so glad to be a part of such a great community and benefit from everything Sem has to offer.” Paige, Class of ‘17, Mountain Top YOU BELONG AT WYOMING SEMINARY! The Sem Scholarship has given students in 4th through 9th grades an opportunity to experience academic excellence, outstanding faculty, challenging courses, and individual attention at Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School. REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! To learn more call 570-270-2160 or visit us online at Jennie Gogick celebrates her 99th birthday. Jennie Gogick turned 99 years old on Saturday, October 25 and a beautiful celebratory party was held for her on Friday, October 24 at the Mountain Top Active Adult Center where she goes just about every day. Born and raised in Nanticoke, she has lived in Mountain Top since 1977 because she didn’t want to live in the flood zone after the 1972 flood. Jennie is amazing and you would never guess her age by her fun loving youthful attitude and very sharp mind, plus she still lives in her home and drives by herself. Following lunch everyone had ice cream and birthday cake with her. Kriswold Family Old Fashioned Christmas Tree Lot Locally Grown Premium Fresh Cut Christmas Trees Custom Made Wreaths Delivery & Installation Available By Appointment Courtesy Drilling, Fresh Cut On Every Tree & Baling Variety of Species & Large Trees Available Old Fashioned Festive Atmosphere Holiday Music Complimentary Coloring Books & Crayons For The Kids Tree Accessories, Bags, Tree Preservative, Watering Spouts, Novelty Lights & Much More! Hours: Black Friday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Weekends: Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday: 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Top of the Mountain” 240 N. Mt. Blvd. (Rt. 309), Mt. Top • 570-592-4182 Luke E. Bensavage Luke Edward Bensavage celebrated his second birthday on October 22. He shared his special day with family. Luke is the son of Samantha and Mark Bensavage of Mountain Top and is little brother to sister, Natalie. He is the grandson of Mary Jo and Richard Shutt of Mountain Top and the late Edward and Agnes Bensavage. 18 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Places To Go ... Things To Do Continued from page 2 by calling 607-729-1597 ext. 4. For more information on this class, including maps of the class locations, or for other classes in our area, please visit or follow them on Facebook. NOVEMBER 21 NIGHT AT THE RACES The Theatre at the Grove is holding a Nite at the Races fundraiser on Friday, November 21 at the Grove. Doors open at 6 p.m., first race 7 p.m. Admission is $5. Food and beverages will be available for sale or you can BYOB. Also, you do not have to be present to win. Horses cost $10 (if it wins you get $50) and race sponsors ( business or personal) are $50 per race. All proceeds will go to the Grove Association for improvements to the building. MOVIE NIGHT FUNDRAISER The CHS girls soccer team booster club is holding a movie night fundraiser on November 21 at 10:30 at Movies 14 in Wilkes-Barre. The movie is Mockingjay Part 1. Pre-show fun with games and prizes starting at 9:45. A commemorative lanyard gets you entry, popcorn and soda. Each ticket costs $22. Contact Tiffany H. at 570-498-5580 for sales. NOVEMBER 21 & 22 HIGH SCHOOL PLAY The prince is having a ball!! You are invited to attend Crestwood High School’s presentation of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella – Enchanted Edition on Friday and Saturday November 21 and 22, starting at 7 p.m. Tickets available at the door of the auditorium: $6 adults, $4 senior citizens and students. Crestwood High School is located at 281 South Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top. C o n c e s s i o n s, f l o w e r s, Candy(grams) will be available. For more info contact Mary (Costigan) Leo, Music/Drama Teacher, email mary.costigan@ the Magic of Christmas with a stop to purchase chances at the Festival of Trees. The Vendors District is a must for your holiday gifts, and yet another stop to enjoy the Faith Formation cast in their performance of the Nativity. Mrs. Claus’s Sweet Shop is sure to satisfy HOLIDAY LIGHTING NOVEMBER 29 & 30 570. The Magic of Christmas 855.2405 KREATIVE DISPLAYS, LLC The Magic of Christmas will be held at Good Shepherd Church hall on Saturday, November 29 from noon-8 p.m. and on Sunday, November 30 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Come, take a stroll through FULLY INSURED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Like us on Facebook DEBBIE ROMIG’S Classic Looks HAIR SALON Redken Pureology ABBA 145 N. Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top by appointment only Phone: 474-6488 There’s No Better Gift For The Golfer Than Our Christmas Gift Pack! GET 5 ROUNDS OF GOLF FOR THE 2015 SEASON WITH CART, BAG OF TEES, LOGO BALL, BALLMARK AND A REPAIR TOOL 89 129 All this for the low, low price of OR THE SAME GIFT PACK $ $ Weekdays Only Anytime, Any Day WILKES-BARRE GOLF CLUB 1001 FAIRWAY DRIVE, WILKES-BARRE 472-3590 that sweet tooth. And don’t forget that visit with Santa and his elves! Stop at the Café choosing from the delicious menu. Top it all off with the special Saturday night shoppers’ treat from 5:30-6:30 p.m. with some cheese and wine. Crafters are wanted for The Magic of Christmas Festival. Spaces are available as follows: Saturday noon-8 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the 2015 Festival expenses. For information and to reserve your spot call: 570624-8271 or 570-788-1676. November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Comets ... Continued from page 1 The Comets also set school records with the most yards in a season, total yards in a game, most rushing yards and most rushing yards in a game. “It was an overall great night for the football program,” Coach Greg Myers said. The highlight of the evening came near the end of the first quarter when senior running back Frank Aigeldinger ran for three yards and a touchdown putting him over 4000 yards. Coach Myers said that Aigeldinger is one of the leaders on the team. He is a hard worker and puts a lot of time into the football program Myers said. Aigeldinger is known as a power runner with great lateral movement, he can explode down the sideline at any time. He said that while he is the first player at Crestwood to reach photos by Norberta Kosin Senior cheerleaders honored at Friday night’s game, are, from left, Talia Brogna, Ashley Zaykoski, Kaitlin McLean, Marissa Lines, Mackenzy Gregory and Julianna Bodek. 4000 yards, he could not have done it without his team. Congratulations to the players and coaching staff of the Crestwood Comets football program. The team finished the season as the top seed in the District II AAA playoffs and will host the Dallas Mountaineers, a team they defeated 49-10 in week eight of the season, on Friday, November 7, at Crestwood. 19 Fans, some dressed for Halloween show their school spirit at the game on October 31. Senior Band and Color Guard members with their parents, from left, Jessica Olszyk, William Michel, flanked by band directors Joe Ziegler and Amanda Ziegler; Ian Karchin, John Herr and Nick Booth. DO YOU LOVE THE HOLIDAY LIGHTS, BUT DREAD PUTTING THEM UP? LET US TAKE THE HEADACHES OUT OF HOLIDAY LIGHTING CUSTOM HOLIDAY LIGHTING PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED, REMOVED AND STORED FOR ONE LOW PRICE. BY KREATIVE DISPLAYS The cheerleaders did seven pushups every every time the team scored. FULLY INSURED AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESSES 570. 855.2405 Locally Owned & Operated Like us on Facebook & follow us on Instagram Coach Myers is the first to congratulate Frank Aigeldinger on his 4000 yard mark. 20 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Fairview Elementary Haunted Nature Trail Little Big Steps Halloween Party Halloween Dodgeball Tourney photos by Norberta Kosin Erin Bardo, Sarah Russell, Adele Dougherty and Jenna Seferyn are busy mixing their brew and casting spells on the Haunted Nature Trail at Fairview Elementary School on October 24. Christ UMC Trunk or Treat photo by Norberta Kosin Beth Wert, with her daughter Jayda, 6, went all out decorating their car for Trunk or Treat at Christ United Methodist Church on October 26. Noah Keiser and Coleman Grandzol were dressed for Halloween and enjoyed the Trunk or Treat at St. Jude School on October 31. photo by Norberta Kosin St. Jude Trunk or Treat November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks At right: Kenzie Kochanski, 2, the very popular Queen Elsa is led to the Wright Township Rec Board’s parade by her mom Vicky on October 25. Far right: TJ Kapish and his daughter Sophia, 2, decided to dress up as frogs this year. Below: Alivia Antosh, 1, has a great time playing on one of the rides in the Wright Township Park. photos by Claudia Strycharz No zombies allowed at this cheer try-out on the Haunted Nature Trail at Fairview Elementary School said Olivia Baron, Ava Usavage, Sophia Novrocki and Krista Papura. Active Adult Center Party Harley Bobby, the coordinator at the M ountain Top Act i ve Ad u l t Center at Wright Manor, chats with Joan Hoover during the Halloween lunch on October 28. The Crestwood Baseball Booster Club recently held a Halloween dodgeball tournament to benefit the Crestwood baseball program. The winning team was Super Squad, pictured from left, row one: Morghan Murphy, Lauren Shiplett, Sarah Macko, Katie Karpinski; row two: Brett Caladie, Nick Toronzi, Justin Darden, Mikey Golden, Brandon Brozena and Corey Chalk. photo by Claudia Strycharz Lucas Aton, 2, takes a treat at the Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Crestwood High School Key Club on October 30. Wright Township Parade Key Club Trunk or Treat The team with the best costume was Hero League, pictured from left, row one: Durga Follmer and Ashley Paranich; row two: Taryn Pecile, Sarah Estok, Madisen Gavin, Zachary Fisher, Michael Paranich, Preston Israel and Zach Metzger. Little Big Steps celebrated Halloween with a party and parade on October 28. The students and teachers dressed up in costumes and paraded around the center while parents, family and friends watched. The parade was followed by a party where they all enjoyed snacks and different refreshments. Keri Stor tz offers Chase Oetzel, 6, some candy at the White Haven Area Community Library Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 26. photo by Claudia Strycharz WHACL Trunk or Treat Clockwise: Maizie Kurtz, 6, from Conyngham; Melina Gregory, 7, from Drums, as Taylor Swift; 2 year old twin brothers as Luigi and Mario, from left are Eli Chegwidden, 2, dad. Dylan and mom. The family is from Sugar Loaf. All had a great time at the Conyngham Valley Civic Organization (CVCO) Halloween parade on Sunday, October 26. CVCO Parade Winners on page 22 21 22 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks CVCO announces 2014 winners of annual Halloween parade The 2014 CVCO Halloween parade was held recently on Main Street in Conyngham concluding at Lantern Lane. This year the parade was led by the Hazleton Area High School Marching Cougar Band. Elvis and a show girl along with many area children and families participated in the event. Judging took place in several categories and the top three winners in each category received a cash award. All registered participants took home a juice box and a treat bag. A big thank you goes out to the HASD Marching Cougar Band for their spooktacular performance and to all of the volunteers who worked very hard to make this year’s event such a huge success. Those being recognized for their outstanding costumes by category: Famous People Kristyn Stanek — Miss Piggy Melinda Gregory — Taylor Swift Franklin Ritz — Mime Scary Levi Kurtz — Scary Scarecrow Isabelle Ritz — Maleficent Freddie Hrino — Zombie Fancy Maizie Kurtz — Ghost Witch Emily Yukenavage — Witch Elizabeth Bove — Rainbow Queen Cartoon Character Devin Cipriani — Dusty Crophopper (Planes) GITTENS Mountaintop, PA Disposal Service Mason Weston — Superman Ben Runkle — Golden Ninja Animal Karie Cipriani — Cat Alayna Mattern — Dog Adrianna Combellack — Cat Other Katelyn Stanek — Bubble Gum Machine Logan Burke — Minecraft Steve Cameron Gregory — Minecraft Steve Groups The Cara Family — Ryanne, butterfly; Hallie, Ladybug; Ellena, Flower; Matt, Tree; Vanessa, Mother Nature The VanGilst Family — Vikings Andy and Nicholas Cwiertniewicz — Snoopy & Wood- Elvis and friend march in the parade. Gutter Cleaning • Dependable Service • Low Competitive Pricing • Roll-off Containers Now Available (10 to 20 yds.) • Recycling • Rear Load Container Service 868-6462 Now accepting For more information about other CVCO events, see http:// stock. Pets: Teddy and Ella Oswald — Pirates Serving Mountaintop and the surrounding areas since 1981 t s La CALL a h C e c n photo by Claudia Strycharz ! n o eas S s i Th Soft Roof Wash • House Washing 1-855-WashMe2 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 5 YEAR WARRANTY CERTIFIED & INSURED November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 23 Environmental programs offered at Nescopeck State Park News In Brief The following programs will get preschoolers outside and Creek Preserve, 5 miles north that they are among some of be held during November at Nescopeck State Park. Saturday, November 8 Talkin’ Turkey; 10 a.m. Kids ages 4-8 are invited to join in for a fun hour-long program learning about wild turkeys! Dress for being indoors and outdoors. You must register in advance for this program by calling 570-403-2006. Ages 4-8. Free. Thursday, November 13 Hide-n’-Seekers: Animals in Winter; 10 a.m. Kids ages 3-6 are invited to the 2nd in a 3-part series to learning about the natural world through stories, activities, and crafts! Dress for being indoors and outdoors. You must register in advance for this program by calling 570403-2006. Ages 3-6. $5/session. Friday, November 14 Hiking Series Rescheduled: Bear Creek Preserve; 9 a.m. This hike was originally scheduled for September. You will hike a difficult 5-miles on various trails throughout the southern section of the preserve. Meet at Bear D’ANGOLA CONTRACTING SINCE 1987 REMODELING • ADDITIONS • DECKS • SIDING and as always ... PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & WALLCOVERING Like us on Facebook to see what we’ve been up to lately. 570-401-5754 Email: [email protected] Licensed and Insured PA019518 of Blakeslee on PA-115. Call Nescopeck State Park for more information, including detailed directions 570-403-2006. Registration is not necessary. Free. Friday, November 14 Family Movie Night: A Murder of Crows; 7 p.m. Join in for a family friendly hour-long feature courtesy of the PBS program series Nature. This month’s selection dives into the world of crows. Despite the many bad omens attributed to crows by a variety of cultures, new research show HOLIDAY LIGHTING 570. 855.2405 KREATIVE DISPLAYS, LLC FULLY INSURED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Like us on Facebook DOTZEL TRUCKING 7 6 4 5 8 86 WELL WATER SALES & SERVICE 868-5168 SPECIALIST WELL DRILLING • WELL PUMPS WATER CONDITIONING Water Treatment For: Iron: Red/Brown Spots • Hardness: Hard Water Low pH: Corrosive • Manganese: Brown/Black Stains Coliform Bacteria Ron Myers, Inc., Mountain Top, PA Since 1962 the most intelligent animals in the world. You must register in advance for this program by calling 570-403-2006. Free. Thursday, November 20 Teacher Workshop: GO Teach GPS; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. GO Teach is a series of teacher workshops that focus on cross-curricular connections linked by a common outdoor recreation. This workshop presents a set of standardsbased lessons that enable middle and high school students to learn about GPS technology and how to use it for healthy lifelong recreation. As part of the workshop, teachers will receive lessons, ACT 48 hours, and access to loaner equipment to help facilitate the lesson on their school grounds. Dress for being both indoors and outdoors throughout the day. Pack a lunch. You must register by November 17 for this program by calling 570403-2006. $20 per person. • Screened Topsoil • Stone • Shale • Fill We accept all major credit cards. Upholstery & Design Residential • Commercial • Restaurants • Auto Custom Made Furniture Supplies & Foam 484 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top Free Estimates 570-401-6474 Fairview Township budget prepared For the third consecutive year, property owners in Fairview Township should not see a tax increase. Supervisors on Monday night announced the township’s 2015 tentative budget has been prepared and is available for inspection. The fiscal plan will be adopted at their regular meeting on December 1. The budget calls for revenue and expenses of $1,401,171, an increase of $84,790 from the current year. Despite the slight increase in spending, property taxes will remain at .0085 mills. If the budget and tax rate as presented are approved, property owners will pay $85 for every $100,000 of assessed value of their property. Supervisors anticipate $310,000 revenue from property taxes. Income from earned income tax is the highest source of anticipated revenue at $717,871. Cost of police service is the greatest expenditure in the proposed budget. Supervisors anticipate spending $437,022 on police salaries and equipment. The department has five full-time officers and four part-time officers. The township’s road department is the second highest budget cost at $277,260. Supervisor Michael Iorio announced Monday night the township was awarded a $45,000 matching grant from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. He said the money will be used to upgrade equipment at the township’s memorial park. He noted the township match can be spread over three years. 24 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Library News ... Events listed at Kirby Library Please call the library at 570474-9313 or visit them to register for any of these programs. One-on-One eReader Help: Sign up for a 45 minute, oneon-one session on Saturday, November 15 between 9:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Learn anything from the basics to how to download eBooks for free. Book Club: Book Club will meet on Saturday, November 15 at 1 p.m. to discuss The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri. Two brothers bound by tragedy; a fiercely brilliant woman haunted by her past; a country torn by revolution. A powerful novel, set in both India and America, that explores the price of idealism and a love that can last long past death. Selections of this month’s book are available at the circulation desk. Teen Reading Lounge: Teen Reading Lounge is a free, interactive book club for teens ages 12-18. The next meeting is Tuesday, November 25 from 6-8 p.m. November’s meeting will include a very divergent game of Capture the Flag (dress warmly!) followed by a discussion of Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Teens can pick up the selection when they register for the program. Lego Club: Join them on Saturday, December 13 from 1-2:30 p.m. The library provides the Legos, you enjoy free Lego play with new friends! For ages 2-1. STEAM Club: STEAM Club for children ages 6-11! Children will explore the topics of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through discussion and hands-on activities. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, November 11 from 4-5:30 p.m. Regular meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month. Children’s Book Club: The book club will meet on Saturday, November 15 at 1 p.m. to discuss November’s selection, Matilda by Roald Dahl. Matilda is a sweet, exceptional young girl, but her parents think she’s just a nuisance. She expects school to be different but there See Events, page 26 Neighbor Fence Co. Inc. Chain Link, Vinyl, Wood, Aluminum Fence Vinyl and Aluminum Railing Ghost detectives visit Kirby Library The Kirby Library hosted a presentation by members of the Northeast and Central Pennsylvania’s Ghost Detectives on Wednesday, October 29. Ghost Detectives is northeast and central Pennsylvania’s one and only longest running paranormal reality show. Ghost Detectives is a sub division of NEPA Paranormal, which is one of the most experienced and popular paranormal investigative teams in Northeastern Pennsylvania. NEPA Paranormal has been featured the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures and Animal Planet’s The Haunted and is also published in Paranormal Underground. The team brought with them much of the equipment and photo by Claudia Strycharz Katie Christopher points to an anomaly seen at the Rolling Hills Asylum while on an investigation there this past June. devices that are actually used during their investigations and demonstrated their use, even allowing audience members the chance to get a hands-on feel for the devic- es. The Ghost Detectives also shared actual evidence uncovered during real investigations from throughout their five seasons of filming the show. WHEN OLD MAN WINTER CUTS OFF YOUR POWER ... WE CAN TURN IT RIGHT BACK ON! Gas Back Up Stand By And Portable L P Gas Generators Commercial and Residential Installation and Sales Brandyn Knorr 253 Bridge Road, Nescopeck [email protected] 15 Ye a Exper rs ience 570-752-4423 • 570-379-2500 1882 STAIRVILLE ROAD, DORRANCE 570-868-3301 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 25 The Pool Guys can make the dream of pool ownership come true By Claudia Fazzino Correspondent The Pool Guys of Mountain Top have been creating smiles on the faces of families throughout the area with their above and in-ground swimming pools since 2005. Steve Lasoski of Mountain Top and Paul Gorney of WilkesBarre have been in the pool business together since 1989, the proprietors of The Pool Guys of Mountain Top since 2005 and have been at their present location since 2007. Besides the pool business The Pool Guys have offered U-Haul rentals and service for the past three years and for comfort during the colder months they sell Sunheat infrared heaters. Being the local pool company, it is a convenience for residents of the mountain to not only purchase a pool and have it installed, but also to pick up the chemicals needed for pools and spas. Service and maintenance such as opening and closing pools at the start and end of the swimming season is also convenient. The staff will assist you in choosing the pool that is right for you and plan the design and installation for a summer of fun in the sun and water. At The Pool Guys of Mountain Top only quality materials are used and if at all possible made in the USA. Above and in-ground pools come in sizes that fit all back yards and priced for most budgets, and financing is available as well as lay-a-way. There is a large variety of pools and liners to choose from. The water filters and pumps come in a variety of sizes and horsepower. Along with the company owners, only qualified, professional and courteous installers work on site ensuring quality workmanship and satisfaction. The Pool Guys of Mountain Top are located at 73 South Mountain Boulevard and are open Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For any information on pools and or installation call Steve or Paul at 570-715-0700 or check Long-time friends and partners Steve Lasoski and Paul Gorney stand proudly in their store located in Mountain Top that they have run since 2007. photos by Claudia Strycharz GEORGE J HAYDEN INC ELECTRIC • COMMUNICATIONS Turn down the thermostat and save! Experience the GREEN POWER of Hayden. 570-455-6109 B&B M ECHANICAL & E NVIRONMENTAL S ERVICES , I NC . • LANDSCAPING • PAVERS • VERSA-LOK • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES • SHED PADS • PLAY AREAS • MULCH/STONE • TOP SOIL • WATERSCAPES • HAULING • LEAF VACUUMING • EXCAVATING THE POOL GUYS 73 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top 570-715-0700 Bill Barley • Mountain Top 760-3825 26 November 6-19, 2014 Events ... Continued from page 24 she has to face Miss Trunchbull, a kid-hating terror of a headmistress. When Matilda is attacked by the Trunchbull she suddenly discovers she has a remarkable power with which to fight back. It’ll take a superhuman genius to give Miss Trunchbull what she deserves and Matilda may be just the one to do it! Children will also take part in hands-on activities based on the reading. The selection is available at the library. Storytimes: The next storytime session will begin on Thursday, November 20 at 11 a.m. and run through December 18. In weekly story times, children ages 2-5 will enjoy learning about different topics through reading, singing, and hands-on activities during craft time. You can begin signing up for storytimes on Tuesday, November 11. Lap Sits: Weekly lap sits will be on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. from November 19 through December 17. Designed specifically for babies ages 0-23 months, caregivers and their children will enjoy this fun program once a week as they read, sing, and play! You can begin signing up for lap sits on Tuesday, November 11. Family Movie Night: Monthly family movie night will take place on Tuesday, November 18 at 6 p.m. Bring the whole family! Mountain Peaks Introduction to Financial Aid and Scholarships: NEPA Career and College Counseling Associates will present a free workshop entitled, Introduction to Financial Aid and Scholarships on Tuesday, November 18 at 5:30 p.m. Topics included: Basic information and tips on financial aid regarding forms, procedures, and terminology. Find out the difference between “free financial aid” and “self-help aid”. Specific details about scholarships and where to find them and how to get them will also be provided. Target audience: All high school students (grades 9-12) and parents. Presenter: Jennifer L. Severini-Kresock, M.S. is a private career and college counselor and is the owner of NEPA Career and College Counseling Associates. Please reserve your spot by contacting the Kirby Library at 570-474-9313 or Jennifer at 570-702-5700. Holiday Vendor Showcase: There will be a vendor fair at the library on Saturday, November 29 from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. The costs are: $15 for 4 ft. x 6 ft.; $10 for 34 in. x 34 in. or a 2 ft. x 6 ft. They provide the table and chairs. Holiday Boutique and Basket Raffle: Friends of the MS Kirby Library Holiday Boutique and Holiday Basket Raffle are now up at the library! Come try your luck at one of the holiday baskets, and take advantage of the great prices on holiday items! LEHMAN’S TAXIDERMY TAXIDERMY FOR THE DISCRIMINATING SPORTSMAN 543 Rock Glen Road, Sugarloaf, PA 18249 570-788-5471 email: [email protected] • TEACHING TAXIDERMY GLEN LEHMAN Barnes & Noble bookfair to benefit Kirby Library The MS Kirby Library, located at 35 Kirby Avenue, Mountain Top is having a bookfair at Barnes & Noble, Arena Hub Plaza, Wilkes-Barre. The community can help raise money for the library through in-store and online purchases at Barnes & Noble and www. Pick up a voucher at the library and use your voucher in store on Saturday, November 8 and Sunday, November 9, or you can use your voucher to shop online from Saturday, November 8 through Friday, November 14. Café purchase are included. Bookfair activities will also include a book signing with local author, Lucille Procopio at 2 p.m. on Saturday, November 8 and a storytime, craft and sing-a-long with Ms. Michelle and Mr. Erik at 11a.m. on Sunday, November 9. Procopio is the author of Chelzy Stone’s Mystical Quest in the Lost and Found Game, a fantasy fiction novel for middle grade readers. The library’s supporters much present a voucher, mention the library’s name at the register prior to the transaction, or enter in the code found on the voucher online to participate. Some exclusions, such as the purchase of gift cards, apply. For more information, call the library at 570-474-9313 or visit them. Stop by today for your voucher and help support your local library! CRESTWOOD PHARMACY 10 S. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top 474-5859 • 474-9594 Jim & Mark Hanlon, RPh • Jessica Orloski, PharmD Sonya Mylet, PharmD Flu Vaccines Now Available WALK-INS WELCOME. Fax • Copies • DMSO LorAnn Flavoring Oils Seasonal Window Clings 50% OFF Cards & Reading Glasses ... and much more!! Robert A. Dompkosky, DO, Board Certified in Internal Medicine has opened his new practice and is accepting new patients age 13 and up Mountain Top Internal Medicine 123 N. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top Call for appointment 474-5209 Dr. Dompkosky is on staff at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. Force named to Albright Residential Life Staff Stephanie Force, a junior English/photography major from Mountain Top, has been selected to serve as an Albright College residential assistant for the 2014-15 academic year. November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 27 Worship Together ... CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. JP Bohanan, Pastor 175 S. Main Road, Mountain Top 570-474-6060 Rev. JP Bohanan welcomes everyone to join worship services at the church. Nursery is available for infants and toddlers at 10:30 a.m. during the second service, however all children are welcome to stay during worship. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month. The First Sunday of the month has also been designated Food Bank Day. Please bring nonperishable food items to be donated to the Mountain Top Food Bank. Sunday School and Confirmation Class take place at 9:30 a.m. between services. They have classes for all ages, including adults. They will tackle some exciting and thought-provoking topics in fun and interesting ways. Bring your questions, thoughts and ideas so that you can learn together and enjoy some fellowship with each other. You may call the church office for more information. If you are interested in joining any of the choirs, call the church office. Practice takes place on Thursday evenings. Office hours are MondayFriday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Church e-mail cumcsecretary@ Pastor’s email: [email protected]. Also check the church out at Feast of St. Francis observed at St. Jude’s CONYNGHAM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Gary Lefever, Pastor 411 Main Street, Conyngham 570-788-3960 Conyngham United Methodist Church welcomes all to join them. For information on any of the events at the church, call the church office or email [email protected]. CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Services: Sunday 10 a.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Thomas Miller, Pastor 3577 Church Road, Mountain Top 570-678-7231 Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings for worship, lesson, and fellowship at 7 p.m. God’s Travelers (Children’s Church) meets during the adult service at 10:45 a.m. for wor- Shown from left are members of the kindergarten class, row 1: Avari DeAngelo, Eli Quintos, Cole Pugh, Steven Rowlands, and Giada Alberti; row 2: Emily Conway, Cali Glaser, Jackie Gallagher, Giavanna Grego, Claire Pugh, and Katelyn Swiech; row 3: Maximus Bleiler, Payton Bayley, Gabriella White, Kovatch, Wyatt Dane, Camden Brownell, and Isabelle Wasley. The celebration of the Feast of St. Francis is always a special day for the students in St. Jude School prekindergarten and kindergarten classes. Deacon Gene Kovatch, Pastoral Outreach at St. Jude, visited the students and led the celebration. He spoke to the students about the life of St. Francis – how he fed and clothed needy children, how he loved to pray, and how the animals loved him because he was so kind and gentle. Deacon Gene encouraged the students to follow the example of St. Francis and assisted them in using holy water to bless stuffed animals that they had brought from home. ship and a lesson with games, scripture, and stories. One Sunday a month is “Children’s Sunday” where the kids will stay in the entire adult service and have a short lesson just for them at the front of the sanctuary. The nursery opens at 10:45 a.m. and is available through the Sunday morning message. Cornerstone Food Pantry is available for anyone in the community that is in need. Pickups are available Sundays after the service around 11:45 a.m. They have canned goods and non-perishable items, as well as a large amount of baked goods from Weis markets. The first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. they have a Fellowship Meal where everySee Worship, page 28 28 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 27 one joins together and brings a dish to pass. Join the church for a special guest speaker, talking about Israel. He will be the speaker for the Annual Missions Banquet held on Sunday, November 16. There will be a special meal following the service. Mark your calendar for the Mountain Top Community Thanksgiving Service to be held at Emmanuel United Church of Christ in Mountain Top. It will be held on Wednesday, November 26 at 7 p.m. The church’s website is www. cornerstonechristianfellowship. org. The church is handicap accessible. For further information contact Pastor Miller. EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Services: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Penny Dollar, Pastor 7768 Blue Ridge Trail, Dorrance 868-5675 The church will hold a pork and sauerkraut supper on November 15. Allen Dennis is making the homemade sauerkraut and has the apples ordered for the homemade apple sauce. They will be looking for people to roast the pork, just like they need turkeys roasted for the turkey supper. They will also need the same general set-up, serving and clean-up help as with the turkey supper. So please mark your calendars to support your church. There’s a new group at Emmanuel. The Holy Handcrafters are keeping their hands busy with projects for mission and outreach. The church’s newsletter, The Messenger, is available at, along with other information about them. If recycling aluminum cans for the church, place the cans in large bags and drop them off in the large crates at the back of the lower parking lot. If you are in need of pastoral care, call Pastor Penny Dollar at 678-5949 or the church office at 868-5675. E-mail access is [email protected] or The Wapwallopen Ministerium Food Bank is housed at Emmanuel UCC and is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon or other times by appointment. FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 8:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Scott Ryan, Pastor 1448 Slocum Road, Mountain Top 570-457-2542 Pastor Scott Ryan and the Faith congregation invite all to join worship service and enjoy the fellowship. Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month and all are welcome. Faith UMC will hold its famous chicken and waffle supper on Saturday, November 8. Serving family style 4 to 7 p.m. Take-outs from 3 p.m. Cost is $9 age 13 to adults; $5 children age 5 to 12; children under age 5 free. Tickets can be purchased at the door or call 570 868-5411 or 570 8685511. The church is collecting donations for the veterans at the VA Hospital such as activity, word search books, large print books, and other items throughout the months of November and December. Christmas cards are available in the foyer to write a note of appreciation to veterans who See Worship, page 29 photo by Claudia Strycharz Sue Henahan holds up a spider plant for Paul Eyerman to auction off while Jane Eustice gets another item ready. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mountain Top held its annual and talent auction on Saturday, October 26 beginning at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The turnout was excellent and participants had the chance to bid on everything from hand-made items, baked goods, plants and services such as yard work, snow shoveling and painting. The final items to be auctioned off were the homemade apple dumplings. The auctioneer was church member Paul Eyerman and his assistants were fellow members Jane Eustice and Sue Henahan. Residential & Commercial Plumbing & Heating RELAX THIS SEASON! LET US HANDLE IT! GUTTER CLEANING WINDOW WASHING • HANDYMAN SERVICES PAINTING & PRESSURE WASHING FREE ESTIMATES Talent auction a big success at St. Paul’s QUALITY SERVICE INSURED DAVIS PROPERTY CARE 570-239-2225 • Water Lines • Sewer & Drain Service • Sump Pumps • Furnaces • Water Heaters • Tankless Water Heaters • Faucets • Garbage Disposals • Dishwashers • Service • Repair • Installation B&B MECHANICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. MOUNTAIN TOP • 570-760-4300 Robert Barley, Jr. • Licensed & Insured PA038260 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 29 Worship Together ... Continued from page 28 have given so much. Faith will be making Christmas candy in December including white chocolate peppermint bark, milk or dark chocolate raisin clusters, peanut clusters, or mixed clusters. Cost is $10 for 1 pound box. To order please call 570-8685411, 570-868-5511 or 570262-8481. GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH Services: Saturday: 4 p.m. Sunday 8 & 10 a.m. Father Connell McHugh, Pastor Route 309, Drums The theme of this year’s Annual Appeal is Transforming Lives. Thanks to those who have already donated and they encourage others to donate according to their financial situation. The RCIA committee will be using the St. Joseph Room from 4-5 p.m. every Saturday until Easter. If any organization needs to use the room during that time, please contact Barry Kraynack at 570-788-5954 so that the RCIA committee can make alternate arrangements. Confessions will be available in the pastor’s office on Mondays from 6 until 7 p.m. The final Baptismal preparation class of the year will be on Sunday, November 9 in the St. Joseph Room. Those attending should be at the church by 11:15 a.m. Breakfast with Santa will be held on Sunday, December 7 and donations of stocking stuffers are needed – coloring books, crayons, candy, and large-size candy canes. All donations can be dropped off under the table in the church vestibule or at the parish office. The Women of Good Shep- 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES Peters Oil Co. 273 South Main Road Mountain Top 474-0160 or 868-8221 We Are Your Local Fuel Company HEATING OIL & KEROSENE FOR YOUR HOME HEATING NEEDS OFF ROAD DIESEL & GASOLINE • ON ROAD DIESEL • GASOLINE herd will hold its next meeting on Monday, November 10, at 6:30 in the church hall. They will be making apple pies following the meeting. Please bring a bag of your favorite apples and a rolling pin. You are welcome to bring your own pie plate, but tins will be provided. Membership is open to all women of Good Shepherd. The women will also be holding a Thanksgiving basket raffle. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The basket will be filled with all the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner, complete with a gift certificate for a turkey. Tickets will be sold at the November Parish breakfast and after Masses. The drawing will be held on Saturday, November 22, after the 4 p.m. Mass. Proceeds will benefit The Women of Good Shepherd Scholarship Fund. Confirmation students are reminded that they must attend Faith Formation classes, Mass each week, and perform necessary service projects if they are to be confirmed. There are two more Faith Formation class Masses: Grade 3 at the 4 p.m. Mass on November 15, and Grade 2 at the 10 a.m. liturgy on November 23. Christmas bazaar held at Conyngham UM Church photo by Claudia Strycharz Sally Kijanka, church member, sold some craft items, dishes and more to Sugarloaf resident Renee Phile. She said this was her third year coming to this bazaar and they always have great items and food for sale. The Conyngham United Methodist Church held its annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday, November 1 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The bazaar included a bake sale, heirloom jewelry, attic treasures, crafts, a basket auction and kitchen favorites. Lunch was available for purchase and included barbecue, hot dogs with trimmings, halushki, vegetable and chicken corn soups. Bingo at Good Shepherd Church Hall is held every Tuesday evening. Doors open at 5 p.m.; games start at 6 p.m. Food and refreshments are available. GRACE INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Brian Korner, Pastor See Worship, page 30 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 570. CALL FOR BEST PRICING 855.2405 KREATIVE DISPLAYS, LLC FULLY INSURED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Like us on Facebook 30 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 29 Blue Ridge Trail, Slocum Twp. 868-6298 A prayer meeting and bible study are held every Wednesday at 7 p.m. Nursery is available during all services. HARVEST BIBLE CHAPELCONYNGHAM VALLEY Services: Sunday 10 a.m. Jeff Butala, Pastor 475 Main Street, Conyngham 788-1055 Come and enjoy a unique life changing experience on Sunday. Jesus Christ is their focus, and His love is apparent. There are men’s, women’s and mixed small groups for all ages. The church provides a dynamic children’s ministry and an engaging student ministry. All children are invited to the lower level for a great time of worship and discipleship at 10 a.m. Preschool ages 2 through 6th grade. For more information, call the church office or visit www. MOUNTAIN TOP BAPTIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Donald Hancock, Pastor 865 Church Rd., Mountain Top 868-6863 Mountain Top Baptist Church is a warm-hearted church with a great gospel message. Kids4Truth Bible Club is a program geared for ages 4-6th grade, Kids4Truth’s mission is to help boys and girls know, love, and worship God by grounding them in 120 of the most important truths of Scripture. Sessions are Wednesdays at 7 p.m. starting September 4. Each evening’s session includes a Bible lesson, a TruthBook time, and music. Patches are earned to show each child’s progress throughout the year. The children also enjoy special themed evenings and service projects in the community. For more information, call the church office. A children’s church is provided in the morning service for younger children, as well as a nursery for infants and toddlers. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at the Christian Education Center. Wednesday Bible Study and Kids4Truth at 7 p.m. Ladies’ Missionary Prayer Fellowship meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Bible study and prayer at each meeting are followed by lunch. More information can be found at If you are in need of spiritual counsel, call the church office. MOUNTAINTOP FAMILY CHURCH Services: Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. Brian Knorr, Pastor 209 S. Mt. Blvd., Mountain Top 474-0900 MFC invites families to church on Sundays during the contemporary services. Come a few minutes early for a continental breakfast with coffee, tea, bagels and danish. On Saturday, November 8, a soup and chili cookoff will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $10 per entry and entries are due November 2. Tasting is 25¢ per soup/chili and voting is $1 per vote. During the cookoff, there will also be free hayrides and a moon bounce outside, weather permitting. A dessert auction will be held at 2 p.m., after the cookoff. All proceeds will benefit children’s and teen ministries. KidsTown Children’s Ministries takes place during both services for children 8 weeks old through 6th grade. The certified KidsTown staff provides a safe environment for children to grow in their relationships with God and with others. See Worship, page 31 SHOOTERS’ RENDEZVOUS, LTD. GUNS Bought — Sold — Traded Transfers Accepted 570-379-3691 241 MOYERS GROVE RD., HOBBIE, PA Fall Hours: Tue.- Wed.-Thurs. 1-8 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. photo by Claudia Strycharz Dorrance residents and parish members Mary and Andy Petros, came out to have a delicious homemade roast beef dinner among friends. Roast beef dinner served at St. Mary’s Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Dorrance held its annual roast beef dinner on Saturday, November 1 from 3 to 7 p.m. Dinner was served family style and included roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, homemade pickled beets and pickled cabbage, rolls, homemade dessert, and beverage. The Parish youth stepped up and helped in the kitchen and dining hall, some of the youth earning Confirmation service hours. DON’T GO OUT TO A COLD CAR — WE INSTALL REMOTE STARTERS CALL FOR PRICING TIRE & AUTO SERVICE, INC. 697 S. MOUNTAIN BLVD. MOUNTAIN TOP 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF CHURCH ROAD 678-7608 Service Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sales Hours: Mon. 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tues., Wed 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Thurs. by appt.; Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 31 Worship Together ... Continued from page 30 Ground Zero56 meets every Wednesday evening in the UpTown classroom from 6:308:30 p.m. and is for all students who have completed 5th and 6th grade. Women are invited to attend the Ladies Group every Wednesday from 10-11:45 a.m. or from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. Through prayer, Bible study, caring, sharing, encouragement, and fun, they are strengthening their relationships with God and each other. Starting Point Youth is for 7th-12th grade students and meets every Wednesday in the Youth Room. There is a snack shop open from 6-6:30 p.m. and the youth service is from 6:45-8:30 p.m. Contact the Mountaintop Family Church office or email [email protected] for information. MOUNTAINVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Service: Sunday 10 a.m. Brook Selby, Pastor 5126 N. Lehigh Gorge Dr., White Haven 443-9438 Small groups and bible study groups are happening and they are an important part of a healthy and thriving church. Prayerfully consider if it might be time to join a small group and connect with your church family on a deeper level. Men’s Ministry: Fellowship and seek God together Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Contact Chris Bender: 570-262-5017. 789 WYOMING AVE., KINGSTON • 287-6257 OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-6 • SATURDAY 10-4 CnS Dental Group 117 N. MAIN ST., ASHLEY Enhance your smile with us Choon S. Chung D.D.S. Dentist 570-824-1009 Office 570-550-0636 Emergency [email protected] 24/7 Emergency Patient Service Women’s Bible Study — every other Sunday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. The group meets upstairs in the narthex, please use the front door entrance, only. Contact Gloria Schott: 570-956-3055 or Debbie Rogers: 570-636-2328. Pastor’s Bible Study: Tuesday mornings at 6:30 a.m. at Jireh’s Pizza in downtown White Haven. All are welcome. Contact Pastor Brook: 570-5800808. Small Group Study: Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. at the home of Bruce and Jean Johnson. Autumn Mountain (White Haven). Contact Mark or Alice Lachewitz: 570-2150314. Prayer Group: Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. at church. Contact Debbie Rogers: 570-636-2328. Youth group has changed their meeting time from Thursdays to Fridays at 6:30 p.m. with Pastor Brook. Adult Sunday School is at 9 a.m. before the Sunday Service. Mom-to-Mom Group meets on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. (childcare is provided). Weight Watchers meets on Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. AA meets on Wednesday mornings and Sunday evenings. Every 3rd Sunday of the photo by Claudia Strycharz From back, left counterclockwise, are Theresa Gawet, JoAnn Schaeffer, Helen Raduta, Midge Oldziejewski, Amanda Ryman, 14 and her grandmother Darla Flick finishing up their dinners and getting ready for dessert. Turkey dinner served at CUMC Christ United Methodist Church in Mountain Top held its very popular annual turkey dinner on Saturday, November 1 in the Fellowship Hall. Take-outs were available for pick-up from 3-4 p.m. and the dining room was open from 4-7 p.m. The Friendship Circle also held its delicious homemade fudge and candy sale throughout the evening. The brightly decorated fellowship hall was packed all evening with hungry diners relishing their delicious homemade dinners. month is Kids’ Sunday and the children and youth stay in the service for a family sermon. For updated information on Mountainview Community Church and contact information for activities, please visit MT. ZION UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Services: Sunday 9 A.M. Pastors: Bob Thomas and Rev. Fran Fink Lily Lake Road, Slocum Mt. Zion UCC invites you to come and worship in a real country church. Built in 1891, there still is no running water and an outhouse is used for restroom facilities. There will be a special Saturday night worship service on November 8 at 7 p.m. Pastor Bob Thomas will lead the service. On Sunday, November 9 the church will hold its annual fall See Worship, page 32 32 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 31 breakfast buffet and bake sale at the Slocum Fire Company from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The allyou-can-eat hardy breakfast features bacon, eggs, sausage, home fries, pancakes, toast, coffee, juices, and homemade goodies. Cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children (ages 6-12) and free from children 5 and younger. There will be no church service at Mt. Zion on November 9. On Sunday, November 16 Pastor Paul Brace will lead the worship service. Pastor Paul is the minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Hazleton. For more information about church services and activities call Diane Webster at 3793713. NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH Services: Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 Sunday School: 9:30 am. Dave Elick, Pastor 570 S. Main Road, Mountain Top 868-5155 New Life Community Church, invites you to come and worship the way it used to be. Pastor Dave Elick invites you to join him and get back to the Bible. The coffee house at the Truth Café has ended until next spring, however, because of the overwhelming response, they will continue to have dinner and a movie on the same schedule, 2nd Friday of every month at New Life Community Church. The first dinner and movie night will be held on Friday, November 14, from 6:30- To advertise call Wendy at 249-1233 INTERIOR DECORATIVE FLOORS & WALLS, KITCHEN BACKSPLASHES & BATHROOM FLOORS Basement Waterproofing & Complete Basement Remodeling SANTARELLI STAMPED CONCRETE 570-655-7689 8:30. Dinner will be available for a donation of only $3 per person. The movie will be The Perfect Stranger. Everyone is welcome, however, if possible, please sign up at the church or call 868-5155 or Pastor Dave at 301-7081 and let us know if you are coming for dinner for planning purposes. Youth group continues every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. under the leadership of Rev. Jim Sienkiewicz. Pastor Jim is currently the pastor at Cherry Street Bible Church in Plymouth, and has been in youth ministry for over 10 years. He has some exciting ideas and invites everyone to come and check it out. Everyone is welcome to come to Bible study every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall to get to know God better. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MOUNTAIN TOP Services: Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. James H. Shanley, Pastor 9 Chestnut Street, Mountain Top 474-9951 Rev. James Shanley leads the congregation in the worship service and children’s talk each Sunday. Youth Group is held on Sundays. Women’s Bible Study, 1st Monday morning at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. Senior choir meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary, the flower chart is available or you can contact Elaine Pisaneschi at 474-7006. If anyone is interested in placing flowers in the vases or on the pedestal, the cost is $35. Bible Study meets at the church on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Various Bible studies are always going on, call the church office for a list of current studies. On the first Sunday of each month, bring non-perishable food items for the Food Bank. The church office is open Tuesday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Email [email protected]. See Worship, page 33 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 33 Worship Together ... Continued from page 32 STAIRVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Scott Ryan, Pastor Stairville Road, Mountain Top 868-3413 Pastor Ryan and the congregation invite you to come and worship with them this Sunday. There is a children’s sermonette, and on the first Sunday of each month Holy Communion is celebrated. They have a full choir every Sunday and they offer a “Prayer Bear Ministry” to anyone who needs a little gift along with the prayers of the people for healing and comfort. The bears are free, and the congregation sends their prayers with the bear. Choir practice is held every Tuesday at 6 p.m. All are wel- come. Sunday School is back and full swing. The children have a new classroom and a new curriculum. There are lots of fun lessons, activities and holiday parties planned for the months ahead. The adults also have a new classroom. They are beginning the new class year with the book of Daniel. It is said this book is an overlay of the book of Revelation. Come and study chapter by chapter and verse by verse. And there is always a hot cup of coffee to go with the lesson. The J.O.Y. Circle meets every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. They were once a ladies only group, but now invite the men to be a part of the planning of events for the church. If you are in need of pastoral care call Pastor Ryan at 457- McCune Funeral Service, Inc. 80 Mountain Boulevard, South Mountain Top, PA 18707 Carl D. Gentilesco, Supervisor/Jeffrey A. Fierro, Director 570-474-6541 Fenstermacher’s F&F Tire & Service Center • TIRES • STRUTS • SHOCKS • BRAKES • ALIGNMENT • EXHAUST • TRANS. SERVICE • TUNE UPS • STATE & EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS Weekdays 8-6 p.m. Saturdays 8-noon 570-868-6651 2542 or 466-5697 or email at [email protected]. ST. JAMES EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Services: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. 827 E. County Road, Wapwallopen 379-3878 The designated pastor for St. James is Rev. Debby North. She is the person to call for weddings, funerals, visitations, etc. She can be reached at the parsonage office, 570-735-1760, or the church office, 570-7358531. Call parsonage office first when trying to reach her. To schedule use of the social hall or pavilion, please contact Dena Gusher at 570-574-2295 to reserve a date. The calendar in the kitchen area will no longer be used for scheduling. Dena should also be contacted if you wish to borrow any church owned items. The Hobbie Group meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Betty Rinehimer’s house. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH Services: Saturday 4 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9, 10:30 & noon Father Joseph J. Evanko, Pastor 420 S. Mt. Blvd., Mountain Top 474-6315 St. Jude Parish will participate with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in the Feed-a-Friend program that helps to supply Thanksgiving food bags for families in the Mountain Top area. Suggested nonperishable food items include boxes of stuffing mix, pie crust mix, Bisquick, Jello, pudding, instant potatoes, and hot roll mix and cans of vegetables, fruit, turkey gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin, apple sauce, soup and pie filling. No glass please. Food may be dropped off at the church and placed in the buckets marked Feed-a-Friend until Friday, November 21. GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH 87 S. HUNTER HIGHWAY, DRUMS The Magic of Christmas at Good Shepherd Hall Saturday, November 29, 2014 • Noon-8 pm Sunday, November 30, 2014 • 11 am-6 pm Come, take a stroll through our “Magic of Christmas” with a stop to purchase chances at the “Festival of Trees”. “The Vendors District” is a must stop and shop for your holiday gifts, and yet another stop to enjoy the “Faith Formation” cast in their performance of the “Nativity”, and “Mrs. Claus’s Sweet Shop” is sure to satisfy that sweet tooth. And don’t forget that visit with “Santa”& his elves! Last but not least a stop at the “Café” choosing from our delicious menu. Top it all off with our Special Saturday night Shoppers treat 5:30-6:30 pm with some “Cheese and Wine”. See you all at The Magic of Christmas. CRAFTERS WANTED for the “The Magic of Christmas” Festival of Trees & Craft Show. Spaces are available on Saturday noon-8 pm and Sunday 11 am-6 pm. For information and to reserve your spot call: 570-624-8271 or 570-788-1676. JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST ON DECEMBER 7 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON The church need students, retirees, families to volunteer for Feed-a-Friend. This is a good way to earn service hours. Friday, November 21: 1-3 p.m., transport boxes from St. Jude’s to St. Paul’s; set up at St. Paul’s; Saturday, November 22: 9:30 to 11 a.m. or 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., sort food at St. Paul’s. If you can help, call the Parish Center 570-474-6315. The Giving Tree gives you the opportunity to remember the less fortunate and shut-ins of the parish and community at Christmas. Now is the time to call the Parish Center at 570474-6315 with their name, address, children’s ages, clothing sizes and special needs. Names will be accepted up until November 10 to ensure everyone gets a gift on time. All names will be kept confidential. There will be a Holy Hour and confession every Monday from 7-8 p.m. Please consider coming to pray on a regular basis. Feel free to arrive or depart at anytime during the hour. Recitation of the rosary will begin at 6:30 p.m. This year’s harvest dinner will be held on Sunday, November 9. In order to make this event happen, they need volunteers. They are looking for anyone who would consider serving on the organizational committee to call Carolyn at 570-474-9661 for more info. Personal devotion: The Holy See Worship, page 34 34 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 33 Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy on Thursdays at 7 p.m. at St. Jude’s Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. The first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Day and you are asked to bring nonperishable food for the food bank. Please drop off the items in the annex part of the church. Online giving provides parishioners with the opportunity to give to special collections in addition to regular offerings. You may choose to do a one time gift or a special remembrance, or you can set up regularly scheduled contributions that are withdrawn on the date you specify in the system. Even if you typically use your offering envelopes, you may wish to contribute online to a particular collection. Go to to sign up. Information is available by contacting Tracie Machalick at the Parish Center. Parish Center hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.; closed on Friday. ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Services: Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Rev. Debra North, Pastor 285 Pond Hill Mt. Road, Wapwallopen 735-1760 Pastor Debby and the congregation of St. Mark’s invite everyone to worship and celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Children are welcome and will be invited to share in a weekly Children’s Message from the Pastor. Music ministry is offered by organist Bill Rybitski and vocalist Stephanie Rybitski. Sunday School class for ages 4 and up is held after the service at 12:15. Confirmation classes for young adults age 12 and up will be held in conjunction with St. John’s Lutheran Church in Nanticoke. If interested, contact Pastor Debby. They are the small country church with a big Christian heart! If you would like more information, or would like to speak to Pastor Debby call 570-7351760. Like them on Facebook “St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Pond Hill PA” to see pictures HELP CONTROL THE CAT POPULATION EASTERN PA ANIMAL ALLIANCE LOW COST SPAY/ NEUTER MOBILE CLINIC will be at the Hazle St. Beer and Deli, 613 Hazle St., Wilkes Barre EVERY THURSDAY IN NOVEMBER EXCEPT 11-27 Special Rates for Strays and Ferals Visit for more info. For Appt. Call 570-994-5846 and announcements. ST. MARTIN-IN-THEFIELD EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services: Sunday 10 a.m. Rev. Daniel FitzSimmons, Rector 3085 Church Road, Mountain Top 868-5358 St. Martin In The Fields mission statement: Serving Through Faith, Praise and Good Works. Plan on celebrating Veterans Day, November 11 at the InterDenomination Service at St. Stephen’s in Wilkes-Barre. The service is at 11 a.m. The annual meeting will be held on November 16 following the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist. They will have a potluck luncheon followed by the meeting. Just bring a dish to share and spend a pleasant afternoon with some new and old friends. The book nook at Saint Martin In The Fields is overflowing with great reading material and more is arriving almost daily. The Book Nook will be open November 15 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a perfect time to pick up some reading material for the long cold winter nights to come for your self or as a gift for someone . St. Martin in the Fields is having a cornish pasty sale. The cost is $6 each and the deadSee Worship, page 35 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 35 Worship Together ... Continued from page 34 line for ordering is November 28, orders can be picked up at the church on December 5. Call Patty at 570-868-5690 to place an order. ST. MARY’S OF DORRANCE Services: Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. Father Joseph J. Evanko, Pastor 3529 St. Mary’s Road, Dorrance 868-5855 Religious Education classes for K-6 students are on Sundays from 9:50-11 a.m. Students should go directly to their classrooms. All students are dismissed to the back parking lot behind the social hall. Please remember to enter the lower parking lot on the grove side and exit on the church side. This time of year you have many opportunities to remember the less fortunate and the shut-ins of the parish and community. To have a family added to the list for Thanksgiving baskets or Angel Tree, call the parish office with the family name, children’s ages & sizes, and contact information. All names are kept strictly confidential. Names for Thanksgiving baskets are needed by Sunday, November 16. Names for the Angel Tree are needed by December 7. The annual Thanksgiving food drive starts this weekend. The parish, in conjunction with Saint James Church in Hobbie will be distributing Thanksgiving dinner baskets to families in need in our area. Donations needed include: non perishable food items used to prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal (canned vegetables, gravy, stuffing mix, boxed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, desserts, soup noodles, etc.) and mone- Still the best place to hold a birthday party in the� area. Inflatable Bounce Park 925 Wilkes-Barre Twp. Blvd., Wilkes-Barre Across from Kmar t 714-PLAY (7529) NOW RENTING BOUNCERS, TABLES, CHAIRS, TENTS, GAMES, SNOCONE & COTTON CANDY CONCESSIONS FOR YOUR PARTY OR EVENT Our Inflatable Bouncers Are Sanitized Daily! Most Affordable Place for Indoor Parties in the Area New Inflatables This Year! Best Prices for Rentals in NEPA $2.00 Off Everday Bouncing At our indoor facility, 925 W.B. Twp. Blvd. Expires November 30, 2014 $20.00 Off Any Inflatable Rental Expires November 30, 2014 $25.00 Off Any Party at our Indoor Facility At our indoor facility, 925 W.B. Twp. Blvd. Expires November 30, 2014 tary donations to purchase turkeys. Boxes are in the church. The next Saint Theresa’s Guild meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 11 at 7 p.m. in the social hall. To join the Guild or for more information call Julia Vencak 570-3793034. St. Mary’s will host a blood drive on Sunday, November 30 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the social hall. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church or call 1.800.RED.CROSS. Blood supplies are very low this time of year. Please give the Gift of Life this holiday season. Mark your calendars for the annual turkey bingo to be held on Sunday, November 9 at 1 p.m. in the social hall. The next Youth Group meeting is Sunday, November 9 in the social hall. They will have the Habitat for Humanity forms at this meeting. Reminder to last year’s participants; please bring your reflections to this meeting. Youth Group is for all students in grades 7-12, especially 7th and 8th grade students to fulfill their religious education requirement. The children’s Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 7 at 1 p.m. All children of the parish age 10 and younger are invited to sign up for the party. Pre-registration is required. Sheets are in the social hall. Please include child’s name and age. Deadline to register is November 9. Saint Mary’s Community Outreach Team will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, November 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room. Rosaries are made prior to the meeting beginning at 6 p.m. Questions: Michele Clark 868-0168. The Crochet Group meets on Sundays at 6 p.m. Questions for crochet or rosaries: Sandy: 570-868-5795 or Wende: 570868-3151. The parish is again collecting hat, scarves, and gloves for clients of the Children’s Service Center. There is a box in the front of the church for your donations. They will continue this collection until November 30. Questions: Michele 868-0168. They are still collecting coupons for Coups for Troops! The parish is participating in the Loaves and Fishes Program to benefit the Saint Vincent dePaul Soup Kitchen. The church has a group of parishioners who have formed a prayer chain. (Actively praying for two years.) The group will pray religiously for you and your intentions. To have your prayer requests included please call Michele Clark at 868-0168 or Maureen Baab at 379-3721 or e-mail your requests to Maureen117@ If you would like to become a prayer warrior, please contact the ladies. Office hours are Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Services: Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Rev. Michael F. Kloton, Pastor 521 Northumberland Street, White Haven 443-9944 See Worship, page 36 36 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 35 There is a box in the church vestibule for the donation of your old cell phones to raise funds for the charitable work of a religious congregation. The Food Pantry’s on-going needs are pancake mix and syrup, crackers, cereal, juice and jello. Volunteer Drivers Needed: Cancer patients need a ride to treatments. If you are interested in helping, please call 1-800-227-2345. If you would like information about joining the Knight of Columbus, please call Jim Curto at 570-443-8494. Al-Anon meets on Tuesdays 7-8 p.m. and Thursdays noon- 1 p.m. at the White Haven Presbyterian Church. For more information call 443-7293. AA meets on Saturday night at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center for a speaker/discussion meeting. Attention Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors: If you are unable to serve, please arrange for someone to take your place. Folk Group Choir practic- es each Monday at 6 p.m. All adults and children, 3rd grade and older are welcome. Questions call Linda at 443-7002. Bible Study is on Tuesday at 5:45 p.m. in the Parish Center. Weekly Rosary is Wednesday at 6 p.m. in church and, on the first Wednesday of each month, adoration and benediction. We Do That! ELECTRICIAN TOWING AYERS TOWING SERVICE, INC. LIGHT & HEAVY DUTY TOWING & RECOVERY 24 HOUR TOWING 7 DAYS A WEEK MOUNTAIN TOP 474-6030 s r r TM HERRON ELECTRIC Licensed Master Electrician Visa/Mastercard Generators, Pools/Hot Tubs 100-200 amp Service Upgrades Sewage Grinder Pumps No Job Too Small Licensed/Insured 474-9616 APPLIANCE REPAIR SIGNS FREEZER FRAN FIX IT BY FRIDAY APPLIANCE REPAIR Residential & Commercial Washers • Dryers • Stoves * Heating • Refrigeration MOUNTAIN TOP • 868-5778 DISPOSAL SERVICE CHAPIN SANITATION Chapin Road, Wapwallopen 379-2565 Call Us For Your Disposal Needs TREE SERVICE GEORGE’S TREE SERVICE Services: Sunday 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Rev. Michelle Kaufman, Pastor 316 S. Mt. Blvd., Mountain Top 474-6616 The congregation of St. See Worship, page 37 A Guide To Area Businesses CLEANING SERVICE Personal Touch Commercial & Residential Cleaning, Inc. Let Us Give Your Home Or Business that “Personal Touch” Residential & Commercial Cleaning Real Estate Clean-Up & Seasonal House Cleaning Licensed & Insured • 570-868-3513 FENCE, RAILING & DECKING SUPPLIER 50’ BUCKET TRUCK • Trimming • Removal • Lot Clearing • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • Free Estimates We carry Workers’ Comp Insurance for our protection and yours! Call Carl at 868-0975 GOLD BUYING To Place Your Ad Here Call Wendy at 570-249-1233 ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH SELL WHERE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS HAVE SOLD. Also Buying Silver, Platinum, Coins and Diamonds AT VALENTINE’S JEWELRY, ROUTE 309, DALLAS HOURS: M-W: 10-6 • THUR: 10-8 • FRI: 10-6 • SAT 10-5 570-674-7677 PVC & Composite Decking BAG RICE & NUT COAL • ROCK SALT CARPORTS & GARAGES INSTALLED ELECTRICAL SERVICES Mountain Top PA085452 Licensed, Insured, Experienced Merrifield Electrical Services Residential Electrical and Telecomm Services 570-831-5250 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks 37 Worship Together ... Continued from page 36 Paul’s Lutheran Church of Mountain Top encourages you to join them for worship this week. The following is a brief summary of upcoming worship and service opportunities. The Yarn Spinners Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. If any of you are talented in crocheting or knitting, or would like to learn, they cordially invite you to join them. Lessons will be given by Lois. If you can’t make their meetings, please call Lois Burge at 474-5502, and volunteer your talents by making the items at your own pace at home. Every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 7 p.m. AA meetings are held, at 6:15 p.m. on Wednesdays Weight Watchers meetings are in session. Every Thursday evening NA meets at 6 p.m. Stress & Anxiety Management: Every 2nd and last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Remember that the first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Day and they ask that members remember those less fortunate by bringing non-perishable food items. In order to keep up with the demand for food. Items they currently need are: Coffee, peanut butter, jelly, dry soup, pudding and Jell-O mixes, and popcorn, pork & beans, canned tomatoes, canned soup, canned fruit, mayonnaise, tuna, macaroni & cheese and pasta, peas, carrots, canned pasta. The Mountain Top Food Bank is open on Fridays, from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. The Mountain Top Free Medical Clinic is open on Monday evenings, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Patients are seen on a first come basis. No appointments are necessary for medical attention. The church office is open Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pastor Kaufman’s office hours are Monday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Services: Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Bob Stover, Pastor 418 Berwick St., White Haven 443-9424 Weekly activities continue, with the Book of God study meeting Monday at 9:30, followed by quilting at 10:30; yoga is on Wednesday mornings. Community choir practice is Tuesday evening and regular choir practice is Thursday at 6:30. Community lunch continues to be served Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion is the first and third Sundays of each month. We Do That! GRAPHIC DESIGN CONSTRUCTION J.DE CONSTRUCTION ROOFING & REPAIRS OF ALL TYPES POLE BUILDINGS • SIDING • GARAGES DECKS & SIDEWALKS • ADDITIONS • MASONRY BATHROOMS • ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR REMODELING HANDYMAN • FULLY INSURED OVER 31 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COMPETITIVE PRICES • PA.23808 CALL JODY 868-6800 WINDOW CLEANING Clear-View Window Cleaning • Regular and Storm Windows • Gutter Cleaning & Repairs • Pressure Washing — Houses, Docks, Decks Free Estimates • Fully Insured 288-6794 To Place Your Ad Here Call Wendy at 570-249-1233 ST. PAUL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: 9 a.m. Debra Hebden, Pastor 335 W. Butler Drive, Drums 788-3051 Pastor Debra and the congregation of St. Paul’s invite you to worship each Sunday. Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month. Following the worship service, members and visitors enjoy fellowship time. Stimulating conversation and refreshments are regular features of the weekly gatherings. Ongoing ministries include See Worship, page 38 A Guide To Area Businesses HOME REPAIRS HANDYMAN ROOFING, YARD WORK, WINDOWS, DOORS, TILE PAINTING ETC. 868-5535 DISPOSAL SERVICE Gittens Disposal Service 28 Years Servicing Mountain Top Low, competitive pricing - Several rate plans to choose from 868-6462 CONSTRUCTION PETROSKI BUILDERS, INC. • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • FINISHED BASEMENTS • ADDITIONS • GARAGES LICENSED & INSURED PA-083596 570-760-5488 38 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 37 the weekly prayer shawl ministry, which meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the church; participation in an outreach effort to the Latino community, focusing on ESL classes at Diamond UMC; and support of the Valley Interfaith Council and the Val- ley Food Pantry. For more information, check or e-mail [email protected]. VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Services: Sunday 10 a.m. Check out area businesses anytime, day or night. It just takes a Life Groups: Thursday 7 p.m. Al Di Salvatore, Pastor 530 W. Butler Dr., Drums 578-3252 Find hope in the Valley. Jesus set the example of love and compassion offering everyone a second chance. Valley Community Church does too. Click At VCC you can expect: Hospitality: A welcoming casual atmosphere with warm smiles and warm coffee. Originality: A place were you can belong and be yourself. Passion: For people to know God’s love thru dynamic worship, inspiring teaching and an awesome kid’s ministry. Encouraged: is what they hope you feel when you experience VCC. For more information check www.valleychurchonline or valleychurchonline. See Worship, page 39 BLUE RIDGE POLARIS Maureen M. Kocher geo. burger & sons inc WRIGHT TOWNSHIP VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. H&R BLOCK Auto Service wright township volunteer fire department Heather DeLuca, ND Naturopathic Wellness Center Mountaintop Aluminum mttopaluminum FEUSSNER’S November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks Worship Together ... Continued from page 38 WHITE HAVEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Services: Sunday 9 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Sarah Jane Fernsler, Pastor 900 Buffalo St., White Haven 443-7153 Sunday’s traditional service at 9 a.m. and contemporary service 11 a.m. Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month when they collect non perishable food to benefit the White Haven Food Pantry. After service, join them for coffee, des- HEATING OIL TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED CDL/Hazmat Experience Preferred Full Time/Part Time Excellent Pay & Benefit Package Apply at Newell Fuel Services serts and Christian fellowship. If you are between the ages of 12 and 17, come and be a part of the church’s youth group. The adult Bible study meets every Tuesday from 10 to 11 a.m. If you are in need of pastoral care, call Pastor Sarah at 570-443-7153 or email [email protected]. The church volunteers at the White Haven Food Pantry, helping with the Community Lunch program. The White Haven United Methodist Church is handicap accessible. 1355 Memorial Highway, Shavertown or applications available at Peters Oil 39 St. Jude’s students explore apple theme Shown from left are Matthew Rodgers, Kira Millard, and Brianna Buyo. The three year old students at St. Jude School have been enjoying learning about apples as part of the beginning of their alphabet study. They listened to the story Apples by Gail Gibbons and then discussed how they grow, the parts of an apple, different varieties, and what we use them for. While completing their apple craft, the students practiced learning colors and proper gluing methods. The best part, according to the students, was when they were able to taste a variety of apples and decide which kind was their favorite. SPLIT ROCK GUN SHOW NOVEMBER 8 & 9 100 Moseywood Road Lake Harmony, PA 18624 $8.00 Admission 1 COUPON $ 00 OFF ADMISSION With this coupon on November 8 & 9, 2014 700 TABLES FOOD FREE PARKING Guns • Militaria • Ammo • Knives SHOW HOURS: 9 A.M.-5 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M.-4 P.M. SUNDAY CONTACT EAGLE ARMS PRODUCTIONS Phone: 610-393-3047 Mountain Top Senior Care & Rehabilitation Center ACTIVITY AIDES DIETARY AIDES 697 S. MOUNTAIN BLVD. MOUNTAIN TOP • 678-7608 Forward resume to: is now offering ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE [email protected] Mountain Top Senior Care and Rehabilitation Center 185 South Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top, PA 18707 Attn: Olivia Plantholt, Business Office Assistant Resumes may be faxed. Applications are also available at our facility. EOE M/F/D/V Drug Free Workplace WE CARE ... AND TAKE CARE 185 South Mountain Boulevard (Route 309) • Mountain Top, PA 18707 • Phone 570-474-6377 Fax 570-474-6712 FINANCING ON SELECT VEHICLES Check www.steinbrennerauto. com for inventory 40 November 6-19, 2014 Mountain Peaks
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