D ov e Ta l e N e w s l e t t e r OCTOBER 2014 A message from Pastor Josh Reese John 10:27-28 (ESV) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. Are you listening? If you are, you hear leaves falling. Are you looking? If you are, you see a display of colors fit for a king. These are the realities of living in the Northwoods in fall. That’s what we’re hearing and seeing in this world. However, the more important question is, are you listening and looking for God? In Matthew 13:16-17, Jesus encouraged his followers with these words, “16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.” Jesus spoke then, and Jesus speaks today. Are you listening for His voice? Are you looking for His grace? The best way I know to do that is through prayer. A quiet prayer in your heart right now that says, “Whatever happens today Lord, I will listen for You and I will look for where You are at work.” We would all do well to stop wherever we are at right now and pray quietly to God and ask for His guidance. Ask for eyes to see and ears to hear. Ask humbly that we are a community at St. Germain EFC that listens and looks for God’s grace in Christ. As this fall marches on, please join me in sharpening our hearing and seeing as we genuinely seek more of our Lord’s presence. Because He lives, Pastor Josh Reese Building a community that loves Christ, to reach a community for Christ. 6065 Hwy 70 • St Germain,WI 54558 • 715-479-2173 • [email protected] Joshua Reese, Senior Pastor • [email protected] Daniel Shields, Associate Pastor • [email protected] www.stgefc.com CHURCH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS IM T P I SH AY WOR D ES R SATU orship ailable m W hurch av p 0 0 5: hildren’s C C AY ery & s r u N SUND orship able W rch avail m a 0 hu 10:3 n’s C re Child & y er Nurs r Novembe 5, October 2 2014 Jim Hoover went over the changes to the Church Constitution. The revised Constitution will be made available to the congregation for review and will be voted on at the annual meeting in January 2015. Ministry Team leader job descriptions are being developed. The proposed 2015 budget was discussed. The date for the 3rd quarter Congregational Meeting was set for October 26th after the worship service with a potluck luncheon. An Associate Pastor search update was given by Pastor Josh. Todd Monge gave a Building Committee update. The new draft floor plan was presented to the Congregation. When the building plan is finished, it will be let for bids. An ordination service is planned for Pastor Josh on November 16, 2014 at 3:00pm. More details to follow. Pastor Josh said the leader position for the Outreach Team is still vacant and needs to be filled as soon as possible. Ron Vermoch reported some water damage in the youth room after the recent rains. Repairs are underway. Why consider EZ Giving ? It is through your generous contributions that St. Germain Evangelical Free Church is able to continue our vision of Prayerfully Building Connections That Deepen Faith In Christ. As you consider your method of contributing, we remind you that we offer electronic EZ Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Collection basket offerings fluctuate significantly from week to week but when contributions are automated, the church receives the funds it needs to operate on a steady, uninterrupted basis. An authorization form and a “Frequently Asked Questions” flyer are available from the church office, at the Red Wall, or download at www.stgermainfreechurch.com. By Mary Kahl As we look ahead, Christmas is less than 3 months away! During the season, we give and receive presents and celebrate the birth of our Savior. For over 20 years Samaritan’s Purse has been collecting shoe boxes full of items for kids to show them the love of God. This ministry allows the local churches to establish relationships with the children and to tell them about the Good News of Jesus. These children then go home and share with their families. Are you able to help churches across the world have a way to share the Gospel? We have the opportunity to participate again in this wonderful program and you will start seeing shoe boxes being collected beginning in October. When you see those school sales, consider picking up extra items to put in a shoebox (or two). We have plastic shoeboxes for people to fill this year, which will allow those kids receiving them to have a place to keep their precious items cleaner and drier than just a plain shoebox. There is always a need to fill shoeboxes for older kids. Girls love to get sewing items. Boys love to get tools. Consider packing a box to go to a teen. If you would like to become more involved please contact Kris De Sutter or Mary Kahl. OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH We are truly blessed by the Pastors that God has provided for us. The Elders encourage everyone to take the opportunity to show their appreciation to our pastors and families for all of the things they do for the church. DID YOU KNOW? If you have to miss a worship service because of illness or vacation, you can receive Sunday sermons digitally! Download sermons from our church website (www.stgefc.com). Click on the “Resources” link and you’ll see “Sermon Archive.” You may also request a CD of the sermon! Please contact Dan Shields for more information or to order a CD. ([email protected] or 715479-2173). We also want to give you the opportunity to participate in a monetary gift for them. If you wish to participate, give your gift to any one of the Elders, place it in the offering plate or leave it at the office. Put it in an envelope marked Pastors Gift. If you wish to write a check, note it as Pastors Gift. The Elders will divide all gifts between our two pastors. All gifts must be turned in by Oct 19. The Elders are Jim Hoover, Jeff Kraft, Todd Monge, Harvey Overturf, Bob Owens and Chuck Zaugg. Remember to check our online calendar for the most current, up-to-date happenings! www.stgefc.com You can find us on Facebook, too! October 11th 7:00am *Every 2nd Saturday of the month! Sign up at the Welcome Center October October Community Dinners The Northwoods Share Community Dinners will take place on Tuesday, October 7th and Tuesday, October 21st. Doors open at 4:00pm for snacks and fellowship and dinner is served at 5:30pm. All are welcome to serve, clean up or just come and enjoy getting to know your neighbors. If a Connection group is interested in committing to serving through clean up, NWS could use the help. Reaching out to a community for Christ! For more information or to volunteer call Pam Zaugg at 715479-3388. BIRTHDAYS 1—Nathan Lofy 2—Margaret Jarrett 5—Zachary Kroschel 6—Lexi Maillette 7—Cheri Shields 8—Sherry Schmidt 12—Sarah Zillmer 12—Ann Owens 12—Isabella Baker 13—Larry A. Snedden 13—Isaac Haiduk 14—Kris DeSutter 15—Bob DeSutter 17—Noah Ramirez 18—Tony Schmidt 20—Harold DeRuiter 22—Mike Johnson 23—Kris Brill 23—Samantha Haiduk 27—Nolan Lurvey 28—Molly Emmerich 30—Tom Ober ANNIVERSARIES 4—Butch & Berwyn Mischo 11—Kevin & Kris Korb 20—Dan & Jean Sass The Northwoods Share Needs Ministry is in need of helping hands and product or financial donations. This ministry is open every Wednesday from 9:00am to 4:00pm at The Rock Mission Center in Eagle River. We are in need of toilet paper, detergent, dish soap, paper towels, deodorant and other personal care items. Thanks for remembering to serve others in need in our community! Contact Pam Zaugg at 715-479-3388 with questions. Family Fall Fest! Join us for Family Fall Fest on Sunday, October 19th from 4:00pm until 6:00pm at the church. There will be plenty of food and fun for everyone! Crafts, pumpkin football throw, bounce house... Come bounce, eat, craft, fellowship and enjoy the beginning of fall’s blessings! A Chili Cook-Off will be part of our food for the afternoon so... get out your favorite chili recipe and get cookin’! If you plan to participate in the Chili Cook-Off, please sign up at the Welcome Center. Mary Martha Time Women always enjoy more time…to get those things done whether it’s fellowship, crafts, devotionals... We all enjoy time together, so here is an opportunity to have that! Saturday October 25th from 9-Noon Time for fellowship, devotionals... Time to work on projects... Time for knitting, crocheting, quilting, scrapbooking, sewing, paper arts, etc... Time to just spend with other women... Make and take project!! Tables are available to work on your project. Sign-up at the Welcome Center. Refreshments served. Bring a light snack to share. Any questions, call Joella Wrasse 715-892-5168 MEMBERSHIP CLASSES OFFERED Are you interested in membership at St. Germain Evangelical Free Church? Our next 3-session Membership Class is coming up soon! October 5, October 12, October 19 all at 9:00am Before Sunday worship service. Please stop at the Welcome Center to sign up. Quarterly Congregational Meeting Sunday, October 26th 11:30am (following worship) with Potluck luncheon The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God Stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 STG KIDS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 4K through fifth grade We’ll be kicking off the new year with a brand new and exciting curriculum called FaithWeaver. FaithWeaver is a three-year program. Everyone - from toddlers to 5th grade - studies the same Bible Point in an age-appropriate way. Lessons are designed to encourage faith development beyond Wednesday so faith grows all week long. Whether at the kitchen table or in the car, FaithWeaver makes it easy for families to talk about the Bible and their faith. STG STUDENTS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: September 17 - May 6 6th through 12th grade There will be upbeat worship, awesome activities, community with other students, and hearing what a relationship with God really looks like. Bring as many friends as you can because it is going to be CRAZY AWESOME AND IMPACTING! ADULTS Adult Connection Group Study Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 Adults meet for study and fellowship during the same time as STG KIDS and STG STUDENTS are meeting. CARE TEAM CORNER Laura Wipperman, Care Team Leader 715-479-7490 [email protected] Joella Wrasse, Café 2:42 715-892-5168 [email protected] Pat Van Acker, Congregational Care Coordinator 715-892-1741 [email protected] We have all experienced stress in our lives, and are always trying to figure out how to handle it better. I ran across this from one of the conferences I attended and wanted to share it with you - it is pretty good and all we need to do is try to follow the suggestions: TEN COMMANDMENTS TO MANAGE STRESS 1. Don't let minor aggravations get to you. Don't try to ignore feelings of aggravation. Keep your perspective. 2. Don't succumb to guilt. 3. Develop strategies. 4. Learn to accept and adapt to change. Look for the opportunity. Take a leadership approach. 5. Change the way you look at stress. 6. Develop a support system. 7. Learn to accept the things you can't change: Life is cyclical Accept your feelings Keep busy Change the environment Pamper yourself 8. Develop a personal anti-stress regimen: Convenient Time-effective Inexpensive Enjoyable 9. Don't take it personally. 10. Believe in yourself. Blood Pressure Clinic for October: Saturday, October 4 - 1/2 hour before and after the 5 p.m. Service Sunday, October 5 - 1/2 hour before and after the 10:30 a.m. Service FALL CHURCH CLEAN UP The fall church clean up day will be Saturday, October 11th starting about 8:30am following the Men’s Breakfast. Help us spruce up the church before the fall and winter season sets in. We need as many volunteers as we can get, so come out and give us a hand. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Contact Ron Vermoch, 715-891-4738, with any questions. Thank you! Scheduled to Serve—Saturday SATURDAY GREETERS *Bold text indicates greeter responsible for purchasing bread and juice for Communion. 5:00 PM WELCOME CENTER OCTOBER 4 *LARRY SNEDDEN JUDY KUIPER OCTOBER 11 AL YANKE VAL SNEDDEN OCTOBER 18 CRAIG & JEANNE RISMON PAT VAN ACKER OCTOBER 25 WAYNE & DEB PETTERSON LARRY SNEDDEN SATURDAY NURSERY OCT 4— Connie & Kari Maines 11— Brian & Kim Haas 18— Dave & Julie Zillmer 25— Andy & Katie Panske SATURDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH OCT 4— NO CHILDREN’S CHURCH 11— Wendy Reese, Heidi Neis 18— Beth Fojtik, Colleen Bolanowski 25— Beth Fojtik, Kim Simonis Scheduled to Serve—Sunday SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS *Front door people also come back at the end of the service and stay at the Welcome Center to answer questions and assist folks until everyone has left. 10:30 AM WELCOME CENTER OCTOBER 5 JIM & KAREN GRACE* HARVEY & HELEN OVERTURF OCTOER 12 JEFF & JEANETTE KRAFT* JIM & MARY ANNE KELLNER OCTOBER 19 WES & BEV WESTENBERG* BOB & ANN OWENS OCTOBER 26 CHUCK & PAM ZAUGG* DAN & LAURA WIPPERMAN SUN MORNING NURSERY SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH OCT OCT 5— Pam Larsen, Sara Waltz 12— Charlie & Liz DePuydt 19— Debby Boschke 26— Rusty & Liz Lurvey 5— NO CHILDREN’S CHURCH 12— Pam Zaugg, Meadow Lofy 19— Pearl Hujet, Laura Bonson 26— Cheri Shields, Becky Webber SUNDAY USHERS OCT 5— Jeff Kraft, Bob DeSutter, Butch Schinker 12— Jeff Maines, Harlan Bosacki, John Kazda 19— Harvey Overturf, Ray Weber, Thomas Brusoe 26— Gary Kellner, Bob Boschke, Dennis Doud
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