GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH We Grow Better Together Philippians 3:12-17 Part 5 in the series, “40 Days of Community” Rick Hale, Senior Pastor October 26, 2014 GUESTS, WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE! Let us personally welcome you at the New Beginnings Table in the lobby. Drop by for your free gift! MARK YOUR CALENDAR... TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY November 2 November 5 November 9 & 16 November 14 November 16 November 21-23 December 5 December 7 December 7-11 December 13-14 January 25, 2015 Class 301: Discovering Ministry @ 5:00pm Blocktoberfest @ 6:00pm Men’s Breakfast @ 8:00am Class 101: Discovering Membership @ 5:00pm Blood Drive @ 2:00pm Operation Christmas Child Box Collection Women’s Ministry Holiday Event @ 6:00pm Missions Sunday Class 401: Discovering Missions @ 5:00pm Men’s Retreat at Lone Tree Ranch Christmas FX: Illusionists, David & Teesha Laflin Class 501: Discovering Magnification @ 5:00pm Operation Christmas Child Mission Trip to Denver Christmas Program 6:00pm|9:00am|10:45am Class 201: Discovering Maturity @ 5:00pm Class 301: Discovering Ministry Tonight @ 5pm: Learn how God can use your Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and your Experiences to find your fit in ministry. Childcare and dinner are provided. See you tonight! Men’s Breakfast: Join us this Saturday, from 8-10am for the monthly men’s breakfast in the Children’s Building. A full breakfast will be served and Steve Johnson will be the guest speaker. Blood Drive: United Blood Services will be here Wednesday, November 5 at 2pm. If you would like to donate blood, please call their office at 625.9743 to schedule a time between 2-6pm. Operation Christmas Child: All deco boxes have been distributed, now it’s time to get them packed! Collection days are November 9 & 16. If you are able, please make sure to include $7 per box for shipping. You can do this online and also “Follow Your Box” to its destination by going to Men’s Retreat, November 21-23: Men, save the date for our annual Men’s Retreat at Lone Tree Ranch. It will be a great time of good food, worship, teaching, and time in the mountains. The total cost is $90. You can register in the lobby today! If you need a scholarship, or would like to donate a scholarship for the retreat, please contact Steve Johnson at 420.5490 or John Donahue at 317.8210. Offering Totals General $ Building $ 14,714.21 3,100.04 H.O.P.E. Missions $ $ 124.00 87.48 Other Total $ $ 548.00 18,573.73 Read Ahead “Teamwork makes the dream work!” It may sound hokey, but it is the truth. The Bible says it this way: “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work.” This is especially true when it comes to the topic service. Join us next Sunday for 40 Days of Community when we take on the topic, We Serve Better Together. Read Paul’s teaching from Philippians 2:19-30 to prepare. Daylight Saving Time: Don’t forget to “fall back” this Saturday night. Set your clocks back one hour so you are on time to church on Sunday! MERGE (5th & 6th grade): 9:00 & 10:45am, Student Building Memory Verse for October: “ So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT Infants-1 year: Rooms 202, 204 Age 2-K: Rooms 201, 203, 205 Lesson: This week your child will learn that God helps David stay strong during many battles. MCM Grades 1-4: Room 215 Octobers Virtue - Community: The church is like a body and the body is like the church, it’s supposed to work together. Evening Children’s Ministry (ECM) TONIGHT, 6:00-7:45 pm ECM is for children, infants-6th grade. Children can be dropped off at 5:45pm, but must be picked up by 7:45pm. Dinner is served each evening. Blocktoberfest is THIS FRIDAY and we still need LOTS of CANDY! Drop off in the lobby or Children’s Building anytime this week. Thank you! MID-HIGH MINISTRY Sundays @ 6:00pm Student building Grace Student Ministry 6:00 pm : Pizza 6:30-8:00 pm : Student Gathering COLLEGE MINSTRY Thursdays @ 7:00pm Student Building High School Ministry Wednesdays @ 7:00pm Student Building 6:30pm : Doors Open 7:00-8:30pm : Student Gathering 8:30pm : After Hours /RoswellGraceStudents All college-aged individuals are welcome! /groups/ENMURNavs/ Parents and Students, would you like to get weekly text message updates? Email Ben at [email protected] with your name, cell phone number, and cell provider to get added today! Communion Instructions You do not have to be a member of Grace to participate in communion. All Christians are invited to come forward, row by row, to participate. Simply take a wafer, dip it into the cup and partake. If you prefer being served in your chair, raise your hand at the conclusion of communion and the servers will come to you. If you are not taking communion today, just remain in your chair. Prayer Teams are available at the exits during communion if you would like someone to pray with you. Thank You Grace Family, Thank you for all the cards, gifts and goodies we received for Pastor Appreciation Month. It is an honor and privilege to serve alongside you as your pastors. Thanks for your continual prayers and support. You are the best! The Grace Pastors REFLEC†Ions & RECovERy : Hurting…Weary…Hopeless…Defeated…Bound… Overwhelmed…Broken? You can navigate your way to hope and healing at Reflections and Recovery as we begin a new cycle in the 12-step Program. Tuesday evenings at Christ’s Church, 2100 N Sycamore. Large Group meets from 6:00-7:00pm. Small Groups meet from 7:00-8:00pm. For more info, visit the table in the lobby today. New Deacons: The newly elected Deacons are Ed Elliott, Alan Stevenson and Charlie Murphy. They will begin their two-year term November 1. Special thanks to Michael McKee and David Sweeney for their outstanding service as Deacons. They are stepping down from the Board after serving two terms. Wedding Reception: Rick and Mary Hale would like to invite you to a come-and-go reception in honor of their daughter, Katie, and her new husband, Devin, TODAY, from 1:30-3:30, in the Main Building lobby. October 19, 2014 Grace Staff: Rick Hale, Senior Pastor Attendance Lendell Nolan, Executive Pastor Sean Lee, Connection Pastor John Drusedum, Growth Pastor Josh Gallagher, Equipping Pastor Matt Parsley, Missions Pastor John Cantu, Worship Pastor Alan Gedde, Children’s Pastor Ben Anderson, Student Pastor Adults Children Total 867 217 1,084 YTD Members YTD Baptisms 118 42 Contact Info 935 W. Mescalero Rd. Roswell, NM 88201 575.623.5438 (phone) 575.623.9174 (fax) [email protected] /roswellgrace @roswellgrace
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