Christmas Fair 2014 Saturday 29th November 10.00am - 2.00pm 10.00am Bacon Butties 12.00noon Lunch 12.30pm St Thomas’ School Choir & Father Christmas Dear Friends, I’ve just been watching our soldiers coming home from Afghanistan. After thirteen years it’s about time. However in the faces of those young men and women there was a hint of sadness at leaving a situation which is by no means stable or sustainable. Of course that’s the problem with war. When it ends it takes generations for past aggression to be forgiven and old hurts reconciled. That is why Remembrance Sunday is so important. Yes, it is especially about the First World War this year but it’s also about all the other wars since then and the ones that are still waging. An important part of the Remembrance Sunday Service is making our confession and hearing God’s Absolution: not that our forebears were any worse than us but because “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” At the end of our service we will commit ourselves to strive for peace, to seek to heal the wounds of war and to work for a more just world. By admitting our mistakes, but at the same time striving with all our might to make a better world, we obey Jesus’ command to love God and love our neighbour. As you wear you red poppy this year let us humbly offer our lives to God and ask Him to use us to change the world for the better. Yours as always, Michael We need donations: chocolates, bottles, new items, good toys & games, books, DVDs, home-made cakes. We need volunteers: to set-up on Friday, 28th, morning & evening. to run stalls. to ask employers to match fund a stall. Come and support our School & Churches. NB Non-uniform day on Friday 28th. Bring goods to school. “The Church is people” - it’s not a building or an organisation - it’s a family committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus. Like all families we need money to exist and flourish. On Sunday 16th November we will be having our Stewardship & Thanksgiving Sunday where we will be asking you, the family of the Church, to review your giving, pray about it and respond generously. “God loves a cheerful giver” - so join our Thanksgiving Project and give regularly through weekly envelopes or through your bank. sign a Gift Aid form so that we can get the tax back from your giving, eg for each £1.00 you give we can receive 25p if you are a tax payer and have signed a Gift Aid form. increase your giving. This year (separate from all the building projects) we will need an extra 5% to keep the show on the road. If you would like to join our Giving Scheme please contact John Hankey, our Giving secretary, 267134 or e-mail [email protected]. Regular worshippers will receive a letter in the next few weeks asking them to return their revised giving for the New Year on 16th November. Remembrance Sunday 9th November 11.00am Two minutes silence at the War Memorial followed by a service at St Thomas’ Remembrance Day 11th November 11.00am Two minutes silence at the War Memorial and in St Thomas’. Start collecting all the goodies for your shoe boxes as soon as possible. Follow the advice of the Samaritan’s Purse leaflet. Please try to get your shoe box to Church by 16th November. Also do not forget to put in a £3.00 donation cheque to help get the shoe box to its destination. twitter@parish_stsmm Heavenly Father, we remember with deep gratitude all who have, in the past years, sacrificed their lives for our peace. Today we place into your power all areas of this world where there remains war, conflict, unrest, violence, evidence of man’s inhumanity. We ask that You will be present there, that Your power will overcome, that Your peace will reign and Your love conquer. Amen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 22st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th Hawthorne Gr Hawthorne Rd Hayes Lane Heath Street Henley Close Hinton Cres Hollow Drive Kimberly Drive Kings Mews Kingsley Drive Leonard St Lilac Grove Lime Tree Ave London Rd S H London Rd App Longwood Rd Lumb Brook Rd Lynwood Ave Lyons Lane Melrose Ave Mertoun Rd Mill Lane Millhouse Ln Mitchell St Montclare Cres Moss Close Mulberry Court Norcott Ave Orchard St Parkgate Rd All Saints Day – Give thanks for the lives, and sacrifice, of all the Saints For all attending the commemoration service as they remember loved ones Remember our school as they return after half term, staff and pupils Pray for our friends, for those we love, and those we find it hard to love Pray for visitors to our Church, those who seek comfort, may we serve them The Order of St Luke and healing, in body mind and spirit of those in need Pray for the continued success of the Foodbank - all who are in need are fed For all who work with children in our Church, as they teach them about Jesus Remembrance Sunday – for those who made the ultimate sacrifice, so we can live in peace Pray for adults and children preparing for Confirmation Armistice Day – that war may cease and we live in peace For all victims of war, those disabled, mentally or physically scarred, bereaved Give thanks for the ministry team Michael, Lore & Monica & their ministry Remember the Church Family & how we best serve the wider community Ask God’s guidance in what we do to further His work For our action groups, that they come to make the right decisions Pray for children who lose their childhood through war, are used, exploited Give thanks for your faith, that we are able to worship freely in peace Pray that God will give us the strength and words to spread His word Remember the housebound may we care for them especially during the Winter Take time to sit in silence and listen to God For all on the prayer Pyramid, they may find comfort in Jesus love For those to be confirmed today, may they know God’s presence and love Place into God’s love all who suffer from drug/alcohol abuse-may they find healing For the beauty of our world, take care of the environment Give thanks for the Bible and that we can read it freely Ask God to still the hand of those who seek to harm or exploit For all who care for the sick, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, Christmas Fair – Church and school working together in fellowship Feast of St Andrew- thank God for his teaching & mission spreading the good news of Jesus Story Church Following the successful launch of Story Church the next one will be in St Thomas’ on Sunday 16th November starting at 10.00am for half an hour. Friendship Group Tuesday 18th November 2.00pm St Thomas’ Church “Joy Bells” Maureen Sudlow & Players Christmas Concert at St Thomas’ Church Golborne Brass Band Sunday, 14th December at 3pm Tickets £5.00 from Maud Ellis 267251 or Open Church daily 10am - 12noon Monday 10th November 7.30pm Snowflake Brooch Monday 17th November 7.30pm Crochet Night 12 Melton Avenue Stockton Heath For more details contact Joanne Ridley 261396 The Church Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The books we read and then chat about cover a wide range of genres from thrillers to sci-fi. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th November starting at 1.00pm. We meet at Jenny Wren’s Coffee Shop on West Avenue. The Christmas Experience will be held on Tuesday 2nd December and Tuesday 9th December. We will need adults to welcome children from St Thomas’ School to church, provide refreshments and be the shepherds (and other Christmassy things). If you are willing to help for a morning or afternoon please let Revd Lore know. On Saturday 6th December we will be holding a Santa Dash. Dress up as Santa and run, jog or walk one mile around the Mill Lane Jubilee Field. Entry is £3.00 per adult and £1.00 per child so why not make it a family occasion. Entry forms are available from St Thomas’ School and Church and St Mary Magdalene’s Church. Refreshments will also be available in the Scout Hut. See Twitter@parish_stsmm or on our web-site for more details. Wednesdays at 7.30pm at St Mary Magdalene’s. Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s year. It is a time of preparation and penitence. We will turn from green to purple and we will be lighting a candle a week on our Advent Ring. Our preparations will include a weekly mid-week quiet time where we will look at different aspects of Advent - looking towards the gift of Jesus at Christmas. Wednesday 26th November Watching & Waiting Wednesday 3rd December Light & Darkness Wednesday 10th December Journeying through Advent Wednesday 17th December The Last Things Each service will be about half an hour long and will give us all spiritual food as we journey through Advent. Christine Chapman is writing a set of meditations for Advent which will be available very soon. They are entitled ‘Daily Bible Readings and Prayers for Advent’. A small contemplative prayer group has been set up in our church and any who feel drawn to this kind of prayer are warmly invited to join. We follow the method of the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer which encourages the practice of silent prayer, listening to the word of God and letting it work within us and through us in prayer for others. A typical meeting includes three periods of silence of about 7-8 minutes each in which the leader introduces a biblical sentence, for example, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches’ (John15.5) In the first silence we repeat the words silently over to ourselves letting our minds dwell on their meaning when they were first spoken; in the second silence we may continue to repeat them letting our hearts take in what the words could mean to us, personally, now; in the third silence we let ourselves become channels of intercession, saying the words for others. The leader ends the silence with a prayer of thanksgiving. Repeating the words focuses our minds from wandering, and there is usually a short relaxation exercise to help us become still. We are next meeting on Thursday 15th November at St Mary Magdalene’s from 8.30pm until 9.15pm. Our confirmation service will be at 10.45am on 23rd November at St Thomas’. Please come and support the candidates. Children preparing for confirmation will be coming into Church on 13th November from 3.45pm - 4.45pm. Please let Revd Lore know if you would like to be there to welcome them and talk to them about being a Church member. We are planning a pilgrimage to Walsingham in May 2015. We plan to travel down on Monday 11th May and return on Friday 15th May. Let me know if you are interested in coming. Revd Lore 07595294146 Baptism is the first step in our journey with Jesus. Children are baptised on the understanding that their parents have faith and that they will bring them up to follow Jesus and in time make their own confession of faith at Confirmation. All parents seeking baptism for their child are invited to a preparation evening. The next one is on Monday 24th November at 8.00pm at St Thomas’ Church. Ring Vicar Michael 261396 for details. Christine Chapman The next Coffee Morning & Draw is at St Mary Magdalene’s Saturday 15th November 10.00am - 11.00am NB Christmas 100 Club will be at St Thomas’ on Saturday 20th December at 10.00am To join contact Ann Jackson 262005 or Julie Bennion 263455 St Mary Magdalene’s Church Clean-Up Day (Early Spring Clean) Saturday 22nd November 10.00am - 2.00pm Volunteers needed. A lunch will be provided. David Mowatt MP has donated 2 tickets for a tour of the Houses of Parliament which includes a trip to the top of the Elizabeth Tower to take in the sights of London and the workings of Big Ben. We are holding a silent auction with the winner to be announced at the Christmas Fair on 29th November. The time and date of the tour will be arranged between the winner and David Mowatt. The winner will have to make their own way to London. Entry forms are available at St Thomas’ School & Church, at St Mary Magdalene’s Church and Pets Pantry. Terms and conditions can be found on Twitter@parish_stsmm or on our web-site Baptised at St Thomas’ on 28th September 2014 James Vincent Emery born on 18th April 2014 to Katharine Jane & Richard James James Philip Freeman born on 11th January 2014 to Katherine Jayne & Jonathan Baptised at St Mary Magdalene’s on 12th October 2014 Alfie James Richardson born on 5th March 2014 to Lucy Jayne & Daniel Mark Baptised at St Thomas’ on 12th October 2014 Phoebe Grace Harding born on 15th April 2014 to Paula Michelle & Marcus Edwin Stephen Robyn Emma Stone born on 18th March 2014 to Laura & Gary Baptised at St Thomas’ on 26th October 2014 Thomas Elliot Murcott born on 24th September 2013 to Kate Elizabeth & Andrew James Bobby Leo Welsh born on 20th February 2014 to Jill & John Our next Parochial Church Council meeting will be on Tuesday 25th November at St Thomas’ Church. NB PCC members and Trustees should send their financial risk assessments to our auditor, Mike Brewer, a.s.a.p. Have you been to a Sunday evening service recently? From 16th November the service will be held at St Mary Magdalene’s at the new time of 5.00pm. Each week we are going to have a different theme. 16th November The theme of peace 23rd November Confirmation 30th November Advent 7th December Café Church More details of each service will be given during morning services and through posters in each church. So please come and join us as we explore a different format. NB 9th November, 6.30pm, United Service at Stockton Heath Methodist Church, Michael Ridley to preach. Normal services at St Mary’s Sunday 9.30am Family Communion with Sunday School (1st Sunday: Worship Together Communion) Tuesday 9.00am Morning Prayers Wednesday 12 noon Holy Communion Sunday 5.00pm Evening Service Normal services at St Thomas’ Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion 10.45am Family Communion with Sunday School (1st Sunday: Worship Together Communion) Monday 9.30am Morning Prayers Thursday 9.00am Morning Prayers 10.00am Holy Communion Friday 9.30am Morning Prayers The Prayer Pyramid says prayers for those in some form of crisis. Christine Chapman 269511 Child Line is a telephone help line for children and young people. Call free on 0800 1111 30th September Pauline Fawsett 14th October Frank Maycock 23rd October Robert Vince 23rd October Paul Wallace Cook May the faithful departed rest in peace Vicar Revd Michael Ridley 261396 Associate Minister Revd Monica Thomson 604235 Curate Revd Lore Chumbley 07595 294146 Churchwardens Lynda Heesom Peter Banyard 638636 263005 Pastoral Care Team Revd Monica Thomson 604235 Lay Readers Christine Chapman Joanna Murray Karen Brady 269511 266311 600874 St Thomas’ Organist Ian Banks 213949 St Mary Magdalene’s Organist Nigel Kirk 650183 St Mary Magdalene’s Church Bookings Emma Dean 264904 St Thomas’ Church Hall Bookings Maud Ellis 267251 Parish Matters editor Dennis Rogers 265603 Parish Treasurer Peter Chapman 269511 A big “Thank you” to Suanne Miller for all her wonderful work in leading Groovy Tuesdays over the last two years. Sadly, due to work commitments, Suanne has had to finish being our leader. However, we now have a new leader in John Corcoran, a well known musical director, who has kindly taken up the baton. Unfortunately he cannot do Tuesdays so from now on we will meet on Mondays, 7.30pm tea for 8.00pm start, at St Thomas’ Church New members are always welcome. Contact John on [email protected] NB There will be an informal Christmas concert on Monday 15th December for Family & Friends. All welcome. Any thoughts for a new name now that we are meeting on Mondays?? Devised and produced on behalf of the PCC of the parish of Stockton Heath which is a registered charity No 1131459
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