PARISH STAFF Fr. Chris Luoni, Pastor ....................................... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Carol Craven, Dir. of Religious Education.......... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Georgie Shane, Parish Bookkeeper................... 330-542-3466 Email: [email protected] Helen Parry, Parish Secretary ........................... 330-542-3466 JoAnn Yaskulka, Youth Ministry Coordinator…..330-542-3824 Rosalie D’Angelo, Director of Music................... 330-542-3100 or 330-757-7945 Jerry Wittenauer, Business Manager ................. 330-542-3466 MASS SCHEDULE Monday thru Friday .............................................. (see bulletin) Saturday ...................................................................... 5:00 pm Sunday ..................................................... 8:00 am & 11:00 am Holy Days ............................................................ (see bulletin) PARISH SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES 50+ Group Liturgy of the Word for Children AA Meetings Married Couples Altar Guild Men’s Fellowship Altar Servers Mercy Meals Bereavement Music Ministry Bible Studies New Parishioner Committee Charismatic Prayer Group Nursing Home Visitation Church Environment Pastoral Council Eucharistic Ministers Parish Mission Team Evangelization Pirohy Family Life RCIA Financial Advisors St. Vincent de Paul Garden Angels Silas Marners Grounds Crew Sisters in Grace Health Ministry Sponsor Couples HOSPITAL VISITATION: If a parishioner is in the hospital, please contact the rectory to inform us of an admission as the hospital is not allowed to contact us. Homebound Visitation STCCC Hospitality Total Parish Religious Education JOINING ST. PAUL’S: Anyone who wishes may join St. Paul’s. We are proud of our parish’s hospitality, warmth, and friendship. We invite you to become part of our parish family. Once you are comfortable among us, we invite you to join any of our parish organizations or programs. We encourage each single adult in a family to be registered in his or her own name. If you must leave the parish, please let us know. In your journey, we wish you well and thank you for the time you did spend with us. Human Needs BAPTISM: Parents are asked to call the rectory to arrange for a Baptism meeting with the pastor. A date will be arranged at your baptism preparation meeting. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays - 4 pm to 4:30 pm in the Reconciliation Chapel. MARRIAGE: Couples wishing to marry must contact the pastor as soon as possible but no less than six months before your intended date of marriage. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Individuals who will be having surgery or are suffering from a chronic illness should receive the Anointing of the Sick. Please contact the rectory for a time to receive the sacrament. VISITATION OF THE SICK: Visitation, prayer, and communion are offered to our homebound and/or sick on a regular basis. Simply call the rectory. Hospitals & Jails Kid’s Parties Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgical Planning WEBSITE: ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH MASS SCHEDULE: SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: +MEANING DECEASED WELSH MOTORS St. Rt. 165, New Springfield (330) 549-3925 (800) 589-6068 New & Used Sales Parts * Service “Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1939” SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 5PM +Beth Lambrecht-Anniversary SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8AM +Charles Richards 11AM Members of St. Paul’s +Natale Luscre MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 8AM Liturgy of the Word TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8AM +Pauline Popovich WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8AM +Anthony DeFrances-Wedding Anniversary +Beth Lambrecht THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8AM +Anthony & +Julia Glassic FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8AM +Donna DeMain SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 5PM Members of St. Paul’s +Anthony DeFrances SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 8AM +Sam & +Martha Samsa-Birthdays +Frank Bartolovich 11AM +Frank Dietz REHERSALS will be on Sun. at 10AM, this Sun., Nov. 9/16/23 and Dec. 7/14/21. There will be a combined evening rehearsal on Tues., Dec. 23, time TBA. There is no rehearsal on Sun., Nov. 30, due to Thanksgiving. WE ARE IN NEED OF A FEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE HOMEBOUND: If interested, please call the rectory (330) 542-3466. Keep in mind, our homebound really look forward to seeing us since they cannot be with us. GARDEN ANGELS: You have made St. Paul’s grounds so special because of your hard work! THANK YOU for taking pride in your area so that our parish and community can enjoy the BEAUTY and welcoming spirit of St. Paul’s! Remember to put your garden to bed for the winter, and we hope our angel gardeners will return in the Spring. NOVEMBER 16 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ALTAR GUILD AND KNIGHT’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: FIRST READING: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 She works with loving hands. Join the party in our hall on Mon., Dec. 1. Our catered dinner will be served at 6PM by Carolyn Yurak. Our entertainment will be our own Springfield Choir. Cost is $15 per person. Checks can be made to “St. Paul’s Altar Guild.” Make reservations NOW-Mon., Nov. 24. In an envelope marked “Altar Guild” list the people attending and include the money. The envelope can be put into the church basket, taken to the rectory, or given to a guild member. SECOND READING: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Let the day of the Lord not overtake you like a thief. GOSPEL READING: Matthew 25:14-30 Since you were faithful in small matters, come, share your master’s joy. 2009 PARISH DIRECTORY: We have located 1 1/2 boxes of the 2009 Parish Directory. If you would like a copy, please stop by the rectory. ALTAR GUILD RAFFLE WINNER: Nov. 2nd, $50 winner, Matt Estephan In keeping with previous years, the Garden Sharing Program will continue through Nov. 22/23. If you are in need of fresh produce after the Garden Sharing Program closes, you can find the produce at the Tues. Night Community Meals held at the different churches in the area. Regular Collection for November 1/2 $8,540 2 View this bulletin at THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 12:30PM 50+ Group Meeting in Hall TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Veteran’s Day 5-6:30PM Table of Plenty in Hall 7PM Prayer Group in Day Chapel WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 9AM Scripture Study in Church 10AM Liturgy Committee Meeting in Rectory 6PM S in G Meeting in Day Chapel 6:30PM Joyce Meyer Series in Church 7PM RCIA in Room 7 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 7-11AM Pirohy Orders Taken 6:30PM Bingo at Hampton Woods (330) 542-3525 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 7-11AM Pirohy Orders Taken (330) 542-3525 Noon-1PM Pirohy Pick-up in hall Walk-ins Welcome SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 9AM Confirmation Class in Hall 9:15AM Mission Meeting in Room 7 7:30PM Men’s Fellowship in Room 7 8PM AA Meeting in Lower Hall It is not too late to turn in your filled baby bottles. THANK YOU! 2014 CHRISTMAS CANDY SALE: The Altar Guild is sponsoring a Christmas Candy Sale for the organization through Philadelphia Candies. Order for yourself or as a gift for someone special. Orders and money must be in by Sun., Nov. 23. Make checks payable to “Altar Guild.” Put the order form (can be found in the Gathering Space) and money in an envelope marked “Altar Guild.” This can be dropped into the collection basket, droppedoff or mailed to the rectory, or given to an Altar Guild member. Orders can be picked up in the hall, Dec. 6/7. Thank you for your support! ATTENTION HAMPTON WOODS SOCIAL VOLUNTEERS: Bingo Night, this Thurs., Nov. 13, 6:30PM. New volunteers are welcome and needed! If you care to join us, please call the rectory (330) 542-3466. THANK YOU to all who gave their time, talent, and treasure which made our Kid’s Halloween Party a fun and successful time. Most of all, thanks to all of the families who attended. Prayer Box (Blue Box) Prayers Answered Box (Silver Box) Thank You, Lord, my daughter’s biopsy showed no cancer. I love You, Lord. RED KETTLE SIGN-UPS: It is that time of the year again. Please see sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the gathering space. In thanksgiving for my daughter’s new job. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR November 15/16 WELCOME THOSE JOINING OUR PARISH IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER: MASS Lectors Servers Euch. Min. Hosp. 5PM Bell-A Ricciardi-J Fusco-K Ohlin-R Bator-S Buzzacco-B Cubellis-F Humphries-T Klinke-K McMahon-B Pope-K Roland-G Farrow-G Franjko-T Gennaro-N Marsh-C Perrine-P Prosser-K 8AM McLean-C Rachic-S Aey-J Seymour-M Detwiler-D Gentile-D/P Hatala-P Knight-P Ortenzio-J/N Aquisto-J Bero-C/R Donegan-M Kursel-D Sofranec-C 11AM Klepfer-G Morocco-S Lefoer-M/A Buchenic-M Barber-N Conn-P Davanzo-K Emerson-R Eminhizer-L Kathy Desenze Michael & Angela DiLisio and family Tommy & Alexis Mastran and family Michael & Janine Malloy and family FREE COMMUNITY MEALS 5-6:30PM: This Tues., Nov. 11 - St. Paul’s Table of Plenty St. Paul’s, New Middletown Sponsored by Denise & Pat Gentile Tues., Nov. 18 - Calvin’s Friendly Table Petersburg Presbyterian, Petersburg Tues., Nov. 25 - Luther’s Table Zion Lutheran, New Middletown View this bulletin at Gbur-J Nicoloff-S Russo-D 3 Lucci-C Moyer-S Schuler-M ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH 50+ BUS TRIP TO WHEELING DOWNS CASINO & OGLEBAY: Wed., Dec. 10, $39, hope you saw the flyer in last week’s bulletin. For more info. or if interested, call Betty at 330-953-3823. Dear Friends, As we wrap up National Vocation Awareness Week, the readings are very appropriate as we hear about building. Our second reading speaks of the building of our lives as temples in the Lord, and the building of the Church, making it what God has called it to be. All of this must start with a firm foundation, and that foundation is in Christ. Our call to build the Church means that we need to reach out to our young men and women and encourage them to consider the vocation that God is calling them to live. Especially as we conclude Vocation Awareness Week, lets consider who in our parish community may have a call to serve as a priest or in the religious life and encourage him or her to prayerfully consider their calling in God. Thank you to all who have offered prayer and support to help increase vocations in our diocese WE ARE DELIGHTED TO INVITE YOU TO SEE AND PURCHASE HANDMADE RELIGIOUS ARTICLES MADE BY THE SISTERS OF ST. ELIZABETH CONVENT (BELARUS). The expedition will take place after all the masses next weekend Nov. 15/16. Please be attentive to the flyer in this week’s bulletin for full details. THE FLAG WILL FLY on Tues., Nov. 11, in memory of Albert Colatruglio, this being the anniversary of his birth. The flag will also fly on Fri., Nov. 14, in memory of William E. Terihay, this being the anniversary of his birth. IN YOUR CHARITY, please pray for soul of Anthony Rivalsky, brother of Roseanne Duraney, who recently passed away. May his soul and all the souls of our faithful departed, rest in peace. The month of November is a time set aside to especially remember in prayer those of our family and friends who have died. Just inside the doors of the church (to your right coming from the gathering space), you will find a stand that holds the Book of Remembrance of the Dead. You are invited during this month to put the names of family and friends in the book who died from November 1, 2013 to now. All of the names listed in the book will be remembered in a special way at all our Masses during November. HAPPENINGS ELSEWHERE: Real Woman Of The Bible, Women Like Us: A Intergenerational Women’s Retreat Experience: Young adults and those gifted with years to pray & ponder will join in rediscovering the wise, witty, & wonderful women of scripture. Reclaim the stories of foremothers in faith * women like us! This retreat is brief but powerful & focused on the dramatic lives of Sarah and Hager. Hosted at the homelike Bethany Retreat Center in Chardon from this Fri., Nov. 14 at 7PM - Sat., Nov. 15 at 7PM. Cost is $75 with limited number of scholarships available. For more information and to register, go to or contact Sr. Kate Hine, SND [email protected] or (440) 476-6094. + Thank you to those who have returned your baby bottles filled with change for the First Step for Change program. This program benefits those who cannot afford the basic necessities for their babies and toddlers. The proceeds will help buy formula, diapers, and other necessary items for those in need. Thank you for your generosity. Light And Hope During The Holidays: Normally a time of joy and celebration, the holidays often have a much different effect on those who have experienced the death of a loved one. For some, they can result in a renewed sense of personal grief, accompanied by feelings of sadness, loss, loneliness, and emptiness. “It’s a perfectly understandable reaction,” says Sr. Pat Fessler, H.M., Bereavement Coordinator at Higgins-Reardon Funeral Homes. “The holidays are such a special time and there is a great deal of emotion and activity associated with them; yet if a loved one has died, the holidays are not the same. They can be difficult and painful yet joyous.” Please join us at HigginsReardon Funeral Homes for one of the following programs on “Light and Hope During the Holidays:” Sun., Nov. 16, 2PM, 3701 Starr’s Centre Dr., Canfield; Tues., Nov. 18, 6:30PM, 439 S. Salem-Warren Rd., N. Jackson; Thurs., Nov. 20, 7PM, 2726 Center Rd., Poland. In keeping with the spirit of giving, please bring a gift of mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, or socks in memory of your loved one to be given to the needy. Please tag gifts: male, female, adult, child, boy, or girl. To RSVP, call (330) 792-2353. If you have watched any amount of TV you most likely have noticed that we are being inundated with Christmas commercials. As the Christmas season gears up, let us keep in mind daily what really matters, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Keeping this as part of our prayer will help us to put all else into proper perspective. Stay warm with God’s Blessings, Fr. Chris Cardinal Mooney High School Placement Test For 2015/2016 Freshmen: Sat., Nov. 22, 9AM (plan to arrive at 8:55AM), test will conclude promptly at Noon. Please bring several #2 sharpened pencils and a calculator. The results of the test will be used, along with a student’s academic records, to help determine placement in courses for the freshmen year. There in no charge for the test and parents will receive a copy of the test results. For reservations, please call the school office (330) 788-5007 from 8AM-3:30PM daily. For further information, call Mrs. Joanne Carney Smith at the school office. VOCATIONS: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome: St. Paul tells us that God has laid the foundation and we build upon it. How are you being called to build the kingdom of God as His co-worker? Consider the generous service of priesthood or consecrated life. To find out more, contact Fr. Chris Luoni at (330) 744-8451, or email: [email protected]. First Friday Club Of Greater Youngstown: Thurs., Dec. 4, 11:30AM, Antone’s Banquet Center, Boardman, for reservations call (330) 7204498. Speaker: John Alllen, Associate Editor, Boston Globe, Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN. Topic: “The Papacy of Francis.” RECTORY PHONE NUMBER: 330-542-3466 NEW WEBSITE: 4 View this bulletin at
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