THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 69 Valley St., Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Website: ♦ PASTORAL STAFF CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Rev. John J. Korbelak, Pastor Rev. Jerzy Pikulinski (George) Deacon Albert Ganter, RCIA Deacon Jack Gray, Baptism & Human Concerns Catherine A. Wollyung, Faith Formation Sr. Mary McFarland, O.P., Homebound & Seniors Roberto Sabastiani, Director of Music Ministry Margaret Manley, Confirmation Program Assisting Clergy Rev. Thomas J. Norton, Weekend Assistant Rev. Msgr. Philip D. Morris, Pastor Emeritus The Lord’s Day RECTORY/ADMINISTRATION: 201-664-3131 Jennifer Cannon, Business Administrator/Stewardship Naomi Kavanah, Parish Secretary Glen Ford, Superintendent of Building Maintenance Art Dalle Molle, Theresa Henry, Trustees Brenda Laux, Pastoral Council Chair James Farrell, Finance Council Chairman Mark Henni, Ed Addvensky, Stewardship Council Chairmen Edna Lord, “The Spirit” Newsletter Editor PARISH CENTER: One Valley Street 201-666-2707 Offices of Faith Formation Ministries Catherine Wollyung, Director Kathleen Breitenbach, Registrar Debra DiPiazza, Program Asst. Thomas Merton Spiritual Direction Center Mary Musella, Catherine Wollyung, Sr. Gail DeMaria ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY: 460 Hillsdale Ave. 201-664-6364 Elizabeth Viola, M.A.., Principal Connie Nunez, Secretary Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM Weekday Masses Monday and Saturday: 8:00 AM Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM BAPTISMS: Baptism of Infants is normally celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM eleven months of the year. For arrangements and information about Baptismal Preparation of Infants, please contact Deacon Jack Gray 201-664-3131 ext. 128; for older children and adults, please contact Cathy Wollyung at 201-666-2707 ext.217. RECONCILIATION: This sacrament of Christ’s forgiveness is celebrated Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM, and at Interparochial Communal Services during Advent and Lent. MATRIMONY: Couples are urged to begin preparation for marriage immediately after the engagement, but not less than one year previous to the wedding date. Phone the Parish Office at 664-3131 to begin preparation. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: In case of severe illness contact the Parish Office for a priest to visit for the Sacrament of Anointing. Contact Sr. Mary McFarland at 666-2707 ext. 215 to arrange home visitation and communion for those who cannot attend Sunday liturgy. Those anticipating hospitalization for surgery, contact one of the priests for Sacrament of Anointing. Otherwise, contact the Pastoral Care Office at any of our area hospitals for anointing and communion. PARISH REGISTRATION: We invite all new parishioners to register at the Parish Office and to introduce themselves to our parish priests after Mass or at the Parish Office. A Welcome Ministry contact will follow. The 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 From the Pastor’s REGULAR Desk SCHEDULE of MASSES on Sunday “ For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” 8am, 10am and 12pm Saturday, November 15 5pm Theodore Surette req. The Cole Family 55th Anniv. Everything has a purpose in life, yet we don’t always know what it is. Every life has meaning which reveals itself as it unfolds, but we don’t know it beforehand. Every person has some talent, whether great or small, which he is called to use, even if he thinks it insignificant. Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are supposed to use our talents. They have been given for a purpose. We are called by our Creator to give him glory by the good that we do. In life we can, unfortunately, lose sight of what we are supposed to do with what we have. We are not here to glorify ourselves, but to let it be known that we share in God’s intent that all be assisted by the array of gifts that have been bestowed. We are here to help God and one another. In the end, the ones who understand that they have much, (even if it appears to others as “little”) and use it to the glory of God will multiply their blessings, because they trust in what God has given them. Those without a grasp of what they have will lose what little they have for failure to trust and utilize their gifts for God’s glory. We are called to trust that God who is the bestower of all gifts has a purpose in his allocation. Faithfulness in even little things in life is meaningful to God. He uses the simplest and weakest to reveal his power and glory. We should never be discouraged because we don’t think we have much in life. The Gospels are replete with examples of Jesus taking a little and multiplying its effect. Remember the loaves and the fishes! Sunday, November 16 8am People of the Parish 10am Frank & Jennie Gangemi req. Joseph & Sandra Heiser Jr. 12pm James Taskalos Sr req. The Ciuppa Family Monday, November 17 8am Peggy Mockler req. The Killian Family Tuesday, November 18 8am Cyril Daniel Higgins req. Nancy & Bob Higgins 12pm The Wynne, Keating & O’Connell Family req. Peter & Eileen Wynne Wednesday, November 19 8am Shirley Luongo 12pm John H. Johnson req. The Henry Family req. The Johnson & O’Shea Family Thursday, 8am Carol Meyer November 20 req. Bob Meyer Wedding Anniv. 12pm Mary & James Armstrong req. Peter & Eileen Wynne Friday, 8am Daniel Kelly 12pm Ben Sparano November 21 req. Kathleen Rooney req. Eileen Sparano Saturday, November 22 8am Henry S. Wiles req. Virginia & Jeffrey Wiles 5pm Henry S. Wiles req. Virginia & Jeffrey Wiles Sunday, November 23 SPECIAL REMEMBRANCES The Bread & Wine is being donated 8am Teresa Cainero req. Anthony Cainero 10am Bernadina Carillo req. Lucy & Jim Pellegrino 12pm William Burke req. Mike & Karla Burke In Memory of John Gleeson Those who have pre-arranged an intention for a Mass are invited to present the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration. At the request of The DePinto Family On the Lord’s Day and Holy Days please inform the usher. 1 Please Remember in Your Prayers STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE The Work of Christ at St. John’s is supported by Parishioners who have Embraced the Biblical Ideals of Stewardship Tithing In love and kindness, please pray for: LAST WEEKEND’S DECEASED: Rev. Thomas M. Foye, Mary DeMarco, STEWARDSHIP COLLECTION David Stelman, William Greene, Maureen Fay, The sacrificial giving of our parishioners on the weekend of November 8 and 9 was $15,723. This includes $2,603 contributed via Faith Direct by 110 parishioners, and $12,696 in envelopes and/or checks from 387 parishioners. The average of these donations was $30.79. The collection also included $424 in cash. SICK: Robert Ettore, John Kuttiyara, Bill Ellis, Mel Conover, Andrew Goodell, Eileen Smyth, Liam Fanning, Eileen Sparano, Carmen Lopez, Donna & Phil Gianfredi, Paul Kearns, Joan Scherrer, Zachary Latteri, Lisa Branch, Josephine Dombrowski, Bruno DeMayo, Peter Grower, Sal Castoria, Jack O’Shea, Jack O’Hara, Danielle Newkirk, Luca Di Lorenzo, George Foley, Christopher Marra, Lubomyr Dumanovsky, Ruta Fiorino, Dominic Guadagno, Louise Arigot, Lynne Bennette, Helen Tursky, Millie Giordano, Stephanie Roche, Anne O’Brien, Jay Sasfai, Alice & Peter Freidrich, John Drozdik Jr., Keith Durie, Ed Vanderhoff, Misty Carrico, Kathleen Sova, John Folker, Sharon Friedrich, Mary Bryne, Carol Weaver, Bill Richardot, Felix Brady, Joe O’Keefe, Samantha Salterelli, Eladio Lopez, Shannon Callagy, Barbara & Marge Sikora, Cole Haynes, Erickson Mino, Mary Musella, Albert Vaccari, Rex & Xander O’Reilly , Alfred Murphy, Regina Winsick, Anthony D’Amico, Richard McAllister, Pat La France, Beth Wajps, Sunday and Holy Day collections for the current fiscal year have decreased compared to the same period last year. Through Nov. 9 these collections were $235,031 compared to $242,682 last year. That’s a drop of $7,651. We invite parishioners to please increase their weekly collections. Without achieving an increase in annual revenue, the parish will continue to operate at a deficit. The service provided to our parish by Faith Direct ensures that all the participants weekly and holiday contributions are made regardless of the weather or vacations. For more in- Violet Bauer, Joseph Locashio, Tom McHugh, formation, please see below, or contact Jennifer in the RecMarianne Stubbs, Anne Dalle Molle, Zachary Ziegelhofer tory Office. FAITH DIRECT Parishioners may contribute to weekly parish stewardship collections through credit card or automatic payment from their checking account. Faith Direct accepts Discover, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. CAPITAL PROJECTS 2014 So far we’ve raised $31,641 toward our Capital Projects Appeal . . . but we need your help to reach our goal of $60,000! We invite you to consider using this convenient service. You can sign up on-line at (please use church code NJ48) or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for The Capital Projects include energy efficient upgrades identified during an Energy Audit Program the parish your continued stewardship support of our parish. participated in this past year. The upgrades were subsidized by the NJ Clean Air Program, which covered almost 70% of the costs. The Capital Projects also include necessary repairs made to our church bell tower, sound system, and computer systems. “Calling All Senior Citizens” You’re invited to Immaculate Heart Academy’s Annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving dinner. Please join us on Monday, November 24th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm in the IHA cafeteria for a free Thanksgiving dinner, raffle and entertainment. We are appealing to each parish family to please consider making a $175 donation toward this appeal. Contributions may be mailed to the rectory office or placed in the collection basket. Please make your check payable to St. John’s Church, and be sure to mark “Capital Projects” on the memo line. Thank you! Please RSVP to Sarah Shutrop 201 445-6800 ext. 125 or [email protected] 2 Liturgy Corner ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY NEWS MINISTERS ASSIGNED FOR November 22& 23 Saturday 5:00 PM Fr. Tom Norton Lectors: A. Muller / A. Gallagher Eucharistic Ministers: D. Molta / D. Carlson / D. LeBow / P. Jackson / M. Elbert / J. Muller / B. Gray / M. Swords / K. Mueller Altar Servers: P. Breen / V. Vivas / M. Gallagher Sunday 8:00 AM Fr. Tom Norton Lectors: M. O’Connor / P. Krey Eucharistic Ministers: K. Gibney / S. Streeter / J. Mayo / J. Weisman / R. Sandt / T. Henry / J. Henni / M. Rocco Altar Server: C. Cole / J. Beltram / R. Beltram Sunday 10:00 AM Fr. John Korbelak Lectors: J. Beatty Eucharistic Ministers: D. Holmgren / M. DeAngelo / M. Cartwright / S. Svorec / M. Beck / D & D Smith / R & K Personette Altar Servers: G. Beckmeyer / J. Nugent / P. Nestrowitz Sunday 12:00 PM Fr. Jerzy Pikulinski Lectors: R. Stigliano / F. Parisi Eucharistic Ministers: S. Huvane / R. O’Shea / J. Conway / M. Green / G. Carty / W. Filon / P. Mavridis / E. Metrione Altar Servers: E. Parisi / E. Stigliano / J. Della Pesca IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SERVE, PLEASE FIND A SUBSTITUTE. It is with a sense of pride and great pleasure we inform you that the Middle States evaluation team will recommend St. John’s Academy for full re-accreditation. The school thanks the entire faculty, staff, Pastors, Advisory Board, PTG, parents and our wonderful SJA students for their time, talent and shining effort in making us who we are a faith-filled, caring learning environment where we educate each and every child so they may develop to their fullest potential. SPECIAL COLLECTION - NOV 15/16 The special collection THIS weekend is actually three collections combined into one, as it covers: Catholic Campaign for Human Development right here in the United States, Catholic Relief in other countries, and Black & Indian Relief. As Catholics we are called to reach out to our brothers and sisters right here in the United States, as well as overseas. We are called to stand together, as one human family, with people of all nations and cultures who suffer from poverty, injustice and violence. Envelopes for this collection were mailed with your monthly envelopes; extras can be found by the doors of the church. A LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM THE DOMINICAN SISTERS OF BLAUVELT Dear Fr. Korbelak: The Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt thank you for your generosity in supporting our Annual Festival. This was our 64th Festival, and it was a beautiful autumn day enjoyed by all… The following list represents the Grand Prize Winners. We would be most grateful if you would share this information with your parishioners and express our gratitude to them. 1st Prize $3,000 Douglas Blancero, Red Hook, NY We joyfully welcome the new members of the Church Who were baptized into the faith at St. John’s during the months of October & November. 2nd Prize $1,500 Danielle Cazamayou, Bronx, NY 3rd Prize $ 500 John Harrigan, Sussex, NJ Trip to Ireland - Logan Michael Lepore, child of Giancarlo & Erin Brayden Michael Klingele, child of Michael & Teresa 3 Martha Bauer, Saddle River, NJ HELPING HAND FOOD PANTRY Monday, November 17, 2014 5:30-7:00pm SORT/RESTOCK Joanne Folkers, Supervisor; Juliann Anastasi, Judy Crawford, Dede Danaher, Bernie Gray NOVEMBER 2014 Cozy Corner Knitting Group: meets every Wed. from 9:30am to 11:00am in the Parish Center, Seton Room. ITEMS NEEDED All Canned Vegetables, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Juices. Staples/Boxed Foods: coffee, tea, potatoes, milk, vegetable oil, rice, sugar, flour, cocoa, pancake mix, cake & muffin mixes, brownie mix, pudding & Jello mixes, stove top stuffing, chicken broth, gravy peanut butter, hot & cold cereals. Condiments: Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, jam, jelly, maple syrup, black olives, mushrooms. School snacks: cookies, crackers. Personal: hand soap; shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels. Supermarket gift cards also welcome! Career Resource Ministry: will meet the 2nd Wed. of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Our Lady’s Prayer Group: will meet Wed. Nov. 19th at 7:30pm in the parish center. Social Justice Ministry– will meet on Wed. Nov. 19 at 7:30pm at St. Andrew’s Parish Center. Helping Hand Food Pantry, P.O. Box 354, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Caregivers Support Group– will meet on Sun. Nov. 16th at 1:30pm in the Parish Center. TURKEY DROP OFF DAY The Human Concerns Committee– will meet in the Parish Center on Monday, Nov. 17th at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. HELPING HAND FOOD PANTRY The Helping Hand Food Pantry will hold a “Turkey Drop Off Day” on Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 from 9:00am until 12:00 noon. Turkeys can also be delivered to the Pantry on Mon. evenings, Nov. 10 and 17 from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm. The Pantry is located at the corner of Magnolia and Washington Streets in the Hillsdale United Methodist Church. November 22 will be the Last time for receiving turkeys due to distribution arrangements. Pantry volunteers will be on hand to accept the donated turkeys. Please note that only FROZEN turkeys can be accepted. For ease of handling small to medium size turkeys are preferred. Gift certificates to neighboring grocery stores are also appreciated. MONDAY MORNING MOVIE On Monday, November 17th at 9:30 am the inspiring film, Mother Teresa, starting Olivia Hussey, will be shown in the parish center. Produced in 2003, the film runs 115 minutes and tells the life story of this modern day saint who brought the healing love of Jesus to the streets of Calcutta and to the whole world. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served. Attendance qualifies for faith formation credit. 4 SOCIAL JUSTICE CORNER STRUGGLES OF THE POOR Pope Francis urged an international gathering of grassroots social activists to struggle against the “structural causes” of poverty and inequality, with a “revolutionary” program drawn from the Gospel. Speaking to a Vaticansponsored World Meeting of Popular Movements on October 28, 2014 Pope Francis said: “The poor no longer wait, they seek to be protagonists, they organize, study, work, demand and above all, practice that special solidarity that exits among those who suffer, among the poor.” He continued saying that solidarity entails struggling “against the structural cause of poverty, inequality, the lack of work, land and shelter, the denial of social and labor rights,” and confronting what he called the “empire of money.” The Pope said social justice also requires peace and environmental protection, both of which the global economic system inevitably threatens. He delivered his remarks with a strong note of personal encouragement to the activists. National Catholic Reporter, October 28,2014 CHILDREN’S CHOIR FOR CHRISTMAS Do you know of a child who loves to sing? We invite them to join our St. John’s Christmas Children’s Choir! Open to boys and girls ages 5-12, our choir will focus on developing vocal, basic rhythm and music reading skills. Singers will be taught new Christmas music as well as familiar favorites. Rehearsals will be held once weekly starting October 19, leading up to a performance at our 2014 Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 14 at 1:00pm and on Christmas Eve at our 4:00pm Children’s Mass. Under the direction of Roberto Sabastiani and Cantor, Lisa Gordon, your child will sing and celebrate the Birth of Jesus through song and friends! For more information or to sign up your child, please contact Roberto or Lisa at 201 725-5927 or email: [email protected] A NEW MINISTRY FOR MASSES—GREETERS Are you a friendly person who is interested in enhancing our Church Community and encouraging it to grow? Then please join our NEW Greeters Ministry! We are seeking volunteers with warm, friendly personalities to serve at weekend masses. The purpose of Greeters Ministry is to welcome, receive, meet, recognize, speak to, and smile upon parishioners as they enter St. John’s for weekend Masses. 1.Welcome and greeting all parishioners and visitors in a friendly manner as they enter the church before Mass. 2. Answer any questions. 3. Walking people to seats, bathrooms, destinations, etc. if they are unfamiliar with the layout of the church. 4. Wishing all parishioners and visitors a great week and to come again as they leave Mass. Women’s Cornerstone We will need at least 6 volunteers to serve in this Ministry per mass each weekend, so a minimum of 24 individuals are One Day Retreat Save the date and join the Women’s Cornerstone One Day needed. Volunteers would need to arrive at least 15 minutes Retreat on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015. Treat yourself to this spe- before mass begins. cial opportunity to strengthen your faith, come closer to Christ, and experience the warmth of Christian Community within the Children, Teens, adults and seniors are welcome and encourcomfort of St. John’s Cornerstone. Watch the bulletin for fur- aged to serve as Greeters! Training will be provided. ther details or contact: If you are interested in giving your time to this Ministry, call Cathy Wollyung at 201 666-2707 ext. 217 or Janis Mayo at [email protected] or Lucrezia Rack at [email protected] [email protected] GOD’S TOTS - 3 & 4 YEAR OLD SUNDAY PROGRAM EVENING OF GATHERING God’s Tots is a new early childhood program of Bible stories, music, crafts and prayer that will take place on Sundays during Women of the parish come join the Martha & Mary Ministry the 10:00 am Mass. God’s Tots will be in the Parish Center Library We will still take new children until Nov. 23 Call Cathy Wollyung at 201 666-2707 or [email protected] PREPARING FOR ADVENT for a “Cup of Christmas” on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd at 7:30pm in the parish center. It is an opportunity for community gathering and time to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Attendance will be credited toward an Adult Faith Formation. For more information contact Kathy Breitenbach at [email protected] or Mary Ellen Breen at [email protected] Beginning Saturday/Sunday, Nov. 29/30, the celebration of the opening of the Mass, which is the 1st Sunday in Advent, the liturgy will begin in a different manner requiring a Children’s Sunday Liturgies quiet atmosphere. Please enter the church for Mass in a reverent manner. We hope this will enhance your Advent The future dates are: Nov. 23 at 10:00am, Dec. 21 at experience going through the 4 weeks of the season, as 10:00am, Jan 24 at the 5pm, Feb. 8 at 10:00am. On we wait, prepare, recognize and then behold the Lamb of Palm Sunday we want the children to participate in the God, to come to save his people. opening procession. Thank You 5 St. John the Baptist Church Hillsdale, NJ 201-664-3131 Naomi Kavanah 6
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