Agenda item: 24 GOVERNING BODY MEETING – TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2014 MINUTES TO BE RECEIVED Title of Meeting Date of Meeting Quality Improvement, Governance and Engagement Committee 23 September 2014 Status (ratified/draft) Ratified CCG Representatives A Janjua, K Toole, I Stewart. Summary of key issues discussed: NWAS update Update on Patient and Public Engagement activity Updated Complaints Policy accepted and agreed by the Committee Medicines optimisation documentation accepted and ratified by the Committee Safeguarding update provided by the Head of Safeguarding Sub Group minutes accepted by the Committee Project management Office (PMO) highlight report Ophthalmology Pre-PEAR Assessment reviewed and ratified Quarter 4 final delivery dashboard was noted; the report included the following: report against Assurance Domains for quarter 4 the Delivery Dashboard received from NHS England the annual assurance letter the Assurance Guidance issued for 14/15 Issues requiring action: Details: By whom: Timescale: All actions are identified within the minutes. Recommendation: The Governing Body is asked to review and note the contents of the minutes. Jennifer Aldridge Chief Nursing Officer Quality Improvement and Governance Committee Chair Minutes of the Quality Improvement and Governance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 23 September 2014 in the Grasmere meeting room, Wesham Present: Jennifer Aldridge, Chief Nursing Officer (Chair) Adam Janjua, GP and Elective Clinical Lead Peter Tinson, Chief Operating Officer Tracy Riddick, Senior Integrated Governance Officer Amanda Bate, Community and Engagement Manager Kevin Toole, Lay member for Patient and Public Engagement Ian Stewart, Secondary Care Doctor Alice Marquis-Carr, Designated Nurse and Head of Safeguarding Fiona O’Donoghue, Safeguarding Manager Nick Medway, Quality and Clinical Governance Manager Stephanie Betts, Performance and Quality Manager, CSU Julie Lonsdale, Medicines Optimisation Manager Dr Vasudev, Board member Healthwatch Lancashire/Retired Histopathologist Tony Naughton, Clinical Chief Officer Julie Pennington, Executive Assistant/Minute Secretary Justine Howe, (Item No 7 only) Pippa Hulme, (Item No 14 only) 1 Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from K Greenwood, Z Atcha, C Lewis 2 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 3 Minutes of the last meeting held on 229 July 2014 The minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2014 were approved as an accurate record. 4 Matters Arising There were no matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 29 July 2014. 5 Action sheet from meeting held on 24 June 2014 The action sheet was updated accordingly. 6 Any other urgent business None. 7 Update on NWAS 7.1 NWAS Update Justine Howe was present for this agenda item and provided an update to the Committee, highlights of which included: Current NWAS performance had dipped due to an increase in demand. Resilience funding had been given to NWAS, a breakdown of use is awaited. Performance currently being discussed and addressed included: (1) Increase in Community First 2 Responders; (2) Review of man-made spikes, ie shift patterns and hand overs; (3) Review of general commissioning intelligence, ie falls made up 14% of calls to 999, 65% of which were being conveyed. Discussion took place on what types of falls were being conveyed and whether an audit had taken place on specific falls patients and whether GPs were alerted to such falls. J Howe advised that she would seek responses on these queries and report back to the QI & GC in the future. J Howe advised that NWAS would be undertaking a Pilot Scheme in relation to provision of Advanced Community Paramedics. J Howe said that although Fylde and Wyre were not piloting this scheme, she would be working closely with NWAS and would obtain a report in due course. P Tinson reported that, following an additional £15m investment, NWAS would be putting a recovery plan in place with particular emphasis on First Responders. This appraisal would be taking place on a North West wide basis. J Howe accepted an invitation to attend future QI & GC meetings to provide further updates. 7.2 8 NWAS Update Report – non urgent transport services This document was circulated with the agenda for information. Patient and Public Engagement 8.1 Healthwatch Collaboration Dr Vasudev reported that the new Chief Executive of Lancashire HealthWatch had been appointed, namely Gill Brown; Ms Brown is a bio-medical scientist with 40 years’ experience of working for the NHS. She has worked in various Merseyside NHS Trusts including the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospitals. She is at present serving as the Director of Corporate and Research Governance at the Walton Hosiptal. Ms Brown would be taking up post on 3 November 2014. He also reported that a Communications Officer and Website Designer had recently been appointed. Three focus groups had been held by HealthWatch Lancashire; A Bate agreed to speak to Dr Vasudev in order that the CCG could glean messages from those sessions and continue to work towards joint forums in the future, where appropriate. J Aldridge asked Dr Vasudev to pass on thanks to HealthWatch Lancashire for their involvement in the forthcoming Stroke Pathway deep dive visits. 8.2 Sub Group Update K Toole provided an update from the recent PPE Sub Group meeting advising that Dr Tony Naughton attended the September meeting to talk through the five year strategy. Dr Naughton’s attendance was well received by the Group. Mark Britton had recently been appointed as Communications Manager; M Britton would be working closely with K Hurry and would primarily be driving the CCGs communication strategy around social media and web development. The Fleetwood Neighbourhood Team now had an established engagement committee forum. T Naughton would be attending the next meeting to present the five year strategy to this group. K Toole advised that HealthWatch Blackburn with Darwen had recently commissioned Travers Peter to 3 carry out research into the experience of the LGB & T community in Blackburn with Darwen in relation to access to health services. (Travers Peter works for Lancashire County Council on the Isaac Hitchen project.) K Toole asked if a similar exercise should be undertaken by Fylde and Wyre. K Toole agreed to liaise with Dr Vasudev about the current streams of work HealthWatch Lancashire have on in relation to this subject. I Stewart asked the question as to how the PPE Group engaged with elderly groups, as the majority of people in this group may not have access to computers. K Toole advised that notice boards within GP surgeries was a good method of reaching out to such groups; A Bate said that the PPE Group recognised it was difficult to reach out and engage with the elderly, however, she assured the Committee that there were strong community links which assisted in reaching this particular group. The CCG also linked in with Jules Walls, Head of Equality Diversity and Human Rights who was based within the CSU Delivery Assurance Team who also helped reach out to this Group. K Toole referred to the forthcoming Quality Assurance Visits – Stroke Pathway, and reported that three Listening Events had taken place around the Stroke Pathway, with Stroke Association representatives leading the events. The events were extremely well attended with over 80 members of the community participating. Once the full report was received from the Stroke Association it would be shared with the Committee. Quality Assurance Visits – Stroke Pathway: J Aldridge reminded the Committee that two visits would be taking place around the Stroke Pathway, the first would be on 14 October in the Community and the second would take place on 21 October at Blackpool Victoria Hospital. She advised that a considerable amount of work had been carried out to-date and that the visits were a very complex operation. She reminded the Committee that these visits were not about inspection but to gain assurance. 8.3 9 Complaints Policy The updated Complaints Policy was circulated with the agenda. A Bate advised that the Policy had been adopted from the old PCT Policy with minor amends made to reflect Fylde and Wyre CCG requirements. A Janjua commented that he thought the Policy was a very good document. The updated Policy was accepted and agreed by the Committee. Clinical Effectiveness 9.1 Medicines Optimisation 9.1.1 Relvar Ellipta for COPD and Asthma Amended policy circulated with the agenda was accepted and ratified. 9.1.2 Certolizumab for AS Accepted and ratified by the Committee. In order to provide assurance, J Aldridge reminded the Committee that the Medicines Sub Group consulted and considered medicines prior to them being referred to the QI & GC for ratification. J Lonsdale also advised that the medicines were also consulted and considered at Lancashire level. 9.2 Quality Reports S Betts referred to the Quality Report circulated with the agenda, a summary of highlights were: 4 Diagnostic waiting times: Indicator not achieved for July 2014, the main issue being backlog of cystoscopy patients at BTH. P Tinson advised that a recovery plan submitted in June 2014 stating that the Trust would achieve target by August 2014 had not been achieved. Mixed Sex Accommodation: 1 x breach reported due to bed availability. Referral to Treatment Waiting Times: Not achieved. The Trust has been asked to develop a plan for achievement of the target at speciality level from September 2014 onwards. P Tinson advised that NHS England had since extended the amnesty to end November 2014. Never Events: 1 x event in July involving a dermatology patient at Clifton Hospital. Post meeting: It was originally believed that the patient was a Fylde and Wyre CCG patient, however, since the Report had been compiled and circulated it had been noted that the patient was a Blackpool CCG patient Health Care Associated Infections: 3 x new cases had been apportioned to the Trust. It was noted that the Trust had breached the quarterly target and was currently reviewing its action plan. Cancer 62 Days - % of patient receiving first definitive treatment: 12 x admitted and 3 x nonadmitted patients have breached the 62 day wait target for receiving first definitive treatment at BTH. Admitted patient breaches were attributed to complex pathways for 5 patients, patient choice for 3 patients, late referrals for 2 patients and delay of one week for one patient in MDT due to the unavailability of a radiologist. The non-admitted patient breaches were attributed to patient choice, delay in treatment for one patient for ‘medical reasons’ and a complex pathway for one patient. In response to a query from I Stewart, S Betts confirmed that she and C Lewis were currently looking at the format of future reports and that complaints would be included in reports going forward. T Riddick raised concern that actions were coming out of the main Lancashire AT QSG meeting and being delegated to the Lancashire AT QSG Primary Care Sub Group, however the QSG Lancashire AT Primary Care Sub Group had not met for quite some time. J Aldridge agreed to raise this point at the next QSG meeting. 9.2.1 9.3 Governing Body Dashboard This report had not been submitted for circulation with the agenda. S Betts agreed to address this and to ensure the report was submitted to future meetings. Learning Disability Annual Self-Assessment Framework Return In C Lewis’s absence, this item was deferred to the October meeting. 10 Patient Safety 10.1 BVH Mortality Update A Janjua that BVH Mortality Board meetings were now held every two months; a meeting had been held in August however no new validated data had been presented at that meeting. A CCG Mortality Surveillance Group would be held on 29 October. 10.2 Safeguarding Update 5 10.2.1 Safeguarding Dashboard A Marquis-Carr updated the Committee on recent developments within Safeguarding both at local and national level; a summary of highlights from the report follows: Audit of Safeguarding Arrangements is nearing completion for 2013/14. Where appropriate action plans are in place progress is being monitored through contact from the team thus ensuring arrangements are robust. Safeguarding Internal Audit Report: a review of the CCGs safeguarding arrangements had been undertaken by Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA); although some weaknesses in the design and/or operation of controls were identified, either their impact would be minimal or they would be unlikely to occur. Overall the level of assurance was deemed significant. Safeguarding Network: All CCGs across Pan Lancashire have agreed to the collaborative approach for safeguarding. Areas of work currently being developed under the collaborative include a revamp of the safeguarding assurance process for commissioned services; review of safeguarding policies and training framework; MCA and DoLs as a direct result of the Cheshire West Judgement; guidance for GPs re safeguarding training ; commissioning of named GP functions and the health contribution to Lancashire's multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH) CQC pending inspection: work continues in ensuring all health organisations are prepared for the unannounced inspection of safeguarding and CLA services. Multi-agency mock inspection by LCC: health agencies across Lancashire recently took part in a multi-agency case file audit as part of LCCs preparations for a pending Ofsted inspection of local authority services for children in need, protection, early help and children looked after. Initial feedback from the process is that health were commended for their swift turn around in getting relevant information into the inspection process and early indicators are that cases have been well managed from a multiagency perspective. 10.2.2 MCA/DoLS A Marquis-Carr reported that a huge amount of work was being undertaken across Lancashire in light of the Cheshire West Judgement. She referred to the report circulated with the agenda which provided more in depth information in relation to activity to date, next steps and recommendations. J Aldridge and A Marquis-Carr agreed to meet outside of the meeting to discuss individual risks in more detail. J Aldridge agreed to update I Stoddart on anticipated financial implications. 10.3 National Peer Review Programme : In C Lewis’s absence, this item was deferred to next meeting. 10.4 Outlier Alert: In C Lewis’s absence, this item was deferred to next meeting. 10.5 Patient Safety Alert: In C Lewis’s absence, this item was deferred to next meeting. 10.6 AQUA: In C Lewis’s absence, this item was deferred to next meeting. 11 Items to be noted from or escalated to Quality Surveillance Group 6 There was nothing identified for escalation to the Quality Surveillance Group. 12 Sub Group updates and minutes 12.1 Patient and Public Engagement Group The minutes from the meetings held on 14 August and 11 September 2014 were noted and ACCEPTED. 12.2 Assurance Group The minutes from the meeting held on 10 September 2014 were noted and ACCEPTED. 12.3 Contract Performance and Quality Group The minutes from the meeting held on 12 September 2014 were noted and ACCEPTED. 12.4 Medicines Sub Group The minutes from the meeting held on 29 July 2014 were noted and ACCEPTED. 12.5 Safeguarding Assurance Group There was no meeting in August, therefore no minutes were available for distribution. 12.6 Mortality Surveillance Group There was no meeting in August, therefore no minutes were available for distribution. 12.7 Primary Care Quality Improvement Group There was no meeting in August, therefore no minutes were available for distribution. 13 Corporate Governance P Hulme was in attendance for this agenda item. 13.1 Project Management Office – highlight report P Hulme referred to the Project Performance Dashboard and Annual Commissioning Plan and advised that the purpose of the report was to provide members with the updated Programme Dashboard for the period 25 August – 12 September 2014 and present the reformulated Annual Commissioning Plan. The report was a snapshot in time position statement covering all of the projects underway in Year 1 of the Programme work plan, underpinning the delivery of the CCGs five year strategy. The report also provided a proactive transparent and visual representation of the projects which was continually updated on a weekly basis to reflect progress and change and will be reported monthly. The report was noted and accepted by the Committee. 13.2 Pre-PEAR Assessments Review and Approval The Committee reviewed and ratified the Ophthalmology Pre-PEAR Assessment. The request to delegate authority for the Quality Sub Group to approve Pre-PEAR Assessments for further projects was approved. 13.3 Quarter 4 Final Delivery Dashboard The Q4 Final Delivery Dashboard was circulated to the Committee for audit purposes only. The report summarised the following: report against Assurance Domains for Quarter 4 7 the Delivery Dashboard received from NHS England the annual assurance letter the Assurance Guidance issued for 2014/15 The report was noted. 14 Dates and times of future meetings: Tuesday 28 October 2014 – 10.00 am : Patient Engagement Workplan (KT) / Insight (NM) Tuesday 25 November 2014 – 10.00 am Tuesday 16 December 2014 – 10.00 am : NWAS Recall / Provider & Quality Schedule (CL) Tuesday 27 January 2015 – 10.00 am Tuesday 24 February 2015 – 10.00 am : Nursing Homes (NM & JH) Tuesday 31 March 2015 – 10.00 am 8
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