How to Log into te:

How to Log into
Go to the Website: OR
Enter your User name and password. Your username is the username/website you registered with
when you signed up to promote the challenge. If you do not know your username, please contact
Devon or someone else in your upline.
Your home page tells all the latest and greatest going on within the ViSalus the community, as well as
your team. All the links at the top provide helpful tools to help you reach your customers and goals.
PLEASE look around the site – YOU CAN’T HURT ANYTHING!!!
Business Dashboard
The Business Dashboard provides you with everything regarding customers and promoters within
your team. To get there Click on:
My Business > Business Dashboard
The Business Dashboard is where you should spend most of your time checking on your customers
recent orders, how each promoter in your team is doing, problem orders, etc. It tells you who is close
to hitting Rising Star director, who you have helped earn their BWM, etc. REVIEW THIS PAGE
How to view Problem Orders
From your Business Dashboard, click on:
Quick Reports > Problem Orders
Any orders that have not processed correctly will be listed, with what the problem is with the order.
Please contact your customers, or your downline to resolve these problem orders before the end of
the month!!
How to know if you are getting your product for free?
Three for FREE program is great! And you can get your product for free each month by simply having
enough PQV (Personal Qualification Volume) each month.
If your Kit is the $99 Shape kit – you must have an ADDITIONAL 3X $99 or $297 in customer orders.
You can easily see how much you have in your volume and if you are getting your product for free.
First place is on your dashboard:
If you do not have a green check next to Qualified to get Next Month’s Kit
for FREE, click on the VIEW CUSTOMERS link.
The top box will tell you if you have enough customer volume to get your product for free, or how
much more you need.