St. Rita Catholic Church - Portland, OR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am-Fr. Jeff Eirvin LWC Faith Formation Coffee & Donuts –George & Phillis Yager Rite of Admission/Rite of Welcome 10am Mass 1st Reconciliation Prep #5 12:30am REC MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH Bible Study 6pm REC CCH 7pm REC TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH OFFICE CLOSED-VETERANS DAY TOPS 4-6 pm REC Bible Study 6pm REC OATC 6:30-8:30 REC WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH Bible Study 11-12 REC SVDP 3-5 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH RCIA 7-8 pm REC OSTC 6-9 pm REC FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH OCO 9-12 Chapel SVDP 10:00-12:00 Confession 4 pm Mass 5:30 pm– Msgr. Don Buxman SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am-Msgr. Don Buxman LWC Faith Formation Coffee & Donuts –Charlotte Benfiet & Jo Best 1st Reconciliation Prep #6 12:30am REC Remembering the Parish Deceased November is the Month of All Saints and All Souls and we remember, in a special way, all of our parish deceased. Anyone who would like to place a picture of a deceased family member or friend in our Remembrance Corner is invited to bring that picture anytime during the month of November and it will remain there through the month. Please be sure to place your name on the back of your picture so we can return it to you. Women’s Guild Notice There will be no Women’s Guild meeting Monday, November 10. Reflection and Prayer-Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Today the Church celebrates the dedication of the Lateran Basilica—the cathedral church for the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. In celebrating a house of prayer, we are celebrating the place where God wishes to dwell: the people he calls his own, his living temple. As Saint Caesarius of Arles said on this feast long ago, “whenever we come to church, we must prepare our hearts to be as beautiful as we expect this church to be. Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean? Then do not soil your soul with the filth of sins. Do you wish this basilica to be full of light? God too wishes that your soul be not in darkness, but that the light of good works shine in us.” (Office of Readings, vol. IV, p. 1548). Lord God, you have made us one in the Body of Christ, and through our communion in him we have become members of Christ and one another. Keep your family in unity and peace, and make us worthy to be your dwelling place. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, IN HONOR OF VETERAN’S DAY. St Vincent de Paul Next weekend is St. Vincent de Paul Food Weekend. We are collecting food donations for our Christmas Boxes. You will find bags with lists of needed items on the table by the baptismal font. Please take a bag, fill it and bring it back next weekend. Thank you for your continuing support. Parish Income Weekly Offertory Goal $ 5,692.98 Offertory for 11/02/14 $ 5,952.00 Budget 7/1/14-6/30/15 $ 375,494.00 Received from all sources $ 105,269.63 7/1/14 through 11/02/14 St. Vincent de Paul 11/02/14 $ Parish Improvements 11/02/14 $ 812.00 102.00 November 9, 2014 - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica A NOTE OF THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO… The Women’s Guild and all who helped set-up, serve and clean-up the Fall Festival and Bazaar! Exploring Your Strengths Congratulations to Abbie Ajifu, Joshua Clark, Signa Johnston, Tina Kuss, Joyce Murphy, Carol Panowicz, Angela Patterson, Sharon Schuler and Sue Slingerland who have just completed the Fall Exploring Your Strengths classes. This process is offered to any parishioner who is interested in learning about the talents that God has given them and how they can benefit you as well as your work life, family members and friends. If you are interested in these sessions, please contact Chris (503-665-3721 or [email protected]) and let me know. If we have enough interest, we will schedule another series before spring. Drivers Needed There are a number of folks in our parish boundaries who are in need of a ride to Mass each week. RIDE CONNECTION (located on 99th and Glisan) will lend us a 5 passenger van or mini-bus each week to transport them, for the cost of gas. No chauffer’s license is needed. There is paperwork and an interview with RIDE CONNECTION around the use of their vehicle. If you are interested in possibly being a driver, please contact Lisa Porter in the parish office at 503-252-3403 or email at [email protected]. PARISH BLOOD DRIVE SIGN-UPS Blood donor sign-ups will begin next weekend. The sign-up table will be in the back of the church after each Mass. The Blood Drive is Friday, December 5th from 2:00 to 7:00 PM in the REC. A box has been placed in the vestibule to collect recyclable eyeglasses, hearing aids and cell phones. Courtesy of our local Lion’s Club. SCRIPTURE FOR DAILY PRAYER Mon. Nov. 10 Ti 1:1-9;Lk 17:1-6 Tue. Nov. 11 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14;Lk 17:7-10 Wed. Nov. 12 Ti 3:1-7;Lk 17:11-19 Thu. Nov. 13 Phlm 7-20;Lk 17:20-25 Fri. 2 Jn 4-9;Lk 17:26-37 Nov. 14 Sat. Nov. 15 3 Jn 5-8;Lk 18:1-8 Sun. Nov. 16 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31;1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Mon. Nov. 10 7:45 am + Toni Linne Tue. Nov. 11 7:45 am + Bernie Calcagno Wed. Nov. 12 7:45 am + Maria Valdez Thu. Nov. 13 7:45 am Julie Harris Fri. Nov. 14 7:45 am + Cosmo & Angiolina Spada Sat. Nov. 15 5:30 pm + Dorain Layton Sun. Nov. 16 7:30 am Our Parish 10:00 am Lena Kileleman LET US PRAY FOR: Pureza Abellera, Kahla Amos, Rod Austria, Ashe Brin Barneycote, Shirley Barnard, Michael Barteaux, Charlotte Benfiet, Joyce Bigelow, Arleigh & Betty Black, Earl Bracy, Dick Brown, Maria Brown, Rudy Buliavac, Tonya C., Joe Calcagno, Alyce Carlson, Pat Chandler, Mary Jane Clark, Chuck Classen, Kate Cochran, Tom Cooper, Carl Coppernoll-Houston, Shirlie Davidson, Mary Pat Dobos, Nancy Doran, Mary Eilers, Anita Fazio, Barbara Fietta & Family, Ed & Grace Fitzgerald, Edith Foos, Shellie Freidl, Karen Fitterer, Ken Fuglee, Mary Galvin, Ben Galvin, Johnny Gamenara, Paul Gasca, Bob & Agnes Gauthier, Curt Gefre, Dottie Griffin, Audrey Guildner, Bonnie Guthrie, Julie Harris, Steve Hayes, Liz & Garry Heckman, Harold Heiter, Judi Hill, Terry Hill, Jenny Johns, Jared Jones, Marie Kent, Lena Kileleman, Bobbie Lindekugel, Charlotte Rose Livermore, Isaiah and Zendaya Loeza, Bob McCallister, Danny McClung, Joyce McCullen, Patrick McDowd, Susan McIntosh, Barbara Mendenhall, Britt Moore, Def Moore, Jim & Barbara Nisbet, Rebecca Opp, Rosario Palacios, Annilise Parmeater, Bill Patton, Sheila Petry, Katie Pagani, Ralph Pitigliano, Marvin Porter, Midge Porter, Mike Porter, Fr. Dan Reynolds, Carole Rice, Tony Rimmer, Christine Rivera, BJ Roelike, Elizabeth Rose, Eileen Rossman, Mike Rowen, Elsye Scarino, Pat and Patty Schwab, Angela Scillereff, Robert Simon, Rose Sisson, Carol Suchy, Gil Suplido, Diana Surgeon, Richard Surgeon, Rod & Mary Swett, Leticia Valdefiera, Dorothy Verbeck, Elizabeth Walker, Joan Walker, Eva Weis, Peggy Whitlock, Jan Woitach, Stacy Woitach, Ashley Woodford, Eva Yerger, Luella Young, and Richard Zamora.
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