Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 PUBLICATION LIST Total number of reviewed international publications: 80 of which 30 as first or sole author (70 articles and 10 book chapters; major interruption of research activities (> 80%) due to consulting work and maternity leave: Oct 1999-Aug 2007) In addition: 44 scientific reports and other publications, 1 invited book review, >100 published abstracts and a large variety of popular science publications REVIEWED ARTICLES * Indicates PhD student papers for which I was main supervisor (as last author) or co-supervisor. ** denotes the most important papers for the proposal 2015: in addition 1 book chapter (see below) 1. 2. 3. 4. *Denfeld, B., M.B. Wallin, E. Sahlée, S. Sobek, J. Kovic, H.E. Chmiel, G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2015. Temporal and spatial carbon dioxide concentration patterns in a small boreal lake in relation to ice cover dynamics. Boreal Environment Research (online version available). Wallin M.B., G.A. Weyhenmeyer, D. Bastviken, H.E. Chmiel, S. Peter, S. Sobek, L. Klemedtsson. 2015. Temporal control on concentration, character, and export of dissolved organic carbon in two hemiboreal headwater streams draining contrasting catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. Sharma, S., Gray, D., Read, J., O’Reilly, C., Schneider, P., Qudrat, A., Gries, C., Stefanoff, S., Hampton, S., Hook, S., Lenters, J., Livingstone, D., McIntyre, P., Adrian, R., Allan, M., Anneville, O., Arvola, L., Austin, J., Bailey, J., Baron, J., Brookes, J., Chen, Y., Daly, R., Dokulil, M., Ewing, K., de Eyto, E., Hamilton, D., Havens, K., Haydon, S., Heneberry, J., Hetherington, A., Hetzenauer, H., Higgins, S., Hixson, E., Izmest’eva, L., Jones, B., Kangur, K., Kasprzak, P., Kraemer, B., Kuusisto, E., Leshkevich, G., May, L., MacIntyre, S., Mueller-Navarra, D., Naumenko, M., Noges, P., Noges, T., North, R., Paterson, A., Plisnier, P-D, Rigosi, A., Rimmer, A., Rogora, M., Rudstram, L., Rusak, J., Salmaso, N., Samal, N., Schindler, D., Schladow, G., Schmidt, S., Schultz, T., Silow, E., Straile, D., Teubner, K., Verburg, P., Voutilainen, A., Watkinson, A., Weyhenmeyer, G.A., Williamson, C., Wilson, R., and Woo, K. 2015. Globally distributed lake surface water temperatures collected in situ and by satellites; 1985-2009. Nature Scientific Data 2: 150008, doi:10.1038/sdata.2015.8 Farkas, J., H. Peter, T.M. Ciesielski, K.V. Thomas, R. Sommaruga, W. Salvenmoser, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, L.J. Tranvik, B. M. Jenssen. 2015. Impact of TiO2 nanoparticles on freshwater bacteria from three Swedish lakes. Science of the Total Environment 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Koehler B, T. Landelius, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, N. Machida, L.J. Tranvik. Sunlight-induced carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28, 696–711, doi:10.1002/2014GB004850. *Müller, R.A., D.N. Kothawala, E. Podgrajsek, E. Sahlée, B. Koehler, L.J. Tranvik, and G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2014. Hourly, daily, and seasonal variability in the absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a eutrophic, humic lake. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci: 119, doi:10.1002/2014JG002719. Weyhenmeyer G. A., Y.T. Prairie, L. J. Tranvik. 2014. Browning of boreal freshwaters coupled to carboniron interactions along the aquatic continuum. PLoS ONE 9: e88104. *Winterdahl M., M. Erlandsson, M. N. Futter, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, K. Bishop. 2014. Intra-annual variability of organic carbon concentrations in running waters: drivers along a climatic gradient. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi 10.1002/2013GB004770. Kothawala, D.N., C.A. Stedmon, R. A. Müller, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, S.J. Köhler, L.J. Tranvik. 2014. Drivers of dissolved organic matter quality: Evidence from a large scale boreal lake survey. Global Change Biology 20: 1101-1114. 1 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 10. Weyhenmeyer G. A., N. Broberg. 2014. Increasing algal biomass in Lake Vänern despite decreasing phosphorus concentrations – a lake-specific phenomenon? Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 17(4): 341–348. 2013 11. Kothawala, D.N., K.R. Murphy, C A. Stedmon, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, L.J. Tranvik. 2013. Inner filter correction of dissolved organic matter fluorescence. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 11: 616-630. 12. *Müller, R. A., M.N. Futter, S. Sobek, J. Nisell, K. Bishop, G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2013. Water renewal along the aquatic continuum offsets cumulative retention by lakes: implications for the character of organic carbon in boreal lakes. Aquatic Sciences 75: 535-545. 13. Weyhenmeyer G.A, H. Peters, E. Willén. 2013. Shifts in phytoplankton species richness and biomass along a latitudinal gradient – consequences for relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Freshwater Biology 58: 612-623. 2012 14. Weyhenmeyer G.A., P. Kortelainen, S. Sobek, R. Müller, M. Rantakari. 2012. Carbon dioxide in boreal surface waters: a comparison of lakes and streams. Ecosystems 15: 1295-1307. 15. *Eklöf, K., A. Kraus, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, M. Meili, K. Bishop. 2012. Forestry influence by stump harvest and site preparation on methylmercury, total mercury and other stream water chemistry parameters across a boreal landscape. Ecosystems 15: 1308-1320. 16. Weyhenmeyer G.A., M. Fröberg, E. Karltun, M. Khalili, D. Kothawala, J. Temnerud, L.J. Tranvik. 2012. Selective decay of terrestrial organic carbon during transport from land to sea. Global Change Biology 18: 349-355. 17. Rengefors, K., G.A. Weyhenmeyer, I. Bloch. 2012. Temperature as a driver for the expansion of the microalga Gonyostomum semen in Swedish lakes. Harmful Algae 18: 65-73. 18. *Daneshvar, A., K. Aboulfadl, L. Viglino, R. Broséus, S. Sauvé, A.S. Madoux-Humery, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, M. Prévost. 2012. Evaluating pharmaceuticals and caffeine as indicators of fecal contamination in drinking water sources of the Greater Montreal Region. Chemosphere 88: 131-139. 19. Benson, B. J., J. J. Magnuson, O. P. Jensen, V. Card, G. Hodgkins, J. Korhonen, D. M. Livingstone, K. M. Stewart, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, N. Granin. 2012. Extreme events, trends and variability in Northern Hemisphere lake ice phenology (1855-2005). Climatic Change 112: 299-323. 20. *Bloch, I. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2012. Long-term changes in physical and chemical conditions of nutrient-poor lakes along a latitudinal gradient-is there a coherent phytoplankton community response? Aquatic Sciences 74: 77-85. 21. Jennings, E., S. Jones, L. Arvola, P. A. Staehr, E. Gaiser, I. D. Jones, K. C. Weathers, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, C. Chiu, E. De Eyto. 2012. Effects of weather-related episodic events in lakes: an analysis based on highfrequency data. Freshwater Biology 57: 589-601. 22. *Daneshvar, A., J. Svanfelt, L. Kronberg, G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2012. Neglected sources of pharmaceuticals in river water-footprints of a Reggae festival. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14: 596-603. 23. *Grubisic, L. M., A. Brutemark, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, J. Wikner, U. Båmstedt, S. Bertilsson. 2012. Effects of stratification depth and dissolved organic matter on brackish bacterioplankton communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 453: 37-48. 2011: in addition 1 book chapter and 2 scientific reports (see below) 24. Erlandsson, M., N. Cory, J. Fölster, S. Köhler, H. Laudon, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, K. Bishop. 2011. Increasing dissolved organic carbon redefines the extent of surface water acidification and helps to resolve a classic controversy. BioScience 61: 614-618. 2 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 25. Weyhenmeyer, G.A., D.M. Livingstone, M. Meili, O. Jensen, B. Benson, J. J. Magnuson. 2011. Large geographical differences in the sensitivity of ice-covered lakes and rivers in the Northern Hemisphere to temperature changes. Global Change Biology 17: 268-275. 26. Prowse, T., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. F. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky, G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Arctic freshwater ice and its climate role. Ambio 40: 46-52. 27. Prowse, T., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, R. Pienitz, W. F. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky, G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Past and future changes in arctic lake and river ice. Ambio 40: 53-62. 28. Prowse, T., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B. Bonsal, W.B. Bowden, C.R. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W.F. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky, K.M. Walter Anthony, G.A. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Effects of changes in arctic lake and river ice. Ambio 40: 46-52. 29. Pierson, D.C, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, L. Arvola, B. Benson, T. Blenckner, T. Kratz, D.M. Livingstone, H. Markensten, G. Marzec, K. Pettersson, K. Weathers. 2011. An automated method to monitor lake ice phenology. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 9: 74-83. 2010: in addition 6 book chapters (see below) 30. *Khalili, M. I., J. Temnerud, M. Fröberg, E. Karltun, G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. Nitrogen and carbon interactions between soils and lake waters in boreal regions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24, GB4011, doi 10.1029/2009GB003668 31. *Daneshvar, A., J. Svanfelt, L. Kronberg, M. Prévost and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. Seasonal variations in the occurrence and fate of basic and neural pharmaceutical in a Swedish river-lake system. Chemosphere 80: 301-309. 32. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and E. Jeppesen. 2010. Nitrogen deposition induced changes in DOC:NO3-N ratios determine the efficiency of nitrate removal from freshwaters. Global Change Biology 16: 2358-2365. 33. *Daneshvar, A., J. Svanfelt, L. Kronberg and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. Winter accumulation of acidic pharmaceuticals in a Swedish river. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17: 908-916. 2009: in addition 1 book chapter and 1 scientific report (see below) 34. Tranvik, L. J., J. A. Downing, J. B. Cotner, S. A. Loiselle, R. G. Striegl, T. J. Ballatore, P. Dillon, K. Finlay, K. Fortino, L. B. Knoll, P. L. Kortelainen, T. Kutser, S. Larsen, I. Laurion, D. M. Leech, S. L. McCallister, D. M. McKnight, J. M. Melack, E. Overholt, J. A. Porter, Y. Prairie, W. H. Renwick, F. Roland, B. S. Sherman, D. W. Schindler, S. Sobek, A. Tremblay, M. J. Vanni, A. M. Verschoor, E. v Wachenfeldt and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2009. Lakes and impoundments as regulators of carbon cycling and climate. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2298-2314. 35. Adrian, R, C. M. O’Reilly, H. Zagarese, S. B. Baines, D. O. Hessen, W. Keller, D. M. Livingstone, R. Sommaruga, D. Straile, E. v. Donk, G. A. Weyhenmeyer and M. Winder. 2009. Lakes as sentinels of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2283-2297. 36. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2009. Increasing dissimilarity of water chemical compositions in a warmer climate. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23, GB2004, doi: 10.1029/2008GB003318. 37. Moss, B, D. Hering, A. J. Green, A. Adoud, E. Becares, M. Beklioglu, H. Bennion, D. Boix, S. Brucet, L. Carvalho, B. Clement, T. Davidson, S. Declerck, M. Dobson, E. van Donk, B. Dudley, H. Feuchtmayr, N. Friberg, G. Grenouillet, H. Hillebrand, A. Hobaek, K. Irvine, E. Jeppesen, R. Johnson, I. Jones, M. Kernan, T. Lauridsen, M. Manca, M. Meerhof, J. Olafsson, S. Ormerod, E. Papastergiadou, W. E. Penning, R. Ptacnik, X. Quintana, L. Sandin, M. Seferlis, G. Simpson, C. Trigal, P. Verdonschot, A. Verschoor and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2009. Climate change and the future of freshwater biodiversity in Europe: a primer for policy-makers. Freshwater Reviews 2: 103-130. 38. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and J. Karlsson. 2009. Nonlinear response of dissolved organic carbon concentrations in boreal lakes to increasing temperatures. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2513-2519. 3 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 39. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2009. Do warmer winters change variability patterns of physical and chemical lake conditions in Sweden? Aquatic Ecology 43: 653-659. 40. *Khalili, M. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2009. Growing season variability of nitrate along a trophic gradient – contrasting patterns between lakes and streams. Aquatic Sciences 71: 25-33. 2008 41. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2008. Water chemical changes along a latitudinal gradient in relation to climate and atmospheric deposition. Climatic Change 88: 199-208. 42. *Erlandsson, M., J. Fölster, H. Laudon, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, and K. Bishop. 2008. Natural variability in lake pH on seasonal, interannual and decadal time scales: Implications for assessment of human impact Environmental Science & Technology 42: 5594-5599. 43. Temnerud, J. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2008. Abrupt changes in air temperature and precipitation – do they matter for water chemistry? Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: GB2008, doi: 10.1029/2007GB003023. 44. *Erlandsson, M., I. Buffam, J. Fölster, H. Laudon, J. Temnerud, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, and K. Bishop. 2008. Thirty-five years of synchrony in the organic matter concentrations of Swedish rivers explained by variation in flow and sulphate. Global Change Biology 14: 1-8. 45. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., A.-K. Westöö and E. Willén. 2008. Increasingly ice-free winters and their effects on water quality of Sweden's largest lakes. Hydrobiologia 599: 111-118. 46. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2008. Rates of change in physical and chemical lake variables – are they comparable between large and small lakes Hydrobiologia 599: 105-110. 47. Nõges, P., T. Nõges, R. Adrian and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2008. Silicon load and the development of diatoms in three river-lake systems in countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia 599: 67-76. 2007 and before: maternity leave of 32 months in total from May 2000 until August 2007 and consulting work between the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2006, resulting in more than 40 scientific reports (see below) 48. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., E. Jeppesen, R. Adrian, L. Arvola, T. Blenckner, T. Jankowski, E. Jennings, P. Nõges, T. Nõges and D. Straile. 2007. Nitrate-depleted conditions on the increase in shallow northern European lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr 52: 1346-1353. 49. Blenckner, T., R. Adrian, D. M. Livingstone, E. Jennings, G. A. Weyhenmeyer, C. N. Aonghusa, G. D. George, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, T. Nõges, D. Straile and K. Teubner. 2007. Large-scale climatic signatures in lakes across Europe: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology 13: 1314-1326. 50. Ulén, B. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2007. Adapting regional eutrophication targets for surface waters – influence of the EU Water Framework Directive, national policy and climate change. Environmental Sciences and Policy 10: 734-742. 51. Jankowski, T. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2006. The role of spatial scale and area in determining richnessaltitude gradients in Swedish lake phytoplankton communities. Oikos 115: 433-442. 52. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., M. Meili and D. M. Livingstone. 2005. Systematic differences in the trend towards earlier ice-out on Swedish lakes along a latitudinal temperature gradient. Verh. Intern. Verein. Limnol. 29: 257-260. 53. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., E. Willén and L. Sonesten. 2004. Effects of an extreme precipitation event on lake water chemistry and phytoplankton in the Swedish Lake Mälaren. Boreal Environment Research 9: 409420. 54. *Blenckner, T., M. Järvinen and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Atmospheric circulation and its impacts on aquatic ecosystems in Scandinavia. Boreal Environment Research 9: 371-380. 55. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., M. Meili and D. M. Livingstone. 2004. Nonlinear temperature response of lake ice breakup. Geophysical Research Letters 31: L07203, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019530. 56. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2004. Synchrony in relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation and water chemistry among Sweden’s largest lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 1191-1201. 4 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 57. Pettersson, K., K. Grust, G. Weyhenmeyer, T. Blenckner. 2003. Seasonality of chlorophyll and nutrients in Lake Erken – effects of weather conditions. Hydrobiologia 506-509: 75-81. 58. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., R. Adrian, U. Gaedke, D. M. Livingstone, S. C. Maberly. 2002. Response of phytoplankton in European lakes to a change in the North Atlantic Oscillation. Verh. Intern. Verein. Limnol. 28: 1436-1439. 59. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2001. Warmer winters - are planktonic algal populations in Swedens largest lakes affected? Ambio 30: 565-571. 60. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and J. Bloesch. 2001. The pattern of particle flux variability in Swedish and Swiss lakes. The Science of the Total Environment 266: 69-78. 61. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and M. Meili. 2000. Hypolimnetic sediments in frequent motion. Verh. Intern. Verein. Limnol. 27: 2317-2322. 62. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., T. Blenckner and K. Pettersson. 1999. Changes of the plankton spring outburst related to the North Atlantic Oscillation. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44: 1788-1792. 63. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., K. Pettersson and J. Padisák. 1998. Quantitative relationships between planktonic biomass and organic/inorganic resuspended particulate matter. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 51: 201-212. 64. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1998. Resuspension in lakes and its ecological impact - a review. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 51: 185-200. 65. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., L. Håkanson and M. Meili. 1997. A validated model for daily variations in the flux, origin and distribution of settling particles within lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 1517-1529. 66. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1997. Quantification of resuspended particles in sedimentation traps. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26: 271-276. 67. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1996. The influence of stratification on the amount and distribution of different settling particles in Lake Erken. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 1254-1262. 68. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., M. Meili and D. C. Pierson. 1995. A simple method to quantify sources of settling particles in lakes: Resuspension versus new sedimentation of material from planktonic production. Marine and Freshwater Research 46: 223-231. 69. Pierson, D. C. and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 1994. High resolution measurements of sediment resuspension above an accumulation bottom in a stratified lake. Hydrobiologia 284: 43-57. REVIEWED BOOK CHAPTERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Humborg, C, H.E. Andersen, T. Blenckner, M. Gadegast, R. Giesler, J. Hartman, G. Hugelius, J. Hürdler, P. Kortelainen, G.B. Mathiesen, M. Venohr, G. Weyhenmeyer. 2015. Environemntal Impacts-Freshwater Biogeochemistry. In: Second assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Ed: H. v. Storch, A. Omstedt. Springer, pp. 307-329. Prowse, T., K. Alfredsen, S. Beltaos, B. Bonsal, C. Duguay, A. Korhola, J. McNamara, W. F. Vincent, V. Vuglinsky, G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2011. Changing lake and river ice regimes: trends, effects and implications. In: Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, Oslo, Norway, Chapter 6, pp. 1- 52. Livingstone, D. M., R. Adrian, T. Blenckner, D. G. George and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. Lake ice phenology. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 51-62. Arvola, L., G. George, D. M. Livingstone, M. Järvinen, T. Blenckner, M. T. Dokulil, E. Jennings, C. N. Aonghusa, P. Nõges, T. Nõges and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. The impact of changing climate on the thermal characteristics of lakes. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 85-102. Jennings, E., M. Järvinen, N. Allott, L. Arvola, K. Moore, P. Naden, C. N. Aonghusa, T. Nõges and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. The impact of the changing climate on the flux of dissolved organic carbon from catchments. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 199-220. 5 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 6. Nõges, P., R. Adrian, O. Anneville, L. Arvola, T. Blenckner, G. George, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, S. Maberly, J. Padisák, D. Straile, K. Teubner and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. The impact of the changing climate on seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 253-274. 7. Livingstone, D. A., R. Adrian, L. Arvola, T. Blenckner, M. T. Dokulil, R. E. Hari, G. George, T. Jankowski, M. U. Järvinen, E. Jennings, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, D. Straile and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. Regional and supra-regional coherence in limnological variables. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 311-338. 8. Blenckner, T., R. Adrian, L. Arvola, M. Järvinen, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, K. Pettersson and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2010. The impact of climate change on lakes in Northern Europe. In: The impact of climate change on European lakes. Ed.: D. G. George. Aquatic Ecology Series. Springer, pp. 339-358. 9. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., R. Psenner and L. J. Tranvik. 2009. Lakes of Europe. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Ed.: G. E. Likens. Vol. 2. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 567-576. 10. Straile, D., D. M. Livingstone, G. A. Weyhenmeyer and D. G. George. 2003. The response of freshwater ecosystems to climate variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation. Climate Significance and Environmental Impact. Eds.: J. W. Hurrell, Y. Kushnir, G. Ottersen and M. Visbeck. Geophysical Monograph Series 134: 263-279. INVITED BOOK REVIEW 1. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2007. Review on Magnuson, J. J., T. K. Kratz and B. J. Benson (eds.). 2006. LongTerm Dynamics of Lakes in the Landscape: Long-Term Ecological Research on North Temperate Lakes. Oxford University Press Inc., New York. ISBN 13 978-0-19-513690-6. 400 p. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin 16: 30-31. REVIEWED EXTENDED ABSTRACTS 1. 2. 3. Weyhenmeyer, G. A., P. Kortelainen, S. Sobek, R. Müller, M. Rantakari. 2011. Seasonal variations in carbon dioxide emissions from lakes and streams. Report Series in Aerosol Science No. 128, Helsinki University, pp. 195-199. ISBN 978-952-5822-52-6. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and D. C. Pierson. 1998. Year to year differences in the temperature regime below the ice-cover in Lake Erken during the last ten years. In: B. Boehrer and M. Schimmele (eds.), Third workshop on physical processes in natural waters. UFZ-Bericht 23: 63-66, ISSN 0948-9452. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. and L. Håkanson. 1993. Modelling lake sedimentation: The significance of the partitioning coefficient. In: K. Pettersson and L. Forsell (eds.), 21st Nordic Sediment Symposium. Scripta Limnologica Upsaliensia B7, Inst. of Limnology, Uppsala, Sweden, pp 1-14. PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS >100 published abstracts SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 1. 2. 3. Lundin, L., M. Khalili, G. Weyhenmeyer, J. Fölster, S. Löfgren, K. Kyllmar, M. Aastrup, B. Thunholm and H. Whitlock. 2009. Konsekvenser för sötvattnen av ändrad utlakning från skogs- och jordbruksmark inkluderande ändringar i grundvatten orsakade av klimatpåverkad hydrologi och temperatur. Report 2009, 56 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2007. Sårbarheten på ytvattenkvalitén. SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2007, 27 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G. and L. Sonesten. 2005. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2004. Chapter 1. pp. 13-15. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern – Årsskrift 2005 (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 38. 72 pp. ISSN 1403-6134. 6 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2005. Hur fort förändrar sig sjöarnas vattenkvalité i Sverige på grund av klimatförändringar? SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2005, 23 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2005. Vilken biologi kan vi förvänta oss i kalkade vatten - användning av SOM metoden. SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2005, 27 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2005. Automatiska mätningar av löst organiskt material i Mälarens inflöden. SLUReport, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2005:7, 31 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. Straile, D., R. Adrian, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, S. Maberly, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, G. Weyhenmeyer and S. Wilhelm. 2005. Changes in phytoplankton species composition and functional groups. EU-Report EVK1CT-2002-00121. 36 pp. Livingstone, D. M., R. Adrian, L. Arvola, T. Blenckner, M. T. Dokulil, D. G. George, R. E. Hari, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, E. Jennings, C. Nic Aonghusa, P. Noges, T. Noges, D. Straile, K. Teubner and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2005. Long-term supra-regional coherence. EU-Final Report EVK1-CT-2002-0012. 91 pp. Sonesten, L., G. Persson, I. Quintana and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Vättern och dess tillflöden. Chapter 4. pp 19-57. In: M. Lindell (ed.), Vätternvårdsförbundets Årsskrift 2004 (in Swedish). Vätternvårdsförbundet. Report 84. 97 pp. ISSN 1102-3791. Weyhenmeyer, G. and L. Sonesten. 2004. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2003. Chapter 3. pp. 11-13. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern – Årsskrift 2004 (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 33. 78 pp. ISSN 1403-6134. Weyhenmeyer, G. and M. Östlund. 2004. Miljöövervakning i Mälaren 2003. Sammanfattning (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. 4 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G., G. Persson and E. Willén. 2004. Miljöövervakning i Mälaren 2003 (in Swedish). SLUReport, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. 62 pp. Livingstone, D. M., D. G. George, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, C. N. Aongusha, T. Noges, J. Padisák and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Short-term coherence. EU-Report EVK1-CT-2002-0012. 27 pp. Livingstone, D. M., D. G. George, M. Järvinen, P. Noges, T. Noges and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Extreme events. EU-Report EVK1-CT-2002-0012. 41 pp. Livingstone, D. M., R. Adrian, D. G. George, M. Järvinen, P. Noges, D. Straile, K. Teubner and G. A. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Long-term regional coherence. EU-Final Report EVK1-CT-2002-0012. 144 pp. Straile, D., R. Adrian, D. G. George, M. A. Hurley, T. Jankowski, M. Järvinen, E. Jennings, D. Livingstone, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, K. Teubner, M. Tolotti and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2004. Report on phytoplankton growth patterns. EU-Report EVK1-CT-2002-00121. 42 pp. Sonesten, L., G. Persson, I. Quintana and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2003. Vättern och dess tillflöden. Chapter 4. pp. 21-57. In: M. Lindell (ed.), Vätternvårdsförbundets Årsskrift 2003 (in Swedish). Vätternvårdsförbundet. Report 79. 92 pp. ISSN 1102-3791 Weyhenmeyer, G. and L. Sonesten. 2003. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2002. Chapter 1, pp. 13-15. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern – Årsskrift 2003 (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 27. 83 pp. ISSN 1403-6134. Weyhenmeyer, G. and M. Östlund. 2003. Miljöövervakning i Mälaren 2002. Sammanfattning (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. 8 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G., G. Persson, E. Willén and L. Eriksson. 2003. Miljöövervakning i Mälaren 2002 (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2003:14, 41 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. Weyhenmeyer, G. and M. Östlund. 2003. Sedimentens bidrag till fosforbelastningen i Mälaren. Sammanfattning (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. 4 pp. Weyhenmeyer, G. and E. Rydin. 2003. Sedimentens bidrag till fosforbelastningen i Mälaren (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2003:14, 29 pp. 7 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 23. Sonesten, L., and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2002. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2001. Chapter 4.1, pp. 17-19. In: M. Lindell (ed.), Vätternvårdsförbundets Årsskrift 2002 (in Swedish). Vätternvårdsförbundet. Report 69. 89 pp. ISSN 1102-3791. 24. Weyhenmeyer, G. and L. Sonesten. 2002. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2001. Chapter 1, pp. 12-14. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern – Årsskrift 2002 (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 22. 83 pp. ISSN 1403-6134. 25. Andersson, B. and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2002. Miljöövervakning i Mälaren 2001 (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2002:10, 41 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. 26. Wallin, M. and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2002. Mälarens grumlighet och vattenfärg – långsiktiga och kortsiktiga trender 1965 – 2001 (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden, Report 2002:2. 27 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. 27. Sonesten, L., E. Herlitz, G. Weyhenmeyer and A.-M. Wiederholm. 2001. Vättern och dess tillflöden 2000. Chapter 4, pp. 15-52. In: M. Lindell (ed.), Vätternvårdsförbundets Årsskrift 2001 (in Swedish). Vätternvårdsförbundet. Report 64. 93 pp. ISSN 1102-3791. 28. Weyhenmeyer, G. and L. Sonesten. 2001. Klimat och vattenstånd under 2000. Chapter 8, pp. 37-39. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern – Årsskrift 2001 (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 18. 85 pp. ISSN 1403-6134. 29. Andersson, B., E. Herlitz, G. Persson, G. Weyhenmeyer and A.-M. Wiederholm. 2001. Miljöövervakning i Mälarens fjärdar och sund 2000 (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2001:15, 37 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. 30. Sonesten, L., L. Eriksson, E. Herlitz, G. Persson, M. Wallin, G. Weyhenmeyer and A.-M. Wiederholm. 2000. Vättern och dess tillflöden 1999. Chapter 4, pp. 18-52. In: M. Lindell (ed.), Vätternvårdsförbundets Årsskrift 2000 (in Swedish). Vätternvårdsförbundet. Report 59. 107 pp. ISSN 1102-3791. 31. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2000. Klimat och vattenstånd 1999. Chapter 9, pp. 31-33. In: A. Christensen (ed.), Vänern - tema biologisk mångfald (in Swedish). Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Report 11. 91 pp. ISSN 14036134. 32. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2000. Mälarvattnets fysikalisk-kemiska tillstånd. Chapter 4, pp. 27-44. In: M. Wallin (ed.), Mälaren, miljötillstånd och utveckling 1965-98 (in Swedish with English summary). Mälarens vattenvårdsförbund. 94 pp. ISBN 91-576-5986-9. 33. Weyhenmeyer, G. 2000. Klimatpåverkan. Chapter 2, pp. 17-20. In: M. Wallin (ed.), Mälaren, miljötillstånd och utveckling 1965-98 (in Swedish with English summary). Mälarens vattenvårdsförbund. 94pp. ISBN 91576-5986-9. 34. Andersson, B., L. Eriksson, E. Herlitz, G. Persson, G. Weyhenmeyer and A.-M. Wiederholm. 2000. Miljöövervakning i Mälarens fjärdar och sund 1999 (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2000:5, 37 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. 35. Wallin, M. and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2000. Samordning av miljöövervakningen i de stora sjöarna (in Swedish). SLU-Report, Dept. of Environmental Assessment, Uppsala, Sweden. Report 2000: 2, 37 pp. ISSN 1403-977X. 36. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2000. Lake Erken and Lake Mälaren. In: D. G. George (ed.), Response of European freshwater lakes to environmental and climatic change. EU-Report ENV4-CT97-0453 No. 2. Inst. of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere, England, pp. 28-34. 37. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1999. Lake Erken and Lake Mälaren. In: D. G. George (ed.), Response of European freshwater lakes to environmental and climatic change. EU-Report ENV4-CT97-0453 No. 1. Inst. of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere, England, pp. 25-32. 38. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1999. Lake Erken – Meteorological, physical, chemical and biological data and a list of publications from 1933 to 1998. Scripta Limnologica Upsaliensia B16, Inst. of Limnology, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 1-51. 39. Pettersson, K., G. Weyhenmeyer and U. Lindqvist. 1997. Undersökning av Nyköpingsfjärdarnas bottensediment med avseende på fosforformer och porvattnets näringsämneshalter (in Swedish). Scripta Limnologica Upsaliensia B2, Inst. of Limnology, Uppsala, Sweden, pp 1-25. 8 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 DOCTORAL AND LICENTIATE THESIS 1. 2. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1996. The significance of sediment resuspension in lakes. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 225. PhD Thesis Uppsala University, ISBN 91-554-3820-2. Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 1995. Resuspended particles in lake ecosystems. Thesis (“Filosofie Licentiatsexamen“), Uppsala University, Inst. of Earth Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. POPULAR SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS Oral popular science presentations, radio and TV interviews and additional popular science activities are listed in the CV. 1. EOS Buzz Newsletter: How much carbon dioxide does sunlight release from lakes? Apr 15 2. National Geographic and a variety of newspaper articles: Warming Lakes: New Global Database Sets the Stage for Research on the Ecological Effects of Climate Change; Mar 15 3. Helsinki Commission: Climate change in the Baltic Sea Area, HELCOM thematic assessment in 2013. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 137; Oct 13 4. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment (AMAP): Arctic Climate Issues 2011: Changes in Arctic snow, water, ice and permafrost. SWIPA 2011: Overview Report; Oct 12 5. National Geographic: Article on the GLTC (Global Lake Temperature Cooperation) project; Oct 12 6. Newspaper articles and newsletters (e.g. Upsala Nya Tidning, Dagens Nyheter, Newsletter SLU-notiser) on the impact of outdoor festivals on pharmaceutical occurrence in surface waters; Jan 12 7. Miljö & Utveckling: Article about threats to our waters; p. 26-29; Dec 11 8. Newspaper articles on liming and acidification of Swedish lakes; Aug 11 9. Newsletter SLU-notiser: Article entitled ”Varmare sjöar varierar mer”; Apr 09 10. Newsletter SLU-notiser: Article entitled ”Sötvattnens betydelse i den globala kolcykeln uppvärderas”; Dec 08 11. Miljömagasinet: Article entitled ”Fosforförbud i tvättmedel enkel åtgärd”; Mar 08 12. Newspaper Mariestad: Article entitled ”Varmare klimat försvårar för Vänerns yrkesfiskare”; Nov 07 13. Newspaper articles (e.g. Miljöforskning, Newsletter SLU-notiser): ”Brist på kväve i blommande sjöar”; Sep 07 14. Resurs magazine: Article entitled ”Mörkare sjöar av varmare klimat”; Oct 07 15. Newspaper articles (e.g. Miljörapporten, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs Posten) on the increase in the occurrence in the invasive algal species Gonyostomum semen; Sep 07 16. Miljötrender: Weyhenmeyer, G. and I. Bloch. 2007. Mörkare sjöar ger förändrad biologi (in Swedish). Miljötrender No. 3, p 11. ISSN 1403-4743. 17. Newspaper Upsala Nya Tidningen: Article entitled ”Grön sörja kan vara islossningens fel”; Jun 06 18. Newspaper articles (e.g. Jönköping, Vadstena) about climate effects on Lake Vättern; Nov 05 19. Sveriges Natur Periodical No. 2/05: Article entitled ”Tidigare islossning”; Mar 05 20. Newsletter SEAREG: Article entitled ”Extrema flöden påverkar vattenkemin”; Nov 04 21. Newsletter Ministry of Agriculture: Article entitled “Gesa identifierar riskzonerna”; Sep 04 22. Newsletter SLU-notiser: Article entitled ”Temperaturökning påverkar islossning mer i söder än i norr”; Apr 04 23. Sötvatten: Weyhenmeyer, G. 2006. Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på vattenkvalitén (in Swedish). Sötvatten 2006, pp. 2-5. ISSN 1652-3962. 24. Newsletter m-plus (Miljöaktuellt): Article entitled ”Varma vinter ger tidig algförekomst”; Mar 02 25. Sötvatten: Wallin, M. and G. Weyhenmeyer. 2002. Mälaren har blivit brun (in Swedish with English Summary). Sötvatten 2002, pp. 10-15. ISBN 91-620-8076-8. 26. Newspaper articles (e.g. Uppsala Nya Tidningen) on increasing winter temperatures and the growth of algae; Mar 02 27. Newsletter SLU-notiser: Article entitled ”Varmare vintrar ger fler giftiga alger”; Feb 02 9 Gesa Weyhenmeyer, Publication list, September 2015 28. Miljötrender: Weyhenmeyer, G. 2001. Varmare vintrar – ökad risk för algproblem i svenska sjöar (in Swedish). Miljötrender No. 3-4, pp 10-11. ISSN 1403-4743. 29. Newspaper Vestmanlands Läns Tidningen: Article entitled ”Forskare tar pulsen på Mälarens vatten”; Jul 01 30. Newspaper Upsala Nya Tidningen: Article entitled ”Gifter i sjöbotten löses ut i vattnet”; Oct 96 10
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