Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 35A Advocate LIVE-OUT CAREGIVER REQUIRED The Athabasca for 4 year old special needs child. Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 6:00 pm. Cornwall area, wage negotiable, driver’s license preferred. Classifieds Please send resume to: 12:+,5,1* 12:+,5,1* [email protected] NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ HIRING! NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ HIRING! )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77(1'$176 )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77(1'$176 New Western Athabasca Inn New Western Athabasca Inn ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ FRONT DESK MANAGER Terms of Employment: 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW )%6HUYHU +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Salary: $25.00 Hourly, for 40 hours per week 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH Anticipated Start Date: $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Job Duties Include: )%6HUYHU Develop and implement policies and procedures for daily Terms of Employment: 6DODU\ )%6HUYHU Permanent, Full +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Evening Night, $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH Salary: $20.00 Hourly, 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Night, Evening 6DODU\ )22'$1'%(9(5$*(6(59(565220$77( New Western Athabasca Inn DESK ([SHULHQFHQRWUHTXLUHG:LOOWUDLQ FRONT CLERK 7HUPVRI(PSOR\PHQW 3HUPDQHQW)XOO7LPH2Q&DOO6KLIW2YHUWLPH:HHNHQG'D\1LJKW(YHQLQJ Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Shift, On Call, Overtime, Weekend, Day, 6DODU\ for 40 hours per week -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) )%6HUYHU Night, Evening )%6HUYHU +RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN 5RRP$WWHQGDQW+RXUO\IRUKRXUVSHUZHHN Salary: $QWLFLSDWHG6WDUW'DWH $13.50 Hourly, for 40 hours $VVRRQDVSRVVLEOH 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLDOVIRUFXVWRPHUV 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLDOVIRUFXVWRPHUV operations, negotiate with suppliers for the provision of materials 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV&KHFN,QYHQWRU\ 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV&KHFN,QYHQWRU\ Job Duties Include: and supplies, negotiate with clients for the use of facilities, 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWDEOHV 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWDEOHV -RE'XWLHV,QFOXGH Anticipated Start Date: set work schedules, respond to customer complaints, enforce 5RRP$WWHQGDQW policies and procedures, recruit and hire staff, supervise, conduct 12:+,5,1* NOW1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD, HIRING! Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers; Inspect sites or per week facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards; Recommend 5RRP$WWHQGDQW As soon as possible (at the latest in 3 months) )%6HUYHU 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address below and $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ )D[ look for: (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP General Manager New Western Athabasca Inn related forms, customer service oriented, follow emergency & safety procedures, work with minimal supervision, clerical duties, 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGOR keyboarding, perform light housekeeping and cleaning. *HQHUDO0DQDJHU Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ below and look for: $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ )D[ (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP General Manager New Western Athabasca Inn 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 or arrange for additional maintenance services; Prepare work 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSKROVWHUHG 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSKROVWHUHG 7DNHRUGHUVDQGUHOD\WRNLWFKHQ'HVFULEHPHQXLWHPVLQFOXGLQJGDLO\VSHFLD training sessions, perform front desk duties, research and produce Job Duties Include: IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV6WRFNOLQHQ IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV6WRFNOLQHQ schedules; Co-ordinate activities with other departments; Assist 6HUYHIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHVJHQHUDOSODWHVHUYLFH$GYLVHRQPHQXVHOHFWLRQV& brochures, arrange and oversee maintenance activities. FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQGIRXQGLWHPV FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQGIRXQGLWHPV 3UHVHQWELOOWRSDWURQVDQGDFFHSWSD\PHQW&ORVHFDVKLHU&OHDQDQG6HWXSWD Register arriving guests and assign rooms; process group arrivals cleaners in performing duties. $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHEDVLFLQIRUPDWLRQ $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHEDVLFLQIRUPDWLRQ and departure, take, cancel and change room reservations; process, RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV:DVKZLQGRZV RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV:DVKZLQGRZV Additional Skill: 5RRP$WWHQGDQW ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV telephone calls, provide information on hotel facilities and services, Additional Skill: 6ZHHSPRSDQGZDVKIORRUV9DFXXPFDUSHWLQJDUHDUXJVGUDSHULHVDQGXSK Recruit and hire staff, Supervise staff, Conduct training sessions, Hire and train or arrange for training of cleaning staff provide general information about points of interest in the area, IXUQLWXUH0DNHEHGVDQGFKDQJHVKHHWV'LVWULEXWHFOHDQWRZHOVDQGWRLOHWULHV Perform front desk duties, Research and produce brochures, FORVHW&OHDQDQGGLVLQIHFWEDWKURRPVDQGIL[WXUHV+DQGOHDQGUHSRUWORVWDQG provide information services available in the community, secure Arrange for and oversee maintenance activities. 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGORRNIRU 3OHDVHGURSRIIUHVXPHVID[RUHPDLOWRWKHDGGUHVVEHORZDQGORRNIRU $WWHQGWRJXHVWWRJXHVWV¶UHTXHVWIRUH[WUDVXSSOLHVRURWKHULWHPV3URYLGHE guests valuable, process wake up calls, calculate charges and receive Manager Experience: RQIDFLOLWLHV+DQGOHFRPSODLQWV3LFNXSGHEULVDQGHPSW\WUDVKFRQWDLQHUV: payments, balance and complete balance sheets, cash reports and Light duty cleaner ZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV&OHDQURRPVDQGFKDQJLQJVKRZHUFXUWDLQV *HQHUDO0DQDJHU *HQHUDO0DQDJHU Manager Experience: 1HZ:HVWHUQ$WKDEDVFD,QQ Front Desk Clerk $YH$WKDEDVFD$OEHUWD76$ )D[ Please drop off resumes, fax or email to the address below and (PDLO QHZBZHVWHUQ#KRWPDLOFRP look for: General Manager New Western Athabasca Inn 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: [email protected] 5211 41 Ave., Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1A5 Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-675-2294 Fax: 780-675-3890 Email: [email protected] Lincoln County Oilfield Services is currently looking for an WE’RE HIRING IN LAC LA BICHE! CN is a railroad with a great legacy and a very bright future. As an industry leader, we offer our employees secure, rewarding careers. We’re hiring for several permanent Train Operator (Conductor) positions across Alberta, including in Lac La Biche! 14112TC3 Join our proud team of railroaders and enjoy full training, a competitive wage and outstanding benefits. In 2013, Canadian Conductors earned an average salary of $85,000. No experience necessary. Ready to get on board? Come meet our recruiters at our next job fair in Lac La Biche. You’ll learn more about this challenging and rewarding job and have a chance to be interviewed on the spot! WHEN: Thursday November 20 – 9:00 AM Be sure to arrive on time for the MANDATORY ORIENTATION SESSION. WHERE: Ramada Lac La Biche – 9305 100 St. Lac La Biche, AB BRING TO THE EVENT: Your resume, along with a legible photocopy of 2 pieces of government-issued ID, including one with photo. We invite interested candidates to APPLY ONLINE prior to the event at, Job ID 4414. All Candidates will be considered. PRIORITY will be given to local residents. CN is an Equal Opportunity Employer. FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: • Strong communication, organization & computer skills • Have experience in an administrative environment • Be a team player • Have the ability to work independently Please forward a copy of your resume and safety tickets to: email: [email protected] or fax: 780-675-9622 (this is not a phone). and we are also currently looking for an ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: • Coding of vendor invoices and expense reports in accordance with established the chart of accounts. • Remitting payment to vendors, managing vendor communications • Managing the Purchase Order process. • Maintain the accounts payable open and paid files and ensure invoices are properly recorded with back-up documents. • Maintain Filing There is an opportunity for advancement. Find your place at CN Please forward a copy of your resume and safety tickets to: email: [email protected] or fax: 780-675-9622 (this is not a phone). 36A - Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE WORKER "" '"#! "$$ )#$#,#&"# $"#! "$$ * #$# $"# !) '$ !"$ #$" % %$$,, %" "% &# # " # $ !$$$##$"$ " %" $ 41 %$# " $# " $ "$ "#$" %$#$), $# " ) % ' "#! # " %"$) !" ##$$ %#$ # $'"!!$ # " %$#"&* %$#!)!)" , % '# "#! # " $, #%##%$'! ####+ $ %$) %"#$ Seeking qualified drivers for immediate openings ($$"!"# ## Athabasca, AB. for Wood Fibre hauling. #$" !%$"## We offer: !" &!" # &## $$$ $ $ • Full Time, Year Round Work !" & #%## ' " #$ ! • Home Every &" Day $, • Competitive Wage & Benefits "+ You possess: )' "&" $ • SuperB driving experience !$$& !#$ % • A clean drivers abstract %$# !# , • References ""'&$ &%#'$! #$ # ") Weare equal opportunity %$), employer %$ "!"an &#%##'$$ HIRING DRIVERS --*2-).+*-//%*)4./!(.)%..!!&%)#,0'%"%! Carillion Alberta is currently seeking permanent full time and seasonal Highway Maintenance Workers for Athabasca Wood Chip Haul 5$%+/-0&6 -%1!-."*-%((! %/!*+!)%)#.%)/$! the Boyle area. in /$.-..') -!!*""!-./! 4'*)#/!-( INVITATION TO CATER FARM WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Athabasca Agriplex February 5, 2015 Bids should consist of a menu plan which would include light breakfast items (muffins, scones) with coffee, a buffet dinner with two meats for up to 180 people with a cost per plate. Deadline for submissions is November 14, 2014. Please direct your bids and any questions to: Athabasca County Attention: Roxanne Senyk 3602 - 48 Avenue Athabasca, AB T9S 1M8 Phone: 780-675-2273 Fax: 780-675-5512 Job duties may include but are not limited to: !(+'*4(!)/) 1!-4*(+!/%/%1!*(+!)./%*) Operating a snowplow truck, cracksealing, highway +&#! inspection, sign and guardrail repairs, gravel, sand or ability asphalt hauling, paving, etc. Shift-work and the to respond 24/7 during winter months will be required. $!.0!.."0') % /!.(0./$1!5'!)6 -%1!-. #** -!"!-!)!..2!''.!3+!-%!)!2%/$ Applicants must have a valid Class 3 drivers./-/) license with air endorsement, grade ten education or50+!-6/-%)$%+1).'!.!.!) higher. -!.0(!) -%1!Preferred applicants will have construction and/or ./-//*3 (%' !''%*//--*2 hauling experience and a Class 1 driver’s license. Carillion offers competitive wages and benefits. *-'' and we##"#% are strongly encouraging Aboriginal peoples to apply. $ +#&*"$ " Carillion maintains a substance abuse policy. Please email or fax applications to: Carillion Canada Inc. Fax: 780-689-3697 or Email: [email protected] Senior Lifeguard (full-time) Salary: $41,702.17 to $52,127.71 Interested candidates are invited to forward their resumes in strict confidence to: Attention: Human Resources Lac La Biche County Box 1679, Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0 Fax: 780-623-2039 E-mail: [email protected] We thank all interested candidates; however, only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. For detailed information on these opportunities, visit our Careers section at, or email [email protected]. A CAREER THAT’S A SLICE ABOVE THE REST CASHIER • Competitive Wages • Excellent Benefits • Bonus Incentive Program • Excellent Career APPLY IN PERSON OR EMAIL RESUME TO: [email protected] All signs point to Manitoulin Manitoulin Transport currently has the following position(s) available at our ATHABASCA location: CLASS 1 HIGHWAY DRIVER A clear and recent abstract and a clear criminal record search required. 14112NM1 Please reply to this advertisement by contacting Michael Brassard at [email protected] Equal Opportunity Employer General Freight | Long Distance | Less Than Load The PERFECT prescription for your BRAIN! Get your subscription today! 675-9222 4917B - 49 Street, Athabasca EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: INTERMEdIaTE EvaLUaTOR The Intermediate Evaluator will provide information and assistance to students regarding admission requirements, policies and procedures, interpretation of degree regulations, evaluating transcripts and assigning transfer credit. Assist in the development and maintenance of evaluation policies and procedures by identifying areas that may require review. The nature of the work requires a wide knowledge of policies, precedent, and a sound understanding of complex regulations. Considerable initiative and independent judgment is required to make decisions within broad parameters. The work is performed with little or no supervision. The full job profile can be viewed at: Intermediate%20Evaluator%20August%202011.doc/file_view. For further information regarding this position, please contact Ms. Wendy Hutchison at (780) 675-6121 or via email; wendyhu@ The position will commensurate upon qualifications, at either an intermediate level (Range 2 - Salary $37,932.40 to $60,055.65) or a junior level (Range 3 - Salary $35,433.71 to $54,072.41) with a training plan in effect. First consideration will be given to internal applicants according to the AUPE Collective Agreement, Article 11.02. Applications will only be received and accepted through our online recruitment system. When applying, please include your letter of application, resume and the names, phone numbers , and email address of three references. Job Requirements The successful candidate must have an excellent understanding of the concept of transfer credit, the evaluation of educational documents and the standard guidelines for evaluation, substantial knowledge of post-secondary institutions in Canada and a general knowledge of those in the United States, their calendars, course descriptions and transcripts, an excellent knowledge of standard reference guides and resource materials and the ability to use them efficiently. All educational credentials must be recognized in Canada. aspen View puBlic schools $5,000 Sign-on Bonus Available Signing bonus is paid over the course of the first year of employment. In exchange for your efforts, we offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits program, as well as a Profit Sharing Program. !#**3 Aspen AG Foods, Boyle seeks a MOTIVATED Individual For Full-Time Employment as a Lac La Biche County is seeking talented and skilled individuals to fill the following positions: !)#$#*721&"#$* Email: [email protected] Fax: 250-314-1750 64(+.361/425-2761*-+#&0"" ', Phone: 1-877-700-4445 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AccOUNTs PAYAbLE AssIsTANT 2 POsITION vAcANcIEs: (1) TEMPORARY FULL TIME TERM 1.0 FTE (ENd dATE MAY 31, 2015) (1) TEMPORARY FULL TIME TERM 1.0 FTE (1 YEAR TERM) The Accounts Payable Assistant is responsible for the effective and efficient operations of the University’s accounts payable functions in accordance with Athabasca University policies and procedures. This includes the processing of payments to all suppliers and services providers, employee travel and professional development expense claim reimbursements, accountable advances, student refunds and student award payments. The incumbent is also responsible for producing cheques on a weekly basis and creating EFT files for employee travel and expense claim payments. Attention to detail is imperative to ensuring the accuracy of payments to vendors and employees. The incumbent works closely with all AU staff members to help facilitate timely payments. The full job description can be viewed at: folder.2007-05-30.9462899121/Accts_Payable_ Asst_999461_999464_999460.docx/file_view Fort further information regarding this position, please contact Ms. Kathy Bury at (780)675-6396 or via email; [email protected] All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. PLEAsE NOTE: Applications will only be received and accepted through our online recruitment system. When applying, please include your letter of application, resume and the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of three references. First consideration will be given to internal applicants according to the AUPE Collective Agreement, Article 11.02 JOb REqUIREMENTs The successful candidate will have a minimum grade twelve, preferably with two years of related post-secondary education preferably with an accounting or business concentration, and an intermediate level accounting knowledge. In addition, three years’ progressive experience in a computerized accounting environment, including two years involving accounts payable. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered. All educational credentials must be recognized in Canada. Requests applications for a: Full-Time Temporary educaTional assisTanT posiTion aT edwin parr composiTe school (epc) EPC is located in the town of Athabasca and serves approximately 600 students in grades 8-12. The main assignment for this position is to work with students of varying abilities to enhance their educational needs. Duties will be performed both in a classroom setting and one on one outside of the class under direct supervision of the teacher. The successful candidate must be a self-starter that is flexible and able to work independently with all students, including those with special needs. This position will commence as soon as suitable candidate is recruited. This position is for 30 hours per week for the duration of a medical leave. Preference will be given to candidates with appropriate training and/or experience. The current salary ranges from $14.84 - $22.56 depending on training, certification and experience. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Principal, Mr. Mark Centazzo at (780) 675-2285. Please submit applications, with supporting documentation, including references and competition #SS03201441 to the address below by noon on November 20th. We appreciate the interest of those applying, although only those short listed will be contacted: Human Resources Aspen View Public Schools 3600 – 48 Avenue, Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1M8 Phone: (780) 675-7080 e-mail: [email protected] Website: “Educating Today for Tomorrow’s World” Athabasca Advocate, Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 37A Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds PART-TIME ACCOUNTING POSITION AVAILABLE for local mid-size business Please send resumes to: RE: PT Accounting Position 4917B - 49 Street, Athabasca, AB T9S 1C5 NOW HIRING Tri-Gen Construction is seeking qualified candidates for the following full-time positions at their Boyle offices: - Heavy Duty & automotive SHop manager - automotive tecHnician - partS perSon / maintenance coorDinator - Human reSourceS manager 49th Street Grill Apply in person to: 4901 - 49 Street, Athabasca Advocate The Athabasca Classifieds If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have. • Boyle • calling lake • caslan • colinton • Grassland • Perryvale • plamondon • rochester • smith • wandering river We’ve got it covered Care aides Or health Care aides 4517 - 53 Street • Ph: 780-675-2291 E-mail: [email protected] Must be energetic & be able to work independently. Marlene Severson Representative at: Box 1260 High Prairie, Alberta T0G 1E0 Casual, Part time & Full time To find out more about who we are & what that means to you, please visit our website or apply to: Extendicare Athabasca: DISHWASHER REQUIRED Estate of ElEanor GracE MantlE who died on May 16, 2014. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by November 30, 2014, and provide details of your claim with: Currently, our 50-bed Athabasca home has the following opportunity available... Please send resumes to Patricia Foley If you meet the requirements and have related experience to fill any of the above positions, please send your resume to [email protected] Notice to Creditors & Claimants Extend with Extendicare. We are not just a long-term care home. We are a home that provides quality of life to residents and staff alike. When you join us, you are entering a realm of possibilities where you can extend your heart, mind, career, and love. GREATER NORTH FOUNDATION WANTED: HOUSEKEEPER / LAUNDRY Email resume to: [email protected] Amber Valley Club Would like to thank everyone who came to the chicken supper which was well attended. Thanks again for making our chicken suppers a great success. “See you in April” VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Deadline to e Hon. Jeff Johnson's 5th Annual CORNER T AthAbAscAisNordic August 21 NEEDED ski cLUb to transport individuals to their cancer treatments. You can make a difference by joining the dedicated Road To Hope team by becoming a volunteer driver: • to pick up clients at their residence, • drive them to their treatment appointment, • provide friendly support while they are waiting for treatment, • and drive the client safely back home. Clients reside within the counties of Athabasca and Lac La Biche, and all communities inside these areas. Direct expenses (mileage and per diem) are reimbursed. Drivers donate their time and vehicles. Golf Classic iNformAtioN Night & ski swAp tuesday, November 18 at 6:30 pm - 8 pm in whps music room Everyone welcome! bring your cross country ski equipment to sell & cash to buy. for more information, contact [email protected] www.roadtohop NEW SIGNAGE IS POSTED Thursday, August 28, 2014 . Athabasca Golf &in Countr No driving WaNT TO hELp. 9:00 byam Registration 8:30 am Breakfast . 10:00 am Tee the bus loop To make a donation or to register bEcOmINg a DRIVER? SPECIAL GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE:ofplease Whispering contact Monique Mosich a please contact of Health Hon. Fred Horne, Minister 780.213.0438 or Hills Primary RoadEd To Stelmach, hope community Support Foundation Mr. Former Premier of Alberta [email protected] and v at 780-327-9442. School from The Road to Hope Community Support Foundation is a non-profit organization maKE a DIFFERENcE IN SOmEONE’S LIFE - bE paRT OF a TEam providing transportation to individuals 7Weam - 5 pm. are proud to have founded Road to Hope and a text block a text block a text block undergoing cancer medical treatment outside their home community. have your support event! Tickets will be issued at to this any violators.
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