Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao Exhibitor Manual 12 - 14‧December‧2014 1 Dear Exhibitor, Welcome to AAE (Macao) –Asia’s Premier & Foremost Adult Expos! The Exhibitor Manual has been designed to be your reference guide that prepares you for a rewarding and beneficial experience at the show. It covers every aspect from the logistics and construction requirements to the value-added promotional and marketing services. So please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with this Manual for taking advantages of all the services available to you. There are a few items to which we would like to specifically draw your attention: 1. Deadline Checklist: Forms submitted after deadline would be subjected to late penalty fees OR would NOT be accepted. So please make sure you hand in everything on time by referring to the DEADLINE CHECKLIST on page 5. 2. Official Contractor: Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd. You can contact them for more information and services on Special Booth Design / Upgrade and Construction; Electricity Installation; Extra Furniture / Equipment Rental; Water Supply, as well as other construction-related items. Details can be referred to the Contractor Handbook at Section 9. 3. Official Freight Forwarder: JES Logistics (Macau) Limited. For more information about their service items and charges on Delivery of Exhibits and related matters, please refer to the Forwarder Handbook at Section 10. 4. Official Travel Agent: Online Beng Seng Company Limited. For more information about Travel, Accommodation and Transportation, please contact them by referring to their contact details on Form 9. 5. Visa Application: If you need an Invitation Letter for Visa Application, please fill in and return Form 2. Should you have any further question on preparing for this event, please contact Vertical Expo Service Co Ltd. via Email: [email protected] and/or Call (852) 2528 0062. Thanks again for your support to AAE (Macao) 2014. We wish you every success at the show. Yours sincerely, Wilson Tong Wilson Tong (Mr.) Fairs Director Vertical Expo Services Co. Ltd. 2 TABLE OF CONTENT SECTION 1: AAE FORMS DEADLINE CHECKLIST……………..…………………………..……..6 1 Function Room Booking Form (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .................. 7 2 Invitation Letter for Visa Application (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .......... 8 3 Advertising Opportunities (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .................... 9-10 4 Sponsorship Opportunities (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) ................ 11-15 5 Free Invited Guest (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .................................. 16 6 Exhibition Listing (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .................................... 17 7 Product Classified Index (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) .................... 18-19 8 Exhibitor Badge (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) ...................................... 20 9 Hotel Reservation (Submission Deadline: November 10, 2014) ............................ 21-23 10 Temporary Personnel (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) ............................... 24 11 Promotional Activities in Booth (Submission Deadline: November 5, 2014) ................. 25 SECTION 2: SHOW DETAILS & ORGANIZERS…………………………………………………………………………….………….…26-28 2.1 Show Time Table ......................................................................................................... 26 2.2 Show Organizer, Contact Persons & Details ............................................................... 27 2.3 Official Contractor ....................................................................................................... 27 2.4 Official Forwarder ........................................................................................................ 27 2.5 Official Travel Agent .................................................................................................... 27 2.6 Transportation to Venue .............................................................................................. 28 SECTION 3: PROMOTIONAL, MARKETING & VALUE- ADDED SERVICES…….……….…….29 3.1 3.2 Free Publicity Services ................................................................................................ 29 3.1.1 Exhibition Catalogue Listing .......................................................................... 29 3.1.2 Free Invitation Services ................................................................................. 29 Extra Promotional & Sponsorship Opportunities .......................................................... 29 3.2.1 3.3 Extra Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities ............................................. 29 Value-Added Services ................................................................................................. 29 3.3.1 Function Room Booking Form ....................................................................... 29 3.3.2 Temporary Personnel .................................................................................... 29 SECTION 4A: EXHIBITION RULES & REGULATIONS………………………………………....30-32 4A.1 Admission ................................................................................................................. 30 4A.2 Exhibitors’ Access ..................................................................................................... 30 4A.3 Move-In Disposal of Packing Materials & Booth Cleaning ......................................... 30 4A.4 Move-Out Arrangement & Handling of Left-Behind Exhibits ...................................... 30 4A.5 Photographing & Video Shooting .............................................................................. 30 4A.6 Distribution of Promotional Materials ........................................................................ 30 4A.7 Use of Booths ........................................................................................................... 30 4A.8 Smoking Policy of the Center .................................................................................... 30 4A.9 Exhibitors Property and Security ............................................................................... 31 4A.10 Hazardous Items (Fumes, Exhaust and Smoke) ....................................................... 31 4A.11 Internal Combustion Engines .................................................................................... 31 3 4A.12 Vehicles in Hall ......................................................................................................... 31 4A.13 Balloons ................................................................................................................... 31 4A.14 Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limited ............................................................. 31 4A.15 No Unlawful or Prohibited Use .................................................................................. 31 4A.16 Modification of Terms of Use..................................................................................... 32 4A.17 Liability Disclaimer .................................................................................................... 32 4A.18 Changes to Policy..................................................................................................... 32 SECTION 4B: EXHIBITION HALL – FACILTIES & SERVICES…………………………………33-34 4B.1 Storage ..................................................................................................................... 33 4B.2 Internet / Telecommunications Facilities .................................................................... 33 4B.3 Electricity Installation & Water Supply ....................................................................... 33 4B.3.1 General Information ....................................................................................... 33 4B.3.2 Electrical Installations ..................................................................................... 33 4B.4 Radio / Radar Equipment.......................................................................................... 33 4B.5 Vehicles Entry Passes .............................................................................................. 33 4B.6 Cleaning ................................................................................................................... 34 SECTION 5: BOOTH CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION……………………..……………..….35-37 5.1 General Information ................................................................................................... .35 5.2 Shell Scheme Exhibitors ............................................................................................. 35 5.3 5.2.1 Extra Furniture / Electrical items rental ............................................................. 36 5.2.2 Fascia / Name Board ........................................................................................ 36 5.2.3 Stand Specifications ......................................................................................... 36 Raw Space Exhibitors ................................................................................................. 36 5.3.1 Raw Space Facilities ........................................................................................ 36 5.3.2 Raw Space Construction ............................................................................. 36-37 5.4 Booth Operation .......................................................................................................... 37 5.5 Demonstration of Working Exhibits .............................................................................. 37 5.6 Film / Audio – Visual Demonstration ............................................................................ 37 SECTION 6: VISA REGULATIONS & ASSISTANCE………………………………..………………38 6.1 Visa and Passports ................................................................................................... 38 6.2 Invitation Letter for Visa Application ........................................................................... 38 6.3 Visa Exemption Details.............................................................................................. 38 SECTION 7: CENSORSHIP & DELIVERY…………………………………………..………………..39 7.1 Promotion Materials Censorship ................................................................................. 39 7.2 Delivery of Heavy Exhibits ........................................................................................... 39 7.3 Hand Carry Exhibits .................................................................................................... 39 7.4 Souvenirs .................................................................................................................... 39 SECTION 8: TOURIST INFORMATION……………………………………………………..….....40-41 8.1 8.2 General Information..................................................................................................... 40 8.1.1 Currency Rate ................................................................................................ 40 8.1.2 Climate & Clothing .......................................................................................... 40 Macau Sightseeing ................................................................................................. 40-41 4 SECTION 9: OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION & FORMS……………………….….42-60 SECTION 10: OFFICIAL FORWARDER INFORMATION & FORMS…………………….………61-77 SECTION 11: EXHIBITION HALL FACILITIES AND SERVICES FORMS………………..……..78-87 5 AAE(Macao) 12 – 14 December 2014 The Cotai StripTM Convention and Exhibition Centre The Venetian® Macao AAE (Macao) 2014 FORMS DEADLINE CHECKLIST Order forms 6, 7 & 8 are compulsory and must be completed. Form 5 is very important that required your extra attention. All other forms are optional depending on your need. Form Service / Order Compulsory / Submission To Optional Submission Deadline 1 Function Room Booking Optional Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 2 Invitation Letter for Visa Optional Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 3 Advertising Opportunities Optional Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 4 Sponsorship Opportunities Optional Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 5 Free Invited Guest Important Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 6 Exhibition Catalogue Compulsory Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 7 Product Classified Index Compulsory Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 8 Exhibitor Badge Compulsory Vertical Expo 5 Nov 2014 9 Hotel Reservation Optional 10 Nov 2014 Submitted or not IMPORTANT Forms to be returned to OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR: Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd. Form Service / Order Compulsory / Optional Submission Deadline 12 Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors Compulsory 14 Nov 2014 13 Fascia Form Compulsory 14 Nov 2014 14 Non-official Contractor Information Optional 14 Nov 2014 15 Electrical Rental Optional (Raw Space) 14 Nov 2014 16 AV Equipment Rental Optional 14 Nov 2014 17 Rental of Furniture (1) Optional 14 Nov 2014 18 Rental of Furniture (2) Optional 14 Nov 2014 19 Location Plan of Exhibitors Compulsory 14 Nov 2014 Submitted or not 20 Payment method Compulsory 14 Nov 2014 Payment method of the contractor service/order can be found on page 60 of this manual. IMPORTANT Forms to be returned to OFFICIAL FORWARDER: JES Logistics (Macau) Limited. Form Service / Order Compulsory / Document Deadline Optional A Transport Order/ Shipment Optional Submitted or not Nov 2014 B List Of Exhibits Optional Nov 2014 Contact information of the above responsible parties can be found on the top of each form or from page 27 of this manual. Remarks: Vehicles Entry Pass is applied at the gate of the exhibition venue upon your arrival at the exhibition center if necessary. Only LORRY is accepted to park in the Venetian Loading Docks. A fee of MOP50 will be charged for a duration of 45 minutes and over-time surcharge is based on MOP50 per 15 minutes or part thereof. For details, please consult the Official Forwarder by referring to their contact details at section 10. 6 Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to : Vertical Expo Services Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 OPTIONAL FORM 1 – Function Room Booking Form At the venue, exhibitors are welcome to use Special Rate for Function Room booking. You are recommended to have private meetings, gatherings or member functions with the room capacity of 50 – 100 people. Bookings are on First Come First Serve basis. We will book __________ session(s) - Cost: USD 800 per session (3 hour / session) USD 800 X __________ session(s) = Total Cost (USD) _________________ We will book the session(s) on: (please indicate your preference of time slots with priority) Use 1-3 to show your priority. “1” is your most favorable time slot. 12 Dec 2014 1000-1300 [ ] 1400-1700 [ ] Full Day [ ] 13 Dec 2014 1000-1300 [ ] 1400-1700 [ ] Full Day [ ] 14 Dec 2014 1000-1300 [ ] 1400-1700 [ ] Full Day [ ] Purpose of Meeting: □ Private Meeting □ Gathering (open to others) □ Others: Please specify ________________________________________ Cost includes: Conference room with seating capacity for 50 - 100 audiences. Fee is for room booking ONLY. F&B is NOT included (refer to Section 11 for F&B bookings) LCD projector, AV equipment, computer are NOT included. (For equipment rental, please refer to Section 9 Official Contractor.) Payment Details - All cheques / bank drafts / telegraphic/ transfers should be made to: Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Bank : Hang Seng Bank USD Saving Account : 024-294-580055-201 Bank swift code : HASEHKHH Bank address : G/F., 83 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong To return this form through EMAIL ([email protected]), please use file name & subject as “AAEForm1_[Company Name]_[Booth No]” Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 7 Please RETURN this form to : Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 12-14 December, 2014 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 OPTIONAL FORM 2 – INVITATION LETTER FOR VISA APPLICATION For exhibitors requiring visa to get into Macau, please complete this form and return to us so that we can send you an invitation letter which you will use to apply visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General in your own country at your cost. Please PRINT or TYPE the following information and return to the responsible party by E-MAIL or FAX. Company Name : Company Address : Applicant’s Name : (Please underline the family name) Date of Birth : Title : Nationality : Passport Number : Gender : Expiry Date If you will come in group, please kindly type the information of the attendees altogether, and send to us via e-mail ([email protected]) before the due date. To return this form through EMAIL ([email protected]), please use file name & subject as “AAEForm2_[Company Name]_[Booth No]” Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 8 Please RETURN this form to : Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Booking Deadline 申請限期: 05 OPTIONAL Nov 2014 FORM 3 - ADVERTISING OPPORUNTITIES Please tick [ √ ] the advertising item(s) that can maximize your exposure at AAE 2014! Advertising Items Cost (USD) Advertisement in the AAE Exhibition Catalogue Back Cover – Color USD 2,900 Inside Front Cover – Color USD 2,500 Inside Back Cover – Color USD 2,500 Insertion, Full Page – Color USD 2,000 Logo on cover USD 1,000 Advertisement in the AAE Program Guide Back Cover USD 5,000 Random page USD 2,000 Logo on cover USD 1,000 [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] [ [ [ ] ] ] Remarks: Quota for some items is LIMITED that will be provided to exhibitors on a first come first served basis. Charges for finished artwork and color separation are NOT included. Orders are only valid when accompanied by full remittance. The organizer reserves the right to charge you on the production cost OR not to include booked ad in the catalogue if finished artwork & relevant materials received after the material submission deadline. Material Submission Deadline 05 Nov 2014 Please turn to the next page for the specifications Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 9 FORM 3 - EXTRA ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONAL OPPORUNTITIES - Specifications Mechanical Specifications for AAE Catalogue Ad & Program Guide Ad Size of litho positive including bleed Full Page Half Page (H) 220mm x (W) 158mm (H) 115mm x (W) 158mm (H) 210mm x (W) 148mm (H) 105mm x (W) 148mm (H) 190mm x (W) 128mm (H) 85mm x (W) 128mm (min 5mm extend each side) Trimmed size (actual page size) Type area (safe area for important message and reserve for binding area on the vertical edge, min 10mm each size) Specifications for Digital Format Files Please RETURN this form via EMAIL ([email protected] ). Please use file name and email subject as “AAEForm3 _[Company Name]_[Booth No]”. All high resolution images and fonts are needed to be embedded or outlined in 300dpi or above in CMYK mode. We support below formats: Remarks: Adobe Illustrator (CS3 or lower) Images required in format as: AI;TIFF(300dpi);JPG (300dpi);PSD (300dpi) Adobe Photoshop All images are needed to be in 1:1 scale to produce the best quality. (CS3 or lower) Fonts (screen & printer fonts) need to be embedded or outlined. If you would like to order a “Design + Production” package, please tick the follows: We would like to apply for a package includes production of advertisement / promotional item optioned above. Please send us the quotation. Payment Details - All cheques / bank drafts / telegraphic/ transfers should be made to: Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Bank : Hang Seng Bank USD Saving Account : 024-294-580055-201 Bank swift code : HASEHKHH Bank address : G/F., 83 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 10 Please RETURN this form to : Vertical Expo Services Company Limited 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 OPTIONAL FORM 4 – SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 1. Logo Sponsorship Item 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. Amount On Site Signage Logo on Buyer Invitation Entrance Ticket Entrance Ticket Gangway Sticker 2.1 Badge only (Logo on the front) 2.2 Badge only (Logo on the front) USD 5,000 2.3 Lanyard only USD 8,000 (Exclusive Sponsor) 2.4 Lanyard only USD 6,000 2.5 Badge + Lanyard USD 10,000 (Exclusive Sponsor) *2.6 Badge Insertion (production cost EXCLUDED)* USD 2,500 Qty Cost USD 6,000 (Exclusive Sponsor) Fair’s Official Items Sponsorship Item *3.1 Cost USD 1,000 USD 7,000 (Exclusive) USD 3,000 USD 5,000 / gangway Badge & Lanyard Sponsorship (Production cost INCLUDED) Item Amount 3. Qty USD 3,000/all signage on site Amount Qty Trade Registration Bag* USD 10,000 (Exclusive Sponsor) 3.2 Fans Show Bag USD 8,000 (Exclusive Sponsor) *3.3 Pen at Visitor Registration Counter* USD 3,000 3.4a Insertion – Printed Materials (Media Kit) USD 1,500 200 3.4b Insertion – Printed Materials (Trade Visitor) USD 3,000 2000 3.4c Insertion – Printed Materials (Public Visitor) USD 5,000 5000 3.5a Insertion – Souvenir (Media Kit) USD 1,500 200 3.5b Insertion – Souvenir (Trade Visitor) USD 3,000 2000 3.5c Insertion – Souvenir (Public Visitor) USD 5,000 5000 *3.6 Product Showcase* USD 1000 / piece 3.7 Poster Stand (poster provided by sponsor) USD 800 / piece Cost *Production cost INCLUDED. 4. Special Individual Events / Spots Sponsorship Item Cost 4.1 AAE Opening Ceremony & Welcoming Reception US$10,000 (Exclusive) US$5,000 (Non-Exclusive) 4.2 Exclusive Day US$10,000 4.3 Workshops / Seminars On Site Meeting / Refreshment Point US$3,000 4.4 4.5 US$5,000 Cyber Café US$5,000 *4.6 Banner (production cost INCLUDED)* US$5,000 4.7 Exhibitors/Buyers Lounge US$10,000 (Exclusive) US$5,000 (Non-Exclusive) Ranged from USD 3000 to USD 100,000 You can sponsor flowers, giveaways, food, and entertainment. There’s something for every budget. Your company will receive prominent recognition throughout the event. Please ask us for details! Please note that all of these name-building opportunities are on a first come first served basis. Specifications & relevant details will be referred to the following pages. All shown prices are reserved for exhibitors of AAE only. Exhibiting Company Contact Person Email Signature : : : : Booth No. Tel Fax Date : : : : Please turn to the next page for the Specifications, Details & Deadlines 11 FORM 4 – SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 5. Stage Sponsorship (Production cost INCLUDED) Item Amount Qty 5.1 Grand Stage USD 40,000 5.2 Set Props on stage USD 13,000 *5.3 Stage Performance (production cost EXCLUDED) USD 2,000 / session 5.4 Stage Performance Props Contact Organizer 5.5 Promotion Girl Contact Organizer Cost (15 – 20 mins each) Please note that all of these name-building opportunities are on a first come first served basis. Specifications & relevant details will be referred to the following pages. All shown prices are reserved for exhibitors of AAE only. 1. Logo Sponsorship Logo on On-Site Signage, Exhibition Catalogue & Buyer Guide All of the On Site Signage are eye-catching items that will be placed around the exhibition hall to show direction. Exhibition Catalogue and Program Guide are important on site promotional vehicles that will be distributed to guests, buyers, suppliers, associations and official bodies at key on-site spots. Specifications Maximum logo size: 15mm (W) x 15mm (H) Artwork format: All logo must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format Description: Sponsors of these 3 items will have their company logo printed on the selected item(s). Logo Sponsorship Exhibition Catalogue Program Guide 05 Nov 2014 05 Nov 2014 Booking Deadline Artwork Submission Deadline 2. Badge & Lanyard Sponsorship By sponsoring the badge and/or lanyard, your company logo will appear on this / these collectable item(s) that visitors would wear it and travel in the fairground. Specifications Maximum logo size: 60mm (W) x 60mm (H) Artwork format: All logo must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format Booking deadline Artwork submission deadline 05 Nov 2014 05 Nov 2014 Please turn to the next page Signature Date : 12 : FORM 4 – SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 3. Fair’s Official Items Sponsorship Organizer will help sponsors to distribute the fair’s official items at prime spots, such as the registration counters, organizer’s office, on site during the show days. 3.1 Convention Registration Bag Specifications Material: Non-woven Bag size: 37.5cm (W) x 37.5cm (H) Print: 4C + 4C Artwork format: All logo must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format Description: Convention registration bags will be printed with Sponsor’s logo & info as well as the Fair’s logo & info 3.2 Name Card Collection Box Specifications Box size: 20cm (W) X 10cm (H) X 12cm (D) Print: 4C + 4C Artwork format: All logo must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format Description: Boxes will be printed with Sponsor’s logo & info as well as the Fair’s logo & info 3.3 Pen These eye-catching items will be placed at the Registration Counter for impressing visitors. Specifications Design & materials: Design & Specifications have to be confirmed Artwork format: Artwork submitted by sponsor must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format FOR ALL THE FAIR’S OFFICIAL ITEMS: Booking Deadline 05 Nov 2014 Artwork Submission Deadline 05 Nov 2014 3.4 Printed Materials Printed Materials will be inserted into the Registration Bag and distribute to attendees. Specifications Design & materials: Sponsors are responsible for the design and production of the printed materials with a maximum size of 21cm (W) X 30cm (H) Sponsors are responsible for the delivery of printed materials to the exhibition venue during the move-in period on 11 Dec 2014. FOR ALL THE FAIR’S OFFICIAL ITEMS: Booking Deadline 05 Nov 2014 Artwork Submission Deadline 05 Nov 2014 Please turn to the next page Signature : Date 13 : FORM 4 – SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 3.5 Souvenir Souvenir will be inserted into the Registration Bag and distribute to attendees: Specifications Design & materials: Sponsors are responsible for the design and production of the souvenir with a maximum weight of 1kg. Sponsors are responsible for the delivery of souvenir to the exhibition venue during the move-in period on 11 Dec 2014. 3.6 Product Showcase Exhibit Product Showcase 6-1/2 foot, illuminated, display cases will be located in high traffic areas such as registration, lobby areas, near the Expo main entrance and wherever appropriate. Specifications Exhibitors may purchase this special display space to highlight your product(s) available at convention for only USD 1000 per showcase. (Shelf Dimensions: 11-1/2” high X 20” wide X 20” deep. Note: Distance from edge of glass to light bar is 8-1/2 inches) Sponsors are responsible for providing the products to be showcased. Please turn to the next page Signature Date : 14 : FORM 4 – SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 3.7 Poster Stand Poster stand will be located in high traffic areas to draw the attention of attendees on site. This is an effective tool for directing them to your booth! Poster Stand (for reference only) Specifications Design & materials: Sponsors are responsible for the design of poster (s). Artwork format: Poster design file(s) submitted by sponsor must be at least 300dpi in AI/JPEG format 4. Special Individual Events / Spots Sponsorship You can sponsor flowers, giveaways, food, and entertainment for all the name-building social events (such as Opening Ceremony, Cyber Café etc) at AAE. There’s always something for every budget! Your company will receive prominent recognition throughout the event. Please contact us for details! Payment Details - All cheques / bank drafts / telegraphic/ transfers should be made to: Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Bank : Hang Seng Bank USD Saving Account : 024-294-580055-201 Bank swift code : HASEHKHH Bank address : G/F., 83 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 15 Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to: Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao IMPORTANT Due Date: 05 Nov 2014 FORM 5 – FREE INVITED GUEST For guests / buyers you wish to invite to the expos, please register through the official website of Asia Adult Expo ( Onsite registration will be “USD 30” or “HKD 200” each. We recognize that guest information is of a proprietary nature and will treat it with utmost confidentiality. To encourage trade invitation, the organizer may provide free accommodation for selected qualified visitors. Steps -- Your guest can register on-line -- Quick and Effeiciency! 1. Use the table below and complete the required information. 2. Please rename the file name to “AAEform5_[Company Name]_[Booth No]”. Email the completed file to [email protected] on or before the due date. 3. Organizer will send the invitation letter to your guest by email and copy to your company. The letter will provide the Invited Guest on-line registration procedure. 4. Invited guest can be registered on-line in order to speed up the on-site registration process. Guests are required to present the “Registered Email” to the counter to claim the badge. *Please input the data in the TABLE BELOW : Rename the file as 【aaeform5_[Company Name]_[Booth No]】 AAE Free Invited Guest Service Exhibiting Company: ______________________________________________________________________ Booth No: ____________________ Contact Person: __________________________ Tel: ____________________ Email: __________________________ No. Given Name Surname SAMPLE Tai Man Chan Job Title Company Email & Tel Project Vertical Expo Services Co., [email protected] Coordinator Ltd. +852 2222 3333 Country Hong Kong 1 2 3 16 Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to: Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 12-14 December, 2014 Macao Due Date : 05 Nov 2014 MUST BE SUBMITTED FORM 6 – EXHIBITION CATALOGUE LISTING All exhibitors are entitled to a free listing in the Official Exhibition Catalogue. It is imperative that this Form be completed and returned to us by the stipulated date to ensure the insertion of this information in the Catalogue. For unreturned forms and those reach us after the stipulated date, the organizer reserves the right to edit your company listing according to other information provided for promotional uses OR the following will be listed under your Company’s Name: “PLEASE VISIT OUR BOOTH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION”. If you have already submitted your information during Application, please tick the following box, sign this form and simply return it to us via Fax or Email: I have submitted the catalogue listing information during Application. The organizer reserves the right to edit profiles for consistent style, proper grammar and spelling, as well as excess wording and promotional “sell copy” without further consultation with exhibitor. To ensure correct information for your listing, please complete the followings: EXHIBITOR information to be listed in Catalogue (Please Use MS Word File and Send By E-mail): Booth No._____________ Company Name : Address Contact person / Position Email : Tel : : Fax : : Website : 1. (Eng) (Chi) Company Profile and Exhibits in English & Chinese Submission Guidelines: The description is restricted to 50 English words and 50 Chinese words only Two product photo (One of photo can be changed to company logo) Hand written entries are NOT to be accepted. Please TYPE the information and SAVE the document in “MS Word” format, with file name & email subject as: “AAEForm6_[Company Name]_[Booth No]” Please RETURN the form via EMAIL: [email protected] . 2. Principal/ Agent/ Distributor Be sure to indicate the name of the Principal if the Exhibition Company is an agent. Please also provide details of your Principals / Agents for additional publicity and exposure. Please refer to the part (1) submission guidelines & saved the information in the SAME document but SEPARATE paper. Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 17 Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to: Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 MUST BE SUBMITTED FORM 7 –PRODUCT CLASSIFIED INDEX Please mark a tick(s) where appropriate Adult Novelties & Gifts □ 2101 Adult Games □ 2102 Body Jewelry □ 2103 BDSM □ 2104 Condom □ 2105 Gift □ 2106 Leather Wear □ 2107 Lingerie & Costume Adult Content Provider □ 2201 Mainstream □ 2202 Gay Adult Entertainment Facilities & Tools □ 2301 Entertainment Place (e.g. sauna, night club) □ 2302 Sex Furniture □ 2303 VCD / DVD / Blu-ray Disc □ 2304 Travel & Entertainment Package Supplies Sensual Delight Products □ 2701 Essential Oil □ 2702 Massage Oil □ 2703 Decorating Products Lingerie Products □ 2801 Basic Lingerie □ 2802 Sleepwear □ 2803 Hosiery Pharmaceutical & Supplements □ 2401 Contraceptive Pills □ 2402 Health Products Media & Press □ 2501 New Media (e.g. Adult website, Mobile network etc.) □ 2502 Publication □ □ □ □ □ 2108 Lubricant & Oil 2109 Men’s Wear 2110 Sex Toys 2111 Stimulator/Vibrator 2112 Others, please specify :___________ * □ 2203 Lesbian □ 2204 Others, please specify :___________ * □ 2305 Tools & Equipment for Adult Entertainment Facilities □ 2306 Image / Digital Equipment □ 2307 Physical Fitness Equipment □ 2308 Others, please specify :___________ * □ 2704 Sensation Products □ 2705 Others, please specify:____________ * □ 2804 Specialties □ 2805 Others, please specify: ____________ * □ 2403 Sexuality Supplements □ 2404 Cosmetics □ 2405 Others, please specify :___________ * □ 2503 Press (e.g. TV, Newspaper, etc.) □ 2504 Others, please specify :___________ * Continue Next Page~ 18 FORM 7 –PRODUCT CLASSIFIED INDEX (Cont’d) Please mark a tick(s) where appropriate Consulting & Trade Services □ 2601 Import/ Export □ 2602 Law Consulting □ 2603 Testing Laboratory □ 2604 IT Services □ 2605 Design Services □ 2606 Marketing Consulting Service □ 2607 Packaging □ 2608 Others, please specify :___________ * To return this form through EMAIL ([email protected]), please use file name & subject as “AAEForm7_[Company Name]_[Booth No]” Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax Signature : Date 19 : Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to: Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 MUST BE SUBMITTED FORM 8 – EXHIBITOR BADGE Badges can be collected from the Organizer’s office on site on 11 Dec 2014 from 14:00-19:00 hrs. On arrival at the exhibition venue, please send ONE representative of your company to the Organizer’s office for collecting the Badges. The venue requires that all exhibitors wear badges for security reasons. Every 12sqm stand entitles the exhibitor to 3 Exhibitor Badges and additional badge order will be charged at HKD 100/ USD 15 each. Any change of information on the badge after the submission deadline will also be charged HKD 100 / USD 15 each. 1. STAFF INFORMATION (Please TYPE all names in BLOCK LETTERS) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Company Name Staff Name Title Country (*Please use additional paper for further information.) Please settle the fee before collection of badge on-site or wire transfer to: Payment Details - All cheques / bank drafts / telegraphic/ transfers should be made to: Vertical Expo Services Company Limited Bank : USD Saving Account : Bank swift code : Bank address : Bank name: Hang Seng Bank 024-294-580055-201 HASEHKHH G/F., 83 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong To return this form through EMAIL ([email protected]), please use file name & subject as “AAEForm8_[Company Name]_[Booth No]” Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 20 Please fill in the form(by Fax / E-mail)return to : Online Beng Seng Company Limited (Travel Agency License No: 353676) 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Emily Ho Phone : (852)37967904 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 28155078 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 10 Nov 2014 OPTIONAL Asia Adult Expo 2014 Hotel Booking Form Please fill in the form(by Fax / E-mail)return to : Asia Adult Expo 2014 Hotel Booking Form Contact Person:(Last Name)________________(First Name )_______________________ Company Name:__________________________________________________________________ Contact No.:_______________________________________ Fax No.:____________________ E-mail Address : __________________________________________________________________ Hotel Prices in HK Dollars <For Reference Only> Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Wed Thu FRI SAT SUN Asia Adult Expo 2014 Distance to Star Breadfast Venues Hotel Room Type Area Per Room Per Night (HKD) The Venetian Hotel 5* 澳門威尼斯人酒 Cotai Strip Royale Suite within 5mins by HKD1950 HKD1950 HKD2550 HKD3200 HKD1950 HKD165/位 Taipa walk 店 Sheraton 5* Deluxe King Cotai Strip 5-8mins by HKD1490 澳門喜來登酒店 / Double Sands Holiday King Inn Cotai Superior Cotai Strip 澳門金沙城中心 Double Taipa 假日 HKD1680 HKD2300 HKD1490 HKD188/位 Taipa walk HKD1370 4* HKD1490 HKD1370 HKD1780 HKD2480 HKD1370 $165/份 5-8mins by walk HKD1570 HKD1570 HKD1980 HKD2680 HKD1570 $165/份 Superior Continue Next Page~ 21 Dec-10 Dec-11 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 Wed Thu FRI SAT SUN Asia Adult Expo 2014 Distance to Star Breadfast Venues Hotel Room Type Area GRAND LAPA Superior MACAU 5* 5* 4* 3* 5* Per Room Per Night (HKD) 30-40mins by HKD1000 金麗華 Room SIDE Sofitel Superior MACAU Room SIDE Rio Standard MACAU Room SIDE Sintra Standard MACAU Room SIDE Royal Standard MACAU Room SIDE Standard MACAU $150/份 HKD1450 HKD1750 HKD2200 HKD1450 $110/份 30-40mins by HKD1050 HKD1350 HKD1700 HKD1050 $80/份 taxi 30-40mins by HKD950 HKD1250 HKD1300 HKD950 $90/份 taxi HKD880 皇都 HKD1000 taxi HKD950 新麗華 HKD1450 20-30mins by HKD1050 利澳 HKD1250 taxi HKD1450 十六蒲 HKD1000 HKD880 HKD1050 HKD1200 HKD880 $200/(2 份) 30-40mins by taxi Best Western 3* SunSun HKD780 Room 新新 HKD780 HKD1030 HKD1120 HKD780 已含 2 早 30-40mins by SIDE taxi Hotel Booking Section – Asia Adult Expo – P.2 Please select the follow Hotel : ( ) Sheraton Macau ( ) The Venetian Resort Hotel Macau ( ) Grand Lapa Macau ( ) Sands Holiday Inn Macau ( ) Rio Macau ( ) Sofitel Macau Hotel ( ) Royal Macau ( ) Sintra Hotel ( ) Best Western SunSun Hotel Room MR Qty Miss / Last Name First Name Room Type Room Check-in Check-out Request Date Date 1 Single/Twin 2 Single/Twin 3 Single/Twin 4 Single/Twin 5 Single/Twin 6 Single/Twin 7 Single/Twin 22 Remarks : 1. 2. 3. All room reservation, amendment or cancellation must be handled via Online Beng Seng Company Limited, do not contact the hotel directly in order to avoid misunderstanding. No Booking is being confirmed at that moment. Confirmation will be subject to space/rate availability upon request. Reservation & Payment Policy Reservation : Please above reservation form by fax or e-mail back Online Beng Seng Company Limited Contact Person: Ms Ho (EMILY) Fax No.:+852 2815 5078 E-mail address:[email protected] Please send back booking form on or before 10 Nov 2014 (Monday) , we will reply in 2 working days. Reservation Confirmed : 1. When the booking is confirmed,Online Beng Seng Company Limited will return hotel confirmation Fax / E-mail . 2. All Room need pay 100%. 3. All reservations confirmed must be settle the payment at the same day,Online Beng Seng Company Limited the right to cancel all booking who didn’t settle the payment without prior notice. Hotel Reservation Form Payment Method: – Asia Adult Expo – P.3 BANK IN / Telegraphic Transfer(All Handling fees paid by the payer) BANK NAME: Address 恆生銀行 Hang Seng Bank : Sheung Wan BR SWIFT Code: 264-270 DEX VOEUX RD C HONG KONG HASEHKHH Account Name: Online Beng Seng Company Limited Account Number: 239333396001 (HKD) Credit Card Payment Authorization Form “I ___________________________________Hereby authorize Online Beng Seng Company Limited to charge the following to my credit card listed below:” VISA MASTER Cardholder:(Last name)___________________________ (First Name)___________________________ Card no.:______________________________ Expiry Date: ______/_____(month/year) Security Code:___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___ CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE (SAME AS CREDIT CARD) with company chop NOTES : 1. Once the booking is confirmed, no amendment or cancellation is allowed. “no-show” are subject to charge the room rate of 100%. 23 FORM 10 – TEMPORARY PERSONNEL Exhibitors may wish to contact the following vendors for the quotation of temporary personnel. Their services include but not less than the following 12-14 December, 2014 - Cantonese / Mandarin, English Receptionist Duties Macao - General Staff - Interpreter Macau HR Contact person: Ms. Carman Pereira Tel : 853-8294 6903 Email : Website: [email protected] / [email protected] French Touch Contact person: Ms. Anne Charlotte MASSON Tel : 852-3752 9829 Fax : 852-2754 8103 Email : Website: [email protected] 24 Please RETURN (by FAX / EMAIL) this form to: Vertical Expo Service Company Ltd. 12-14 December, 2014 Attn : Ms. Anna Pang Phone : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] Fax : (852) 2528 0072 Macao Due Date 遞交日期: 05 Nov 2014 OPTIONAL FORM 11 – Promotional Activities in Booth To facilitate your promotional activities in booth with better crowd control, please indicate if any promotional activities will be held in your booth, such as demonstration, performance, distribution of gifts, etc. in the table below. Approval is needed after examining and verifying by the Organizer according to the details you provided. Date Dec 12 (Thursday) Dec 13 (Friday) Dec 14 (Saturday) Time Content and Format of Activities Exhibiting Company : Booth No. : Contact Person : Tel : Email : Fax : Signature : Date : 25 SECTION 2: 2.1 SHOW DETAILS & ORGANIZERS Show Time Table Pre- Show Period (Move-in) DAY Wednesday Thursday DATE 10 Dec 11 Dec Exhibitors N/A 0900-2000 Official Contractors 0900-2300 0900-2200 Outside Contractors 1400-2300 0900-2200 DAY Friday Saturday Sunday DATE 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec Exhibitors’ Access 0900-2000 1000-2000 1000-2000 (Trade Visitors / Invited Guest) 1000-2000 1100-2000 1100-2000 (Visitors’ Access) 1000-2000 1100-2000 1100-2000 Show Period Show Open / Close Times Post-Show Period (Move-out) DAY Sunday DATE 14 Dec Exhibitors 2000-2200 Contractor 2100-2400 THE ORGANIZER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS WHICH MAY OCCUR TO EXHIBITORS WHO DID NOT TAKE APPROPRIATE SECURITY MEASURES TO SAFEGUARD THEIR EXHIBITS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Admission fee will be charged on trade visitors who attend expo. The fair will open to both trade visitors and public visitors age 18 or above on 12-14 Dec 2014. Trade Visitors must register at the fair venue and wear the admission badge during their visits. All trade visitors, public visitors and exhibitors under 18 years old will not be allowed. Remarks: During the exhibition period, exhibitors are required to leave the exhibition hall within 15 minutes after the exhibition closes. PENALTY will be charged on Exhibitors by venue for any overtime usage during Move-In & Move-Out period. 26 2.2 Show Organizer, Contact Persons & Details Organizer Vertical Expo Services Company Ltd. Tel: (852) 2528 0062 Fax: (852) 2528 0072 Email: [email protected] AAE Project Team Mr. Wilson TONG Ms. Vanessa Wong Title : Fairs Director Title : Project Executive Tel : (852) 2528 0049 Tel : (852) 2528 0017 Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Ms. Anna Pang Title : Project Executive Tel : (852) 3904 3831 Email : [email protected] 2.3 Official Contractor Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd. Contact: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Tel: (853) Fax: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 2888 3871 Email: [email protected]/ [email protected] 2.4 Official Forwarder JES Logistic (Macau) Limited Contact: Mr. Kerry Leong Tel: (852) 2838 9486 Fax: (852) 2835 6533 Email: [email protected] 2.5 Official Travel Agent Online Beng Seng Company Limited Contact: Ms. Emily Ho Tel: (853) 3796 7904 Fax: (853) 2815 5078 Email: [email protected] 27 2.6 Transportation to Venue A variety of transport options lets you get to the VMRH in comfort and style. From the airport take the Venetian shuttle bus to the resort. This shuttle operates from 11am to 9pm daily and leaves the airport every 10 minutes. From the ferry terminal take The Venetian shuttle bus to the resort. This shuttle operates from 10am to midnight daily and leaves the airport every 5-8 minutes. Public Transport Macau's public transport buses and minibuses operate about 50 routes throughout the day from 6.30 am until midnight. Fares are low compared to other countries and decided by whether you will remain on the Macau peninsula (cost: MOP$2.50 = US$0.30) or go to Taipa (MOP$3.30 = US$0.40) or Coloane village (cost MOP$4.00 = US$0.50). Fares are dropped into a box once you enter the bus. Be sure to use either local Patacas or Hong Kong dollar coins. The bus drivers do not provide change. For information on Macaus Various bus routes, visit the I-Bus website. Taxi An inexpensive and smart way to get around Macau is by taxi. For the first 1.5 km Macau taxis cost MOP$10.00 (US$1.20) and MOP$1.00 (US$0.12) for each additional 200 meters. Small surcharges do apply if you are traveling to Coloane and if you are leaving the airport. As in many places, taxis can be flagged down on the street. As in any country with a different language, it is wise to ask the front desk at your hotel to write down your destination as well as the Hotel name & address for you in the local language. 28 SECTION 3: PROMOTIONAL, MARKETING & VALUE- ADDED SERVICES 3.1 Free Publicity Services 3.1.1 Exhibition Catalogue Listing Exhibitors are entitled to a free listing in the Official Exhibition Catalogue that will be distributed to VIPs, guests, buyers and important visitors during the exhibition period. To take advantage of this free directory listing, all exhibitors must submit Form 6 & 7 on or before 05 Nov 2014. 3.1.2 Free Invitation Services The organizer offer FREE Invitation Services to your target trade visitors to this international fair. If you would like to apply for this service, please fill in and submit Form 5 on or before 05 Nov 2014. 3.2 Extra Promotional & Sponsorship Opportunities 3.2.1 Extra Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities Exhibitors can take advantage and create an edge over your competitors by ordering the available extra advertising and sponsorship opportunities to further maximize your exposure in this fair. If you want to seize these valuable opportunities, please fill in and submit Forms 3 and 4 on or before 05 Nov 2014. 3.3 Value-Added Services 3.3.1 Function Room Booking Form Exhibitors are eligible to book the function room session(s) for direct interacting and sharing with professional audiences in the fairground. For application, please fill in and submit Form 1 on or before 05 Nov 2014. 3.3.2 Temporary Personnel Exhibitors, who wish to employ stand personnel / interpreter, please refer to Form 10 for contact information. 29 SECTION 4A: EXHIBITION RULES & REGULATIONS 4A.1 Admission The fair will open to both trade visitors and public visitors age 18 or above on 12-14 Dec 2014. Trade Visitors must register at the fair venue and wear the admission badge during their visits. All trade visitors, public visitors and exhibitors under 18 years old will not be allowed. 4A.2 Exhibitors’ Access To allow preparation work for exhibitors during the show period, the fair ground will be opened to exhibitors according to the prescribed schedule. The exhibitors are reminded to wear the exhibitors’ badges when entering the exhibition venue. 4A.3 Move-In Disposal of Packing Materials & Booth Cleaning Exhibitors should put all the discarded packing materials and rubbish in the aisle in front of their booths after finishing booth set-up and decoration on the move-in day of exhibition dated on 11 Dec 2014. Please do not put any of your exhibits at the aisle, or else the exhibits will be regarded as discarded material. Daily booth cleaning will be conducted after the opening hours of the exhibition. Exhibitors should take extra care of their valuable items at all times and do not leave them unattended in the booth. If you do not need the cleaning service for your booth, please dispose all the rubbish in front of the booth and the venue housekeeping workers will clear them up right away. 4A.4 Move-Out Arrangement & Handling of Left-Behind Exhibits Asia Adult Expo is an international trade & entertainment event. To maintain a professional image and a proper business environment for international visitors to conduct their sourcing activities at the show, NO exhibitor will be allowed to move out before the official closing time of the show on 14 Dec 2014. The organizer will issue move-out permits to all exhibitors in the late afternoon on the last event day. Only during the official move-out period starting from 1900 will exhibitors be allowed to remove exhibits from the exhibition halls. Please clear all your boxes and exhibits after the show, or else all materials left behind in your booth after the official closing of the exhibition dated on 14 Dec 2014 will be regarded as trash to be cleared away by the venue management. Exhibitors should make sure all of their move-out goods to be properly collected by their forwarding agents before leaving the hall. The organizer and venue management shall not be responsible for any loss or damage in this respect suffered by the exhibitors. 4A.5 Photographing & Video Shooting No photography, filming, sound or video recording, telecasting and broadcasting will be allowed in the fair venue, unless approved by the organizer in writing in advance. 4A.6 Distribution of Promotional Materials Promotional materials such as product catalogues and brochures can only be distributed by the exhibitors within their own booths. No exhibitors are permitted to distribute any publicity, souvenirs and the like in public areas of the exhibition venue without the approval from organizer. 4A.7 Use of Booths All booths must be properly managed, displayed and furnished with exhibits at all times during the Fair. Organizer reserves the right to prohibit any sale of samples/ products when they against the interest of the event without giving any reasons to exhibitors. 4A.8 A. B. C. Smoking Policy of the Center Smoking is not allowed in any areas within the exhibition halls at any time or at any place designated for exhibition area. Offenders violating the no-smoking policy will be asked to leave the building immediately. Dispose of cigarette and cigar butts, matches and pipe ‘knockouts’ in suitable receptacles only. Never throw them into a waste paper basket unless they are completely extinguished. 30 4A.9 Exhibitors Property and Security All goods and other property brought into the Center and the Authorized Area, including exhibitors’ stands and exhibits, are brought at the owner’s risk, and the Center does not accept any such goods or other property into its charge or control and shall not be in any accept any way responsible for any theft, loss or damage thereof or thereto. Accordingly, exhibitors shall make their own insurance arrangements. All exhibitors of jewelry, watches, fur and other high-valued goods shall have a block insurance policy covering their goods wherever situated. Any person required to stay on a stand throughout the night shall be deemed to be a servant of the exhibitor and prior approval form the Center shall be obtained. 4A.10 Hazardous Items (Fumes, Exhaust and Smoke) Any exhibit or process which generates noxious or toxic fumes, exhaust or smoke shall be so arranged so as to have an effective exhaust system properly connected to the fume exhaust system of the exhibition halls or to the outside atmosphere and be sited pursuant to approved locations. Full details of the exhibit or process and proposed exhaust system shall be submitted to the Center for prior approval one month before the first day of the Open Period. The Center can quote for supplying all materials, installing and later removing flues, exhaust ducting, extraction fans, etc. 4A.11 Internal Combustion Engines The use of compressors, sprayers, auto trucks and similar plants powered by internal combustion engines is prohibited during periods when the public is in the halls. Refueling of vehicles and plant using liquid fuel shall be carried out in the open air outside the Center. 4A.12 Vehicles in Hall Vehicles must, where possible, be moved into position prior to the exhibitor move in time. All vehicles to be displayed within exhibitions at the Center are to be driven by the exhibition assigned personnel follow the instructions of Security staff. Vehicles are to be driven in the exhibition halls at a walking pace with a spotter in front. Display vehicles should be wedged at the wheels to avoid accidental movement. 4A.13 Balloons Balloons inside the facility must remain “tethered” to a fixed object and must have approval prior to move-in of event from your Event Manager. Balloons must be inflated with a non-combustible gas and the shell of the balloon must be constructed with fire retardant material. The balloon should not be installed or attached to or obstruction any fire fitting equipment or installation. 4A.14 Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limited Unless otherwise specified, The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site. The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel reserves all rights to pursue all necessary actions, including without limitation injunctive relief, against any third parties who copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transfer and/or publish any part of the information provided by The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site without proper authorization. 4A.15 No Unlawful or Prohibited Use As a condition of your use of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site, you will not use The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. You may not use The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden, or impair The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site, through hacking, password mining or any other means. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site. 31 4A.16 Modification of Terms of Use The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site and its services are offered. You are responsible for reviewing these terms and conditions and additional terms posted each time when you use The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site. Your continued use of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site constitutes your continuing agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices. 4A.17 Liability Disclaimer The information, products, and services included in or available through The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel Site may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site and to the information therein. The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel and/or its respective suppliers may make improvements and/or changes in The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site at any time without advance notice. In no event shall The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel and/or its affiliates or suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages or any other damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site, with the delay or inability to use The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site or related services, the provision of or failure to provide services, or for any information, products, services and related graphics obtained through The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site, or otherwise arising out of the use of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel or any of its affiliates or suppliers has been advised of the possibility of damages. If you are dissatisfied with any portion of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site, or with any of these terms of use, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel site. 4A.18 Changes to Policy We reserve the right to modify or change this privacy policy at any time, simply by posting such changes on the site. Any such change, update, or modification will be effective immediately upon posting. For questions regarding the privacy policy, please contact the venue at [email protected]. 32 SECTION 4B: EXHIBITION HALL – FACILTIES & SERVICES 4B.1 Storage The Organizers would not provide storage facilities on site for packing cases, surplus materials or other properties of the Exhibitor. Prior arrangements for the safe keeping of such items must be made with the Official Forwarder. Details & Forms can be found in Section 10 for “Official Forwarder”. 4B.2 Internet / Telecommunications Facilities Exhibitors who need on-site internet and telecommunication services should consult The Venetian, Macao. Details and Forms can be found in Section 11 for “ Exhibition Hall Facilities & Services Order Forms”. 4B.3 Electricity Installation & Water Supply 4B.3.1 General Information Exhibitors who need to install power sources and/or water supply should apply from the Official Contractor. Details and Forms can be found in Section 9 for “Official Contractor Information”. Please note: a. No Contractor, other than the Official Contractor, is allowed to carry out any installation work concerning the electrical works (e.g. wiring and connections, lighting) and water supply at the exhibition site. b. Exhibitor requiring electrical supply (e.g. for maintenance after the exhibition closes) must make application to the Official Contractor as soon as possible. Such supplies cannot be arranged at short notices. 4B.3.2 Electrical Installations a. The number and type of additional electrical fittings and installations required can be applied from the Official Contractor by filling in and submitting the form in Section 9 for “Official Contractor Information”. A quotation will be submitted on receipt of this form for unscheduled fittings or installations. b. No flashing lights or signs or neon lights or 500W flood-light will be permitted. In case of using LIGHT BOX DISPLAYS, EVERY SINGLE FLUORESCENT USED WILL BE TREATED AS ONE LAMP AND CHARGED AT THE PRICE OF AN ADDITIONAL ORDER OF FLUORESCENT. Exhibitors who bring the own lamps must apply for permission from the Organizer and pay the hook up charge to half the equivalent rental per lamp. c. No electrical installations may be suspended from the roof of the exhibition hall or fixed to any part of the building structure. No fitting may project beyond the boundaries of the site allocated. Installations must be adequately projected against excess current. d. Any design or plan of electrical installation must be submitted to the Organizer for approval before the deadline indicated. No installation work shall be carried out without the written permission of the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to disconnect electricity supply to any exhibitor whose installations are violating the Organizer’s regulations, dangerous or likely to cause annoyance to visitors or other Exhibitors. e. NO MULTI-PLUG IS ALLOWED TO BE USED. All sockets are for machine operation only, not for lighting. One socket is for one machine. 4B.4 Radio / Radar Equipment Exhibitors intending to operate radio and/or radar exhibits must notify the organizer of the frequencies in writing 2 months before the exhibition opening. Exhibitors intending to erect special antennae are requested to notify the organizer. 4B.5 Vehicles Entry Passes Please arrange the Vehicles Entry Passes at the gate of the exhibition venue upon your arrival at the exhibition center if necessary. Only LORRY is accepted to park in the Venetian Loading Docks. A fee of MOP50 will be charged for a duration of 45 minutes and over-time surcharge is based on MOP50 per 15 minutes or part thereof. For details, please consult the Official Forwarder by referring to their contact details at section 10. 33 4B.6 Cleaning a. General cleaning of the Exhibition Hall will be provided by the Organizer, but it is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to maintain his stand in a tidy condition at times. b. Exhibitors who, because of operating exhibits, are likely to have substantial quantities of waste materials for removal, either during or at the end of each day, must inform the Organizer in advance in order that the necessary arrangement may be made for which they will be charged. c. Exhibitors are responsible to make their own arrangements with the Official Freight Forwarder for removal of items not for display purpose and rubbish resulting from unpacking exhibits such as carton boxes, crates, plywood before the exhibition opens, and clean out all exhibits and constructed items immediately after the close of Exhibition. 34 SECTION 5: BOOTH CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION 5.1 General Information a. Independent Booth Contractors: all independent booth contractors are required to register with Vertical Expo Services Company Ltd. Before 16 Nov 2014. Please refer to 2.2 Show Organizer for contact details. b. Special Design and Booth Construction: Exhibitors please ensure that your booth contractors do submit detailed plans of the booth construction to Vertical Expo Services Company Ltd for approval so as to prevent any costly alterations on site. Four copies of the finalized exhibition floor layout should be submitted together with the contractors' information for approval on or before 16 Nov 2014. The Organizer reserves the right to request the exhibitors to alter their booth design if their booth structure causes obstruction to other exhibitors. c. All materials used in booth construction and decoration must be properly fire-proofed in accordance with local regulations. d. Screwing, drilling, nailing or painting on the floors, walls, pillars or any part of the Exhibition Halls will not be allowed. Exhibitors and their contractors will be liable for any damage to the Exhibition Hall. e. Suspensions from the ceiling of the Exhibition Hall need to be approved by the Organizer 1 month before the show. f. Exhibitors who take "raw space" adjacent to another booth must provide their own wall panel. They are not permitted to use the reverse of the neighbors' wall. 5.2 Shell Scheme Exhibitors 35 Items / Stand Size Fascia Name & Booth No. 12 sq. m 24 sq. m 36 sq. m English (max. 40 words) & Chinese (max. 20 words) Company Name Information Counter 1 2 3 Folding Chair 2 4 6 100W Spotlight 2 4 6 500W Socket 1 2 3 Waste Basket 1 2 3 Carpeted Floor Space *Please be reminded that all items included in the stand shell stand cannot be interchanged with other items. If exhibitors do not require any of the items, no refund will be given. 5.2.1 Extra Furniture / Electrical items rental Shell scheme exhibitors who would like to order extra furniture and electrical items have to contact the Official Contractor directly. Details can be referred to Section 9 for “Official Contractor Information”. 5.2.2 Fascia / Name Board Shell scheme exhibitors should fill in and submit Fascia Form inside the Contractor Handbook at Section 9 on or before 11 Nov 2014 to ensure your company name appears correctly on the fascia / name board 5.2.3 Stand Specifications a. No fixtures may be made to the walls. Brackets are suggested for the hanging of signs. Velcro/ double sided tape may be used for lighter items only and remove after the show. b. No fixtures or nails are permitted to any part of the Exhibition Hall and Exhibitors must ensure that arrangements are made in their own designs for all parts of their work to be self- supporting and secure. Decoration must not be project forward of the side walls. c. Overhead structures on stands are not permitted to encroach upon the common air space outside the area booked and should remain within the boundaries of the stand. The Organizer has the right to authorize dismantling or rebuilding of any stand which does not meet this regulation. d. No exhibits, design or interior decoration of shell scheme may exceed 2.5m in height (unless with written approval of the Organizer) or extend beyond the boundaries of their exhibition area allocated. e. The specification of the standard shell schemes must be observed while doing special shell scheme design. Exhibitors are requested to submit their detailed drawing to the Organizer for approval before 16 Nov 2014. 5.3 Raw Space Exhibitors 5.3.1 Raw Space Facilities NO carpet, fascia name board, furniture nor electrical items or other shell scheme rental facilities will be provided. The exhibitors may make arrangements for the design, construction and erection of a stand on his site provided that dimensional drawings in triplicate showing the proposed design of stand are submitted to the Organizer or the Official Contractor for approval no later than 16 Nov 2014. 5.3.2 Raw Space Construction a. Failure to obtain approval can result costly alterations on site being required by the Organizer. Once the booth design is approved, no alternation may be made without the prior consent of the Organizer. b. Wiring diagrams must be submitted for the Official Contractor to carry out electrical installation work at the booth. c. No suspension may be made from the ceiling of the exhibition hall or may any fixing be made to the floor, walls, or any part of the building. 36 d. Exhibitors with SPACE ONLY site must provide a suitable floor covering such as carpet for their stands. They will also be required to erect partitions at least 2.5m in height, well painted and covered in the front and the rear, between theirs and adjacent booths of other exhibitors. 5.4 Booth Operation a. Fake product or products violating other’s copyright/monopoly shall not be displayed. The booth must be staffed and operational at all times when the Exhibition is open to visitors. The Exhibitor staff must wear exhibitor’s badges issued by the Organizer for identification and be present at their booth at least 30 minutes before the opening hour and leave the exhibition hall not later than 15 minutes after the closing hour. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for the good conduct of all his staff, agents or representatives. b. No business activities shall be conducted by the Exhibitor and/ or his staff beyond his own booth area. c. No activity which in the option of the Organizer amounts to nuisance or annoyance to the public or other exhibitions shall be caused by an Exhibitor within the vicinity of the Exhibition. For example, the noise level (limited to 50db only), presentation of audio-visual equipment, dirt, smell and congestion caused by demonstration. d. The weight of all exhibiting items shall not exceed the floor loading limit. The exhibitors must take all precautions against fire and to protect the public. The exhibitors who, because of the nature of their exhibits required special type of fire extinguishers, must make arrangements at their own cost for provision of such equipment. e. No exhibit is allowed to be taken into the booth once the Exhibition has been officially opened, or be removed from the booth before the close of the Exhibition. f. Stage show will be permitted with application. g. Unauthorized photo / video shooting in the venue is not allowed. Exhibitors should place sign of “No Photo” in their booths, but please assist the Organizer’s staffs and the press (with badge issued by the Organizer) to facilitate promotion. h. Cash sale of exhibits is allowed in the exhibition hall. 5.5 Demonstration of Working Exhibits An exhibitor intending to demonstrate equipment on his booth must: a. Provide the Organizer with full details, in writing, of any working machinery involved. Give proper consideration to the conditions under which the equipment will be demonstrated. Precaution must be taken for the protection of the visitors. b. Cause no annoyance to visitors or other exhibitors. Where a high level of noise or other objectionable factors are involved, demonstrations may only take place at times as stipulated by the Organizer, who reserves the right to terminate a demonstration at any time. c. Not to bring or use at the Exhibition site, dangerous and hazardous goods and equipment such as poisonous gas, fuel, kerosene, noxious materials, inflammable, and equipment using such inflammable materials as gas stoves, kerosene stoves and electric stoves without the prior consent of the Organizer. Even if consent is given, it will be subject to adequate precautionary measures being taken. d. Not carry out any fire hazardous operation work such as electric welding and heat treatment. 5.6 Film / Audio – Visual Demonstration The Licensee shall not, without prior approval of the Center, engage in or permit filming, sound or video recording, telecasting or broadcasting within the Center. If approved, in certain cases such activities will be subject to an additional charge. 37 SECTION 6: VISA REGULATIONS & ASSISTANCE 6.1 Visa and Passports All visitors must hold a passport or a valid travel document. Please note that the validity of these documents must not be less than 30 days since the day you enter Macau. 6.2 Invitation Letter for Visa Application For those who need an Invitation Letter for Visa Application, please kindly fill in and return Form 2. 6.3 Visa Exemption Details Visas can be obtained from the Immigration Services through Embassies/Consulates of the PRC and should be used within the validity. The visa is expired after the valid date. Visas are also available on arrival in Macau at the Immigration Services for a period of 30 days. There are three types: Individual - MOP$100, children under 12 years of age pay MOP$50. Family Passport - MOP$200 Group - MOP$50 per person for bonafide groups of 10 or more and children aged 12 or under. The above information is for reference only. For further information please call the Macau Immigration Services of Public Security Police Force: (Macau area code) 853 - 2872 5488 or visit the website: For those who want to travel to mainland China, visas may be obtained at any of the China Travel Service (CTS) offices counters in Macau (the main branch is located at Avenida do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, nºs 223-225, Edifício Nam Kuong, tel.853-2870 0888) or at the Gongbei Immigration and Customs (after the Border Gate) . Portuguese passport holders who need the consulate's assistance may go to the Portuguese Consulate located at Rua Pedro Nolasco da Silva, 45, or call Tel: (853) 2835 6660/1/2 or fax: (853) 2835 6658. 38 SECTION 7: CENSORSHIP & DELIVERY 7.1 Promotion Materials Censorship Any promotion materials such as films, video-cassettes, 35mm slide and printed matters to be shown to the public during the exhibition must be censored via Official Freight Forwarder prior Exhibition by the Customs. Details can be referred to Section 10 for “Official Forwarder”. 7.2 Delivery of Heavy Exhibits The movement and handling of heavy exhibits and materials that require forklifts, pallet jacks, or any mechanical handling aid, must be done at the freight entrance. Only materials and exhibits which are easily hand carried will be allowed through the front entrance. Details can be referred to Section 10 for “Official Forwarder” 7.3 Hand Carry Exhibits If you have any hand carry exhibits from local and / or overseas, please report it to the official freight forwarder immediately for customs clearance. For any formalities needed, details can be referred to Section 10 for “Official Forwarder” 7.4 Souvenirs Souvenirs may be liable to tax. Exhibitors who have any souvenirs for the Chinese audience should lease with the Official Freight Forwarder for details. The sample, quantity and value must be submitted for evaluation on request. All souvenirs must be distributed inside the booth. The Organizer will stop such distribution if it is causing disturbance. Please contact the Official Forwarder for assistance. 39 SECTION 8: TOURIST INFORMATION 8.1 General Information 8.1.1 Currency Rate The currency used in Macau is the Macau Pataca (MOP). Foreign cash can be exchanged in cities. Banks close on weekends. The larger hotels will accept most western currencies for purchases. Major credit cards are accepted in the main cities, but outside the major cities acceptance is limited. MOP HKD USD JPY TWD RMB EUR GBP CHF CAD AUD NZD THB 0.97 0.13 13.64 3.79 0.77 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.14 0.15 4.03 Currency exchange fluctuates time to time. The rate mentioned is for reference only. information, please visit the website If you want to get more 8.1.2 Climate & Clothing o o The climate is fairly warm tropical climates. Annual average temperature is about 20 C (68 C) and ranges o o o o from 16 C (50 F) to 25 C (77 F). Humidity levels are high and average values vary between 73% and 90%. Annual rainfall is 1.778mm, mostly during summer months. For further information, please visit the website . 8.2 Macau Sightseeing Ruins of St. Paul’s When in Macau a must visit site is the magnificent stone facade and grand staircase, which are the remains of St. Paul's, the greatest of Macau's churches. Built in 1602 and destroyed by fire in 1835 the surviving facade rises in 4 colonnaded tiers and is covered with carvings and statues illustrating the early days of the Church in Asia. After restoration in the 1990's the back side of the Ruins of St. Paul's were turned into a museum. Today the ruins are regarded as the symbol of Macau and visitors can view a site filled with history. A-Ma Cultural Village A-Ma Cultural Village is located near the world's tallest statue of the goddess A-Ma, also known as Tian Hou, which stands on a 170-meter high peak on Coloane Island. The Village is a Qing Dynasty-style complex comprising a bell tower, drum tower, carved marble altar in the Tian-Hou Palace, a dressing hall and museum. Visitors approach the village by six rows of stairs that contain carvings of auspicious Chinese deities. The village is surrounded by a park which includes a recreational fishing area and an arboretum. Both the statue and Village are easily accessible by car. 40 A-Ma Temple Located at Barra Point, close to the centre of Macau, this temple is dedicated to the seafarers' goddess and dates from the early 16th century. The temple name, A-Ma-Gau is also the source of Macau's name. Temple grounds include prayer halls, pavilions and courtyards built into a boulder-strewn hill and connected by winding paths. This temple is distinguished by beautiful tiled roofs and spectacular views from the upper gardens. To scare away evil spirits, firecrackers are set-off in the entrance courtyard to greet visitors and traditional lion dances are performed here on weekends. Macau Museum at Mount Fortress Mount Fortress and the Macau Museum are located on a hilltop near the ruins of St. Paul's. Completed by the Jesuits in 1626 as part of a complex which included the college and church of St. Paul's the fortress canons were used only once when the Dutch invaded Macau in 1622. As time passed trees grew from the platform of the fort and the entire area was eventually transformed into a public park. In 1998 a three-level Macau Museum, focusing on the history of Macau, was built into the fortress hill. Guia Chapel Ligthouse and Fortress Our Lady of Guia Chapel was first built as part of the Guia Fortress while the present chapel dates from 1637. During restoration in 1996 remains of mural paintings dating back to 1622 were discovered. The murals depict rich cultural meanings with a combination of Chinese and Western symbols. Built by a local born Portuguese, Carlos Vicente da Rocha, the nearby Guia Lighthouse was the first on the China Coast. Also at Guia Hill are underground tunnels, which were used in the past as air raid shelters. They extend in all directions and the longest tunnel is 456 metres. Sendado Square The 3700m2, Senado square is paved with a wave-patterned mosaic of coloured stones, created by Portuguese experts. From the main road to the church of St. Dominic, the pavement extends to the ruins of St. Paul's, making the heart of the city a pedestrian paradise. For further travel details, you are welcome to visit 41 Section 9 Official Contractor Information & Forms 42 Exhibitor Manual & Forms Asia Adult Expo 2014, Macau Official Contractor Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida commercial de Macau, n 251A-301, AIA tower, 13F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] [email protected] 43 Notice to Shell Scheme Exhibitors 44 Notice to Shell Scheme Exhibitors 1. Shell Scheme Booth a. 2 2 Standard booths with 12m in size will have the standard furniture. Booths with 24m in size will receive the double amount of the standard furniture. 2 Booths with 36m in size will receive the triple amount of the standard furniture. b. Corner booth will be assumed to open two sides with two fascia boards carrying company name and island booths will open three sides. c. Unless requested by the exhibitor, the Organizer shall assume that exhibitors occupying 2 or more adjoining standard booths will choose to delete the partitioning panels in between. d. All shell booths shall be constructed by the official contractor. No additional booth-fitting or display may be attached to the shell booth structure. The fascia, panel and its fixing structure must not be removed. e. Height limit of shell scheme booth is 2.5m. No free standing fitment may extend beyond the boundaries of the booth area. f. Any drilling/nailing to the shell scheme panels is strictly prohibited. g. Any stickers applied to the shell scheme panels have to be removed at the end of the fair. Official Contractor reserves the right to claim the cleaning and damage cost if stickers are not removed. 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS a. All DECORATION FORMS must be returned before the DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014. b. Provision of facilities and services not indicated on the forms are subjected to quotation on individual job basis. c. All items are on rental basis only and exhibitors must make good any damage/loss during the period of rental. d. All electrical works are to be carried out by the official contractor except those exhibitors using Form 15. Exhibitors who would like to order extra spotlights and power points can order these directly from the official contractor by completing and returning the DECORATION FORM 16 e. If exhibitors or non-official contractors bring their own spotlights / fluorescent tubes for booth decoration, they must submit all lighting distribution details and pay the lighting connection charges or lighting power socket to the official contractor. f. NO MULTIPLUGS ARE ALLOWED TO BE USED WITHIN THE VENUE. g. Main switch and distribution board may be required to install within booth area at Official Contractor's discretion. h. All orders must be accompanied by full remittance made payable to the Official Contractor. Orders without remittance will not be entertained. 45 i. Electrical items: – The location of electrical items will be installed according to the specified LOCATION PLAN (Decoration Form 19). Any on-site changes requested by the exhibitors will be subjected to surcharges and the availability of time and manpower. – If no instruction is received on the location of electrical items, the Official Contractor will install them according to the standard shell scheme position. Any on-site changes will be subjected to surcharge. j. There is NO REFUND OR EXCHANGE OF ITEMS ORDERED ON-SITE. k. All items are not transferable among exhibitors Notice to Shell Scheme Exhibitors l. A 30% surcharge will be imposed on all late orders (after Nov 14, 2014) and 50% surcharge will be imposed on all orders made after Nov 21, 2014. m. Cancellation of orders will only be accepted in writing before the stipulated deadline for placing orders. All cancelled orders will be subject to a 30% cancellation charge. n. If any booth which differs from the approved specification or does not conform to the Organizer’s rules and regulations, the Organizer reserves the right to alter or remove without prior notice and at the exhibitor's own expense. 46 Notice to Raw Space Exhibitors 1. APPOINTING NON-OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR Exhibitors using NON-OFFICIAL CONTRACTORS must inform and obtain consent from the Official Contractor before any of their own contractors are permitted to work on site. Exhibitors may appoint any competent local stand contractor to design and construct their booths. The Official Contractor reserves the right to reject any contractor and design they deem inappropriate. 2. Construction Drawing and Risk Assessment Report a. Exhibitors should submit the details of their contractors and construction drawing with full dimensions and material to be used (including 3 dimension BOOTH DESIGN PLAN with width, length and height, construction material, LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION PLAN and ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM) to the Official Contractor for approval before deadline. b. Risk assessment report needed to be submitted together with construction drawing. c. No alternation is allowed after the booth design is approved, unless prior written approval is obtained by the Official Contractor. d. Exhibitors who opt for RAW SPACE will be given exhibition floor space only, without carpeting, wall partitions, basic furniture and other facilities ....etc. They have to design and construct their own booths. Please inform the Official Contractor before Nov 14 2014, if any of the above items are required to hire. 3. Site-Work Deposit a. All non-official contractors or exhibitors who construct their own booths must submit NON-OFFICIAL INFORMATION (Decoration form 14) ACCOMPANYING SITE-WORK DEPOSIT to the Official Contractor before Nov 14 2014. b. The site-work deposit for raw space and shell scheme booth is HK$400/US$52 per sqm. Site-work deposit of double-deck booth is HK$600/US$78 per sqm. Maximum levy of HK$50,000 per exhibitor (not applicable to pavilion). Contractors can pay the deposit either by bank draft or deposit into Milton Exhibits (Hong Kong) Limited account directly: (i) If deposit into MILTON EXHIBITS AND ENGINEERING (MACAU) LTD.: - CITIBANK N.A., MACAU BRANCH, S.A.,Account no: 61967106 (HKD) / 61967122 (USD) - Please write down non-official contractor's name, exhibiting company name and mark down it is for site work deposit on the deposit receipt and fax to the Official Contractor at (853) 28883871 (ii) If pay by Cheque: - The cheque must be payable to " MILTON EXHIBITS & ENGINEERING (MACAU) LTD.". - If the bank cheque is found invalid, the Official Contractor reserves the right to immediately terminate the nonofficial contractor's admission to the Fair. c. The site-work deposit will be refunded 45 days after the end of the fair PROVIDED THAT the clearance of the site by the non-official contractors, no damage being recorded by the Exhibition Centre management and no violation of rules and regulation set by the Organizer. d. Exhibitors who use the Official Contractor for special design need to return the NON-OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (Decoration Form 14) but no need to submit site-work deposit. 4. Construction Constraints and Regulations a. Height limit is 6 meters inside exhibition hall. Height limit for all shell scheme booth is 2.5m. b. For raw space booth, company name, booth number and country of the Exhibitors must be prominently displayed at the booth and faced to aisle. This information must be complied with the information in the application form. Any violations of this rule, the Organizer reserve the right to affix them as consider appropriate and to charge the cost incurred. c. No part of any structure may extend beyond the boundaries of the booth area. d. The maximum travel distance on the ground floor from any part of the stand to an open side, or exit, or to a gangway, must not exceed 18m. For those stands which exceed 18m long should have more than one exit. The exit door should set back with swing open and does not swing open into the aisle. e. Signage and visual at height over 2500mm facing to adjacent booth must be set back from 500mm of booth boundary. f. All lighting fixtures should be installed at least 2200mm above ground. If not, they should be well protected so as not to cause danger to the general public. 47 Notice to Raw Space Exhibitors g. If work is carried out 2 meters or more above the floor, need to use a suitable scaffold/ working platform. The Organizer or Center's staff reserves the right to stop exhibitors or contractors if they are found working on "A ladder" higher than 2 meters in any area within the fairground. h. All stands and temporary structures exceeding 3m in height must be constructed under the supervision of an Authorized Person (Surveyor) / Registered Structural Engineer (AP / RSE). The AP / RSE shall verify the stability of the stands or temporary structures. All stands and temporary structures with 4.5m or above in height must be verified by a Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) for the stability of their design. The verification documents should be submitted on the exhibitor’s move-in day. i. Double-deck booth structure 1. exhibitors must apply to the Official Contractor for approval. Additional information and regulations of constructing double deck booth will be issued by the Official Contractor. 2. height limit is 6 meters. For any double-deck structure booth, "Risk Assessment", "Method Statement" and "Registered Structure Engineers Calculation Report" must be submitted in 21 days before the first build day. In addition, a "Safety Certificate" issued by a Qualified Surveyor must be submitted on the exhibitor's move-in day, i.e. Dec 11, 2014. Exhibitors must accept full responsibility for the safety of the structure. And the Organizer reserves the right of prohibiting access to the second level of the booth. j. At least one approved type fire extinguisher must be provided: - On each deck of a double-deck booth. k. All materials and fittings used in construction and decoration of the booth must be properly flame retardant and be in accordance with all applicable fire prevention and building regulations. For all construction with wooden materials involved, one functional fire extinguisher at a conspicuous spot within booth area is required during the construction period for safety reason. l. Other than banner, no suspensions or any other structures are to be made from the ceiling of the exhibition hall. Hanging structures are not allowed. All structure built from ground must be able to stand alone without the absolute use of hanging points. m. All constructions, including banners, archways, carpet placing and etc can only proceed within the exact area which stated at the contract between the exhibitors and the organizer. No special construction and promotional installment exceed their booth area is allowed. Ceiling of booth cannot be covered. n. Raw space non-official contractors can apply for power supply either by Form 15 or Form 16. Contractors CANNOT apply both at the same time. All electrical fitting and wiring must be installed in compliance with Electricity [Wiring] Regulations of Macau Electricity Ordinance. All electrical installations must be carried out by a qualified electrician with a valid certificate of registration of electrical worker. o. All electrical works are to be carried out by the official contractor at exhibitors' expense for exhibitors using Form 16 p. Paint spraying, welding and the use of electrical saw are strictly prohibited in the fairground. q. There is no storage space for empty crates, boxes or packing material in the exhibition halls. Non-official contractors are responsible for removing them. Any goods or packing material left at the corridor may be disposed without prior notice and extra removal charges will be incurred. r. No construction material and equipment can be placed at the loading area during the fair period. Any material left at the loading area may be disposed without prior notice and extra removal charges will be deducted from the deposit. s. If any booth which differs from the approved specification or does not conform to the Organizer rules and regulations, the Organizer reserves the right to alter or remove without prior notice and at the exhibitor's own expense. t. Non-official contractors have to follow any instructions given by the Organizer, venue management and Official Contractor 48 Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors (Compulsory) Decoration Form 12 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853)2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 1) All orders must be accompanied with full payment. (Please refer Decoration Form 20 for the detail of payment method) 2) All items ordered are on rental basis. 3) Exhibitor has to make good any damage or loss incurred. 4) Any complaint regarding rental furniture / installation must be lodged the day before the Exhibition commences using the Official Contractor complaint form. Otherwise all items are deemed to have been received in good order. 5) Exhibitors with very sensitive equipment are advised to bring their own stabilizer to cater for voltage fluctuation. 6) Exhibitors are not permitted to fix their own spotlights or fluorescent lights. Special lighting supplied by Exhibitor can be handed over to Official Contractor for installation at a price to be quoted upon request. 7) Cancellation of orders will only be accepted in writing before Nov 14, 2014. Cancellation of orders after Nov 21, 2014 or on-site will NOT be accepted. All cancelled orders will be subject to a 30% cancellation charge. 8) On-site relocation of rental items will be subject to a 25% relocation charge of order price. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 49 Fascia Lettering Form for Exhibitors (Compulsory) Decoration Form 13 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 Please fill in the exhibiting company name for the fascia production. In English, no more than 40 letters. In Chinese, no more than 20 words. English (No more than 40 letters) Chinese (No more than 20 words) If we do not receive any correspondence(s) on or before the order deadline, the company fascia name will be based on information given by Organiser. Service charges will be applied to exhibitor who requests to change after the deadline. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: ______________________________________________________________ 50 Non-official Contractor Information Decoration Form 14 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 Exhibitor using non-official contractors to decorate their booths, please read the detail on Construction Regulation for Raw Space Exhibitor and MUST submit the following document and deposit: 1. The plans of special design (with height indicated) for approval. Once the booth design is approved, no alternation may be made without the prior written consent of the Official Contractor. 2. Full payment (For method of payment, please refer to Payment Method on Decoration Form 20) for Site-Work Deposit must accompany this form (HK$400 / US$52 per sqm; Double deck booth structure is HK$600 / US$78 per sqm.) 3. Insurance Policy. Please complete the following information: Exhibitor Details: Exhibiting Company: ______________________________________________________________________________ Booth No.: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Total Booth Area: ______________________________ Total Deposit Amount: ________________________________ Contractor Detail:: Contractor Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Tel. & Mobile:______________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Electrical Contractor (Pursuant to Electricity [Wiring] Regulations of Electricity Ordinance) Name of Electrical Contractor: ______________________________________________________________________ Registration No.: __________________________________ Contact Person: _________________________________ Tel. & Mobile:______________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Details for Deposit Refund Refund by Cheque: Deposit Refund Cheque Payee Name: ________________________________________________________________ Deposit Refund Cheque Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________ Tel.: __________________________________________________ Refund by Telegraphic Transfer (T/T): (only applicable to those paid by T/T) Deposit Refund Payee Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Bank Name: _____________________________________ Account No.:____________________________________ Bank Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________ Tel.: __________________________________________________ Exhibitor Company Stamp & Signature : ____________________________________________________ (Note: No refund can be made without exhibitor company stamp & signature. Exhibitor company stamp must be complied with the stamp on the application form.) 51 Raw Space Electrical Rental Decoration Form 20 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 Rental / Unit HK$ ITEM 30Amp Single Phase (220V) for lighting connections AND power supply to electrical appliances 10,000 30Amp Three Phase (380V) for lighting connections AND power supply to electrical appliances 15,000 60Amp Three Phase (380V) for lighting connections AND power supply to electrical appliances 30,000 Quantity Amount Remarks: 1. The above items are only available for raw space exhibitors. 2. For Exhibitors order the above items must have their own licensed electrician for installation and maintenance. The official Contractor will not provide any installation and connection services for these items. Total power consumption shall not exceed the current specified. All electricians working in the exhibition hall must be registered and they must comply with Government Electricity Ordinance. The employer of the electrician shall be liable for any damages caused if the electrician fails to comply with above requirement. The license of the electrician must be submitted to the official contractor accompanied with this form. 3. For payment method, Please refer to the Payment Method on Decoration Form 20. 4. 30% Surcharge will be imposed on all late order after Nov 14, 2014 & 50% Surcharge for all order made after Nov 21, 2014. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 52 Electrical and AV Item Rental for Standard booth Exhibitors Decoration Form 16 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 CODE RENTAL / UNIT ITEM (HK$) ME01 23W Energy Saving Bulb Longarm Spotlight 740 ME02 40W Fluorescent Tube 700 ME03 23W Energy Saving Bulb Spotlight 700 ME04(70) 70W HQI 1,900 ME04(150) 150W HQI 2,400 ME05(300) 300W Floodlight 1,400 ME06 50W Halogen Downlight 600 ME07 13Amp/220V Power Socket (500W) 500 MX01 32'' Panasonic LCD TV 6,000 MX02 40'' Sony LCD TV 8,000 MX03 Lenovo Idea pad Z580 8,000 QTY AMOUNT Sub-Total: 30% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 14 2014 30% surcharge 50% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 21 2014 50% surcharge Grand Total: Remarks - Please indicate the location of these items on the Location Plan on Decoration Form 19. - Any abuse of power usage will cause immediate termination of electricity supply. - For payment method, Please refer to the Payment Method on Decoration Form 20 - Any rental is out of the above listed, please order from the Official Contractor directly. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 53 Furniture Rental for Exhibitors (1) Decoration Form 17 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 CODE RENTAL / UNIT (HK$) ITEM MT01 Information Counter (1030L x 535W x750H mm) 1,600 MT02 Lockable Cupboard (1030L x 535W x 750Hmm) 1,600 MT03 Table Showcase (1030L x 535W x 1000Hmm) 3,000 MT04 Tall Showcase with 2 nos of 50W halogen downlight (1030L x 535W x 2170Hmm) 3,800 MT05 Low Display Cube (535L x 535W x 500Hmm) 1,000 MT06 Tall Display Cube (535L x 535W x 750Hmm) 1,400 MT07 Square Table (700L x 700W x 780Hmm) 1,600 MT08 Round Table (800φ x 780Hmm) 1,600 MT09 Amsterdam Coffee Table (550L x 550W x 460Hmm) 900 MC01 Black Leather Armchair (560W x 570D x 800Hmm) 500 MC02 Folding Chair (460W x 480D x 790Hmm) 300 MC03 Black Bar Stool (400φ x 800Hmm) 700 MC04 Sahara Bar Stool (400φ x 800Hmm) 700 MC05 White Bombo Stool (440φ x500-600Hmm adjustable) 900 MC06 Rolling Bar Stool (350φ x590-760Hmm adjustable) 500 MA01 140 Litre Fridge excluding 24 hours Power Socket 5,000 MA02 90 Litre Fridge excluding 24 hours Power Socket 3,600 QTY AMOUNT Sub-Total: 30% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 14 2014 30% surcharge 50% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 21 2014 50% surcharge Grand Total: Remarks - Please indicate the location of these items on the Location Plan on Decoration Form 19 - For payment method, Please refer to the Payment Method on Decoration Form 20 - Any rental is out of the above listed; please order from the Official Contractor directly. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 54 Furniture Rental for Exhibitors (2) Decoration Form 18 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 CODE RENTAL / UNIT (HK$) ITEM MA03 Catalogue Holder A (260L x 250D x 1200Hmm) MA04 Belt Barricade (1200L x 820Hmm) 600 MA05 Coat Hanger (1710Hmm) 500 MA06 Wheel Coat Hanger (820L x 350W x 1500Hmm) 900 MA07 Waste Basket (250L x 170W x 290Hmm) MS01 Catalogue Holder Metal (970L x 50D x 280Hmm) MS02 Flat / Slope Shelf (1000L x 300Wmm) 600 MS03 Pegboard with 30 Hooks (Max. 10kg) 1,600 MS04 Lockable Folding Door (950W x 2000Hmm) 1,600 MS05 Lockable Swing Door (950W x 1910Hmm) 1,600 MS06 Ceiling Beam per meter 200 MP01 Potted Plant (700Hmm) 700 Single Wall Panel (1000W x 2440Hmm) 700 QTY AMOUNT 1,600 100 1,000 400 Relocation of panel per each panel System rack with 3 layers of shelves 4,000 TV-Video Stand 1,000 Sub-Total: 30% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 14 2014 30% surcharge 50% late surcharge will be imposed on order being received after Nov 21 2014 50% surcharge Grand Total: Remarks - Please indicate the location of these items on the Location Plan on Decoration Form 19 - For payment method, Please refer to the Payment Method on Decoration Form 20. - Any rental is out of the above listed; please order from the Official Contractor directly. Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 55 56 Location Plan for Exhibitors (Compulsory) Decoration Form 19 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] DEADLINE: Nov 14, 2014 Please indicate the position of spotlights, electricity orders on the plan below including both the standard provision and any extra items you have ordered. If you have booked a corner booth, please indicate on diagram below if side wall(s) are required. If the location plan of any service is not submitted, services will be placed at the discretion of the Official Contractor. On-site change will be charged extra. a) 3x4, 12sqm 57 b) 4x6, 24sqm 58 c) 6x6, 36sqm Exhibitor Information Exhibiting Company: __________________________________________ Booth no.: ___________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________ Title: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Tel: _________________________ Mobile: _______________________ Fax: ________________________ Signature & Company Chop: _______________________________________________________________ 59 Payment Method (Compulsory) Decoration Form 20 Post, fax or email to︰ Milton Exhibits & Engineering (Macau) Ltd Avenida Comercial de Macau n. 251A-301, AIA tower 13/F, room 1306 Tel: (853) 8297 2909 / 8297 2903 Fax: (853) 2888 3871 Attn: Ms. Noel Tang / Ms. Wing Lou Email: [email protected] / [email protected] 1. Pay via Cheque Cheque should be crossed Payable to “MILTON EXHIBITS & ENGINEERING (MACAU) LTD.” Please state the invoice number and the booth number at the back of the cheque 2. Pay via Telegraphic Transfer Bank name: CITIBANK N.A., MACAU BRANCH Bank address: AVENIDA COMERCIAL DE MACAU N. 251A-301, AIA TOWER 11/F, ROOM 1102-1103 Account name: MILTON EXHIBITS AND ENGINEERING (MACAU) LTD. Account number: 61967106 (HKD) 61967114 (MOP) 61967122 (USD) Swift code: CITIHKHX Please send us the remittance notice by fax or email for our easy checking 3. Payment via credit card: Please tick the appropriate box: VISA MASTERCARD Card Number: ____________________________________________________ Card Issuing Bank: _________________________________________________ Card Expiry Date: _________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________________________ Amount: HKD $ ___________________________________________________ Invoice Number: ________ _________________________________________ Booth Number: ___________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Email: ____________________________________________________ 60 Section 10 Official Forwarder Information & Forms 61 亚洲成人博览会 2014 - 澳门 Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) FORWARDING INFORMATION & SHIPPING TARIFF OFFICIAL FREIGHT FORWARDER HONG KONG OFFICE MACAU OFFICE 金怡国际展运有限公司 JES Logistics Limited : ( 852 ) 2563 6645 电话 Tel ( 852 ) 2597 5057 传真 Fax : 电邮 E-Mail: [email protected] 联系人 Ctc : Jerry Kan 简华钿 金栢国际展览运输(澳门)有限公司 JES Logistics (Macau) Limited 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No. 99 Edf . Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andor F, Macau GUANGZHOU OFFICE 电话 Tel : ( 853 ) 2838 9486 传真 Fax : ( 853 ) 2835 6533 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Limited : ( 86-20 ) 8355 9738 电话 Tel ( 86-20 ) 8355 3765 传真 Fax : 电邮 E-Mail: [email protected] 联系人 Ctc : Hill Gao 高文峰 电邮 E-Mail: [email protected] 联系人 Ctc : Kerry Leong 梁颖杰 62 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) A. 展品运输指南与费率 FORWARDING INFORMATION & HANDLING TARIFF 澳门公司 Macau office 金栢国际展览运输(澳门)有限公司 JES Logistics (Macau) Limited Tel : 853 - 2838 9486 Fax: 853 - 2835 6533 E-mail: [email protected] Ctc : Kerry Leong 梁颖杰 香港公司 Hong Kong office 金怡国际展运有限公司 JES Logistics Limited Tel : 852 - 2563 6645 Fax: 852 - 2597 5057 E-mail: [email protected] Ctc : Jerry Kan 简华钿 广州公司 Guangzhou office 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Limited Tel : 86 - 20 - 8355 9738 Fax: 86 - 20 - 8355 3765 E-mail: [email protected] Ctc : Hill Gao 高文峰 B. 运输指示及货运途径 SHIPPING SCHEDULE 按一般展示用品 - FOR GENERAL EXHIBITS ONLY. 食品及酒精饮料类展品另行报价 - FOR FOOD STUFF & BEVERAGE, TO BE QUOTED UPON REQUEST. B1. 海外及香港展品文件及货到澳门日期 OVERSEAS / HONG KONG DOCUMENT & CONSIGNMENT DEADLINES 1. 海关审查文件 (展品装箱清单表格B) Customs documents for pre-clearance (List of Exhibit - FORM B) 2. 海外展品从香港机场或码头提货至澳门 Overseas shipment picking up in HK airport or port for onward sea shipment to Macau November 26, 2014 December 1 - 2, 2014 3. 展品从海外自发至澳门机场 Overseas shipment arriving Macau airport December 7 - 8, 2014 货运委托书及展品装箱清单 (表格 A & B) 必须在货到前 3 个工作天电邮或传真 + 852-2597 5057 到香港金 怡国际展运有限公司. 所有展品必须按上述运货时间表抵达. 晚于截止日期会加收 30% 的晚到附加费, 且 不保证送货至展台时间. 展品早于在收货期之前抵达将会产生额外仓储费用. Please email or facsimile us + 852-2597 5057 your Transport Order and List of Exhibits (Form A & B attached) at least 3 working days prior to picking up your cargo. Cargo arriving after our deadlines will incur a 30% late arrival surcharge. JES will make all efforts to expedite the delivery schedule but no guarantee can be given. Cargo arriving earlier than the specified dates above will incurred storage fee. 63 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) B2. a. b. 香港与澳门收货人 CONSIGNEE: (HONG KONG & MACAU) (空运或海运) 展品从海外经香港集货发运至澳门 Overseas shipment to Macau via Hong Kong (air / sea) Consignee: JES Logistics Ltd. Notify: 26th Floor, Winsan Tower / 98 Thomson Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel : 852 - 2563 6645 Fax: 852 - 2597 5057 展品从海外直发至澳门机场 (空运) Overseas shipment to Macau airport (air) Consignee: JES Logistics (Macau) Ltd. Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Tel : 853 - 2838 9486 Fax: 853 - 2835 6533 JES Logistics Ltd. c/o AAE & ILA 2014 Macau Notify: / JES Logistics (Macau) Ltd. c/o AAE & ILA 2014 Macau c. 提单上货物申报 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Please state in the OBL or AWB: Exhibition Goods. (for AAE & ILA 2014 Macau) B3. 文件 DOCUMENTS (Sea / Air - total gross weight on List of Exhibits must be the same as on OBL & MAWB) 请把下列清关文件必须在货物抵达前 3 个工作天电邮或传真到香港金怡国际展运有限公司. Please email or fax us the following documentation to consignee at least 3 working days prior to the arrival of shipment. 1 copy of Original Ocean Bill of Lading (Sea) 海运提单 (1份) 1 copy of Master Airway Bill (Air) 空运提单 (1份) 1 copy of Transport Order / LOE (Form A & B) 委托书 / 展品清单 (1份) 1 copy of Insurance Policy (if insured) 保险单 (1份己投保) B4. a. 货运预告 PRE-ALERT 海运香港 - 请确保货物抵达前 3 个工作天, 快递 2 份海运正本提单及 2 份展品清单给收货人. Sea shipment to Hong Kong - 2 original of Ocean Bill of Lading plus 2 copies of List of Exhibits FORM B must be couriered to consignee at least 3 working days before shipment arrives. b. 空运香港或澳门 - 办理货物托运时, 请附加 2 份展品清单与空运单正本一起发运. 并在货物抵达机场前 48 小时内电邮或传真空运提单及展品清单给收货人. Air shipment to Hong Kong or Macau - Master AWB plus 2 copies of List of Exhibits FORM B must be attached to all air shipments and email or fax advice giving AWB no. and details of consignment must be sent to us at least 48 hours prior to the arrival of cargo. 64 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) B5. 国内展品文件及货到澳门日期 MAINLAND CHINA DOCUMENT & CONSIGNMENT DEADLINES 1. 海关审查文件 (展品装箱清单表格B) Customs documents for pre-clearance (List of Exhibit - FORM B) November 19, 2014 2. 展品从广州集货至澳门 (陆运) Mainland China shipment arriving Guangzhou to Macau by land November 24 - 25, 2014 所有国内展品必须按上述运货时间表抵达广州. 晚于截止日期会加收 30% 的晚到附加费, 且不保证送货至 展台时间. 展品早于在收货期之前抵达将会产生额外仓储费用. 货运委托书及展品装箱清单 (表格 A & B) 必须在货到前 3 个工作天电邮或传真+ 86-20-8355 3765 到广州金怡展览服务有限公司. All Mainland China shipment must arrive at Guangzhou on the schedule above. Cargo arriving after our deadlines will incur a 30% late arrival surcharge. JES will make all efforts to expedite the delivery schedule but no guarantee can be given. Cargo arriving earlier than the specified dates above will incurred storage fee. Please email or facsimile us + 86-20-8355 3765 your Transport Order and List of Exhibits (Form A & B attached) at least 3 working days prior to picking up your cargo. B6. 国内展品收货人 CONSIGNEE: (MAINLAND CHINA) 国内展品从广州集货至澳门 (陆运) Mainland China shipment to Macau via Guangzhou (land) Consignee: Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Ltd. Room 2005, Dong Jian Bldg., West Tower No. 501 Dong Feng Zhong Road Guangzhou 510045, China Tel : (86-20) 8355 9738 Fax: (86-20) 8355 3765 收货人: / 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 中国广州市东风中路501号 东建大厦西座2005室 邮编: 510045 电话: (86-20) 8355 9738 传真: (86-20) 8355 3765 B7. 文件 DOCUMENTS (Land shipment - total gross weight on List of Exhibits must be the same as on B/L ) 请把下列清关文件必须在货物抵达前 3 个工作天电邮或传真到广州金怡展览服务有限公司. Please email or fax to JES Guangzhou the following documentation to consignee at least 3 working days prior to the arrival of shipment. 1 copy of Transport Order / LOE (Form A & B) 委托书 / 展品清单 (1份) 1 copy of Insurance Policy (if insured) 保险单 (1份己投保) B8. 货运预告 PRE-ALERT 陆运澳门 – 请确保货物抵达前3个工作天, 快递正本货运单给收货人. 并在货物抵达前24小时内电邮或传 真提运单给广州金怡展览服务有限公司. Land shipment – please courier the original documents to the consignee at least 3 working days prior to the arrival of shipment and email or fax a copy to JES Guangzhou at least 24 hours prior to the arrival of shipment. 65 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) C. GENERAL INFORMATION & 服务概况和程序 PROCEDURES C1. 食品及酒精饮料类展品 FOOD STUFF & ALCOHOL ITEMS 鉴于澳门海关及民政总署相关部门对于所有食品及酒精饮料类进口管理严格, 并需要办理特殊的入口许可 证及确认批准才可入口. 参展商如发运此类货物前, 请确认持有效的原产地证明及官方健康卫证书及准确 填报详细展品报关清单. 而酒精饮料展品, 必须提供每款酒类的成份卷标图片, 填写种类, 数量, 每瓶酒精 含量和容量及价值等. 参展商请务必于指定收货期前15个工作天提供有关文件给我司, 以便向相关机构咨 询并申请相关入口许可证的文件. 所有烈酒精类展品均需征税及海关查验, 而有关税款将不会退还. 若民 政总署确定准许此类展品入口参展, 向有关部门申请入口许可证的文件服务及运输费用将另行报价. Special arrangements have been made with the Macau Customs and Instituto Para Os Assuntos Civicos E Municipais to facilitate clearance and quarantine formalities, thus avoiding many of the complex procedures usually associated with food stuffs and alcohol items imports. Please use the enclosed List of Exhibits form and include values in your paperwork. For alcohol items, they must be declared its nature of goods, degree of alcoholic / volume, ml, quantity and value on this form. All shipments are to be covered by the copy Certification of Origin and Official Government Health Certificates which are to be sent together with List of Exhibits to us not later than 15 working days of the official freight deadline to process import permits. Exhibitors are advised NOT to send shipment to Macau directly without our confirmation in advance. All these kind of items will incur duties and tax and they are non-refundable. The handling and service charges for these kinds of item, quotation will be furnished upon request. C2. 危险物品, 含放射性材料及战略性物品 DANGEROUS, RADIOACTIVE AND STRATEGIC ITEMS 上述物品禁止或限制进入展览会场, 因此发运这些物品前请与我司联系, 提供有关物品的规格、成份、容 量和体积, 以便向有关部门申请进口许可文件和安排合适的仓库与运输工具. The above items are prohibited / limited to move-in to the exhibition hall, special import permits are required and the carriers will only accept those cargoes subject to availability. Thus, before shipping those items to the exhibition, please submit us all the specification and volume of the cargoes for checking with the relevant parties regarding confirmation and application of import permit. C3. 超重或超大件展品 HEAVY AND OVERSIZES EXHIBITS 有重型展品及单一体积超过 1000 公斤或 5 立方米及其需用汽车吊和铲车在展场组装的展品之展商须及 早到达展场, 以便指导重型展品的拆箱和就位. 如需用汽车吊和铲车来对这些超重或超大件展品的拆箱就 位和安放, 展商必须提前与我们联系及提供详细的超重或超大件展品示意图以便我司展场操作. 展商如有 需要, 可向我司索取有关服务的报价. This applies to any single exhibit in excess of 1000 kgs and 5 cbm, that requires the use of a forklift or mobile crane for installation. Exhibitors with heavy and oversized exhibits must be on-site early to direct the operation of unpacking and positioning. If a mobile crane or forklift is required for installation of equipment, exhibitors should send your requirement to us as early as possible so that we could arrange contracting such equipment in advance. A quote will be given after receiving your enquiry. 66 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) C4. 现场开箱或装箱 UNPACKING OR REPACKING ON –SITE 在进出馆期间, 我司会协助参展商开箱就位及会后装箱等服务 (不包括现场挂画或艺术品定位). 请参展商 安排有关人员现场督导回运装箱, 对于包装箱己经破损, 残旧或无包装材料的回运展品, 如展品发生破损, 短缺, 丢失等情况, 参展商并应对该操作负有全责. 回运展品如需购买包装箱材料, 填充物, 订造木箱或胶 托板等.. 另作报价. We will assist in physical unpacking and installation of exhibits, our services excluding hanging and position of artworks, however exhibitors must supervise and be responsible for those operations. Similarly, during exhibition closing, exhibitors must also supervise the dismantling and repacking of exhibits, especially for delicate or heavy equipment. When exhibits are repacked with used packing materials, the packing is regarded as no longer suitable to protect the contents against damage and or moisture compared with the original. Exhibitors should therefore bear the responsibility for any consequences arising therefrom. Other charges for repacking materials, wooden case or plastic pallet of return goods will then be quoted subject to available. C5. 回运展品 RE-EXPORT 在展览会闭幕前, 我司会派发展品回运委托书给各参展商填写展品回运方式. 复出口的海关及检验检疫手 续至少需要 5 个工作天的时间. 如有任何急需回运或转展的展品, 请参展商务必事先向我司提供相应运 输时间和特别的安排. 若不按照此程序, 我们只能于展览会结束后办理. Disposal / forwarding instructions will be discussed with you during the course of exhibition. Re-export formalities will require at least 5 working days. Therefore, please do not make any plan on receiving the exhibits soon after the exhibition. We hold no liability for when the exhibits would be back to the desired final destination after the exhibition closes. If you need the exhibits to be re-exported urgently or transfer to other exhibitions, please contact our on-site representative of your request as applicable. C6. 保险 INSURANCE 我司的货运收费是以展品的体积或重量收取, 而不是按展品的价值来计算. 因此, 所收取的费用不含保险 费在内. 为维护参展商权益, 参展商应自行购买展品的全程保险包括展期内保险及责任事故的保险. 参展 商请备妥保险合同正本, 以备可能在展览会现场发现短少或残损时申报检验之用. 参展商亦可委托我司代 购买全程保险. 请提前把详细展品清单及投保金额电邮或传真给我司确认投保费用. As our tariff has been compiled on a weight & volume basis and has no correlation with value of exhibits, naturally no insurance has been covered in our charges and all work is undertake at owner’s risk. It is the exhibitor’s own responsibility to cover all risk insurance for the round trip transit period. JES Logistics and their agents can offer you insurance upon receipt of written instructions. C7. 付款条款 PAYMENT TERMS 使用金怡公司或其指定代理的展商, 将会收到金怡公司或其指定代理的付款通知发票; 没有通过金怡公司 或其指定代理的展商, 必须在展览结束前, 付清全额费用. Companies using JES Logistics or its appointed agents will be invoiced by them for all services. Companies shipping other than by our offices or agents are advised that full payment must be received by us either on-site at the exhibition or in Hong Kong before the close of the exhibition. 67 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) D1. 1. 2a. 2b. i. 来程费率 FREIGHT HANDLING TARIFF - INWARD MOVEMENT 按一般展示用品 - FOR GENERAL EXHIBITS ONLY. 食品及酒精饮料类展品另行报价 - FOR FOOD STUFF & BEVERAGE, TO BE QUOTED UPON REQUEST. 基本费及通讯 BASIC SERVICE CHARGE (communication & documentation fee) HKD 550.00 / exhibitor / consignment 展商 / 票货 展品从香港至澳门展台费率 FREIGHT CHARGE HONG KONG TO MACAU 展品从金怡香港仓库集货运至澳门展台 报关清查, 协助开箱及空箱移到存放处. From JES HKG warehouse delivery up to exhibition stand, customs clearance, assistance with unpacking and removal empty cases to the onsite storage place. HKD 950.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 香港本地提货服务 (如需) CARGO PICK UP IN HONG KONG (WHERE APPLICABLE) 展品从香港货运站或展商仓库提 货至我司仓库包括 3 日免费仓期. From cargo terminal, exhibitor’s warehouse in HKG delivery up to JES warehouse incl. 3 days free storage. HKD 300.00 / cbm 立方米 海运或香港提货 Sea / local cargo min HKD 800.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 HKD 800.00 / 展商 / 票货 空运 Air cargo HKD 3.00 / kg 公斤 min HKD 800.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 HKD 800.00 / 展商 / 票货 不包括货运站处理费, 理货费, 仓库杂费, 滞箱费, 换单费及车场登记费, 需按实际发生额支付相关费用. All THC / CFS, consolidators fees, OBL / AWB documents fee, gate charges, demurrage, warehouse registration fee, etc.. (if any) incurred in the pickup location will be passed on as per outlay. ii. 进出仓库手续费 Warehouse handling HKD 160.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / transaction 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 iii. 每件货物重量如超过 1 吨 Heavy-Lifting surcharge for any single piece over 1 ton 另作报价 to be quoted upon request 68 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 3. 展品自发至澳门机场费率 SHIPMENT ARRIVING MACAU AIRPORT 展品从澳门机场提货报关运至澳门展台 海关清查,协 助开箱及空箱移到存放处. From free arrival Macau airport delivery up to exhibition stand, customs clearance, unpacking and removal empty cases to the onsite storage place. (including THC / CFS) 空运 Air cargo HKD 16.50 / kg 公斤 min 120 kgs / exhibitor / AWB 最低收费 120 公斤 / 展商 / 空运单 换单费 AWB / documents fee HKD 500.00 / AWB 空运单 只限航空公司直达总运单, 货代分运单费用另计. On Direct MAWB only 4. 5. 澳门展馆外装卸区接货 FREIGHT FROM LOCAL SOURCES 展品从馆外装卸区接货至展台 协助开箱及空箱移到存放处. From free arrival fairground delivery up to exhibition stand, unpacking and removal empty cases to the onsite storage place. HKD 450.00 / cbm 立方米 min 2 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 2 立方米 / 展商 / 运次 . 澳门本地提货服务费率 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES IN MACAU 展品从展商澳门办公室提货至展 台协助开箱及空箱移到存放处. From exhibitor’s premises in Macau delivery up to exhibition stand, unpacking and removal empty cases to the on site storage place. 本澳提货 Local cargo HKD 600.00 / cbm 立方米 min 2 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 2 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 氹仔与路环提货需加收 HKD100.00 单次. A surcharges of HKD 100.00 per transaction for goods pick up location in Taipa or Coloane. 69 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 6a. 6b. 展品从广州集货至澳门费率 (国内展品) FREIGHT CHARGE GUANGZHOU TO MACAU 展品从广州金怡仓库集货, 制单报关运至澳门 展台, 海关清查, 协助开箱及空箱移到存放处. 不含国内海关商检查验费及核销单费用. From JES Logistics Guangzhou warehouse delivery up to exhibition stand, customs clearance, unpacking and removal empty cases to the onsite storage place. Excl. customs / quarantine declaration / permanent export handling fee will be passed on as per outlay. Land cargo 陆运 RMB 1200.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 运次 横琴报关报检费率 CARGO TO / FROM HENG QIN CUSTOMS 中国海关计算器录入费 / 商品编码 Customs computer re-entry / H.S. code RMB 35.00 / page 页 商检费 Merchandise inspection fee RMB 80.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm 最低收费 1 立方米 / 运次 检疫费 (纸板箱 / 木箱 / 托盘包装) Quarantine inspection handling service (Carton & wooden packing materials) RMB 100.00 / case / pallet 木箱 / 托盘包装 ATA 单证册报关费 (横琴 / 澳门) ATA Carnet handling fee (Heng Qin / Macau customs) RMB 1500.00 / carnet / 单证册 ATA 单证册代办申请费 (展品必须原数回运) On behalf to apply of ATA Carnet where applicable RMB 2000.00 / carnet / 单证册 商品核销单费用不含国内关税 (展品不回运) Permanent export handling fee (where applicable) (duties / taxes will be paid at the export station) 另作报价 to be quoted upon request 70 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 7. a. 展品超重或超限度附加费及可供选择额外服务 HEAVY / OVERSIZED EXHIBITS OR OPTIONAL SERVICES 单件货物重量超过 Heavy-lifting (for each package over 1000 kgs) 1001 – 2000 kgs 公斤 2001 – 3000 Kgs 公斤 Over 3001 kgs 公斤 HKD 55.00 / 100 kgs 公斤 HKD 60.00 / 100 kgs 公斤 to be quoted upon request 另作报价 b. 单件货体积超过 Oversized (for each package over 3 m (L) x 2.2 m (W) x 2.2 m (Ht) 单一展品限度数值超过上述所列的体积, 均视为超限. 则需加收超限附加费 HKD 100.00 立方米. If one dimension exceeds the above, surcharge of HKD 100.00 / cbm will be imposed. c. 空箱保管展会期间之仓存费 (如需) Storage of empty cases (where required on site) d. 香港进出口报关费, 按货值 0.05% 到岸价收取. 最低收费 HKD 120.00 展商 / 票货. Hong Kong Government import / export declaration fee 0.05% of CIF value declared. Minimum charge HKD 120.00 per exhibitor per consignment D2. 回程费率 FREIGHT HANDLING TARIFF - RETURN MOVEMENT HKD 300.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 与来程收费相同 Same as inward movement above with reversed services. 71 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) E. IMPORTANT NOTES 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The exact move-in / move-out schedule is subject to the Organizer’s final arrangement and subject to change with or without prior notice. 2. The exact routing is subject to availability. 3. All return shipments will only be arranged when all customs clearance procedures are completed and all exhibits handed over to us. Exhibitors must not make any plan on receiving exhibits soon after the exhibition, since it may take over 5 days for exhibits to reach Hong Kong or other destinations. The volume / weight ratio for air cargo is 6:1 (i.e. 1 cbm = 166.7 kgs). The chargeable weight is based on the volume weight or actual weight whichever yields the greater. The charges for sea / land cargo is based on 1 cbm or 1000 kgs whichever yields the greater. Minimum charge for full container loads is:- a. 20 ’ GP ~ 23 cbm b. 40 ’ GP ~ 46 cbm. All cargo must be sent with Freight Prepaid for inward movement. A 10% surcharge will be imposed for any shipment sent with Freight Collect. Unpacked cargo – there will be a 20% surcharge for handling unpacked cargo. JES Logistics or its appointed agents will not be liable for any loss or damage. Dangerous goods – there is a 100% surcharge will be levied and the carriers will only accept dangerous cargo subject to availability. 10. Please note that our freight charges do not include insurance coverage and all work is undertaken by JES at owner’s risk. Exhibitors are suggested to arrange a proper round-trip all-risks insurance for their exhibits (including exhibition period). For routing of shipments, it is advisable to cover insurance both by air and surface (sea / road), as there is a possibility of returning exhibits back to the country of origin by either way. Exhibitors should also bring a copy of the insurance policy to Macau. It will be useful in case exhibitors require to file a claim for damage or loss in Macao. 11. Our fees and charges are subject to revision so as to reflect any increase in our costs caused by exchange rate variations, increased freight or fuel charges adjustments, insurance premiums or increases of any other charges pertaining to the shipment of this consignment beyond the control of this company which come into effect after acceptance of your order and prior to delivery to the consignee. Companies requiring assembling or lifting equipment for erection of exhibits (positioning is included in the basic price) are asked to contact us as soon as possible with details of their requirements. Prices for hiring equipment will then be quoted subject to availability. Prices include free storage in our Hong Kong / Macao warehouse as 3 days prior to our last receiving date for inbound goods, and 3 days after arrival back in our Hong Kong / Macau warehouse for outbound goods. Additional storage will be charged at HKD 200.00 per cbm per week or part of minimum HKD 400.00 / transaction. Application for Hong Kong / Macau import / export license for overseas exhibitors is at HKD 500.00 per application and license fee as per outlay. All business is transacted only in accordance with our standard trading conditions. Please visit our web-site or contact us for the details. 12. 13. 14. 15. 72 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) TRANSPORT ORDER / SHIPMENT PRE- ADVICE (FORM A) To: JES Logistics (Macau) Ltd. (email or fax: + 853 - 2835 6533) We hereby authorize JES Logistics (Macau) Ltd. to deliver our exhibits as per the attached List of Exhibits to the exhibition and to unpack our cargo for customs inspection. All the charges are on our accounts. We hereby accept JES Logistics (Macau) Ltd. standard trading conditions and understand that the charges are compiled on volume or weight basis and insurance coverage is not included. □ Please arrange round-trip insurance coverage for our general exhibits (insured value : _________________________). Insurance premium 1.5% on total sum insured, min HKD 1000.00 / policy. Compensation is deductible from 1% to 10% based on every loss / claim - subject to final confirmation. □ □ We will arrange the insurance coverage for the exhibits by ourselves. 1. From Guangzhou to Macau by : 2. From Hong Kong to Macau by : 3. From aboard to Macau by : Our exhibits are to be transported to the exhibition as follows: □ □ □ land sea air * please tick where applicable We hereby certify that our List of Exhibits attached is true and correct. We will be fully liable if the customs finds any discrepancy or mistake. Any additional costs or penalty incurred will be on our account. Exhibitor : _______________________________________________ Booth No : ____________________________ Address :______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Contact No Tel : ____________________ Fax : ______________________ E-mail : ____________________________ Signed By : ________________________________________ (Authorized signature with Company stamp) Date: _____________________________ Name and Business title : ______________________________ 73 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) OVERSEAS OFFICES AND AGENTS (please contact with JES HKG for further agents list in your area) AUSTRALIA CTL Fairs & Exhibitions Unit 5, 12-14 Northumberland Road Caringbah NSW 2229 Australia Tel : 61 2 9700 1655 Fax: 61 2 9666 6211 Ctc: Chris Millane Email: [email protected] BELGIUM Expo On the Move Rue du Bourdon 119-121, B-1180 Brussel, Belgium Tel : 322 333 2412 Fax: 322 333 2419 Ctc: Georges Th Merz Email: [email protected] BRAZIL Waiver Logistica Brasil Ltda Rua Alfredo Pujol, 285 / Conj 13 02017- 010 Santana - Sao Paulo, Brazil Tel : 55 11 2281 7882 Fax: 55 11 2281 7782 Ctc: Paula Cardoso Email: [email protected] DENMARK On-Site Denmark Kongevejen 18, 1 DK-2791 Dragor, Denmark Tel : 45 3282 0211 Fax: 45 3282 0210 Ctc: Lars Skovhoj Email: [email protected] FRANCE Clamageran Foirexpo Parc des Expositions, Porte de Vystavistes 75015 Paris France Tel : 33 14863 3220 Fax: 33 1 4863 2305 Ctc: Rachid Bensaber Email: [email protected] GERMANY BTG MESSE-SPEDITION GMBH Hausanschrift ParkstraBe 35 D-86462 Langweld/Augsburg Germany Tel : 49 0821-4986-161 Fax: 49 0821-4986-153 Ctc: Peter Kees Email: [email protected] ITALY OTIM S.P.A. 1-20159 Milano-Via Porro Lamberteng Milano Italy Tel : 39 02 69912 249 Fax: 39 02 69912 245 Ctc: Giuseppe Rapetti Email: [email protected] JAPAN Nissin Corporation 5 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan Tel : 81 3 3238 6502 Fax: 81 3 3238 6508 Ctc: Yuji Sakamaki Email: [email protected] KOREA Kemi-Lee Co., Ltd. Room 201 Arcvally, 277-43, Sungsoo-dong 2Ga Sungdong-Gu, Seoul, Korea 133-120 Tel : 82-2-563 3400 Fax: 82-2-553 8458 Ctc: Christine Oh Email: [email protected] NETHERLANDS TNT Logistics Netherlands b.v. Segment 4-8, 6921 R H Duiven, P.O.Box 1012, 6920 BA Duiven, The Netherlands Tel : 31 26 319 5254 Fax: 31 26 319 5222 Ctc: Henk Kosta Email: [email protected] MALAYSIA Curio Pack Sdn Bhd B-2-20, Leboh Batu Nilam 2 Bandar Bukit Tinggi, 41200 Klang Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel : 603 3325 3777 Fax: 603 3325 3666 Ctc: Karen Cheong Email: [email protected] PHILIPPINES All Transport Network Inc. (Alta Fairs & Exhibits) No. 3 Sta. Agueda Avenue, Pascor Drive, Paranaque City, Philippines Tel : 63 2 551 4650 Fax: 63 2 831 3054 Ctc: Jorey G. Salazar Email: [email protected] PORTUGAL Rntrans - Actividades Transitarlas, S.A. Rua do Arsenal, nr. 124 2/F., 1100-040 Lisboa Portugal Tel : 351 21 324 62 07 Fax: 351 21 324 62 11 Ctc: Miguel Macara Email: [email protected] SINGAPORE Rhema Events & Arts Services Pte Ltd No. 10 Changi South Street 3 #05-01Tang Logistics Centre Singapore 486147 Tel : 65 6545 0111 Fax: 65 6785 1541 Ctc: Vincent Racechindran Email: [email protected] TAIWAN Dragon Exhibition Transport Ltd 8/F., No. 96, SEC.3, Chung Hsiao East Road Taipei, Taiwan Tel : 886 2 8772 2451 Fax: 886 2 8772 2457 Ctc: Luson Lee Email: [email protected] THAILAND Elite Transportation Services Ltd 39/2 At-Narong Road, Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel : 66 2 240 3466-8 ext 1302 Fax: 66 2 240 3464-5 Ctc: Petai Viseshakul Email: [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM Show Carriage Ltd Exhibit House, Dunmow Road on B1256 Near Felsted, Essex CM6 3LD UK Tel : 44 1371 820 820 x 310 Fax: 44 1371 820 720 Ctc: Neil Larkin Email: [email protected] UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3-WAY 250 Airport Circle Suite 104 Corona, CA 92879 U.S.A. Tel : 1 909 539 9972 Fax: 1 909 393 4132 Ctc: Henrique Schumann Email: [email protected] 74 电话 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 传真 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 电邮 Email: [email protected] 澳门新马路 99 号南华商业大厦 8 楼 F 室 Avenida de Almedia Ribeiro, No.99 Edf. Nam Wah Commercial, 8 Andar F, Macau Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 广州入仓通知单 - 国内集货表格 C GUANGZHOU WAREHOUSE ENTRY ORDER - FORM C 广州仓库地址: 广州市新港东路 188 号, 广州华南瓶盖厂內 C1 仓库联系人: 田春生先生 (手提: 1341 642 0748) 收货日期: 2014 年 11 月 24 - 25 日 (09:00 – 17:00) 运输标记 亞洲成人博覽會 2014 - 澳門 件数 体积(长 x 宽 x 高 cms ) 广州金怡电话: 广州金怡传真: 广州金怡联系人: 重量(公斤) 包装类型 020 – 8355 9738 020 – 8355 3765 高文峰先生 货名 公司名称 : 展台号 : 总件数 展会名称 公司名称 展台号 电话 联系人 入仓日期 : : : : : : 亞洲成人博覽會 2014 - 澳門 2014 年 11 月 日 签名人 : ________________________________________________________ 日期 : _______________________________ (公司盖章及签署) 表格填写完毕后, 请传真: 020 – 8355 3765 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 联系人: 高文峰先生 入仓时请带备我司入仓单一份, 运输费用不包括保险, 请展商自行安排购买保险. 敬请各展商货物必须使用木箱包装, 纸箱包装要求包装要结实, 适合反复装卸. 我司仓库人员有权拒收外 包装箱己经破损或无外包装箱和包装材料的货物入仓. (所有画类, 艺术展品, 展商须提供相片及貼在包装 箱外) 本公司同意金怡展运的运输指南细则及费用. 有关货运费用由我司在进馆前支付. 签收回执 : 仓库共收 : 货物 件 收货人签名 : ____________________________________________________ 75 日期 : _______________________________ 金栢国际展览运输(澳门)有限公司 Tel: (853) 2838 9486 Fax: (853) 2835 6533 JES Logistics (Macau) Limited ( CASE LABEL ) MACAU 澳门 展览会名称 EXHIBITION : 亚洲成人博览会 2014 - 澳门 Asia Adult Expo 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014 Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 参展商 EXHIBITOR : 尺码 DIMENSIONS : (cm) 箱号 CASE No. 长L 高 HT 宽W 重量 WEIGHT (KG) 展台号 STAND No. OF (总件数) 请在每箱展品外贴上此唛头. PLEASE STICK THESE MARKINGS ON EACH OF YOUR PACKAGE. 76 HK Membership: FORM B - 参展展品清单 LIST OF EXHIBITS (MACAU) 亚洲成人博览会 2014 AAE 2014 Macao December 12 – 14, 2014, Cotai Strip ® Cotai Expo ™ (The Venetian Macao) 参展商 Exhibitor 尺码 Dimensions 包装方式 (择一) Packing (Tick one) 序号 原产地区 Item Country of Origin 展台 Stand No. 长 Length (cm) 宽 Width (cm) 高 Height (cm) 体积 Volume (CBM) □ 纸箱 □ 木箱 □ 胶箱 □ 铝箱 □ 胶卡板 □ 木卡板 □ 其它 ______________ □ carton □ wooden case □ plastic case □ aluminium case □ plastic pallet □ wood pallet □ others _____________ 商品编码 H.S. Code 数量 Quantity 展品明细 Descriptions of Exhibits 中文 (Chinese) 英文 (English) 注: 请填写准确货物名称, 机械品牌, 型号, 机身编号及其组装配件和件数, 均须如实申报. 同时所有机械 净重 Net Wt (kg) 毛重 Gross Wt (kg) 箱号 Case No. 总箱数 Total No. of Cases 总页数 Total No. of Pages 单价 (US$) Unit Price TOTAL 展品必需提供品牌说明书及其组装配件的相片附装箱清单供海关查验. Remarks: For machinery or equipment etc, brand name, model number, serial number and quantity of equipment / parts must be declared on this form. Also, machine catalogues or photo of equipment / parts must be attached with this form for customs inspection. 展品处理方式 Disposal A - 回运 Return B - 消耗 Consumed / Giveaways WE HEREBY CERTIFY THE INFORMATION GIVEN ABOVE IS TRUE & CORRECT. 本人证实以上提供的数据正确无误. Authorised Signature w/ Company Stamp 77 展品处理 总价 (US$) Total Price (CIF) Disposal SECTION 11 EXHIBITION HALL FACILITIES AND SERVICES FORMS 78 FORM 16C / 表格 16C Valid from 1 Jan 2014 生效日期 2014 年 1 月 1 日 EXHIBITION DAILY BOOTH CATERING - FOOD 展覽攤位餐飲服務 - 食物 (For internal use only 只供內部使用) Log No: 記錄編號: Move In (dd/mm/yy): Move Out (dd/mm/yy):) 進場日10 - 11 Dec 2014 撤場日 (日/14 Dec 2014 (日/月/年): 月/年): Location: Room / Hall Hall D 地點 : 宴會廳 / 展覽館 Event Name: Asia Adult Expo 2014 活動名稱: Show Period: 12 - 14 Dec 2014 活動日期: Deadline for ordering: 截止日期: (dd/mm/yy) (日/月/年) • For pre-event orders, please return this form to us at least 2 working days before the start of the event. 有關預訂,請填妥本表格,並於活動舉行前兩個工作天交回本酒店 ◦ • For onsite orders, please return this form to us onsite. Orders are subject to item availability, and please allow at least 2 hours for the order delivery 有關現場訂購,請填妥本表格,並在當日交回本酒店。現場訂單接受與否,要視乎所訂購之項目的供應量;所訂購的項目,會在本酒店接受訂單的兩小時後送出。 • Please fill in additional Service Order Form if your order is for a different delivery date or delivery time. 如所訂購之項目分別有不同的送餐日期或送餐時間,請填寫另一份訂購表格。 Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Snack (per dozen) 精選小食 (每打) Chef Canapé 廚師小點 170 Mini Croissant 迷你牛角包 120 Danish Pastry 丹麥甜包 120 Selection of Muffin 精選鬆餅 120 Apple Crumble Cake 萍果鬆餅蛋糕 120 Chocolate Brownies 香濃朱古力餅 120 Assorted Finger Sandwiches 雜錦手指三文治 70 Assorted Cookies 雜錦曲奇餅 60 Vegetarian Spring Roll 上素春捲 120 Vegetarian Samosa 素菜咖喱角 120 Black Pepper Beef Puffs 焗黑椒牛肉餡餅 120 Sugarcane Shrimps 越式庶蝦 120 Mini Portuguese Egg Custard Tart 迷你葡式蛋撻 120 Assorted French Pastries 法式雜餅 120 Total: 總額 (未含附加費): Service Charge 10%: 服務費 10%: GRAND TOTAL: 總額: Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ 79 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) REMARKS: 備註: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All prices are subject to 10% Service charge. 所有價目須另加 10%服務費。 Each order form for delivery is of a minimum consumption of MOP 100. 每張送貨訂購表格,最低消費為澳門幣壹佰元正◦ Cancellation of confirmed orders is subject to 100% cancellation charges. 如取消已確認之訂單 ,須繳付 100%取消手續費◦ Goods delivered are non-refundable and non-returnable. 已送出的貨品,恕不退款及退貨 ◦ Outside food and beverage are prohibited to the event venue. 不准攜帶外來食物及飲品進入會場 ◦ The food orders exclude the provision of glassware, chinaware, cutleries and service staff unless otherwise stated. 除列明外,所有食品服務不包括提供玻璃器皿、瓷器、餐具及服務員。 When service equipment, chinaware, glassware and cutlery are delivered, Hirer is required to inspect the item. If service equipment, chinaware, glassware or cutlery are damaged or not returned at the end of the event, Hirer shall indemnify any damage or loss incurred. 租用人接收所有器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具時,必須檢查並簽收◦ 如租用之器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具有損壞或未能在該展覽完畢前交還,租用人須作出賠償 。 Should you need additional food and beverage order or further assistance onsite, please approach our Concession Stand inside the Exhibition Hall or you may contact our Customer Service Center. 如閣下當日需額外訂購餐點或進一步協助,請於展覽館內的餐飲商攤或我們的顧客服務中心聯絡。 Orders shall not be entertained until full payment is made. 本酒店在客戶繳交全部費用後方會提供相關服務。 The Terms and Conditions in this form herein have English and Chinese version. The English version shall prevail in the event of any inconsistencies or disputes between versions 以上條款有中英文版本。若中英版之條款相抵觸,一切以英文版本為準。 CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: AUTHORIZATION FROM HIRER/USER: 信用卡資料 租用人/使用者授權 AMEX 美國運通卡 VISA 威士卡 MASTER 萬事達卡 Card Number: 信用卡號碼 Cardholder Name: 持卡人名稱 Expiry Date: 有效期至 JCB JCB 卡 Company Name: 公司名稱 Company Address: 公司地址 (mm/yy) (月/年) Signature: 簽署 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 請將此表格交回: Tel: 電話 Fax: 傳真 Email: 電郵 Print Name: 簽署人姓名 Title: 職銜 Signature: 簽署 Customer Service Center 顧客服務中心 Conventions and Exhibitions, Level 1, The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel 澳門威尼斯人® - 度假村 – 酒店 會議及展覽中心地面樓層 Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa, Macao SAR, P. R. China 澳門氹仔望德聖母灣大馬路 Customer Service Center Hotline (顧客服務熱線) TEL (電話): +853 811-72000 FAX (傳真): +853 811-72211 Email (電郵): c&[email protected] 80 FORM 16D / 表格 16D Valid from 1 Jan 2014 生效日期 2014 年 1 月 1 日 EXHIBITION DAILY BOOTH CATERING - BEVERAGE 展覽攤位餐飲服務 - 飲料 (For internal use only 只供內部使用) Log No: 記錄編號: Move In (dd/mm/yy): Move Out (dd/mm/yy):) 撤場日 (日/14 Dec 2014 進場日10 - 11 Dec 2014 (日/月/年): 月/年): Location: Room / Hall Hall D 地點 : 宴會廳 / 展覽館 Event Name: Asia Adult Expo 2014 活動名稱: Show Period: 12 - 14 Dec 2014 活動日期: Deadline for ordering: 截止日期: (dd/mm/yy) (日/月/年) • For pre-event orders, please return this form to us at least 2 working days before the start of the event. 有關預訂,請填妥本表格,並於活動舉行前兩個工作天交回本酒店 ◦ • For onsite orders, please return this form to us onsite. Orders are subject to item availability, and please allow at least 2 hours for the order delivery 有關現場訂購,請填妥本表格,並在當日交回本酒店。現場訂單接受與否,要視乎所訂購之項目的供應量;所訂購的項目,會在本酒店接受訂單的兩小時後送出。 • Please fill in additional Service Order Form if your order is for a different delivery date or delivery time. 如所訂購之項目分別有不同的送餐日期或送餐時間,請填寫另一份訂購表格。 Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Liquor (per bottle) 烈酒 (每瓶) Rum 冧酒 380 Gin 琴酒 380 Vodka 伏特加 380 Whisky 威士忌 380 Premium Whisky 特級威士忌 580 Brandy 百蘭地 480 Cognac 幹邑 680 Premium Cognac 特級幹邑 1580 Champagne / Wine (per bottle) 香檳及酒 (每瓶) House Champagne (Prosecco) 香檳 350 House White 白餐酒 220 House Red 紅餐酒 220 Beverage (per carton of 24 cans / bottles) 飲品 (每兩打) Disposable cups will be provided to Beverage orders. 以下飲料將會提供即棄紙柸。 FIJI Water 斐濟礦泉水 480 Perrier Mineral Water 巴黎水 480 Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ 81 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Bottled Water (Bonaqua) 樽裝水 (飛雪礦物質水) 360 Coca Cola 可口可樂 360 Coke Light 健怡可樂 360 Sprite 雪碧 360 Soda Water 梳打水 360 Tonic Water 湯力水 360 Orange Juice 橘子汁 580 Apple Juice 蘋果汁 580 Cranberry Juice 甘巴利汁 580 Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Beer (per carton of 24 cans or bottles) 啤酒 (每兩打) 喜力啤酒 Heineken Beer 600 嘉士伯啤酒 Carlsberg Beer 480 生力啤酒 San Miguel Beer 480 Water Dispenser Set for Hire (per unit per event) 租賃 - 蒸餾水機套裝 (每個活動以每套計算) • Deposit of MOP 800 is required. 需繳付按金澳門幣八百元正。 • The rental cost of the Water Dispenser Set is for maximum 4 event days. 套裝費用包括租用蒸餾水機最多 4 個活動日。 Water Dispenser Set 蒸餾水機套裝 • 1 set of Water Dispenser 蒸餾水機壹部 580 • 18-Litre Distilled Water 蒸餾水 18 公升 • 100 pieces of Paper Cup 紙杯 100 隻 18-Litre Distilled Water 蒸餾水 18 公升壹瓶 150 9-Litre Distilled Water 蒸餾水 9 公升壹瓶 75 Coffee Machine Set For Hire (per unit / per event) 租賃 - 咖啡機套裝 (每個活動以每套計算) • Deposit of MOP 5000 is required. 需繳付按金澳門幣五仟元正。 • The rental cost of the Coffee Machine Set is for maximum 4 event days. 套裝費用包括租用咖啡機最多 4 個活動日。 • All machine rental excludes power point. Please contact Organiser’s appointed Contracted for arrangement. 租賃以下機器並不包括電力供應。請聯絡主辦單位指定的承辦商處理。 Set 1 - Coffee Machine (Small) 小型咖啡機 • 1 set of Saeco Espresso / Coffee Machine - 13 Amps 喜客特濃咖啡/咖啡機壹部 • 9-Litre Distilled Water 1800 9 公升蒸餾水 • 1000-gram Coffee Bean 咖啡豆 1000 克 • 100 pieces of Paper Cup 紙杯 100 只 Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ 82 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Item 項目 Set 2 - Coffee Machine (Large) 大型咖啡機 • 1 set of Melitta Espresso / Cappuccino / Coffee Machine 15 Amps 特濃咖啡/意大利泡沫咖啡/咖啡機 壹部 • 9-Litre Distilled Water 9 公升蒸餾水 • 1000-gram Coffee Bean 咖啡豆 1000 克 • 100 pieces of Paper Cup 紙杯 100 只 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Delivery Location 送餐地點 2400 Hot Beverages (by liter) 熱飲 (每公升計算) All Hot Beverage orders will be provided with 所有熱飲訂單包括: • 100 pieces of 8-oz Coffee Disposable Coffee cups 8 安士即棄咖啡杯 100 個 • 100 sachets of White Sugar 白砂糖 100 包 • 100 Portions of Kaffee Creamer 咖啡奶油 100 份 Freshly Brewed Coffee 即沖咖啡 Decaffeinated Coffee 無咖啡因咖啡 4-Litre Insulated Urn (25 cups) 4 公升隔熱壺 (25 杯) 480 8-Litre Insulated Urn (50 cups) 8 公升隔熱壺 (50 杯) 960 10-Litre S/S Urn (60 cups) 10 公升 S/S 壺 (60 杯) 1200 15-Litre S/S Urn (90 cups) 15 公升 S/S 壺 (90 杯) 1800 English and Chinese Tea 英式及中式茶 其他餐飲 Provision 1000-gram Coffee Bean per packet 1000 克咖啡豆每包 680 100 packets of Lipton Tea Bags 立頓茶包 100 個 480 100 packets of Chinese Tea Bags 中式茶包 100 個 480 100 sachets of White Sugar 白砂糖 100 包 150 100 sachets of Brown Sugar 黃糖 100 包 150 100 sachets of Splenda Sweetener 代糖 100 包 150 100 Portions of Kaffee Creamer 咖啡奶油 100 份 150 1 Packet of Whole / Low Fat / Skim Milk 全脂/低脂/脫脂奶 1 包 25 Ice Cubes (In Styrofoam box) 2.5kg 冰粒(用發泡膠盒盛載) 2.5 千克 100 Ice Cubes (In Plastic Bag) 5kg 冰粒(用膠袋盛載) 5 千克 150 Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ 83 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Item 項目 100 pieces of Paper Cup 紙杯 100 只 200 250 pieces of Paper Cone 紙筒杯 250 只 120 Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Total (exclude Deposit): 總額 (未含附加費及按金): Service Charge 10%: 服務費 10%: Total Deposit: 按金總額: GRAND TOTAL: 總額: REMARKS: 備註: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All prices are subject to 10% Service charge. 所有價目須另加 10%服務費。 Each order form for delivery is of a minimum consumption of MOP 100. 每張送貨訂購表格,最低消費為澳門幣壹佰元正◦ Cancellation of confirmed orders is subject to 100% cancellation charges. 如取消已確認之訂單 ,須繳付 100%取消手續費◦ Goods delivered are non-refundable and non-returnable. 已送出的貨品,恕不退款及退貨 ◦ Outside food and beverage are prohibited to the event venue. 不准攜帶外來食物及飲品進入會場 ◦ The beverage related orders exclude the provision of glassware, chinaware, cutleries and service staff unless otherwise stated. 除列明外,所有飲料服務不包括提供玻璃器皿、瓷器、餐具及服務員。 When service equipment, chinaware, glassware and cutlery are delivered, Hirer is required to inspect the item. If service equipment, chinaware, glassware or cutlery are damaged or not returned at the end of the event, Hirer shall indemnify any damage or loss incurred. 租用人接收所有器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具時,必須檢查並簽收◦ 如租用之器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具有損壞或未能在該展覽完畢前交還,租用人須作出賠償 。 Should you need additional food and beverage order or further assistance onsite, please approach our Concession Stand inside the Exhibition Hall or you may contact our Customer Service Center. 如閣下當日需額外訂購餐點或進一步協助,請於展覽館內的餐飲商攤或我們的顧客服務中心聯絡。 Orders shall not be entertained until full payment is made. 本酒店在客戶繳交全部費用後方會提供相關服務。 The Terms and Conditions in this form herein have English and Chinese version. The English version shall prevail in the event of any inconsistencies or disputes between versions 以上條款有中英文版本。若中英版之條款相抵觸,一切以英文版本為準。 CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: AUTHORIZATION FROM HIRER/USER: 信用卡資料 租用人/使用者授權 AMEX 美國運通卡 VISA 威士卡 MASTER 萬事達卡 Card Number: 信用卡號碼 Cardholder Name: 持卡人名稱 Expiry Date: 有效期至 JCB JCB 卡 Company Name: 公司名稱 Company Address: 公司地址 (mm/yy) (月/年) Signature: 簽署 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 請將此表格交回: Fax: 傳真 Tel: 電話 Email: 電郵 Print Name: 簽署人姓名 Title: 職銜 Signature: 簽署 Customer Service Center 顧客服務中心 Conventions and Exhibitions, Level 1, The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel 澳門威尼斯人® - 度假村 – 酒店 會議及展覽中心地面樓層 Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa, Macao SAR, P. R. China 澳門氹仔望德聖母灣大馬路 Customer Service Center Hotline (顧客服務熱線) TEL (電話): +853 811-72000 FAX (傳真): +853 811-72211 Email (電郵): c&[email protected] 84 EXHIBITION DAILY BOOTH CATERING - EQUIPMENT & SERVICE STAFF 展覽攤位餐飲服務 - 餐飲用具 及 服務員 FORM 16E / 表格 16E Valid from 1 Jan 2014 生效日期 2014 年 1 月 1 日 (For internal use only 只供內部使用) Log No: 記錄編號: Move In (dd/mm/yy): Move Out (dd/mm/yy):) 進場日10 - 11 Dec 2014 撤場日 (日/14 Dec 2014 (日/月/年): 月/年): Location: Room / Hall Hall D 地點 : 宴會廳 / 展覽館 Event Name: Asia Adult Expo 2014 活動名稱: Show Period: 12 - 14 Dec 2014 活動日期: Deadline for ordering: 截止日期: (dd/mm/yy) (日/月/年) • For pre-event orders, please return this form to us at least 2 working days before the start of the event. 有關預訂,請填妥本表格,並於活動舉行前兩個工作天交回本酒店 ◦ • For onsite orders, please return this form to us onsite. Orders are subject to item availability, and please allow at least 2 hours for the order delivery 有關現場訂購,請填妥本表格,並在當日交回本酒店。現場訂單接受與否,要視乎所訂購之項目的供應量;所訂購的項目,會在本酒店接受訂單的兩小時後送出。 • Please fill in additional Service Order Form if your order is for a different delivery date or delivery time. 如所訂購之項目分別有不同的送餐日期或送餐時間,請填寫另一份訂購表格。 Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Serving Date 服務日期 Serving Time 服務時間 Serving Location 服務地點 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) Service Staff 服務員 Service Attendant per standard 5 hours 服務員-當值 5 小時 1000 Service Attendant per standard 8 hours 服務員-當值 8 小時 1600 Hostess per standard 5 hours 女服務員-當值 5 小時 1200 Hostess per standard 8 hours 女服務員-當值 8 小時 1800 Each additional hour thereafter 加班每小時額外收費 300 Bartender per standard one hour 調酒師-1 小時 300 Specialty Chef’s per standard one hour 廚師-1 小時 500 Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Glassware (per rack per day) 玻璃器皿 (每日以每架計算) Goblet (25/rack) 高腳杯 (25/架) 200 White / Red Wine (25/rack) 白酒/紅酒杯 (25/架) 200 Highball (36/rack) 威士忌杯 (36/架) 300 Champagne Flute (36/rack) 香檳杯 (36/架) 300 Chinaware (per dozen per day) 瓷器 (每日以每打計算) Coffee Cups with Teaspoon & Saucers 咖啡杯,茶匙及淺碟 200 Dessert Plate 甜品碟 100 85 Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ Item 項目 Price 價目 MOP(澳門幣) Quantity 數量 Delivery Date 送餐日期 Delivery Time 送餐時間 Delivery Location 送餐地點 Cutlery - Stainless (per dozen per day) 餐具 - 不鏽鋼 (每日以每打計算) Dessert Knife 甜品餐刀 80 Dessert Fork 甜品叉子 80 Dessert Spoon 甜品匙 80 Tea Spoon 茶匙 80 Crockery (per item per day) 容器 (每日計算) Ice Bucket 冰桶 80 Disposable (per 100 pieces) 即棄餐具 (每 100 只) Plastic Knife 6” 塑膠餐刀 6 吋 120 Plastic Fork 6” 塑膠叉子 6 吋 120 Plastic Spoon 塑膠匙 120 Chopsticks 筷子 120 Plastic Plate 9” 塑膠餐碟 9 吋 150 Paper Cup 8 oz. 紙杯 8 安士 150 Paper Cup 12 oz. 紙杯 12 安士 150 Disposable (per 250 pieces) 即棄餐具 (每 250 只) Paper Cone 250 pieces 紙筒杯 250 只 120 Stirrer 250 pieces 攪拌棒 250 枝 120 Cocktail Napkins (250 pieces per box) 餐巾 (每盒 250 塊) 50 裝飾簽 (每盒) Cocktail Picks (per box) 50 Total: 總額 (未含附加費): Service Charge 10%: 服務費 10%: GRAND TOTAL: 總額: Initials 簽署: ____________________________________ 86 Total 總額 (MOP 澳門幣) REMARKS: 備註: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. All prices are subject to 10% Service charge. 所有價目須另加 10%服務費。 Each order form for delivery is of a minimum consumption of MOP 100. 每張送貨訂購表格,最低消費為澳門幣壹佰元正◦ Cancellation of confirmed orders is subject to 100% cancellation charges. 如取消已確認之訂單 ,須繳付 100%取消手續費◦ Goods delivered are non-refundable and non-returnable. 已送出的貨品,恕不退款及退貨 ◦ Outside food and beverage are prohibited to the event venue. 不准攜帶外來食物及飲品進入會場 ◦ The beverage related orders exclude the provision of glassware, chinaware, cutleries and service staff unless otherwise stated. 除列明外,所有飲料服務不包括提供玻璃器皿、瓷器、餐具及服務員。 All equipment (except disposable items) shall be collected back daily at the end of each event day. 所有用具(即棄餐具除外)將會於即日活動結束後回收。 When service equipment, chinaware, glassware and cutlery are delivered, Hirer is required to inspect the item. If service equipment, chinaware, glassware or cutlery are damaged or not returned at the end of the event, Hirer shall indemnify any damage or loss incurred. 租用人接收所有器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具時,必須檢查並簽收◦ 如租用之器具、瓷器、玻璃器皿及餐具有損壞或未能在該展覽完畢前交還,租用人須作出賠償 。 Should you need additional food and beverage order or further assistance onsite, please approach our Concession Stand inside the Exhibition Hall or you may contact our Customer Service Center. 如閣下當日需額外訂購餐點或進一步協助,請於展覽館內的餐飲商攤或我們的顧客服務中心聯絡。 Orders shall not be entertained until full payment is made. 本酒店在客戶繳交全部費用後方會提供相關服務。 The Terms and Conditions in this form herein have English and Chinese version. The English version shall prevail in the event of any inconsistencies or disputes between versions 以上條款有中英文版本。若中英版之條款相抵觸,一切以英文版本為準。 CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: AUTHORIZATION FROM HIRER/USER: 信用卡資料 租用人/使用者授權 AMEX 美國運通卡 VISA 威士卡 MASTER 萬事達卡 Card Number: 信用卡號碼 Cardholder Name: 持卡人名稱 Expiry Date: 有效期至 JCB JCB 卡 Company Name: 公司名稱 Company Address: 公司地址 (mm/yy) (月/年) Signature: 簽署 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: 請將此表格交回: Tel: 電話 Fax: 傳真 Email: 電郵 Print Name: 簽署人姓名 Title: 職銜 Signature: 簽署 Customer Service Center 顧客服務中心 Conventions and Exhibitions, Level 1, The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel 澳門威尼斯人® - 度假村 – 酒店 會議及展覽中心地面樓層 Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa, Macao SAR, P. R. China 澳門氹仔望德聖母灣大馬路 Customer Service Center Hotline (顧客服務熱線) TEL (電話): +853 811-72000 FAX (傳真): +853 811-72211 Email (電郵): c&[email protected] 87
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