SAINT JUDE CHURCH 321 W. Butler Avenue ● Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-0179 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 16, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Reverend Lawrence F. Crehan, Pastor Rev. Msgr. James P. McCoy, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jeffrey M. Rott, Parochial V icar Deacon Timothy P. Lynch Deacon John T. Riordan St. Jude School Sr. Elizabeth Marley, RSM, Principal Office: 215-822-9225 Convent: 215-822-2896 Parish Religious Education Program Mrs. Alice Patcella, Director Office: 215-822-7553 Music Ministry Mr. Michael Meade, Director 267-250-1271 SACRAMENT OF HOLY EUCHARIST MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12 Noon Weekdays: M-F: 6:30AM ♦ M-S: 9AM Holy Day Vigil: 7:30PM Holy Day: 6:30AM, 9AM, 12 Noon, 7:30PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00P.M. SAINT JUDE SHRINE NOVENA DEVOTIONS Thursdays at 2:00PM and 7:30PM Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day Benediction concludes the evening devotions SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM First and Third Sundays of the month. Please contact the Rectory. PARISH OFFICE: Mon. - Fri. (9AM - 4:30PM) Web site: E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 215-822-0638 The 2014-2015 St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Annual Appeal St. Charles Seminary is vital to the life of our Archdiocese. The Seminary provides dedicated priests, deacons and religious and laity to serve in our parishes, schools and other Catholic organizations. Your support is necessary to ensure that these programs can be offered to the men and women responding to God’s call to serve the Church. This weekend you have an opportunity to pledge your support to St. Charles Seminary. For more information: or call 215-587-5650 November 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WORSHIP & MASS INTENTIONS Monday 6:30AM 9:00AM Tuesday 6:30AM 9:00AM Wednesday 6:30AM 9:00AM Thursday 6:30AM 9:00AM Friday 6:30AM 9:00AM Saturday 9:00AM 5:00PM Sunday 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon November 17, 2014 Alice Anne Baumher Req. by the Baumher Family Mary & Patrick Moran Req. by Mary Murphy November 18, 2014 God’s Kingdom on Earth Req. by Ralph Berarducci Dec’d. members of Acquaviva, Lombardi, DiAntonio, & Taglienti Families Req. by Antoinette Acquaviva November 19, 2014 Michael Patzuk, Jr. Req. by Michael Patzuk Sr. Cunningham, Graham, & Corr Families Req. by Sheila Cunningham November 20, 2014 William Masley Req. by Sister Elizabeth Marley, RSM St. Jude Shrine Society November 21, 2014 Adelaide McElderry Req. by Joan & Ray Starzmann Rose Vallone Req. by Tom & Annette Cannizzaro November 22, 2014 John J. Prendergast Req. by Monsignor George Majoros Jimmy Calogero Req. by Ann Rutan November 23, 2014 Michael Fasti Req. by Dolores Volm Living & Deceased of St. Jude Parish Req. by Jean & Kevin Gallagher Dominic Crognale Req. by Filomena Crognale STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE COLLECTIONS: Nov. 9, 2014 Sunday Collection $14,035.82 Month of October Sunday Collection Month of October Online Giving Month of October TOTAL $56,875.04 $ 8,512.00 $65,387.04 _____________________ We thank all who are contributing through your Sunday Envelopes or online giving on a consistent basis as your “thank you” back to God for all His blessings. ELECTRONIC GIVING To learn about our on-line Parish Giving program follow the link from our Parish Website: ► Church/Rectory ► Get Involved - Parish Giving PRAYERS NEEDED PLEASE PRAY for all our sick parishioners, relatives and friends and their caregivers, and all those listed in Our Lady's Prayer Chain. BOB BREEZA - BART CAHAN - MAUREEN CAHAN MARY DONNELLY - JOSEPH BRADY - GINO FRANCESCANGELI KATHLEEN FRESHWATER - STEPHEN GEIB - BARBARA GORMAN HANNAH GRUBER - STEVE HEDRICK - JOAN MENTZER ANN MIRABILE - VINCENT O’BRIEN - THOMAS PRADER TONI SCHULTHEIS - THERESA & JOSEPH SMITH BETTY STOERRLE - DENISE SULLIVAN PLEASE PRAY for our tr oops. Contact the rectory to let us know who is in need of our prayer. Names of those in need will be published in the bulletin for one month, unless an extension is requested. The entire parish community extends its sympathy to the families of Frank Krause and Michael Lombardo upon their death. ST. JUDE SUNDAY BULLETIN SPECIAL SUBMISSION SCHEDULE November 30, 2014 due: Wed., Nov. 19 (10am) November 16, 2014 Dear Friends, In a little over one month we will have the first day of winter, December 21st. It just so happens this is also the Fourth Sunday of Advent. You might think “thanks Father Larry, this is just what I need to read.” Why do I even mention these things? The answer lays in the focus for this Sunday’s Liturgy: “We are called to live our gift of faith and to use it for the greater good of all God’s people.” Simply put this is what was done last winter, whether it is in Chalfont/Bucks County or in Ardsley/Montgomery County. People helped each other with shovels, plows and generators. Some of us shivered together and asked, “Do you have power?” People offered hot meals; hot showers maybe even a warm spot on the floor. People with generators shared what little they had with someone who had less. This is celebrating our gift and using it for the greater good of all. This sharing is also manifested in the renovation of our Chapel. Members of the Knights of Columbus ripped up the old carpet, which will be recycled. This saved the parish over $300.00. The Knights donated their time and materials to paint the ceiling of the chapel. The color is Mascarpone. The paint, the rugs for the chapel and the St. Jude Room, the baseboard molding, and the new lights were all donated by you through the funds which were given for the St. Jude Capital Campaign a.k.a. Building Our Future. I thank you for your generosity. At this time I also thank the people on The Renovation Committee. It has been challenging for them as it has been for you with all of the transitions of the last few years. Let me assure you, the renovations are in good hands because of these good people. Let me remind us all Discernment is a process. The Renovation Committee just had a meeting so that I can be updated on the parishioners understanding of the parish vision and the parish priorities for renovations. This is another example of living our gift of faith for the greater good of all. On December 20th, the last day of fall, we will decorate the Church. Let me remind you of my vision for the church this year. I hope families will lend us an ornament to be hung on what will be our “family Christmas Trees.” One tree will be in the church, the other will probably be outside. I purchased Christmas Balls to be hung on the trees near the chapel. I hope to have colored lights for them. My thought is each color would be the color of a special need: Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer, etc. My most challenging project, for which I will need skilled labor, is to create a Christmas Village. The village will be from unused pieces of your old Dickens’ Village or something of the like. I have a picture as an example, but I need carpenters and others to help create something light weight and easily stored. As with your house, storage space is at a premium in the church. After Thanksgiving I shall have a meeting with all who are interested so that an organized plan can be conceived and so that there can be a distribution of labor. For me this can be a manifestation of shared faith for the good of all. God Bless LFC God Bless, PARTNERS IN FAITH FORMATION OF CHILDREN WITH ASD, IDD & OTHER DISABILITIES January 24, 2015 - 8:30am -12:30 GWYNEDD MERCY UNIVERSITY Parents of children with disabilities are invited to attend this mini-conference focused on the religious education of children with special needs. National, regional and local leaders in the fields of disability and faith formation will present keynote and breakout sessions geared to DRE’s, Catechists, parents and clergy. For information contact: [email protected] or call 215-587-3530. To register on line go to: ST. JUDE SCHOOL Congratulations to our first graders who presented their research on the lives of their patron saints on Wednesday, November 5th. Parents, grandparents, younger siblings and friends, were amazed at the knowledge and confidence displayed by our young students. The "Saints Parade" began with the students singing "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In" as they marched around the cafeteria in their creatively designed costumes. Each saint approached the microphone and delivered an informative report to an attentive and proud audience. The entire school was treated to a "visit" by the Saints as they traveled to each classroom. Everyone agreed that It was a remarkable feat for first graders to accomplish this first trimester! Thank you to Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Metz, and all the parents who helped to make this saints celebration a special moment in the lives of our first graders and their families. Our eighth graders spent a day looking into their future educational opportunities as they visited the local Archdiocesan High Schools this past week. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide them in their decision making as they approach this important step in their lives. Thank you to all who contributed to our "Socktober" collection on the feast of our parish patron, St. Jude Thaddeus. Due to your generous support, many of our homeless brothers and sisters will receive a much needed comfort of clean, warm socks as the cold weather comes upon us. God bless your care for others in God's name. For more information about our parish school, please contact Sister Elizabeth, at 215-822-9225 x 230. MONTHLY LUNCHEON: Tuesday, December 2 at ZOTO'S (1 - 3:00pm) Please park on left side of building (entrance to Banquet Room). Cost is $25, cash please. ST. JUDE SENIORS 2015 Dues: $6.00 dues for 2015 can be paid at the Dec. or Jan. Meeting or sent to Mary Louise DiNardo, 18 Sunnybrook Dr., New Britain, PA 18901 LUNCH BUNCH: Wed., Nov. 19, 1pm at Spring Mill Country Club, 80 Jacksonville Rd., Ivyland. Call Rae Player at 215-822-8061. TRIPS: We still need 2 people for Doolans "A Tribute to Radio City Rockettes"Christmas show on Dec. 4 - includes 1 hour open bar, choice of menu and entertainment. Cost is $82.00. Bus leaves at 9:30 AM. Call Sheila at 215-8223959. Make checks payable to SJS and mail ASAP to Sheila Cunningham, 16 Birchwood Circle, Chalfont, PA 18914. Trip schedule for 2015 is available on the bulletin board outside the chapel. ST. JUDE PARISH St. Jude Parish Youth Group Event: All teens grades 6th-12th are invited to join us on Sunday evening, November 16th as we prepare for the Christmas season. We will be making gift tags for the "Giving Trees" that are placed in the Church Narthex and making crafts for the residents of New Seasons and St. Mary's. Event will take place from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the school cafeteria. Once again, ST. JUDE PARISH YOUTH GROUP calls on the members of St. Judes parish to make this Christmas special for: children of St. Benedict / St. Athanasius Parish • shut-ins from Aid for Friends • children who receive gifts from Operation Santa Claus Please take a tag from the wreath/tree and purchase a gift as suggested on the tag. Please return all gifts (new and unwrapped) by Sunday, December 1st so they can be sorted, wrapped, and distributed. Boxes for dropoff can be found in the Church Narthex and Chapel areas. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Any questions, please contact Patti Shirey (215-771-3042). Come see the NUTCRACKER BALLET at CB South high School, Warrington, PA on Saturday Dec. 13th at 2pm and 6pm, and Sunday Dec. 14th, 12pm and 4pm. For every ticket purchased, there will be a $5 donation to the St. Jude HSA. Enter “St. Jude” into the comment section (not the discount code) when ordering tickets. Visit for tickets. ST. JUDE CHOIR Is it time for you to consider a new seat in church — in the choir loft! Not only will you have a great view from there, but you’ll get the extra benefit of singing praise to God. Why don’t you give it try? Join in for one (or all) of our “sing-along” sessions on: Nov. 30 - 7:30pm in church. ST. JUDE PARISH LOOKING AHEAD... ST. JUDE RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE NOV. 18 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING NOV. 19 FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING NOV. 23 PRE-JORDAN NOV. 30 ST. JUDE CHOIR SING-A-LONG DEC. 1 RETURN GIVING TREE GIFTS Check the Sunday Bulletin or call the rectory for details. Baby Bottles for Life Thank you to everyone who filled a baby bottle with spare change and helped change a life! If you took a bottle last weekend and were not able to return it please call LEGACY OF LIFE FOUNDATION at 215788-4051. For information or to volunteer your services: Any checks should be made payable to St. Jude. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED ST. JUDE HEALTH MINISTRY HEALTH TIPS, NOVEMBER 2014 Healthy Skin: Sun pr otection - sunscreen, shade, protective clothing (hot & cold weather) • Don’t smoke • Treat skin gently - limit bath time, avoid strong soaps, shave carefully, pat dry, moisturize (hot & cold weather) • Eat a healthy diet • Manage stress Quit Smoking basics: Tobacco is a killer . Smokers are more likely to develop disease & die earlier than people who don’t use Tobacco products. Nicotine is highly addictive. Decide to quit, set a stop date, and take advantage of Available resources for success! Local Host Families needed for two 10th grade Chinese boys. They will attend Archbishop Wood HS and Plumstead Christian School starting in January, tuition paid. Both boys are motivated learners with a wide variety of interests such as: soccer, football, basketball, music, science, dogs, and computers, etc. Host families provide room and board & receive a generous monthly stipend & a fulfilling experience. If interested contact Cecelia LaPlaca with NACEL OPEN DOOR, Private School Program, ( at 215-584-7751 or [email protected]. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PREPARATORY CATECHESIS The Preparatory Catechesis plays a centr al r ole in each Wor ld Meeting of Families (WMOF). The WMOF is hosted by different dioceses, and the host diocese for each World Meeting writes a preparatory catechism—a collection of what Catholics believe about human purpose, marriage, and the family. The truths about the family gathered in the preparatory Church document for each WMOF are what the Catholic Church traditionally teaches, so this is not new teaching, but each of these preparatory documents have particular emphases based on the issues that the host country and the world are dealing with at the time of the writing. The catechesis, like the World Meeting, is for people of all ages at all stages of life. tips The Preparatory Catechesis of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 forms the basis for our programs at the meeting. Purchase Preparatory Catechesis at SEPTEMBER 22-27th • 2015 Archbishop’s Lecture Series Theology of the Body, the Gender Distinction, and Religious Freedom ST. CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY, Wynnewood, PA Thursday, December 11 ♦ 7:00-9:00pm ♦ $5.00 Presenter: Professor David L. Schindler Professor Schindler is Dean Emeritus and Edouard Cardinal Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family in Washington, D.C. Professor Schindler has published over seventy-five articles (translated into nine languages) in the areas of metaphysics, philosophical issues in biology and biotechnology, and the relation of theology/philosophy and culture. Contact us at 215-587-5630 or [email protected]. Christmas Open House and Concert Sunday, December 7, 2014 - 1:00pm Join the Seminarians of Saint Charles to celebrate the Advent and Christmas seasons! Tours of the Seminary begin at 1:00 pm with the last available tour at 3:00 pm. Seminarians will guide visitors through the historic buildings to view sacred art, common areas and more. Included will be the Christmas crèches on display in the Ryan Memorial Library featuring dozens of Nativity scenes from around the world. Refreshments are provided after the tours. The Christmas concert begins at 4:00 pm and will feature the musicians and choir of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. The entire day is free and open to the public. ADVENT FOR WOMEN Advent retreat day for Women Journey with Mary Friday, December 7, 2014 (9am – 4:30pm) THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY REDEEMER Huntingdon Valley, PA This day is designed for Catholic women of all ages seeking to enter into the season of Advent more reflectively. Includes Mass and Lunch. There is no fee for the day though free will offerings are gratefully accepted. Space is limited—RSVP by December 5th. For more information: 215-914-4109 Sr. Ana Dura CSR or Sr. Katharina Maria Pies CSR [email protected] Advent by Candlelight Sunday, December 14, 2014 (6pm to 9pm) SAINT MARIA GORETTI CHURCH (Begins in Drexel Hall) BUCKS COUNTY FESTIVAL OF PRAISE AND VOCATIONS HOLY HOUR November 20, 2014 (7:30PM – 8:30PM ) Church of St. Andrew, (Newtown, PA) For more information, please contact Fr. Jason Buck at [email protected], or Fr. Jonathan Dalin at [email protected]. Winners Albert Krempa Jr. Kevin & Jean Gallagher This Advent retreat is designed for women of all vocations and stages of life: single, married, separated, divorced, widowed, or consecrated religious. The evening includes: catered meal • guest speaker, author, and artist, Brother Mickey McGrath, O.S.F.S. • quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament • opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Cost is $30.00 per person. Pre-payment of $30.00/ person (non-refundable but transferable) and preregistration are necessary. Mail to: ST. MARIA GORETTI CHURCH c/o Angela McClellan, 1601 Derstine Road, Hatfield, PA 19440 Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity and let them know that you saw their ad in your St. Jude Bulletin. • Your Choice of 100% All Natural or Traditional Care • Pure All Granular Fertilizer • Full Weed, Insect & Disease Control • Satisfaction Guaranteed Care CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY JACK J. HETHERINGTON, Parishioner 215.822.0115 • 1700 Horizon Dr., Suite 104 Chalfont, PA 18914 Mastroieni Furniture Family Owned & Operated 1113 Bethlehem Pike Montgomeryville, PA 18936 Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: $5.95 PIZZA SPECIAL Buy 1 at the Regular Price Get a 2nd One for $5.95 215-643-6372 Sunday-Thursday GLUTEN FREE BAKERY MEXICAN, ITALIAN & PIZZA FAMILY RESTAURANT 00 2 OFF Half Dozen Donuts 235 W. Butler Ave., Chalfont • 215.997.4433 $ PA068227 Follow us on: 4275 County Line Road Chalfont, PA 18914 267-663-7209 PAWSITIVE TRAINING FOR YOUR BEST FRIEND YOUR LEFT HAND MAN Puppies • Adults • Rescues Indoor / Outdoor Repairs Breed, Puppy or Rescue Dog Selection Assistance & Home Improvements Chris Stefanoski Tricia Ward Brown • Free Initial Consultation 267-446-0372 267-475-9171 • P. MICHAEL SCHELKUN, M.D., D.D.S. ERIK M. SAYLES, M.D., D.M.D. *LEWIS J. SCHWARTZ, D.M.D. (Emeritus) * *BOARD CERTIFIED Dental • Facial • Reconstructive • Cosmetic & Implant Surgery 158 York Road Warminster, PA 18974 Phone (215) 672-6560 Fax (215) 672-7343 467 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 106 Fort Washington, PA 19034 Phone (215) 591-3590 Fax (215) 591-3593 46 Blacksmith Road, Suite Dreams Newton, PA 18940 Phone (215) 579-1525 Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME. Hilltown Walk by Ryan Homes Hilltown Walk offers the only new luxury single-family homes priced from the $420s within minutes of Wegman’s, Costco and all your everyday conveniences. With up to 6 bedrooms, 4½ baths and 4,000 square feet of living space, homeowners will enjoy abundant space in floorplans designed with them in mind. Build your dream home at Hilltown Walk, where serenity and comfort in beautiful Bucks County meet easy access to Hilltown Pike, Routes 152 and 309. COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber Mark Simeone, D.M.D., AEGD 215.429.3350 General Dentistry Lic.#PA066556 - Insured • Now Offering Dental Implants • Now Welcoming New Patients • Free Teeth Whitening For Parishioners OFFICE OPEN 8:00AM-8:00PM MON-THURS. Parishioner MODEL HOURS: Mon, 12–6; Tue–Fri, 10–6; Sat–Sun, 11–6 BROKERS WARMLY WELCOMED • MetLife, Aetna, Delta & Many Others • Senior Discount (55 and over) 20% For Non-Insured Patients 1500 Horizon Dr., Suite 104, Chalfont 215-997-9980 Please mention you saw the St. Jude bulletin ad Prices, offers, financing and availability subject to change without notice. See a Sales and Marketing Representative for details. 484050 St Jude Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. (PARISHIONER OF ST. JUDE) (215) 822-0480 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr., Suite 117, Chalfont, PA 215-997-0200 E-mail: [email protected] • Traditional Funerals • Cremation Services • Preplanning • Veterans & Family Memorial Care Provided CARING DEDICATED PROFESSIONAL Al and Barbara Tocci Home Office: 215-822-8664 Al: 267-241-3449 • Barb: 267-808-3449 [email protected] 149 S. Main Street Doylestown Office: 215-345-7171 Top Rated Carriers ■ Personal & Commercial Jim Muehlbronner, Parishioner 215.354.0122 Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff Needham’s Landscaping LLC PLASTER, PAINT, CARPENTRY & WALLPAPER EXPERT Licensed & Insured • PA 044865 An owner operated business 215-335-1551 WM. DINLOCKER CONTRACTING Spring Clean-ups • Lawn Renovations Install Mulch & Soil • Shrub Trimming Install Plants, Trees, Walls, Walkways & Patios Lic. 215-997-0577 • Parishioner #83756094 Concrete • Masonry • Handscaping Interlocking Pavers Lic# PA008113 (215) 822-8391 • Chalfont Mobile: (215) 870-0986 INCOME & INHERITANCE TAXES Michael J. Oerth, C.P.A. Parishioner 133 East Butler Avenue, Chalfont 215-712-9505 Open 24 / 7/ 365 Family Owned & Operated Non-intimidating, Supportive, Clean Environment No Waiting, No Overcrowding - Private Bathrooms & Showers Silver Sneakers & Senior Discounts 4275 COUNTY LINE ROAD, CHALFONT “Our vision is to help as many people as possible discover the natural healing power of Chiropractic and Holistic Wellness Care.” (215) 997-8786 GIANT PLAZA 202 & COUNTY LINE RD. 215.933.2807• DR. SCOTT WALKER, D.C. DR. GAIL WALKER, D.C. ———— ST. JUDE PARISHIONERS 166 E. Butler Ave., Chalfont, PA 18914 w w w. w a l k e r w e l l n e s s . n e t Lou Campo Realtor® Direct: 215-272-1659 Office: 215-631-1900 Email: [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Visit my Website: Buying : Selling : Friendly Advice St. Jude Parishioner BOB’S CASES & KEGS • COLD BEER • ICE • SODA RTE. 202 MONTGOMERYVILLE 855-9191 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA *First Three Months Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. GUTTER CLEANING Roofing & Siding 215-357-2700 215-322-7400 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 Your ad could be in this space! Lic. & Ins. PA030067 Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption Robert T. Repko, Parishioner 877-749-7249 484050 St Jude Church (A) Call For Details Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: [email protected] Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting Rosanna Gehringer Parishioner 253 York Road, Hatboro, PA 215.674.3662 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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