w w w. is qi c . o r g I L L INO IS S URG ICAL Q UAL IT Y I M P ROVE M E NT C O L L A BO R A T I VE ISQIC Newsletter November 2014 Issue 7 Surgical Clinical Reviewer (SCR) Training For hospitals newly reporting to NSQIP, once your SCR is hired, he/she will need to enroll in NSQIP SCR Training. NSQIP holds SCR training on a monthly basis. The final NSQIP SCR training class for this year will be held on December 8, 2014. The deadline to register your SCR for the class is November 24th. Please note, there will not be a NSQIP training class for the month of January. The 2015 classes will begin in February. For further information regarding registering your SCR for class please contact the ISQIC Coordinating Center. ISQIC Kick-Off Meeting The January 23rd Kick-Off Meeting is quickly approaching. Dr. Oscar Guillamondegui from the Tennessee Surgical Quality Collaborative (TSQC) and Surgeon Champion at Vanderbilt University Medical Center is serving as our keynote speaker. TSQC started in 2008 and now has 22 participating hospitals. Since its inception, TSQC hospitals have seen a significant reduction in postoperative complications and savings for the state. From 2009 to 2010 participating hospitals reduced complications, which saved $8 million. From 2009 to 2012 hospitals reduced their postoperative complication rate by 19.7% and the state’s mortality rate by 31.5%, saving TSQC hospitals $75.2 million. TSQC is another great example of how hospitals are working together to improve the quality of surgical care and we are thrilled to hear from Dr. Guillamondegui about how the state was so successful! ISQIC Quality and Process Improvement Baseline Assessment On November 4, 2014 ISQIC will release the Quality and Process Improvement (QI/PI) Baseline Assessment to each of the hospital’s ISQIC Team members (SC, SCR, QI Designee). This baseline assessment will determine the team’s familiarity with QI/PI principles and will allow ISQIC to tailor the formal QI/PI Curriculum accordingly. The team will have 2 weeks to complete the assessment. Some of the QI/PI concepts included in the assessment may be new or unfamiliar to the hospital’s team and this is okay. We ask that you try to answer each question on the assessment to the best of your ability and do not utilize the internet or textbooks to answer the questions. NSQIP SCR Training Class: December 8, 2014 February 2015 ISQIC Safety Attitudes Questionnaire This month ISQIC will begin planning for the release of the ISQIC Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). The survey will gauge each hospital’s teamwork and safety climate, physician engagement, perceptions of management, and the role of the ISQIC Kick-Off Meeting: Friday, January 23, 2015 NIU- hospital’s Surgeon Champion. The SAQ will be sent to the hospital’s quality staff, Naperville Conference Center Surgeon Champion, Surgical Clinical Reviewer, a small number of hospital executives, administrators, surgeons, and front line nursing staff from each ISQIC Reminder: Please be sure to notify the ISQIC Coordinating hospital. In order to administer the SAQ, the ISQIC Coordinating Center will contact each hospital by mid-November to obtain email addresses for the survey participants. Center when your hospital has hired an SCR and Each hospital will be provided with their survey results, which will allow for objective 1 measurement of the hospitals baseline quality improvement culture, as benchmarked appointed a Surgeon Champion and QI Designee. against the other ISQIC hospitals. w w w. is qi c . o r g I L L INO IS S URG ICAL Q UAL IT Y I M P ROVE M E NT C O L L A BO R A T I VE ISQIC Newsletter November 2014 Issue 7 ISQIC Hospital Site Visits In order to evaluate collaborative implementation, ISQIC is planning to conduct site visits at participating hospitals. Along with the ISQIC SAQ, site visits will allow ISQIC to evaluate the hospital’s culture, perioperative work practices, and effectiveness of teamwork. The ISQIC site visit team will conduct interviews with the Surgeon Champion, Surgical Clinical Reviewer, hospital’s QI/PI designee, surgeons, surgical floor/ICU nurses, OR nurses, and surgical residents (if applicable). During the month of November, ISQIC hospitals will invited to volunteer to participate in a site visit and up to 10 hospitals will be selected. ISQIC Staff This month we are introducing Juliana Thomas, MPH. Juliana will be taking over for Jessica Phillips, as the Project Coordinator for ISQIC. She will assists with the day-to-day operations of ISQIC and will also lead the ISQIC Small-Rural hospital project. Juliana received her Masters of Public Health in Community Health Practice from DePaul University. Previously she was employed at Chicago Public Schools where she helped implement a vaccination campaign, and intervention, for students in the far south side of Chicago. She is interested in tackling issues related to health disparities and improving the quality of care for disadvantaged populations within healthcare systems and their communities. 2
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