w w w. is qi c . o r g I L L INO IS S URG ICAL Q UAL IT Y I M P ROVE M E NT C O L L A BO R A T I VE ISQIC Newsletter October 2014 Issue 6 Surgical Clinical Reviewer (SCR) Training For hospitals newly reporting to NSQIP, once your SCR is hired, he/she will need to enroll in NSQIP SCR Training. NSQIP holds SCR training on a monthly basis. The final NSQIP SCR training classes for this year will be held on November 3, 2014 and December 8, 2014. The deadline to register your SCR for the November training class is October 20th and the deadline to register for the December training class is November 24th. For further information regarding registering your SCR for either class please contact the ISQIC Coordinating Center. ISQIC Survey and QI/PI Curriculum Over the next couple of months each hospital will receive information regarding the ISQIC Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). The survey will gauge each hospital’s teamwork and safety climate, physician engagement, perceptions of management, and the role of the hospital’s Surgeon Champion. Each hospital will be provided with their results, which will allow for objective measurement of the hospitals baseline quality improvement culture. The goal is to administer the SAQ upon initiation of ISQIC and then again at the end of the 3 years to determine if results for these areas improve. ISQIC is also in the process of finalizing the QI/PI Curriculum modules. It is necessary that each hospital’s ISQIC Team (Surgeon Champion, Surgical Clinical Reviewer, and QI Designee) complete the modules prior to the January 23rd ISQIC Kick-Off Meeting. Further information regarding the modules will be available within the next few months. ISQIC Staff Steve Reinhart is the ISQIC Process Improvement Leader. Steve is an Industrial Engineer with over 20 years of healthcare experience and leadership of Lean/Six-Sigma ISQIC Small-Rural projects. Over the years he has worked on Contract Deadline: projects to reduce surgical site infections, improve October 31, 2014 on-time surgical starts, and increase the efficiency NSQIP SCR Training Class: of sterile processing. Previously, Steve worked for November 3, 2014 a contract research organization focused on December 8, 2014 health economics and outcomes research. Since May 2014, he has been working with the ISQIC ISQIC Kick-Off Meeting: Friday, January 23, 2015 team to develop the online Quality and Process NIU-Naperville Conference Improvement Curriculum1 and prepare sites for this Center important quality-improvement initiative.
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