Maintenance support [Underhållsstöd] in the case of alternate residence [Underhållsstöd vid växelvis boende] Information to those living with a child for half of the time Maintenance support when a child lives alternately with both parents [När kan man få underhållsstöd vid växelvist boende?] You can receive maintenance support when a child lives alternately with both parents if the child lives with you about half the time. The child must also be registered with you or the other parent, and one of you must have custody of the child. If the child lives with you less than half the time, but at least 12 days a month, you may nevertheless be entitled to maintenance support depending on how much you contribute to the child’s expenses. How much can one receive? [Hur mycket kan man få?] The support is at most SEK 786 per child and month to each of the parents. This corresponds to a half maintenance support each. The support is needs tested, and will be lower the more you earn. The size of the support also depends on how many children you have. The smallest support paid to a parent is SEK 50 per child and month. This is how much you may earn [Så här mycket får du tjäna] Your income and how many children you have determine your entitlement to maintenance support in the event of alternate residence. All children under the age of 18 are counted, as well as children who have attained the age of 18 and live at home and study at compulsory school or upper secondary school level. If you earn more than the amounts in the table, you are not entitled to support. Bear in mind that your income may consists of other components than earned income. Annual income No. of children 226 171 1 253 600 2 276 640 3 327 922 4 1 (2) Faktablad: FK 4079c_Fa Engelska Uppdaterad: 2015-09-01 Income two years ago determines how much you can receive in maintenance support [Inkomsten två år bakåt bestämmer hur mycket du kan få i underhållsstöd] The size of the maintenance support is calculated for February to January, on the basis of the previous year’s tax assessment decision. This means that the support for February 2008 to January 2009 will be based on the tax decision for 2007, i.e. the income you had during 2006. The size of the support at different incomes [Stödets storlek vid olika inkomster] The table below shows how large the support will be per child and month at different annual incomes. Annual income 1 child 2 children 3 children 4 children 100 000 786 786 786 786 120 000 669 690 702 721 140 000 552 594 619 656 160 000 436 498 536 592 180 000 319 402 452 527 200 000 202 306 369 463 210 000 144 258 327 430 2226 171 50 181 260 378 240 000 0 115 202 333 253 600 0 50 146 290 276 640 0 0 50 215 300 000 0 0 0 140 327 922 0 0 0 50 How to apply for maintenance support [Så här ansöker du om underhållsstöd] You apply for maintenance support for alternate residence separately. The form is available at Försäkringskassan [The Swedish Social Insurance Agency] and on our website You must notify changes to Försäkringskassan [Du är skyldig att anmäla förändringar till Försäkringskassan] When you receive maintenance support, you must notify all changes that may affect entitlement to or the size of maintenance support to Försäkringskassan. Examples of things that you should notify are if you no longer live with the child half of the time the other parent moves in with you or the child the child moves to its own home you or the child travel abroad for longer than six months. If you have received maintenance support when you were not entitled to it, you will be obliged to reimburse it. 2 (2) Faktablad: FK 4079c_Fa Engelska Uppdaterad: 2015-09-01
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