Why Glocal Development Talks? There are interesting shifts taking place in development cooperation globally and in Sweden at the moment. 2015 is the year when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) expire and the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be approved by the UN General Assembly, and the global Climate Summit in Paris will take place. In Sweden the feminist foreign policy, a unique government strategy, is amplifying gender perspectives. In synergy with the revival of the Swedish Policy for Global Development (Politik för Global Utveckling), it will influence development cooperation, investments and priority areas for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida and Forum Syd. These are processes that could create new opportunities to transform unequal power relations and open up for alternative development. We are inspired by the positive changes to increase justice and reduce poverty. However, these shifts are also contrasted by growing inequalities and the increasingly vulnerable position of civil society in many parts of the world. A crucial issue for civil society is how the shifts in goals and policies will affect the support to partners in the Global South and their work at grassroot level in areas such as food sovereignty, climate change and gender justice. There is a need for direct dialogue between civil society organisations and policy makers. We want experts to share their knowledge and reflections on the on-going global processes in order to strengthen mutual learning. By discussing local perspectives and experiences on a global level we can identify burning issues and create alternatives together. GLOCAL DEVELOPMENT TALKS! 20-23 September 2015 Lund, Sweden Sustainable development, gender justice and local perspectives Glocal Development Talks! is arranged in collaboration with: • Bodil Valero • Naila Kabeer • Ulrika Modéer • Gudrun Schyman • Hans Linde • Carolina Wennerholm • Peter Sörbom Detta material är helt eller delvis finansierat av Sida, Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete. Sida delar inte nödvändigtvis de åsikter som här framförs. Ansvaret för innehållet är uteslutande författarens. Sunday 20 September // Venue: Atriumgården Stadsbiblioteket Lund Food sovereignty, land rights and gender justice Welcome to Glocal Development Talks! 20-23 September 2015 Lund, Sweden This is the development talk where development gets to speak for itself! In an effort to influence the decisions made under the umbrella of different development goals, we aim to provide a platform for voices from the Global South. During this conference the effect of global politics will be put into perspective by local organisations from South Asia and Latin America. Against the backdrop of expiring development goals and new development agendas we have invited decision and policy makers as well as people whom represent the struggle for alternative development. Listening to perspectives from the Global South is the most important aim of Glocal Development Talks! This is why we have invited a number of representatives from Svalorna’s partner organisations in India and Bangladesh. They will comment and ask questions at each session to ensure that academic and political perspectives are contrasted with perspectives from these organisations’ grassroots work. Svalornas partners work with Dalit rights, women’s rights, farmer’s rights and sustainable development. Representing perspectives from South are: • Shobha Raghuram (Advisory board) • Khushi Kabir (Nijera Kori, Bangladesh) • Shahidul Islam (Unnayan Dhara, Bangladesh) • Sheelu Francis (Women’s Collective, India) • Mathew John (Keystone Foundation, India) • Thilagam Ramalingam (Evidence, India) • Sukanta Sen (BARCIK, Bangladesh) • Suresh Kanna (Kudumbam, India) • Karin Nansen (REDES, Uruguay) • Ravi Kumar (FIAN, India) 11.00 - 11.15 Welcome to Glocal Development Talks! 11.15 - 12.15 Alternatives for development: perspectives from Global South 12.15 - 12.45 Coffee, tea and sandwiches 12.45 - 13.15 Our ecological footprints and how we can change the world (partly in Swedish) Matti Larsson & Nihal Ragab (Giraffa i Staden), Cecilia Ward 13.15 - 14.45 Panel discussion: Food Sovereignty, land rights and gender justice Shahidul Islam (Unnayan Dhara), Sukanta Sen (BARCIK), Mathew John (Keystone Foundation), Sheelu Francis (Women’s Collective), Thilagam Ramalingam (Evidence), Khushi Kabir (Nijera Kori), Karin Nansen (REDES), Suresh Kanna (Kudumbam), Karin Ericsson (Latinamerikagrupperna) 15.00 - 15.45 Volunteering through the decades Cecilia Jonsson, Linnéuniversitetet Venue: Lilla Salen, AF-borgen Lund Monday 21 September Tuesday 22 September Wednesday 23 September New goals and strategies for sustainable development A feminist foreign policy for development? The road towards climate justice and sustainability 10.00-10.15 Welcome! Monica Erwér & Christina Sjöström (deputy mayor) 10.00-10.15 Glocal cooperation for gender justice Monica Erwér 10.00-10.15 Negotiations, alternatives and challenges Monica Erwér 10.15-11.30 Government perspectives Ulrika Modéer, state secretary for development cooperation 10.15-11.45 Feminist perspectives Gudrun Schyman, Feminist Initiative (F!) 10.15-11.30 Government Perspectives Bodil Valero (fka Ceballos), EU-parlamentarian for the Green Party (MP) 11.30-12.30 Development cooperation perspectives True Schedvin, Senior Economist Sida 11.45-12.30 Academic perspectives Naila Kabeer, London School of Economics 11.30-12.30 Development cooperation perspectives Anders Granlund, unit for research cooperation/Sida 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 13.30-14.45 Civil society perspectives Peter Sörbom, policy coordinator CONCORD Sweden Emelie Aho, policy advisor Forum Syd 13.30-14.30 Development cooperation perspectives Carolina Wennerholm, policy specialist on gender equality at Sida 13.30-14.15 Academic perspectives Vasna Ramasar, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies 15.00-16.15 14.30-15.30 Government perspectives Academic perspectives Naila Kabeer, London Hans Linde, Left Party (V) School of Economics parlamentarian and spokesStina Hansson, Global studperson in the Committee on ies Gothenburg University Foreign Affairs 14.15-15.00 Feminist perspectives Karin Nansen (REDES), Sheelu Francis (Women’s Collective) 16.30-17.15 FUF- fåtöljen Petra Flaum, policy and development strategist 16.00-17.15 Panel discussion: Engendering mobilisation for sustainable social change Shobha Raghuram, Khushi Kabir (Nijera Kori), Sukanta Sen (BARCIK), Sheelu Francis (Women’s Collective) Thilagam Ramalingam (Evidence) 15.15-16.30 Panel discussion: Food sovereignty for climate justice Sukanta Sen (BARCIK), Shahidul Islam (Unnayan Dhara), Mathew John (Keystone Foundation), Suresh Kanna (Kudumbam), Ravi Kumar (FIAN India) 17.15-17.45 Learnings from the day 17.15-17.45 Learnings from the day 16.45-17.45 Concluding Glocal Talks! - what do we do now? Moderator: Annica Holmberg Method and evaluation expert with extensive experience of development issues. She has been working for Swedish civil society organisations such as Forum Syd and RFSU as well as an independent consultant. Annica has also been involved in strategic discussions on Swedish positions on the aid effectiveness agenda and the sustainable development goals.
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