THE SWEDISH NETWORK FOR EUROPEAN LEGAL STUDIES HAS THE GREAT PLEASURE OF INVITING YOU TO AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON: 20 Years Swedish Legal Integration in the EU: A Two-way Street Conference Program February 16-17, 2015 | Hilton Hotel, Guldgränd 8, Slussen i Stockholm | Conference Program Conference Day 1: Monday, 16 February 2015 Plenary sessions (all day) 08:30 Registration and coffee 09:00 Welcome address by the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies Professors Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Chairman, and Ulf Bernitz, Stockholm University 09:10 Keynote address: Sweden’s accession to the EU: looking back at the history of negotiations and the accession agreement Former Judge Pernilla Lindh, Court of Justice The relationship between national law and EU law and the changing role of courts Chair: Professor Joakim Nergelius, Örebro University 09:30 The relationship between Swedish and EU law: 20 years after Justice Mats Melin, President, Swedish Supreme Administrative Court 09:50 Division of powers in an integrated European legal order: a new role for national courts Judge Christopher Vajda, Court of Justice 10:10 Panel debate and discussion In the panel: Mats Melin and Christopher Vajda (as above), Judge of Appeal and Associate Professor Ola Zetterquist, Judge Ingeborg Simonsson, Stockholm District Court; Associate Professor, Stockholm University 10:40 Coffee Swedish Courts in the European Judicial Dialogue Chair: Professor Ulf Bernitz, Stockholm University 11:00 The changing role of national courts Justice Marianne Lundius, President, Swedish Supreme Court 11:20 Swedish courts as reluctant or willing participants in the EU judicial dialogue? Attorney-at-Law Ola Wiklund, Partner, Hansen Law Firm, Associate Professor, Stockholm University 11:40 Explaining differences in preliminary references between Member States Professor Morten Broberg, University of Copenhagen 12:00 Panel debate and discussion In the panel: Marianne Lundius, Ola Wiklund, Morten Broberg (as above) and Professor Carl Fredrik Bergström, Uppsala University 12.30 Lunch The Role of Fundamental Rights in the Swedish and the European Legal Order Chair: Professor Xavier Groussot, Lund University 13:30 The role of fundamental rights in the Swedish and European legal order Justice Thomas Bull, Swedish Supreme Administrative Court 13.50 The Charter of Fundamental Rights: a new dynamic in the protection of fundamental rights in Europe Dr Angela Ward, Legal Secretary, Court of Justice 14:10 The bumpy road to EU accession to the ECHR Dr. Erik O. Wennerström, Director General, Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention 14:30 Panel debate and discussion In the panel: Thomas Bull, Angela Ward, Erik O. Wennerström (as above), Professor Karin Åhman, Uppsala University 15:00 Coffee Rights and Remedies Chair: Professor Jane Reichel, Uppsala University 15:30 EU law as a source of rights for individuals and firms Advocate General Nils Wahl, Court of Justice 15:50 The remedies case-law of the EU Court of Justice and its impact on national law Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston, Court of Justice 16:10 Remedies for violation of EU law: state liability and beyond Professor Torbjörn Andersson, Uppsala University 16:30 Panel debate and discussion In the panel: Eleanor Sharpston, Nils Wahl, Torbjörn Andersson (as above), Professor Jan Darpö, Uppsala University 17:00 Concluding discussion day 1 End of the day: Drinks and snacks Conference Program Conference Day 2: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 Plenary session (09:00-12:30) 09:00 Swedish judges at the Court of Justice of the EU give their insider view of the Court Present and former judges of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Hans Ragnemalm, Pernilla Lindh, Nils Wahl, Carl Gustav Fernlund, Carl Wetter Moderator: Attorney-at-Law Ulf Öberg, Managing Partner, Öberg & Associés 10:30 Coffee Swedish EU Membership and International Law Chair: Anna Falk, Director, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 11:40 The evolving EU Foreign Relations Law: What place for Sweden? Professor Piet Eeckhout, University College London 11:00 The duty of loyal cooperation and Sweden’s participation in international agreements Professor Christophe Hillion, Leiden University 11:20 The principle of state sovereignty in the ”New Legal Order of International Law”: assessing the effect of Sweden's observations in preliminary rulings. Assistant Professor Andreas Moberg, Gothenburg University 12:00 Panel debate and discussion In the panel: Christophe Hillion, Piet Eeckhout (as above), Assistant Professor Andreas Moberg, Gothenburg University, Associate Professor Anna Jonsson Cornell, Uppsala University, Dr Erik Lagerlöf, visiting scholar Harvard Law School 12:30 Lunch Parallel sessions (13:30-15:00) Issue 1: A More Effective Swedish Competition Law and Policy? Convenor: Senior lecturer Vladimir Bastidas, Uppsala University Panelists: Professor Lars Henriksson, Stockholm School of Economics Judge Ingeborg Simonsson, Stockholm District Court; Associate Professor, Stockholm University Advocate General Nils Wahl, Court of Justice Issue 2: Swedish Labour Law and Industrial Relations after Laval Convenors: Jur. dr. Kerstin Ahlberg, Stockholm University and Associate Professor Petra Herzfeld Olsson, Uppsala University Panelists: Chief negotiator Jonas Andé, Skanska Sverige AB Claes-Mikael Jonsson, Legal expert, The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) Professor Birgitta Nyström, Lund University 15:00 Coffee Parallel sessions (15:30-17:00): Issue 1: EU Copyright and Fundamental Rights Convenors: PhD Candidates Johan Axhamn & Daniel Westman, Stockholm University Panelists: Attorney-at-law Karin Cederlund, Partner at Sandart & Partners Professor Jan Rosén, Stockholm University Jur. Dr. Ulrika Wennersten, Lund University PhD Candidate Daniel Westman, Stockholm University Issue 2: Participation and Transparency in the European Administrative Space Convenors: Professor Jane Reichel, Uppsala University and Associate Professor Sanja Bogojević, Lund University Panelists: Associate Professor Sanja Bogojević, Lund University Professor Jonas Ebbesson, Stockholm University Attorney-at-law Ulf Öberg, Managing partner, Öberg & Associés Issue 3: Swedish Tax Law after Åkerberg Fransson Convenor: Professor Eleonor Kristofferson, Örebro University Panelists: PhD Candidate Katarina Fast, Stockholm University PhD Candidate Magnus Gulliksson, Uppsala University Attorney-atlaw and adjunct Professor Börje Leidhammar, Law firm Börje Leidhammar and Gävle högskola Concluding plenary session (17:00-17:30) 17:00 The interplay between Swedish and EU law: 20 years after Professor Ulf Bernitz, Stockholm University 17:20 Concluding discussion day 2 End of conference The conference is free of charge For registration please fill in the form at
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