St. Helena Parish St. Mary’s Mission 36 Shaker Hill Road Enfield, NH 03748 603-632-4263 [email protected] Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette PO Box 420 , 410 NH Route 4A Enfield, NH 03748 603-632-7087 Served by the Missionaries of La Salette November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica “Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinners, Pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to you” Fr. Johnny Vadakkan, MS, Pastor [email protected] Mrs. DebraLee Hurley Business Administrator [email protected] Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Religious Education [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm St. Helena Sunday: 8am St. Helena Sunday: 9:30am St. Mary Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 11:30am St. Helena First Friday St. Helena 5:30pm Mass followed by Adoration Confession Saturday 4:00pm St. Helena or by appointment. Shrine Ministry Team Fr. René Butler, M.S., Director Br. David Carignan, M.S. Fr. Roger Plante, M.S. Br. Claude Rhéaume, M.S. Fr. Joseph Ross, M.S. Bro. Raymond Tétreault, M.S. Shrine Mass Schedule See information inside bulletin. Confession: In Chapel 45 min. prior to weekend Mass, or by appointment at North House Gift Shop (603) 632-4301 For: Books, Gifts, & Music. Br. David Carignan, M.S., ManSEE SEASONAL GIFT SHOP HOURS INSIDE THIS BULLETN Thank you for your patronage! St. Helena ~ St. Mary Mission Statement TheMissionofSt.Helena’sandSt.Mary’sparishistousetheclosenessofourcommunityto promotetheproclamationoftheGoodNews,thebeautyandrichnessofcelebration,andthe sharingofourselvesinservicetoGod’speople. BelievingintheequalityofallwithinChrist’sfamily,westrivetohaveallpeoplefindtheir ministryinthechurch.Werealizetheimportanceofreligiouseducationtoallmembersofthe parishinhelpingthemanswerthecallofChrist,togrowasministerstoourownParishandto theworld. Dear loving friends, There is a time for everything in our lives. Here I come to request your valuable presence for the occasion of my Mom’s Memorial Mass on the 15th of this month, this coming Saturday. I have previously shared with you about how close I remain to my Mom and my great sadness regarding her death. It is a blessing, friends, to be with you to celebrate the Holy Eucharist for my Mom. I also hope that one of our Bishops will be joining us for this celebration. I realize that this will require much preparation by the Women’s Group and Social Committee members…please do your best. I wish to express a word of thanks to all those parents who worked hard preparing their children for the All Saints Parade. You had to bring your children early, get them dressed and so on…I was really impressed by how well prepared the children were and how seriously they took the responsibility of telling us about their saint. Thank you, parents and loving children...please keep up the good work. The month of November is a special time for us to remember and pray for our loved ones who have left this life. Let us keep them in our life and prayers, cherishing the best they have given to us. The main theme of this weekend’s readings is the warning that, as baptized Christians, we are temples of God where the Spirit of God, the real source of all our spiritual blessings, resides. We should not desecrate this temple of God by sin. When I look at the historical background of this feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome (the Pope’s cathedral – the mother of all the churches in the city of Rome and in the world – and their head) I realize it was started on November 9th, 324AD by Pope St. Sylvester. Every Bishop has a Cathedral and the Pope’s Cathedral is the Basilica of St. John Lateran, not the Basilica of St. Peter. The first and second readings today remind us to make Jesus the foundation stone and the cornerstone of our lives because if we do, there is a life-giving river flowing from Him that will fill us with His grace. Today’s Gospel gives us the dramatic account of Jesus as He cleansed the Temple of Jerusalem by driving out the merchants and the moneychangers, followed by the prediction of His own death and Resurrection. As we take the responsibility for our own Church with respect and reverence let us remember that our body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit and may we keep it holy for the good Lord. Blessings to all… ny ohn Fr. J Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Bascilica this week we reflect on the message: Ezekiel 47: 1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Corinthians 3: 9c-11, 16-17 John 2: 13-22 St. Helena St. Mary’s Dearly Departed 2014 Ernie Guerin Lena Dauphinais James Marrion Suzanne Vincent Donald Labombard Mildred Hayes Edward LaBombard Lorraine Mousley Beverly Thompson Dana Wilcox Grace Adrich Joyce Winter Gibbons Shirely Kibbe Mary Keany Warren Mary Hazen Robert Baillageon Craig Isabelle A La Salette Reflection on the Sunday Readings Schedule of Events Sunday Nov 9 St. Helena St. Mary’s 8am 9:30am Mass Mass CCD Catholic Coffee Hour Tuesday Nov 11 Rectory St. Helena 5:30pm 6:30pm Finance Committee Adult Education Wednesday Nov 12 Rectory 11:10am 11:30am 6:30pm Rosary Mass Pastoral Council Thursday Nov 13 Rectory 11:30am St. Helena 7pm Mass w/ Lunch Knights of Columbus Friday Nov 14 Rectory 11:30am 12noon Mass Divine Mercy Saturday Nov 15 St. Helena 10am 4pm 4:30pm Memorial Mass Reconciliation Mass Sunday Nov 16 St. Helena St. Mary’s 8am 9:30am Mass Mass CCD Catholic Coffee Hour All Are Welcome No matter what your personal history, age, background, or race… no matter what your present status in the Catholic Church... no matter what your current family or marital situation... no matter what your own self-image is, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at: St. Helena ~ St. Mary’s Parish Wills & Bequests have been very helpful to St. Helena’s Parish over the years, and we hope they will continue to assist the parish in its good work in the present and in the future. Communion for the sick and Shut-ins Please contact any of the following Eucharistic Ministers, so they may set up a time to bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick, homebound and shut-ins. Marguerite Conley ~ 523-7013, Rose Daudelin ~ 523-4859 Julie Plourde ~ 523-9647. Knights of Columbus Council 8027 Are you upgrading or getting new cell phones? The K of C is still collecting old cell phones and chargers. Please consider donating your used phone. There are boxes located on the table at the entrance to the Church. “Looks towards Rome” (Ezekiel 47:1-12; 1 Corinthians 3:9-17; John 2:13-22) Pope Pius IX was elected June 16, 1846, about three months before the Blessed Virgin appeared at La Salette. He reigned for well over 31 years (six years more than John Paul II), and was certainly familiar with the La Salette event and message. His was a troubled time. The unification of Italy was taking place and Italian leaders like Garibaldi were insisting that Rome must be the capital. But that city was the last vestige of what had been the “Papal States.” For it to become the capital of the new Italy, it would have to be taken by force of arms. And so it was. For a long time afterward, hostility towards the papacy proved most unsettling for Catholics worldwide. This concern is reflected in a Litany of Our Lady of La Salette composed in the latter 1800’s, where one of the invocations reads, “By thy mysterious looks towards Rome, make us more and more devoted to the Holy See, O Mary.” What “looks towards Rome,” you ask? Well, just before Mary left the children, she rose up in the air, looked up to the sky, then down to the earth, facing southeast. Given the political and religious climate, it was easy to interpret this to mean she was looking towards Rome, showing concern for the papacy. This perception was strong enough that at one point the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette wondered if they should take a vow of fidelity to the Holy See. Today we celebrate the dedication of the Pope’s Cathedral, not St. Peter’s, but St. John Lateran, the “Lateran Basilica,” the oldest church in the West. This is really a celebration of our Catholicism rather than of a building. St. Paul writes that we are “God’s building.” and “the temple of God, which is holy.” Mary expresses this idea by appealing to her “People” to become Catholics in more than name, to do something about the frail state of their faith. Nothing she would like better than for us to make our own the words of Psalm 122, “I rejoiced when I heard them say, “Let us go to the house of the Lord’”—not just a place, but a way of life. LA SALETTE SHRINE Tel.: 603-632-7087 Fax.: 603-632-7648 GIFT SHOP HOURS Monday—Friday: 10:30-4:00 MASS AT LA SALETTE Saturday: 10:30-4:30 6:30 on Saturday. Sunday: noon-4:30 Confessions 45 minutes before weekend Mass or by appointment Charismatic Prayer Group BIBLE STUDY Second and Fourth Tuesdays Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. For information, call 603-632-5069 Call Fr. Joe Ross, 603-632-7087 for further details. The Christmas Nativities Exhibit is now open by appointment only until the Christmas Lights. THE LIGHTS: HOW YOU CAN HELP There are many ways you can help us with the Christmas Illuminations. VOLUNTEER TO: - help set up the lights, especially screwing in bulbs; - distribute our poster to public bulletin boards and businesses in your area; - help set up the Chapel for the Lights season. - help in the Cafeteria; SPONSOR one or more of the following displays: Twig Trees $50.00 each Christmas Flags Display $250.00 Snowflakes $100.00 each Gingerbread Children $50.00 each The above list is not exhaustive. If you have talents you would like to donate to the cause, please let us know. Even if you are not able to help in any of these ways, we would be most grateful for your prayers to God for a successful season. Besides good weather and numerous visitors, pray that many hearts may be touched by the deep spirit of Christmas, the mystery of God-withus. Pray in a particular way for those families who are able to come here precisely because we never charge admission. And pray that we may be able to continue this tradition for years to come. THE LIGHTS ARE COMING! Most of the displays are in place. Soon all the electrical connections will be made, and in two weeks the lights will go on. Here is the schedule of coming events: OPENING WEEKEND Saturday, November 29 2:30: Family Activity: making Advent wreaths. 4:15: Plainfield Chimers hand bell concert 5:00: Blessing of Manger and Lights on till 9:00 Sunday, November 30, Children’s Day 3:00: Film, Ornament making, snacks, Santa and the Christmas Pageant 5:00-9:00: Lights on AND THEN… The lights will be on again, starting Friday, December 5, 5:00-9:00 every evening thru Wednesday, December 31. Santa will be returning at 7:30 on all the Fridays and Saturdays before Christmas (Dec. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20.). The schedule of concerts is as follows: Saturday, Dec. 6, 3:30 and 5:15 “Father Pat” Saturday, Dec. 13, 5:15: Wrensong Saturday, Dec. 21: The Valley Chords And of course… The exhibit of Christmas Crèches will be open whenever the lights are on, from 4:00 to 9:00. By the way… Did you know that this is our 60th season of Lights? If you would like a Mass celebrated for someone, living or deceased, please contact the rectory or pick up a request envelope at the entrances of the parish churches. Mass Intentions 4:30pm, Saturday, November 8, 2014 Healing grace for Robert Fenner Requested by: Margaret Wilson 8am, Sunday, November 9, 2014 For: the soul of Lawrence Mulhane Requested by: Marge Wilson 9:30am, Sunday, November 9, 2014 In loving memory of Bill Tourville Requested by: his wife Barbara and family Masses Next Week 4:30pm, Saturday November 15, 2014 Kunjala Vadakkan 8am, Sunday November 16, 2014 Ernie Guerin 9:30am Sunday November 16, 2014 Ed Labrie November 8-14 MackenzieLabrie,SharonMarkowitz, AnnLabrie,PatriciaWhite,RichardBell,Jenn Hammond,SamanthaHurley,PatVanderpot,Bea Eastman,CaitelinKivler,andRayTeagueIII. Please contact the rectory if you have not seen your birthday or anniversary posted. Knights of Columbus Council 8027 Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7pm in the parish hall at St. Helena. If you would like to join or re- L ceive information please contact: Grand Knight, Norman Lessard 543-3617 Offertory: $ 1,955.00 Second Collections November 8/9 Parish Fuel Collection November 22/23 Human Development The Finance Committee wishes to thank you for your support in helping to meet the expenses of our Parish. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLOW: Children's Liturgy of the Word, at the 9:30 Mass at St. Mary’s for children ages 3-kindergarden. CCD: Children in grades 1-10 November Class dates; 9th and the 16th. RCIA:Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults will have their next class on November 5, at St. Helena Church. If you know someone who might be interested in learning the Catholic faith or wish to become Catholic please communicate with Fr. Johnny. "Catholic Coffee Hour” Join us for coffee and snacks on Sunday November 9, Throughout this coming year we will offer talks and discussions on the theme "Christ our Joy", an introduction to the Old Testament biblical narrative. The suggested reading is Psalms 105 & 106 and the Catechism paragraphs 101-133. All welcome to attend. Youth Group: will be gathering together for our annual making of the Pies, then donating for the Free Thanksgiving dinners. Parish Office Monday and Wednesday 9-5 For Baptism Preparation, please contact the Rectory. For Marriage Preparation, the Diocese requires six months’ preparation. Communion for Sick and Shut-ins: contact our Eucharistic Ministers to the sick. New to the area? We want to know who you are! Please register by contacting the rectory at 632-4263, or by filling out a Parish Registration form located on the table. MOVING? CHANGES OF ADDRESS ~ PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE. mountain meadow BRUNCH BUFFET Lawrence Guaraldi, CLU, ChFC Moose Mountain Realty LOUNGE & EVENT CENTER MAKE P.O. Box 898 8 Maple Street Anthony E. Lozeau Hewitt House - Ste. 2 Broker-REALTOR Enfield, NH 03748 P: 800-696-5840 CBR Certified 603-632-9000 ext. 1 Buyer Representative F: 603-632-9188 E-Mail: [email protected] “I know the name takes your breath away but, so will the ambiance.” SUNDAY FAMILY FUN DAY SHAKER VALLEY AUTO BODY Jack McAlister, Owner Richard Martin, Shop Foreman 451 Rte. 4, Building D PO Box 427, Enfield, NH 03748 603.632.5505 • 603.632.5506 Fax [email protected] LUNCH & DINNER OPEN Thursday thru Saturday 11am-12pm 478 US Route 4, Canaan, NH Associate Agent Nationwide Insurance Movie Market Still the best value for family home entertainment Over 10,000 DVD’s & Video Games to Rent From the Classics to the Latest Movies 21 Bank Street, Lebanon NH Brookside Plaza • Route 4 • Enfield 603-448-3250 INDOOR FUN PARK 632-4600 Free Admission with purchase of a buffet plate. Adults $9.99 Child $6.99 Under 6 FREE 478 US Route 4 Canaan, NH 03741 Brunch Buffet from 11am-2pm Residential & Commercial • Installations & Service [email protected] Cell 359-8210 • Fax 632-9014 Jamie Martin 632•5862 165 Shaker Hill Rd., Enfield, NH 03748 COMPLIMENTARY HOT BREAKFAST BUFFET JBC Septic & Rentals, LLC FREE WIFI J. Barry Clause • Rocke’s Septic Service • Handyman Services Mickey’s Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Phone: 603-632-7175 Vanessa Stone, GRI ph 603.632.5757 fx 603.632.5727 Drive-Up Window • Take-Out & Delivery Catering Services • Tavern Room Ice Cream 603.632.9400 330 Route 4 • Enfield, NH 468 US RT.4, Unit 7, Enfield, NH 03748 [email protected] INDOOR HEATED SWIMMING POOL • Snow Plowing & Sanding • Portable Toilet Rentals 104 Ballardvale Dr. White River Jct., VT PO Box 424 Canaan, NH 03741 802-296-2800 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 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If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 934 St. Helena, Enfield, NH (U) Sales Opportunity Full Ɵme/Part Ɵme/Flexible Hours Sell AdverƟsements into your Parish BulleƟn (and surrounding Parish bulleƟns) Contact: Celeste Gama, Sales Manager John Patrick Publishing 1-800-333-3166 x 151 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 •
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