Volume 9, Number 23 December 17, 2014 “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:7-11) The writer of 1 John makes it very clear that love is the message of Christmas – that God sent his son out of love for us to reveal God’s love to us, and it is only when we can love one another as he has loved us that we can truly know God, because God is love – that’s the essence of who God is. 3100 Barrow Street Abilene, TX 79605 Phone: 325-692-0263 E-mail: [email protected] The DRI Craft Group made Christmas napkin holders this month. Thanks to Jim DeWitt for making the napkin holders for us to decorate. Christina Rossetti, who wrote In the Bleak Midwinter, also wrote another poem that has become a Christmas carol, Love Came Down at Christmas, which beautifully captures this truth: Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave the sign. Worship we the Godhead, Love Incarnate, Love Divine; Worship we our Jesus: But wherewith for sacred sign? Love shall be our token, Love be yours and love be mine, Love to God and all men, Love for plea and gift and sign. Such a simple message, but one we need to be reminded of during a season that we have made anything but simple. So let us not get so caught up in the frantic race against time to get in all the shopping, parties, decorations, greeting cards, baking, house cleaning, meal preparation, that we are too exhausted and spent to ponder the true gift of Christmas – the simple gift of love. And may we share that love as freely and indiscriminately as Jesus did, even (or especially) with those it is so hard to love. And may our love for one another be the sign of God’s love in us. May love be yours and love be mine, Jeanie Sunday, December 21 Worship: But His Mother Only Advent Candle Lighters: Jay and Barbara Swonger Children’s Christmas Presentation March to the Manger Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Service - 6:00 p.m. What Can I Give Him? Advent Candle Lighters: Jean Gore and Richard and Karen Stacy Staff Meeting Tuesday, January 6, 2015 4 PM - Church Library Page 2 Revelations December 29 - January 2 Juarez Mexico Financial Peace University is a life-changing 9-week program on personal finance. It is designed to empower people to manage their money better, eliminate debt, and build wealth. All material is biblically based and taught via entertaining video by Dave Ramsey. This course is designed for you if… You think to yourself, “I can’t afford this program.” You feel like your money has control over you. You struggle in your marriage due to financial problems. You do not have a clear understanding of real estate and mortgages, college planning, bargain buying, credit reports, etc. You do not understand stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or how to invest for your future. You live paycheck to paycheck. (Too much month at the end of the money) You carry large credit card balances or use debt consolidation loans. Financial Peace University will meet Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. beginning January 11, 2015. The cost is $93 per family. Child care will be provided. To register, look for this form in Sunday’s bulletin, or copy this form, fill it in and place it along with the registration fee in the collection plate or leave it with Elaine in the church office. Make checks out to St. James United Methodist Church and put FPU on the memo line. Name ____________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Telephone ________________________________________ E-mail Address ____________________________________ Mark Your Calendars! Coming! January 24, 2015 St. James UMC Annual Winter Fest Chili and Cheesecake Cook Off Make plans now to bring your family and friends for an evening of fun, fellowship, Bingo, raffles, and excellent food. All proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets will go toward children’s ministries. Prizes will be awarded for the best pot of chili and the best tasting cheesecake. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the cook off. Start searching for those award winning recipes! Competition is fierce! Proyecto Abrigo was founded in 1996 by Rev. Jose Luis Portillo in Tierra Nueva, Mexico. Since then, over 7,000 homes, two churches, a medical clinic, and a vocational school have been built to serve the poorer communities outside of Juarez, Mexico. The houses, built of cinderblock, measure 12′ by 24′ and have a cement floor. Each team is aided by maestros, who show the team how to mix the mortar and cement and lay the blocks. The family, when able, often helps the team with the building of their new home. At the end of the week, the team and family participate in a house dedication. Teams stay in cinderblock dorms located within an enclosed compound built similarly to the houses they are constructing. Bunk beds with foam pads line the large sleeping rooms. Running water, toilets, and showers are available in each dorm. Bottled water is also provided for the teams. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in the dining hall at the dorms everyday. The food is well prepared and safe for consumption. Wireless internet is also available at the Proyecto Abrigo dorms. If you are interested in going, the cost is $150 per student and $200 per adult. If you would like to make a donation to help with expenses, make your check payable to St. James UMC and put “mission trip” on the memo line. Christmas Cantata Volume 9, Number 23 Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Salvation Army Angel Tree, the Methodist Children’s Home, and Friends for Life. You have made Christmas dreams come true for young and old alike! The St. James Handbell Choir accompanied the congregation on the hymns as well as bringing special music for the Christmas season. Advent Candlelighters Bill and Paula Hughes Garry & Delores Borg Youth Lock In St. James Youth joined with the youth group from Glen Rose UMC for an evening of worship and fun at Primetime. Page 3 Travel Mercies for Denton Berry and Denny Turner, Martha Murphy, Gerald Bennett (Dottie Woods uncle), Maggie Christensen, Karen Stacy (hip replacement), Jay Swonger, Jack Payne (Mission Team Leader), Charles Arnold, Sean Woods, Cody (Paula Hughes’ son), Foye Flood, Billy Goodrich, Cole Watts, Kelly Lynn Kincaid (Margie Flores’ niece), Amanda Nichols (cancer) (Granddaughter of Denny Turner’s friend), Sue Flores (Margie Flores’ mother), Ken Johnston (cancer), Amber Richardson (Denny Turner’s friend), Chris Morris (brother of Lindsay Williamson’s friend), Katrina (Diana Fish’s sister), Shirley Scalf, John and Christina Cizek (Margie Flores’ co-workers), Glen Vickers (lung cancer) (friend of Mary and Casey Welch), Teeny Dunnam, Etta Imboden (broken foot) (Misti Kingston’s grandmother), Addie Hargett (Diana Fish’s mother), Matthew Wander (cancer) (Vicki Cullar’s cousin), Brenda Hollis (Michael’s mother), Wanda Fuller (Lynn Wilkinson’s friend), Joyce Cass (Charles Arnold’s son-in-law’s mother), Paul David Casanova (Grandson of Sides’ friends), Jordan Kozlin (Diana Fish’s niece), Mike Brehm (Betsy Graham’s father), Sheri (Dick & Annette Evatt’s daughter), Kellie Spencer (Diana Fish’s friend), Sara Bradford (Christensen’s granddaughter), Lady Jane Young (Nancy Wilkinson’s mother), Trish & Carole (Beth Bryson’s friends), Joe Becker (Don Christensen’s friend), Pat Williamson, Michael Woods, Brady Smith, Mark Woods, Rain, Pillow Recipients, St. James' Homebound, Our Military Personnel, Unspoken Requests. The Jan-Feb 2015 issues of The Upper Room and Devozine may be found on the table in the church foyer. Large print copies of The Upper Room are also available. Devozine is a devotional lifestyle magazine by teens for teens. The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by Beth Moore Patriarchs is a 10 week journey through Genesis 12-50. Discover God's pursuit of a relationship with man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds. Full of twists and turns, ruin and redemption, revelation and mystery this Bible study keeps participants captivated by the God who stars in it! Explore concepts such as blessing, covenant, and promise, and the bearing each has on a New Testament believer's life today. Group members will also study the Hebrew names of God introduced on the early pages of Scripture. Many of the most profound and enduring concepts in the whole counsel of God's Word are initiated in this marvelous book of beginnings. This study will begin on Thursday, January 15, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bell Room. The cost for a workbook is $15.95. Watch for a registration form in your church bulletin! Page 4 Revelations Methodist Food Pantry Shopping List Tuna Stew Corn bread mix Macaroni & Cheese Chili soup Canned chicken Check off your list and put your groceries In the cart in the foyer or in the picnic Basket at the east door! remember to bring used books, magazines, & plastic Grocery bags! Join us for Wednesday Evening Fellowship Meals each week at 5:30 p.m. in fellowship hall. Here’s what’s for dinner for the next few weeks: December 17th - Chicken Spaghetti December 24th & 31st - No Meal! January 7th - Soup Cost: $3 per meal; children under six eat free. College students eat free! Come out and join us for good food and great fellowship. Food Pantry Service Tuesday, January 13th - 4-8 PM 1102 N. Willis Volunteer to work a two-hour shift! The United Methodist Service Center and Food Pantry needs the following personal hygiene items: Toilet Tissue Toothbrushes Bath Soap Shampoo Toothpaste Diapers (any size) Put items in the food pantry basket located in the church foyer. Travel sizes work great! “Clip for Jane Long Elementary School & McCurdy School” Box Tops & Bar Codes Bar Code Have you been clipping and saving box tops and bar codes? Put them in your pastel “Box Tops & Bar Codes” envelope. Bring the envelope to church on Sunday, December 28th. Don’t have a pastel envelope? Any envelope or baggie will do! Check the expiration date! Budget for 2014……………………..…..…….$286,730 Needed Per Month…...………….….……...…..$23,894 Received in December………........................$21, 089 Total Deposits…………………………………$283,629 Expenses………………...…………………….$260,754 2014 Shared Ministries………………………………….$32,803 Deposits…………………………………………………..$25,695 Disbursements…………………………………..…..…...$24,801 Special Offerings for 2014: Build Renew Rejoice………………………………………..$185 Imagine No Malaria……………………………….…....…...$384 Human Relations Day………………………………………...$97 One Great Hour of Sharing…………………………………$753 Native American Ministries Sunday……………………….$248 Peace with Justice Sunday…………………………………$218 World Communion Sunday…………………………………$236 UM Student Day………………………………………………$63 “Celebrating God’s Love!” Sunday Services: Sunday School Worship Y.U.T.C. (Youth under the Cross) Manna Bible Study Wednesdays: Fellowship Meal Choir Rehearsal 9:00am 10:00am 5:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm Date Sunday School Worship 11/23/14 56 118 11/30/14 49 95 12/07/14 67 114 12/14/14 57 107 St. James UMC Staff: Jeanie Williams, Pastor Elaine DeWitt, Secretary Lucas Stultz, Nursery Karsten Pippins, Nursery Jewels Howard, Nursery Amanda Hollis, Music Director Jerry Kingston, Bell Choir Director Lora Lynn Christensen, Pianist Shannon Ives, Children’s Ministry Jack Payne, Youth Director Volume 9, Number 23 Page 5 If you are interested in becoming a Food Pantry Partner by contributing to the Building Fund, pledge cards will be available soon in the church bulletin.
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