7th November 2014 World Teachers Day Last Friday, our school celebrated World Teachers Day. At our Whole School Assembly on Thursday, all teachers were congratulated for their dedication and inspirational teaching and many were presented with certificates for their meritorious years of service to education. Congratulations everyone! In the Spotlight! Principal Rob Van den Heuvel’s message: Inside this Issue: A message from the Principal 1 Calendar of Events Term 4 2 SWPBS and KidsMatter Updates 3 P and C News 4 Christmas Carols Information 5 Assemblies last week 6 HPE News and RI News 7 Day for Daniel 8 Community News 9 Prep 2015 Uniform Fitting days 10 KidsMatter Launch: Our official acknowledgement of the KidsMatter Framework was a huge success. Creeker greeted families at the front gate each day and a range of events celebrated the importance of people, relationships and wellbeing. Examples of events included the ‘Paint Me a Song’ assembly with a choir of over a 1000 of our students, World Teacher Day celebrations and involvement in Day for Daniel through hosting Denise and Bruce Morcombe at our school. Behind the scenes there were many other lunch time and classroom activities. Huge thanks goes to the KidsMatter team and the many volunteers who helped celebrate this initiative, highlighting caring, sharing and learning together. Student Attendance: I was pleased to see our average attendance is currently exceeding last year’s impressive achievement. Term 4 can be a challenge as children begin to tire and families deal with many complexities. We still have over 40 students with no recorded absences so congratulations to them. Remember to keep those important routines around homework and bed time in place as we move closer to assessment and reporting. It’s a very busy time so help students remain in positive routines when needed most. It is marvellous to see high attendance continue through the years. Experts remind us that the habit and benchmarks set when students are in early primary years, generally are maintained throughout secondary school. The future looks bright for Mountain Creek. 2015 Prep Information Night: I look forward to meeting parents at our official Information Night for 2015 Prep enrolments. This will be held in the Hall on Monday, 10th November 2014, starting at 7.30pm. We are organising plans for our future Preps after this date so please ensure all enrolments are complete so you are included in Play Afternoons to be held later in Term 4. Page 2 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 As you can see there are many exciting events happening at school. Make sure you keep up to date and enjoy the fun happening all about you. IPS Success: The Minister for Education, Training and Employment, John-Paul Langbroek, announced that our application for Independent Public School (IPS) status for 2015 was successful. This will empower the local community and staff to directly shape our direction, while still meeting the important guarantees that exists for all government schools. As an IP School, Mountain Creek will receive additional funding and support from the department, including access to professional development, networking and strategic development opportunities to further enhance outcomes for students and families. I would thank everyone for their support of this initiative. When moving forward, Mountain Creek will always cherish the mantra of caring, sharing and learning together. Rob Van den Heuvel Principal Term 4 Calendar of Events Event Date Blue Light Disco 7 November Prep 2015 - Parent Information Evening 10 November Final P & C Meeting for 2015 19 November Prep 2015 - Play Dates 19 and 26 November MCSS Community Carols 28 November Whole School Assembly 2 December Reports Sent Home to Parents 5 December Blue Light Disco 5 December Years 6 and 7 Graduations 9 December Last Day of School Year 12 December MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Page 3 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Update Classrooms are busy places at all times during the year. Teachers use many ways to assess students throughout the semester. At the moment, many of the more formal assessment tasks are starting to take place in time for reporting your student’s learning. To ensure your child does their best during this time, our SWPBS focus is going to be on being responsible in the classroom. Please talk to your children about the importance of the points below. Children who are able to successfully demonstrate these behaviours and expectations tend to be more successful in both school and life! Classrooms – Be Responsible Be organised Strive for excellence Be persistent Stay on task Participate fully in individual and/or group activities KidsMatter Update Wow! What an exciting week it was last week. Children participated in a range of activities that focused on “Every Face Has a Place” both in their classrooms and around the school. Maybe you saw many of the KidsMatter Team out and about before school at the gates welcoming everyone as they arrived at school. Or maybe you got to have a ‘selfie’ with Creeker! There were many activities organised during break times and the students really enjoyed getting involved. If you didn’t a chance to visit the foyer in the hall you’ve really missed out on an amazing display of student work. The KidsMatter Team would really like to thank everyone who participated in making last week such a great launch to our whole school community. Mountain Creek SS is such an amazing place to be a part of! We’ve attached a few photos for you to enjoy . Jaylan and Ava making some adjustments to their 2AK display Every Face has a Place Isaac from 1B saying hello to Creeker on his way into school MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Page 4 Fin from 1CT with Creeker … teacher Deb Mitchell photo bombing in the background! Creeker with some members of the KidsMatter team - Jodie, Gwen and Tracey at the front gate Lucy from 2M showing mum Hayley and sister Ruby her class display P and C News Congratulations to all of our tuckshop staff and volunteers who celebrated tuckshop day on Friday, 7th November 2014 with a cake. Great work everyone! One Stop Shop: Stationery - We have purchased plastic decorated book covers for exercise books - No More Covering! These will only be $1.50 each! Three sizes available - same price! Available in the last four weeks of term from the One Stop Shop! Tuck Shop - Birthday Cakes - 30 cup cakes for $15. New Products - lactose free chocolate milk $2. and Spinach and fetta rolls. Please try! Sorry! Chicken Tender Wraps are no longer on the menu. Uniform Shop - Prep 2015 Fitting Days - Friday 14th November, Tuesday 18th November, Tuesday 25th November and Friday 5th December - By appoint- ment only - Please call Louise Donaldson 54 523408 Café Connect Opening Times - 7.30am - 3.15pm Chocolate Money - We are still waiting for chocolate drive money - can you please check for money envelopes not handed in that may be forgotten at home. Last P and C Meeting for 2014 - 1.00pm in the staffroom - Wednesday 19th November 2014 Our Christmas Carols are on the Friday, 28th November 2014. We are looking for volunteers to assist with a variety of stalls. This help can be for as little as 30 minutes. Please leave your details on our Volunteer Register (click here). Page 5 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Page 6 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Assemblies last week 3LQ had whole assembly ‘Surfing USA’! Last Tuesday 3LQ presented two poems on stage, One-Eyed Jack and Waves. They did a wonderful job and finished off with words and actions to the old surfing song ‘Surfing USA’. The song was repeated and the whole assembly joined in including Mr Van den Heuvel, students, parents and staff! World Teacher Day At a combined Whole School Assembly last Thursday, our wonderful teachers were acknowledged for their commitment and dedication to teaching and also awarded certificates for their meritorious years of service. Pictured is Santo Della Bianca, who retired this year being presented with a gift and his 30 years of service certificate. Santo was saluted as a true ‘Creeker’. Music Count Us In 2014 - ‘Paint me a Song’ Mountain Creek SS participated in MUISC: COUNT US IN for the first time this year and the whole school sang “Let Me Paint You A Song” at a special assembly on Thursday, 30th October 2014. Music: Count Us In (MCUI) is Australia’s biggest school initiative, with more than 500,000 participating students from over 2,100 schools nationwide. Growing in reach and impact since 2007, MCUI exists to support teachers to deliver music in the classroom, addressing a lack of training and experience in this specialist area. Music education has been proven to improve students’ literacy, numeracy, school attendance and confidence. Music: Count Us In brings teachers, parents, students and the music industry together in celebration, as more than half a million people united to sing the same song at the same time, right across the country. If you would like your child to be considered for a place in The Strings, Multi, Guitar, Choir Programs for 2015 please click here to access further information and to download an Expression of Interest Form which is to be returned to the Office. Applications will be accepted until 14th November, 2014. Page 7 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 HPE News Recently, a MCSS representative netball team competed in the Mission Primary School Cup on the Gold Coast. The girls improved over the weekend (despite the hot conditions) and had some really big wins toward the end of the carnival. MCSS ended up 3rd in our pool. The team list: Gabbi (7F) Daisy (5M) Chelsea (5B) Katie (7F) Kaylee (6S) Alana (7F) Madison (7F) Bec (7B) Jessica (7F) Thanks for your efforts girls – we’re proud of you. Gabbi Window was player of the carnival and received a new netball. Thankyou to Deanna Window and her tireless workers for supporting netball in our school. Sheldon Boland HPE Coordinator Religious Instruction News Recently in Religious Instruction, students in Year 3 have been learning about the Drama of the Story of King Saul and David. 3Q and 3BC in particular enjoyed playing their roles and dressing up. RI teacher Denise Musgrave, although only new to our to school is thoroughly enjoying teaching Religious Instruction to the children at Mountain Creek State School. Mrs Musgrave is instructing from the front of Class 3BC with Axel by her side. 3Q with Seth and Jett playing the lead roles MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Page 8 Day for Daniel 2014 Our 2014 Day for Daniel was once again a huge success. Our school has a strong connection with the Morcombe family as Daniel, twin brother Bradley and older brother Dean were foundation students of our school. We were honoured to have the Morecombe's speak at our whole school assembly and the children were mesmerised by their safety message. Staff, students and visitors to our school were all dressed in red on the day and donations were made throughout the week. Our school raised $2,802.00 and this money will go to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation to promote child safety. Thank you to Mrs Teasdale for organising the event with the support of the student council. Bruce Morcombe speaking at the whole school assembly 3HY dressed in red with teacher aide Miles Sierp 1B students, Roman, Blake, Loklan, Jack and Isaac all wearing red Page 9 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014 Page 10 MCSS Newsletter 7th November 2014
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