Saint Kilian Parish 7076 Franklin Road, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066 The Catholic Parish for those living in the boroughs of Callery, Mars, Seven Fields and Valencia; as well as those in Adams Township and Cranberry Township (east of Rt. 19) Phone: 724-625-1665 Fax: 724-625-1922 November 16, 2014 Web Site: Email Address: [email protected] The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: Consult weekly bulletin Parish Staff Infant Baptisms may take place during any weekend Mass or at 1:15 p.m. on any Sunday. Reverend Charles S. Bober Pastor Adult Entrance into the Catholic Church takes place through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.). For adolescents, preparation for Confirmation takes place within the Religious Education Program. For adults, preparation takes place through a brief special program. Reverend Christopher D. Donley Parochial Vicar Deacon Ralph Bachner Pastoral Associate Director of Faith Formation Matrimony Diocesan directives require at least 6 months notice. An interview with the pastor is required before a date can be placed on the parish schedule. A marriage preparation course is provided periodically by the parish. Susan Bachner Faith Formation/CCD Program Director Reconciliation (Confession) is scheduled on Saturdays from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., or by appointment with the pastor. Deacon William Carver Pastoral Care/Institutional Ministry Anointing of the Sick is available to anyone seriously ill or anticipating surgery. David Dreher Director of Music Ministries Charles J. Goetz Business Manager Deacon Robert Marshall Youth and Young Adult Ministry Jane Pampena School Principal For information on priesthood or religious life contact the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Pittsburgh at 412-456-3123. Interpreted Mass for the Deaf every Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Parish Center is located at 7076 Franklin Road (off of Route 228). Office Hours: Monday through Thursday - 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. New Parishioners are always welcome. You may register at the parish center or by means of the parish website. Page Two THE WORD OF GOD THIS SUNDAY: For this Sunday, the thirty-third in Ordinary Time, the Scriptural readings begin with a passage from the Book of Proverbs which extols the virtues of a wonderful wife. In the second reading, from the First Letter to the Thessalonians, Saint Paul exhorts us to remain vigilant for the return of the Lord. In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of a man who demanded accountability from his servants and infers that such accountability will be demanded of us as well at the end of our lives. 5:30 P.M. MASS NEXT SATURDAY (NOVEMBER 22ND) The 5:30 p.m. Mass next Saturday, November 22nd, will be celebrated in the chapel at Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic and NOT in the auditorium. This is necessary because of the need to set up the stage for a concert by the Pittsburgh Symphony that evening. Please note that the chapel seats only 250. It may be a little crowded so if you regularly attend the 5:30 p.m. Mass and can attend another that evening please do so. SYMPATHY: The sympathy of the parish is extended to parishioners Chuck Young and his family at the death of his wife and parishioner, Debra Young and Raymond Konesky and his family at the death of his wife and parishioner, Esther Konesky. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. November 16, 2014 CVOL for 5th GRADERS (Catholic Vision of Love) will be held on Thursday, November 20th from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Parish Center Cafeteria. This class covers the church’s teaching on chastity and personal safety and is required by the Diocese for all 5th grade students. If you took the summer session of CCD or if you attend Catholic School, you do not have to attend. For questions, email Jo at [email protected]. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING: Any young people (Fourth Grade or older) are welcome as Altar Servers at Saint Kilian Parish. Training sessions for this ministry are scheduled for Sunday, November 16th at 1:30 pm or on Thursday, November 20th at 4:30 pm in the auditorium of Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School. You only need to attend one of these sessions which will last about one hour. Please contact Deacon Ralph at [email protected] or 724-625-1665 x2103 for more information or to sign up for the training. SAVE THE DATE: “MARCH FOR LIFE”-Thursday, Jan 22, 2015. With the theme of “Every Life is a Gift,” we will again be teaming up with St. Ferdinand's to charter a bus to Washington D.C. and join thousands of others, as we take a stand for the sanctity of life. Watch for the registration form in future bulletins. For information, please contact Ray Haskins @ 412-400-0521. Page Three LITURGY & EVENT CALENDARS LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:00 p.m. (CWNC) Wayne B. Wolf (Wife, Terry) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Victoria and Donna Pietropola (Family) Sunday, November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. (CWNC) John Cole (Family) 9:00 a.m. (CWNC) Pat and Gerald McArdle (Family) 10:30 a.m. (CWNC) Christopher Fitch (Diane Lambert and Family) 12:15 p.m. (CWNC) Albert Majkowski (Family) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Living and Deceased Members of Saint Kilian Parish Monday, November 17, 2014 - Saint Elizabeth of Hungry 10:00 a.m. (PC) Robert Milie (Family) Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother (Tom Petey) 2:30 p.m. Paramount Senior Living - Rosary 3:00 p.m. Paramount Senior Living - Communion Service Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Angeline Simeone (Husband) Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Helen Kowakski (Bachner Family) Friday, November 21, 2014 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) Dean Rhondes (Mentzer Family) 1:30 p.m. Valencia Woods - Rosary 2:00 p.m. Valencia Woods - Mass Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:00 p.m. (CWNC) William Nicklas (Robert, Judy and Nathan Nicklas) 5:30 p.m. (Chapel at CWNC) Dan McCann (Ostrowski Family) Sunday, November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:30 a.m. (CWNC) Living and Deceased Members of Saint Kilian Parish 9:00 a.m. (CWNC) Norma Abbate (Don Criste and Family) 10:30 a.m. (CWNC) Donlad Smith (Family) 12:15 p.m. (CWNC) Walter Staniszewski (Employees of The Town of McCandless) 5:30 p.m. (CWNC) Mary “Peg” Jewell (Jewell Family) CWNC - Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Twp PA 16066 Chapel - Saint Kilian Parish 7076 Franklin Road, Cranberry Twp PA 16066 November 16, 2014 THIS WEEK AT SAINT KILIAN Saturday, November 15, 2014 Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:40 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 10:30 a.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 1:30 p.m. Altar Server Training - CWNC Auditorium Monday, November 17, 2014 2:50 p.m. School Cantors - Room G13 4:40 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 6:30 p.m. RCIA - Conference Room B 7:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society - Rectory in Mars 7:30 p.m. Devoto Bells - CWNC Band Room Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:40 p.m. CCD Classes - Saint Kilian Parish Center 7:00 p.m. Dreher Chorale Rehearsal - CWNC Band Room Wednesday, November 19, 2014 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study - Conference Room B 6:30 p.m. GriefShare - Conference Room B Thursday, November 20, 2014 9:30 a.m. Angel Tree Volunteers - Conference Room B 4:30 p.m. Altar Server Training - CWNC Auditorium 5:30 p.m. Jr. Cantors - CWNC Band Room 6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir - CWNC Band Room 6:30 p.m. CVOL Grade 5 - SKP Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus - Rosary Church in Mars 7:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus - Meeting Parish Hall in Mars 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir - CWNC Band Room Friday, November 21, 2014 Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:00 a.m. Caring Quilt Ministry - Parish Hall in Mars 9:30 a.m. Angel Tree Volunteers - Conference Room B 10:00 a.m. Bereavement Support - Conference Room B 6:30 p.m. Jr. SKY - CWNC Chapel and Cafeteria 8:00 p.m. Pittsburgh Symphony “Music for the Spirit” CWNC Auditorium Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:40 a.m. CCD - Saint Kilian Parish Center 10:30 a.m. CCD - Saint Kilian Parish Center 1:15 p.m. First Communion Parent Meeting CWNC Auditorium Page Four November 16, 2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS November 23, 2014 Parent Meeting for First Reconciliation and First Communion 1:15 PM at CWNCHS Auditorium – after the 12:15 Mass December 14, 2014 - Parent Meeting for Confirmation 1:15 PM at CWNCHS Auditorium – after 12:15 Mass January 25 or February 1, 2015 - Good Shepherd Day 1:15 PM at CWNCHS Auditorium – after 12:15 Mass February 21 or 28, 2015 - First Reconciliation 10:00 am or 1:00 pm - CWNCHS MUSIC MINISTRY The first reading and psalm together offer us a balanced image of a woman and a man who, each in their respective social roles, are faithful to God’s desires about the manner of human living. Both texts are couched in the domestic terms that characterized Hebrew life and understanding, but the Lectionary’s intent is to offer models for all sorts of lifestyles, vocations, and situation in life. Those who “fear the Lord” are faithful in carrying out the ordinary everyday demands of covenant living, and their fidelity and generosity flow back to them in abundant blessings. Psalm 128 celebrates the blessedness that comes to a person who in daily living is faithful to the demands of the covenant. (reprinted from Living Liturgy, Liturgical Press Collegeville, MN) March 8 or 15, 2015 - Jesus Day 1:15 PM at CWNCHS Auditorium – after 12:15 Mass First Communions Weekend Masses in April (Saturday and Sunday) April 12, 2015 Confirmation Afternoon of Reflection for Confirmation 1:15 PM at CWNCHS Auditorium after 12:15 Mass Confirmation – Date TBA (CWNCHS – Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School) Our Parish Family BAPTISMS We welcome into our parish family these infants who were recently Baptized: Our various choirs can be heard at the following liturgies: Devoto Bell Choir Children’s Choir Adult Choir November 30th @ 10:30 am December 14th @ 12:15 pm December 24th @ 4:00 pm CWNC November 23rd December 7th December 20th December 24th @ 12:15 pm @ 10:30 am @ 5:30 pm @ 6:00 pm CWNC November 16th November 23rd December 6th December 14th December 21st December 24th @ 10:30 am @ 10:30 am @ 4:00 pm @ 10:30 am @ 10:30 am @ 10:00 pm CWNC If you would like more information regarding the Bell Choir, Children’s Choir or Adult Choir, please contact David Dreher 724-625-1665 x2113 or email [email protected]. Nicholas Thomas Olayer son of Elizabeth and Joseph Olayer Aus n Cole Hayes son of Olivia and Aaron Hayes Luke Robert Marshall son of Lauren and Ma hew Marshall NEW PARISHIONERS We welcome the following new parishioners to our parish family: Bryan and Erica Brunsell Child: Roman Jerry and Robin LeClair Child: Logan Kevin and Beth Mudd Child: Gabriella Spencer and Peggy Shea Children: Lazaro and Catherine Page Five November 16, 2014 Saint Kilian Youth High School Youth Ministry Deacon Bob Marshall [email protected] 724-625-1665, ext. 2116 Christina! Wow! We had a very inspirational message from Christina, our guest speaker! She shared her struggles recovering from brain surgery and challenged us to have a positive attitude no matter what happens in life. She called those challenges “Golden Opportunities” to see life in a different perspective and to focus on God and what is really important in life. Christina also encouraged us to not wait for a life changing event to change our perspective or deepen our relationship with God. Do it today! THANK YOU! Thanks to everyone who donated money towards Christina’s mission to build an orphanage in Haiti! Collectively, we donated $155.00! Go to Christina’s foundation page to see our donation and to read of her passion for Haiti. If you missed coming and wish to donate, direct donations can be made at any time online. November 16th - 6:30-7:30pm Youth Leadership Team Meeting We will have a planning meeting at the parish center – come in office entrance. Pizza will be our food for thought! SKY (Saint Kilian Youth) Clothing Drive for Haiti The children of Haiti are in desperate need of clothing. SKY will be collecting USED boys and girls clothing and shoes for Idadee Orphanage in Haiti. Children’s clothing sizes 2T-7 and shoe sizes 8-13 ½ are needed. Donations will be collected at the parish center, MOVIE NIGHT…..”Sort” of November 29th 6:30-9:30pm This is a SOCIAL/SERVICE event! SKY Cafe Come to help sort the clothing and shoe donations for Haiti and stay to watch a movie! Please remember to bring donations of clothing/shoes from your little brothers and sisters, cousins and neighbors to this event! Also, feel free to bring pillows and blankets to sit on to make your movie viewing more comfortable! We will serve up pizza and popcorn of course! PUMPKINS THANK YOU! Thank you to Eugene and Country Garden Store in Saxonburg who donated 175 mini pumpkins and 6 supersize pumpkins for our projects. We used some for our last meeting and the rest will be used to make table favors for our fellowship dinner in Mars. Thank you! OUR NEXT JR. SKY is our food boxes project on Saturday, November 22nd from 6:30-8:30 pm. Dinner is first, come hungry! This is one of the highest attended events of the year. We will ALL need to contribute in order to fill so many boxes— WE CAN DO THIS! Please sign-up online with items you are willing to bring (see HUGE FOOD DRIVE below). Items can be dropped off in advance at SKP (ATTN: Jo Scheller) OR brought with you on the 22nd. Donations should be earned by the youth themselves. THANK YOU for helping us help others. HUGE FOOD DRIVE! In order to fill 24 boxes, we need ALL of Jr. SKY to help. I have a detailed “grocery list” online – no extra trip to the store, we are grateful for whatever you can spare from your pantry. J To sign up, go to or use the VolunteerSpot button that is mid-way on our Jr. SKY webpage. IMPORTANT! Please drop off items at the front desk but mark it ATTN: JO SCHELLER so that it gets to us – do not leave at the food bank drop-offs as it will end up in Mars. THANK YOU for helping our own parish families to celebrate in the upcoming month! CLOSET CLEANOUT? Don’t throw it out, re-purpose it! Our next social event is Buddy Bingo on Dec 6th with Saint Ferdinand Parish. We use new or like-new odds ‘n ends collected from you to add to our prize table. It is silly and fun because it is such an unexpected group of prizes! All are winners, and the laughs are worth it! No need to purchase new, thank you for supporting Jr. SKY! Drop-off at the front desk, ATTN: Jo Scheller. LOVE TO TALK? Two-three small group leaders needed for November 22nd. All notes and discussion questions will be given to you in advance. Come enjoy the spontaneity and openness of our youth! SATURDAY NIGHT SWEETS: Bakers needed for November 22nd. ALL desserts were finished off by the end of our fleece night! The youth LOVE something for dessert—ask them to help bake it as well! Please email JO so that I know we are covered. NO PHONE ZONE …there are so many awesome people to meet and get to know at Jr. SKY! Please put away phones or better yet, leave them at home so that we can be fully present to others. PICK-UP/DROP-OFF for all meetings is at the front of the cafeteria. You will need to park and come in to get your youth or wait and do a “drive-through” pick-up since the main (upper) doors to the High School will now be locked. Our only priority is to keep everyone safe! FINANCIAL INFORMATION Page Six November 16, 2014 To Build A Church, a Church Alive Pledge Redemption Instructions Over the next five years, we will be collecting on the pledges made to our To Build A Church, A Church Alive Campaign which will enable us to build our church. In order to make the process easier for both you and the parish, we ask that you please utilize the following information when you fulfill your commitment. Pledge Payments Remittance statements are mailed the last week of every month. If you are sending payments on a different schedule than monthly, the remittance statement schedule is the same, but you’ll receive them when you selected — semi-annually, annually, etc. In order to assist Saint Kilian with the pledge payment process over the next five years, please wait for your reminder statement before sending any payments to To Build A Church, A Church Alive. Do not send payments directly to Saint Kilian. Pledges are centrally processed, and the Diocese sends the proceeds to Saint Kilian each quarter over the next five years via our parish’s Diocesan savings & loan account. If you need to make any changes to your pledge, or if there are any errors, please send the changes to: To Build A Church, A Church alive c/o Our Campaign for The Church Alive! PO Box 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 If you prefer to make your payments electronically (from a bank account or credit card) please visit the Faith Direct Website where you can create an account or sign into your current account. Once on the main homepage of your account, click “Add an Organization,” then enter the code PA162 for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, not PA191 for Saint Kilian. Next, select Saint Kilian from the drop-down menu in order to have your payments apply to the To Build A Church, A Church Alive Campaign at Saint Kilian. The remaining steps will allow you to set up your payment schedule. Finally, you will need to link your payment to a major credit card or bank account of your choosing. Tax Letters Each year, tax letters will be sent from the Diocese for the preceding year of all pledge payments, note that these are separate from the information sent by Saint Kilian for your Offertory and Parish Share participation. Please direct any detailed tax questions to the Office of Stewardship: (412) 456-3085 or email [email protected]. Financial Report – November 9, 2014 Parish Share 2014 Report Amount Regular Offertory ( Envelopes) Regular Offertory Not in Envelopes Children's Envelopes Total (Including Faith Direct) $48,395.32 $2,720.00 $355.66 $51,470.98 Amount Donations Through November 2, 2104 Contributed on November 9, 2104 $365,053.68 $16,100.00 Total (Including Faith Direct) $381,153.68 2014 Diocesan Assigned Goal $145,369.00 Surplus (Thank You!) $235,784.68 Total in Attendance November 9nd Weekend: 3,203 Page Seven November 16, 2014 CHRISTMAS SEALS The Knights of Columbus Christmas Seals will be inserted in the bulletin next weekend (November 22/23). All donations help support the diocesan programs for the mentally and physically handicapped children who attend St. Anthony Inclusive Education Program and McGuire Home. Please be generous with your donation. Thank you. SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS Saint Kilian Parish will be offering “GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays” seminar for people facing the holidays after a loved one’s death. The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Conference Room B located in the Parish Center. Please feel free to share this information with people who might benefit from attending this special, two-hour event. This helpful, encouraging seminar features video interviews with top Christian experts on grief and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective and personal testimonies from people who have experienced the holidays after bereavement. The video seminars are combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video, and those who attend will receive a free book with over 30 daily readings providing additional insights and ideas on holiday survival. The seminar is free, however, pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, contact Deacon Ralph Bachner at 724-625-1665 x2103 or [email protected]. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Please pray for the following friends and family of Saint Kilian parishioners who are currently serving in the military: John N. Dvorak Mary D. Dvorak Dominic Greco Andrew Guevara Alan Gundloch Danielle Steed Gundloch LCpl. Dakota Harbison Lt. Ben Harper Will Hospodor Christopher Iole Dale Mahafkey Shawn Palmer TJ Palmer David Smeigh Vincent Steed Daniel Topf Marriage Ministry Corner Marriage Tip of the Week: Nagging is hard on a marriage. Try patience and gentleness on the one hand, attentiveness and follow-through on the other. For daily marriage tips, visit, an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Marriage Encounter At a Worldwide Marriage Encounter, you get away from the distractions of everyday life and focus on each other. Upcoming weekends are Nov 14-16 in Bolivar, PA , Jan 23-25 in Portage, PA, Feb 27-Mar 1 in State College, PA. Reservations are limited, register early! http:// for info or to register. Christian Family Movement: Our parish has a number of small faith sharing communities that meet monthly to promote Christ-centered marriage and family life. Groups are geared to life-stage such as a group with young children, teens, empty nesters, etc. More information can be found at or call Lori and Gerry Crowley at (724) 8163951 or e-mail [email protected]. Page Eight November 16, 2014 FifthGradersAreBusyLearners The ifthgradeyearhasbeenofftoafantasticstart!Themainreligiousthemeofour ifthgradeyearisSacraments.StudentshavebeenlearningaboutthethreecategoriesofSacraments:Initiation,Healing,andServiceofCommunion.Currently we are learning about heroes. These heroes are not heroes like Spiderman and Superman, but the heroes of our faith,thesaints.InthemonthofNovemberwewillberesearchingthelifeofasaint. Inscience,wehavebeenlearningaboutwhatmakesupeverythingaroundus,matter! Studentsgottoexperiment with differenttoolstomeasuremattersuchasspringscalesandbalances.Studentsevendesignedtheirownboatandtestedit’s buoyancy!Fromthisexperimentwediscoveredthatbuildingmaterialsthatarelessdensearemorebuoyant.Anotherfun topic we enjoyed was the periodic table of elements and learning about how when elements combine, new matter is formed,suchaswater(H20)andtablesalt(NaCl).Welookforwardtodiscoveringmoreinsciencethisyearaswediscuss electricity,forces,andastronomy. Thestudentshavebeenexploringtheoriginsofourcountryinsocialstudies.Wehavebeenlearningaboutancientcultures, like the Aztecs and Incas, along with the Native American tribes of the Eastern Woodlands, the Great Plains, the NorthwestCoast,andtheSouthwestDesert.WewillbecreatingTotemPolesattheendofthechapter. Anotherexcitingthinghappeningin ifthgradeisthebiographybookreportsinLanguageArts.Studentschoseapersonto research,suchasQueenElizabeth,AnnFrank,orAbrahamLincoln,andareplanningapresentation,whileactingincharacterandusingmonologue. In reading, we are reading Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare. During our novel study we will be discussing whatlifewaslikelivinginColonialtimesandthePenobscotNativeAmericans.Alongwithournovel,wewillbeusingthe iPadstoengageinWebquestsaboutwhatitwasliketoliveduringthesetimes. Page Nine November 16, 2014 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY During Advent we should be focused on preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Are we ready for the King? Are our hearts ready to receive our Savior? The Wednesday morning Women’s Bible Study Group will begin a four-week Advent Study “Preparing for Christ” November 19th - December 17th (November 26th-Thanksgiving break) from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Parish Center. All are welcome! Books may be purchased at the Parish Office for $12. For more information, call Chris Hespenheide at 724-316-1309. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 1 11, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 FOOD DONATIONS The Food Pantry is always appreciative of your donations (please do check to make sure donated items have not expired). This week, we are most in need of the following: cereal, Nutri-Grain Bars, oatmeal, granola bars, snack foods (fruit snacks, pretzels, nuts, raisins, cookie/brownie mixes, crackers), stuffing, boxed potatoes, Hamburger Helper, pasta sauce, jelly, ravioli, canned meats, applesauce, canned fruit and cranberry sauce. The Food Pantry, located in the basement of the old rectory in Mars at 205 Clark Street, is open every Wednesday from 3:00 until 6:30 pm (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN HOURS OF OPERATION). COURTESY NOTES CYBER SAFEGUARD: The Same Page Parenting Program (SPPP) will be hosting a free cyber safeguard event at Bulter Community College in Bulter, PA on Sunday, November 16, 2014. For more information, please contact Dr. Surkosky at [email protected]. PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST: Saint Wendelin Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, November 16th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm at Saint Wendelin Church Hall (210 St. Wendelin Road Butler, PA 16002). Cost: $5 for Adults and $3 for children. Children’s Clothes • Maternity CONCRETE WORK Baby Gear • Toys • Books Mike Mulkerrins (412) 337-2073 Now Located in the Piazza Plaza 20550 Route 19, Unit 5 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Fully Insured-Free Estimates Driveways • Sidewalks 724-591-5808 Steps & Patios • Floors Small Excavations • Versalock Walls MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE 15% OFF 1ST APPAREL OR TOY PURCHASE Decorative Concrete • Stamped Concrete [email protected] [email protected] License # 093792 Myers Family Practice LANA ZORTMAN, MBA Harry C. Myers, DO Dina K. Myers, DO Jennifer Curtis, PA-C REAL ESTATE SERVICES We are Accepting New Patients at: Brush Creek Commons II 125 Emeryville Drive, Suite 120 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Real Estate. Real Simple. Cell (724) 831-1062 Business (412) 366-1600 A part of UPMC Senior Communities 724.772.2340 [email protected] Enjoy the many amenities of this large, gated campus surrounded by beautiful wooded acreage conveniently located in Cranberry Township. 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Ask your AGENT or LENDER to provide you with the Best Closing Experience! “Close your next mortgage transaction Where and When you want to Close!” At YOUR office! Real Estate Agents In YOUR home! Lenders Bill Gruber, President/Parishioner Email: [email protected] Rt. 8 - Gibsonia Educated Consumers 412-322-4001 412-952-5105 (M) 724-443-1575 Serving the North Hills Since 1953 MATT MERTZ Trusted by Doctors • Preferred by Patients • 724-779-1300 5 Time Reader’s Choice Best Physical Therapy TRENCHLESS SEWER REPAIR 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK NOW ACCEPTING ANY LOCAL COMPETITORS COUPONS WWW.MATT-MERTZ-PLUMBING.COM MENTION THIS AD FOR $15 OFF Parishioners Patrick & Lee Ann Sheehy 490900 St Kilian Church (C) PLUMBING INC. 412-367-0815 • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES! *RESTRICTIONS APPLY PA # 033519 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 TAX PREPARATION SERVICES $10 Off w/Ad Piazza Plaza, Cranberry Banquet & Meeting Facility Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals Showers, Communions, Anniversaries Don’t Suffer Anymore with Hemorrhoids! BANQUET INFO LINE: (724) 766-1908 RESTAURANT (724) 776-6455 In a 2 to 3 second office procedure, THEY ARE GONE! Call Now 724-935-1122 724-612-8333 Voted Best Chiropractor Six Years in a Row! BRADLEY A. LEVINSON, M.D. Butler’s Diamond Family Since 1949 524 Northpointe Circle • Seven Fields 724-591-5776 (Next to Siba Restaurant) James E. Brown “Specializing in Individual Tax Preparation” Affordable - Experienced • Sole Proprietorships BOARD CERTIFIED COLON & RECTAL SURGEON 105 Brandt Drive, Suite 202 • Cranberry Twp • 724-741-6020 2009 - 2014 *Tribune Review Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 860.399.1785 READY TO GET RESULTS? THE TRAINING CENTRE THE TRAINING CENTRE 518 Myoma Rd., Ste. 100 • Mars • 724-591-8445 IS THE PLACE! ASE Certified Tire and Auto Center Pittsburgh, PA Please visit for more information 7-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP Mon.-Thurs. 5am-9pm • Fri. 5am-8pm • Sat. 7am-5pm • Sun. 7am-3pm Design Decisions... No Regrets 20636 Rt. 19N Cranberry Twp. National Accounts Welcome Tel 412.381.9977 Mars, PA FREE GET STRONGER, LEANER & HEALTHIER WITH RESULTS FITNESS Tel 724.776.9977 CRANBERRY SUPPLY CO. Mulch • Top Soil • Building Supplies (724) 776-1610 Rowan Rd. Cranberry Twp., PA Johnny McClymonds, Parishioner 10% Off w/ this ad (724) 776-2886 Serving Butler County Dental Needs Since 1964 John S. Pawlowicz, DDS, FAGD John E. Pawlowicz, DMD, AGD - Parishioner Jason J. Pawlowicz, DMD, AGD - Parishioner Countertops Marble, Granite, Soapstone, Quartz Cabinets Interior Design Color Consultations PARISHIONER Carol J. Cantando Tutoring Specializing in Elementary Reading and Math [email protected] H# 724-591-8275 C# 925-787-5524 516 Hansen Ave Lyndora, PA 16045 Telephone • 724•287•4000 *24 Hours Nursing Care *Daily Activities *Rehab Services *Warm Caring Staff A Secured Alzheimer’s/Dementia Facility Specializing in Personal Care for the Memory Impaired 500 Seven Fields Blvd., Mars, PA (724) 779-5020 Employment Opportunities Available Michael D. Funovits President Roofing Systems & Services HIC #PA025958 • Commercial • Residential • Architectural Sheet Metal • Institutional P. O. Box 662 Valencia, PA 16059 (p) 724.903.0020 (c) 866-245-2759 (f) 724.903.0031 (email) [email protected] NOW HIRING QUALITY FAMILY DENTAL CARE 724-776-5151 1325 Freedom Road 1-800-770-8260 Next to Sheetz architecture Manufacturing & General Labor Positions! Leaders in Staffing Industry since 1965 Let Us Put You to Work! 1-800-770-8260 Long Term & Short Term Positions Dependability, Integrity & Trust For your home, auto, & business insurance We find insurance that fits your needs. Gretchen Howard Pass, Parishioner Get a quote online at: 490900 St Kilian Church (B) Joseph A. Terravecchia, O.D. 724-553-5555 (Butler) 724.283.8181 6501 Mars Rd., Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 (Seven Fields) 724.772.8180 planning interior design Corporate & Insitutional Clients please contact: Jeffrey Brown, AIA, Principal Architect phone: 412-281-1337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Funeral Home, Inc. A TRUSTED NAME IN FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1912 238 CROWE AVENUE • MARS, PA 16046 724-625-2900 • John C. Hanovick Supervisor & Parishioner Lawrence S. Han, DPM 100 Perry Hwy., Suite 109 Harmony, PA 16037 Phone: 724-473-8080 Fax: 724-473-8072 You are Invited PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY OPEN HOUSE September 11, 2014 20397 Route 19, Suite 230 Cranberry Township 4:00-7:00 PM & GIVE-A-WAYS WILL BE INCLUDED DILLON MCCANDLESS KING COULTER & GRAHAM LLP AT T O R N E Y S AT L AW [email protected] Shop ‘n Save Dwayne Spurlock - CEO, Founder and Parishioner 201 Grand Avenue • Mars State of $ a vings. HORS D’OEUVRES, COCKTAILS 412-324-1121 (724) 553-5706 Jay Bullie Insurance Agy Inc Jay Bullie, Agent 1667 Route 228 Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 Bus: 724-625-3588 724-625-9130 724-625-9190 Get discounts up to 40%* Saving money is important. That’s why you can count on me to get you all the discounts you deserve. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CALL ME TODAY. 1101282.1 *Discounts vary by state. State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL BRICK OVEN Perry Hwy., Warrendale, PA 800 Cranberry Woods Drive, Suite 100 Cranberry Township, PA 16066 724-776-6644 Dine In, Take Out, Delivery and Catering (We deliver up to a 5 mile radius) Pizzas...Salads...Pastas... DR. R. PATRICK FRANCIS, AuD Homemade Desserts... Board Certified Audiologist Open 7 Days a Week Lunch & Dinner “Faith comes by hearing” ROMANS 10:17 Let Aviva cater your next social or business event 724.933.3440 Leonard P. Crawford Heating and Air Conditioning Sales & Service • Tool & Equipment Rentals • Decorative Concrete Products Contact us for details • Concrete Grinding & Polishing Products WWW.AVIVABRICKOVEN.COM • Stihl Power Equipment 724-799-8849 Route 228, Cranberry Twp. 16066 soon, an expanded 724-776-1450 Coming dining area and lounge Our Newest Beautiful Location (724) 898-2121 Parishioner MARK B. DEVLIN, Supervisor 2678 Rochester Road • Cranberry Township, PA Cranberry / North Hills Edward R. Robison D.D.S. - General Dentistry - Alex Audia Agent 7031 Crider Road, Suite 125, Mars, PA 16046 Bus 724-625-6300 Fax 724-625-6307 Providing Insurance and Financial Services PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE SERVICE INC. Cranberry Professional Park Bldg. 101, Rt. 19 at Rochester (724) 776-4250 Toys ◆ Trains ◆ Planes Trucks ◆ & Much More Serving Our Green and Living World Mulch & Gravel Sales, Landscaping 1232 Mars - Evans City Rd., Mars Parishioner (724) 538-0567 724-772-8800 1713 Route 228 ◆ Cranberry Commons Drive ◆ Near Target & Lowe’s (724) 779-2000 ◆ GENERAL CONTRACTORS Replacement Windows Electrical • Remodeling • Solar Energy • LED Lighting • Garage Doors Entry Doors — Storm Doors FREE ESTIMATES 724-452-7644 • 490900 St Kilian Church (A) Insulated Glass — Screens Tom Jones 412-821-4322 100 Evergreen Ave., Pittsburgh WWW.PGHWINDOWDOOR.COM Michael Hetzler 724-452-5900 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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