Thursday 20 November 2014
6.00pm for registration 6.30pm for the talk
Olswang LLP, 90 High Holborn, London WC1V 6XX
You are invited to KCCLA's Christmas 'Bond' mock adjudication focusing on quantum and a failed
subterranean project, with a leaking shark pool and defective roof top death ray, against the background
of a battle for global domination of the claims market. All these matters will be determined with extreme
prejudice during the discussion.
The mock adjudication will be led by John Riches, Henry Cooper Consultants, as adjudicator, James
Davison, 3 Paper Buildings, and Jonathan Gold, Sheridan Gold, as advocates, Gary Peters,
Blackrock PM, and Sarah Collett, gb2, as expert witnesses and Anne Wright, Lawrence Stephens,
and Francis Ho, Olswang LLP, as the clients.
A drinks reception will follow the adjudication, kindly hosted by Olswang
To reserve a place for yourself and a guest please contact Emma Thomas – [email protected]
Alumnus or (fem) alumna n, pl – ni or – nae.
A graduate of a school, college etc. (from the Latin: nursling, pupil, from alere to nourish)