Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY PENDLETON SITE Rectory & Mailing Address 5442 Tonawanda Creek Road No. Tonawanda, NY 14120 716-625-8594 • Fax: 625-8365 [email protected] Religious Ed: 716-625-8817 ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS 8700 Goodrich Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Rev. Daniel A. Young, Pastor Rev. Augustine Ayaga, In Residence Deacon Robert Bauer, Permanent Deacon Brian Karaszewski & Donald Spoth, Trustees Rick Paolini, Bookkeeper Michael Denz, Director of Religious Education Barb Carpenter, Secretary David Fischer, Maintenance Clayton & Beverly Merlihan, Advocates for Persons with Disabilities M ASSES Monday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Campus Site Tuesday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site Wednesday: Healing Mass ..........7:00 p.m........ Pendleton Site Thursday & Friday: ....8:00 a.m.. ...... Campus Site Saturday:.......................4:30 p.m........ Pendleton Site Sunday:..........................9:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site ..........................11:00 a.m... ... Campus Site R ECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. –Pendleton Site, or by appointment. N EW P ARISHIONERS B APTISMS We acknowledge the blessing our parish receives when a baby is born into a parish family. Baptisms are celebrated on scheduled Saturday’s of the month. A Baptismal preparation class is given to the parents. Godparents must be registered in a Roman Catholic Church and attending Mass on a regular basis and able to receive a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest. Call the Parish Office to schedule a time and date for a Baptismal class. M ARRIAGES Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. Dates are reserved only for registered parishioners. Each couple must meet with the Pastor before any dates will be reserved. Attendance at a Diocesan Pre-Cana Class or weekend retreat is required. S ICK C ALLS If you are confined to home and would like to receive Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Privacy laws prohibit all health care facilities from contacting us. Families must call us directly to inform us of individual needs. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing process. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION A letter will be given to registered parishioners who attend Mass regularly, who have received the Sacraments of Bap- Page Two TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 16, 2014 SATURDAY, Nov. 15th, St. Albert the Great, Bishop 4:30 pm Henry Becker by Wife & Children SUNDAY, Nov. 16th, Twenty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time 9:00 am Chester & Helen Chapin by Gene & Annette Darlak 11:00 am Esther Pegler by Marty & Joanne Berger MONDAY, Nov. 17th St. Elizabeth Of Hungary 8:00 am Unborn by Former Knights of Columbus TUESDAY, Nov. 18th, Dedication Of The Basilicas Of Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles 8:00 am Michael Gruszewski by Ed, Chuck, Tracy & Dolores WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19th 7:00 pm Dorothy Roland by Ken, Mary Lynne Lefort & Family THURSDAY, Nov. 20th 8:00 am All Parishioners by Pastor FRIDAY, Nov. 21st. Presentation Of The Blessed , Virgin Mary 8:00 am Rev. Edward Schroeder by Estate SATURDAY, Nov. 22nd, St Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr 4:30 pm Sr. Helen Talbot by Pat Vergils SUNDAY, Nov. 23rd, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King Of the Universe 9:00 am Carmen Otero by Loving Son 11:00 am Michael Gruszewski by Mary Lou, Deanna & Parish Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Collection for the week ending Nov. 9th: Regular Fuel Catholic University $5, 879.00 127.00 364.00 Capital Campaign Week Ending To Date Still Needed $ 685.00 *63, 488.00 18, 367.00 Total Number of Donors 167 Please Pray for our Sick: Beth Adams, Diane Anderson, Carol Barber, Chase Bartholomew, Betty Lou Beiter, Catherine Beiter, Ruth Blair, John Blersch, Alice Body, Cathy Bowler, Ellen Branicky, Judy Brzyski, June Burngasser, Patrick Callahan, Alysca Cantrell, Gene Cassidy, Cindy Colello, Sharon Curtis, Louann Delaney, Jim Fiegel, Henry Fink (infant), Dennis Fitzgibbons, Rosie Frost, James Furey, Payton Furner, Jim Garlock, Josephine Genco, Joseph Godzisz, Darcy Gow, Alice Guenther, Geralyn Hens, Alyssa Herbst (child), Heather Hornsby, Dolores Kae, Jamie Kauschinger, Joseph Kedron, Marjorie Keith, Jim Keller, Caroline Kopacz, Timothy Koszelak, Dave Kowalski, Stella Krzos, Tina Langlotz, Loretta Layer, Bob Liberto, Ron Lindemann, James Lombardi, Joyce Lombardi, Wesley Londos, Donna Keith McCain, Joseph Malahosky, Mark Malenda, Mariana Maniscalco, Barbara Manke, Patricia Massey, Matthew McJury, Gloria Meehan, James Merlihan, Linda Miller, Colleen Mondello, Jose Montaner, Alan Morlock, Linda Moskal, Theresa Muffoletto, Vincent Muffoletto, Jesse Palumbo, John Park, Josephine Park, Christina Pelsh, Patrick Petrie, Mary Raybor, Kristie Rush, Yolanda Sherriff, Madelyn Sikorski, Sharon Siminski, Kathi Smith, Ellen Sponholz, Dave Trietley, Michele Vergils, Charlotte Wald, Marilyn Walsh, Trudy Welsh, Doris Winter, Geri Witkowski, Ruth Wolf, A Look Ahead: Mon. Nov. 17 Bible study-after 8am Mass, Campus Mon. Nov. 17 7pm Prayer Group, Pendleton Tues. Nov.18 7pm Rosary, Honsberger Home Mon. Dec. 1 7pm Advent Penance Service, Pendleton We remember all those men and women who are serving in our armed forces and pray they come home soon and safe. Please pray for peace. Sat./Sun. Dec. 13, 14 Christmas Dessert Sale, Pendleton RCIA Have you considered becoming a Roman Catholic? The process for becoming a Catholic is called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). There are several steps along the way before entering the Catholic Faith. The process includes instruction, prayer, Scripture, sharing and discernment. If you or someone you know would be interested, please contact the parish office at 625-8594. Brian Haseltine, a parishioner and director of the parish RCIA, will hold classes in the Pendleton Parish Hall. POINSETTIA PLANTS The Altar and Rosary Society is taking orders for 6 1/2 inch Poinsettia plants in Red and White for $10.00 each. The plants can also be designated In Memory of a Loved One for the altars at both worship sites. There will be someone to take your order at the en- Page Three November 16, 2014 A Word From The Bishop, Religious Education News Schedule: Sun. Nov 16, Rel. Ed. Class The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come to the aid of communities nationwide for over 40 years in an effort to eradicate poverty. During World Youth Day, July 25, 2013, Pope Francis told us to “never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity.” CCHD puts these words into action by funding housing, education and the development of job opportunities. Catholic Trivia Answer: There is no St. John Lateran. The Cathedral in Rome is named St. John Lateran because two of it’s patrons are St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. Lateran refers to the family who gave the land to the pope so the Cathedral could be built. Saint Quote of the Week: “How could I bear a crown of gold when the Lord bears a crown of thorns?” and bears it for me!” St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Feast Day November 17th Projects supported by CCHD move beyond providing for basic needs. They work to build healthy, sustainable futures for communities. This past year CCHD provided grants to several organizations including: Catechism Quote of the Week: 1360 The Eucharist is a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father, a blessing by which the Church expresses her gratitude to God for all his benefits, for all that he has accomplished through creation, re- *Cantalician Center’s program that prepares developmentally disabled adults for employment. *Vive la Casa in its efforts to provide life skills education for refugees. *NOAH, Niagara Organizing Alliance for Hope, in its work to provide improved public transportation. CHRISTMAS TREE TAGS Thank you to all parishioners for your generous response in taking one or more tags from our Giving Tree for St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy. You help is enabling a child in the poorest area of Buffalo to have a special Christmas. Please return all gifts wrapped and with the tag attached by December 1st to the Church or the Parish Office during normal business hours. This collection is the primary source of funding for CCHD grants and education programs. Collection funds offer new hope each year to those living in poverty throughout the United States. And remember, 25 percent of the Collection proceeds stay here in our diocese to fight poverty in our communities and defend the dignity of our neighbors. Help us defend human dignity and show Christ’s charity to those in need. SUNDAY TV MASS 7:30AM WUTV Fox TV 29 Nov. 16 Rev Walter Szczeny, Nov. 23 Rev. Msgr. Jerome Sullivan, Nov. 30 Rev. Angelo Chimera FAMILY LIFE MINISTRIES St. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans of many comforting words. During times of loss, loneliness and grief, we may not feel or recognize God’s presence in our lives. Though we can’t imagine all the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing, we do understand a bit about grieving and that it is a process. Call the Office of Family Life Ministries at 847-2210 or email [email protected]. for a free bereavement packet of materials designed to provide support. For more information about the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the groups it funds, please visit Yours sincerely in Christ CONGRATULATIONS We congratulate Cole Beiter, our Ninth Grade parishioner on achieving Third Honors in the first marking period at Canisius High School. VOCATION To those who have, much will be given. Count your blessings. Give them away. If God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Father Walter Szczesny at 847-5535. Check out! and see what our website offers. CRAFT SHOW St. Gregory The Great Parish will hold their annual Craft Show on Fri. Nov. 28th from 10am-4pm and Sat. Nov. 29th 10am-3pm. 150 local artisans and crafters will sell their unique, homemade, quality items in the school and Ministry Center, Williamsville (next to MillardFillmore Suburban Hospital). For further information, visit PRO LIFE OFFICE The office of Pro Life and the St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Center sends a “Special Thanks” to all for the support, prayers and contributions we have received. As Mother Teresa has said, “It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing.” May God continue to bless you for your generosity. FOOD COLLECTION The Christian Mothers are collecting canned tuna fish and soups for the Pendleton Food Pantry. Donation boxes are in the back of the Church. THANKSGIVING TURKEYS We are collecting frozen turkeys for the needed in our parish and area! Please bring a 10 or 14 pound turkey to the parish office during normal .
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