Pastor Fr. Joseph Zareski Deacons Dc. Joseph During Dc. Stephen Smith Pastoral Associates Sr. Harriet Hamilton Betty West Carol Partigianoni Victor Baez St. Mary’s School Denise Hall, Principal Office Staff Sue Laman Theresa DeHart Joan Sweeting Bulletin Editor Brittany Laman Faith Formation Jen Fischer Gary Hoyt Mindy Gardner Teresa Ripley Bob & Stephanie Densmore Music Ministry Nancy Yang Stevens Armand DiScenna Pastoral Council President Annamaria Maniaci Vice President Bob Densmore President Michael Dexter Vice President Gary Hoyt Trustees James Nichols Lucy Murphy Al Saracene Andrew Polley St. Mary’s Church ● 46 N. Main St., Cortland, NY ● [email protected] St. Anthony’s Church ● 50 Pomeroy St., Cortland, NY ● [email protected] St. Anthony’s & St. Mary’s Parish Center ● 59 N. Main St., Cortland, NY ● tel (607) 756-9967 ● fax (607) 753-3444 ● Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9 AM - 3 PM November 9, 2014 We Always WELCOME New Parishioners If you’re new, please introduce yourselves, register at the Parish Center, and let us know what we can do to make you feel right at home! Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are normally celebrated after a weekend Mass. Please contact the Parish Center for information regarding the preparation class and to schedule. Faith Formation: The education of our children in the life-giving truths of our Faith is the heart of our mission as a parish. St Mary’s School accepts children in pre-K through grade 8. Children enrolled in the public schools grades K-10 attend Religious Education classes at their respective parishes on Sunday mornings. Students in High School attend Confirmation classes. Our Youth Ministry group meets once a week for faith-filled activities. Marriage Preparation: Marriage arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance by calling the parish office for an appointment. Pre-Cana attendance is required. Anointing and Visits to the Sick: Please notify the Parish Center of a family member’s admission to a hospital or nursing care facility, or of confinement at home to arrange for spiritual care, Holy Communion and/or Anointing of the Sick. The Mass from St Mary’s is televised on cable channel 2 at 10 AM on Sunday mornings. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? RCIA is a process for becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Faith. It is for those who are seeking Baptism in the Catholic Faith, those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition & now seek to be a member of the Catholic Faith, & for those who have been baptized Catholic but have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation & Eucharist. For St Mary’s, contact Bob Bell at 756-9221 or Caleb Payne at 299-4356 and St Anthony’s, contact Stephanie Passeri-Densmore at 756-6723. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Mass Intentions Saturday, Nov 8 St. Mary’s 4:00 PM Rudy Boll Norma Riley Catholic Daughters Andrew R Race (5th Anniv) Kevin & Marybeth Conlon St. Anthony’s 5:30 PM Pasqua Sepe Sepe Family Angie MacLean MaryAnn & Carl Fadale Guy Passeri Adriana D’Adamio Sunday, Nov 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica St. Mary’s 8:00 AM Robert B Chase, Jr (1st Anniv) The Gorman Family A Irene Camillo (5th Anniv) Children & Grandchildren 11:00 AM Joseph Roszkowski (2nd Anniv) Dan & Sally Stehm St. Anthony’s 9:30 AM Saverio & Josephine Mancini Daughter Grave Biviano Joyce Alteri & Family Monday, Nov 10 at St Anthony’s November 9, 2014 Readings for the Week of November 9th Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37; Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Ps 146; Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119; Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112; Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of theChurch O’Heron Newman Center Welcomes Students George Tucci Phil Corsi Angela (Angie) MacLean David & Rosa Strauff John D’Adamio Adriana & Family Tuesday, Nov 11 at St Mary’s Veteran’s Day The O’Heron Newman Center welcomes SUNY Cortland college students to celebrate Eucharist on Sunday Evenings at 8 PM. TC3 students are also welcome! 5:30 PM Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop 9:00 AM For all Veterans - Living and Deceased Wednesday, Nov 12 at St Mary’s Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr 7:00 AM Aileen Johnson Thursday, Nov 13 Bryan Riccardi Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin No Mass Friday, Nov 14 at St Mary’s 7:00 AM Steven Schilling Saturday, Nov 15 John R Anderson Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church St. Mary’s 4:00 PM Margaret West Hoadley John Ferguson Mary T Rafferty Disabled American Vets Chapter 153 St. Anthony’s 5:30 PM For the People of St Anthony’s & St Mary’s Parishes Mr & Mrs Nick Yacovone Nieces, Maria, Gilda, & Dora Deceased Members of The Stella D’Oro Lodge Stella D’Oro Lodge Members Sunday, Nov 16 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary’s 8:00 AM Dorothy Moran (10th Anniv) Sr Sheila Moran & Ginny Jones 11:00 AM Legion of Mary Deceased Members St. Anthony’s 9:30 AM Trudy Testa Mr & Mrs Robert Densmore Grace Biviano Debbie Falso Murray The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturdays: 3 PM at St. Mary’s Church After 5:30 PM Mass at St. Anthony’s Church. Veterans Day Mass This year we are asking all relatives of veterans to submit a picture of a family member who is a veteran for display during Mass. Please bring framed or other pictures to the Parish Center before November 11th. Any questions, contact Mike Dexter at 745-3299. Veteran’s Day Tuesday, November 11th 9 AM Mass at St Mary’s Join us as we recognize all Veteran’s at this special Mass. Veteran’s are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Please Note: There will be NO 10 AM Mass at St Anthony’s. The Parish Office will be closed. Coming This Week to a Parish Near You… Cortland Catholic Youth Ministry M Choir/10:30 AM/M Hall M Children’s Church/11 AM Mass/M Hall O’Heron Newman Center/Mass/8 PM Monday Rosary/7 AM/M Chapel No School/SMS/Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday Rosary/7 AM/M Chapel Veteran’s Day/Mass/9 AM/St M Parish Office Closed No School SMS Rosary Cenacle/2 PM/M Chapel Holy Hour/4 PM/M Chapel Wednesday Rosary/After 7 AM Mass/M Chapel Liturgy of Hours/7:30 AM/SMS SCC/1 PM/M Conference Room Bible Study/2:30 PM/PC Youth Group/6:30 PM/PC RCIA/7 PM/PC Thursday Rosary/7 AM/M Chapel Stella D’Oro/6:30 PM/A Hall M Choir/7 PM/M Hall Knights of Columbus/7 PM/PC Bingo/7 PM/SMS Cafe Friday Rosary/After 7 AM Mass/M Chapel Christian Women of Faith/10 AM/M Hall Saturday Rosary/8 AM/M Chapel Blood Drive/8 AM - 1 PM/M Hall Divine Treasures/Open House/ 10 AM - 4 PM/PC Sat & Sun: Grocery Cards/After Masses/M Hall & A Atrium Sunday M Religious Ed/9:20 AM/PC Nov 16 A Religious Ed/10:30 AM/A Hall & Rectory M Choir/10:30 AM/M Hall M Family Mass/11 AM/Coffee Hr to Follow O’Heron Newman Center/Mass/8 PM Sunday Nov 9 Give the Gift of Life! Our next blood drive is Saturday, November 15th from 8 AM– 1 PM at St. Mary’s Church Hall. One hour of your time can give this gift of life. Divine Treasures Christmas Open House Saturday, November 15th 10 AM– 4 PM at the Parish Center Please stop in for holiday shopping, refreshments and enter our drawing for a chance to win a Christmas basket! Youth Group: Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 12th at 6:30 PM at the Parish Center. All youth entering into 7th grade up to 12th grade are welcome! Mindy: (315) 406-6615 or [email protected] Kimberly: 423-7497or [email protected] Adult Education Class - The Family Fully Alive Is your family life fully alive in God's plan? Are you living the life God created for you? Do you want to explore how to talk to your kids about our Catholic faith? Join Lisa Lickona Sundays twice a month (on the days Religious Ed is held) from 9:20 AM-10:40 AM at the Parish Center, starting on December 7th. We'll discuss and reflect on our Catholic teachings for the family. Using the book Love is Our Mission (visit for more details) and an open format, we'll focus on topics surrounding the family. The group will meet concurrently with children's religious education classes for those parents wishing to stay. Contact J en F is ch er (3 1 5 -2 4 3 -6 4 22 o r e ma i l : [email protected]) for more details. Looking Ahead… From now until January we have early bulletin deadlines. Please take a moment to get your announcements ready and send them to us soon, before the busy season is upon us! We’ll be sure to highlight your events in the proper bulletin edition. St Mary’s Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 22nd 10 AM - 4 PM The St Mary’s Christmas Bazaar is now only a few weeks away. Make sure to save the date – November 22nd, from 10 AM - 4 PM. It’s an exciting day for everyone! The children’s activities, the book fair, the food, the quilts, the vendors. . . something for everyone! If you have been looking for an opportunity to help out here at school, but are unable to get in during the typical school day, this may be your opportunity. We are looking for people who would like to volunteer in a wide variety of ways. We need help setting up, working in the game area, the kitchen, baking cakes for the cake wheel, tearing down, etc. If you are interested in helping, either in a specific area or anywhere we need an extra set of hands, please let me know as soon as possible. As we know, many hands make things run even smoother. You can contact me through email ([email protected]), or leave a note for me in the office. I appreciate all the help, whether its for the day, or just for a couple of hours. Lori Prine The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 St. Anthony of Padua Parish Liturgical Ministers 5:30 PM Nov 15/16 Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Ushers Greeters Rosary 9:30 AM D Cimini, P Galutz, L Moheimani, B Fauth, C Partigianoni V Colongeli, J Rosato, J Morehouse, M Nicholas, V Baez K Noble, D Noble S Passeri-Densmore, L Davis A Moheimani, S Moheimani P Davis, M Snyder, I McMahon C & M Pizzola, G Pizzola D Schlenker, J Schlenker, N Petrella P Testa, S Passeri-Densmore D & P Hutchings M Banazek Sr V Natoli Note: If you are unable to serve as assigned, PLEASE find a replacement or contact your coordinator Sacrificial Giving - St Anthony’s Our Religious Education Program includes classes for Pre-K to High School & includes First Communion & Confirmation programs. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM in the Church Hall & Rectory. • Our next classes will be held on November 16th & 23rd. Questions, call Bob & Stephanie Densmore (756-6723) • A Family Perspective Just as the laborers built St John Lateran stone by stone, so families are built stone by stone. What are these stones by which a family is built: respect, honesty, faith, commitment, forgiveness. What stones can you add? Candles Burning for the week of November 9th in Loving Memory of: Blessed Sacrament Mary Snyder Eileen & Bill Fiske, in Appreciation St Anthony Vincenza Giuliano Ann Rongo Chapel of Remembrance Andrew & Antoinette Prezioso Holy Family Maryann Berardi Murphy, Healing Miracle Eileen & Bill Fiske Maryann Berardi Murphy & Mom, Elissa Grandchildren Mary D’Addario Nick Fabrizio Mom, Elissa Fabrizio Oct 25/26……….…………...…..……..……..……..……….…$2,930.00 Seminary……………………………………………..…………..….$241.00 Thank you for your gifts of time, talent and treasure! New Hymnals Starting With Advent In November, the 1st Sunday of Advent, we will start using our new hymnals. For a donation of $20, you can dedicate a hymnal in memory of a loved one, or for someone who is still living. A sticker will be placed inside the front cover of each hymnal that is dedicated. Please call the Parish Center at 756-9967 if you are interested. Stella D’Oro Stella D’Oro will meet on Thursday, November 13th at 6:30 PM at St Anthony’s Church Hall. We will be remembering our deceased members. Save The Date! St Anthony’s House Tour will be Sunday, December 7th. Tickets will be available soon! Please watch the bulletin for more details. St Anthony’s Prayer Chain If you know of someone in need of special prayers and would like them listed on St Anthony’s Prayer Chain, please contact Debbie Hutchings at 758-3161 or contact the Parish Office at 756-9967. St. Mary’s Parish Liturgical Ministers Nov 15/16 4:00 PM Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers Grocery Cards 8:00 AM 11:00 AM M & E Mason, J & L Murphy, T Riley, B & D West B Bell, B Brady, R Dunphy, J During, R Emm, S Hall, B Isaf P Jackson, L Mead, M Mulvana, P Perfetti, M Petrella, J & K Tomko B Mason (GL), J Sikora (R) J Petrella (GL), H Bell (R) M Petrella (G), A Caravella (R), Family Mass L Mulvana, N Mulvana, M Foster L Chase, C Chase, G Jones J Gutchess, A Augur, C Dwyer L Starr M Card A Dearie Altar Care for November: S Hay, G Jones, B McGraw, K Payne Note: If you are unable to serve as assigned, PLEASE find a replacement or contact your coordinator Faith Formation Classes are held on Sundays 9:20 AM 10:40 AM at the Parish Center, approximately twice a month. Religious Education is for students Pre-K - 10th Grade. Our next class will be held on November 16th. Jen Fischer, Religious Ed [email protected] Gary Hoyt, Confirmation [email protected] Sacrificial Giving - St Mary’s Oct 25/26……..…………..………..………………………….…$10,371.80 Seminary………………………………………………………..……$864.00 Thank you for your gifts of time, talent and treasure! Vocation View Why do we celebrate building today? It reminds us that we are living stones meant to be built up to a dwelling place for God. In order to be built upon, stones must first be cut and shaped. If you want to know more about the formation process for priests and religious, call Fr Joe O’Connor at 315-470-1468. Please kindly pray for the repose of the souls of the following who entered into their eternal reward recently: Alexander L Milham Linda Farron May they rest in peace. In Memory of Msgr Minehan GREEN envelopes marked “In Memory of Msgr Michael P Minehan for St Mary’s School Tuition Assistance” have been included in St Mary’s envelope packet. Msgr felt a Catholic education is paramount, and the students are the parishioners of tomorrow. To honor him, we have an annual collection in his name for tuition assistance at the school. If you wish to donate, place your envelope in with the regular collection anytime during the month of November. James Sarvay (10th Anniversary) Marie A McCormick (60th Anniversary) Alfred & Jane Bellardini St Mary’s Prayer Chain If you know of someone in need of special prayers and would like them listed on St Mary’s Prayer Chain, please contact Colleen Bentley at [email protected], Norma Riley at 7566949 or the Parish Office at 756-9967. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica “Towards a Future of Hope” All gifts graciously and gratefully accepted! $1 - $5 - $25 - $40 - $75 - $100 - $500 Each gift brings us closer to our goal! It is our HOPE that you will choose to participate in the Annual Diocesan HOPE Appeal Campaign. With the participation of each and every parish family, we should be able to meet our parish goals (assessment). You may place completed pledges in the collection basket or return them to the Parish Center. You can also make a secure pledge online at Remember: 50% of all gifts over our assessment is returned to the parish! Many thanks to those who have responded to date! November 9, 2014 Saint Mary’s School News 61 N. Main Street, Cortland School Office: 756-5614 Upcoming Events: November 10th: Parent/Teacher Conferences/ No School November 22nd: St Mary’s Bazaar/10 AM - 4 PM Grocery Cards: Don’t forget to buy your grocery cards! The school earns 5 % of all sales. You spend $100 on a card and you get that exact Value! This is a no-cost fundraiser. This program helps keep tuition below the actual cost. Thank you for your continued support of our school! Knights of Columbus News The next regular monthly meeting will be November 13th at 7 PM at the Parish Center. Christian Women of Faith Christian Women of Faith of Cortland is an ecumenical group that regularly brings together Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and other Christian women in Cortland County to pray together for our community and to use responsibly and creatively the resources God has entrusted to us - our intelligence, time, energy, kindness and love. Our next meeting is Friday, November 14th at St Mary’s Church Hall from 10 - 11 AM. For more information call Cindy Hering @ 753-9917, Peggy Dennis @ 756-5842, Florence Palm @ 753-7148, or Mary Louise Congdon @ 753-0413. Three Gifts - Our Christmas Offering A Christmas Cantata performed by the Countryside Community Choir will be presented at St. Anthony's Church on Sunday, November 30th at 2:30 PM. The program of continuous music, solos, and narration will be just under an hour and refreshments will be offered afterwards in the Church Hall. The Countryside Community Choir is made up of about 40 volunteers from our surrounding communities, who come together to sing praise to God. Every year Countryside performs a Christmas and Easter cantata at various churches throughout the local central NY area. Everyone is cordially invited to attend and though it is a free concert, a free will offering will be collected for the Community Choir to help keep their sound equipment in shape, and to offset electric and heating costs at their rehearsal site. Catholic Daughters of the Americas The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Cortland #919, will have a home-baked Bread Sale on Saturday, November 22nd & Sunday, November 23rd after all Masses at St Mary’s Church Hall. Marcia Bulger will chair this sale. Stock up for the Holidays! St Mary’s Boy Scout Troop 197 St Mary’s Boy Scout Troop 197 meets Tuesday evenings at the Parish Center from 6:30-7:30 PM and every third Monday at the TC3 pool from 7-8 PM. If you love camping, hiking, fishing, orienteering, fun & adventure, as well as learning valuable lifelong skills, we invite boys who are 11-17 years of age to join us. For more information, please contact Norm Chance at 607423-4482 or 607-753-1465, or come to one of our meetings. We would love to have you join us! OUTREACH PROGRAM BULLETIN BOARD “In this season of thanksgiving, let’s give “thanks” by giving”. Author Unknown Rural Services is in need of gently used warm clothing and warm boots. Also, any non-perishable food such as cereals, mac and cheese, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, canned fruits and vegetables. Clean blankets, free of pet hair and stains, are needed. There is a family in need of a clean, used, working stove. Helping Hands Caring Hearts has a continuous need for infant and toddlers clothing and formula. We pick up and deliver. Please call 753-1678 or 753-0456, or use the drop off boxes in St. Mary's & St. Anthony's Churches.
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