PLEASE PRAY FOR: “I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. ” WEEK AT A GLANCE (October 13 to 19 ) Mon 8 a.m. CWL Meat Pies 11 a.m. Thanksgiving Social 8 p.m. AA Tues 8 a.m. CWL Meat Pies 9:30 a.m. Mom’s the Word 1:30 p.m. Celebrate the Word 7:30 p.m. Baptism Preparation Meeting Wed 9:30 a.m. Rosary 10:30 a.m. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion 1:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 5:00 p.m. Friendship Meal 7 p.m. “Folk Choir” Practice 7 p.m. CWL Social/Auction 7 p.m. Special Gifts Committee Thurs 9:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration 11:30 a.m. Jolly Makers and Cards Fri 9:30 a.m. Rosary 1:00 p.m. Ordinary Time School Mass 7 p.m. ULTREYA Sat 10 a.m. “11 a.m. Choir” Practice 3:00 p.m. Wedding- Ian McLeod & Jennifer Sioen Sun 10 a.m. Parish Library open 11 am. Sunday School MASS INTENTIONS (October 14 to 18) Mon Tues 7 p.m. Steve Van Quaethem Noella VanHooren Helena Suderman Wed 10 a.m. Jules Petillion Charles Mahu Larry Armstrong Thurs 4:00 p.m. Mass at Woodingford Lodge 7 p.m. Steve Van Quaethem Reiky Wiggers Deceased members of the Kelly Family Fri 10 a.m. Eunice and Vaughan Labadie Manuel Oliveira Patricia Hinnegan-Stewardson Sat 9 a.m. Steve Van Quaethem Hank Van Bommel Rob Coutts 5 p.m. Parishioners of St Mary’s Sun 9 a.m. Parishioners of St Mary’s 11 a.m. Parishioners of St Mary’s ALTAR SERVER (October 14/16) Audrey Jayne WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE (October 18/19) Saturday (5 p.m.) Commentator: Tony Csinos 1st, 2nd Reader: Carla Matos, Linda Bertling Gift Bearers: Gary & Kathy Myny Eucharistic Ministers: Jim Tomlin, Randy Keba, Colleen Hanley, Veronica Holly Greeters: Dorothy Lipsit Sunday (9 a.m.) Commentator: 1st, 2nd Reader: Gift Bearers: Eucharistic Ministers: Greeters: ATTENTION: Bulletin submissions must be e-mailed to Jane at [email protected] by 4pm Tuesdays, thank-you for your cooperation. If you do not have access to email please call 519-842-3224 ext 21. Sunday (11 a.m.) Commentator: 1st, 2nd Reader: Gift Bearers: Eucharistic Ministers: Mike Bossy Anne Stancek, Mary Virag Irene Gubesch Barb Compeau, Joe Oliveira, Mae Feeney, Margaret Tops Joanne Maertens Anna Bognar Heather Pelland, Kim Smith Norbert and Thea Vanhooren Rita Keating, Norbert Vanhooren, Margaret Wilson, Mary Wood ST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 51 Venison St. W. Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 1V1 Tillsonburg Parish Clergy and Staff Rev. Tom Ferrera, Pastor Andre De Decker, Deacon Jack Grim, Deacon Colleen Hanley, Pastoral Minister Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs (9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.) Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 a.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Reconciliation 1/2 hour before all Masses Let your roots go down into Christ, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time phone: (519) 842-3224 fax: (519) 660-7290 email: [email protected] website: facebook: St Mary’s Parish, Children’s “Sunday School” Sept to June, @ 11 a.m. Mass Baptism Preparation Contact Father Tom, ext. 22 Catholic Schools St. Joseph School: (519) 660-2783 Msgr O’Neil School: (519) 660-2772 St. Mary’s High School: (519) 675-4435 Weddings By appointment, and 6 months notice October 12, 2014 CHECK OUT YOUTH MINISTRY ON OUR WEBSITE 842-3224 or [email protected] St. Mary’s Parish, Tillsonburg chanley_dol NET MINISTRIES nd rd Is coming October 22 and 23 to lead our grade 5 and grade 6 students in a retreat called “Who Are You?”. NET is a Catholic Youth Movement of young adult missionaries, bringing youth to Christ across Canada. We are responsible to provide accommodations for the team of 10 young adults for the night of October 22nd. It would be an AMAZING opportunity for families with elementary and high school students to welcome two of the NET team into your house for the evening, hear their story, share a meal and provide a “home away from home” for them. Please contact Colleen Hanley (842-3224 ext 23) if you can help with billeting the NET team. We will need five households to say yes to this. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND RECONCILAITION with individual classes at Msgr. O’Neil continue this week on Thursday October 16th at 9:30 am in the Church. Please pray for our grade five/six class as they encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and in the sacrament of Reconciliation. This is a very beautiful, powerful and personal encounter with Christ for our youth. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School has resumed during the 11 am mass. Children who are toilet trained up until they are in grade two are asked to come forward when Father Tom calls them up at the beginning of the mass before the Gloria. The children with the Sunday School leader and helpers will process out to the Father Langan Parish Centre to learn about the simple rituals of mass and to experience the gospel stories in language and activities geared to their age level. Children return during the offertory so they can receive a blessing at communion. For more information please contact Colleen Hanley ([email protected]). LIVING ROSARY PROGRAM Thank you to EVERYONE who has donated rosaries to the Living Rosary Program in the school. We have completed Msgr. O’Neil classes and have one more to go at St. Joseph School. There is a beauty about having a unique rosary in your hands and being able to feel real beads moving through your fingers as we pray. If you can help us out with any donations please drop them off at the rectory office. Our fabulous rosary volunteers begin praying the rosary in the schools in October – please pray for us! FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST COMMUNION INFORMATION If you have a child in grade two this year they are able to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. We have begun our preparations for children to receive these beautiful Sacraments! Please contact Colleen Hanley (519-842-3224 ext 23) to make an appointment to receive the information package and to register. If your child has graduated from grade two and has not received First Communion or Reconciliation please contact Colleen Hanley as well. Please share this information with your family members who have children in grade two! All registration packages for the sacrament of first reconciliation and first communion are due this Friday October 17th. C.W.L. RUMMAGE SALE JUST A REMINDER to get those cupboards, closets and drawers cleaned out. We gladly accept any clean, resalable items for our sale on Oct. 25. Just mark them "Rummage Sale" and leave them in the church hall coat rack area. We also would appreciate any help to set up on Friday Oct. 24 starting at 1 P.M. in the church hall. Extra hands are also appreciated for clean-up on Saturday at 12 noon in the hall. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus are planning two events in October. The first event will be in the evening on October 19th. We will show appreciation for our ladies and widows. It will also be open to the parish, for anyone who would like a delicious catered meal. This is a Sunday evening so it will not interfere with work. We will also present some of our Knights with awards. **Social—5:00 pm and Dinner—5:30 pm. Cost is $20.00 per person. Please call Ray Sorochan 519-842-2372 by October 8th. The second event is open to anyone interested in going to a C.F.L. game in Toronto, October 25th. Toronto Argos VS Hamilton Tiger Cats. Tickets for the coach and game are $60.00, only if we can fill a bus. Please call Ray Sorochan at 519-842-2372. Must respond by October 18th. 'MISTLETOE MAGIC' CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St Mary’s CWL invites you to their annual Christmas Bazaar When: Saturday, November 8th at 10am till 2pm Where: St. Mary's Church Hall and the Father Langan Parish Centre Country Market, Silent Auction, Knitting and Sewing, Used Books and Toys, Collectibles, Christmas décor and Bake Shop and Grand Draw….. A light lunch will be available in the Church Hall. Adults; $7.00, Children under ten, $3.00, coffee and dessert, $3.00 REACHING MINDS THROUGH MEDIA: OXFORD RIGHT TO LIFE is sponsoring “A Quilt Draw” again this year to raise funds for the media campaign. Proceeds will enable Ontario pro-life groups working together to buy time on TV networks to take the PRO-LIFE message into Canadian homes. Anyone willing to sell a book of tickets or to buy tickets, please contact Bonnie De Decker at 688-3248. Tickets $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. 1st prize Quilt “Field of Glory” (Queen size) 2nd prize Digital Camera (Nikon Coolpix L830) 3rd prize Shopping Gift Certificates (Total value $150.00) DISCALCED CARMELITE SECULAR ORDER A “Come and See” information meeting will be held on October 20st in the Father Langan Parish Center. The St. Mary’s Community was founded by Fr. Dominic Borg and is based on the order’s founding principles as set out by St. Albert. These principles were adapted for secular communities through the OCDS Constitutions for Canadian communities across Canada and approved by the Pope. We are a lay community of prayer, committed to daily reciting of recommended prayers and taking time to study the Bible and the writings of the order’s saints. Through monthly meetings, the individual is supported in the development of a deeper faith life and a personal relationship with Jesus in the truest Catholic tradition. We have as our patroness and example Mary, Queen of Mount Carmel whom we honour as Jesus’ mother. Parishioners who are interested, are welcome to attend an open meeting on Monday October 20st at 6:30 PM. For further information, please call Deacon Andre at 842-3248 or Kathy Myny at 842-4839. CALLING ALL CWL BAZAAR CONVENORS!!! There will be one more Convenor Meeting before our Bazaar on Tuesday October 28th in the Small Meeting Room in the Church Basement at 7 p.m. Please plan to attend to tie up any loose ends before the big day!!! ULTREYA There will be an Ultreya in Tillsonburg on Friday, October 17, 7:30 pm. It will be held in the library at the Fr. Langan Parish Centre, St. Mary’s Parish, 51 Venison Street West, Tillsonburg. Looking forward to seeing you there. SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL The BBQ hosted by SSVP, after the outdoor Mass, went very well and there are many who contributed to it’s success. A great big thank you goes to: Nancy John, Paul Crowder, Marylin and Ray Sorochan, Vance and Pat Malloy, Vicki Luki, Irene Gubesch, Marg Wilson, Juanita De Roo, Anna Bognar, Linda Zili, Charlotte Antonissen, Perry Gosso, and to Eric and Carol Van Moerkerke for their help and donation of fresh corn. Thanks to Mrs. Hanley for helping us locate some exceptional young people who were such a great help. I apologize to them and their parents because I forgot to take down their names. They truly deserve to have them in lights. Forgive me. Thanks to all who attended. We hope you enjoyed it. God bless you. Helen Borbely 6TH ANNUAL MARRIAGE CONFERENCE Saturday, November 1 at Brescia, London Come enjoy, meet new and old friends and learn practical tips for marriage and family from renowned speakers and authors Dr Greg FRIENDSHIP TABLE MEALS & Lisa Popcak at the beautiful campus of Brescia in the new Clare St. Vincent De Paul Friendship Table will be starting again Hall! Free Parking. Register online at or for more information call 519- October 15th at 5:00 p.m. 872-7172 . Sponsored by Family Foundations Institute (FFI) DELHI CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE Fall Rummage Sale Saturday October 18th 2014 COLLECTION DATE Oct 4/5, 2014 8:00am until 12:00pm at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Regular Envelope $ 6020.00 Church in the parish hall—110 Adams Ave Delhi Loose Collection $ 401.00 Building Fund $ 1975.00 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Total Weekend Collection $ 8396.00 Congratulations! Jean and Jerome Waechter celebrated their 60th anniversary on October 7, 2014.
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