NOVEMBER 11, 2014 VOL. 31 NO. 37 Dinner 5:30 p.m. Taizé Worship Wednesday, November 19 6:00 p.m. Fireside Room After dinner, all are invited to this contemplative approach to worship with easy-to-sing music, scripture readings, spoken prayers and silence in a peaceful, candlelight setting. Questions? Contact Dieter Heinzl at 314-993-4771 x 3106. Did you know your gifts to Ladue Chapel make such a difference? Your time and talent support the many ministries of Ladue Chapel and its people--so does your treasure. To operate, Ladue Chapel spends on average $5,348 per day. Think on this as you make your pledge to support Ladue Chapel and the Lord's ministries in the coming year. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~Matthew 6:21 NOVEMBER 11, 2014 · THE CHAPEL BELL LADUE CHAPEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) · ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI It’s that time of year again, when we are asked to commit a good portion, and a larger portion, of our financial resources to the ministry of Jesus Christ. It’s a good investment. In my sermon a couple of weeks ago, I made the case that while the capital campaign represents the vertical dimension of our faith that demonstrates our love for God, the stewardship campaign represents the horizontal dimension of our faith that demonstrates our love for each other and for our neighbor. Both dimensions are critically important to our life in faith, and for following in the footsteps of Jesus by loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as our self. But right now, the invitation is to love our neighbor as our self by providing for the life and ministry of our church. We are still emerging emotionally from the Great Recession. Our confidence in the economy is still a little shaky, and we are spending more carefully than we once did, and investing our hard-earned money with greater care. I have good news in such a time. Economies rise and fall, leaders come and go, whole nations emerge only to disappear, but the Word of God endures forever. So the church, often criticized and overlooked, often considered a bit player on the stage of our culture, is like the Energizer bunny—it just keeps going, and going, and going. Why? Because it is upheld by God's enduring Word. If the church depended on us, it would have collapsed centuries ago like so many other human institutions. But because it depends on God, the church endures. You can count on it. As you consider in the next week what kind of financial investment you will make in our church for the coming year, I invite you to do so filled with confidence. God is faithful and trustworthy. God's church is rock solid. No investment is more secure than the one you make in your church. And the return on your investment is eternal. It makes a difference in ways that really matter. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." If your heart is anxious, you have put your treasure in something that is less than secure. Instead, put your treasure in God and discover the peace and security that passes understanding. You will never regret it. Faithfully yours, 1 CALENDAR An extended calendar is available at Homemade Dinner Rolls freshly baked by our Carillon Ringers! 12 rolls for $10! Ready to eat or freeze for your Thanksgiving Dinner and are made with fresh, wholesome ingredients. Proceeds will go toward Carillon Ringers’ 2015 Bell Tour to South Dakota. Rolls available after worship on November 16 Just in time for Thanksgiving! Order rolls in advance! Contact Kathy Noonan ([email protected]) or Anne Peacock (314-993-4771 x3122 or [email protected]) Men’s Fellowship Retreat Friday-Saturday, November 21-22 “Gifts of Imperfection: Men’s Courage, Compassion, Comparison, Caring and Connection” is the topic of this year’s retreat, led by Dale Kuhn, Lutheran Minister and Clinical Social Worker. The retreat to be held at the Mercy Center will cost $125 and includes all meals and a private room with bath. Adult beverages (beer and wine) will be available at fellowship time on Friday evening. To register, simply mail or bring your check payable to Ladue Chapel (memo “Men’s Retreat”) to the church office. For more information, flyers are available on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Place. Go Green! Did you know you can receive The Chapel Bell by email? If you would like to help us reduce paper usage and receive The Chapel Bell by email, send your email address to Jessica (VanCleave) Lombardo, Publications Secretary, at [email protected]. Thursday, November 13 9:15 am LCNS Board Mtg FH-N 6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Choir Rm 6:30 pm Special Gifts Training FH-N 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Friday, November 14 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg 5:00 pm Middle School Lock-In Various Rms Saturday, November 15 8:30 am Officer Training Fireside 9:00 am Carillon Baking Rolls Kitchen 6:00 pm 55+ Bread Breakers Offsite Sunday, November 16 8:15 am Infant Care Nursery 8:30 am Worship Sanctuary 9:45 am Rms 9:45 am Children’s SS Educ. Wing 9:45 am Youth Education Upper Rms 9:45 am Golf Recap Mtg Cottage 11:00 am Worship Sanctuary 12:00 pm Confirmands Lunch Gulick 4:00 pm Carillon Ringers Choir Rm Monday, November 17 7:00 am Food Bank Service Bldg 1:30 pm Kindermusik Choir Rm 3:45 pm Children’s Snacks FH 4:00 pm Chorister Choir Choir Rm 4:00 pm Route 345 Upper Rms 4:45 pm Carol Choir Choir Rm 5:30 pm Genesis Ringers FH-S 5:30 pm Revelation Ringers Choir Rm 6:30 pm DISCIPLE I Gulick 7:00 pm Fellowship Comm Leutwiler 7:00 pm Sanctuary Comm Bickel Tuesday, November 18 8:15 am PDO Staff Meeting Gulick 9:15 am Staff Calendar Mtg Leutwiler 9:30 am Mailing Angels Gulick 9:30 am Program Staff Mtg Staff CR 10:00 am WA Bandages FH-N for Developing Countries 10:30 am WA Mary Circle Bickel 12:00 pm FH-N/C 1:00 pm Women’s Study Grp Bickel 5:00 pm Stephen Leaders Bickel 6:00 pm Stephen Ministry Various 7:00 pm AE Guest Speaker Fireside Wednesday, November 19 8:00 am Men’s Bible Study Leutwiler 9:00 am DISCIPLE III Gulick 9:00 am Contractor Meeting Bickel 12:00 pm Staff Lunch FH-N 12:00 pm Grief Support Lunch Library 5:30 pm Dinner FH-N 6:00 pm Taizé Worship FH 7:00 pm Session Leutwiler Thursday, November 20 9:30 am Theology Group Leutwiler 6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Choir Rm 7:00 pm Lee Institute Board Bickel 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm Fast Forward SAVE THE DATE! Communion Bread Baking Sunday, November 23 12:30 p.m. in the Kitchen 2 NOVEMBER 11, 2014 · THE CHAPEL BELL Grief Support Group Rev. Sarah Brouwer and two Stephen Ministers continue to meet at noon in the Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Please contact Sarah Brouwer with questions at 314-993-4771 x 3123 or [email protected]. PDO “New Twos” Class Play Day Out is now accepting applications for a “new twos” class to begin in January. Please contact Terry Schlueter, PDO Director, at (314) 993-2429 or [email protected] for more information or to schedule a tour. Watcher’s Eve 2014 Sunday, November 30 Join us for the annual Watcher’s Eve at Ladue Chapel! We will gather together from 4:30— 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 30, to celebrate the beginning of Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas. At 4:30 p.m. we will gather in the Sanctuary for worship, which reminds us of the hopes and prayers of our ancestors in the faith and helps us prepare for Christ’s coming. Our worship will be followed by a Pasta House dinner in Fellowship Hall shortly after 5:00 p.m. After dinner, we’ll make Christmas crafts, decorate the church, and write cards to homebound members. We will finish around 7:00 p.m. Again this year, there will be an Express Line for advance tickets. Tickets will be available in the Gathering Place on Sundays, November 16 & 23. Deadline for advance ticket price is 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25. Advance Ticket Prices (before Tuesday, November 25 at 4:00 p.m.): Adults & Youth (ages 11-older) $12, Children (ages 10-younger) $6, family (same household) maximum is $36. After the November 25 deadline, prices will be Adults & Youth $14, Children $8 and the family maximum is $44. Please make checks payable to Ladue Chapel (memo Watcher’s Eve) and complete the form found on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Place. Return to Sue Schreiner in the church office. If you would like to make an advance reservation without payment, you may call Sue Schreiner at 314-9934771 ext 3101 or email her at [email protected]. NOVEMBER 11, 2014 · THE CHAPEL BELL LCNS Holiday Mart 2014 Ladue Chapel Nursery School is proud to host its 22nd annual Holiday Mart, benefiting the school’s educational and enrichment programs—Thursday, December 4 from 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. and Friday, December 5 from 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m., at Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church. Admission and parking are FREE. Come visit our exciting vendors who will present jewelry, clothing, purses, home décor, children’s accessories, and much more. Service of Remembrance, Healing, and Wholeness for the Holidays The holidays can be a difficult time for many. As the days shorten, and we head toward Thanksgiving, some people are not filled with the joy and anticipation many of us feel this time of year. For some, this is a lonely season. When you have lost loved ones, or family is far away, the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be very isolating. For others, the nostalgia of the holidays can be overwhelming. Good memories can reinforce what has been lost, and bad memories can bring up things we'd rather forget. And there is the stress of the season, too. Between parties and giftbuying, the true spirit of the season is often overshadowed by anxiety and pressure. This is why the Deacons of Ladue Chapel always host a service at this time of year, for those who would like to come and worship and pray in peace. At the Service of Remembrance, Healing, and Wholeness, we will read Scripture and recall words of hope, we will remember loved ones who have been lost, we will lift up prayers for peace and wholeness, and we will listen to music and light candles to encounter the light of Christ. The Deacons welcome everyone to come worship on December 3 at 6pm in the Sanctuary (the regular Worship on Wednesday dinner will be served at 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall). Advent is a time of hope, where we remember that "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." (John 1:5). Organ Blog Visit Ladue Chapel’s organ blog at to read about the organ project and track the progress as our organ is constructed in California. ~David Erwin 3 YOUNG MINDS YOUNG HEARTS YOUNG F AITH L.E.A.D. Tutoring 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays: November 18 December 2, 9, 16 January 6, 13, 20, 27 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. on Saturdays: November 22 December 13 or 20 January 17 Please contact Karen Gheesling Mullis at 314-221-1219 for more details or to sign up. Sunday, November 16 Worship Services 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary Scriptures Judges 4:1-7; Psalm 123; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 24:14-30 Music Ministry At both services, Carillon Ringers will play “A Festive Peal” and “Now Thank We All Our God.” At 11:00, the Chancel and Youth Choirs will sing “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending,” and the Chancel Choir will sing “Lay Up for Yourselves Treasures in Heaven.” SAVE THE DATE! 9450 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63124-1568 Making A Difference Christmas Pageant 2014 Parents, mark your calendars! We are preparing to Journey to Bethlehem, our Children’s Christmas Pageant. Come and hear the Nativity Story and favorite carols with the youngest members of our church family. Saturday, December 13 - Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal for all children at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday, December 14 - Children come to Education wing at 9:30 a.m. to costume and the Pageant will begin in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. Children 3 years old through 5th grade will start singing the Carols in Good Shepherd and Sunday School next week and bring home a songbook. If you have any questions, contact Robin Crawford at [email protected]. Adult Education Guest Speaker, Dale Kuhn: “Family Losses” Tuesday, November 18 7:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room The Chapel Bell Newsletter of
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