St. Henry Catholic Church 346 N.W. First Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030 503-665-9129 / Fax: 503-665-8238 November 9, 2014 Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: 8:30am & 11:00am Monday: 8:00am Communion Service Tuesday— Saturday Mass: 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm Saturday: Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:00—4:30 pm Our Mission St. Henry Catholic Church is a community of Christian believers striving to build God’s kingdom on earth for all people. We accept the mission from Jesus Christ to love God above all else and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Prayer List Staff Pastor………………………………Fr. Charles Zach Deacon………………………………....Lou De Sitter Business Manager………………………Joan Myers Faith Formation………………….Jeanne Chambers Liturgy / Sacraments…………………..….Sara Wise Music…………………………….......Barbara Adams RCIA / Adult Ed……………………..Connie Ostlund Care Ministry……………………….…….Mari Spring Youth Ministry………………………...Dave Crepeau Admin. Assist…………………….…...Terri Heitzman Maintenance………………………………....Tim Fast Administrative Council Development……………………..….…..Marje Ferek Vicky Leliefeld Finance ………………………………...…Rod Moritz Kathy Thompson John Foley Build/Grounds…………………………….Tom Barrie Shane Tercek “What you ask in my name, I will do.” John 14:13 Bob Barron, Corey Berger, Diane Berger, Mel Berger, Pastoral Council Marion Bridenbeck, Karen Buerkel, Larry Comella, Penny Comella, Judy DeCourcy, Pauline Olbrich, John Owen, Chair…………………………………….Glenn Zmuda Bill Owen, Dante Petruzzelli, Marty Petruzzelli, Vivian Vice Chair/Admin Rep…………….....Charlie Marino Wrede Secretary………………………...….Stella Armstrong Formation……………………………….....Larry Rose Evangelization………………………..….Paul Palmer Marcy Marlow Liturgical……………………………….…..Doug Klein Organization…………………………….….Art Abbott Calendar 11/9—11/16 November 9 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Masses Nursery 8:15am (RM 4) Coffee & Donuts 9:30am (GYM) hosted by EFF Elem. Faith Form. & Sacramental Prep 9:45am (P/C) Library 9:30am—10:50am (LIB) Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP) Pastor’s Talk’s 9:45am (KC Hall) St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH) Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM) November 10 Monday Communion Service 8:00am Financial Peace University 6:30pm (FSR) November 11 Tuesday Mass 8:00am Veteran’s Day ~ Office Closed Al-Anon 10:00am (RM 6) SVDP Pantry 10:00am (SVDPP) Day Shelter 1:30pm (RM 6) Nar-Anon 7:00pm (RM 7) Choir 7:00pm (CH) Adult Ed 7:00pm (FSR) November 12 Wednesday Communion Service 8:00am Adult Ed 9:00am (FSR) OA 10:30am (RM 7) Pinochle 12:30pm (FSR) Pastoral Council 6:00pm (OMT) St. Anne Music Practice 6:30pm (CH) Youth Ministry 7:00pm (FSR / PC) November 13 Thursday Mass 8:00am MOM’s 10:00am (RM 8) Justice & Peace 6:30pm (LIB) NAMI Multnomah 6:30pm (RM 7) Folk Group 7:00pm (CH) RCIA 7:00pm (FSR) November 14 Friday Mass 8:00am Library 10:00am (LIB) Quilters 12:30pm (FSR) November 15 Saturday Mass 8:00am 5:00pm Vigil Mass Pantry Session 10:00am (SVDPP) Private Event All Day (GYM) Private Event (RMS 7,8,LIB) Confession 3:00pm (CH) Calendar Continued... November 16 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Masses Chop Chop 7:30am (GYM KIT) Nursery 8:15am (RM 4) Elem. Faith Form. & Sacramental Prep 9:45am (P/C) Coffee & Donuts 9:30am (GYM) hosted by Sacra. Prep Pastor’s Talks 9:45am (KC Hall) Library 9:30am—10:50am (LIB) Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP) St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH) Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM) Mass Intentions 11/9—11/16 S +Paulo Thuong Nguyen (Peter & Bicky Nguyen) -Kathy McIntyre (Kathy’s Brothers & Sisters) Nicholas & Elizabeth Kaiser (Jerry McAfee) M Communion Service T -Edward Horner +Mary Bieker (Bill & Gayle Kalinowski) (Pat & Kathy Bigelow) W Communion Service T +Adele Brienza +Toni Linne (Anna Harrison) (Dale & Ginny Fraser) F +Daniel Potter +Steve Bigelow (Pat & Kathy Bigelow) (Pat & Kathy Bigelow) S +George Lemmon For the Parish Family S For the Parish Family (Fr. Charles Zach) -Kathy McIntyre (Kathy’s Brothers & Sisters) +Janos Komuves (Margaret Fuleki) (Edna Lemmon) (Fr. Charles Zach) November 9, 2014 1st Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11,16-17 Gospel: John 2:13-22 Please pray for Michael Barrie, son of Tom & Ann Barrie, for Joe Perletti, son of Susanna Perletti, and for Elsie Carhart of our parish who have all recently died. May Michael, Joe and Elsie and all the faithfully departed rest in peace. Please support those who support our bulletin. From the back of our bulletin: Francis Xavier’s Restaurant and Lounge ~ Pastor’s Message ~ Learning all about a rosebud, by Fr. Charles Zach, pastor A young, new priest was walking with an older, more seasoned priest in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older priest for some advice. The older priest walked up to a rose bush and handed the young priest a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing any of the petals. The young priest looked in disbelief at the older priest and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry. But, because of his great respect for the older priest, he proceeded to try and unfold the rosebud while keeping every petal intact. It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do. Noticing the young priest's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older priest began to recite the following poem: It is only a tiny rosebud A flower of God's design; But I cannot unfold the petals With these clumsy hands of mine. The secret of unfolding flowers Is not known to such as I. GOD opens this flower so sweetly, Then, in my hands, they die. If I cannot unfold a rosebud, The flower of God's design, Then how can I have the wisdom To unfold this life of mine? So, I'll trust in Him for leading Each moment of my day. I will look to Him for His guidance Each step of the Pilgrim's way The pathway that lies before me Only my Heavenly Father knows. I'll trust him to unfold the moments, Just as He unfolds the rose. Please join us in the Knights of Columbus Hall for Pastor’s Talks after the 9:45 Mass this weekend. ATTENTION Prayer List Widows, Widowers and Singles: Thanksgiving is just around the corner so let’s get started with lunch at Francis Xavier’s on Wed., Nov. 19. We will meet in St. Henry east parking lot at 11:30 and carpool from there. Please RSVP Ilene @ 503-667-25001 by Mon., Nov. 17 so reservations can be made. Adding to the prayer list on the front of our Building a Domestic Church November’s Family project: ~Participate in a Food for Families collection~ Bring your donations to the red barrels in the foyers of the church for St. Vincent de Paul. bulletin is Marion Bridenbeck, Virginia Danell, David Ford, Chris Headland, Kathy McIntyre, Mildred Norfork, Bill Owen, John Owen, Vivian Wrede Pope Francis Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for November: Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Youth Ministry Stewardship Church Support – Nov. 2014 Offertory Actual: Budget: Month to Date $ 17,525.20 $ 13,536.00 Year To Date $ 281,959.11 $ 284,256.00 Difference: $ 3,989.20 $ -2,296.89 November 9, 2014 - Dedication of the Lateran Basilica “For we are God’s fellow workers…” – 1 Corinthians 3:9 We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? Movies Wednesday Night at the Movies at the K.C. Hall at 7:00pm Fall Season: Presented by Evangelization & Adult Ed. All are invited on the 2nd Wednesday of November & December November 12, 2014: For What We are about to Receive December 10, 2014: Our Lady of Guadalupe Library Library Book Club Thursday Nov. 20 2014 @ 7:00 pm in library Book to be discussed: The Forest Lover by Susan Vreeland No meeting in December Friday Nov 21, 2014 @ 10:00 am in library Book to be discussed: Out of the Woods by Lynn Darling No meeting in December Quilt Drawing Catholic Daughters are selling raffle tickets for two handmade quilts after the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. You have your choice of a large twin/three-quarter bed size quilt or a 68” x 68” size quilt. Tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawing will be held December 7 at the Knights of Columbus breakfast. Proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Mt Angel Special Seminarian Fund that helps the seminarians in times of financial hardship. We just got our check back from last month’s Bottles and Cans weekend. Thanks everybody for your generous donations. This time around, we pulled in a very respectable $450. Students – thanks for your hard work! Community – thanks for sharing with us! Our next Bottles and Cans weekend will be in early February. In a group discussion last week, members of our Youth Ministry team were asked to name the ingredients it takes to make a good community. Here is what they came up with: Goals, nice people, being helpful, sugar, relationships, justice, animals, trust, family, diversity, faith, peace, generosity, spaghetti & spicy meatballs, fairness, happiness, courage, respect, instruments, love, leadership, tolerance, devotion, energy, emotion, chocolate, empathy, communication, humility, collaboration, humor, honesty, team work, kindness, friendship, effort, a wild card, open-mindedness and sharing. I share this list with you, because it reflects the values that we are instilling as the families, friends and supporters of our young people. Good work so far! Now… the challenge ahead of all of us is to be and to share the ingredients that our youth say they need! (Except for the spicy meatballs. Nobody needs to be a spicy meatball). Also: Watch for Christmas Coffee and Wreath order forms to be out soon. St. Vincent de Paul This is a big THANK YOU to everyone so very much for your food donations for the Faith Based Food Drive! We helped Zarephath Kitchen. God Bless you all for your kindness! ~Sonja Fellis Though we often wonder why God does what He does, we can be sure He does it on better information. ~~ Robert Brault ~~ Knights Korner Interested in becoming a Knight? Any practicing Catholic male, 18 years of age or older, is invited to join the Knights of Columbus. Call Randy Paden 503-708-3859. Please check out the Knights of Columbus web site at Meet Sam Solano ~ New Organist for St. Henry Meet Sam Solano, our organist/pianist. Sam grew up at Trinity Lutheran Church and he continues to play for their Saturday evening service as well as playing for the choir at Courtyard Fountains. He is an accomplished musician and known in the local jazz community for his talent on saxophone, flute, clarinet, oboe, piano and violin! Oh and guess what, he sings too. It was studying Bach in a composition class that led Sam to sacred music. As he says, “The way he (Bach) interweaves theology and music is remarkable and unprecedented.” The organ is now Sam’s instrument of choice. He hopes to pursue a degree in organ performance and is also studying French with the hope of auditioning for a school in France. Sam enjoys playing classical sacred music that might not be heard outside the church, as well as accompanying the congregation. He likes interacting with parishioners of all different musical levels, because, “we all have a voice and gifts to praise God. This is the one place in the world where all are welcome and invited to praise God with the voices we have.” Welcome to St. Henry Sam, we are glad you are here. Did You Know... The first public Masses in Gresham took place in a hall above Gresham Rexall Drug Store. This store used to be located on the corner of Powell and Main Street. We now go there to pick up our “Jazzy Bagels”. This information was provided by The History of St. Henry Parish, A Century of Life 1913-2013 Our Story Told in Four Voices. A copy of this book can be found in the office. Prayer Shawl Ministry Care and the love of knitting and crochet have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are knitted into every shawl. The knitter / crocheter begins each shawl with prayers for the recipient. Intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. If you are interested in this wonderfully giving ministry call the parish office at 503-665-9129 and leave your name and number and a member of the Prayer Shawl committee will contact you. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is sponsored by the St. Henry’s Justice and Peace Committee. Ladies modeling some of the completed shawls. Dee Schantz enjoying the company of other knitters/crocheters as she works on completing her shawl. Presenting completed shawls to Mari Parishioner Profile ~ meet Tense Marie Hi, Tense Marie is my total first name and not my condition. Tense is pronounced like the number ten and the letter “c”. I have been a St. Henry parishioner for thirty years and have reared my five children here, and now they are doing the same. My grandchildren Christian and Grace Maxey (twins that were born on my birthday) have been Altar servers for several years now. Lysa Morla Maxey (mother of the twins) and my other daughter Tracey Morla and I, have been Catholic Daughters since 2006. I have been teaching elementary faith formation for 18 years. The last four years I have been home schooling my grandkids. I have celebrated many religious events ranging from Baptisms to Weddings here at St. Henry throughout my thirty years. Now, I have most recently celebrated another couple of events that I would like to share with my parish. This year for Halloween my costume was the American flag and my treat was my Citizenship. On October 30th, I became an American Citizen. My mother was born a U.S.A citizen but was living in Guadalajara, Mexico when I was born. Due to a new law that was enacted from 1946 through 1952, I was not allowed the automatic right to be a citizen through her. Long story short, I have lived here in the states since I was three months old and after 68 years I am now an American Citizen. Yeah!!! Along with this very joyous event, I have also retired as of October 1st. I am now ready to begin the second chapter of my life, which was made known to me through an extraordinary Spiritual Experience that I had 36 years ago; and one that I reverently celebrate each year on that anniversary. While I have had many wonderful experiences and events in my life, none will ever be as life changing as the Spiritual Experience I had with Our Lord. It is the center of my being and lives in my soul every second of every day. It is an experience I have shared with many kids, adults and non-believers. It has made me who I am now and has afforded me the many joys with which I have been blessed. Please come and introduce yourself to me the next time you see me at Mass. I always sit in the front row and I would love to meet you. May God bless each and every one of you my sisters and brothers in Christ. ~ Tense Marie Advent Wreath Celebration SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 @ 9:35 AM (after the 8:30 AM Mass) If you do just one thing this Advent, make and use an Advent Wreath. It will serve as a simple, but constant reminder to everyone in the house that we are preparing for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Join us on the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, at 9:35 in the parish gym for our annual Advent Wreath Making event. Bring some cookies to share. Hot Chocolate will be provided. We will have wreath supports and candles available for sale or bring your own. There will be greens for you to use to make your wreath. Bring your pruners and create a family tradition. Household Goods Needed The rain is here, good time to clean out your closet. St. Joseph the Worker gives away household goods on the second and fourth Saturday every month to those in need. We could use any kitchen items, utensils, plates, cups, towels, blankets, or sheets. Bring what you have to the household shed (behind church) on November 8 or 22 from noon to 2PM, or call Deacon Mike at 503-761-8710 x105. Also, bring excess clothing to the used clothing shed at the north entrance anytime. Deacon Mike Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible REALTOR who puts her clients first DELPLATO CHIROPRACTIC Glenn Zmuda John J. O’Hara Real Estate Broker,GRI LESLEE DIRK, Broker, CRS, GRI, SRES ELIZABETH DELPLATO, D.C. Preferred Inc. REALTORS® 10121 SE Sunnyside Rd #150 Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone (503) 659-1550 Expires 6-30-15 ® Attorney at Law “Serving parishioners since 1971” Bring flyer into Gresham location for 10% OFF Entire Order Cell (503) 504-4515 [email protected] 2975 NE Hogan Gresham Wills Trusts Estates Injuries Domestic Law ERA Freeman & Associates, Realtors 1685 E. Powell • Gresham (503) 255-8795 (503) 318-0927 Cell (503) 665-4619 Home (503) 665-3144 Office [email protected] 850 NE 122nd Ave. Gresham Memorial Chapel Family Owned Funeral Home John Gerbish Parishioner 257 SE Roberts, Gresham Pat Swift, Agent 135 NW 1st Street Gresham, OR 97030-7215 Bus: 503-665-3111 Se habla español® State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, Illinois Tel.: (503) 667-9491 Parishioner We help women & children in crises 503-665-1026 “True religion is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” James 1:27 Please mail donations to - P.O. Box 305, Troutdale, OR 97060 Mall 205: 9660 S.E. Stark 503-256-0333 Gresham: 1590 N.E. Burnside 503-665-5144 Parkrose: 10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 503-256-2150 Tigard: 14055 S.W. Pacific Hwy. • 503-620-6440 James C. Niedermeyer Simple Wills $60 each Injuries • Accidents Probates • Estates Social Security Disability Bankruptcy • Immigration SPACE AGE FUEL (503) 233-8550 Se Habla Español 811 SE Stark St. Portland Making a Difficult Time Easier 503-736-0102 1304 E. Powell Blvd. Gresham Cottages Apartments Nursing & Rehab 503-667-1965 1280 NE Kane Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 Tax Advantaged Bonds • CDs IRAs Annuities NW Creations & Collectibles Unique Creations by Local Artists Long Term Care In Gresham Town Fair 503-907-3008 Mon-Sat. 10:am - 8:00pm Sunday 12:00pm - 6:00pm 2050 E. Powell Blvd Gresham 503.665.3154 Buzz, Annette, Craig, and David Gilbert - Parishioners RON WARD Financial Advisor • Parishioner 503-465-9390 Oregon Trail Center (503) 666-3725 Celebrating our 44th Anniversary 840 NE Cleveland, Gresham 24HR. Emergency Service CCB#71762 St. Therese Catholic School Pre-School - 8th Grade Fully Accredited Academic Program Music, P.E., Spanish Technology & More 503-253-9400 “A School You Can Believe In” PHILLIP C. GILBERT Attorney at Law 1 xd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page Personal Injury Attorney Admitted in Oregon & Washington 503-465-9600 103 SE 223rd Ave, Ste. A Gresham, OR 97030 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device [email protected] x 2.457 Young Tran, MBA, FIC, FICF Phone: 503-875-8715 Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved 1.800.795.2070 / When was the last time you called one of your advertisers for products or services? Medical Alarms Protecting Catholic Seniors! Push Talk Help is on the way! Freedom med Alert No Contract * Free Equipment * Easy Installation Waterproof Necklace * USA Made & Monitored Maintain Your Independence & Peace-of-Mind CatholicMatch CALL ToLL frEE 1-877-297-0485 * * * SPECIAL $19.95* PEr MonTH + frEE SHIPPIng *fIrST 3 MonTHS onLy Oregon Thanks to our advertisers, of whom many are fellow parishioners, this bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish. If you are interested in advertising, please contact the Catholic Printery at 1.503.650.6347 Francis Xavier’s restaurant and Lounge 1933 NE 181st St. 503-666-1957 Serving Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open 7 am - 9pm daily Breakfast served all day Call Tom Ott 503-650-6347 Life Insurance, Long Term 2.972 Care Income Protection, Retirement Plans IRA, Roth IRA, 401K Rollover Please Contact: P.O. Box 81026 Seattle, WA 98108-1026 •Arrangements in your home or ours. •Cost conscious package prices. •Pre need planning for cemetery & services. Gas, Diesel & Heating Oil 503-212-3900 In Christ’s Love, Everyone is Someone Making Sense of Investing - 193 - DANNA BROTHERS’ ELMER’S Lawyer ©CPI 503-618-8176 Each office independently owned and operated 25500 S.E. Stark Street Suite 201B Gresham
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