ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 1 ALL THINGS CONSIDERED CHIMING IN! Many thanks to all those who helped us purchase the orchestral chimes! Thanks to the generosity of several people, we were able to purchase them in a very short time! CHILDREN’S CHOIR Kathryne Friske has volunteered to take on the challenge of forming a special youth choir composed of kids in 3rd-8th grade. For now, this choir will sing on a few special occasions during this calendar year: Nov. 20 and Dec. 24. On Nov. 20 there will be a special Religious Formation Thanksgiving Liturgy at 6 pm. Rehearsals for the Youth Thanksgiving Liturgy (Nov. 20) will be held on Thursdays in the chapel from 77:30: Oct. 9, 16, 23, Nov. 6 & 13. Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve 6 pm Liturgy will be Dec. 4, 11, 18. PASTORAL COUNCIL Our Pastoral Council works with me to provide leadership to our community as we strive to make our Parish Vision a reality. For over 18 months, the Council and our Ministry Teams have created a new Pastoral Plan for our parish through the efforts of the council and all our ministry teams. All together, well over a hundred parishioners worked to craft this new Pastoral Plan. The plan has seven goals, and each of the goals has several strategies. Together these goals and strategies will direct the pastoral efforts of our community over the next five years. Thank you to all those who had a hand in crafting the plan, in determining who will be responsible for its many strategies, and in setting a timeline for the completion of each of the strategies. I would like to point to three recent additions to our parish programs that are direct or indirect results of the work of the council and ministry teams. The first is the Back to School Celebration for the Youth of our parish. It was the collaborative effort of our Youth Ministry Team, Religious Formation, Worship Team and Music Ministry in hopes of blessing, encouraging and celebrating our youth. The second result of the plan is the offer of Evening Childcare for parents participating in parish programs on Mondays and Thursdays. It was a result of one of our council members, Darlene March, engaging the MOMS Group in a discussion of how we might improve participation in parish programs. The third result of the plan is Kids Against Hunger. When it was first proposed by Ron and Peggy Weingartz, I knew that it would dovetail nicely with our goal to increase our parish’s outreach to the wider community. So we launched the program as we finished the final touches to our Plan! If you would like to read the whole plan, you can find it on our parish website. KIDS AGAINST HUNGER To date we have raised a total of $30,699.09 for this project. This includes Seed Money plus some direct donations. We have ordered enough food for 40,000, but it looks like we will feed at least 70,000 more!!!! Fr. Dave Howell BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES October 13, Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1/Lk 11:29-32 9:00 am +Mike Conklin October 14, Tuesday Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 9:00 am Communion Service October 15, Wednesday - Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 7:00 pm +Patrick Collins October 16, Thursday Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 9:00 am +Kenneth O. Perkins October 17, Friday - Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 9:00 am +Marianne Dluzniewski October 18, Saturday - Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 October 19, Sunday Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 4:30 pm Vigil +Virginia Quinn 9:00 am +Donald Oliver 11:00 am St. Mary Magdalen Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Isaiah 45: 1, 4-6 When today’s passage from the book of Isaiah was written, the Jewish people had been held in exile by Babylon for more than 40 years. Cyrus, the pagan king of neighboring Persia, was preparing to invade Babylon. The prophet sees Cyrus as an instrument of God. Through the military victory of this pagan king, God will free His people and allow them to return home. 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5 Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians is the earliest of all New Testament writings, coming only about 20 years after the Resurrection of Jesus. Today’s reading gives us the letter’s opening words. In just five verses, we hear reference to God the Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and also to faith, hope and love. It indicates how quickly these essentials of our faith became part of our Christian tradition. Matthew 22: 15-21 The chief priests, Pharisees, and here the Herodians are always set up in the Gospel as bad guys, seeking to thwart Jesus’ message and trip up the Savior. Today’s Gospel is the familiar story of the coin with the image of the emperor on it. Reflect: When they arise, how do you handle dilemmas between Church values and teachings and civil values and teachings? TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME page 2 STEWARDSHIP REPORT Week of 10/05/14 Approximately 1357 people participated Env/Cash EFT Securing Our Future TOTAL $20,857 $13,974 $ 3,258 $38,089 Thank you for your gifts. Please pray for all the sick who have been commended to our prayer, that they will respond to God’s healing will, especially: Elizabeth Wisniewski, Robby DeRosier, Gary Powell, Brandy, Nancy, Dennis Martell, Jack Callaghan, Vic Howe, Beatrice, Hannah Kenrick, Elizabeth Tokarczyk, Lisa Russo, Frank Freel, Emily Mussatto, Ron Sherman, Caroline Bilicki, Cheryl Mitchell, Darlene Hlavacek, Lori List, Shaun, Benjamin, Emily Prysinski, Rene’ Sherman, Addison Donahue, Tom McSweeney, Lynn Sypniewski, Sean, Kyle, Joseph Murphy, Heather Bierlein, Chris, Charles List, Sharon Stadtmiller, Keith Moilanen, Linda Heppler, Larry Sweeter, Tom Zremski, Andrew Doyle, Dave Zapfe, Donna Miller, Thomas Crowley, Mary Jo Artino, Bob Sixbery, Fred Preiss, Carol Kronk, Addison Donehue, Stacie Sherman, Marylyn Trader, Donald Gehring, Jameson Timberlake, Jan Altermatt, Michelle Schmid, Ben Hemker, Cheryl Gautherat, Steve Reichardt, Larry Buslepp, Mary Anderer, Shirley Nitz, Bill Gamble, Nancy Burelle, Cynthia McIntosh, Dan Schilkey, Margie Kelly, Lynn Long, Abbie Fountaine, Mark Matras, Herb Langer, David Martin, Sherri Kunkel, MaryAnna, Hogan McCuan, Nancy Sharpy. Please remember in your prayers: Jan Baldinger and family in the loss her husband, Larry. KIDS AGAINST HUNGER To date we have raised a total of $30,699.09 for this project. This includes Seed Money plus some direct donations. We have ordered enough food for 40,000 but it looks like we will feed at least 70,000 more!!!! OCTOBER 12, 2014 BANNS OF MARRIAGE III. Kelly Eastwood & Gerard Westover THE WEEK AHEAD Monday, October 13 9:00 am Pre-School 9:45 am BeFrienders 6:00 pm Magdalen’s Kitchen 6:15 pm Pizza & Parenting 6:30 pm Financial Peace University 7:00 pm EDGE 7:00 pm New Hospitality Training 7:00 pm Inquiry Tuesday, October 14 9:00 am Pre-School 7:00 pm Community Life 7:00 pm Charity & Justice 7:00 pm BeFrienders - Hospice Presentation Wednesday, October 15 9:00 am Pre-School 9:45 am MOMS 12:30 pm Knitters 4:30 & 6:30 pm Religious Formation 6:30 pm Altar Server Training 7:00 pm Pastoral Council Thursday, October 16 9:00 am Pre-School 5:30 pm Religious Formation 7:00 pm Children’s Choir 7:00 pm Faith Sharing 7:30 pm Music Ministry Friday, October 17 9:00 am Pre-School 7:00 pm Divorced & Separated Saturday, October 18 10:00 am Altar Server Training 4:30 pm Baptism Presentation Sunday, October 19 9:00 am Family Program 10:15 am Ichthus 11:00 am Kindergarten 5:30 pm 9th/10th Religious Formation 7:00 pm Youth Group Solving the Mystery of Hospice Oct. 14 - at 7 PM The BeFriender Ministry will sponsor a presentation by Angela Hospice. It will include a frank discussion debunking myths of hospice care and opening our understanding of how hospice both embraces and enhances life. Please sign up at the Ministry table in the gathering area. Contact Genny McSweeney at 248.762.3089. ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 3 BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN Religious Formation News Youth News from Mary at [email protected] and Karen at [email protected] from Margaret at [email protected] and Stasia at [email protected] Parents Please make sure your email is up to date with Karen in our office, as this is our main way of communicating with you for Formation News! If you have not heard from us yet this year, you may want to send Karen or me an email so we can confirm your address! Thanks. Youth Liturgy Thursday, November 20, at 6:00pm! Mark your calendars for our annual Thanksgiving youth Liturgy! Typically this is done during Rel Ed class time, but this year we have cancelled classes and are inviting all to join us for this great celebration! We ask for canned goods, paper products and will have a list of specifics needed to help us make up food baskets immediately following Liturgy! We did this last year and it was amazing to see the youth, parents and even a Hartland Girl Scout Troop come help sort and assemble the boxes. Help is needed for all Liturgical Ministries as well as packing boxes! Kids Against Hunger-Sign up in the Gathering area! We need over 200 volunteers to help package the food on Saturday, November 1! CLASSES HAVE BEGUN for Fall Formation! It is not too late for you to register. Come to the office 9am8:30pm regardless of your ability to pay. Help is still needed! We are in need of nursery help, hall monitors and people to substitute in class to help during our class times. Email or call Karen or me, if you are interested in helping. Parenting and Pizza starts Monday for parents of children in 2nd grade or younger. Classes are limited so register today! (Forms are available on the Formation table.) Hospice Speaker Tuesday at 7pm. Come for more information. Prayer Basket In our Gathering Area on your left as you enter the front doors is a small table with paper on it and a basket below. With so many needing prayers for so many things from illness to thanksgiving, why not take a moment and write down an intention you need help praying for? These are then put into our big basket you see coming up with the gifts at Mass. This big basket is in the 24 hour Blessed Sacrament chapel where ministers of prayer come and pray for your intentions. Class syllabus can be found on our website at to help you stay connected. Contact us with any questions. Many great opportunities have been popping up for us to help others and to have fun. Grab a pen and get your calendar! Planning for the haunted barn is underway and some rooms have already been assigned. During our meeting this Sunday, we will focus some of our time and energy to creating the layout, getting room ideas and creating a work schedule. The big debut will be the same night as Trunk and Treat on Saturday, October 25th. The work in the barn will most likely be weekday evenings and a Saturday or two. We have been asked to participate in the CROP Walk this year, so we are creating a team of walkers. Some of the teens will be out in the gathering area these next two weekends collecting donations for the hungry. If you are interested in being a part of our team, please stop by and see us. You can sign up then. The more the merrier!! The walk itself will take place Sunday, October 19th in Brighton. Next up, we have been asked to help with our Kids Against Hunger bagging process by being present the day of to help. Many hands will make light work, so if you are available Saturday, November 1st please contact me. I am anxious to see all of us come together, bag the food and have it shipped off to so many people in need. The following day, Sunday, November 2nd is the Diocesan wide Jamboree held in Lansing. The money for this fun, faith filled day is due this weekend at our youth group meeting. It's now $60 and there is no guarantee you'll get a shirt. Plan to join us for this one day event! I sincerely hope you can join us. We are traveling by bus this year with St. John the Baptist youth group and teens from St. Augustine. EDGE News What a great start to a new year of meetings! If you haven't picked up a hard copy of our welcome letter and EDGE dates or had a chance to sign up for snack, you can do so on the website or by contacting me at [email protected]. Our next meeting is Monday, October 13th. Be sure to bring your permission slips and cash. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME page 4 Adult Education and Formation Faith and Service - From Sr. Joyce [email protected] Welcome Newly Baptized Noah Francis Bohr, parents are Adaline & Brett; Caleb Jackson Trapp, parents are Lauren & Spencer; Brooks Allen Borg, parents are Kelly & Patrick; Jack Waylon Stepp, parents are Christie & Michael; and Emilia Federica Kasabasic-Church, parents are Natalie & Jason. Trunk & Treat & Haunted Barn Sat., October 25, 7 PM Our Parish annual Halloween Party! If you would like to “Host a Trunk” and give out goodies to the visiting goblins of the night, please sign up at the Community Life Board. Share the Friendly Halloween Spirits this Night! Come to the Youth Group’s Haunted Barn. They put a lot of work into it and promise you a frightful experience. Chili Cook-Off and Hoe Down Voted for having the best Chili; the winners: Denise Putnam, Shannon Eddy and Marilyn Van Tiem. Square dancers and line dancers had a good time. Thank you to Brad Paddock for setting up the tent. Thank you everyone who helped with a successful evening. —Diocesan Women’s Conference— Saturday, October 25 from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm Theme: Jesus Is Calling: Respond Soon Ladies: You are invited to attend the Third Annual Lansing Diocese Catholic Women’s Conference entitled “Jesus is Calling” at the Best Western Plus Hotel and Convention Center in Lansing. Invite your mothers, daughters, sisters and friends to enjoy the voice of the Lord in an informative and fun day. For more information and to register go to: M.O.M.S.: Mothers of Ministry Sharing The M.O.M.S. Group meets in the North Room, next to the Nursery throughout the school year. Meetings with Prayer, Food, Fun, and Friendship occur every Wednesday morning from 9:30 am – noon. Moms of all ages and stages are welcome to come anytime. Please feel free to contact Erin Wolfe at [email protected] or Holly Oakes at [email protected] with any questions. OCTOBER 12, 2014 CHARITY & JUSTICE CORNER Kids Against Hunger - Packaging On Saturday, Nov. 1, we will be packaging 40,000 meals! Sign-ups to help begin this weekend in the Gathering Space. 15 very strong volunteers will be needed for set-up at 9:45 am following the All Saints Day Liturgy. 25 Line Leaders are needed at 10:30 am for instructions and line set up. 200 volunteers will be needed at 11:00am for the packaging. Ages 5 and up are encouraged to participate in the packaging; younger children will need an older sibling or parent to help supervise them. Packaging should be completed by 1:00 pm. Any questions contact Ron or Peggy Weingartz at: 810-220-1678 or email [email protected]. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Kathryne Friske has volunteered to take on the challenge of forming a special youth choir composed of kids in 3rd-8th grade. For now, this choir will sing on a few special occasions during this calendar year: November 20 and December 24. On November 20, there will be a special Religious Formation Thanksgiving Liturgy at 6 pm. Rehearsals for the Youth Thanksgiving Liturgy (Nov. 20), will be held on Thursdays in the chapel from 7-7:30pm: Oct. 9, 16, 23, Nov. 6, 13. Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve 6:15pm Liturgy, will be Dec. 4, 11, 18. 2014 Loaves & Fish Appeal Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC) will be kicking off our annual fundraiser - Loaves & Fish Appeal - on Nov. 8 & 9, 2014. Look for your invitation to help in the mail in early Nov. Please prayerfully consider your donation today to assist those in need right here in our community. Donations cover Volunteer Caregiver Services, a Resource Advocate, Substance Abuse Therapy, Mental Health Counseling and many more programs. All money stays here in Livingston County, and enables LCCC to continue to provide affordable, professional services to All! ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 5 MMAP - Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program St. Mary Magdalen has partnered with the Area Agency on Aging 1-B Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program and is a Medicare counseling site; offering health benefits information and assistance to you and the surrounding community. Patty Flynn (parishioner) is our unbiased, background checked and trained volunteer counselor for MMAP. She has much expertise providing this service. If you have Medicare questions, issues with billing or are denied services, appointments are available on Fridays. For appointments call the AAA 1-B at 800-852-7795 or call Melodie Valvano at 248-262-9208. BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN COMING SOON! 8 GREAT DATES Date Nights will begin Jan. 16 - March 13 With the cold and early dark nights of winter right around the corner, maybe it’s time to think about our popular 8 Great Dates. Over 40 couples have enjoyed these Friday evenings, with catered dinners, candlelight and available childcare. Time for just the two of you; to share a meal, talk and focus on your relationship. Consider the gift of time with your spouse this year! Look for sign-up sheets. Questions, please call Sandi Phillips at 810-923-4915 or in the office at 810-229-8624. 50+ CCA - Catholic Council on Aging Thanksgiving Celebration - Give Thanks and Share St. Mary Magdalen Parish Friday, November 14, 2014 6:30pm – 9:30pm This program is designed for married couples who are interested in strengthening their communication skills in a faith-based setting. The program is designed to teach couples communication skills and techniques for handling conflict and promoting intimacy with the aim of preventing future marital problems and divorce. The CARE Program teaches: How to communicate what you want out of your relationships. How to resolve conflict effectively and reduce arguments. How to solve problems as a team. How to keep friendship and intimacy a part of your relationship. How to develop skills to enhance understanding and maintain commitment RESERVATIONS: Jaynee or Mark at 517-5455944; or [email protected] COST: $40 per couple, scholarships are available. CHILD CARE: Available at no cost. Space is limited and must be reserved by November 6. Snacks will be provided. Will be held November 6, 2014 at St. John the Baptist Parish Howell with Mass at 11:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Francis George A luncheon at noon will follow. All attendees are asked to bring a gift to share with another senior citizen, to be distributed at Christmas to low-income adults within Livingston County. Recommended gifts are of a $5—$10 value: i.e. postage stamps, cologne, soaps, body lotion, gloves, gift cards for prescriptions or groceries (i.e. Meijers, Wal-Greens, CVS, VG’s) Call St. John’s Parish for reservations, 517.546.7200 Christmas Craft & Bake Sale Nov. 15 - 9am - 6pm St. Agnes - Fowlerville, MI The event will be held in the churches “PLC Hall.” Cost of the event will be $25 per space. If you are interested, contact Juanita Gudaitis at 517.672.1973. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME page 6 MINISTERS OF PRAYER Sun. Oct. 12 Nancy Nychypor, Alex Nist Mon. Oct. 13 Lisa Arthur, Rosie Arthur, Janice Finn, Adrienne Silvestri Tue. Oct. 14 Theresa Wolterman, Bob Reske Wed. Oct. 15 Ginny&Clarence Kroll, Syndi Bisoski Thu. Oct. 16 Kathy Rigley, Kevin Miceli, Duke & Priscilla Davis, Fri. Oct. 17 Stasia Eisenhut, Cindy Sultana Sat. Oct. 18 Doreen Wolf, Audrey Schilkey Mon. 10/13 Tue. 10/14 Wed. 10/15 Thu. 10/16 Fri. 10/17 Sat. 10/18 Sun. 10/19 OCTOBER 12, 2014 ACTIVITIES 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 am 6:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 8:30 am 8:30 pm ----8:00 am 7:00 pm SCHEDULE St. Pat’s Play Practice EDGE Men’s Basketball Zumba Troup #385 St. Pat’s Basketball Hartland Basketball Zumba Men’s Basketball ------Boot Camp Youth Group
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