HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER OF MILLBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH WE INVITE YOU to become a member of Millbrook Baptist Church in one of the following ways: 1)By professing faith in Jesus Christ and following Him in believer baptism by immersion. 2)By promise of your “letter” from another Southern Baptist Church. We will take care of the details of asking for your “letter” and transferring your membership. 3)By your statement of faith in Jesus Christ.In the event church membership records are not available for transfer of membership, or if you were once a Baptist church member but are presently a member of another denomination, we will accept you upon your statement of these conditions. 4)By baptism from another denomination. If you have personally believed in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and have not been baptized by immersion, we invite you to join by baptism. 5)By participating in a Discover Millbrook Luncheon. YOUR CHURCH STAFF Dr. Phillip L. Dunn Senior Pastor Rev. Gary Farina Minister of Discipleship/Singles Rev. Allen Franklin Deaf Ministry Pastor Ms. Katherine Granillo Minister of Media Rev. Bill Howard III Minister of Music/Worship Dr. Chris Masters Associate Pastor/Senior Adults Ms. Cortney Norris Modern Worship Leader/ College Director Dr. W. James Rivers Pastor Emeritus Mrs. Marsha Temples Weekday Early Education Director Mrs. Sonya Terry Church Accompanist 9:00 AM CELEBRATION SERVICE BIRTHDAYS Nov 16 - Lindsay Kneece, Betty Mosley, Ann Johnson Nov 17 - Alex Robertson, Evelyn Brady, Michele Paschal Nov 18 - Nick Terry, Steve Blane, Logan Pepper, Ryan Masse Nov 19 - Jake Youngblood, Cooper Ivey, Charles Woodward, Alexa Arthur, Harry Wiswell, Mitchell Snyder, Carl Lybrand, Shannon Cribb Nov 20 - Betty Barr-Ausnehmer, Bob McQuinn, Austin Perks Nov 21 - Robert Powell, Ruth Braswell, Ashley Bonnette, Pauline Burch, Allison Cantrell Nov 22 - James Jacks, Zachary James, Connie Youngblood, Melissa Kidd MID-WEEK OPPORTUNITIES Wednesday, November 19 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Supper - The Gym 5:45 - 6:35 PM - Preschool Praize - Central Park 5:45 - 6:35 PM - Kidz Praize - EC 206 - EC 210 6:00 - 8:00 PM - Youth Reveal Worship - The Rock 6:15 - 8:15 PM - Divorce Care - Patsy Swanson (221-2104) 6:30 - 8:30 PM - Worship Orchestra Rehearsal - Worship Center 6:30 - 8:30 PM - Worship Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 6:40 - 7:30 PM - Mission Friends - Central Park 6:40 - 7:30 PM - RAs/GAs - EC 209 6:45 - 7:30 PM - Prayer Meeting - Atrium FOR YOUR INFORMATION OUR GIVING TO GOD as of November 9th Budget Offering Receipts..................$ 50,095.77......YTD.......$ 2,204,041.12 YTD Budget Requirements...................................................... $ 2,458,932.30 Under............................. $ 254,891.18 Building Fund Receipts......................$ 2,457.00.......YTD....... $ 87,097.00 Millbrook on Missions.........................$ 3,487.00.......YTD....... $ 190,637.93 Mortgage Balance....................................................................$ 2,402,861.11 ATTENDANCE - November 9th 9:00 AM Celebration Worship.............................. 730 11:10 AM Modern Worship.................................... 240 1024 Connection Groups Attendance............................... 730 PRAYER WARRIORS 9:00 AM - Houston Brown, Gary & Mary Cox, Don Gibson, Mike & Roxanna Mobley, Grady Whitlaw 11:10 AM - Dianne Floyd, Lillie Miller, Betty Pigate NURSERY VOLUNTEERS 9:00 AM - Robbie & Jenny Yarborough, Ansley & Edward Shuford, Ron & Ellen Grooms 11:10 AM - Michelle Gore & Family, Lori Thatcher, Becky Fitzpatrick MILLBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Phillip L. Dunn, Senior Pastor 223 South Aiken Blvd. SE | Aiken, SC 29803 803.648.4167 | Fax: 803.641.0201 Prayer Line: 803.648.9971 November 16, 2014 O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing There’s Power in the Blood Hallelujah Your Love Is Amazing Giving Wonderful - Allen Johnson I Lift My Hands Rescue 11:10 AM MODERN WORSHIP SERVICE Come to the Water Glory to God Beneath the Waters It Is Well with My Soul Cornerstone SERMON The Resurrection of Christ: Part 2 John 20:19-21:14 Pastor Phillip SERMON NOTES _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6:00 PM SERVICE Pastor Phillip WELCOME! We’re glad you are here! If you are a guest in our service today, please complete a guest card (found in a pew rack) and place it in the offering plate. We want to know more about you and hope you want to know more about us. This is a dynamic church committed to loving God and loving one another. Our vision is to share the love of Christ in Aiken and around the globe. Please let us know how we can help you grow closer to Christ or help you connect with one of the ministries here at Millbrook. We honor the great heritage of our church and we are committed to embracing the future. Let us join God together in all that He desires to do in this city! What’s Next? Get Connected One of the best ways to connect at Millbrook is through a Sunday School Bible Study group. These studies meet Sunday mornings at 10:15 AM. This is a great way to meet people and share your life experience with others through a practical Bible study. For details on a class that is just right for you, visit our Welcome Center today or call our church office during the week. Join us for Worship… 9:00 AM - Celebration Service - Worship Center Preschool Worship - Central Park 5K - 5th Grade Worship - Kidz City 11:10 AM - Modern Worship - The Rock Preschool Worship - Central Park 5K - 5th Grade Worship - Kidz City 5:30 PM - 3K - 4K AWANA “Crazy Hat Night” - Central Park 5K - 5th Grade AWANA “Crazy Hat Night” - Kidz City 6:00 PM - Evening Service - Worship Center Wednesdays: Activities for students and children of all ages and Mid-week Bible Study @ 6:45 PM in the Atrium. THANK YOU A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PRAYERED AND VOLUNTEERED DURING THE “FAITH FACE PAINTING MINISTRY” AT THE AIKEN WESTERN CAROLINA STATE FAIR! It’s because of YOU that many heard about Jesus Christ for the first time. For the ten nights of the fair, we had a total of 1,378 children, teens and adults get their face painted, and there were a total of 164 professions of faith. We give God the glory! We want to rejoice and welcome our new members the Lord has added to our fellowship: If you would like to receive our newsletter electronically, please send your e-mail address to [email protected] TODAY • 12:15 PM • ATRIUM Chad & Sharon Horne Robert & Cherie Bennett Dominic James Carleton & Pat Fotter Clyde & Karen Myers John & Anne Pullen Tatum Swearingen Kelle Teeter OPERATION Pack a shoebox today! CHRISTMAS CHILD If you are interested in learning more about Millbrook Baptist Church or becoming a member, please make plans to attend this luncheon! This will be an opportunity for us to get to know you as well as for you to learn more about the exciting vision at MBC. The luncheon is free to you and to your family. Childcare is provided as well as a child-friendly meal. Our goal: 1500 boxes Deadline is TODAY! PRAYER UPDATES: 2. We are voting to affirm the 2015 budget next Sunday, November 23 during both AM services. Beginning December 13th, the Worship Center will be arrayed with 65 large red poinsettias with green foil. If you would like to place a poinsettia in honor or in memory of a loved one, please complete the form below and return it with your check for $12.00 (per plant). You may take the plant that you purchase home following the Candlelight Services on Christmas Eve. If you will be away, please have someone get the plant for you. __________ # of Poinsettias Make checks payable to Millbrook Baptist Church. Please note on check: for Poinsettia(s) Deadline for ordering is December 3, 2014. Donor ______________________________________________________Phone # ____________________ What’s Kitchen? Wednesday Night Supper - November 19th - 5:00-6:30 PM Cookin 1. Ministry Positions • Children’s Pastor • Student Pastor Poinsettias Clyde’s Roasted Pork Loin/ Pineapple Glaze, Sweet Potatoe Souffle, Green Peas with Carrots, Full Salad Bar, Featuring: “Bunny’s” Watergate Salad, Variety of CakesIced Tea, Pink Lemonade, & Decaf/Regular Coffee Option for Children: Hot Dogs LEAD TEAM: Bunny Miller Reservations recommended. Call the Church Office (648-4167). You can sign up NOW for “standing reservations” and only have to call the church office when you won’t be there. Price: $3 for children (12 and under), $5 for adults, and $20 max for family (immediate family who live in household). It is a “self-supporting” program led and staffed with volunteers. Come and participate!. In Honor of _____________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of ___________________________________________________________________________ g in our Pray for God’s direction and provision for the following: We will observe the Lord’s Supper next Sunday, November 23, during the 6:00 PM Service Due to ongoing computer system maintenance the Worship Center WIFI Password is: Godisgreat AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY LINE - 803.507.1953 In the event of an emergency or on the weekend please dial the number above.
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