NOTIFICATION Selection of e-District Manager under eDistrict Manager Fellowship Programme Society, DHARMAPURI District for District eGovernance Applications are invited from youth and eGovernance enthusiasts in the prescribed format for filling up one (1) post of e-District Manager under eDistrict Manager Fellowship Programme for DHARMAPURI District. Name of the Post Essential Qualification Eligibility Criteria Age Limit Stipend Period of Contract Place of Work Method of Selection e-District Manager B.E. /BTech in (Computer Science/Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology/ Information Communication Technology) only. Other Engineering Graduates are not eligible to apply under this programme. (or) Any U.G. Degree followed by M.C.A./ MSc.,(Computer Science)/MSc.,(IT)/ MSc., (Software Engineering). 1)Candidates with consistent academic record of 60% aggregate and above at each level (SSLC / HSC / U.G. / P.G.) alone are eligible to apply under this programme. 2) Only local Candidates belonging to the respective District are eligible to apply for the eDistrict Manager Fellowship programme. Must be between 21 – 35 years old as on 01st July, 2014. Rs.23,500/- per month (with 10% increment each year) Initially for 1 Year(may be extended on year-to-year basis for further two years only). DHARMAPURI By Online Examination with weightage for academic record. S.No. Qualification Weightage Points 1 SSLC 10 2 Plus 2 or Diploma 10 3 (a) Bachelor’s Degree (B.E./B.Tech) 30 3(b) Any U.G. Degree 10 M.C.A., M.Sc. (Computer Science) M.Sc. (IT)/ M.Sc. (Software Engineering) 20 Online Examination 50 (or) 4 Total 100 No separate weightage will be given to candidates who have passed M.E./ M.Tech / any other higher qualification after BE/ B.Tech. Scheme of online examination Date and duration of Examination Venue and Timing 100 Multiple Choice questions covering the following topics • Basics of computers • Basic programming in C / C++ / Java • Networking • Internet Technologies • Hardware • Database Management Systems and related areas • Recent Developments. Wrong answers will carry negative marks of (-1/3rd) of the correct answer. 15.11.2014. 2Hours No separate intimation will be given to the eligible candidates for appearing in the online examination. The list of eligible candidates will be published on 7.11.2014 in the official website of the District. The Venue and timing will be published in the District website not later than 12.11.2014. The applications can be downloaded from the official website of the District DHARMAPURI and submitted by the candidates along with the self attested copies of the required Mark sheets and certificates super scribing the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF e-DISTRICT MANAGER under eDistrict Fellowship Programme DHARMAPURI DISTRICT” addressed to The District Collector, Collectorate, Dharmapuri – 636 705 and shall reach this Collectorate, DHARMAPURI on or before 5.45 P.M on 05.11.2014. DISTRICT COLLECTOR DHARMAPURI DHARMAPURI District eGovernance Society, _______________ District APPLICATION FORM FOR THE eDISTRICT MANGER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM Name (in English) ( ) : : Date of Birth : Gender : DD MM Domicile District : Email Address : Mobile / Phone No. : Permanent Address : YYYY Male Female Affix recent passport size photograph of the applicant duly signed across. Nationality: Address for Communication : Educational Qualification (Academic only) SNo Course * 1 SSLC 2 Plus 2 3 Bachelor’s Degree 4 Master’s Degree Subject Name of the Educational Institution Year of Passing Marks in percentage * Attach copy of all the certificates and mark sheets mentioned above with the application form. DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my Knowledge. In future, if the information furnished by me in the application is found to be incorrect, my application is liable for rejection. Date : Candidate’s Signature For office use only Acknowledgement to Candidate The application has been received from Thiru/Tmt/ Selvi for the position of eDistrict Manager at District and the candidate is assigned with Serial No. . No separate intimation will be given to the eligible candidates for appearing in the online examination. The list of eligible candidates will be published on 7.11.2014 in the official website of the District. The Venue and timing will be published in the District website not later than 12.11.2014. Place : Date and time : Signature with Seal
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