There will be a Congregational Meeting held after church on Sunday, December 14th.
This date was carefully chosen by the Board of Trustees because there will not be a
Saints game that day (Saints will play Monday, 12/15). We will vote on new Board
members and the 2015 Budget. I hope to see all voting members in attendance! If
you can’t be at the meeting, you may designate a proxy. Proxy forms will be available
Sunday Service – November 16, 2014
“I Will Remember You”
Rev. Deanna Vandiver will be in the pulpit.
Worship Associate: Gwen Dennis
Greeters: Bert and Susan Green
Special Music: Lawrence Pratt
Sound Room Technicians: Jim Long, Guy Ross, Nina Helfert
Sunday Service – November 23, 2014, 11:00 am
Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger will be in the pulpit.
Gratitude Bread Communion
For millennia, the harvest season has been marked with rituals of thanksgiving. And in
our day, with all seasons bringing fresh produce from near and far, we still think of
November as the time of expressing gratefulness for harvests both physical and
spiritual. Many UU congregations have adopted a Bread Communion for this time of
Please bring a loaf or pan of some kind of bread to share at this service. The bread
might symbolize your ethnic heritage (Italian or Irish bread or nan or challah or
tortillas) or your geography (cornbread, New England brown bread) or just a beloved
family favorite (zucchini or banana bread). It does not have to be homemade unless
you really want to!
Worship Associate: Carolyn Finnell
Greeters: Barbara/Julie
Special Music: Tamara Murray
Sound Room Technicians: Jim Long, Guy Ross, Nina Helfert
Hi Everyone,
Finally, we have some cooler weather! Time to break out some sweaters! I am glad to
be able to not run the AC for a change.
Thanks to everyone who traveled across the lake to Community Church UU for the
GNOUU Special Music service! Thanks to all of the dedicated members of our fantastic
choir (I am not biased!) who put in extra time and practice to give a great performance
at the service. Special thanks to our fabulous choir director, Melissa Rousseaux, for her
wonderful direction of the choir, and to Carolyn Finnell, who puts together our
accompaniment files. As a member of the choir, it was great to see so many NSUUS
folks in the congregation—it meant a lot to us to see your smiling faces!
It seems that Melissa and I will be hosting this year’s Christmas party at our house!
Judy Smith will be getting more information out to you soon but please save the date:
Saturday, 12/13/14. It is always a wonderful event! Thanks to Judy Smith for
coordinating Circle Suppers, parties, and potlucks!
Don’t forget that budget requests and pledges are due THIS FRIDAY. Important
decisions must be made soon about our finances for the next year—the congregation
votes on the budget at the congregational meeting (12/14/14) so the board has to
approve the budget that the congregation will vote on at the November Board meeting.
Please email Julie Bosch ([email protected]) and/or Gay DiGiovanni
([email protected]) ASAP concerning your pledge.
Our wonderful Community Minister, Rev. Deanna Vandiver, will be in the pulpit this
Sunday. I hope to see you in church!
In love and community,
Pastoral Care
Please continue to keep John and Jimi Goodnow in your thoughts and prayers!
Debbie Edney had major surgery at St Tammany Hospital on Monday 11/10. She will need
help in her recovery including meals for her and her husband, and assistance in getting around.
Debbie is in the chalice circle led by Maggie Sorrels and this group is helping but more help is
needed. Please contact Maggie ([email protected]), or Gay DiGiovanni
([email protected])
Calendar of Events
Sunday, 11/16/14
Sunday Service
Rev. Deanna Vandiver
Sunday, 11/23/14
Sunday Service
Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
NSUUS Board of
Trustees Meeting
Saturday, 11/29/14 9:30-11:30
Sunday Service
Seminary Student Suzanne Cole
Sunday, 11/30/14
Sunday, 12/7/14
Sunday Service
RE Multigenerational Service
Sunday, 12/7/14
Welcoming Congregation Film
Series “The OUT List”
Special Cash Collection goes to
Tamara and
Melissa’s house
Saturday, 12/13/14
NSUUS Christmas Party
564 Jack Dr,
Covington, LA
Sunday, 12/14/14
Sunday Service
Rev. Deanna Vandiver
Sunday, 12/14/14
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, 12/21/14
Sunday, 12/28/14
Sunday Service
NSUUS Choir Holiday Service
Sunday Service
Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
Chalice Circles
Here at NSUUS we have four Chalice Circles that meet regularly:
Meets in Covington (Tchefuncte Estates) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month
7:30-9:00 pm. Contact person is Bill Allin, 985-875-9237, [email protected]
Meets at church 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month 7:15-8:45. Contact person
Bert Green, 985-845-4649, [email protected]
Meets at church 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 10:00-11:30 am. Contact
person Maggie Sorrels 985-6417466,[email protected] or [email protected]
Meets in Mandeville 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact
person Ginger Fortson, 985-626-4734,[email protected] or
[email protected]
GNOUU 20’s and 30’s Chalice Circle, (South Shore) meets 2nd Tuesday of each month,
from 7:30-9 PM; Hosting at Rev. Deanna Vandiver’s house - 1936 Bayou RD, NOLA
70116 - (3 blocks off Claiborne, 1 block off of Esplanade, @ the corner of N. Prieur)
Dates would be 11/11/2014, 12/9/2014, 1/13/2015, 2/10/2015, 3/10/2015,
4/14/2015, 5/12/2015, 6/9/2015, and 7/14/2015.
Reminder! Bring bread to church on Sunday, November 23!
On Sunday, November 23, we will experience a tradition that is beloved in many UU
churches around the country -- a Bread Communion. Congregants are asked to bring a
bread that represents themselves/their family heritage/a favorite tradition to NSUU to
share in this special ritual of who we are and what we bring to our church community.
We hope folks find this UU tradition meaningful.
Three Notices from the Finance Committee
Kudos to all who have submitted their pledges for our 2015 fiscal year. We truly
appreciate your ongoing support! The Finance Committee is in the process of contacting
members who we have not heard from. If you have not received a pledge card (or lost
the one or two that you did receive) please contact Julie Bosch ([email protected]),
Gay DiGiovanni ([email protected]), Jim Long ([email protected]) or
Maggie Sorrels ([email protected]) and we’ll make sure you get one! We
would like to have all pledges in by November 14th.
Calling All Committee and Program Leaders: FY15 Budget requests are due to the
Finance Committee by November 14, 2014. In your requests, please include any
priorities that you have, itemize projected expenses and identify requirements vs. nice
to have items.
FY15 Budget Development: The Finance Committee is in the process of drafting the
FY15 Budget for review by the Board on November 29th. The Committee is meeting on
two consecutive Mondays, November 17 and 24, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the
Community Center to work through budget details. If you are interested in taking part
in this process, contact Julie Bosch prior to the November 17th meeting. Please note,
these are work sessions and there is prep work that all participants will need to do in
order for this budgeting process to occur efficiently.
GNOUU Cluster Ad Campaign with WWNO
The idea was that since many of our members support WWNO's annual fundraising
campaign we could pool our contributions to purchase sponsorship spots. Thanks to the
efforts of CCUU's Cindy Scott, GNOUU, as a UU cluster, has been advertising on our
local public radio station WWNO for the past several years.
Last year's GNOUU's joint advertising campaign contract with WWNO ($4,446) went
towards spots for "On Being" with Krista Tippett on Sunday morning from 10-11 am
and other spots on Sunday afternoon programming -Radio Lab, This American Life,
etc.. "On Being" covers the broad spectrum of diversity in human spiritual practice and
thought from around the world. A show that we could not have designed more
eloquently ourselves to give expression to the values of our liberal faith.
We are now accepting checks made out to "NSUUS" with "WWNO/GNOUU Ad
Campaign" designated in the memo line for the 2015 advertising campaign. Please
place in the Sunday morning collection basket or give directly to your GNOUU board
members, Bonnie Andrus and Terry Van Brunt, or our treasurer Gay DiGiovanni.
Place your bids! For auction: Handmade quilt for the benefit of our sister church in
Urmos. The quilt was made from leftover prayer flags which were offered for sale by
the Mandeville Chalice Circle, also to benefit Urmos.
Description: Crib size quilt (36” x 50”) in bright colors and coloring-book designs. Hand
made and appliquéd by Leslie Roussel. Would be equally nice as wall hanging or play
Place your bids early – the winner will be announced on November 30. You may email
your bids if you will not be at church. (send to [email protected]) You can also
see a picture of the quilt upon request.
Special thanks to Leslie Roussel for making such a lovely quilt!
Thanksgiving Potluck
The Annual Thanksgiving Potluck will be held the Sunday before Thanksgiving,
November 23rd. Everyone is welcome to bring a salad, side dish or dessert to serve at
least 8-10. We will provide a turkey and a ham, lemonade and iced tea and water. Any
one willing to help Judy Smith please contact at 985-892-6126 or
[email protected]
Northshore Welcoming Congregation Committee
Hi, all,
Make plans to stay after church Sunday to join fellow UUs and guests for a yummy
lunch and chatting—something we do so well! Last luncheon was Terry's awesome
mushroom soup, I brought homemade bread and dessert was chocolate chip cookies.
Discussion was outstanding; ALL UUs are urged to attend. We need to take seriously
our learning to become welcoming to an important group of loved ones, how to be
gracious/not hurtful.
On December 7 we shall view “The OUT List”, 60 minutes, through the voices of
Americans from all walks of life. It explores the identities of the gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender communities of America. With wit and wisdom, this group of
trailblazing individuals weaves the universal themes of love, loss, trial and triumphs into
the determined struggle for full equality. Suitable for adults and teenagers.
Mark your calendar to attend.
Bonnie Andrus
News from Religious Exploration
“Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has
a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged”
― Rumi
“The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody
took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.”
― Rumi
Do you have a high chair to donate? NSUUS desires a safe high chair (or two) in
good shape to be available for potluck events. Please contact the DRE. Thank you!
Fair Trade is back for this Sunday: chocolate, Chai & Green Tea, Trail mix
R.E. classes (Nov. 16th):
o Middle Youth/Youth – Building Bridges -- World Religions study (workshop
15 in UUA/Building Bridges): Five new religions of the 1800s: Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baha'i Faith, Seventh-Day Adventists,
Church of Christ, Scientist, and Jehovah's Witnesses (con’d).
o Primary Group – UU Super Heroes! We have a rich history that includes
many fascinating UU’s who were ahead of their time, brave and notable
and a Unitarian King!
Multigenerational Bread Communion – November 23rd - Guest At Your Table
begins. Volunteers of any/all ages needed for ritual table setting. Recruiting to begin
Multigenerational Holiday Pageant – Sunday, December 7th - “The Light of Life:
A December Holiday Pageant” by the Rev. Dr. Randolph WB Becker, Williamsburg UU.
Connect with the light of the holiday season during the service - opportunities for
families to light candles for winter holidays – and for a few NSUUS players to take a role
around the opening campfire!
Trip to the North Shore Muslim Association, Mandeville for youth – weekend of
Dec. 13th/14th – contact the DRE for more information. This is the same group that
visited NSUUS for the diversity workshop in 2011 and they are looking forward to
Gulf Coast Youth Rally, January 16 – 18, 2015, Bay Area UU Church, Houston. Save
the date.
Middle Youth Challenge Course Overnight, Canton, MS. – 6th – 9th Grades –
March 28 – 29th with UCBR and First UU of Memphis and maybe more. See the DRE
for more info. The course involves teambuilding, problem solving – low and high
elements included.
Job Opening – nursery caretaker for work in the nursery and as a class aide. Contact
the DRE.
NSUUS RE is on Facebook: Please “like” us here:
Director Religious Education
Lisa Rustemeyer
[email protected]
Emergency Church Phone: 985-882-0096
GNOUU 20’s & 30’s Chalice Circle
2nd Tuesday of each month, from 7:30-9 PM
hosting at my house - 1936 Bayou RD, NOLA 70116 (3 blocks off Claiborne, 1 block off of Esplanade, @ the corner of N. Prieur)
Dates would be 11/11/2014, 12/9/2014, 1/13/2015, 2/10/2015, 3/10/2015, 4/14/2015,
5/12/2015, 6/9/2015, and 7/14/2015.
Undoing Racism!
Haven't done the training? ...or want to learn more? Now's your chance! Nov 10
evening -Nov 12. Men and women welcome to join the Women's Center staff (such as
UU Debbie Rice!) and volunteers for a trip to New Orleans for the People's Institute for
Survival and Beyond (PISAB) Undoing Racism training. Rates vary based on bringing
more from our community to the table. To Register ASAP: Call Pamella Divinity,
Graduate Counselor Intern at the Women's Center, (985) 892-8111
Donations Needed Weekly for the Covington Food Bank
Please remember that the Covington Chalice Circle facilitated by Bill Allin, weekly
collects food for our area food bank. Your weekly food donations can be dropped off at
the church lobby, left side, inside the cabinet for that purpose. The following notice
from the Mandeville collection site reminds us of particular food and personal items
currently needed. Thanks for remembering those in need in our geographic area.
Remember to shop for a neighbor in need while you shop for your family!
Administrative Assistant Opening
North Shore is recruiting an Administrative Assistant. This position will provide
administrative support to NSUU on a part time basis throughout the year. The
Administrative Assistant would perform duties at the request of any Board member or
committee chairperson and is supervised by the Board President or his/her designee.
The duties are primarily clerical carried out using computerized software programs such
as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), at the church office located in the Community Center.
Because so many of the tasks are online or use software programs, a background in
computers is recommended to minimize training. The hours of work are flexible and
may be influenced by deadlines of tasks to be performed. The Administrative Assistant
rate of pay is $60.00/week for six (6) hours work.
This should be a very interesting position, interacting with caring people. Perhaps you
know someone who might be interested in getting out the house/apartment and
earning a bit. For more information, contact Bonnie Andrus,
809-0225, [email protected]. A resume outlining past training and experience
will be indication of interest in the position.
North Shore Unitarian Universalist Society of Louisiana, Inc.
Located: 28662 Krentel Road, Lacombe, LA 70445
Mailing Address: PO Box 2006, Lacombe, LA 70445-2006
Telephone: NSUUS Office 985-882-0096;
2014 Board of Trustees:
Tamara Murray
Vice President:
Carolyn Pratt
Gay DiGiovanni
Maggie Sorrels
Fred Cureau
Gwen Dennis
Jim Long
Guy Ross
Minister: (The Rev.) Melanie Morel-Ensminger
Consulting Minister
North Shore Unitarian Universalists, Lacombe, LA
Hammond Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Hammond, LA
1465 Annunciation St.
New Orleans, LA 70130
(609) 217-4410 cell phone
(504) 708-2312 cell phone
Twitter handle: @RevMelanieNOLA
Sexton: Fred Cureau
[email protected]
Director Religious Exploration: Lisa Rustemeyer
985-234-9970; [email protected]
Pastoral Care Associate: Gay DiGiovanni
[email protected]
Choir Director: Melissa Rousseaux
[email protected]
Worship Committee Chair: Terry Van Brunt
[email protected]
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