The Crow Pinkerton Academy November 2014 C P R , A E D s & Tw o L i v e s S av e d In this issue: Two lives were saved on campus in a six-month period by quick-thinking Pinkerton employees who made critical use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). At the October 24 home football game, a fan from Keene High School suffered a heart attack prior to kickoff. Members of the chain gang - Ryan Piper, Dave Rhoads, Saul Shriber and Jeff Sojka - called 911 and located Trainer Jamie Boudreau. Boudreau performed CPR and used an AED to bring the victim back to life. On May 13 of last school year, a Stockbridge Theatre patron suffered a heart attack. This time, Peter Zamachaj and Brian Haddad were on the scene. “Finding no pulse," said Zamachaj, Theatre Technical Director, “I placed him on level ground and began CPR.” Meanwhile, Haddad, Theatre Manager, secured the AED and attached it to the patient. After two shocks and further CPR, emergency staff from Derry Fire took over. Pinkerton is proud of these heroes! V i d e o Ta ke s T h e Doritos Challenge Two Lives Saved 1 The Doritos Challenge 1 Pinkerton News Notes Jamie Boudreau Peter Zamachaj That’s Video teacher Chris Lord in sweatpants and robe, covered in Doritos dust. Video students are shooting a commercial for the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest spot. Mr. Lord is cast as an overweight, bearded, middle aged man that loves Doritos but he’s annoyed by trick -or-treaters who interrupt his television programs. Crew Is On The Water 2 Connecting Guidance 2 Sending Towns Refund 2 The CIA’s Coming 2 Bio Students Test H2O 3 It’s Movember! Veterans Day Breakfast Sophomore Semi Guidance For All! 4 Must-See Nov. Events 4 A Christmas Tradition 4 November Calendar 5 From The Archives 5 WATCH! Have you seen Video 2’s Fragaria, winner of the NH High School Film Festival? 3 3 3 C r e w I s O n T h e Wa t e r ! Teams of four and teams of eight are plying the waters of Lake Massabesic as Pinkerton continues its newest sport:,Crew! Rowing is only part of the sport: Crew members learn to hoist and launch their boats, stroke in unison to achieve speed, and take out their shell before calling it a day. Guidance Connections Guidance Counselors from middle schools in Greater Derry learn hands-on from students in the Career and Technical Education program. Guidance Connections is a series of events to which middle school counselors immerse in a class, tackling an assignment and aided by students. Pictured, guests take on an Engineering challenge related to flight. Other Guidance Connections events include Accounting, Architecture and Design, Automotive, Video and Woodworking . The CIA at P i n ke r t o n The Culinary Institute of America is next up in the popular Chef To School Series by Career and Technical Education. On Wednesday, 11/12, CIA personnel will work with Culinary Technology students to prepare a sumptuous meal. For information on attending, write Chef Keith Desjardins: [email protected]. R e f u n d s To S c h o o l s Pinkerton Academy has issued its 13th refund to partner districts in the past 14 years. Per contracts with Auburn, Chester, Derry and Hampstead, Pinkerton returns unspent tuition money following an annual audit. Refunds are relatively small, illustrating careful cost controls and accurate projections of expenses a full year in advance of costs. B i g I s l a n d H 2 0 Te s t i n g Almost 40 Biology students at Pinkerton are testing Big Island Pond in a partnership with Friends of Big Island Pond. FBIP funded supplies and transportation for students to test the water of BIP, Johnson’s Cove and Shop Pond. Wearing waders and using electronic probes, students tested for dissolved solids, oxygen carbon dioxide, nitrogen and phosphorus. The tests can reveal pollution and possible levels of contamination. Pictured: Students look for insects in the mud. I t ’s B a - a - a c k ! Yes, it’s Movember! During Movember, men and women raise funds and awareness for prostate health. And some men get furry on the upper lip to enter Movember in the right condition, Pictured, the unadorned faces of Dale Cremone, Digital Publishing teacher, Ve t e r a n s D ay Breakfast FREE BREAKFAST for all Veterans will be served by the Freshman Class on Tuesday, Nov. 11 in the Academy Building Cafeteria from 7:00-9:00 am. Thank you, Veterans! Glenn Ahrens, Dean of Students, and Bill Lonergan, Associate Dean. Doug Cullen, CTE Career Coordinator also got in on the action. See his and other action shots from The Great Shaving here. Sophomore Semi Tickets are on sale in the Freshman Café after school Monday, 11/3 and Wed, 11/ 5 through Fri, 11/7 for the Sophomore Semi ! Check the Pinkerton website for info about The Astro Boutique where boys and girls can borrow high fashion for the evening! The Sophomore Semi is Friday, 11/21 in the Shepard Building Café at 7:00 pm. G u i d a n c e O f f e r s B i g M o n t h Fo r A L L C l a s s Ye a r s The Guidance Department has a LOT of events in November: Something for everyone! Discover UNH Visitor Day, 11/5 Life. Bring It! (for Freshmen) , 11/6 Senior Parent Individual conferences & Panel discussion 11/ 5& 11/13 St. Paul’s Summer School Overview, 11/7 SAT at PA , 11/8 Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Registration at PA, 11/10-25 See the Calendar on page 4 for details. N ov e m b e r ’s “ M u s t - S e e ” E v e n t s Fall Spirit State Championship 11/9 Pinkerton’s Got Talent 11/20 Fall Sports Awards 11/24 See the Calendar on page 4 for details. G e t I n T h e H o l i d ay S p i r i t ! Tickets are now on sale for The Christmas Carol, the fall performance of The Pinkerton Players. Curtain goes up at 7:00 pm on December 11, 12 and 13 with a 2:00 pm matinee on December 14th. You know the show and you simply have to see it! Visit for information and tickets. Coming Up At Pinkerton Academy Tues, 11/4 Early Release Day Classes end at 12:30pm Buses leave 12:45 Wed, 11/5 Discover UNH Day Durham All day Wed, 11/5 Senior Parents Conferences & Panel Ek Science Building Lecture Hall See website Thur, 11/6 Life! Bring It On. (for Freshmen) Academy Building Café Thur, 11/6 International Club/ASL Dinner Dance Shepard Building 6:30 pm Fri, 11/7 St. Paul’s School Summer Overview Academy Building Lecture Hall Period C Sat, 11/8 SAT conducted at Pinkerton Academy Building Doors 8:00 am Sun, 11/9 Fall State Spirit Championship Hackler Gymnasium 10:00 am & 2:30 pm Mon, 11/10 Registration for ASVAB (thru 11/25) Guidance Department School hours Tues, 11/11 Veterans Day Breakfast Academy Building Café 7:00-9:00 pm Tues, 11/11 Veterans Day School closed Thur, 11/13 Senior Parents Conferences & Panel Ek Science Building Lecture Hall See website Fri, 11/14 Hypnotist Paul Ramsey Stockbridge Theatre 7:00 pm Thur, 11/20 Pinkerton’s Got Talent Stockbridge Theatre 6:30 pm Fri, 11/21 Sophomore Semi Shepard Building 7:00 pm Mon, 11/24 Fall Sports Awards Field House 6:30 pm Wed, 11/26 Thanksgiving Recess thru Sun, 11/30 School Closed Sat, 11/29 Stockbridge Theatre NH Philharmonic Holiday Concert 5:30 pm 7:00 pm From The Alumni Archives: Chapel Apples This undated photo shows decoration for a dance in the Chapel. The sign above refers to waltzes and the Fox Trot! Some clever students spelled out “Pinkerton” with apples! Pinkerton Academy 5 Pinkerton Street Derry, NH 03038 603.437.5200 Home of The Astros
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