Active Women Policy Resource Block strategy is being implemented in 5 Resource Blocks i.e Chhura Block in Gariyaband, Bastar Block in Bastar District, Balrampur Block in Balrampur District, Rajanandgaon Block in Rajnandgaon District and Narharpur Block in Kanker District since one year. Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, Andhra Pradesh have deployed 20 Community Resource Persons teams consisting of 100 members in these 5 Resource blocks from Andhra Pradesh for formation of Self Help Groups, to provide training to newly formed SHGs and existing SHGs on SHG management, identification of Book Keepers and providing training on Book keeping and also to identify the active women from the SHGs for further nurturing to develop as a Community Resource Persons to replicate the Resource Block model in other Blocks in Chhattisgarh State. CRP Teams deployed by SERP have identified around 500 active SHG women members during the last one year in 250 villages @ 2 women per village. These active SHG women capabilities shall be developed through series of trainings and exposure visits to develop them as Community Resource Persons to scale up the Institution Building and Capacity Building activities under NRLM in other Blocks. CGSRLM has developed the following strategy and planned in the Annual Action Plan for FY 2013-14 to build the capacities of active SHG women and to use the services of active SHG women in their own villages for formation of new SHGs with left over poor and to strengthen the existing SHGs till they become the Community Resource Persons. Strategy for Development of capacities of active SHG women: • Community Resource Persons will identify the active SHG women @ 2-3 women members during thier village stay of 15 days • Area Coordinators, ADEO’s and PRPs will observe the active SHG women for a period of six months in the village. • After conducting of 24 weekly meetings of thier SHG, active SHG women will be provided field immersion and exposure to understand the best practices of SHGs in SERP Project area for a period of 10 days. • After completion of field immersion and exposure visit, Village Organisation will use the services of active SHG women @ 10 days in a month for a period of 6 months to form new SHGs with left over poor women members and to attend SHG weekly meetings on regular basis. 1|Page Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihoods Mission Page 2 • Active SHG women will be paid @ Rs. 150/150/ per day for 10 days in a month for a period of 6 months through VO after revieweing of active SHG women performance. • CEO, Janpadh Panchayat will provide advance amount of Rs. 6000/ 6000/- to the Village Organisations for 2 months honoror honororium ium to the 2 active SHG women. After reviewing the performance of active SHG women on monthly basis, the CEO, Janpadh Panchayat will provide further advance to the VO after receipt of UC for the advance amount sanctioned to the VO. Each VO will be provided a maximum of Rs. 18000/- in 3 installments for a period of 6 months. • After completion of 6 months, the active SHG women will develop the Community Resource Person and thier services will be used in other villages / blocks by paying Resource fee on daily basis as decided by the CGSRLM. Role of active SHG women in thier villages: vill • To attend SHG weekly meetings and provide facilitation support to strengthen the SHGs. • To provide training to the old existing SHGs on SHG management and bring under the fold of NRLM. • To revive the defunct SHGs by providing training to the SHGs. • To form orm new SHGs with left over poor families. In view of the above, the CEO, Zilla Panchayats of Resource Blocks may be directed to provide financial assistance of Rs. 18000/ 18000/- per each Village Organisation after receipt of proposal from the VO to use the ser services vices of 2 active SHG women for a period of 6 months for formation of new SHGs and strengthen the existing SHGs. ---00--- Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihoods Mission “BIHAN”
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