A Study of St. Mark’s Gospel - A short study on the Gospel of St. Mark will be offered on two consecutive Thursdays, Nov 13th and 20th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. There will be a reading and reflection and a bowl of soup for lunch. This will be excellent preparation to begin hearing the way St. Mark tells the story of Jesus. Mark will be the main Gospel heard in our worship for the next liturgical year beginning in Advent. Our student intern, Victoria Scott, will be leading this study. Plan to join us if you can. Anglican Diocese of Ottawa—Creation Matters Dialogue: Fossil Fuel Divestment and Re-investment—According to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, “people of conscience need to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change.” Should we, as individuals and as a church, join the fossil fuel divestment movement, and re-invest in other ways? Join Creation Matters, the environmental subcommittee of the Diocese of Ottawa, with invited speakers/ panelists, for presentations and discussion on fossil fuel divestment and re-investment for individuals and the church. When: 2 - 5 pm, Saturday 15 November 2014 at St. Matthew’s. Upcoming Events Today & , 9:00—9:45 “Conversations” Scripture reading of the day Nov 16, 23, with Archbishop Curtis—Alcove of Main Hall 30 Nov 10 Ordination at Christ Church Cathedral, 7:00 p.m. Nov 12 11:30 Eucharist followed by Seniors’ Lunch Nov 13,20 11:00am-1:00 pm A Study of St. Mark’s Gospel Nov 15 8:30 am-11:30 am—Cornerstone Youth Group Meal Preparation in the kitchen 2-5 pm Creation Matters Dialogue—Fossil Fuel Divestment and Re-Investment. Diocesan workshop at St. Matthew’s Nov 21 Deadline for Pulse of the Parish. [email protected] Nov 18,25, Dec 2 6:15 pm “Molding the Anglican Tradition” Christian education Supper and evening talk series in the Church Hall Nov 22/23 Handel’s Messiah at St. Matthew’s Nov. 30 10:00 a.m Bishop Chapman will be with us for Baptism and Confirmation. The Anglican Church in the Glebe Dec 3 7:00pm Parish Council Meeting with Bishop John Chapman Wednesday Dec 10 "Parsons, Poets and Playwrights: Literary Figures who molded the Anglican tradition" Come join us for a new “Molding the Anglican Tradition” series Tuesday evenings – November 18th, November 25th and December 2nd . We will focus on Anglican literary figures representing both poetry and prose. Come and hear Archbishop Curtis (November 18th) on two early Anglican literary figures - Thomas Ken and George Herbert. On November 25th, Dr. Hazel Atkins will lead us in an exploration of the Modernist Anglican poet T.S. Eliot. The series will finish with the Rev. Prof. Kevin Flynn on modern Anglican prose writers such as C.S. Lewis and P.D. James. We’ll have a simple supper (soup, bread, cheese) starting at 6:15pm each evening and the talk will start at 7:00pm and e finish by 8:00pm. Sign up sheet on the big table at the back of the church (offers to contribute soup, bread or cheese for an evening gratefully accepted!). Come to one, two or all three evenings - they are an excellent opportunity for fellowship and to learn more about our Anglican tradition. ST. MATTHEW’S 7-9pm Seeking Justice Outreach Homelessness Meeting Prayer offered last week by St Thomas, Moose Factory to St. Matthew’s—We pray the Lord’s blessings in abundance for our partner parish of St. Matthew’s that “all saints” will watch over and guide them under God’s command. May the favour of the “Gitchi-Manitou” become their beacon of light, hope and love as they live out their lives in faith. Contact—Rector: The Rev. Canon Pat Johnston 613 234-4024 (For pastoral emergency if the office is closed 613 422-3882) Honorary Assistants: The Rev. Professor Kevin Flynn, The Rev. Canon Allen Box and The Most Rev. Barry Curtis, The Venerable Dr. Peter John Hobbs Director of Music and Organist: Kirkland Adsett (613 234-5482) Wardens: John Proudfoot 613 233-0158, Sue Rayner 613 233-8380 and Valerie Needham 613 730-1986 Sunday School and Youth Coordinator: Aindrea Proudfoot 613 240-1507 [email protected] Hospitality Ministries Coordinator: Ashley King: [email protected] Student Intern: Victoria Scott November 9, 2014 22nd After Pentecost Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel) 10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong (1st. & 3rd. Sundays, as announced) Our Parish Vision St. Matthew’s is a welcoming Christian community committed to growing in faith, offering joyous worship and reaching out in loving service. We warmly welcome all visitors. All baptised Christians are welcome to receive Communion. Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments and conversation after the 10:00 a.m. service 217 First Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 2G5 Office: 613 234-4024 Music: 613 234-5482 Website: www.stmatthewsottawa.ca 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist The order for this celebration is found in the Book of Alternative Services, beginning on p. 230. The Scripture readings are on the insert and Psalm 78: 1-17 can be found on page 806 of the BAS. 10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist (Book of Alternative Services) Children meet at the back of the nave and we will go together downstairs and will return at the time of the Peace. Mass setting: Mass for Three Voices Prelude: Prelude in G Stephanie Martin J.S. Bach The Gathering of the Community Processional Hymn 1 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Greeting and Opening Collect p.185 Glory to God p.186 The Collect of the Day Nicaea Dacey The Proclamation of the Word First Reading Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78: 1-7 Goss Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Gradual Hymn 476 God, You Have Caused to Be Written Causa Divina Gospel Acclamation 708: Sung first by the choir, then repeated by all The Holy Gospel Matthew 25: 1-13 Sermon The Nicene Creed p. 188 Prayers of the People Confession and Absolution p. 191 The Peace The Celebration of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn 567 Eternal Father, Strong to Save Prayer over the Gifts Eucharistic Prayer # 2 p.196 Sanctus, Benedictus The Lord's Prayer p.211 (744 CP) The Breaking of the Bread # 2 p.212 Agnus Dei The Communion Communion Hymn 53 Now the Silence Anthem So They Gave Their Bodies Prayer after Communion p. 214 Melita Martin Rimsky-Korsakov Martin Now Aston They shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them. We will remember them. Scottish Trad Please bring your children to the chapel immediately after receiving communion in order to practice the music for the Christmas pageant. The rehearsal will go through the period of announcements and the children will rejoin families during the recessional hymn . Families are invited Saturday, November 29th from 9:30 – 11:30 to come together and prepare for Advent. We will have crafts, snacks and time for community. Please RSVP to Aindrea Proudfoot ([email protected]). The Propers for today are found in the Book of Alternative Services on p. 391. The readings for next week are: Judges 4: 1-7; 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11; Psalm 123; Matthew 25: 14-30 **************************** Weekday Services Thursday: 10:00 a.m. Eucharist & Social Hour ************************* Gluten-free Communion wafers are available at the high altar. Please speak to the person administering the host. ******************* Hearing Assist headphones. We have 6 receivers which can be used by individuals. Please see a sidesperson if you would like to try a unit. **************************** Pew cushions are at the front and back of the church, help yourself. ********************* Healing Prayers during 10 a.m. Eucharist—If you desire a prayer for healing for yourself or a loved one, please come to the transept on the pulpit side during Communion. All are welcome. ******************** Ceremony of Remembrance The Book of Remembrance (names are read) Piper’s Lament: Flowers of the Forest Silence God Save our Queen (660 v.1) O Canada (659 v.1) The Blessing Announcements The Dismissal Recessional Hymn 528 O God, Our Help in Ages Past Postlude: The “Holy Ghost” movement from Trinity St. Anne Fugue J.S. Bach We welcome and thank this morning’s guest piper, Walter McLeish The flowers on the Altar today are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Ruth McBride, Harold Austin McBride and James Harold McBride. From all of the McBrides. Worship Participants Altar Guild: Marianne Goodfellow, Anneke DeZeeuw, Mavis Hill, Debbie Mallalieu, Janice McRae 8:00 a.m. Reader: Barb Gray Server: Cathy Simons 10:00 a.m. Servers: Patrick Martin, Silvia Logan, Peter Mackenzie Readers: Charles Nixon, Pam Mackenzie Prayers of the People: Elizabeth MacMillan Communion Ministers: Ruby Daley, Verna Wilson, Jamie Tomlinson, Diane McCauley, Janice Sonnen Healing Team: Mary Glen, Rick Trites Sidesperson & Greeters : Ian McArthur, Susan Rayner, Neville Nankivell Coffee Hour: Ashley King, Wesley Chick Commemoration of WW 1 and WW 2. Today we invite all parishioners to stay for a presentation of "The Harolds of St. Matthew's". After service, we will be hosting all for coffee downstairs to hear students from Lisgar Collegiate Institute tell the story of the late Harold Burgess, a member of St. Matthew's and a graduate of Lisgar, killed in action in WW 1. Students from Glebe Collegiate Institute will then tell the story of Harold Fisher, member of our church and a graduate of Glebe Collegiate, killed in action WW 2. Our contribution to the solemn ceremonies taking place across Canada to remember all those who served, we hope you can join us for what should be a most moving event. Sponsorship Opportunities for Handel’s Messiah—Adopt an oboe or cherish a cello! Messiah. Sponsors will be listed in the program, including commercial logos if desired. Supporters may also personalize their adoptions, for example making the donation in the name of a young musician in the family or as a memorial for a loved one. Donations may also be made in support of St. Matthew’s hardworking choirs. These gifts are tax-deductible. Advertisements in the program may also be purchased. Please contact Peggy Nankivell at 613-230-8669 or [email protected]. Pulse of the Parish— deadline for the Advent/Christmas edition is Fri. Nov. 21, 2014. Submit articles to [email protected]
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