From Fr. Bob: A few weeks ago, we took time during Mass to fill out a questionnaire about life at St. Pat’s. As promised, I am providing a summary of what you told me. 1. Why are you here? Main reasons were the sense of community, location and the pastor. Other reasons included Faith Formation, Mass times and spirituality/faith. 2. What ministries are you involved in? Main ministry is as a Eucharistic Minister. Others include Men’s Club and Circle of Friends, Fall Festival, Faith Formation, Hospitality and SPY. 3. What are you good at? What do you like to do? Lots of responses: family, cooking, gardening, prayer, working with kids, singing, music, etc. 4. If time and money were no object, what would you do for God? What could/should St. Pat’s do for you? Again, lots of responses: help the needy, more outreach, pay off our debt (!), new sound system, support the military, etc. 5. What could we do to increase engagement at the parish? WOW, did you respond! Way too many answers to list, but the broad categories would be: money, social activities, communication, youth, music, homilies, liturgy, Archdiocese, parishioners, outreach, people, ministries, Faith Formation. I have the full list of results if anyone wants to take a look. We’ll also have them on the website. Random Calling A while back, I had an idea and I know for some of you, that’s miraculous! Anyway, I thought it would be good to create a random list of parishioners and contact them to see how things are going. No pressure about finances or getting involved in the parish. The list has been put together and I and some parish council members will begin making the calls in the next few weeks. We will have a series of questions to guide the conversation but as I stated, there will be no sales pitch. So, if I or someone calls to say hi and ask about your life, please be courteous and welcoming to the caller. Ministry Fair Questionnaire Results 1. Why are you a member? What attracted you/keeps you here? The Pastor llll llll llll llll llll lll l Location Teresa lll Mass times Bryan llll Parishioners Sense of community/welcome llll lllll lll l llll llll llll Left other parish Faith Formation llll llll Music Sense of spirituality/faith llll llll Traditional Liturgy More moderate theology l Staff Adult Ed programs ll Thinking about joining Deacon John llll llll Was invited to join llll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll llll l llll llll llll ll l l llll l 2. 3. 4. What ministries are you involved in? Men’s Club llll llll l Eucharistic Minister llll llll llll llll llll lll l Choir llll ll Funeral Serve/Bake llll llll Fall Festival llll llll llll Faith Formation llll llll llll Sacristan l Adoration llll lll 55+ llll Parish Council lll Marriage Prep llll BTSB ll Money Counter llll SPY l SPY llll llll Altar Server llll Stuff envelopes lll VBS lll Grief group facilitator l Circle of Friends YAC Funeral Choir Ugly Quilts Sunshine Ladies Catechist Eucharistic Minister Cursillo RCIA Homebound Ministry Finance Lector Hospitality Altar Server Cemetery clean-up Crucifer SFO Justice and Outreach What are you good at? What do you like to do? Family Cooking Working with hands Crafts Technology Problem solving Public speaking Event Planning Working with children Praying for loved ones here and gone Singing Graphic Design Psychiatrist Writer/author/screenwriter Music Crafts, office/computer work Sharing my faith llll llll l l ll llll l ll llll ll llll l llll llll ll llll llll l l ll llll l Gardening Leading an action based initiative Building new programs Computer/Typing Music Love working with children Speaking in front of people Mechanical If time and money were no object, what would you do for God? If time and money were no object, what could/should St. Pat’s do for you? Provide for the less fortunate Help/Feed the homeless More leadership for young kids/provide a safe place to gather Be more involved Go on a mission trip Educate people on why Jesus Christ is important today Hold the Archdiocese accountable Be more faithful to the command: Go and teach all I have taught you Pay off the parish debt Fix the sound system Make sure everyone has enough nutritious food Encourage people to share their gifts and talents with the parish Build a healing, meditation garden at the VA Help support active duty soldiers, their families Have the songs on the screen instead of using the books Put something together to honor God, Jesus and my Grandmother Better myself for my soul’s sake and for the sake of others More Outreach Hold the Archdiocese accountable Give more time and treasure Church bells Video camera system to video events 5. What one thing could St. Pat’s do to increase the engagement of our parishioners in the life of the parish? Many people said that just don’t know. Money: Stop asking all the time Be more subtle asking for money Be a better steward of our money Too many extra collections Acknowledge all monetary gifts, large and small Take those not coming to mass off the registered list Get everyone to give, if only a dollar or two Social: More social activities that promote marriage and family life More activities to bring people together as a community More parishioner based, fun activities—softball team Weekly bingo Have an activity that doesn’t cost money Invite surrounding communities to join us for events to see how inviting and friendly we are Don’t ask for alcohol at mass for the festival or other parish events Don’t emphasize alcoholic beverages at events. It sends the wrong message Provide child care so people can try ministries Have more big events People need to asked personally to join Have a moms/dads group 1/week for families with children at home Get people together to talk about God has done in their lives Block party Dinner fundraiser or show a sports game in SH and donate proceeds Communication: Youth: Improve communication for volunteers Improve communication of when event/meetings are taking place Weekly email to parishioners to let them know what’s going on Monthly newsletter More speakers at masses to promote our activities and opportunities More one on one interaction—“know you by name” kind of thing Be more honest Be more supportive—let people know that the work they do is noticed and appreciated This survey is a good idea—it gets people thinking instead of just passively sitting and listening Youth mass Youth more involved in mass, perhaps 1/month Youth hospitality ministers, lectors, choir Engage the youth. Help them identify with the church More service projects for the youth Make things more fun for the youth Have kid’s activities after mass. A good way to meet other families with children Catholic summer camp opportunities Have mission trips that cost less so there is less fundraising—like St. Joe’s Keep Bryan Collins; he is really inspiring the youth. Music: Sing less verses Fix the sound system—too hard to hear the music Have more music More contemporary music Too many music ministries—members leave to join other music groups within the church Have men’s group sing more often Was in choir for many years and no one asked why I quit More lively music during mass Music is not inspiring Homilies: Don’t read homilies from a piece of paper Do the homily from the front of the altar like the visiting priests Relate homilies to everyday life More emphasis on Catholic faith and its relevance in daily life Mass/Liturgy: Keep mass times the same year round Gear either the 5 p.m. or 10:30 a.m. towards the youth Have a 4 p.m. mass like the Cathedral Sunday evening mass Later mass times Announce names of deceased for whom mass is being said Greet people at mass Daily masses in the evenings for working people Hearing assist devices Open communion for everyone More opportunities for confession Invite people to bring their prayer requests to church Homilies geared toward young people and their issues/problems Have contemporary mass 1/month Announce funerals from the altar with end of mass announcements Get people of all ages involved in mass Address Archdiocese issues more openly with information and prayer Be honest about the abuse, remove the priests and do not pay them Archdiocese has mismanaged their finances—don’t pay the back assessments Get a new Archbishop Be more honest Archdiocese: Parishioners: Be more welcoming Try to engage the families with kids to make the choice to come to church Have a meet and greet with new parishioners once a year Some parishioners could be friendlier and more welcoming **Invite others to join a ministry personally Outreach: Serve a meal here at St. Patrick’s for no charge Free lunch 1/week like WSP churches do Answer the community’s needs Support the local community More visible community involvement—IGH parade was a good thing to see Get seniors of the parish involved with our youth Offer more community volunteer programs that would involve children and would allow them to see how good it feels to help others People: **Keep inviting people to join It’s hard to approach people when they’re not here Don’t burn out the regular volunteers **Pair seasoned parishioners with newcomers It’s up to everyone to engage in the parish Priest should welcome new people to parish **Be more receptive to new volunteers **New to the parish and have not been welcomed or connected with by anyone Don’t take parishioners for granted Not be so judgmental Figure out why people aren’t engaged Have people who aren’t engaged invite people personally to join an activity/ministry Ministries: Was in a ministry and was not treated very well Explain ministries more More emphasis on ministries during the year Publish results of last 2 surveys on the web Could Ugly Quilts be during the day?? Allow people to try ministries with no commitment AND have child care available Have church leaders speak from the pulpit on what ministries they are involved in AND how they do it with their busy lives Faith Formation: Refresh curriculum Have kids try a ministry as part of faith formation Bible study for young adults (20-30 year olds) Have babysitting for young families so they can participate in gatherings to learn about their faith Include the feminine in your language regarding God More emphasis on Pro life Keep Fr. Bob This pastor is a gift Encourage critical discussions of our faith as it pertains to current, relevant topics such science, politics, etc. Change isn’t going to happen overnight Former pastor assigned 5-10 people to certain tasks/committees so each person had to serve at least 1/year People are informed of parish opportunities but they choose not to be involved Invite those who haven’t attended recently or only attend sporadically to return Try to bring back perpetual adoration Why is mass attendance down? Why have the 20-26 year olds stopped coming to church or have changed faiths? People need to find within themselves the commitment to church People may become more involved or more willing to be involved if asked by phone or visited Offer classes/seminars that address issues we all struggle with in our lives
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