THE CROSS Q=,,=slY":ll:,af -I-:l:,,,4"4r,i A BULLETIN FOR THE CHURCH OF ST. BARNABAS THE APOSTLE LINSLADE AND CROWN Sunday g'h November 2014 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 8:00 am said Eucharist. 10:00 am PARISH EUCHARIST. Preacher: Charles Amis. Readings: Wisdom 6'.12-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:1 3-18, (202) Matthew 25.1-13 (27) Anthem: O Lord increase my faith, Loosemore. 12'.20 pm approximately. Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Mentmore Road. 6.00 pm Evensong. Readings: Judges 7.2-22', John 15.9-17 Collect: Ever-living God, creator of all, You have made us creatures of this earth, but have also promised us a share in life eternal: we ask You to remember those whom You have gathered from the storm of war and bring them into the peace of Your presence. May all who have died in the peace of Christ share with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and all Your saints in the joy of heaven, where there is neither sorrow nor pain but life everlasting. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THIS WEEK FOR: Justin, our Archbishop; Alan, Bishop of St Albans; Richard, Bishop of Bedford; Saolo, Bishop of Amazonia; Nicholas, Bishop of Bermuda; for the parish of St Michael's St Alban's, for our Baby Barnacles, Tuesday Toddler Group, and Messy Church parents, children and helpers. For all those who live in Faulkners Way, Finch Crescent, Frances Court, Fyne Drive, and'The Gables. For those who are sick: Anne and Jim Barker, Marianne Hammond, Andy Judge, Gerry Colyer, Jo Lyons, Frank Bayley, Andrew Rae, Elle Damery, Alan Morris, lris Nicholls, Rosemary Bates, Christopher Murphy, Sharon Lund, Hazel Coomber, Marjorie Woodward, Alan Curtis, Daphne, Arianwen Minton. Sue Pain, Paul Brown. For those for whom prayer is asked: Jonah Croucher, George Howe, Sheila Lewis, Peter & Sophia Haynes, Robert Minton, Barry Crocker, Betty Dunsford, William & Barbara Cockcroft, Carole Dixon, Jamie, Catrin lreland, Finley Wells, Gillian, Stephen Bigrave, Ann Lamb, Arthur Griffith, Muriel, John Faiers, Millicent Bradshaw, Sally Brown, Edith Moore, baby lsabelle Hill, Nick, Maureen Thomas, Ron Milner, Mary Briggs, Margaret Phillips, lan MacDonald, Eileen Youngs, Gary Fellows, Carolyn Nichols, Martina, Natalie Brett. For the recently departed: Derek Gaskell, baby Angelina Webster, Adrian Forrest For the Years Mind: Dorothy Hall. THIS WEEK Sunday 9th November: Remembrance Sunday. There will be an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Mentmore Road at approximalely 12.20 pr Wednesday 12th November: Messy Church in the Hall. 4 pm. NEXT WEEK Friday 21li_NsyC!&q. Simple Service at Whichello's Wharf 11 am. COMING SOON Sunday 23'd November: Feast of Christ the King. Thursdav 27th November: PCC meeting in the Wyn Jones Room, 8 pm. Sundav 30! November:Advent Sunday. There will be a bread and soupAdvent Lunch in the Hall to raise money for the Charities we support. Fridav Sth- Sunday 7th December: Christmas Tree Festivalwith concert by Linsdale Singers and many other musicians during the day. Sunday 7th December: 3 pm Carol Service at St Mary's. Wednesday 1Oth December. Carol Singing at the Station. Sunday '14! December: There will be a Messy Christingle this afternoon, with the craft and snacks at 2 pm, and finishing with the Church service at 3 pm. Saturday 20th December: St Mary's Christmas Concert. Sundav 211 December: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols 6 pm. Tuesday 23'd December: Carol Singing at Elm Lodge Nursing Home at 2 pm. Wednesday 24th December: Crib Service 4 pm. Midnight Mass 11:30 pm. Thursday 25th December: Christmas Day Eucharists at 8 am (said) and 10 am (Sung) as usual. Please bring a new toy to the 1 0 am Eucharist to be blessed. Friday 26th December: St Stephen's Day. Said Eucharist 10:30 am. Saturday 27th December. St John's Day. Walsingham Cell Eucharist'10:30 am. OTHER ITEMS The Ghristmas Fair. We wish to thank allwho gave in any way to the success of the Christmas Fair yesterday. the Posada: As usual, we will be using a Posada or Knitted Crib throughout Advent. The aim of this is to help us prepare for Christmas by welcoming Mary and Joseph as they journey to Bethlehem, by making space for the crib in our homes for a day or so, before passing the crib on to the next person on the list. The crib is also quite durable, being knitted, so it makes a good resource for young children! lf you would like to receive the Posada, please sign up for an evening on the list at the back of church Annual Sleep-out at St Alban's Abbey. Fridav Sth December. As usual, several members of our congregation will be doing this Sleepout to raise money for the Leighton-Linslade Homeless Service, including Gill Peerman, Mary Johnson, and Wyn Jones. Please sponsor them generously: their forms are at the back of church. Christmas Tree Festival Sth to 7th December - The Tree festival is at St Barnabas this year and the theme is "Special Gifts". ltwould be good to see as many trees as possible from St Barnabas so get your thinking caps on! See Carolyn for application forms. Thank you. The Fairtrade stallwill be in the HaIITODAY I SERVICES DURING THE WEEK Morning Prayer at St Barnabas's: Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9:'15 am. Evening Prayer at St Barnabas's: Thursday and Friday at 5 pm. MONDAY 1Oth November. Leo, Pope, 461. There will be no Eucharist today TUESDAY 'l1th November. Martin of Tours (Martinmass), bishop and monk, 397. 9:30 am Eucharist using traditional language WEDNESDAY 12th November. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. 3,00 pm Communion at Elm Lodge 4.00 pm Messy Church in the Hall. THURSDAY 13th November. 10:00 am Mothers' Union Eucharist (followed by tea and coffee 2:15 pm Funeral of Adrian Forrest at St Barnabas's - all welcome) FRIDAY 14th November. Dyfrig (Dubricius), first bishop of Llandaff, 545, and Samuel Seabury, first bishop in the USA, 1796. B:30 pm Eucharist using a quiet service. SATURDAY 1Sth November. Albert, scholar, 1280. Sunday 16th November: SEGOND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT B:00 am said Eucharist. '10:00 amALL-AGE PARISH EUCHARIST. Preacher: lan Woodward. Readings: Zephaniah 1'.7 , 12-18, (889) 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 , (202) Matthew 25'.14-30 (27) 12 noon HOLY BAPTISM of Corey JONES. 6.00 pm Evensong. 1 Kings 1.15-4A : Revelation 1.4-18 7.00 pm Benediction CONTACT DETAILS TEAM VICAR: The Rev'd Bernard Minton; The Vicarage,372149 Email: [email protected]. Fr Bernard is usually available in Church on Sat mornings after -10 am ASST. PRIEST: The Rev'd Wyn Jones, 2 Woodside Way, 373638 PARISH OFF ICE 37 1 802. Email : i nsladeparishoffice@goog lemai l. com I Web page: www. uk Facebook: ffi# St Barnabas Linslade
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