St Mary the Virgin Twickenham Sunday 26

St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 26th October
Bible Sunday
WELCO ME to the Church`s worship on this Bible Sunday. Today we give
thanks for the way in which we can learn more about the nature, purpose and
love of God through the words of Holy Scripture and for the way in which we
can experience Christ in His word. Today we are privileged to be Baptising new
members of the Christian family, Samuel, Elizabeth and Beatrix.
We particularly welcome all those who have come to support them and
celebrate this event with them. Unfortunately there will be no Sunday School
today, so all our children are invited to join us for the whole service.
Coffee and tea will be provided in the hall after the 9.30 Eucharist where the
refreshments will be served by ‘After the Sermon’.
8.0 0 am
Holy Eucharist
Colossians 3: 12-17 (Robert Franklin)
Matthew 24: 30 -35
9.30 am
Parish Eucharist
O rgan music
O rgan music
Prelude in F O p.27 Percy Fletcher
15, 4, 514, 316, 46
Colossians 3: 12-17 (Heather Gibbs)
Matthew 24: 30 -35
Tuba Tune C.S.Lang
11.30 am
Morning Prayer
1st Lesson
2nd Lesson
119: 10 5-112
15, 4, 514
Venite, Jubilate
Colossians 3: 12-17 (David Williams)
Matthew 24: 30 -35
6.0 0 pm
Evening Prayer
1st Lesson
2nd Lesson
119: 89-10 4
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
2 Timothy 2: 1-7
We pray for all members of our congregation; for Mission Aviation
Fellowship and Welcare Richmond.
We pray for all those seeking God’s intervention, guidance and healing in their
lives, amongst them:
Ewa Grudzien
Ruth Ann Renick
Baby Margot Martini
Margaret Hastings
Andy Dennison
Nansi Collier
Christopher Price
Keith Schofield
Raquel Ebbutt
Ronald Leeson
Gordon Hollis
Colin Rennie
Kenneth Miller
Rachel Hearn
Alice Martin
John Palmer
Sylvia Butler
Valerie Smith
Peter Ball
Joanna Martin
Alan Stanton
Barbara Jenkins
Fiona Roe
Raoul Franklin
Ida Curtis
We pray for those who have died that they may know new and eternal life:
Derek Roe
Murray Greenwood
Alice Gross
If you would like the names of anyone included or re-added to the Intercessions list,
please e-mail Jeff, our Vicar, on [email protected]
or speak to him after the service.
Please can we remind you to keep your valuables with you
at all times while you are in church.
Thank you.
Sunday School
There will be no Sunday School today,
so please could parents bring their children to church
as there will be no facilities in the church hall.
Sunday School will meet as normal on 2nd November.
November Prayer Cycle
Copies of the prayer cycle for next month
are now available at the back of church.
Forthcoming Events
Please note that the Parish Eucharist will begin at 10 am
on Sunday 9 November, so as to incorporate the 2 minutes silence
at the culmination of the service at 11am.
O n the evening of 9th November, Remembrance Sunday, we will be joined by
the Marble Hill Singers who will be singing Faure`s Requiem as part of
the celebration of the Eucharist.
At this service we shall also be praying for the souls of all those who died
from this community during the 1st World War and the souls of all those who
have been part of our lives. If you would like the names of anyone included in
the prayers, please email Jeff our Vicar or James at the Parish O ffice,
or give a written copy to Jeff.
The Environment Trust's annual art auction will be held on Thursday 6th
November, in Clarendon Hall at York House. A donated watercolour of the
church is included in the auction. Details about the artist can be seen at
http:/ / artist-kyte, and the auction gallery page is at
http:/ / art-auction-gallery.
The next lunch is on Thursday 13th November at Pulcinella O steria in Church
Street Twickenham at 12 noon. All are welcome but please let me know if
you are coming. Joan Reddrop 8892 5911 or email [email protected]
Friday 21 November, Twickenham’s Light Up Event - Church Street will be
closed for this major community event from 3.0 0 pm-9.0 0 pm with the lights
being switched on at 6.30 pm. Details to be confirmed but there will be:
Father Christmas, food stalls, children’s crafts, musical entertainment,
children’s procession, carols, displays in church, loads of fun! Please put this
event in your diary NO W, volunteer to help out if you can (Please!) and also
make a something for our cake and home produce stall. We really need
helpers for this big event in our calendar! Any offers of help or queries, please
contact Katherine on 0 7775 677842 or at [email protected]
Sunday 30 th N ovember
6.0 0 pm Advent Carol Service.
Monday 8th December
7.0 0 pm
Christmas Carol Service for all those whose loved ones have recently died.
Sunday 14th December
4.0 0 pm Christingle Service.
Sunday 21st December
9.30 am Nativity Eucharist
6.0 0 pm Christmas Carol Service.
W ednesday 24th December
3.30 pm Crib Service, especially suitable for young children
4.30 pm Crib Service, especially suitable for older children
11.0 0 pm Midnight Mass.
Thursday 25th December
10 .0 0 am Festival Eucharist of Christmas.
Sunday 28th December
10 .0 0 am Parish Eucharist.
General N otices
MANY THANKS to all those who supported our Post-Padua-Pilgrimage Party
and provided all the food ! It was a wonderful occasion and wonderful
too to see our church used in a new way for the pilgrimage lunch.
Thank you to you all !
Readers and Intercessors Rota
A reader is required for next Sunday, All Saints 2 November, and an
intercessor for Remembrance Sunday, 9 November.
CHRISTMAS - If anyone has a suitable photograph which we could use on this
year`s Parish Christmas Card, please email it to Jeff our Vicar on
[email protected]
St Mary's Families - We have plenty arranged for the next few months,
including two Christmas parties - one for the kids and one for the grown ups!
To be part of this ever growing network of families, for meet ups, playdates,
nights out and the odd bit of church and local news, please email Lizzie
Wilkinson on [email protected]
Contemplation Groups - If you wish to join one of the Contemplation Groups
they are held every two weeks in the homes of the following:Marion Wills 8892 8636 Thursdays at 10 .30 am and Jenny Kelly 8891 2866
Fridays at 8.0 0 pm. These last for half an hour and are a time to be silent in
contemplation. If you would like to see if it is for you, please give us a ring
and we will give you more details.
Coffee Rota - We need a couple of volunteers to help with coffee after the
9.30 service on Sunday, November 9th. If anyone thinks they can help could
you please see Sandy Dempsey after the service today or contact her on 8898
2860 or [email protected]
Garden of Remembrance - We are looking for a few volunteers to take over
the weeding and general care of the rose beds in the Garden of Remembrance.
If you are able to help, could you contact Barbara Carmona on 8755 3955.
Twickenham Town Business A ssociation - Is there anyone who would like to
represent St Mary's on the TTBA and Church Street Association? This
enhances our relationship with and involvement in the local community,
particularly with what is going on in Church Street. There are informal
meetings of the TTBA about every two months usually in the early evening
during the week in central Twickenham. If you are interested, please speak to
Charlotte West (tel. 8891 0 461).
Can you help ? - Is there anyone in our congregation who has a working
knowledge of the Deafblind Alphabet? A lady who has minimal sight and
hearing would like to attend church and I am looking for a way to help her do
that, and for ways in which we can communicate with her and make her
welcome. If there is anyone who could help with this in any way, please call
Margaret Mence on 8977 3679.
Parish List and Data Protection
If you are new to St Mary’s or your details have changed, please complete as
below, tear off and pass the slip to a churchwarden and this will assist in
ensuring the parish list is kept up-to-date.
St Mary’s Church is committed to protecting your privacy and will handle all personal
data in accordance with the principles required by the Data Protection Act 1998. A parish
list is maintained and all information provided will be used only for the administrative
purposes of parish life and your details will not be shared with any other organisation,
institution or company.
Please pray for these events which are taking place amongst the
Church family during the coming week.
11.0 0 am - 12 noon
10 .0 0 am
1.0 0 pm - 4.0 0 pm
Minnows meeting in the vestry.
Holy Eucharist
The organ will be in use.
Sunday 2nd November
All Saints
8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist
Revelation 7: 9-17
Matthew 5: 1-12
9.30 am Parish Eucharist
Revelation 7: 9-17
Matthew 5: 1-12
10 .45 am Burial of ashes of the late Mary Pitts.
6.0 0 pm Healing Mass
Eucharist with Prayers
and the Ministry of Healing.
St Mary the Virgin
Church Street Twickenham Middlesex TW1 3NJ
Parish Priest
The Revd R J Hopkin Williams
email: [email protected]
0 20 -8892 2318
Assistant Priest
The Rev’d Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski email: [email protected]
0 20 -8891 5421 (Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Charlotte West: 0 20 -8891 0 461
Tony Dempsey: 0 20 -8898 2860
[email protected]
[email protected]
Parish Office
0 20 -8744 2693
(9am-11am daily Monday-Friday & 2pm-4pm Monday & Friday)
communications: [email protected]
[email protected]
Parish Visitor Co-ordinator
Margaret Mence 0 20 -8977 3679
Peter Sheil
Parish Giving Recorder
email: [email protected]
0 20 -8755 0 454