Volume 27, No. Volume 27, No. 11 4 NOVEMBER, WORSHIP IN NOVEMBER WELCOME GROW SERVE IN CHRIST TELEPHONE 314-962-6011 FAX 314-962 -4810 E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE WWW.CHRISTWG.ORG WORSHIP SCHEDULE SUNDAY AT 8 & 10:30 A.M. CHILDCARE 7:45 TO 11:45 A.M. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY 9 A.M. - NOON TUESDAY-FRIDAY 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. PASTORS PENNY AND KEITH HOLSTE COUNCIL PRESIDENT CINDIE LUHMAN PASTORAL ASSISTANT MARK ROOCK DIRECTOR OF SENIOR ADULT MINISTRIES AND PARISH NURSE CAROLYN CROWE SOUTHSIDE YOUTH COORDINATOR RHONDA DUNBAR DIRECTOR OF CHOIRS DIANE DROLLINGER ORGANIST MARK RUFF OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR SUSAN HUNT FINANCIAL SECRETARY TAMMY PRYOR CUSTODIAN KELLY LAKIES WEBMASTER DAVE RINGKOR November 2 – All Saints Worship. On this Sunday we remember the saints who have gone before to cheer us on in the Christian life. We remember by name those who have died this last year who were significant to us. Please submit those names by October 30 to the church office. November 23 – Christ the King Sunday. On this Sunday as we bring the church year to a close, we remember Jesus the Christ who is King over all time and space. November 27 – Thanksgiving Day. On the national day of Thanksgiving, we join with Emmanuel Episcopal Church at their location for worship at 9:00 A. M. The service includes hearing the Word, bringing packaged and canned food for the Webster Groves food pantry, and receiving the Lord’s Supper, the Holy Meal of Thanksgiving. They are located between Lockwood and Big Bend on Bompart. November 30 – The First Sunday in Advent. On this day we begin our way to Christmas. Both on Sunday mornings and the following Wednesday evenings, we prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord. We want to be prepared, awake, and to wait well for the Lord’s return. We light the Advent Wreath to mark the Sundays on the way. RETURN TO STANDARD TIME Daylight Savings Time ends Saturday night, November 1 at 2:00 a.m. at which time clocks should be turned back 1 hour (or when you go to bed on Saturday night). Remem1 2014 ber the old adage: “Spring forward, fall back!” ANNUAL MEETING DATE CHANGED For several years past the Annual Meeting of the congregation has been in November. Duly called meetings of the congregation have moved the Annual Meeting to January 25, 2015. YOUTH, ADULTS AND FAMILIES NEEDED TO PROVIDE CARE FOR CHILDREN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 All youth, adults and families are invited to help provide a fun morning for children ages infant to 15 on Sat. Nov. 8 from 9 a.m. to noon at Trinity Lutheran Church in Soulard. This event was rescheduled from October due to the Soulard Oktoberfest. We had a lot of fun doing this as a congregation last summer and we hope many people will return to help again this time. Meet at church at 8:15 a.m. Sat. Nov. 7 to carpool to Trinity or go directly there and be there by 8:45 a.m. We’ll play games in the gym, do crafts with the older ones and play with the youngest ones in the nursery. As we watch the children, their parents take classes provided by Humanitri to prepare them to be successful parents and workers after having been homeless. Humanitri is a Lutheran nonprofit which takes families from homeless shelters and provides them with a house at nominal cost for two years. After two years of support classes and counseling, families are ready to move on to rent or even buy their own homes. 11 Waymire Avenue in north Webster Groves. Webster Rock Hill Ministries is an organization of the churches in Webster Groves which supplies food pantry items to all people, plus legal consel, medical consultation, tutoring, school supplies, utility bill help and other services to members of the Webster Groves community. HARVEST MOON COCKTAIL PARTY AT L’COLE CULINAIRE NOV. 15TH You are invited to the Harvest Moon Cocktail Party on Saturday, Nov. 15 at L’Ecole Culinaire, 9811 S. Forty Drive, Ladue, MO 63124, from 7 to 10 p.m. Please join us for a celebration of fall’s bounty with a cornucopia of hors d’oeuvres, desserts, specialty cocktails and more! Tickets are $25.00 per person. RSVP by November 2nd to Lynnae Ruff or Jodi McCarty. Sign-up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall. PASTORAL ACTS On Sunday, September 14, 2014, Lauren Elise Dopuch, was baptized into the family of Christ. Lauren is the daughter of Kate and Bryan Dopuch, younger sister of Luke. Her sponsors are Michelle and Ben Freese. YOUTH TO BAKE COOKIES Southside Cluster Middle and High school youth will bake cookies the afternoon of Sunday, November 30. Cookies will be baked and decorated and delivered to selected care centers. The baking will be done at Gethsemane Lutheran Church. Kristin Gerhking and Adam Andruska were married at Graham Chapel, Washington University, by Pastor Keith on October 4, 2014. On Reformation Sunday, October 26, three ninth graders were confirmed. In the picture below, from the left, are David Hill (son of Kristin and Michael Hill), Anna Bussler (daughter of Deanne and Brett Bussler), and Ayanna Askew-Sunkara (daughter of Mari Askew-Sunkara and great-granddaughter of Gloria Richardson). They are posing with the personalized mugs made and presented each year to those confirmed by Nancy and Keith Lissant, with flowers arranged by the Flower Team. QUAKE REGISTRATION SOON While the Youth Encounter Quake is not until January 16, the time for registration has arrived and will be open until early December. Those in 7th and 8th grades and senior highs interested in being guides should contact Pastor Keith. SALE OF FAIR EXCHANGE CRAFT ITEMS SUN., NOV. 9th Colorful and reasonably-priced crafts and gift items will be sold all morning on Sun. Nov. 9 in the Fellowship Hall by members of The Bridge, a unique, ELCA worshipping community started several years ago in New Town near St. Charles, Missouri. PEOPLE NEEDED TO SUPPLY THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS GROCERIES TO NEEDY FAMILIES People can help make the holidays brighter for families in need by supplying groceries for a nice Thanksgiving or Christmas meal through a program of Webster Rock Hill Ministries. Using the registration form continued in this newsletter, people can adopt a family for Thanksgiving by Nov. 7 and bring their basket of food to Webster Rock Hill Ministries by Nov. 21. The form indicates dates for supplying a Christmas meal. Webster Rock Hill Ministries is located at 2 and will share his insights on the benefits and dangers for youth. Parents and grandparents will find this especially enlightening. SUNDAY MORNING FORUM This forum meets at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (in basement below worship area). Topics vary weekly and include Bible study, social issues, and comparative religion. Several times a year the class is involved in crossgenerational service or learning projects. Childcare is available in the nursery from 7:45 to 11:45 a.m. every Sunday. Nov. 23 & 30 – Introduction to the World of the New Testament - This DVD and discussion series introduces participants to the Greco -Roman and Jewish worlds in the time of the New Testament writers. Three Seminary professors describe “the world of the text, the world behind the text, and the world in front of it.” Christian Education Chair Harriet Scholle will introduce this series and lead the discussion. Nov. 2 – Dr. Kenneth Parker, Associate Professor of Modern Christianity at St. Louis University, will speak about John Henry Newman, the Roman Catholic Cardinal who is honored for his work in education by the many Newman Centers on college campuses. Having heard about the Reformation a week earlier, we will hear about Newman’s work to reform the Church in the 19th century. SMALL GROUP STUDIES Sunday Morning Book Discussion This discussion group meets at 9:15 in the Conference Room to watch and discuss a DVD about the book of Ruth, entitled “The Girl’s Still Got It.” The DVD follows a talk by author and speaker Liz Curtis which goes through the story of Ruth and makes connections to modern life. Nov. 9 – The Bridge: A Unique Community. How do you reach people who respect the teachings of Jesus but haven’t felt at home in a traditional church? That was the question which inspired the creation in 2008 of The Bridge. Brewing coffee, selling Fair Trade goods, talking, singing and praying, The Bridge has created a new type of Christian faith community. Vicki and Barry Martin, from The Bridge, will describe its history and current activities. They will also have Fair Exchange craft items on display for sale that Sunday. Tuesday Morning Bible Study This group meets from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. on Tuesdays. They are beginning a study of Mark. Come learn with other inquiring minds. Check in with Carolyn Crowe on where the class will meet, 314-277-2164, or call the church office. Wednesday Morning Bible Study This class meets from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays in the Conference room on the first floor across from the Beauty Salon, near the clinic, of the Laclede Groves senior living community at 701 S. Laclede Station Road. The pastors lead a study on the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. For information or transportation, call the office (314-962-6011). Nov. 16 – “Youth and Technology: What’s Out There and Is It Good?” Dan Johnson, Director of Congregational Ministries at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Creve Coeur, will give an overview of the different ways to do social networking ASANTE CHILDREN’S CHOIR CONCERT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Christ Lutheran and four other churches are sponsoring a choir concert on Friday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. in Eden Seminary’s chapel, 475 E. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves. This concert features the East African children’s choir, ASANTE. The children are from Uganda and Rwanda. “Asante” is a Swahili word translated “Thank You” in English These children, who have been rescued from some of life’s most difficult circumstances, take pride in expressing gratitude through their music. Their colorful clothing, pounding drums and sweet voices demonstrate their hopes and dreams for a brighter future. A free will offering will be taken in appreciation of the performance. 3 What Keeps Us from Asking: “Why Not?” My dog Davey and I walked down Jackson Avenue toward the park and we saw no one jogging like we usually did. We didn’t have to hop out of the way of oncoming cars. We didn’t even meet anyone else walking a dog. It was Sunday morning and everyone, it seemed, was asleep. Part of me felt happy for the neighborhood, like a mother who peeks in the bedroom and sees her child, after an active day, sound asleep. They need sleep, I thought, looking at the silent houses, after a week of getting up early to nurse the baby, commute to work, make an early flight and get kids off to school. They need sleep after a week of tests, sporting events, meetings, conference calls, driving kids to school, working out, shopping, cleaning and cooking. I was glad they were sleeping. But then I felt something else. I walked by my neighbor’s house, a widow whose son was dealing with cancer and wondered, who prays for her? I walked by the house of a newly retired woman who lives by herself and wondered, where does she find ways to make a difference in peoples’ lives? I wondered how many people, cloistered in their silent houses, longed for a community to share their good and bad news, to pray for them, to lift them up with congregational singing. Then I felt sorry for my sleeping neighborhood. I think of times when the street is even busier than weekday mornings. There was the cross country race in the park when people were parked for blocks and blocks. On the fourth of July the streets were jammed with cars and walkers headed eagerly toward the fireworks display. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Sunday morning were like that, with traffic jams of people on their way to church? “Oh, but those were special occasions,” someone might explain. “You can’t expect that much traffic on Sunday morning because people just don’t go to church.” But why not? And what keeps us from asking the question “Why not?” more often? People don’t go to church very often or don’t go at all. Why not? People don’t give to the church or other organizations. Why not? Maybe we’ve just gotten used to the low priority our society puts on faith and worship and don’t even think we should ask, “Why not?” but I want to suggest that we do. Maybe asking, “Why not?” is the first step in change. I don’t know the answer to the low priority our society puts on spiritual practices but I know nothing will happen if we don’t ask the question. After all, Jesus left us with the command to go into the world and teach people what he taught us and baptize everyone, and he left us with the power of the Holy Spirit. If we don’t believe we can bring Christ’s message of comfort and joy to others, maybe we should start by asking ourselves, “Why not?” I believe God is waiting to give us some answers. --Pastor Penny WOMEN’S ADVENT BRUNCH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2014 On Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014, we will celebrate the fifteenth annual Women’s Advent Brunch at Christ Lutheran Church. The brunch’s purpose is to help women cope better with the Advent and Christmas seasons, keeping the true message of Christmas in sight. This year’s theme, “That Perfect Gift,” allows us to contemplate God’s gift to us, his Son Jesus. The guest speaker will be Karen Melang, a graduate of the Lutheran Deaconess program at Valparaiso University, and retired Director of Habitat for Humanity, Fremont, Nebraska. The 2014 brunch will be held on St. Nicholas Day, from 10 a.m. until noon in the Fellowship Hall. All women of the congregation, their family and friends are invited to attend. Cost is $15 per person, payable to Christ Lutheran. Scholarship funds are available; contact the church office for details or reservations 314-962-6011. Childcare provided, if arranged in advance. 4 Considering End of the Year Giving… Each year as we near Thanksgiving and then enter the Christmas season, Christ Lutheran anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through donations as well as the time and efforts of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. Typically, nearly a third of our monetary giving to the Church occurs in these final months. If that proves to the case this year, the pace of giving through the year’s first 9 months indicates that we could fall short of matching our budgeted ongoing expenses for the year by a little more than $20,000. Please keep this in mind when you consider your plans during this upcoming holiday season. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at www.christwg.org and locate the ‘Give Now’ button. Or if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Of course, the traditional offering plate is always available on Sunday mornings, too! Thank you for your continued generosity and support! From your Stewardship Committee and the Treasurer BIRTHDAYS LET'S CELEBRATE! 11/02 Shelby Bolhafner 11/03 Dianne Deck 11/03 Ellen Mead 11/05 Thelda Bertram 11/05 Joshua Bruns 11/10 Katherine Uy 11/12 Donna Munger 11/13 Alicia Lewis 11/14 Susan Frillman 11/16 Jack Joern 11/17 Brent Wood 11/19 Helen Hedderig 11/20 John Joern 11/20 Robert Rivas 11/22 Gale Nunn 11/24 Tess Rogers 11/25 Matt Lindquist 11/25 Melba Thomsen 11/27 Tore Stole 11/27 Helen Weber CONGREGATIONAL BIRTHDAYS IN NOVEMBER Congratulations and Best Wishes to the members of Christ Lutheran celebrating birthdays this month! Here are the birthdays of members, from the information turned into the church office. Due to the encryption of the membership information, we might have missed your anniversary or birthday, we are sorry. Please notify the office immediately. Thank you. 5 from your Christian Service Ministry Team CHRISTMAS SHARING— It’s that time of year again when we focus on the Holiday that is so important in our hearts, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Always mindful of the many needy among us, we traditionally open our hearts and our purses a little wider in order to share our own bounty and blessings with those less fortunate. As in the past few years, we will be sharing your green envelope gifts equally amount Webster-Rock Hill Ministries, Feed My People and Room-At-The-Inn, to help them in their preparation of food baskets and holiday gifts to benefit their needy clients. Moving our holiday giving ahead one month allows those charities more time to do this important work. To share your love and warmth with those less fortunate, especially in these difficult economic times, won’t you please make your checks payable to Christ Lutheran Church, with “Christmas Sharing” on the memo line. If you wish to give one of the charities listed above, print that name next to Christmas Sharing. If you have no preference, simply write “Christmas Sharing” on the memo line and those monies will be divided among all three groups. May God Bless You. able to attend! ROOM-AT-THE-INN VOLUNTEERS It is once again Christ Lutheran’s month to recruit volunteers for Room-At-The-Inn held Friday Nov. 28– Saturday the 29th. The usual call for Friday drivers, dinner preparers and servers, an overnight host and the Saturday group of breakfast preparers and servers, drivers and someone to do the laundry is going out! Want to assist in November? Please contact Vic Saeger at [email protected] or Sandra Hoyer at [email protected] if you are able to assist in November. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS COLLECTIONS Beginning with the Women’s Advent Brunch on Saturday, Dec. 6, Christ Lutheran will be collecting scarves, hats, mittens and gloves on the Mitten Tree in the Fellowship Hall. These warm items, for the entire family but especially the youngest, will be gathered for delivery to Nurses for Newborns. Bring your knitted or crocheted items on Sundays and hang them on the tree built by the late Merle & Lydia Reischauer . In addition, we will be gathering disposable diapers (all sizes), lotions (for mothers and children), and other items that aren’t covered in a minimum wage salary. Thank you for thinking of others at this time of year. We are also working with Epworth Family & Children’s Services to set up an anonymous “gift giving tree” at Christ, for those children living at Epworth. Members can choose an “ornament” with requested items and fill those requests. Stay tuned for more information. SECOND SUNDAY SPORTS Volunteers are needed for Epworth Second Sunday Sports & Games program for Sunday, November 9th at 1:30 p.m. Meet at Epworth in Webster Groves as usual. We will play a quick game of flag football, followed by teaching the boys to make hot wings (at the frequent request of one of the kids). Should be a lot of fun. Please let Melissa know if you’ll be GIVE-A-MEAL-A-MONTH November, 2014 Canned chicken or turkey Boxed potatoes au gratin Canned asparagus Cranberry sauce or berries Powdered milk or shelf-stable soy milk December, 2014 Canned ham (check Walgreen’s) Instant mashed potatoes Canned spinach or greens, low sodium Canned fruit in own juices, light syrup Powdered milk or shelf-stable boxed soy milk Return to Church by Sun., Return to Church by Sun., November 16, 2014 December 14, 2014 A meal a month for you, a meal a month for your neighbor. Please fill a yellow shopping bag or two 6 Local restaurants and stores provide a wide variety of soups and breads for your meal, and local musicians provide a wide range of music for your listening enjoyment as you dine. We will be dining at First Congregational Church of Webster Groves, 10 W. Lockwood (corner of Lockwood & Elm), Webster Groves, MO 63119. Parking is available on the Elm lot or behind the church off of Gore. Tickets may be obtained at the door or by contacting Pastor Penny or the Christ Lutheran church office. Be a part of the sharing and the fun, and take home a hand-crafted bowl as a remembrance of your effort with WRHM to fill other empty bowls. Empty Bowls Soup Dinner Sun., November 2nd 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. Though there are always empty bowls in homes across America and even in our own communities, the “Empty Bowls” fundraiser seeks to alleviate this problem locally. On Sunday, Nov. 2, from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m., for $15 per adult or $5 per child 13 and under, share a simple but delicious soup and artisan bread dinner with your friends and neighbors and support the work of Webster-Rock Hill Ministries at the same time. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men. Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of His works with songs of joy. Psalm 107: 21-22 This is the season for thanksgiving, the time when we gather with family and friends for turkey and dressing and declare our thankfulness for the many blessings which God has given to us. Our small group gathered on a beautiful fall day for a delightful luncheon at Bixby's overlooking Forest Park. We then enjoyed the 250/250 exhibit at the History Museum. This exhibit portrayed 250 people whom have been influential in St. Louis since its founding in 1764. It included people such as Madame Chouteau, Dred Scott, and Stan Musial. We will not meet in November, but that does not mean we will not be busy. We will be busy baking cookies for our annual Christmas Cookie Sale. This year our proceeds will help fund the Youth Group as they raise funds to attend the triannual Youth Gathering which will be in Detroit in 2015. Thrivent will match our proceeds so we need the support of everyone to bake cookies and to purchase cookies. More information will be in the December newsletter. Be thankful for all we have. The Blessings of the Lord upon each and every one of us. See You in Church! BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS NOVEMBER 2 & DECEMBER 7 Each month Carolyn Crowe, Faith Community Nurse and Director of Senior Adult Ministries, schedules blood pressure screenings on a Sunday morning during the Fellowship and refreshment time. For November and December she will be doing the screenings on the first Sunday of the month, Nov. 2 and Dec. 7. Following the early service she will be in her office on the lower level near the Nursery. Immediately following the 10:30 service Carolyn can be found in the Fellowship Hall. You can also make an appointment with her for a blood pressure check up. Screenings for all ages can be very beneficial. Carolyn can be reached at the church, 314-962-6011, or by cell phone 314-2777 8 son who lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan and they were accompanied by Mike Hoyer, quite a family group! A lot of reminiscing was carried on by all the seniors attending. We topped off the afternoon with pineapple upside-down cake and cheesecake. Director of Senior Adult Ministries Carolyn Crowe made the delicious pineapple cake. This month, the party will take place on Monday, November 17 at 12:30 p.m. at Provision Living, 45 East Lockwood, Webster Groves, Guests will be able to purchase soup, salad or sandwiches at the Bistro 45 as we dine in the second floor gathering room. Parking is available at the rear of building. We look forward to celebrating the birthdays of Helen Weber (Provision Living resident), Helen Hedderig, and Thelda Bertram. All seniors and other members are welcome to join our party—just call Carolyn Crowe, 314-277-2164 or the church office to make a reservation. Carpooling is available and there are scholarships ready for use. YOUTH CHILI COOK=OFF SUN., NOV. 16, 11:30 A.M. You are invited to participate in the Chili Cook-Off to be held Sunday, Nov. 16, following the late service (approximately 11:30 a.m.) in the Fellowship Hall. You can bring your best, special chili and set up a booth where members can taste test your offering. Or, you can buy a “spoon” - $5 for adults and $1 for kids 5 and under, taste entries and “vote” for your favorites! To place your vote, you will make a donation at the chili booth of your choosing. The chili with the most donations at the end of the afternoon will win the prize To register your chili, please sign up on the form located on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. All proceeds will go to the Youth Group for their travels in the next year, especially the National Youth Gathering in Detroit. CANTATA CHOIR PRACTICE The choir will begin practices for the Christmas cantata on Saturday, November 1, at 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Practice will also be held on Saturdays, Nov. 8, Nov. 22, Dec. 6. Additional practices may be called if needed. The cantata will be performed on Sunday, December 7. Would you like to sing at this event? Contact Diane Drollinger or show up at practice on the 1st. THANKSGIVING BASKETS SOUGHT FOR ST. PHILIPS NORTHSIDE OUTREACH St. Philip’s Lutheran Church Northside Outreach ministries has an “adopt-a-family” programs for Thanksgiving, where you are invited, along with your friends and family, to prepare a “basket” for holiday meals. St. Philips Lutheran Church has about 50 families needing Thanksgiving dinner. The more you can give to their outreach program, the less that has to come from limited funds. Donations to this program are needed by Nov. 16th. The Thanksgiving food list is: Turkey, dressing/stuffing mix, macaroni and cheese mix or ingredients, canned cranberry sauce, canned green beans or canned or fresh greens, cornbread mix, canned or fresh sweet potatoes/ yams, mashed potatoes mix or fresh potatoes, gravy, cake mix & icing, pie crust and fillings, juice or tea. Contact Pastor Keith for more information. SENIOR FELLOWSHIP HOLDING BIRTHDAY PARTIES The Senior Fellowship group at Christ Lutheran has begun to hold birthday parties to honor those 90 and older, after discovering that there are 16 seniors in that age span at Christ. In an out-reach to those seniors not able to attend weekly fellowship at the church, it was decided to hold birthday lunches at senior living facilities where some of our seniors live. The first lunch was held October 6th at The Bistro dining room at Laclede Groves Senior Living. The private dining room was filled with 14 attendees there to help Dolly Hoyer, Cletus Romay and Anita Trautmann celebrate their natal days, which were in September and October. Instead of the normal brown bag lunches followed by playing games, we enjoyed soup, salads or sandwiches while visiting with friends and catching up on everyone’s lives. The party coincided with a visit from John Hoyer, Dolly’s 9 NOVEMBER 2014 "WHO-DO" LIST DATE: Nov. 2 8:00 A.M. Service Key Person Assisting Minister Acolyte Ushers Lector Presenters Altar Guild Flowers Nursery Counters Refreshments John Hoffmann DATE: Nov. 9 8:00 A.M. Service Key Person Assisting Minister Acolyte Ushers Lector Presenters Altar Guild Flowers Nursery Counters Refreshments Jerry Kuziel DATE: Nov. 16 8:00 A.M. Service Key Person Assisting Minister Acolyte Ushers Lector Presenters Altar Guild Flowers Nursery Counters Refreshments Bill Scholle DATE: Nov. 23 8:00 A.M. Service Key Person Assisting Minister Acolyte Ushers Lector Presenters Altar Guild Flowers Nursery Counters Refreshments Alan Richter DATE: Nov. 30 8:00 A.M. Service Key Person Assisting Minister Acolyte Ushers Lector Presenters Altar Guild Flowers Nursery Counters Refreshments Vic Saeger 10:30 A.M. Service All Saints Day Joan O’Brien Mark Roock John Hoffmann Eric Deck Flo & Vic Saeger Becca & Peter Jordan John Hoffmann Sandra Hoyer Sally & Jim Wachtman Larry Neeb / Sylvia Rogers Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Nancy Lissant / Harriet Scholle Lynnae Ruff Dave Austin / Dave Hopper Carolyn Crowe / Sandra Hoyer / John Hoffmann 10:30 A.M. Service Matt Bender Katrina Lynn John Hoffmann Sam Allen Kuziel Family Bryan Dopuch / Brent Wood Larry Hill Kersten Horn Larry Hill Matt Ciorba / Dave Ringkor Kathy Kuziel / Sarah Bender Ellen Mead / Joan Rivas Lynnae Ruff Susan DeBusk / Joan O’Brien Thrivent South Chapter will sponsor refreshments with Carolyn Lange& Joan Rivas serving. Thrivent members are reminded to vote for officers today. 10:30 A.M. Joan O’Brien Emma Austin John Hoffmann Paige Lauer Harriet & Bill Scholle Brett Bussler / Jadee Lauer Vic Saeger Ed Mansour Flo & Vic Saeger Joan & Bob O’Brien Janet Roock / Carolyn Lange Faith Moore Lynnae Ruff Flery Langholz / Tore Stole Donna Munger / Mary Richter / Janet Roock 10:30 A.M Christ the King Sunday Keith Lissant Sandra Hoyer John Hoffmann Laura Swanson Kuziel Family Larry Neeb / Roger Rose John Hoffmann Roger Rose Larry Hill Becca & Peter Jordan Kathy Kuziel / Angela Bratcher Dianne Deck Lynnae Ruff Sarah Ely / Dave Austin Angela Bratcher / Melissa Rentfrow / Sally Wachtman 10:30 A.M 1st Sunday of Advent Mike Hoyer Flo Saeger John Hoffmann TBA Flo & Vic Saeger Mike Hoyer / Joan O’Brien Jeffrey Kuziel Kim Donermeyer Sally & Jim Wachtman Donna Munger / Gale Nunn Sally Wachtman / Sandra Hoyer Sandra Hoyer Lynnae Ruff Joan O’Brien / Dave Hopper Ellen Mead / Flo Saeger / Harriet Scholle 10 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri No Women’s Group meeting this month. Cookie sale will be Dec. 9th. 1 2A Daylight Savings time ends—clock back 1 hour 8:30-10:30A Cantata choir practice 2 All Saints Day 3 4 8 & 10:30A Worship 9:15A Education hour 9 & 11:35A Fellowship time 9 & 11:35A Blood pressure screenings 4:30P Empty Bowls 11A Conscious Body Alignment class— Fellowship Hall 12 noon Senior Fellowship time—Conference Room 10A Pastor’s Text 10A Adult Bible study @ Study—Conference Rm Laclede Groves Sr. 10A Adult Bible study— Living, 1st floor lounge Fellowship Hall 9 10 11 Veteran’s Day 12 8 & 10:30A Worship 9:15A Education hour 9 & 11:35A Fellowship time 12:15P HS Youth DropIn St.Thomas/Holy Spirit 1:30P 2nd Sun. Sports @Epworth 11A Conscious Body Alignment class— Fellowship Hall 12 noon Senior Fellowship time—Conference Room 10A Pastor’s Text 10A Adult Bible study @ 7P LST Class— Study—Conference Rm Laclede Groves Sr. 10A Adult Bible study— Living, 1st floor lounge Fellowship Hall Fellowship Hall 11:30A LST Board meeting—Conf .Room 16 17 18 8 & 10:30A Worship 9:15A Education hour 9 & 11:35A Fellowship time 11:30A Youth Chili Cook-off –Fellowship Hall 11A Conscious Body Alignment class— Fellowship Hall 12:30P Senior Fellowship time—Provision Living W.G. 10A Pastor’s Text 10A Adult Bible study @ Study—Conference Rm Laclede Groves Sr. 10A Adult Bible study— Living, 1st floor lounge Fellowship Hall 23 Christ the King 24 8 & 10:30A Worship 9:15A Education hour 9 & 11:35A Fellowship time Sat 11A Conscious Body Alignment class— Fellowship Hall 12 noon Senior Fellowship time—Conference Room 25 5 6 13 19 20 26 7 8 7P Asante Children’s choir concert @Eden Seminary chapel 8:15A Carpool to childcare for Humanitri (9Anoon) 8:30-10:30A Cantata choir practice 14 15 7—10P Harvest Moon cocktail party @L’Ecole Culinaire 21 8:30-10:30A Cantata choir practice 27 28 10A Pastor’s Text 10A Adult Bible study @ THANKSGIVING DAY 5P Room-At-The-Inn Study—Conference Rm Laclede Groves Sr. 10A Adult Bible study— Living, 1st floor lounge Client pick-up, dinner, 9A Thanksgiving Day Fellowship Hall overnight @1st Congo combined service at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Bompart at Lockwood Ave. 30 1st Sunday in Advent 8 & 10:30A Worship 9:15A Education hour 9 & 11:35A Fellowship time 3-5P Jr. High Youth bake @Gethsemane 11 22 29 7A Room-At-The-Inn Client breakfast, return client @1st Congo 12 13 ONE IN CHRIST NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT #741 The Monthly Newsletter of Christ Lutheran Church, ELCA 1 Selma Avenue at Lockwood Webster Groves, MO 63119-3199 SUNDAY SCHEDULE November, 2014 Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Childcare 7:45 - 11:45 a.m. Christian Education Hour 9:15 Coffee Fellowship 11:35 a.m. November 2014 Highlights 11/02 All Saints Day 7:45 a.m. Childcare. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. - Worship; 9:15 a.m.: Education Hour; 11:30 a.m.: Coffee fellowship; 9:15 & 11:30 a.m.: Blood Pressure screenings; 4:30—7:00 p.m.: Empty Bowls soup dinner @ 1st Congregational. 11/07 7:00 p.m. -Asante Children’s Choir at Eden Seminary chapel, 475 E. Lockwood Ave., W.G. 11/08 9:00 a.m.—Noon Childcare for Humanitri. Meet at church at 8:15 a.m. to carpool. 11/09 7:45 a.m. Childcare. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.: Worship; 9:15: Education Hour; 11:35 a.m.: Coffee fellowship.—The Bridge w/Fair Trade items. 12:15 p.m.: HS Youth Drop-In @St. Thomas/Holy Spirit; 1:30p.m. 2nd Sunday Sports 11/15 7:00—10:00 p.m. Harvest Moon Cocktail Party at L’Ecole Culinaire, 9811 S. Forty Dr., Ladue 11/16 7:45 a.m. Childcare. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.: Worship; 9:15 a.m.: Education Hour Fellowship Hall; 11:35 a.m.: Fellowship; 2:00 p.m.: Latvian Lutheran worship & fellowship. 11/22 7:00 p.m. Church Council—Conference Room 11/23 Christ the King Sunday 7:45 a.m. Childcare. 8:00—Worship; 10:30 a.m. - Worship; 9:15 a.m.: Education Hour; 11:45 a.m.: Coffee fellowship. 11/28-11/29 5:00 p.m.: Room-At-The-Inn pick up guests, dinner, sleep over; 7:00 a.m.: Breakfast & return guests to headquarters. 11/30 7:45 a.m. Childcare. 8:00—Worship; 9:15 a.m.: Education Hour; 10:30 a.m. - Worship; 11:45 a.m.: Coffee fellowship. 3:00-5:00 p.m.: Jr. High Youth bake cookies at Gethsemane Lutheran Church. 14
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