Welcome to our School Newsletter Thursday 6TH November 2014 MMPS Dates & Events (Web Link) Last Thursday this culminated in our Arts Celebration Day. This day started with a Grandparents Mass and morning tea. Our student leaders helped serve food to our Grandparents at this morning tea. Their manners and respect were highlights for many of our visitors. After morning tea there were performances from all the grades, school choir and band and we also witnessed a staff performance. During the evening we held an open night and sausage sizzle. Follow the links to your articles of interest Principal’s Report Deputy Principal Religious Education Student Wellbeing Office Year Prep Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Physical Education Music iLearning Centre Grounds & Facilities Canteen Parish FOMM Wider Community Dear Parents, Over the last two weeks the children and staff have been exploring and celebrating the area of ‘The Arts’. During this time, the children have been engaged in a range of classroom activities. We had our guest artist Kevin Weeks, Cultural Infusion, access to the federation bells, volunteers teaching dance, Flying Bookworm and an ‘Arts rotation’ which was arranged and planned by our Year 4-6 children. All levels were involved in many other planned activities are part of their classroom and level programs. Once again I acknowledge the Arts Committee for the time and effort in planning for this event. I also thank our Arts Captains, Brianna Ryan and Connor Gullivan, who were also involved in the preparation of this day and also did a wonderful job as MCs for our performances on Thursday. Our School Captains including our Sports and Faith Captains have, and continue to be, heavily involved in the life of our school. This week our Sports Captains will be involved in the P-2 Sports Day on Friday. In reviewing aspects of our leadership program we have decided to begin this process, for 2015, this year. During term 4 our Year 4 and 5 children have been exploring what it means to be a leader. Our Year 6 children have been able to reflect on the experience of this year and share this with Year 4 and 5 students. In the coming weeks those children wishing to nominate for 2015 leadership positions will have an opportunity to do so. We will then go through the election process with the students, and our student leaders for the 2015 school year will be elected. This will enable these leaders to be involved in the transition from 2014 to 2015 and our student leadership program will be in place for the start of the new school year. EMA: From 1 January 2015, the government will provide extra financial support directly to Victoria’s neediest schools instead of providing the Education Maintenance Allowance directly to parents. Not all schools will receive this funding as it is based on a needs basis formula. The implication of this is that Parents will not be able to apply for the Education Maintenance Allowance in 2015. Often parents eligible for this support used this funding to support payment of school fees. However from 2015 onwards this option will no longer be available. For more information go to http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/parents/financial/pages/ema.aspx Scarlet Fever There has been a reported case of Scarlet Fever in the school recently. According to the Better Health Government Website, the symptoms of scarlet fever include: Inflammation of the throat. A pink-red rash spreading across the abdomen, side of the chest and in the skin folds. The rash may feel like sandpaper when touched. A bright red tongue (known as ‘strawberry tongue’). Paleness around the mouth. Prep, Year One and Year Two Athletics Day Parents are most welcome to join the Prep, Junior Level students and teachers tomorrow, Friday 7th November, on the small oval at school for athletics day. All Prep and Junior students will participate in a number of events such as baton relay, hurdles and sprint races. Students will compete in their house colours and will be issued with a coloured bib on the day. Students will need to ensure they bring a drink bottle and hat as they will be outside from 9:0011:00am 2015 Prep Orientation Day For further information please go to: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Streptococcal_disease?open Extra-curricular Activity - Cheerleading Performance Next Wednesday, 12th November, our 2015 Prep students will attend their first Orientation Day at school from 9:15-10:30am. During this time 2014 Prep students will spend some time with their buddy class. Earlier in the term the school celebrated Health and Physical Education week. As one of the extra-curricular activities, students from Prep to Year Six were invited to trial Cheerleading. The vigorous activity combines dance, aerobics and gymnastics. The huge interest in trialling this as a sport was overwhelming! Trials turned into a few lunchtime rehearsals to learn a routine, which all students involved are now ready to display. We look forward to presenting the MMPS P-2, 3-4 and 5-6 Cheerleading teams at assembly on Monday 17th November, beginning 9am. MATHEMATICS Entry & Exit into school – Now that the building works have been completed, effective from next Monday 10th November, entry and exit before & after school, will be through the gate between the new staffroom and the Prep building and the gate next to the Middle level buildings & Lowry Court. The gate near hall will now be closed I would love to hear from anyone who can assist. Please leave your name and contact number with the office staff if you are able to assist. Important Dates - 2014 16th As we begin to prepare for our 2015 School Year, I am asking for a couple of volunteers to assist in making “Bead Strings” for the new Prep students. Bead Strings are used in the classroom to teach children to count one-to-one, count forwards and backwards and also for addition and subtraction. Regards, Maree Harris <Back to Contents> Last day of school for Year 6 students Tuesday December, finishing @ 3.15pm Graduation Dinner for Year 6 students Tuesday 16th December @ 5.00pm Last day of school for Prep – Year 5 Wednesday 17th December, finishing @ 3.15pm Conversations with Mary: A gathering for prayer and reflection with Mary MacKillop will be held on Monday 17th November at the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, East Melbourne. For further information contact the Centre on 9926 9300 or [email protected] Important Dates - 2015 Student Assessment Day 1 Thursday 29th January Student Assessment Day 2 Friday 30th January Prep to Year 6 students commence school Monday 2nd February <Back to Contents> Term 4 School/Class Mass & Class Reconciliation Roster: Parents, families and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate with staff and students during the following Eucharistic and liturgical celebrations: Mass Celebration (Thursdays 9.15am in Hall or as indicated) Reconciliation Celebration (Thursdays 10.00am in stage area of Hall) 13th November Year 1 M-VW 20th November Year 2 M-CP 27th November Prep 4th December J-MV & S-HF 9th December Year 6 Graduation Mass @ OLHC 7.00pm 11th December Whole School @ OLHC 11.00am M-SL M-KW A Remembrance Day service will be held in each class next Tuesday beginning at 10.30am and led by Year 6 students. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. The brief service arranged by the senior students, will be dedicated to those Australians who died as a result of war, particularly from World War I onwards. Red poppies are worn to remember those who died during a war. Poppies were among the first plants that came from the battlefields of northern France and Belgium during World War I. If interested in purchasing items to commemorate Remembrance Day, RSL Berwick Branch has provided items. The sale of these items provides an important source of funds which support veterans’ and their families. Items are available for purchase at the School Office. Family Prayer November is the Month of the Holy Souls. This is the month we remember our family and friends who have died. It begins with All Saints Day to honour the recognised and unrecognised men and women in Heaven. It is followed by All Souls Day, a day to pray for our deceased family and friends. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who are tired and overburdened, I will give your rest. Shoulder m yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. My yoke is easy and my burden light.” Mt 11: 25-30 Lord, you are our light and our salvation. We pray for all those who have died, that they are in the light and joy of heaven. Amen. All angels and saints in heaven, pray for us. <Back to Contents> Playgroup - the final Playgroup Session for 2014 will be held on Wednesday November 26th 2014. Playgroup will resume in 2015 The school would like to thank Brigida Vena for her work as playgroup leader. We would also like to thank the many families and children who attended and have assisted Brigida in making this playgroup an important and successful aspect of school community. Some of age appropriate playgroup children will now transition to formal schooling and we at Mary MacKillop School welcome them as Prep students in 2015. Over the last few months much work has gone on behind the scene to ensure that our Year 6 students will be catered for in the various secondary schools they will attend in 2015. St. Francis Xavier College, our feeder secondary school, has met with Year 6 teachers to share information to support students in their learning and to make the transition smoother. Students will also be attending a Transition Day next month. If you or your child has particular concerns regarding transition please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or the school. Students who are attending other schools have or will soon also meet with representatives from their prospective schools, all Year 6 students will be visiting their secondary school of choice for Orientation Days on their designated day. Prep Orientation Day for incoming Prep 2015 children will be held on Wednesday November 12th. We look forward to welcoming our new students and families. In upcoming newsletters I will focus on providing information and strategies (age appropriate) that parents can implement to support their child in making transition a positive experience. Some strategies even cross over regardless of age. CAKE DECORATING WORKSHOPS Wednesday 12th & 19th November in the Parent Room 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Please see flyer at the end of today’s newsletter for further details. <Back to Contents> Beleza Uniform Shop VIP Sale (up to 20% off) – Monday 17 – Saturday 22 November. See flyer at the end of today’s newsletter for further details. GOING AWAY ON A HOLIDAY DURING THE SCHOOL TERM? Due to roll recording requirements, we ask that you send a note to the office, at least two weeks before you leave, stating the dates your child will be away from school. This will be forwarded to the class teacher. Alternatively you can send an email to [email protected] Medication Forms – all students who require medication during the school day (either prescription or over the counter) MUST hand it in to the office, together with a signed medication form. Forms are available from the office or on the website. Today we had some special visitors from the Fire Department come in and share safety hints with us. We also learnt a little but about what it is like to be a Fire Fighter, they are very brave! A reminder that any parents interested in sharing information about their jobs are welcomed to be a guest speaker. Tomorrow we have our Prep & Junior Level Athletics day. We would love to have as many spectators as possible there to cheer us on! If you have any queries, please see your child’s class teacher. Friday 21st November is our school’s Mini Mission Fete day. Students are invited to bring in money to use at stalls that will be set up and run by the senior students. A note detailing some of the stalls that will be one will go home next week. <Back to Contents> <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Sienna Mendolia, Isabelle Camilleri, Mia Williams Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Mia Farkas, Eliza Finn Carter, Luke Dimitriou, Liam Huntington,Jessic Stone, Mia Torelli, Sebastian Stellato, Ben Brittain, Jasraj Toor, It has been wonderful celebrating The Arts over the last two weeks. Our Mary MacKillop Arts Festival concluded last Thursday and our second week of art celebrations were equally as exciting as our first! On Monday we had a whole school assembly where we got to see our wonderful band and choir groups perform, on Tuesday we had our final art rotations with the Prep teachers, on Wednesday we had a music incursion where we played some very cool percussion instruments and we also had a talent show with the senior students and on Thursday we had a whole school concert where each level performed a special act. Thursday was also our Arts Festival Open Night; it was wonderful to see so many Prep families attend! It’s been a very busy start to Term 4 and just having the Arts Festival has been an exciting change to the daily routines of the classroom. All the children did a wonderful performance at the Junior concert and it was fantastic to see so many parents and friends come to watch them perform. As well as having various incursions and activities planned throughout the fortnight, we concluded with the Grandparents Mass which saw a great turn out and the children loved having the opportunity to show some of the grandparents work and share in an activity with them. The children then performed in the Whole School Concert where they all did brilliantly. We were also able to watch all the other classes and teachers perform songs of their own. Last Thursday was also our Grandparents Day. We had a special mass with our Grandparents where the love we have for each other was celebrated. Our grandparents then came back to our class and sat on our tiny chairs to work on profiles with us! It was amazing to see how much we had in common! The children are very excited about the Prep & Junior Athletics Carnival will be held tomorrow morning. We look forward to seeing as many parents there to cheer them on. Last week we embraced the racing season by creating some very fashionable fascinators and ties. We looked very snazzy! <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Lawrence Datt, Mikayla Gidley, James Khawli, Isabella Nevin, Amila Jayalath, Paris Mandalias, Lucas Williams, Isabella Langevin, Nicholas Orford, Holly Athanasopoulos, Adelle Llanos, Calum Albarenque, Ethan Pascu As part of our Arts Festival the middle level students were involved in art rotations conducted by the senior students. Children were exposed to dances such as the Nutbush and Macarena. They explored drama, mime and some art activities. Congratulations to the senior students for their creative ideas and patience while working with the middle level. The children responded well and really enjoyed the experience.The highlight of the week for the middle level was our impromptu talent quest. We were surprised by the number of volunteers who treated us to hours of entertainment. Dancing, singing, role plays, comedy and magic tricks were part of the performances we viewed. Students in the middle level are focusing on a Religious Education topic titled Community of Believers. In this unit students will look at ways people contribute to the Church community through their actions. A special focus will be on the work done through the Catholic Missions. They will be encouraged to recognise that this is the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Hayden Moseley, Adam Szabo, Erica Renny, Jake Warren Last Tuesday senior students, along with students in year 4, organised drama, music and art rotations for the Prep – 3 students. They were organised, engaged all younger students in their activity, and were great role models. Yesterday year 5 students continued their learning about leadership and took the very first step in the leadership process by nominating themselves for a position in 2015. We encourage parents and families to talk with the children about what role they want to nominate themselves for and encourage them to go for a position by reminding them of times inside and outside of school where they may have shown leadership. Students need to fill in their nomination form by Friday 7th November. Today senior students represented Mary MacKillop at the T20 Cricket at Sweeney Reserve. Congratulation to all 6 teams on their great sportsmanship Mission Day Fete is fast approaching and our students have been working busily to plan stalls that will ensure it’s a fun time for all! We are still looking for your generous support through donations which can be used as prizes. Please note we are not giving lollies as prizes and would much rather prefer donations of:plastic, paper and foam cups, packets of popping corn, brown paper bags, straws, plastic spoons, stickers, packets of small toys from Kmart or Reject Shop, party prize packs, small soft toys/teddies, cordial, popcorn and stationery. We also need the loan of some pop corm making machines. Please keep checking the newsletters as we may need to add to this. We thank you in advance for supporting this great initiative. <Back to Contents> <Back to Contents> JUNIOR ATHLETICS: This event will be held at school on Friday November 7 from 9-11am on our athletics track. This will involve all children in years prep, 1 and 2 participating in events such as 50m sprint, long jump, hurdles , baton relay, novelty relays (prep and one) High Jump (year 2) All parents are welcome to attend and cheer on the children. <Back to Contents> PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND - the pilgrimage information night will be held on 30th November at 7.30pm in the Keogh Room. HELP WANTED! The Parish is planning to host a men’s weekend retreat early next year. If you are keen to help or you just want to find out more please call Jamie on 0450 262 046. LECTOR TRAINING - Proclamation of the Word is a very important part of liturgy. Speech therapist Gloria Mayne will conduct the annual lector’s workshop on Sunday November 16th at 2pm, for all current and new people on the roster. RSVP by email or by ringing the Parish Office, by Tuesday 12th November. <Back to Contents> Susie Leach Friday 7th November Lauren Johnson Julie Dines Sandra San Martin Imaculada Mesquita <Back to Contents> School Disco: Friday 28th November from 5:30 – 8:30pm. Entertainment by “Bop Till You Drop”. Sausages and drinks available to purchase. Children must be supervised at all times. Ticket order forms went home last week. $5 per family. Christmas Raffle: Christmas Raffle books will be sent home in the coming weeks. Lots of great prizes. Icy Poles: Lemonade icy poles will be available from the canteen each Wednesday at lunchtime for $1.00 each. WELCOME TO FR BABU our new Assistant Parish Priest. MEMORIAL MASS : All parishioners, especially those who have lost a loved one, are welcome to a special Mass on Thursday 13.11.2014 at 7.00 p.m. at Our Lady Help of Christians to commemorate loved ones during this month devoted to the souls of the faithful departed. If you wish to attend or to take part in the Mass please contact Marianne Agnello (tel: 0431152646) or Roy Rosario (tel: 0422 577 553) to provide your contact details and obtain more information. BIBLE STUDIES will be held on 19th November at 7.00pm. Next FOMM Meeting: Tuesday 18th November at 7pm in the new staffroom. All Welcome! <Back to Contents> V.I.P. WEEK SALE UP TO OFF * 20% Mon 17 Nov – Fri 21 Nov 2014 9am – 5pm Sat 22 Nov 2014 9am – 1pm Hallam Store Shop 7 151 -159 Princes Hwy (03) 9702 3181 *Conditions Apply. Only 10% discount for blazers & non-Beleza branded items. No further discount (including but not limited to the Beleza Club Membership discount) available. No lay-bys. Mary MacKillop Primary School CELEBRATING 20 YEARS 1995 - 2015 ? Logo Design Competition 2015 will be the 20th anniversary of the opening of our school. The Anniversary Committee are inviting all students and families to design a logo for this year long occasion. There will be a number of community events throughout the year celebrating our milestone. It is envisaged that the new logo will be used on anniversary publications and newsletters to mark and promote community recognition of events and news. Entries with your name included should be returned by Friday 24 October addressed to Mrs L Privitera, Anniversary Committee. Please note: Due date has been extended to Friday 6/11/14
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